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D3580 - Longsdon family of Little Longstone - [14th-20th Cent]
C - Correspondence
CA - Index
E - Estate, general
EF - Personal Estate Papers and Accounts
FP - Personal Papers
FZ - Family papers : general
O - Office and Public Service
T - Title Deeds
X - Additional estate, family and personal papers - 20th Cent
ZF - Papers relating to families associated with the Longsdon family
1 - Covenant by Daniel Morley of Ashbourne gent., to Richard Wynt of Stepney, Middlesex yeoman and John Wynt of Middleton [by Youlgreave] schoolmaster concerning right of way to 2 farms owned by Daniel Moore over farm called Callow Croft in Edliston [Edlaston] sold by Daniel to Richard and John to indemnify against tenants' use of any way except that leading from one farm through Callow Croft close past farm and on to Clifton, and that for the other farm through Callow Croft close. 13 February 1711 - 1711
1-8 - Wynt or Wyant of Middleton by Youlgreave
2 - Copy probate will of 21 August 1726 of Anthony Wint, citizen and dyer of London leaving pecuniary legacies to near relatives including brothers John and Richard Wint. 5 September 1726 - 1726
3 - Counterpart assignment by John Wynt of Middleton, p. Youlgreave, schoolmaster, to John Holmes of Cowley Hall, p. Darley, gent., of bond in £40 of 21 May 1733, security by Joseph Bossley of Bakewell, apothecary, deceased and Thomas Bossley late of Ednser [Edensor] chandler, his warrantor, for debt of £20 payable on 21 November, 1733. Consideration £24. 5 April 1734 - 1734
4 - Probate inventory of John Wint late of Middleton [by Youlgreave], kept school, shop and warehouse, total value £772. 5d. 24 November 1737 - 1737
5 - Bond in £80 by John Holmes of Cowley Hall and Joseph Stone of Wensley, butcher, to Mary Wynt of Middleton [by Youlgreave], security for debt of £40. 7 July 1742. - 1742
6 - Schedule of Wynt deeds including reference to Morley purchase and John Wynt's marriage settlement - c.1713
7-8 - 2 grocer's bills to Mrs Wynt of Buxton - 1743
9 - Letters of ordination to diaconate by Bishop of Lincoln of John Bunting of St John's College, Cambridge, B.A., 5 June 1737 - 1737
9-21 - Bunting of Ashover
10 - Declaration of conformity with liturgy of Church of England subscribed by John Bunting before admission to curacy in parish church of Church Longton, Leicester 17 June 1739 - 1739
11 - licence as curate receiving £35 per annum - 1739
12 - Letters of ordination to priesthood - 1739
13 - licence of John Bunting, B.A., clerk, as curate of Ashover, 9 August 1739 - 1739
14 - Probate inventory of John Bunting, clerk, of Ashover, purse and apparel, an escritoire, tea table, books and bonds, total value £325. 29 August 1739 - 1739
15 - Letters of administration to Ellen Bunting, widow, relict of John Bunting late of Ashover. 31 October 1739 - 1739
16 - Assignment by Francis Bunting of Youlgreave, gent., reciting marriage between son, John Bunting, clerk, deceased and Hellen Wynt, daughter of John Wynt late of Middleton [by Youlgreave] also deceased, and death of John intestate without jointure or settlement, now assigning to Hellen his claims on any monies to which she was entitled or had any claims before marriage. 10 November 1740 - 1740
17 - Bond in £80 by Joseph Stone of Wensley, p. Darley, butcher, and John Holmes of Cowley Hall, p. Darley, to Hellen Bunting of Middleton [by Youlgreave] widow to secure debt of £40. 18 October 1742 - 1742
18-19 - Assignment by Hellen Bunting of Middleton by Youlgreave, widow, to George Norman of Winster, gent., at request of Joseph James of Winster, gent., of bond in £200 of 9 May 1741 security for debt of £100 contracted by James as security for others, on payment of £100; together with letter of 11 June 1746 from James to Mrs Bunting about assignment. 1 May 1746. - 1746
20 - Receipt by John Beech for deeds of property mortgaged in £220 by Joseph Hadfield and Jonathan James to Hellen Bunting lately deceased, with promise to return deeds to Thomas Longsden, and inventory of deeds lent. 3 March 1749/50 - 1750
21 - Letters of administration for Ellen Bunting to Thomas Longston, lawful creditor of Ellen Bunting, Catherine Wyne, widow, her mother, having renounced her right to the administration. 18 May 1750. - 1750
22 - William Finney's account book: Ashford rentals (mixture of personal and field names), 1664-1670 Notes on letting houses and rooms, on family debts, small accounts, house rentals, purchase of land, livestock, 1671-1723 Over Haddon rent, 1716 Wool accounts, 1716-1719 Note of sale of oats, 1734 Notes on servants' hirings and accounts (Land changes 1708), 1665-1747 Occasional notes on livestock and other accounts from 1723 onwards - 1664-1747
22-47 - Finney of Longstone
23 - William Finneys acquittance book: Mainly rents paid to the Wright family of Great Longstone and their agents, 1678-1711 and 1720-1749 Accounts of monies received and disbursed on behalf of Thomas Wright, 1702 Accounts with Thomas Johnson, 1731 Cavendish rent receipt, 1747 Duke of Devonshire's agent's acquittance for rent received for land in Peak Forest, 1680-1681 Other acquittances and financial memoranda, 1712-1733 - 1678-1749
