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Collapse D3732 - St Christopher's Railway Home, [Railway Servants Orphanage], Derby - 1874-1992D3732 - St Christopher's Railway Home, [Railway Servants Orphanage], Derby - 1874-1992
Expand 1 - Minutes - 1892-19901 - Minutes - 1892-1990
Expand 2 - Committee minutes of a committee which appears to have been successively a provisional committee (1874-1875), the executive committee (1876-1879) general committee (1879-1881) the orphanage committee (1881-1957) and St Christopher's Committee (1957-1993) - 1874-19932 - Committee minutes of a committee which appears to have been successively a provisional committee (1874-1875), the executive committee (1876-1879) general committee (1879-1881) the orphanage committee (1881-1957) and St Christopher's Committee (1957-1993) - 1874-1993
Expand 3 - Minutes of house committee (from Jan 1958 the house sub-committee) known for a short period as the committee of management (1880-1881). - 1875-19913 - Minutes of house committee (from Jan 1958 the house sub-committee) known for a short period as the committee of management (1880-1881). - 1875-1991
Expand 4 - Orphanage and House Committee - 1912-19184 - Orphanage and House Committee - 1912-1918
Expand 5 - Minutes of the weekly board meetings - 1876-18835 - Minutes of the weekly board meetings - 1876-1883
Expand 6 - Reports to the General Committee - 18886 - Reports to the General Committee - 1888
Expand 7 - Ladies (visiting) committee - 1907-19567 - Ladies (visiting) committee - 1907-1956
Collapse 8 - Annual Reports - 1875-19908 - Annual Reports - 1875-1990
1 - Annual Reports - 1875-1877
2 - Annual Reports - 1877
3 - Annual Reports - 1878
4 - Annual Reports - 1879
5 - Annual Reports - 1880
6 - Annual Reports - 1882 to Apr 30
7 - Annual Reports - 1882-1883
8 - Annual Reports - 1884
9 - Annual Reports - 1885
10 - Annual Reports - 1886
11 - Annual Reports - 1887
12 - Annual Reports - 1888
13 - Annual Reports - 1889
14 - Annual Reports - 1890
15 - Annual Reports - 1891
16 - Annual Reports - 1892
17 - Annual Reports - 1893
18 - Annual Reports - 1894
19 - Annual Reports - 1895
20 - Annual Reports - 1896
21 - Annual Reports - 1897
22 - Annual Reports - 1898
23 - Annual Reports - 1899
24 - Annual Reports - 1900
25 - Annual Reports - 1901
26 - Annual Reports - 1902
27 - Annual Reports - 1903
28 - Annual Reports - 1904
29 - Annual Reports - 1905
30 - Annual Reports - 1906
31 - Annual Reports - 1907
32 - Annual Reports - 1908
33 - Annual Reports - 1909
34 - Annual Reports - 1910
35 - Annual Reports - 1911
36 - Annual Reports - 1912
37 - Annual Reports - 1913
38 - Annual Reports - 1913
39 - Annual Reports - 1914
40 - Annual Reports - 1914
41 - Annual Reports - 1915
42 - Annual Reports - 1915
43 - Annual Reports - 1916
44 - Annual Reports - 1916
45 - Annual Reports - 1923
46 - Annual Reports - 1924
47 - Annual Reports - 1925
48 - Annual Reports - 1926
49 - Annual Reports - 1927
50 - Annual Reports - 1928
51 - Annual Reports - 1930
52 - Annual Reports - 1931
53 - Annual Reports - 1932
54 - Annual Reports - 1933
55 - Annual Reports - 1934
56 - Annual Reports - 1935
57 - Annual Reports - 1936
58 - Annual Reports - 1937
59 - Annual Reports - 1938
60 - Annual Reports - 1939
61 - Annual Reports - 1940-1959
62 - Annual Reports - 1960-1970
63 - Annual Reports - 1971-1978
64 - Annual Reports - 1971-1980
65 - Annual Reports - 1981-1988
66 - Annual Reports - 1989
67 - Annual Reports - 1990
Expand 9 - Constitution and early development - 1875-18989 - Constitution and early development - 1875-1898
Expand 10 - Later development and closure10 - Later development and closure
Expand 11 - Correspondence11 - Correspondence
Expand 12 - Private ledger - 1876-197812 - Private ledger - 1876-1978
Expand 13 - General ledgers - 1922-195613 - General ledgers - 1922-1956
Expand 14 - Receipts/income from office and agencies - 1885-189014 - Receipts/income from office and agencies - 1885-1890
Expand 15 - Account books, general income - 1950-197915 - Account books, general income - 1950-1979
Expand 16 - Income and expenditure accounts and balance sheets - 1978-198616 - Income and expenditure accounts and balance sheets - 1978-1986
Expand 17 - Income Accounts - 1980-198217 - Income Accounts - 1980-1982
Expand 18 - Investments - 1917-194718 - Investments - 1917-1947
Expand 19 - Investments Account Book - 1943-196019 - Investments Account Book - 1943-1960
Expand 20 - Grants and payments made for children - 1944-197020 - Grants and payments made for children - 1944-1970
Expand 21 - Report on purchase of goods - ?late 19th cent21 - Report on purchase of goods - ?late 19th cent
Expand 22 - Rates dispute with Derby Sanitary Authority - 1883-188522 - Rates dispute with Derby Sanitary Authority - 1883-1885
Expand 23 - Secretary's Papers - 1881-195023 - Secretary's Papers - 1881-1950
Expand 24 - Collection accounts - 1888-191624 - Collection accounts - 1888-1916
Expand 25 - Bills, receipts etc - 188825 - Bills, receipts etc - 1888
