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Collapse D5236 - Every family of Egginton - [13th cent]-1927D5236 - Every family of Egginton - [13th cent]-1927
Expand 1 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Buckinghamshire1 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Buckinghamshire
Expand 2 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Cheshire2 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Cheshire
Expand 3 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Egginton, Willington and Hilton3 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Egginton, Willington and Hilton
Expand 4 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Newton Solney and Repton4 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Newton Solney and Repton
Expand 5 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Glossop, Bowden, Hope and Chapel-en-le-Frith area5 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Glossop, Bowden, Hope and Chapel-en-le-Frith area
Expand 6 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: mixed and miscellaneous places6 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: mixed and miscellaneous places
Expand 7 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Cadeby (Leicestershire07 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Cadeby (Leicestershire0
Expand 8 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire8 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire
Expand 9 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places9 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places
Collapse 10 - Family settlements, wills and inquisitions post mortem10 - Family settlements, wills and inquisitions post mortem
1 - Grant by Ralph de Lathebury of Egynton To [--] his son and Matilda de Lathebury Of all moveables Dated at Egynton Thursday after feast of [--] 13[06] - [1306]
2 - Grant by Margaret formerly wife of Ralph son and heir of Ralph of Latchebury To Sir John Giffard knight Of all property she had for dower, i.e. 1/3 of all property of Ralph her husband in Eginton', Hethhous', Ambalerston', Ettewall', Willington', Potlok', Ausdel', Finderne Witnesses: Sir Robert de Touk', Thomas son of Ralph de Rolleston', Robert de Finderne, John Ferbraz, Nicholas de Rolleston' Dated at Eginton' Friday after feast of St Augustine the Bishop 19 Edw II [30 Aug] - [1325]
3 - Assignment of dower of Margaret formerly wife of Ralph son and heir of Ralph de Latchebury made by Sir John Giffard, custodian of Ralph's lands at Eginton', from Ralph's property in Eginton', Hethhous', Ambaldiston', Ettewall', Potlok, Ausedeley, Finderne, part of all houses in the manor, [other property details obscured], mill at Eginton', rents including meadows in Willington' [tenants' names given] Dated at Eginton' Tuesday after feast of St Augustine the bishop 19 Edw II [3 Sep] - [1325]
4 - Appointment by Margaret, formerly wife of Ralph son of Ralph de Latchebur', of Roger son of Roger of Eginton' chaplain as attorney to deliver seisin to Sir John Gifford of one-third part of all lands etc, in Eginton', Hethehous', Ambaldiston', Ettewall', Wilington', Potlok, Ausedel and Finderne, which came as part of dower after death of Ralph, referring to feoffment made to Sir John and to indenture made between Margaret and Sir John Dated at Egynton' Wednesday after feast of St Augustine the Bishop 19 Edw II [4 Sep] - [1325]
5 - Indenture between Edmund de Appleby and Agnes his wife, and Theobald Trussell, knight, testifying to the agreement between Alured [Ailred] de Solney and Edmund and Agnes that, if Lady Elizabeth, wife of Alured [Ailred, Avery] dies without issue and he marries another woman and has issue, he and his heirs will help Edmund and Agnes with 10 marks of land and rents, provided the heirs of Agnes make no claim on the manor of Newton Solney, to which end Theobald grants £10 annual rent from lands and tenements in Egginton, Friday after the Feast of St Michael the Archangel 22 Edw III [3 Oct 1348] - [1348]
6 - Inquisitio post mortem on death of Nicholas de Langford relating to lands in manor of Barleborugh' (detailed with valuation) and naming Nicholas son of the said Nicholas, aged 22 and more, as heir Held at Derby Friday after feast of St Barnabas the apostle 47 Edw III [17 Jun] - [1373]
