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Collapse D4983 - Derby Borough Town Clerk's Office - 1610-1970D4983 - Derby Borough Town Clerk's Office - 1610-1970
Expand 1 - Title deeds and related papers - 1610-19701 - Title deeds and related papers - 1610-1970
Expand 2 - Leases and related papers - 1817-19402 - Leases and related papers - 1817-1940
Expand 3 - Agreements and related records - 1866-19493 - Agreements and related records - 1866-1949
Expand 4 - Committee business and related papers - 1892-19584 - Committee business and related papers - 1892-1958
Expand 5 - Quarter Sessions records for the Borough of Derby - 1786-19465 - Quarter Sessions records for the Borough of Derby - 1786-1946
Expand 6 - Court case and legal action records - 1866-19406 - Court case and legal action records - 1866-1940
Expand 7 - Parliamentary and central government business papers - 1868-19467 - Parliamentary and central government business papers - 1868-1946
Expand 8 - Elections and electoral registration papers - 1873-19368 - Elections and electoral registration papers - 1873-1936
Expand 9 - Town planning and housing papers - 1865-19539 - Town planning and housing papers - 1865-1953
Expand 10 - Sanitary, drainage and waterworks - 1843-195410 - Sanitary, drainage and waterworks - 1843-1954
Expand 11 - Transport infrastructure records - 1858-194711 - Transport infrastructure records - 1858-1947
Expand 12 - Charities records and papers - 1841-195212 - Charities records and papers - 1841-1952
Expand 13 - World War II activities - 1939-194613 - World War II activities - 1939-1946
Expand 14 - Records of ceremonial and civic occasions - 1882-195414 - Records of ceremonial and civic occasions - 1882-1954
Expand 15 - Byelaws, regulations and orders for Derby Borough - 1838-193915 - Byelaws, regulations and orders for Derby Borough - 1838-1939
Collapse 16 - Printed material  - 1788-193216 - Printed material - 1788-1932
1 - Printed copy of an Act for rebuilding Saint Mary's Bridge, Derby - 1788
2 - Poster notifying prosecution for any person trespassing in the New Pastures in the Borough of Derby or breaking down fences or cutting trees there - [early 19th cent]
3 - Poster notice of Borough of Derby on charges for cattle to "be taken into Ley in the Near New Pasture and the Holmes" - 5 Mar 1838
4 - Copy of address delivered by Joseph Strutt, esquire, on the presentation of the Derby Arboretum - 16 Sep 1840
5 - Printed copies of Treasurer's statements of accounts for the financial years 1848/49-1860/61 - 1848-1861
6 - Printed abstracts of accounts of the Derby Local Board of Health - 1853-1868
7 - Account, or terrier, of the property belonging to Derby Corporation - [1855]
8 - Statement of accounts of Derby Baths and Wash-houses - 1860
9 - Derby Local Board of Health plan of proposed improvement in Irongate, Derby - 1864
10 - Printed list of the members of the Council of the Borough of Derby - 1864-1865
11 - General statement of accounts of Cavendish Bridge and Hulland Ward Road Trust - 1867
12 - General statement of accounts of Derby and Uttoxeter Road Trust - 1867
13 - List of bills ordered to be paid to the Borough Council - Nov 1872
14 - Papers on the Derby Mechanics' Institution at the Wardwick, Derby - 1879-1904
15 - Printed copy of the 12th annual report of the Committee of the Derby Free Library and Museum and report of the Art Gallery Committee - Nov 1883
16 - Official handbook of Derby Borough Battalion of the Derbyshire Volunteer Regiment of Home Guards - 1915
17 - Souvenir booklet of the Trade Union Congress held at Derby - 1918
18 - Photographs of the fountain and drinking trough in the Market Place, Derby - 1930
19 - Typed description of the County Council Seal by Reverend JC Cox - 1 May 1932
Expand 17 - Normanton Parish Council (1894-1928) and Burial Board - 1876-192817 - Normanton Parish Council (1894-1928) and Burial Board - 1876-1928
18 - Derby Corporation bills, vouchers and accounts - 1703-1877