Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D4504 - Parish of Allestree St Nicholas - 1957-2000D4504 - Parish of Allestree St Nicholas - 1957-2000
Expand 1 - Baptism registers - 1958-19661 - Baptism registers - 1958-1966
Expand 2 - Marriage registers - 1959-19852 - Marriage registers - 1959-1985
Expand 3 - Banns registers - 1959-19813 - Banns registers - 1959-1981
Expand 4 - Service registers - 1958-19884 - Service registers - 1958-1988
Expand 5 - Administration records5 - Administration records
Expand 6 - Plans of parish boundaries - 1963-19906 - Plans of parish boundaries - 1963-1990
Expand 7 - Architect's plans of new church - 19577 - Architect's plans of new church - 1957
Expand 8 - Records relating to building of new church - 1957-19608 - Records relating to building of new church - 1957-1960
9 - Records relating to extensions to the church, including correspondence and plans - 1970
Expand 10 - Quinquennial inspection reports - 1975-198610 - Quinquennial inspection reports - 1975-1986
11 - Correspondence on the removal of the organ from Mount Tabor Methodist Church, Ripley to St Nicholas, Allestree - 1970-1971
Expand 12 - Faculties - 1968-199612 - Faculties - 1968-1996
Collapse 13 - Vicarage records - 1958-196513 - Vicarage records - 1958-1965
14 - Plans of new vicarage at Lawn Avenue - 1963
15 - Surveyor's reports under the Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Measure on the vicarage house and garden - 1965-1971
Expand 16 - Church Hall records - 1962-199316 - Church Hall records - 1962-1993
17 - Correspondence on use of church land in Lawn Avenue for building plots - 1961
18 - Plans for church site development - 1961
Expand 19 - Miscellaneous Vicars' records - 1960-199119 - Miscellaneous Vicars' records - 1960-1991
20 - Papers and photographs relating to Festival 74 - 1974
Expand 21 - Parochial Church Council minutes  - 1959-198921 - Parochial Church Council minutes - 1959-1989
22 - Parochial Church Council minutes - 1972-1988
23 - Parochial Church Council annual accounts (incomplete) - 1959-1992
24 - Parochial Church Council Envelope Endeavour Scheme file, containing public responses - 1959
Expand 25 - Greater Allestree Pastoral Team meetings minute books - 1971-197625 - Greater Allestree Pastoral Team meetings minute books - 1971-1976
Expand 26 - Parish magazines  - 1979-200026 - Parish magazines - 1979-2000