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Collapse D360 - Charles Wright and Son Ltd, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Wirksworth - 1713-1966D360 - Charles Wright and Son Ltd, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Wirksworth - 1713-1966
Expand A - Corporate records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1856-1948A - Corporate records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1856-1948
Expand B - Secretarial and business papers of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1812-1952B - Secretarial and business papers of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1812-1952
Collapse C - Deeds and estate papers of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1713-1962C - Deeds and estate papers of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1713-1962
1 - Deeds for messuage in Coldwell Street, Wirksworth - 1754-1851
Expand 2 - Deeds for the Red Lion and adjoining property in Wirksworth - 1713-18362 - Deeds for the Red Lion and adjoining property in Wirksworth - 1713-1836
Collapse 3 - Leases and related documents for the Red Lion in Wirksworth - 1874-19363 - Leases and related documents for the Red Lion in Wirksworth - 1874-1936
1 - Lease by Messrs Ann and Charles Wright to Mr William Perkins, of the Red Lion Inn, Wirksworth - 16 Mar 1874
2 - Letter of notice from landlord to quit a property in Wirksworth [the Red Lion], signed by Anne Wright and Charles Wright, served to Mr William Perkins - 27 Sep 1875
3 - Lease by Anne Wright and Charles Wright to Edward Roobottom, of the Red Lion Inn in the parish of Wirksworth, - 25 Mar 1876
4 - Derbyshire County Council plan in relation to the proposed Wirksworth Bypass, showing the site of the Red Lion - Nov 1936
Collapse 5 - Papers relating to concerns over the drainage at the Red Lion, Wirksworth, involving Wirksworth Urban Sanitary Authority and Local Board - 1879-18875 - Papers relating to concerns over the drainage at the Red Lion, Wirksworth, involving Wirksworth Urban Sanitary Authority and Local Board - 1879-1887
1 - Copy of Wirksworth Local Board bye-laws, printed by George Marsden, Market Place, Wirksworth. - 1879
2 - Notice of the Wirksworth Urban Sanitary Authority under Public Health Act 1875 on the drainiage of the Red Lion - 12 Nov 1886
3 - Letter from Charles Wright to the Medical Officer, Local Board, Wirksworth. calling attention to the nuisance existing against the stables in the top yard of Red Lion Hotel - 17 Nov 1886
4 - Letter from J Broston to C Wright on proposal by Wirksworth Local Board to arbtitrate in dispute with Mr Allsop about the Red Lion - 1 Dec 1886
5 - Letter from the Wirksworth Urban Sanitary Authority to C Wright. on the alterations to the Red Lion wih regard to report on sanitary considerations - 2 Dec 1886
6 - Newspaper clipping on Wirksworth Local Board and a case of diptheria at the Red Lion Hotel relating to two manure heaps of Mr Allsop on the adjoining premises - 11 Dec 1886
7 - Letter from the Wirksworth Urban Sanitary Authority to C Wright. on the alterations to the Red Lion wih regard to sanitary considerations - 12 Mar 1887
8 - Newspaper clipping on meeting Wirksworth Local Board, including reference to the state of drains of the Red Lion - Apr 1887
9 - Letter to C Wright returning report on possible purchase of adjoining building which could be an asset to Wrights - 8 May 1887
10 - Verbatim transcript of conversation between Messrs Newton and Stone of the Wirksworth Local Board and Mr Wright, relating to drainage of the Red Lion - 14 May 1887
Expand 4 - Leases and related documents for premises called the Vaults in Coldwell Street, Wirksworth - 1873-19624 - Leases and related documents for premises called the Vaults in Coldwell Street, Wirksworth - 1873-1962
Expand 5 - Documents on the leasing of other properties by Messrs Charles Wright and Son - 1886-19055 - Documents on the leasing of other properties by Messrs Charles Wright and Son - 1886-1905
Expand 6 - Records on the licensing of premises of Messrs Charles Wright and Son - 1909-19146 - Records on the licensing of premises of Messrs Charles Wright and Son - 1909-1914
Expand 7 - Records on trust estates relating to Charles Wright and Son - 1840-19047 - Records on trust estates relating to Charles Wright and Son - 1840-1904
Expand D - Account books and financial records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son  - 1795-1964D - Account books and financial records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son - 1795-1964
Expand E - Ordering and travelling agent network records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1858-1944E - Ordering and travelling agent network records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1858-1944
Expand F - Stock records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1857-1953F - Stock records of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1857-1953
Expand G - Advertising records and promotional material of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1878-1962G - Advertising records and promotional material of Messrs Charles Wright and Son Ltd - 1878-1962