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Collapse D5395 - Robinson and Sons Ltd of Chesterfield, textile and packaging manufacturers - 1769-1997D5395 - Robinson and Sons Ltd of Chesterfield, textile and packaging manufacturers - 1769-1997
Expand 1 - Corporate and management records of Robinson and Sons Ltd - 1864-19971 - Corporate and management records of Robinson and Sons Ltd - 1864-1997
Collapse 2 - Legal records including deeds, agreements and patents - 1769-19782 - Legal records including deeds, agreements and patents - 1769-1978
Expand 1 - Title deeds - 1776-19151 - Title deeds - 1776-1915
Expand 2 - Title deeds and agreements - 1769-c19562 - Title deeds and agreements - 1769-c1956
Expand 3 - Correspondence relating predominantly to trade marks and financial affairs - 1897-19193 - Correspondence relating predominantly to trade marks and financial affairs - 1897-1919
Expand 4 - Papers relating to Gamgee tissue and to litigation (Robinson v. Edwards) over the Gamgee trade mark - 1903-19244 - Papers relating to Gamgee tissue and to litigation (Robinson v. Edwards) over the Gamgee trade mark - 1903-1924
Expand 5 - Correspondence and papers relating predominantly to litigation and registration of patents and trademarks - 1903-19415 - Correspondence and papers relating predominantly to litigation and registration of patents and trademarks - 1903-1941
Expand 6 - Correspondence and papers relating to registration of trade marks - 1922-19356 - Correspondence and papers relating to registration of trade marks - 1922-1935
Expand 7 - Correspondence and papers relating predominantly to litigation over trade marks and other matters - 1933-19667 - Correspondence and papers relating predominantly to litigation over trade marks and other matters - 1933-1966
Expand 8 - Correspondence and papers predominantly relating to registration of trade marks, and to litigation over Gamgee Tissue; plus patent specifications relating to lint and sanitary towels - 1871-19518 - Correspondence and papers predominantly relating to registration of trade marks, and to litigation over Gamgee Tissue; plus patent specifications relating to lint and sanitary towels - 1871-1951
Expand 9 - Documents from box originally labelled 'Agreements etc Box L Nos 1-60' - 1869-19149 - Documents from box originally labelled 'Agreements etc Box L Nos 1-60' - 1869-1914
Collapse 10 - Documents from box originally labelled 'Agreements etc Box L Nos 61-130' - 1851-197710 - Documents from box originally labelled 'Agreements etc Box L Nos 61-130' - 1851-1977
1 - Agreement for letting of factory and premises at Furnace Lane, Brampton (Henry Kent-Robinson & Sons Ltd), 25 Oct 1894, with plan and valuation estimate, 1902 - 1894-1902
2 - Sale particulars for sale by the trustees of Josiah B Robinson of shop, house, cottages and other freehold property in Wheatbridge, Chesterfield and Lower Brampton 25 Jun - 1878
3 - Plan of premises in Brampton [Wheatbridge Works], belonging to Josiah B Robinson, in the occupation of John B Robinson - 1851
4 - Agreement for lease of Robinsons' London office at 53 Farm Street, Middlesex (Cropper & Co Ltd-Robinson & Sons Ltd) 19 Sep - 1898
5 - Agreement relating to use of sidings and haulage at Bobbin Mill Lane Office (James Pearson Ltd-Robinson & Sons Ltd) 13 Oct - 1911
6 - Land Values assessment relating to cottages in Walton Mill Road, Brampton - 1913
7 - Agreement for sale of sanitary napkin manufacturing machine in Auckland [New Zealand] (Curt G Joa to R O Chesterfield) - 18 Mar 1947
8 - Sale contract for land containing 9 acres 2 roods 23 perches at Clayton Street, parish of Mordialloc, Victoria [Australia] (Antonio and Yolanda Vogrig-Robinson & Sons Ltd) - 6 Jun 1964
9 - Tenancy agreement for Cathole Farm (74 acres 3 roods 5 perches) at Brampton at £85 p.a. (Robinson & Sons Ltd-Frank Cecil Hancock) 25 Mar - 1956
10 - Lease of allotment land at Boythorpe Rise, Chesterfield (Robinson & Sons Ltd - Chesterfield Corporation), 28 Dec 1967, with surrender, 1972, and related papers, 1971-1972 - 1967-1972
