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Collapse D5395 - Robinson and Sons Ltd of Chesterfield, textile and packaging manufacturers - 1769-1997D5395 - Robinson and Sons Ltd of Chesterfield, textile and packaging manufacturers - 1769-1997
Expand 1 - Corporate and management records of Robinson and Sons Ltd - 1864-19971 - Corporate and management records of Robinson and Sons Ltd - 1864-1997
Collapse 2 - Legal records including deeds, agreements and patents - 1769-19782 - Legal records including deeds, agreements and patents - 1769-1978
Expand 1 - Title deeds - 1776-19151 - Title deeds - 1776-1915
Collapse 2 - Title deeds and agreements - 1769-c19562 - Title deeds and agreements - 1769-c1956
1 - Bundle of draft deeds and legal documents relating to the acquisition on 14 Aug 1888 by Joseph Robinson and Co. of alabaster and cement works at Knothill, Kirkbythore and Whitehaven (Cumberland and Westmorland), including draft assignments and conveyances from John Thomlinson, schedules and correspondence, abstracts of title and other documents relating to the title of John Thomlinson - 1882-1894
2 - Bundle of draft assignments and agreements with Albert Domeier, trading as Messrs Domeier and Co., relating to patent no. 3061 of 1891 for the process for the manufacture of cellulose wadding, completed 9 May 1895, with correspondence and related documents, including provisional specification of 1891 - 1891-1895
3 - Draft agreement with Armstrong Automatic Manufacturing Co. relating to manufacture of automatic or coin-operated machines for sale of sanitary towels, 1907, with draft main proposals, 19 Mar 1907 and accompanying letter, 23 Mar 1907 - 1907
4 - Specification No. 2753 for improvements in weaving cloth, applicable especially for medical pads, 5 Feb 1884 - 1884
4-7 - Specifications relating to possible infringement of copyright by 'Hartmann's Pads' - 1884-1896
5 - Specification No. 10359 for improvements in manufacturing catamenial and other medical bandages, 1 Sep 1885 - 1885
6 - Specification No. 13921 for improvements in processes for manufacturing medical and other pads and bandages, 29 Oct 1886 - 1886
7 - Correspondence on possible infringement of copyright by Hartmann's pads against Robinson's patents, 29-30 May 1896 - 1896
8 - Bundle of documents relating to Joseph Robinson and Co. Ltd., manufacturers of plaster and cement, including draft cases for opinion, supplemental agreement with John Thomlinson, prospectus, 1888, and correspondence, 1893-1894 - 1888-1894
9 - Papers including conveyance from Benjamin Boothby and wife to Josiah Bradbury Robinson, of one sixth-part of a capital messuage at the bottom of Nether Row or Swines Green, messuage, 6 houses, garden, timber house and yard on the south side of Market Place, Chesterfield 28 Apr - 1853
9-24 - Bundle of papers from folder described as 'Old deeds, Folder 19' - 1853-1956
10 - Conveyance from Joseph Bradbury Robinson to Josiah Bradbury Robinson, of one sixth-part of a capital messuage at the bottom of Nether Row or Swines Green, messuage, 6 houses, garden, timber house and yard on the south side of Market Place, Chesterfield 28 Dec - 1853
11 - Conveyance from John Bradbury Robinson to Josiah Bradbury Robinson, of one sixth-part of a capital messuage at the bottom of Nether Row or Swines Green, messuage, 6 houses, garden, timber house and yard on the south side of Market Place, Chesterfield - 2 Feb 1854
12 - Conveyance from Reverend William Blandby and wife to Josiah Bradbury Robinson, of one sixth-part of a capital messuage at the bottom of Nether Row or Swines Green, messuage, 6 houses, garden, timber house and yard on the south side of Market Place, Chesterfield 8 Oct - 1861
13 - Conveyance from William B Robinson to Josiah Bradbury Robinson, of one sixth-part of a capital messuage at the bottom of Nether Row or Swines Green, messuage, 6 houses, garden, timber house and yard on the south side of Market Place, Chesterfield 18 Nov - 1868
14-18 - Lease relating to warehouse, messuage and premises at 168, 170 and 172 Old Street and 71 Bunhill Row, Finsbury, London, leased from James Kent by Messrs Robinson and Sons for 35 years, 15 Dec 1911, with duplicate, related mortgage, assignment and schedule - 1911-1912
19 - Epitome of documents of title relating to Wheatbridge Pottery, Brampton (1777-1937) - c1956
