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D511 - Wigley, Bateman and Shirley families - 17th-19th cent
E - Estate papers - 1697-1867
1 - Lease by Rev Joshua Wigley of Christ College, Cambridge, to Joseph Knowles of Hulland, farmer, of a messuage and several closes at Ireton Wood, for half a year at £20, with provision for renewal in half yearly stages up to 11 years [see D511/E/6]. 9 Oct - 1772
2 - Security by Benjamin Wigley of Nottingham, gent and Anne his wife, to Jonathan Lee of Chesterfield, gent, whereas Wigley has sold to Lee, for £500 closes at Tapton known as Over Twelve Acres, Middle Twelve Acres and Juman Well Close but cannot provide a proper title in fee simple, for the indemnification of Lee, of a close called Stone Gravels Close, Chesterfield, a close called High-field at Newbold (1½ acres), Fox Close and Black Pitts, Chesterfield, and a messuage at Ireton Wood with closes called Jauney Field, Hanging Acre, Round Meadow als Little Meadow, Mite Meadow, Far Brackwall (except 2 acres), Lydyard and Gyrefieldes with proviso that if Wigley shall provide proper title to the estate at Tapton the security shall be void. [see also D511/T/11]. 2 Nov - 1720
3 - Articles of agreement between Elizabeth Bateman the elder, of Derby, widow, and John Greatorex of Wirksworth, gent, reciting a surrender in Ireton Wood manor court by Richard Ward and Alice, his wife, of a messuage, a bakehouse, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, the Over Barne, Jauney Field, Hanging Acre, Round Meadow als Little Meadow, Mite Meadow, Farr Brackwalls (except 2 acres), the Lidyard and the Eyrefields, to the use of Hugh Bateman, late husband of Elizabeth, and whereas the above lands have descended to Elizabeth Bateman the younger(as only daughter and heir of Hugh) who is aged 15, and whereas Greatorex has agreed to purchase the premises for £410, whereby Elizabeth undertakes to convey to Greatorex, closes in the parish of St Werburgh, Derby, called Abby Barns als Coopers Close, New Intakes and Coopers Meadow, under proviso that if Elizabeth the younger shall convey the premises in Ireton Wood to Greatorex, within 4 months of attaining the age of 21, then the conveyance of the Derby property shall be void. 20 Jul - 1697
4 - Articles of agreement between John Greatorex of Ireton Wood, gent, and Margarett, his wife, and John Botham of Wirksworth, gent, reciting the above agreement [D511/E/3] for the conveyance of the said estates to Botham in consideration of £460 and of £10 p.a. for 4 years. 24 Nov - 1699
5 - Articles of agreement between Joshua Wigley, clerk, and Benjamin Wigley of Mansfield Wood-house (Nottinghamshire), gent, his brother. To prevent disputes arising over the will of their brother, Jonathan Wigley; Joshua to give up to Benjamin, all such of part of the personal estate to which he is entitled under the said will, in consideration of £450 and if pays Benjamin the several legacies in the will. [see D511/T/22] 31 Aug - 1761
6 - Articles of agreement for the letting by Rev Joshua Wigley, to Joseph Knowles of Hulland, farmer, of a farm at Ireton Wood with lands and common right on Hulland Ward for 1 year at £40 (see D511/E/1]. 2 Apr - 1772
7 - Agreement between Rev Joshua Wigley and John Harrison the younger of Ireton Wood, yeoman, that, whereas Wigley caused a declaration of ejectment to be delivered to Harrison for the recovery of a farm, Wigley will stop all proceedings against Harrison and allow him to hold the farm until 6 November next and Harrison is to pay him £24 2s subject to a valuation by John Wilcockson of Ireton Wood 12 Aug - 1772
8 - Bond in £200 by Ann Pymme to Joseph Womack, for the payment to Womack by the executors of Ann, of £100 within 1 month of her decease [see D511/E/30] 29 May - 1751
