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D4335 - Lea (formerly Council, formerly, Board) Primary School and Dethick, Lea and Holloway School Board - 1862-1991
1 - Dethick, Lea and Holloway School Board - 1888-1897
1 - Minute Book - Apr 1888-Oct 1897
2 - Managers/Governors meetings - 1903-1980
3 - Managers/Governors correspondence - 1941-1964
4 - Log books (Infants) - 1874-1937
5 - Log books (Mixed) - 1862-1970
6 - Loose papers - 19th-20th cent
7 - Log books (Continuation School) - 1907-1935
8 - Log books (Medical) - 1913-1929
9 - Punishment Books - 1901-1962
10 - School finances - 1896-1938
11 - Cash account - 1911-1936
12 - Stock and Stores account - 1907-1947
13 - Higher Education Committee - 1925-1938
14 - Higher Education papers - 1935-1940
15 - Parent Teacher Association (Annual General Meetings) - 1954-1960
16 - Parent Teacher Association (Committee Meetings) - 1954-1960
17 - Parent Teacher Association (Loose papers) - 1954-1961
18 - Admissions (Infant) - 1870-1938
19 - Admissions (Mixed) - 1876-1942
20 - Papers found loose in D4335/19/2 - 1925-1935
21 - Reports to Governors - 1981-1995
22 - Annual Curriculum returns, classes 1-4 - 1990-1991
23 - William John Princepp Burton (1857-1940), Headmaster of Lea Board School - 1877-1937
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George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
National Coal Board
Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), naval officer and arctic explorer
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