20 - Epitome of documents of title relating to Wheatbridge Pottery, Brampton (1769-1791) - c1956
21 - Epitome of documents of title relating to Walton Mill, later Cannon Mill, Walton (1844-1874) - c1956
22 - Notes by P M Robinson relating to title deeds for properties at Wheatbridge in Brampton (1756-1833) - c1956
23 - Receipts for purchase of premises in Wheatbridge Road in Brampton from the representatives of the late Henry Kent Oct - 1913
24 - Photocopies of title deeds for Alma and Brunswick Potteries in Brampton involving Samuel Lowe (1854-1914) - (1854-1914)
25 - Lease from William Robinson to Samuel Stenson and Edward Wright, of a messuage at or near Wheatbridge in Brampton, with buildings, pothouses, kilns, warehouses, etc, and close of land called Nether Whiting Holme (5 acres), for the term of 99 years at the annual rent of £95 - 13 Apr 1769
25-30 - Deeds relating to the Wheatbridge Pottery - 1769-1791
26 - Articles of agreement for the dissolution of the partnership between Samuel Stenson and Edward Wright, involving a messuage at or near Wheatbridge in Brampton, with buildings, pothouses, kilns, warehouses, etc, and close of land called Nether Whiting Holme (5 acres), as leased on 13 Apr 1769 for 99 years at the annual rent of £95 14 Oct - 1774
27 - Lease from William Robinson to Edward Wright, of a messuage at or near Wheatbridge in Brampton, with buildings, pothouses, kilns, warehouses, etc, and part of Nether Whiting Holme containing 1 acre 3 roods 27 perches, for the term of 99 years at the annual rent of £48 6s 1 Dec - 1777
28 - Articles of agreement to make good title between William Robinson and Edward Wright, involving a messuage at or near Wheatbridge in Brampton, with buildings, pothouses, kilns, warehouses, etc, and part of Nether Whiting Holme containing 1 acre 3 roods 27 perches, as leased on the same day for 99 years at the annual rent of £48 6d 1 Dec - 1777
29 - Mortgage in fee from William Robinson and Elizabeth his wife to Elizabeth Wragg, of a messuage at or near Wheatbridge in Brampton, with buildings, pothouses, kilns, warehouses, etc, close of land called Whiting Holme, with an iron mill, forge buildings etc, to secure £200 and interest 11 Jan - 1783
30 - Conveyance from Elizabeth Wragg to William Robinson, of a messuage at or near Wheatbridge in Brampton, with buildings, pothouses, kilns, warehouses, etc, close of land called Whiting Holme, with an iron mill, forge buildings etc, as in D5395/2/Box 2/7/5 25 Mar - 1791
Expand 3 - Correspondence relating predominantly to trade marks and financial affairs - 1897-19193 - Correspondence relating predominantly to trade marks and financial affairs - 1897-1919
Expand 4 - Papers relating to Gamgee tissue and to litigation (Robinson v. Edwards) over the Gamgee trade mark - 1903-19244 - Papers relating to Gamgee tissue and to litigation (Robinson v. Edwards) over the Gamgee trade mark - 1903-1924
Expand 5 - Correspondence and papers relating predominantly to litigation and registration of patents and trademarks - 1903-19415 - Correspondence and papers relating predominantly to litigation and registration of patents and trademarks - 1903-1941
Expand 6 - Correspondence and papers relating to registration of trade marks - 1922-19356 - Correspondence and papers relating to registration of trade marks - 1922-1935
Expand 7 - Correspondence and papers relating predominantly to litigation over trade marks and other matters - 1933-19667 - Correspondence and papers relating predominantly to litigation over trade marks and other matters - 1933-1966
Expand 8 - Correspondence and papers predominantly relating to registration of trade marks, and to litigation over Gamgee Tissue; plus patent specifications relating to lint and sanitary towels - 1871-19518 - Correspondence and papers predominantly relating to registration of trade marks, and to litigation over Gamgee Tissue; plus patent specifications relating to lint and sanitary towels - 1871-1951
Expand 9 - Documents from box originally labelled 'Agreements etc Box L Nos 1-60' - 1869-19149 - Documents from box originally labelled 'Agreements etc Box L Nos 1-60' - 1869-1914
Expand 10 - Documents from box originally labelled 'Agreements etc Box L Nos 61-130' - 1851-197710 - Documents from box originally labelled 'Agreements etc Box L Nos 61-130' - 1851-1977