7 - Declaration of John Breward, official of Archdeacon of Derby and Diocese of Lichfield, in matrimonial dispute between John son of Sir Alured [Ailred] de Lathbury knight and Joan daughter of Henry Par esquire, annulling marriage as Joan had children by one Robert de Kychen, formerly a servant of Sir Alured de Lathbury, before John came to marriageable age Witnesses: Sir William Taylor, Thomas Lacy, William Renard, Symon Fraunceys, Thomas Bascurvile [Baskerville] [31 May] - 1399
8 - Inquisition post mortem before Henry de Ravenescroft King's commissioner for Cheshire into death of Robert de Legh `of Adlynton' who was seised of 2 parts of manor of Adlynton from the King at annual worth of £10 4s; Robert de Legh' son of Henry de Legh' of Adlyngton' is heir aged 5 years on feast of Discovery of Cross [3 May] Dated Saturday next after feast of All Saints 3 Hen V [9 Nov] - [1415]
9 - Declaration by Aluered Lathbury knight that recently he enfeoffed John Stafford etc with property in Derbyshire with intention to provide reasonable dower to Margery his wife, then to John Lethebury cousin Witnesses: Henry [--] de la Dale, Sir Nicholas Mongomery junior, Sir John Greseey knights, Peter de la Pole, Robert de Twyford', John de Bradbourne,, Henry Pychard Dated at Egginton 25 Nov 3 Hen VI - [1424]
10 - Will of John Lathebury esquire stating that he has enfeoffed John Macworthe deacon of Lyncoln' cathedral, Thomas Gresley knight, Thomas Macworthe, Henry Bradburn', Nicholas Fytherbert' esquires, William Lathebury of his property so that he will enjoy it during his lifetime and then, after his death, they will make an estate for his heirs Dated at Egynton 20 Aug 16 Hen VI - [1438]
11 - Indenture between Isabell formerly wife of Robert Fraunceys knight and Robert her son To John Lathebury esquire That John will marry Isabell Shatton cousin to Isabell Fraunceys and Robert and be endowed with property in Neuton Sulne to value of £10 yearly; that John son and heir of John Lathebury shall marry Katherine daughter of Isabell Shatton and be endowed with property in Egynton to the value of 10 marks [£3 6s 8d]; Isabell Fraunceys and Robert to pay John Lathebury senior £40; John Lathebury junior to marry another daughter of Isabell Shatton if Katherine dies before age 14, Katherine to marry another son of John Lathebury senior if John junior dies before age 14 Dated 1 Apr 17 Hen VI - [1439]
12 - Indenture of feoffment by Alured [Ailred] Lathbury knight to Master John Stafford clerk, Reginald Lathbury, John Ince, John Marshall of Upton, John Butler of ?Ephate Of all lands in Derbyshire to provide reasonable dower to his wife Margery, then to provide sufficient for John Lathbury, son of John Lathbury Alured s ' son (now dead) Witnesses: Henry Abbot de la Dale, Sir Nicholas Montgomery junior, Sir Thomas Gresley, Sir John Gresley knight, Peter de la Pole, Robert de Twyford, John de Bradbourne, Henry Wychard, esquires and others Dated at Egginton 20 Aug 3 Hen VI - [1442]
13 - Indenture of grant by John Lathbury, Richard Norman, Nicholas Meynell and Jone his wife sometime wife of Avery Lathbury son and heir apparent of said John Lathbury To Richard Littelton Of wardship of Anne Lathbury daughter and heir of Avery Lathbury with manor of Egginton and moiety of Newton Solney and other lands valued £42 annually after John's death with some reservations to wife and younger son Dated 3 Oct 5 Hen VII - [1489]
14 - Marriage agreement between John Lathebury, Richard Norman, Nicholas Menerell and Jane his wife, and Richard Littelton' that as they have custody of Anne Lathebury cousin and heir apparent of John Lathebury and Richard Littelton's son and heir William will marry Anne, Richard grants lands of annual value of £100 to Edward and heirs with reversion on deaths of Richard and of William Wynnesbury, Edward's grandfather; Richard not to give Anne in marriage without consent of John etc Dated 3 Oct 5 Hen VII - [1489]
15 - Indenture between George Legh' of Adlyngton (Cheshire) esquire and Robert Legh' of Eygenton' that George will not marry except by advice of cousin Robert Legh' and entrusts "the order of hys howse" Dated 18 Oct 11 Hen VII - [1519]
16 - Warranty by Richard Littilton' to Reynald Legh' "squyer" Of all right and "interest of the body" through marriage of Anne Lathbury, heir apparent to John Lathbury squyer, and if after John Lathbury's death, Thomas Sepcott gentleman troubles Legh over Lathbury's lands or Anne's marriage, Littilton will bear the costs Dated 4 Nov 16 Hen VII - [1500]