11 - Agreement by Robinson & Sons Ltd for Radiovisor Parent Ltd to use machinery for the production of sanitary towels 3 Jun - 1938
12 - Agreement between Robinson & Sons Ltd and Jos. Shankey and Sons concerning share transaction relating to shares of J J Blow Ltd, 15 Jan - 1947
13 - Trading agreement between Robinson and Sons Ltd and J J Blow Ltd, 31 Dec - 1946
14 - Agreement between Federal Felters Proprietary Ltd of Melbourne [Australia] and Robinson & Sons Ltd, for the amalgamation of their commercial wadding businesses and the formation of Cotton Dressings Proprietary Ltd of Melbourne, 15 Feb 1933; with related papers, 1933-1952 - 1933-1952
15 - Lease from H E Beresford to Spire Transport Ltd, of property at Lockford Lane, Tapton for five years at the annual rent of £325 26 Sep - 1962
16-17 - Tenancy agreements for land fronting Boythorpe Road near Wheatbridge Mills (Robinson and Sons Ltd-East Midland Gas Board) 14 Apr and 10 Jun - 1954
18 - Deed of legal charge on 39 Foljambe Road, Chesterfield to secure £375 and interest (William Walsh-Robinson and Sons Ltd) 6 Feb - 1960
19-21 - Lease of ground floor premises at 102 Darenth Road, London (D & Mrs C J Labworth-G H Pears, trading as Spire Transport), 30 Apr 1963; assignment from the late G H Pears' personal representatives to Spire Transport Ltd, 19 Dec 1966; and letter of acknowledgment of intention to end lease, 7 Jun 1968 - 1963-1968
22 - Tenancy agreement for a lock-up shop at 27 Chester Street, Chesterfield (Robinson and Sons Ltd-Messrs I I & M S Taylor) 14 Jul - 1975
23 - Land Values assessment relating to three cottages and garden at 19, 20 and 21 Bobbin Mill Lane, Chesterfield - 1914
24 - Land Values assessment relating to old cottage, sheds, stables, fairground, etc, off Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield - 1914
25-30 - Leases of allotment lands at Boythorpe near the Portland Works, Chesterfield (Robinson & Sons Ltd - Chesterfield Corporation), 11 Aug 1926, 22 Dec 1942, 17 Dec 1946, 7 Apr 1954, 20 Sep 1954 and 14 Feb 1961 - 1926-1961
31-33 - Agreements for letting and surrender of rooms at Kingsbourne House, High Holborn, London (Prudential Assurance Co Ltd-Robinson & Sons Ltd) 8 Mar, 27 Jul and 2 Aug - 1962
34 - Tenancy agreement for land forming part of Walton Fields Road Depot at Brampton (Chesterfield Corporation-Robinson and Sons Ltd) 6 Nov - 1947
35 - Tenancy agreement for Cornmill Cottage at Holymoorside (Robinson and Sons Ltd-Miss J K Beetham) 21 Mar - 1956
36 - Counterpart lease of part of Walton Hay Farm, Walton, measuring 51 acres 3 roods 19 perches (Frederick Chappell and Robinson and Sons Ltd-Stanedge Golf Club trustees), for 7 years at the annual rent of £51 6 Nov - 1950
37 - Licence to use garden land at 15 Ashgate Valley Road (Robinson and Sons Ltd-Harry Newman) 27 Jun - 1969
38 - Agreement between (i) Robinson and Sons Ltd and Ernest Bradbury Robinson and (ii) Bemrose and Sons Ltd and Arthur Walker, to co-operate in the development and exploitation of inventions for improvement in spiral tubes - 27 May 1946
39 - Tenancy agreement for a lock-up shop at 27 Chester Street, Chesterfield (Robinson and Sons Ltd-John M Layden) 19 May - 1977
40 - Land Values assessment relating to pasture lands at Walton Lane near Walton Dam, Chesterfield - 1912
41-42 - Tenancy agreements for letting rooms at Kingsbourne House, High Holborn, London (Holcan Estates Ltd-Robinson & Sons Ltd), 8 Apr 1941 and 1 May 1944 - 1941-1944
43 - Papers relating to Wheatbridge Housing Association and the building of an estate at Ashgate Road, including receipts for loan instalments from the Public Works Loan Commissioners, schedules of deeds and plans - 1921-1934
44 - Land Values assessment relating to factory at Chester Street, Chesterfield - 1913
Expand 11 - Patents, patent specifications and trade mark registrations for round and square boxes and cartons - 1916-197711 - Patents, patent specifications and trade mark registrations for round and square boxes and cartons - 1916-1977
