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D5151 - Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne - 1835-2002
1 - School Administration - 1835-1996
2 - Governors' Papers - 1950-1993
3 - School Buildings - 1907-1997
1 - Building Works Files - 1971-1983
2 - Lower School Buildings Works Files - 1955-1985
3 - Upper School Building Works Files - 1972-1980
4 - Building Projects Files - 1971-1990
5 - Redevelopment Scheme - 1996-1997
6 - Building Plans - 1907-1960
7 - School Buildings - Miscellaneous - 1957-1997
1 - Inventories of various offices and class rooms - 1957
2 - "Official Opening of New Craft Block - October 1973" - Sep 1973-Oct 1973
3 - "Official Opening of New Buildings, Green Road Site 16 July 1980" - 1980
4 - Colour printouts of scanned photographs of activities during the opening ceremony of the Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School Technical College - 1997
4 - Prospectuses and Information for Parents - 1920-2000
5 - School calendars - 1955-1996
6 - School magazines - 1884-1983
7 - Speech Days and Founders Days - 1849-1995
8 - School Anniversary Celebrations and Queen's Visit - 1935-1990
9 - Sports Records - 1908-1999
10 - Old Ashburnian Society - 1923-1997
11 - Press cuttings and photographs - (1815)-2001
12 - Miscellaneous - (1603)-2002
13 - Papers closed to inspection until 2050
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