Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D4471 - A Storer and Sons of Greenhill Lane, Riddings, engineers - 1930-1980D4471 - A Storer and Sons of Greenhill Lane, Riddings, engineers - 1930-1980
Collapse 1 - Cash books - 1931-19781 - Cash books - 1931-1978
Expand 2 - Nominal Ledgers - 1930-19362 - Nominal Ledgers - 1930-1936
Expand 3 - Cash books - 1936-19633 - Cash books - 1936-1963
Expand 4 - Wages books - 1941-19594 - Wages books - 1941-1959
Expand 5 - Order books - 1936-19785 - Order books - 1936-1978
Expand 6 - RAF Order Book - 1942-19456 - RAF Order Book - 1942-1945
Expand 6 - Work undertaken - 1925-19436 - Work undertaken - 1925-1943
Expand 7 - A Storer and Sons Work Diaries - 1925-19437 - A Storer and Sons Work Diaries - 1925-1943
Expand 8 - Petty Cash Notebook - 1942-19788 - Petty Cash Notebook - 1942-1978
Expand 9 - End of year accounts  - 1930-19809 - End of year accounts - 1930-1980
Expand 10 - Purchase Orders - 1981-198610 - Purchase Orders - 1981-1986
Expand 11 - Factories - 1939-196611 - Factories - 1939-1966
Expand 12 - Ministry of Munitions of War correspondence - 191812 - Ministry of Munitions of War correspondence - 1918
Expand 13 - Ministry of Labour correspondence - 1941-194513 - Ministry of Labour correspondence - 1941-1945
Expand 14 - Ministry of Supply correspondence - 1941-194514 - Ministry of Supply correspondence - 1941-1945
Expand 15 - Fire Prevention Order - 194115 - Fire Prevention Order - 1941
Expand 16 - Tax Inspectors Department correspondence - 194316 - Tax Inspectors Department correspondence - 1943
Expand 17 - Insurance reports - 1938-195617 - Insurance reports - 1938-1956
Expand 18 - Patents records - 1946-196018 - Patents records - 1946-1960
Expand 19 - Storer and Son equipment designs - 1930-193819 - Storer and Son equipment designs - 1930-1938
Expand 20 - Solicitor's correspondence - 1948-198320 - Solicitor's correspondence - 1948-1983
Expand 21 - Property lease records - 194021 - Property lease records - 1940
Expand 22 - Site plan - 193622 - Site plan - 1936
Expand 23 - Draft plan - 194823 - Draft plan - 1948
Expand 24 - Draft agreement and plans24 - Draft agreement and plans
Expand 25 - Ministry of Housing correspondence - 1980s25 - Ministry of Housing correspondence - 1980s
Expand 26 - Butterley Engineering correspondence - 1981-198426 - Butterley Engineering correspondence - 1981-1984
Expand 27 - Cundeys correspondence - 1979-198427 - Cundeys correspondence - 1979-1984
Expand 28 - Handbook - 192628 - Handbook - 1926
Expand 29 - Engineering plans - 1926-193229 - Engineering plans - 1926-1932
Expand 30 - Engineering plans30 - Engineering plans
Expand 31 - Photographs31 - Photographs
Expand 32 - Mr Storer's death - customer letter32 - Mr Storer's death - customer letter
Expand 33 - Firth - Brown  - 195533 - Firth - Brown - 1955