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Collapse D3960 - Parish of Edale The Holy and Undivided Trinity - 1634-1974D3960 - Parish of Edale The Holy and Undivided Trinity - 1634-1974
Expand 1 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1643-18121 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1643-1812
Expand 2 - Baptism registers - 1813-18812 - Baptism registers - 1813-1881
3 - Number not used: Reserved for marriage registers - 1842-1882
4 - Number not used: Reserved for banns registers - 1872-1883
Expand 5 - Burial registers - 1813-19275 - Burial registers - 1813-1927
Expand 6 - Service registers - 1886-19346 - Service registers - 1886-1934
Expand 7 - Administration - 1634-19367 - Administration - 1634-1936
Expand 8 - Licences - 1842-18868 - Licences - 1842-1886
Expand 9 - Disputes - 1839-18549 - Disputes - 1839-1854
Expand 10 - Status - 1830-186610 - Status - 1830-1866
11 - Parish of Edale: Orders of Service for organ 1936, memorial tablet 1966, visit of Princess Margaret 1969 and dedication of Champion House 1969 - 1936-1969
Expand 12 - Administration - 1842-195012 - Administration - 1842-1950
Expand 13 - Faculties - 1885-196613 - Faculties - 1885-1966
14 - Parish of Edale: Correspondence about new church - 1810-1811
Expand 15 - New church (1883-1889) - 1883-189615 - New church (1883-1889) - 1883-1896
16 - Tenders and lists of subscribers for work on church hall - 1907
17 - New Edale church: Correspondence etc - 20th cent
18 - New Edale church: Photograph of pulpit
19 - New Edale church: Appeal leaflet etc for vicarage completion scheme - 1896
Collapse 20 - Terriers  - 1887-193720 - Terriers - 1887-1937
21 - Parish of Edale: Papers in case about payment of curate's wage and seat rents - 1720s
22 - Parish of Edale: Merger of rent charge, with letter - 1849
23 - Parish of Edale: Correspondence about income - 1857-1942
24 - Parish of Edale: Tables of fees 1866 with letter 20th cent - 1866-20th cent
25 - Parish of Edale: Letter about coal mining - 1948
Expand 26 - Dore and Chinley Railway - 1884-189126 - Dore and Chinley Railway - 1884-1891
Expand 27 - Vestry and Churchwardens - 1849-195527 - Vestry and Churchwardens - 1849-1955
Expand 28 - Parochial Church Council Accounts  - 1960-196228 - Parochial Church Council Accounts - 1960-1962
29 - Notice of meeting - 1968
30 - Charities - 1695-1889
31 - Parish of Edale: Papers about Birley's Charity - 1849-1902
32 - Parish of Edale: Letter about Sunday School - 1811
33 - Parish of Edale: School managers minutes Nov 1903 - Oct 1947 - 1903-1947
Expand 34 - Records about the School - 1867-195634 - Records about the School - 1867-1956
35 - Girls Friendly Society leaflets etc - 1931
36 - Mothers Union meetings minute book Jan 1956 - Dec 1974 - 1956-1974
Expand 37 - Parish of Edale Holy and Undivided Trinity Overseers of the Poor - 1882-191237 - Parish of Edale Holy and Undivided Trinity Overseers of the Poor - 1882-1912
38 - Valuations under 1896 Agriculture Act - c1890s
39 - Posters etc for parish and local events - 1930s-1980s
40 - Newscuttings etc about Champion House (Diocesan Youth Centre) - 1965
41 - Orders of Service for Bakewell RDC Civic Sunday 1965, 1967; Eyam Deanery Festival Service 1968; Eyam Plague Commemoration, undated - 1965-1968
42 - Notes etc on Edale Church - 20th cent
43 - Cresswell family papers (mainly copies)
Expand 44 - Miscellaneous - 1633-177644 - Miscellaneous - 1633-1776
Expand UL - Parish of Edale: unlisted records - 1700-2006UL - Parish of Edale: unlisted records - 1700-2006