9 - Bond in £1000 by Joshua Wigley to Ann Wigley his mother, in consideration of a surrender of lands at Ireton Wood D511/T/17 for payment of an annuity of £50. 21 Oct - 1761
10 - Release of all debts etc by Benjamin Wigley of Nottingham, woollen draper, to his mother, Anne Wigley of Nottingham, widow. 15 Oct - 1741
11 - Draft release by Joshua Wigley to Benjamin Wigley of Mansfield Woodhouse, gent, in consid-eration of 5s, in pursuance of an award by William Huthwaite of Lawrence Lane, London, druggist, of all actions, causes, bonds and debts concerning the will of Jonathan Wigley [see D511/T/22]. 2 Apr - 1766
12 - Bill for stooping and railing done for Rev Wigley. - [c1750]
13 - Account of William Chappell to Rev Wigley for legal charges. - 1762
14 - Bill for expenses of proving Rev Joshua Wigley's will. - 1791
15 - Bill for legal costs re D511/T/20 - 1791
16 - Account of Hughes and Britten to Miss Wigley, Guilsborough, for legal charges. - 1833-1835
17 - Estimate and plan for a new stable at Mrs Beeson's, Ireton Wood. - 1850
18 - An Act for Dividing and Inclosing a certain Common called Holland Ward, otherwise Hullin Ward (Derbyshire).' [Hulland Ward] - 1771
19 - Extract of allotment to Joshua Wigley from the Hulland Ward Enclosure Award (1773) - 1838
20 - Receipt for the payment by Rev Joshua Wigley of £8 3s 8¼d, being his share of the second assessment towards the costs of the enclosure. 12 Mar - 1774
21 - Letter from John Wilcockson to Rev Wigley, con- taining the wording of the allotment to his and a copy of part of the enclosure map. 27 Sep - 1777
22 - Letter from John Parkin to Thomas Bateman enclosing a bill for his share of the costs of the Kirk Ireton Tithe Apportionment. 14 Feb - 1849
23 - Bill from Tithe Commission for providing extract from the Kirk Ireton award. 19 Feb - 1849
24 - Letter from Samuel Hutchinson to Mrs Bateman, Guilsborough, re the redemption of land tax. 5Jan - 1799
25 - Letter from John Wilcockson to Mrs Bateman re the redemption of land tax. 27 Feb - 1799
26-27 - Certificate and copy of the amount of land tax assessed upon a messuage and 40a land at Ireton Wood in the occupation of John Beeson. - [c1790]
28 - Will of Margarett Greatorex of Ireton Wood, widow, to Edith Wigley, wife of her nephew Benjamin Wigley, the bed whereon she lies and a chest of drawers; to John Cresswell, son of John Cresswell, who dwells with her, 7 chairs, a table and chest, her bible, the bed in the Parlor Chamber, the iron grate with fireshovel and togs; to Mary Cresswell, wife of the above, all her wearing clothes, linen and woollen; the residue of her personal estate to Benjamin Wigley. 10 Aug - 1717
29 - Will of Elnor Frogatt of Nottingham; Benjamin Wigley to receive the profits from the lands she enjoys under the Duke of Norfolk until his debt be paid but is to allow her niece, Anne Pymme, 40s a year; after the debt is paid, all her right and title thereto, with the profits, to Anne Pymme, Sarah Pymme and Elnor Pymme with all her clothes, to be equally divided. 23 Jul - 1734
30 - Will of Ann Pymme of Beaumanor (Leicestershire) spinster all her personal estate to her friend, Joseph Womack, framework knitter, of Nottingham [see D511/E/8]. 30 May - 1751
31 - Letter from John Goodwin to Rev Joshua Wigley informing him that John Meynell of Derby, surgeon has offered to purchase Wigley's estate for £1,200. 4 Feb - 1772
32 - Letter from Joseph Knowles to Rev Joshua Wigley offering a rent of £40 pa. 17 Mar - 1772
33 - Letters to Mrs Bateman and Thomas Bateman mostly re the tenancy of the Beeson family. - 1791-1867
ES - Sale Catalogues - [c1850]-1859
F - Family papers - 1827-1892
P - Maps and Plans - [c1700]-1839
T - Title deeds - 1634-1823
Z - Miscellaneous - [1516]-1857
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