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Collapse D360 - Charles Wright and Son Ltd, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Wirksworth - 1713-1966D360 - Charles Wright and Son Ltd, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Wirksworth - 1713-1966
Expand A - Corporate records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1856-1948A - Corporate records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1856-1948
Expand B - Secretarial and business papers of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1812-1952B - Secretarial and business papers of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1812-1952
Expand C - Deeds and estate papers of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1713-1962C - Deeds and estate papers of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1713-1962
Expand D - Account books and financial records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son  - 1795-1964D - Account books and financial records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son - 1795-1964
Collapse E - Ordering and travelling agent network records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1858-1944E - Ordering and travelling agent network records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1858-1944
Expand 1 - Spirits order books - 1892-19391 - Spirits order books - 1892-1939
Expand 2 - Traveller's order books, generally named according to the town at the centre of the round - 1883-19392 - Traveller's order books, generally named according to the town at the centre of the round - 1883-1939
Expand 3 - Travellers notebooks, giving details of routes and addresses - 1898-19053 - Travellers notebooks, giving details of routes and addresses - 1898-1905
Expand 4 - Small Letter books to the company's travellers and agents - 1903-19244 - Small Letter books to the company's travellers and agents - 1903-1924
Expand 5 - Travellers' account books - 1859-18845 - Travellers' account books - 1859-1884
Expand 6 - Travellers' bond books - 1900-19146 - Travellers' bond books - 1900-1914
Collapse 7 - Agreements, correspondence and related papers on the employment of commercial travellers by Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1883-19267 - Agreements, correspondence and related papers on the employment of commercial travellers by Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1883-1926
1 - Agreement between Charles Wright and Son Limited and Richard William Brownjohn of Kingston on Thames to serve as Traveller. - 28 Sep 1904
Expand 2 - Papers relating to company traveller John Langley Barry Claxton, including agreement - 1897-19042 - Papers relating to company traveller John Langley Barry Claxton, including agreement - 1897-1904
Collapse 3 - Papers relating to company traveller George W Cross - 18983 - Papers relating to company traveller George W Cross - 1898
1 - Memorandum from Norwich and London Accident and Insurance Association to Messrs Wright and Son, on papers handed to District Inspector Mr F.Hill relating to Mr Cross - 17 Jul 1893
2 - Letter from Mr Cross replying to Charles Wright on need for an advance for 3 years for £60-70. - 19 Mar 1898
3 - Carbon copy of letter from Charles Wright to Mr Cross, suggesting a loan for at 5% interest to tide him over his difficulties. - 23 Mar 1898
4 - Letter from Mr Cross to Charles Wright offering an alternative deal of 3% commission. - 25 Mar 1898
5 - Letter from George W Cross to Charles Wright estquire, on being able to work Buxton round - 29 Mar 1898
6 - Letter from GW Cross to Messrs C Wright and Son, responding to letter on chance of meeting and reporting on new accounts - 16 Apr 1898
7 - Letter from GW Cross to Messrs C Wright and Son on return of brandy - 20 Apr 1898
8 - Promissory note by George W Cross to pay Messrs Wright and Son £50 - 21 Apr 1898
9 - Correspondence between Wrights and Daniell and Sons Ltd of West Bergholt near Colchester on the appointment of George Cross. - May 1898-Oct 1898
10 - Letter from GW Cross of Colchester to Charles Wright and Son, on his appointment to work for them - 29 Oct 1898
11 - Letter from GW Cross to Charles Wright, on thanks for letter, wine and acknowledgement of debt of £11 13s.7d and changes to commission. - 3 Nov 1898
12 - Letter from GW Cross of Colchester to Charles Wright and Son, on his appointment to work for them - 12 Nov 1898
13 - Letter from GW Cross of Colchester to Charles Wright and Son, on his appointment to work for them - 5 Nov 1898
14 - Copy of prospectus of the Norwich Union Insurance Society - [late 19th cent]
15 - Copy of prospectus of The Sickness and Accident Society - [late 19th cent]
4 - Memorandum to Wrights from Mr Tom Noble of the Notts and Derbyshire Traders Association concerning a fidelity guarantee of £300 for Mr Foster - 29 Dec 1908
5 - Memorandum of agreement between Charles Wright and Son, and Arthur R Greaves, for Greaves to serve the company as a traveller - 3 Jul 1911
Expand 6 - Papers relating to company traveller and agent George W Groome - 1894-19026 - Papers relating to company traveller and agent George W Groome - 1894-1902
Expand 7 - Papers relating to company traveller Arthur Hunt, including agreement - 19077 - Papers relating to company traveller Arthur Hunt, including agreement - 1907
Expand 8 - Papers relating to company traveller William Ernest Lambert, including agreement - 19038 - Papers relating to company traveller William Ernest Lambert, including agreement - 1903
9 - Agreement between Charles Wright and Son Ltd and John Arthur Nicholson, for Nicholson to be a commercial traveller for the company - 19 Jun 1911
Expand 10 - Papers relating to company traveller George Handel North, including agreements - 190110 - Papers relating to company traveller George Handel North, including agreements - 1901
11 - Draft memorandum of agreement between Charles Wright and Son Ltd and William Henry Oram, for Oram to be a traveller for the company - 1909
12 - Agreement between Charles Wright of Wirksworth and Robert Pearce, agent, on his terms of employment - 12 Jul 1897
Expand 13 - Papers relating to company traveller Ernest Pykett, including agreement - 190813 - Papers relating to company traveller Ernest Pykett, including agreement - 1908
Expand 14 - Papers relating to company traveller James Rees, including agreements - 1898-192614 - Papers relating to company traveller James Rees, including agreements - 1898-1926
15 - Bond between Anthony Rotherham, traveller. and Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 29 Oct 1906
Expand 16 - Papers relating to company traveller Alfred Sabine - 1883-188616 - Papers relating to company traveller Alfred Sabine - 1883-1886
Expand 17 - Papers relating to company traveller George H Spink, including agreement - 1902-191717 - Papers relating to company traveller George H Spink, including agreement - 1902-1917
18 - Bond in sum of £100 between Mr Charles Starkey and Mr L.H. Starkey, grocers of Coalville, Leicestershire, and Messrs Charles and Anne Wright, in respect of their being made commission agents for the sale of wines and spirits - 2 Feb 1883
Expand 19 - Papers relating to company traveller Robert Jarvis Timms, including agreement - 190919 - Papers relating to company traveller Robert Jarvis Timms, including agreement - 1909
Expand 20 - Papers relating to company traveller William Arthur Toplis, including agreement - 190120 - Papers relating to company traveller William Arthur Toplis, including agreement - 1901
Expand 21 - Papers relating to company traveller William Torrance, including agreement - 1904-190621 - Papers relating to company traveller William Torrance, including agreement - 1904-1906
Expand 22 - Papers relating to company traveller William Wilson, including agreements - 1905-191122 - Papers relating to company traveller William Wilson, including agreements - 1905-1911
Expand 8 - Sample books - 1896-19168 - Sample books - 1896-1916
9 - Lager and beer order book - 1935- 1939
10 - Weekly call sheets for orders and associated letters - Apr 1932-Jan 1933
11 - London Midland and Scottish Railway consignment sheets of Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1930-1932
12 - Delivery and carriage notes from Rouyer, Guillet and Co. Ltd for transportation by London Midland and Scottish Railway - Jul 1944
Expand F - Stock records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1857-1953F - Stock records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1857-1953
Expand G - Advertising records and promotional material of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1878-1962G - Advertising records and promotional material of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1878-1962