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Collapse D5395 - Robinson and Sons Ltd of Chesterfield, textile and packaging manufacturers - 1769-1997D5395 - Robinson and Sons Ltd of Chesterfield, textile and packaging manufacturers - 1769-1997
Expand 1 - Corporate and management records of Robinson and Sons Ltd - 1864-19971 - Corporate and management records of Robinson and Sons Ltd - 1864-1997
Collapse 2 - Legal records including deeds, agreements and patents - 1769-19782 - Legal records including deeds, agreements and patents - 1769-1978
Expand 1 - Title deeds - 1776-19151 - Title deeds - 1776-1915
Expand 2 - Title deeds and agreements - 1769-c19562 - Title deeds and agreements - 1769-c1956
Expand 3 - Correspondence relating predominantly to trade marks and financial affairs - 1897-19193 - Correspondence relating predominantly to trade marks and financial affairs - 1897-1919
Expand 4 - Papers relating to Gamgee tissue and to litigation (Robinson v. Edwards) over the Gamgee trade mark - 1903-19244 - Papers relating to Gamgee tissue and to litigation (Robinson v. Edwards) over the Gamgee trade mark - 1903-1924
Expand 5 - Correspondence and papers relating predominantly to litigation and registration of patents and trademarks - 1903-19415 - Correspondence and papers relating predominantly to litigation and registration of patents and trademarks - 1903-1941
Expand 6 - Correspondence and papers relating to registration of trade marks - 1922-19356 - Correspondence and papers relating to registration of trade marks - 1922-1935
Collapse 7 - Correspondence and papers relating predominantly to litigation over trade marks and other matters - 1933-19667 - Correspondence and papers relating predominantly to litigation over trade marks and other matters - 1933-1966
1 - Bundle of correspondence and court papers regarding dispute between Robinson & Sons Ltd and Chesters Ltd concerning substandard packages for ginger biscuits - 1933-1935
2 - Bundle of correspondence and legal papers regarding Fritz Schimann's patent for sanitary towels, Jan - 1935
3 - Bundle of correspondence regarding cuts in fixed retail prices by the retailers McArthur, Jul 1935-Apr 1936 - 1935-1936
4 - Bundle of correspondence regarding a product called 'Celilynd' produced by British Celilynd Ltd, and the potential infringement of patents by Robinson & Sons Ltd Jun-Jul - 1936
5 - Bundle of correspondence regarding opposition by Clinical Products Ltd to application by Robinson & Sons Ltd to register the trade mark 'Menepax' Aug-Dec - 1936
6 - Bundle of correspondence regarding registration of a design for ice cream cartons (including diagrams of the cartons) Jun-Jul - 1937
7 - Bundle of correspondence and legal papers regarding duty on the importation of an American sanitary towel making machine Mar-May - 1939
8 - Bundle of correspondence and legal papers regarding the distribution of shares of Cotton Dressings Proprietary Ltd to the trustees, May 1940-Nov 1941 - 1940-1941
9 - Bundle of correspondence regarding trade marks of the 'Mene' and 'Menex' sanitary towels, Apr 1943-Oct 1944 - 1943-1944
10 - Copy of the bill to empower the Chesterfield and Bolsover Water Board to construct additional works 26 Nov - 1943
10-17 - Papers relating to a Bill proposed by the Chesterfield and Bolsover Water Board for construction of additional works at Walton - 1943-1945
11 - Bundle of correspondence with Robinson & Sons Ltd concerning the bill, 21 Dec 1943-7 Mar 1945 - 1943-1945
12 - Chesterfield and Bolsover water bill: amendments on behalf of Robinson & Son Ltd 17 May - 1944
13 - Petition in court case between the Chesterfield and Bolsover Water Board and Robinson & Son Ltd, who argue that the construction of additional works in Walton near Chesterfield will prejudicially affect their business, 26 Jun - 1944
14-17 - Annotated copies of 6 inch ordnance survey maps of 25 NW and 25 SW (1921) - c1944
18 - Act to empower the Chesterfield and Bolsover Water Board to construct additional works, 3 Aug - 1944
19 - Copy of agreement between Robinson & Sons Ltd and Charles Newsome concerning supply of lint, 6 Sep - 1966
Expand 8 - Correspondence and papers predominantly relating to registration of trade marks, and to litigation over Gamgee Tissue; plus patent specifications relating to lint and sanitary towels - 1871-19518 - Correspondence and papers predominantly relating to registration of trade marks, and to litigation over Gamgee Tissue; plus patent specifications relating to lint and sanitary towels - 1871-1951