Expand 11 - Patents, patent specifications and trade mark registrations for round and square boxes and cartons - 1916-197711 - Patents, patent specifications and trade mark registrations for round and square boxes and cartons - 1916-1977
Expand 12 - British patents, patent specifications and agreements relating to medical and surgical supplies, filters, boxes and cartons - 1871-197812 - British patents, patent specifications and agreements relating to medical and surgical supplies, filters, boxes and cartons - 1871-1978
Expand 13 - Patents relating to boxes and the 'Little John Drum' designed by John Bradbury Robinson (JBR) - 1895-196513 - Patents relating to boxes and the 'Little John Drum' designed by John Bradbury Robinson (JBR) - 1895-1965
Expand 14 - Patents for spiral tubing granted outside the United Kingdom - 1944-196714 - Patents for spiral tubing granted outside the United Kingdom - 1944-1967
Expand 15 - American patents predominantly for spiral tubes - 1928-196415 - American patents predominantly for spiral tubes - 1928-1964
Expand Box 1Box 1
Expand 3 - Financial records - 1850-19933 - Financial records - 1850-1993
Expand 4 - Employment, pension and labour relations records - 1842-19934 - Employment, pension and labour relations records - 1842-1993
Expand 5 - Production records - 1854-19775 - Production records - 1854-1977
Expand 6 - Plant and property - 1884-19866 - Plant and property - 1884-1986
Expand 7 - Company magazine, company clubs and societies, and special occasions - 1918-19967 - Company magazine, company clubs and societies, and special occasions - 1918-1996
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous Robinsons company papers - 1916-19858 - Miscellaneous Robinsons company papers - 1916-1985
Expand 9 - J J Blow Limited - 1929-19899 - J J Blow Limited - 1929-1989
Expand 10 - Edward Hall and Brother Co/Bradbury Lees and Co Ltd/Whitecroft plc, Bleaching Works, Whaley Bridge - 1951-197910 - Edward Hall and Brother Co/Bradbury Lees and Co Ltd/Whitecroft plc, Bleaching Works, Whaley Bridge - 1951-1979
Expand 11 - Cellulose Wadding Supplies Ltd/Frank D Weller Ltd - 1951-197211 - Cellulose Wadding Supplies Ltd/Frank D Weller Ltd - 1951-1972
Expand 12 - Dumero Ltd - 1965-198512 - Dumero Ltd - 1965-1985
Expand 13 - Pressure Sealed Plastics/Speed Plastics Ltd/Flexus Ltd - 1955-198913 - Pressure Sealed Plastics/Speed Plastics Ltd/Flexus Ltd - 1955-1989
Expand 14 - Robinson DSG Ltd - 1987-199014 - Robinson DSG Ltd - 1987-1990
Expand 15 - Spire Transport Ltd - 1972-198815 - Spire Transport Ltd - 1972-1988
Expand 16 - Edward Taylor Limited - 1910-199116 - Edward Taylor Limited - 1910-1991
Expand 17 - I E White Ltd/Robinson White Plastics Ltd - 1972-198817 - I E White Ltd/Robinson White Plastics Ltd - 1972-1988
Expand 18 - Miscellaneous records relating to subsidiary companies - 1953-196418 - Miscellaneous records relating to subsidiary companies - 1953-1964
Expand 19 - William Bradbury Robinson (1826-1911) personal and business papers - 1853-190619 - William Bradbury Robinson (1826-1911) personal and business papers - 1853-1906
Expand 20 - Charles Portland Robinson (1844-1916) personal papers and general family papers - 1839-191520 - Charles Portland Robinson (1844-1916) personal papers and general family papers - 1839-1915
Expand 21 - Charles William Robinson (1875-1959), personal papers - 1893-192321 - Charles William Robinson (1875-1959), personal papers - 1893-1923
Expand 22 - Philip M Robinson (1882-1978) personal papers22 - Philip M Robinson (1882-1978) personal papers
Expand 23 - Sir Robert Robinson, DSc, FRS, OM (1886-1975) personal papers - 1902-198323 - Sir Robert Robinson, DSc, FRS, OM (1886-1975) personal papers - 1902-1983
Expand 24 - Councillor Florence Robinson JP (b 1888) - 1946-194724 - Councillor Florence Robinson JP (b 1888) - 1946-1947
Expand 25 - Wheatbridge Housing Association and other co-operative housing scheme papers - c1920-195025 - Wheatbridge Housing Association and other co-operative housing scheme papers - c1920-1950
Expand 26 - Miscellaneous files re. Robinson and Sons Ltd26 - Miscellaneous files re. Robinson and Sons Ltd
Expand 27 - Sample price lists - 1920s-1960s27 - Sample price lists - 1920s-1960s
Expand UL - Robinson and Sons Ltd.: unlisted recordsUL - Robinson and Sons Ltd.: unlisted records