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Collapse D544 - Belper Methodist Circuit - 1811-1978D544 - Belper Methodist Circuit - 1811-1978
Expand MC - Unidentified church records - 1886-1968MC - Unidentified church records - 1886-1968
Expand MG - Belper Wesleyan Methodist Christian Workers' Association  - 1889-1895MG - Belper Wesleyan Methodist Christian Workers' Association - 1889-1895
Expand MM - Belper Wesleyan (later Trinity) Methodist Circuit - 1835-1978MM - Belper Wesleyan (later Trinity) Methodist Circuit - 1835-1978
Collapse MP - Field Head, Belper Primitive Methodist Circuit - 1824-1937MP - Field Head, Belper Primitive Methodist Circuit - 1824-1937
Expand 1 - Baptism registers - 1824-18631 - Baptism registers - 1824-1863
Expand 2 - Local Preachers' meetings - 1824-18352 - Local Preachers' meetings - 1824-1835
Expand 3 - Committee minutes - 1836-18393 - Committee minutes - 1836-1839
Expand 4 - Committee minutes - 1844-18494 - Committee minutes - 1844-1849
Expand 5 - Committee minutes - [19th cent]5 - Committee minutes - [19th cent]
Expand 6 - Minute books of Quarterly meetings including the Preachers' meetings (signed) - 1850-19346 - Minute books of Quarterly meetings including the Preachers' meetings (signed) - 1850-1934
Collapse 7 - Outgoing correspondence - 1842-18527 - Outgoing correspondence - 1842-1852
Expand 8 - Circuit statistics - 18438 - Circuit statistics - 1843
Expand 9 - Chapel schedules - 18649 - Chapel schedules - 1864
Expand 10 - Station Reports including details similar to D544/MP/8/1 and returned for the year to March: - 1866-189010 - Station Reports including details similar to D544/MP/8/1 and returned for the year to March: - 1866-1890
Expand 11 - Chapel schedule forms with details about the chapel . Buildings and value; membership and total accounts for each chapel in the Station: - 1868-188911 - Chapel schedule forms with details about the chapel . Buildings and value; membership and total accounts for each chapel in the Station: - 1868-1889
Expand 12 - Station Reports of the Sunday schools - 1884-188912 - Station Reports of the Sunday schools - 1884-1889
Expand 13 - Station Reports with Chapel Schedules, synoptical account and report on Sunday schools: - 1891-193213 - Station Reports with Chapel Schedules, synoptical account and report on Sunday schools: - 1891-1932
Expand 14 - Circuit plans - 1912-192814 - Circuit plans - 1912-1928
Expand 15 - Quarter day account books, including figures for chapel membership: - 1837-189215 - Quarter day account books, including figures for chapel membership: - 1837-1892
Expand 16 - Station account books (similar to Quarter day accounts): - 1916-193716 - Station account books (similar to Quarter day accounts): - 1916-1937
Expand 17 - Circuit missionary account books - 1885-191217 - Circuit missionary account books - 1885-1912
Expand 18 - Centenary funds - 1917-191818 - Centenary funds - 1917-1918
Expand 19 - Circuit composition - 186019 - Circuit composition - 1860
Expand 2020
20-26 - Correspondence and related papers - 1880-1881
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Expand 2222
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Expand 2424
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Expand 27 - Annual Reports for the Sunday School Union: - 191227 - Annual Reports for the Sunday School Union: - 1912
Expand 28 - Lists of ministerial appointments statistics etc of the Nottingham District - 1929-193128 - Lists of ministerial appointments statistics etc of the Nottingham District - 1929-1931
Expand 2929
29-30 - Nottingham District - 1929
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31-32 - Fundraising accounts - 1893-1909
Expand 3232
Expand 33 - Society roll - 1882-193433 - Society roll - 1882-1934
Expand 34 - Class books (unidentified): - 1909-192334 - Class books (unidentified): - 1909-1923
Expand MU - Belper United Methodist Free (Salem) Circuit - 1871-1942MU - Belper United Methodist Free (Salem) Circuit - 1871-1942
Expand MZ - MISCELLANEOUS - 1811-1973MZ - MISCELLANEOUS - 1811-1973
Expand UL - Belper Methodist Circuit  - 1944-1964UL - Belper Methodist Circuit - 1944-1964