Expand 9 - Documents from box originally labelled 'Agreements etc Box L Nos 1-60' - 1869-19149 - Documents from box originally labelled 'Agreements etc Box L Nos 1-60' - 1869-1914
Expand 10 - Documents from box originally labelled 'Agreements etc Box L Nos 61-130' - 1851-197710 - Documents from box originally labelled 'Agreements etc Box L Nos 61-130' - 1851-1977
Expand 11 - Patents, patent specifications and trade mark registrations for round and square boxes and cartons - 1916-197711 - Patents, patent specifications and trade mark registrations for round and square boxes and cartons - 1916-1977
Expand 12 - British patents, patent specifications and agreements relating to medical and surgical supplies, filters, boxes and cartons - 1871-197812 - British patents, patent specifications and agreements relating to medical and surgical supplies, filters, boxes and cartons - 1871-1978
Expand 13 - Patents relating to boxes and the 'Little John Drum' designed by John Bradbury Robinson (JBR) - 1895-196513 - Patents relating to boxes and the 'Little John Drum' designed by John Bradbury Robinson (JBR) - 1895-1965
Expand 14 - Patents for spiral tubing granted outside the United Kingdom - 1944-196714 - Patents for spiral tubing granted outside the United Kingdom - 1944-1967
Expand 15 - American patents predominantly for spiral tubes - 1928-196415 - American patents predominantly for spiral tubes - 1928-1964
Expand Box 1Box 1
Expand 3 - Financial records - 1850-19933 - Financial records - 1850-1993
Expand 4 - Employment, pension and labour relations records - 1842-19934 - Employment, pension and labour relations records - 1842-1993
Expand 5 - Production records - 1854-19775 - Production records - 1854-1977
Expand 6 - Plant and property - 1884-19866 - Plant and property - 1884-1986
Expand 7 - Company magazine, company clubs and societies, and special occasions - 1918-19967 - Company magazine, company clubs and societies, and special occasions - 1918-1996
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous Robinsons company papers - 1916-19858 - Miscellaneous Robinsons company papers - 1916-1985
Expand 9 - J J Blow Limited - 1929-19899 - J J Blow Limited - 1929-1989
Expand 10 - Edward Hall and Brother Co/Bradbury Lees and Co Ltd/Whitecroft plc, Bleaching Works, Whaley Bridge - 1951-197910 - Edward Hall and Brother Co/Bradbury Lees and Co Ltd/Whitecroft plc, Bleaching Works, Whaley Bridge - 1951-1979
Expand 11 - Cellulose Wadding Supplies Ltd/Frank D Weller Ltd - 1951-197211 - Cellulose Wadding Supplies Ltd/Frank D Weller Ltd - 1951-1972
Expand 12 - Dumero Ltd - 1965-198512 - Dumero Ltd - 1965-1985
Expand 13 - Pressure Sealed Plastics/Speed Plastics Ltd/Flexus Ltd - 1955-198913 - Pressure Sealed Plastics/Speed Plastics Ltd/Flexus Ltd - 1955-1989
Expand 14 - Robinson DSG Ltd - 1987-199014 - Robinson DSG Ltd - 1987-1990
Expand 15 - Spire Transport Ltd - 1972-198815 - Spire Transport Ltd - 1972-1988
Expand 16 - Edward Taylor Limited - 1910-199116 - Edward Taylor Limited - 1910-1991
Expand 17 - I E White Ltd/Robinson White Plastics Ltd - 1972-198817 - I E White Ltd/Robinson White Plastics Ltd - 1972-1988
Expand 18 - Miscellaneous records relating to subsidiary companies - 1953-196418 - Miscellaneous records relating to subsidiary companies - 1953-1964
Expand 19 - William Bradbury Robinson (1826-1911) personal and business papers - 1853-190619 - William Bradbury Robinson (1826-1911) personal and business papers - 1853-1906
Expand 20 - Charles Portland Robinson (1844-1916) personal papers and general family papers - 1839-191520 - Charles Portland Robinson (1844-1916) personal papers and general family papers - 1839-1915
Expand 21 - Charles William Robinson (1875-1959), personal papers - 1893-192321 - Charles William Robinson (1875-1959), personal papers - 1893-1923
Expand 22 - Philip M Robinson (1882-1978) personal papers22 - Philip M Robinson (1882-1978) personal papers
Expand 23 - Sir Robert Robinson, DSc, FRS, OM (1886-1975) personal papers - 1902-198323 - Sir Robert Robinson, DSc, FRS, OM (1886-1975) personal papers - 1902-1983
Expand 24 - Councillor Florence Robinson JP (b 1888) - 1946-194724 - Councillor Florence Robinson JP (b 1888) - 1946-1947
Expand 25 - Wheatbridge Housing Association and other co-operative housing scheme papers - c1920-195025 - Wheatbridge Housing Association and other co-operative housing scheme papers - c1920-1950
Expand 26 - Miscellaneous files re. Robinson and Sons Ltd26 - Miscellaneous files re. Robinson and Sons Ltd
Expand 27 - Sample price lists - 1920s-1960s27 - Sample price lists - 1920s-1960s
Expand UL - Robinson and Sons Ltd.: unlisted recordsUL - Robinson and Sons Ltd.: unlisted records