Expand 12 - British patents, patent specifications and agreements relating to medical and surgical supplies, filters, boxes and cartons - 1871-197812 - British patents, patent specifications and agreements relating to medical and surgical supplies, filters, boxes and cartons - 1871-1978
Expand 13 - Patents relating to boxes and the 'Little John Drum' designed by John Bradbury Robinson (JBR) - 1895-196513 - Patents relating to boxes and the 'Little John Drum' designed by John Bradbury Robinson (JBR) - 1895-1965
Expand 14 - Patents for spiral tubing granted outside the United Kingdom - 1944-196714 - Patents for spiral tubing granted outside the United Kingdom - 1944-1967
Expand 15 - American patents predominantly for spiral tubes - 1928-196415 - American patents predominantly for spiral tubes - 1928-1964
Expand Box 1Box 1
Expand 3 - Financial records - 1850-19933 - Financial records - 1850-1993
Expand 4 - Employment, pension and labour relations records - 1842-19934 - Employment, pension and labour relations records - 1842-1993
Expand 5 - Production records - 1854-19775 - Production records - 1854-1977
Expand 6 - Plant and property - 1884-19866 - Plant and property - 1884-1986
Expand 7 - Company magazine, company clubs and societies, and special occasions - 1918-19967 - Company magazine, company clubs and societies, and special occasions - 1918-1996
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous Robinsons company papers - 1916-19858 - Miscellaneous Robinsons company papers - 1916-1985
Expand 9 - J J Blow Limited - 1929-19899 - J J Blow Limited - 1929-1989
Expand 10 - Edward Hall and Brother Co/Bradbury Lees and Co Ltd/Whitecroft plc, Bleaching Works, Whaley Bridge - 1951-197910 - Edward Hall and Brother Co/Bradbury Lees and Co Ltd/Whitecroft plc, Bleaching Works, Whaley Bridge - 1951-1979
Expand 11 - Cellulose Wadding Supplies Ltd/Frank D Weller Ltd - 1951-197211 - Cellulose Wadding Supplies Ltd/Frank D Weller Ltd - 1951-1972
Expand 12 - Dumero Ltd - 1965-198512 - Dumero Ltd - 1965-1985
Expand 13 - Pressure Sealed Plastics/Speed Plastics Ltd/Flexus Ltd - 1955-198913 - Pressure Sealed Plastics/Speed Plastics Ltd/Flexus Ltd - 1955-1989
Expand 14 - Robinson DSG Ltd - 1987-199014 - Robinson DSG Ltd - 1987-1990
Expand 15 - Spire Transport Ltd - 1972-198815 - Spire Transport Ltd - 1972-1988
Expand 16 - Edward Taylor Limited - 1910-199116 - Edward Taylor Limited - 1910-1991
Expand 17 - I E White Ltd/Robinson White Plastics Ltd - 1972-198817 - I E White Ltd/Robinson White Plastics Ltd - 1972-1988
Expand 18 - Miscellaneous records relating to subsidiary companies - 1953-196418 - Miscellaneous records relating to subsidiary companies - 1953-1964
Expand 19 - William Bradbury Robinson (1826-1911) personal and business papers - 1853-190619 - William Bradbury Robinson (1826-1911) personal and business papers - 1853-1906
Expand 20 - Charles Portland Robinson (1844-1916) personal papers and general family papers - 1839-191520 - Charles Portland Robinson (1844-1916) personal papers and general family papers - 1839-1915
Expand 21 - Charles William Robinson (1875-1959), personal papers - 1893-192321 - Charles William Robinson (1875-1959), personal papers - 1893-1923
Expand 22 - Philip M Robinson (1882-1978) personal papers22 - Philip M Robinson (1882-1978) personal papers
Expand 23 - Sir Robert Robinson, DSc, FRS, OM (1886-1975) personal papers - 1902-198323 - Sir Robert Robinson, DSc, FRS, OM (1886-1975) personal papers - 1902-1983
Expand 24 - Councillor Florence Robinson JP (b 1888) - 1946-194724 - Councillor Florence Robinson JP (b 1888) - 1946-1947
Expand 25 - Wheatbridge Housing Association and other co-operative housing scheme papers - c1920-195025 - Wheatbridge Housing Association and other co-operative housing scheme papers - c1920-1950
Expand 26 - Miscellaneous files re. Robinson and Sons Ltd26 - Miscellaneous files re. Robinson and Sons Ltd
Expand 27 - Sample price lists - 1920s-1960s27 - Sample price lists - 1920s-1960s
Expand UL - Robinson and Sons Ltd.: unlisted recordsUL - Robinson and Sons Ltd.: unlisted records