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Collapse D4592 - North Darley Local Board, later North Darley Urban Sanitary Authority and Urban District Council - 1864-1934D4592 - North Darley Local Board, later North Darley Urban Sanitary Authority and Urban District Council - 1864-1934
Collapse 1 - Council minutes - 1864-19341 - Council minutes - 1864-1934
1 - North Darley Local Board of Health Minutes, Jul 1864-Sep 1877 - 1864-1877
2 - North Darley Local Board of Health Minutes, Aug 1873-Nov 1883 - 1873-1883
3 - North Darley Local Board of Health Minutes, Dec 1883-Mar 1889 - 1883-1889
4 - North Darley Local Board of Health Minutes, Mar 1889-Apr 1893 - 1889-1893
5 - North Darley Local Board of Health/Urban District Council Minutes, May 1893-Jun 1897 - 1893-1897
6 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Jun 1897-Aug 1901 - 1897-1901
7 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Sep 1901-May 1904 - 1901-1904
8 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Jun 1904-Jun 1906 - 1904-1906
9 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Jul 1906-May 1908 - 1906-1908
10 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Jun 1908-Jun 1911 - 1908-1911
11 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Jul 1911-Aug 1914 - 1911-1914
Expand 12 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Sep 1914-Apr 1918 - 1914-191812 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Sep 1914-Apr 1918 - 1914-1918
Expand 13 - North Urban District Council Minutes, May 1918-Aug 1921 - 1918-192113 - North Urban District Council Minutes, May 1918-Aug 1921 - 1918-1921
14 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Sep 1921-Apr 1924 - 1921-1924
15 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Apr 1924-Mar 1926 - 1924-1926
Collapse 16 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Mar 1926-Apr 1928 - 1926-192816 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Mar 1926-Apr 1928 - 1926-1928
17 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Apr 1928-Aug 1930 - 1928-1930
18 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Sep 1930-Aug 1933 - 1930-1933
19 - North Urban District Council Minutes, Sep 1933-Mar 1934 - 1933-1934
Expand 2 - Water Supply Committee minutes - 1895-19122 - Water Supply Committee minutes - 1895-1912
Expand 3 - Buildings Committee minutes - 1895-19143 - Buildings Committee minutes - 1895-1914
Expand 4 - Finance Committee minutes - 1895-19144 - Finance Committee minutes - 1895-1914
Expand 5 - Highways Committee minutes - 1898-19145 - Highways Committee minutes - 1898-1914
Expand 6 - North Darley Urban District Council General Purposes Committee Minutes6 - North Darley Urban District Council General Purposes Committee Minutes
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