Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D5755 - Dema Glass Ltd, Chesterfield - c1930-2003D5755 - Dema Glass Ltd, Chesterfield - c1930-2003
Collapse 1 - Dema Glass Ltd. Chesterfield - [20th cent]1 - Dema Glass Ltd. Chesterfield - [20th cent]
Expand 2 - AEI Lamp and Lighting Co. Ltd., Chesterfield - 1960-19642 - AEI Lamp and Lighting Co. Ltd., Chesterfield - 1960-1964
Expand 3 - GB Glass Ltd of Doncaster, South Yorkshire - 1991-19923 - GB Glass Ltd of Doncaster, South Yorkshire - 1991-1992
Expand 4 - JPA (Joyce Pike & Associates Ltd.) Engineering Solutions - 20034 - JPA (Joyce Pike & Associates Ltd.) Engineering Solutions - 2003
Expand 5 - Lamp Caps Ltd., Chesterfield - 1945-late 20th cent5 - Lamp Caps Ltd., Chesterfield - 1945-late 20th cent
Expand 6 - Pearsons Ltd. - 1957-19616 - Pearsons Ltd. - 1957-1961
Expand 7 - Glass Bulb Ltd., Chesterfield - 1973-19927 - Glass Bulb Ltd., Chesterfield - 1973-1992
Expand 8 - The British Thomson-Houston Co Ltd. Chesterfield - [20th cent]8 - The British Thomson-Houston Co Ltd. Chesterfield - [20th cent]
Expand 9 - Archaeological Research and Consultancy at the University of Sheffield (ARCUS) - 20039 - Archaeological Research and Consultancy at the University of Sheffield (ARCUS) - 2003
Expand 10 - Glass Tubes and Components Ltd., Chesterfield - [20th cent]10 - Glass Tubes and Components Ltd., Chesterfield - [20th cent]
Expand 11 - The Bryan Donkin Company - [20th cent]11 - The Bryan Donkin Company - [20th cent]
Expand 12 - BT-H Co. Ltd., Rugby - 1951-196112 - BT-H Co. Ltd., Rugby - 1951-1961