17 - Receipt of Ralph Agard, General Receiver and Feodary to King Henry VII of the Honour of Tutbury, for 50s from Robert Legh of Egginton, esquire, for the release of half a knight's fee for the tenure of the manor and lordship of Newton Solney by reason of his marriage to his wife Anne, daughter and heir of Alured [Ailred] Lathbury, son and heir of John Lathbury, given at Tutbury Castle 15 Nov 24 Hen VII - [1508]
18 - Inquisition post mortem at Chesterfield on death of Robert Legh gent concerning property in Blakestoke, Glossop, Chapel en le Frith, Hope, Wormhill, Whitehill and Bowden Dated 6 Nov 17 Hen VIII Attached list of names [?jurors] - [1525]
19 - Inquisition post mortem held at Derby on death of Thomas Leighe concerning manor of Newton soulney, property and 10s rent in Newton Soulney; property and land in Egginton and Marson; rectory of Egginton; property and land in Whetfeild; property and land in manor of Blakebrooke; £3 rent in Chappell de le frithe and Hope Dated 5 Oct 4 Eliz I - [1562]
20 - Grant from Anthony Eaton of Mayfield, Staffordshire, gent, to Philip Olton of Oaken, Staffordhsire, esq., and Thomas Cockeyne of Ashbourne, gent, of all his lands, tenements, rents, etc, for the love of his daughters Ellen and Katherine and sons Ralph, Philip and Aden, and to keep the name of Eaton, to the use of Anthony during his life, then of his two daughters [including the provision of 200 marks for marriage], then, in default of heirs, successively of his son Ralph [providing he marries Dorothy Froggatt, the daughter of Humfrey Froggatt], Philip and Aden, 10 Aug 27 Eli I - [1585]
21 - Gift of household and other goods from Marie Horton of Catton, widow, to her daughter Dame Catherine Leighe, wife of Sir HenrieLeighe of Egginton, knight 30 Mar - 1616
Expand 11 - Estate administration11 - Estate administration
Expand 12 - Manorial records12 - Manorial records
Expand 13 - Litigation over the Manor of Acton (possibly Acton near Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire)13 - Litigation over the Manor of Acton (possibly Acton near Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire)
Expand 14 - Official deeds and papers14 - Official deeds and papers
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous papers15 - Miscellaneous papers
Expand 16 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Bedfordshire16 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Bedfordshire
Expand 17 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Egginton, Hargate, Hilton and Etwall17 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Egginton, Hargate, Hilton and Etwall
Expand 18 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Newton Solney and Repton18 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Newton Solney and Repton
Expand 19 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire, mixed and miscellaneous places19 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire, mixed and miscellaneous places
Expand 20 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Dorset20 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Dorset
Expand 21 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Leicestershire21 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Leicestershire
Expand 22 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Lincolnshire22 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Lincolnshire
Expand 23 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Oxfordshire23 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Oxfordshire
Expand 24 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire24 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire
Expand 25 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places25 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places
Expand 26 - Family deeds, wills and settlements26 - Family deeds, wills and settlements
Expand 27 - Estate administration27 - Estate administration
Expand 28 - Bonds, accounts and financial papers28 - Bonds, accounts and financial papers
Expand 29 - Bonds and accounts relating to the Renison family29 - Bonds and accounts relating to the Renison family
Expand 30 - Papers relating to investigation of the Every pedigree30 - Papers relating to investigation of the Every pedigree
Expand 31 - Official deeds and papers relating to members of the Every family as Sheriffs of Derbyshire31 - Official deeds and papers relating to members of the Every family as Sheriffs of Derbyshire
Expand 32 - Correspondence and miscellaneous papers32 - Correspondence and miscellaneous papers
Expand UL - Every family of Egginton: unlisted recordsUL - Every family of Egginton: unlisted records