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Collapse D6348 - Pearson & Co (Chesterfield) Ltd, pottery manufacturers - 1813-1975D6348 - Pearson & Co (Chesterfield) Ltd, pottery manufacturers - 1813-1975
Collapse 11
Expand 2 - Bundle of deeds of the Bottom Pottery at Newbold, including cottage and land at Pottery Lane, numbered "Bundle 2" - 1830-18972 - Bundle of deeds of the Bottom Pottery at Newbold, including cottage and land at Pottery Lane, numbered "Bundle 2" - 1830-1897
Expand 33
Expand 4 - Bundle of deeds of two cottages and land on the north side of Pottery Lane at Whittington Moor adjoining the racecourse - 1859-19094 - Bundle of deeds of two cottages and land on the north side of Pottery Lane at Whittington Moor adjoining the racecourse - 1859-1909
Expand 5 - Bundle of deeds relating to land which was part of the racecourse at Whittington Moor - 1859-18715 - Bundle of deeds relating to land which was part of the racecourse at Whittington Moor - 1859-1871
Expand 6 - Bundle of deeds relating to land between King Street and the racecourse at Whittington Moor - 1857-18976 - Bundle of deeds relating to land between King Street and the racecourse at Whittington Moor - 1857-1897
Expand 77
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous documents8 - Miscellaneous documents