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Collapse D4993 - Darwin County Secondary School, Breadsall - 1959-1999D4993 - Darwin County Secondary School, Breadsall - 1959-1999
1 - Log book Apr 1959-Aug 1989 - 1959-1989
2 - Punishment book, May 1959 - May 1981 - 1959-1981
3 - Headteacher's file of governors' minutes and related papers, head's reports to the governors, Apr 1973 - Jun 1985 - 1973-1985
Collapse 4 - Headmistress's files of duplicated letters to parents, advertisements for staff, minutes of staff and head of year meetings, staff bulletins etc - 1975-19894 - Headmistress's files of duplicated letters to parents, advertisements for staff, minutes of staff and head of year meetings, staff bulletins etc - 1975-1989
5 - Speech Day and Prizegiving programme - 1976
Expand 6 - Leaflets of information for parents and guardians - 1981-19896 - Leaflets of information for parents and guardians - 1981-1989
7 - School timetable - 1985-1986
8 - Leaflet of information and suggestions for new pupils - c1988
Expand 9 - Photograph albums of pupils and staff - 1986-19879 - Photograph albums of pupils and staff - 1986-1987
10 - Photographs of community concert at Darwin School Hall, Jun - 1988
11 - Photographs of rehearsals, performance etc of 'Bugsy Malone' - 1988
12 - Photographs of School's participation in Red Nose Day - 1989
13 - Photographs of school production of 'Dracula Spectacula' with ticket and programme, May - 1989
14 - Papers and photographs relating to events marking the year of the school's closure (1989) - 1989
15 - Papers relating to school closure arrangements for care of items associated with Erasmus Darwin and school records, letters of thanks, to the headmistress, her last report and letter to parents and guardians, 1989 - 1989-1999