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Collapse D4587 - Bakewell Rural District Council (1894-1974), formerly Bakewell Rural Sanitary Authority (1872-1894) - 1872-1974D4587 - Bakewell Rural District Council (1894-1974), formerly Bakewell Rural Sanitary Authority (1872-1894) - 1872-1974
Collapse 1 - Minute books Rural Sanitary Authority (1872-1894) and Bakewell Rural District Council (1894-1974 - 1872-19741 - Minute books Rural Sanitary Authority (1872-1894) and Bakewell Rural District Council (1894-1974 - 1872-1974
Expand 2 - Sanitary Committee - 1897-19112 - Sanitary Committee - 1897-1911
Expand 3 - General Purposes/Housing and General Purposes minute books - 1911-19403 - General Purposes/Housing and General Purposes minute books - 1911-1940
Expand 4 - Finance committee minute books - 1932-19404 - Finance committee minute books - 1932-1940
Expand 5 - Plans/Town Planning and Buildings Committee - 1933-19405 - Plans/Town Planning and Buildings Committee - 1933-1940
Expand 6 - Various committees' minute books - 1938-19746 - Various committees' minute books - 1938-1974
Expand UL - Bakewell RDC and predecessors: Unlisted material - 1872 - 1978UL - Bakewell RDC and predecessors: Unlisted material - 1872 - 1978