Expand 26 - War Loan Accounts26 - War Loan Accounts
Expand 27 - Forbes Scholarship Fund - 1914-193027 - Forbes Scholarship Fund - 1914-1930
Expand 28 - Finance sub-committee  - 1984-198628 - Finance sub-committee - 1984-1986
Expand 29 - Finance miscellaneous29 - Finance miscellaneous
Expand 30 - Legacies30 - Legacies
Expand 31 - Documents relating to title31 - Documents relating to title
Expand 32 - Lists of deeds32 - Lists of deeds
Expand 33 - Estate33 - Estate
Expand 34 - Sites and buildings - 1877-188734 - Sites and buildings - 1877-1887
Expand 35 - Widening of Stepping Lane - 1885-189535 - Widening of Stepping Lane - 1885-1895
Expand 36 - Sites and buildings - 1887-193436 - Sites and buildings - 1887-1934
Expand 37 - Furniture and furnishings - (1888)-197637 - Furniture and furnishings - (1888)-1976
Expand 38 - Proposals, architects' drawings and other records concerning building projects - 1975-197838 - Proposals, architects' drawings and other records concerning building projects - 1975-1978
Expand 39 - Reports and Architect's plans concerning building projects - 1982-198839 - Reports and Architect's plans concerning building projects - 1982-1988
Expand 40 - Correspondence regarding site and buildings - 1989-199040 - Correspondence regarding site and buildings - 1989-1990
Expand 41 - Insurances - 1913-193341 - Insurances - 1913-1933
Expand 42 - Insurances - 1904-193742 - Insurances - 1904-1937
Expand 43 - Manager's/Secretary's monthly reports to the Orphanage Committee - 1888-189043 - Manager's/Secretary's monthly reports to the Orphanage Committee - 1888-1890
Expand 44 - Visitors Report Book - 1951-199344 - Visitors Report Book - 1951-1993
Expand 45 - Admission and discharge registers - 1875-193745 - Admission and discharge registers - 1875-1937
Expand 46 - Admission and discharge registers (boys and girls separate) - 1875-192646 - Admission and discharge registers (boys and girls separate) - 1875-1926
Expand 47 - Registers of candidates, presentations and nominations for admission - 1891-198447 - Registers of candidates, presentations and nominations for admission - 1891-1984
Expand 48 - File of papers concerning admissions - 1904-191048 - File of papers concerning admissions - 1904-1910
Expand 49 - Monthly summaries of children admitted and discharged	 - 1944-198449 - Monthly summaries of children admitted and discharged - 1944-1984
Expand 50 - Lists of leaving children including notes of school or ?grade - 1923-193350 - Lists of leaving children including notes of school or ?grade - 1923-1933
Expand 51 - Admission Cards, arranged alphabetically by surname, separating boys and girls - pre-190051 - Admission Cards, arranged alphabetically by surname, separating boys and girls - pre-1900
Expand 52 - Girls and Boys Admission cards - 19th-20th cent52 - Girls and Boys Admission cards - 19th-20th cent
Expand 53 - Girls and Boys Admission cards - 1900s-early 1960s53 - Girls and Boys Admission cards - 1900s-early 1960s
Expand 54 - Girls and Boys Admission cards - 1940s-1970s54 - Girls and Boys Admission cards - 1940s-1970s
Expand 55 - Girls and Boys Admission cards - 1950s-1970s55 - Girls and Boys Admission cards - 1950s-1970s
Expand 56 - Admission cards - 1960-198056 - Admission cards - 1960-1980
Expand 57 - Papers concerning education for children at the orphanage - 1894-c195157 - Papers concerning education for children at the orphanage - 1894-c1951
Expand 58 - Punishment books - 1949-197658 - Punishment books - 1949-1976
Expand 59 - Log books - 1964-197259 - Log books - 1964-1972
Expand 60 - Report books - 1973-197760 - Report books - 1973-1977
Expand 61 - Report Books for Trent House and Derwent House - 1977-198361 - Report Books for Trent House and Derwent House - 1977-1983
Expand 62 - Pocket money record - 1988-198962 - Pocket money record - 1988-1989
Expand 63 - Sanatarium patients' registers - 1948-197763 - Sanatarium patients' registers - 1948-1977
Expand 64 - Medical records - 1959-196964 - Medical records - 1959-1969
Expand 6565
65 - Old persons' home Admission, discharge and death registers - 1984-1993
65-69 - Old persons' home (in building named Derwent)
66 - Old persons' home report books
Expand 69 - Old Pupils Association69 - Old Pupils Association
Expand 70 - Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants Orphan Fund, Railway Benevolent Institution, and other items regarding fundraising and history - 1867-199070 - Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants Orphan Fund, Railway Benevolent Institution, and other items regarding fundraising and history - 1867-1990
Expand 71 - Printed items - 193271 - Printed items - 1932
Expand 72 - Visits by Queen Mother to the Orphanage - Nov 1977-Dec 197772 - Visits by Queen Mother to the Orphanage - Nov 1977-Dec 1977
Expand 73 - Histories of the orphanage - 20th cent73 - Histories of the orphanage - 20th cent
Expand 74 - Scrapbook - 1954-198074 - Scrapbook - 1954-1980
Expand 75 - Scrapbook - late 19th-20th cent75 - Scrapbook - late 19th-20th cent