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Collapse D5236 - Every family of Egginton - [13th cent]-1927D5236 - Every family of Egginton - [13th cent]-1927
Expand 1 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Buckinghamshire1 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Buckinghamshire
Expand 2 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Cheshire2 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Cheshire
Expand 3 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Egginton, Willington and Hilton3 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Egginton, Willington and Hilton
Expand 4 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Newton Solney and Repton4 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Newton Solney and Repton
Expand 5 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Glossop, Bowden, Hope and Chapel-en-le-Frith area5 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Glossop, Bowden, Hope and Chapel-en-le-Frith area
Expand 6 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: mixed and miscellaneous places6 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: mixed and miscellaneous places
Expand 7 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Cadeby (Leicestershire07 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Cadeby (Leicestershire0
Expand 8 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire8 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire
Expand 9 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places9 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places
Expand 10 - Family settlements, wills and inquisitions post mortem10 - Family settlements, wills and inquisitions post mortem
Expand 11 - Estate administration11 - Estate administration
Expand 12 - Manorial records12 - Manorial records
Expand 13 - Litigation over the Manor of Acton (possibly Acton near Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire)13 - Litigation over the Manor of Acton (possibly Acton near Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire)
Expand 14 - Official deeds and papers14 - Official deeds and papers
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous papers15 - Miscellaneous papers
Expand 16 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Bedfordshire16 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Bedfordshire
Expand 17 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Egginton, Hargate, Hilton and Etwall17 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Egginton, Hargate, Hilton and Etwall
Expand 18 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Newton Solney and Repton18 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Newton Solney and Repton
Expand 19 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire, mixed and miscellaneous places19 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire, mixed and miscellaneous places
Expand 20 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Dorset20 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Dorset
Expand 21 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Leicestershire21 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Leicestershire
Expand 22 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Lincolnshire22 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Lincolnshire
Expand 23 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Oxfordshire23 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Oxfordshire
Collapse 24 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire24 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire
1 - Lease from William, Lord Paget of Beaudesert [Warwickshire] and his wife Lady Lettice, to Thomas Shipton, servant to Lord Paget, of the tithes of corn of Burton, all the right to the tithe hay from within the limits of the fields of Burton, and a close at the end of New Street in Burton, for the term of 100 years at the annual rent of £ 5s, 20 Sep 6 Jam I - [1608]
2 - Bargain and sale from William Holme of Burton, husbandman, and Anne his wife, one of the daughters of William Lathburie, deceased, and Marie Lathburie of Stapenhill, spinster, another daughter of William Lathburie, to John Newboulde of Challengewood in the parish of Tatenhill, Staffordshire, yeoman, of two parts of a messuage in Challengewood and several closes of land containing c16½ acres belonging to it [further described] in consideration of £100, 6 Mar 9 Cha I - [1634]
Expand 3-20 (except D52363-20 (except D5236
8 - Bargain and sale from the trustees for sale of fee farm rents pursuant to an Act of Parliament of 22 & 23 Cha II, to John Every of Egginton, esq., of several annual rents arising from the manor of Abbots Bromley, Staffordshire (106s 8d) and Glossop (£10 13s 4d), tithes of Alton, Staffordshire (£4), and lands in Tutbury, Staffordshire (106s 8d), in consideration of £425 10s 11d, 23 Mar 24 Cha II [1672]. Endorsed with enrolment at Chancery 17 Aug [1672] - [1672]
21 - Assignment of lease from Isabell Robinson of Burton on Trent, widow, her son John Robinson, Joshua Steadman of Wandsworth, Surrey, feltmaker, and Isabell his wife and also executrix of the will of Richard Robinson late of Burton, husbandman, deceased, to John Every of Burton, esq., of a messuage on the west side of the High Street in Burton, with garden and dole of meadow ground in the Nether Meadow, for the residue of a term of 80 years as set out in a lease of 4 May 1659 between William Lord Pagett of Beaudesert, Staffordshire and Richard Robinson, at the annual rent of 7s, in consideration of £10 in total, 31 Jul 7 Will III 1695 - 1695
22 - Copy will of Richard Robinson of Burton upon Trent, including bequest of house and backside leased from Lord Pagett, made 19 May 1683, examined against the original at Burton, 31 Jul 1695 - 1695
23 - Release [lease not present] of a capital messuage or burgage (formerly several houses), on the east side of the High Street in Burton upon Trent See also D5236/24/3-20], Sir John Guise of Rendcombe (Gloucestershire), baronet, and Dame Ann his wife [widow of Sir Henry Every, baronet] to John Bradborne of Burton upon Trent, gentleman 3 Nov - 1713
24 - Assignment of leases of various premises in Burton upon Trent, Sir John Guise of Rendcombe (Gloucestershire), baronet, and his wife Dame Ann (as executrix of the will of Sir Henry Every of Burton upon Trent, baronet), to John Bradbourne of Burton upon Trent 3 Nov - 1713
25-49 - Bundle of title deeds and associated documents relating to closes called Burnt Hollow in Rolleston (Emery-Oliver-Every) and Newlands alias Rough Close in Rolleston (Pycroft-Emery-Oliver-Every and Surveyors of the Highways of Rolleston-Oliver-Every) Partly freehold and partly copyhold of the Manor of Rolleston Also relates in part to a close called the Nether Meadow in Rolleston (Mosley-Tallbut-Emery) Includes D5236/24/29-30 Two copies of the will of Mary Pipes of Branston in the parish of Burton upon Trent, proved 31 May 1816 D5236/24/38 Copy will of Thomas Oliver of Rolleston, farmer and butcher, 8 May 1862 (no date of probate noted) - 1780-1886
Expand 25 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places25 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places
Expand 26 - Family deeds, wills and settlements26 - Family deeds, wills and settlements
Expand 27 - Estate administration27 - Estate administration
Expand 28 - Bonds, accounts and financial papers28 - Bonds, accounts and financial papers
Expand 29 - Bonds and accounts relating to the Renison family29 - Bonds and accounts relating to the Renison family
Expand 30 - Papers relating to investigation of the Every pedigree30 - Papers relating to investigation of the Every pedigree
Expand 31 - Official deeds and papers relating to members of the Every family as Sheriffs of Derbyshire31 - Official deeds and papers relating to members of the Every family as Sheriffs of Derbyshire
Expand 32 - Correspondence and miscellaneous papers32 - Correspondence and miscellaneous papers
Expand UL - Every family of Egginton: unlisted recordsUL - Every family of Egginton: unlisted records