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Collapse D502 - Hallowes family - [1610]-1740D502 - Hallowes family - [1610]-1740
Expand ZE - Estate papers - [1670]-1683ZE - Estate papers - [1670]-1683
Collapse ZT - Title deeds - [1610]-1740ZT - Title deeds - [1610]-1740
1 - Affidavit by John Taylor of Market Bosworth (Leicestershire), clerk, that he is seised of a good estate of inheritance in fee simple in a messuage and house at Ballidon in the holding of John Buxton, a house and croft in the possession of William Fernihough, a house and croft in the occupation of Zacharias Hall, a piece of land known as Cow Close with 3 closes lying contiguous and a meadow called Ballidon Meadow, all which premise form Ballidon Farm, a yearly rent of £6 13s, payable for tithes out of Tissington, Lea Hall, Bradbourne, Brassington and Atlow, tithes of wool and lamb in Bradbourne and certain tithes in Ballidon, which premises were leased to John Buxton in 1732 and are intended to be demised to Edmund Britiffe of White Hall (Middlesex) esq, yearly value £137 10s, 10 Dec - 1740
2 - Lease for possession by Robert Greene of Nottingham, gent, George Linney of Nottingham, maltster, and Benjamin Greene of Basford, framework knitter, to Edward Page of Derby, of two messuages and land adjoining St Alkmund's Churchyard in Derby, 28 Mar - 1682
3 - Release by Henry Greatorex of West Hallam, clerk, and John Litchford of Derby, gent (executors of Henry Greatorex of Derby, dyer, dec'd) and John Greatorex of Derby, dyer (son and heir of Henry Greatorex dec'd), with the consent of Danyell Greatorex, Dorothy Greatorex, William Greatorex and Sarah Greatorex (younger children of Henry Greatorex dec'd), to Michaell Heathcot of Derby, gent, and John Saunders of Derby, sadler, reciting will of Henry Greatorex whereby he devised to Henry Greatorex and John Litchford all his real and personal estate upon trust to sell the same, to pay all his debts etc and to pay portions to his children - and reciting that the dwelling house, dye house and malthouse of Henry Greatorex dec'd remains unsold and it has been agreed that the said premises be conveyed to John and Danyell Greatorex, they having paid Dorothy and William Greatorex £50 each, of the said dwelling house, dye house and malthouse, to the use of Greatorex and Litchford for a term of 500 years upon trusts viz the dwelling house with a moiety of the dye house and malthouse to John Greatorex and the other moiety of the dyehouse and malthouse to Danyell Greatorex, 10 Dec - 1691
4 - Admittance in Eckington manor court of Allice Crookes, widow, to two small crofts in Eckington, at a place called Mosbrough, for 21 years at 12d a year, 4 Oct - 1620
5 - Mortgage in Eckington manor court by Robert Stacy of Mosbrough and Anne his wife, of 3½ acres of arable at More Lane End, Mosbrough (tenant Thomas Turner, sicklesmith) to Gabriel Barker, for £64 1s, 5 Dec - 1680
6 - Lease for possession by John Orme of Burnaston, Etwall, yeoman, to Richard Eedes of the Inner Temple, esq, and Solomon Clarke of Shobnall (Staffordshire), clothier, of various messuages and land (field names given) at Burnaston and Derby, including The Bell inn at Sadlergate, 17 Jun - 1678
7 - Feoffment by William Parker of Parwich, gent, to Thomas Bainbrigge of Kegworth (Leicestershire), gent, of his manor of Fullwood and a capital messuage called Fullwood or Fullwoods, with all lands etc late of the inheritance of Sir Humphrey Bradburne dec'd in Ashbourne, Bradley, Hulland and Fullwood - 2 Jan [1610]
8-9 - Lease and release by Samuell Hallowes of Nottingham, esq, to Archdale Palmer of Wanlip (Leicestershire) esq, and Thomas Charnelles of Snarston (Leicestershire), gent - 18-19 Mar [1700]
10 - Assignment of mortgage by John Lichford of Derby, gent, Abell Lichford of London, gent, and Elizabeth Lichford, widow (executors of the will of William Lichford of Derby, dec'd), to James Launder of Beech (Staffordshire) yeoman, and Robert Launder of Hatton (Staffordshire) yeoman, in consideration of a competent sum paid to John Lichford to the use of Elizabeth, Richard and Charles Dimidge by Thomas Swinnerton of Derby, gent, of premises at Littleover or Mickleover, for the remainder of the mortgage term, in trust for Thomas Swinnerton, 29 Sep - 1691
11 - Settlement by Thomas Bayley the elder of Mythe, Great Sheepy (Leicestershire) and Anne his wife, upon their children John Bayley and Thomas Bayley the younger, 20 Jun, 16 Chas II - 1664
12 - Lease for possession by Adam Slater of Chesterfield, apothecary, to Ephraim Harrison of Temple Normanton, yeoman (son and heir at law of Joseph Harrison dec'd, who was son and heir of Thomas Harrison, gent, and Hannah his wife, of Monyash), of a barn or building at Monyash with inclosed land (named), 28 Dec - 1738
13 - Release to follow lease by Ralph Smith of Kirkby in Ashfield (Nottinghamshire) gent, to Mathew Smith of Denby, gent, and John Newton of Kirkby in Ashfield, of a messuage known as Mare-Hea House (Marehay) now inhabited by William Stirland and John his son, and a close known as Mare-Hea Great Meadow also Kelderdyne Meadow, with all appurtenances etc, being at Ripley, Pentrich, 10 Nov - 1680
14 - Feoffment by Edmond Robinson of Derby, locksmith, to Patricke Fletcher of Denby Parke, yeoman, of Ely House, with land in the tenure of Henry Stafford, 27 Mar - 1684
15 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine to be levied by William Fletcher of Denby, yeoman, to Mathew Smith of Denby, gent, of a messuage and lands at Ripley in the tenure of Henry Stafford, as security for a mortgage of £25, 25 Jul, 3 Jas II - 1687
16 - Assignment of mortgage by William Hallowes of Nottingham, esq, and John Bury of Nottingham, esq, to John Lowe of Denby, esq, in trust for Edward Mundy of Shipley, esq, 5 Apr - 1737
17 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine to be acknowledged By Rowland Fleetwood of Calwich (Staffordshire) and Mary his wife, to Sir Richard Fleetwood of Calwich, baronet, and Gilbert Swift of Ashbourne, of a messuage or farm at Tideswell, in the occupation of Ellen Allyn (widow of Robert Allyn), William Burdekin, Richard Mycock and Elizabeth Oldfield, and closes known as Harrysons Yard, the Stoutgate, the Wood Yard, and land (named), 1 Sep - 1694