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Collapse D4621 - Crime and Punishment printed broadsheets, 18th-19th cent; calendars of prisoners 1790-1825 and other broadsheets  - 1759-1863D4621 - Crime and Punishment printed broadsheets, 18th-19th cent; calendars of prisoners 1790-1825 and other broadsheets - 1759-1863
Expand 1 - Crime and punishment printed broadsheets - 1759-18191 - Crime and punishment printed broadsheets - 1759-1819
Expand 2 - Calendars of prisoners confined in the County Gaol - 1790-18252 - Calendars of prisoners confined in the County Gaol - 1790-1825
Expand 3 - Sentences of the prisoners confined in the County Gaol - 1813-18173 - Sentences of the prisoners confined in the County Gaol - 1813-1817
Collapse 4 - Other printed broadsheets/advertisements - 1764-18634 - Other printed broadsheets/advertisements - 1764-1863
1 - Printed ephemera: Verbal attack on the inheritor of the Estate of Miss Ch re - 1764
2 - Printed ephemera: Derby Theatre - production of "A Word to the Wise", or "All for the best" and the Citizen". - 1789
3 - Printed ephemera: Derby Wake Races. Printed by W Tupman, Nottingham - 1813
4 - Printed ephemera: Derby Wakes for the benefit of the infirmary Printed by J Croft, Burton-on-Trent - 1813
5 - Printed ephemera: Theatre Royal, Derby - programme of events Printed by Drewry & Son, Derby - 1826
6 - Printed ephemera: Theatre Royal, Derby - poster advertising mechanical and optical exhibition Printed by W Brearey, Market Place, Derby - 1826
7 - Printed ephemera: Olympic and Melo-Dramatic Theatre, Derby - programme of events for the benefit of Master Furlong and Miss Mackenzie. - 1827
8 - Printed ephemera: Satirical note re. Awful Execution of the Very Rev.the Dean of St Becket, at Derby, 10 March 1863 abridged from an extraordinary edition of "The Chester Green Grass hopper" - 1863
9 - Printed ephemera: An extraordinary Divine - Dialogue between a stranger, and Boniface, the landlord of the Black Bull. - 19th cent
10 - Printed ephemera: Advertisement - S Dawson, Fancy Hair-cutter, Wig- maker and Hair-dresser, and shaver, Derby - Late 18th-early 19th cent
11 - Printed ephemera: Programme of events at the Old Assembly Room, [Derby] during the Assizes. - 19th cent
12 - Printed ephemera: Press cutting re. robbery at house of Mrs Roe, Derby - 1784
13-14 - Printed ephemera: Political cartoons - "The ladder of Ambition showing (13) [possibly a member of the Strutt family] climbing a ladder with rings labelled the Bar, marriage, QC, sinecure Lancaster, MP for Derby, My votes, Attorney General and the woolsack and (14) "The Lawyer aims to stuff the woolsack with wool from the Derby Ram; but the Ram keeps his wool and the lawyer [same man as in D4621/4/13] gets the sack"" - 1859
Expand 5 - Photographs - 19th cent5 - Photographs - 19th cent
Expand 6 - Narratives listed by County - 1760-18246 - Narratives listed by County - 1760-1824