24 - William Finney's diary, Partridge's Almanack, mainly financial memoranda, including overseers' accounts, notes on malting, straw sold, oats sold, and list of persons for whom oats dried 1694-1699 - 1669
25 - Thomas Finney's diary, Partridge's Almanack, mainly financial memoranda including notes on land at Ashford and Overhaddon, rents, cows, bulled etc - 1707
26 - Acquittance by Robert Ashton of Stony Middleton of rents paid to him for the Duke of Newcastle by William Finney of Little Longstone for tenement at Little Longstone from 1665-1669, paid at proper times - [? late 17th century]
27 - Copy will of 18 November 1697 of Anne Webster of Stanton, p. Youlgreave, widow, leaving pecuniary legacies £100 to Robert Ashton of Bradway esq., and 40s each to his wife and 4 daughters, Jane, Rachel, Dorothy and Joanne; £100 to Benjamin Ashton of Stony Middleton, gent., and 40s. each to his wife and 3 children Almery, Christian, and Benjamin; £40 to wife of William Finney of Longsdon, gent., 1 guinea to William and 40s each to 4 of his children, Thomas, James, William and Elizabeth; £10 to Francis Heppenstall son of William Heppenstall and £10 each to Bartholomew and Margaret Heppenstall children of Bartholomew Heppenstall; £60 to John Froggott son of Thomas Froggott to be managed and improved, to be used for his maintenance and education, remainder to be given to him at 21 yrs old, or if dead to her executrices. Other pecuniary legacies. Lands in Stony Middleton except such cottages wherein Margaret Finney is concerned to her executrices and residuary legatees Dorothy wife of Robert Ashton, Christiana wife of Benjamin Ashton and Margaret wife of William Finney in trust to sell property and pay legacies, no date. Endorsed with grant of 4 December 1730 by Hannah Jenkinson to daughter Katherine Wilson of Hassop, p. Bakewell of all goods and household stuff and chattels - [1697]
28 - Bond in £1000 by Thomas Longsdon of Little Longsdon, gent., to William Finney, elder, of Little Longsdon, gent., to observe covenants in indentures of even date [Thomas' marriage settlement] between Thomas, William and his daughter Elizabeth, and Cornelius Dickens and William Finney, the younger. 23 October 1702 - 1702
29 - Tailor's bill to Mr Finney, June 1705 - 1705
30 - Injunction by Rowland Moorewood, esq., sheriff, to John Rowbotham, bailiff against Joseph Morley for horse worth £7 claimed by William Finney. 4 August 1707 - 1707
31 - Bill of 1713 due to Henry Tomlinson - 1713
32 - Release by William Fynney of Stony Middleton, gent., to Thomas Longson and William Fynney, both of Little Longson, gent., of all actions and claims of self or late father, James Fynney. 22 October 1726. - 1726
33 - Marriage settlement between George Longstaff of Eyam, gent., and Mrs Mary Fenney of Stony Middleton, p. Hathersage, widow, and her father Thomas Longsdon of Little Longston, in view of an intended marriage between George Longstaff and Mary Fenney and the considerable portion brought by the bride, Longstaff agrees to place £1000 in hands of a trustee to be approved by Thomas to purchase real property, to be held to use of Longstaff for life, and then to use of Mary Fenney for life as jointure in bar of dower, with remainder as limited by joint appointment, failing which to heirs of their bodies, failing which to right heirs of Longstaff. If no children are living at Mary's death, she is to have power of appointment over £500. 12 July 1735 - 1735
34-35 - Note: break in numerical series due to misreading of 33 as 35
36-37 - Presentment by homage of Ashford view of frankpledge and great court baron of William Duke of Devonshire before deputy steward, Thomas Barker, that William Fynney, gent., died seized of considerable copyhold estate without making any gift. Nephew and next heir Richard Fynney admitted on doing fealty. Separate surrender by Richard Fynney of copyhold estate to uses of his will and other documents in writing. 6 May 1748 - 1748
38 - Number not used
39-40 - Accounts of Richard Fynney and Thomas Longsdon administrators of estate of Mr Fynney late of Little Longston with a list of his goods. Copy receipt for a ninth share of his personal estate. 24 April 1749. - 1749
41 - Certified copy of probate will of Richard Finney of Ashford, p. Bakewell, gent., leaving freehold and copyhold lands to wife, Margaret Finney and John Beech of Tideswell, gent., in trust for sale to pay debts and legacies; residue of real estate to daughters Elizabeth and Margaret Finney equally subject to mother's dower; if either daughter die without issue remainder to her sister; if both die in infancy without issue land equally to James Longston son of Thomas Longston of Little Longston, gent., and to William Beech son of said John Beech; £100 each to Thomas and Fawney Finney, children of Thomas and Jane Finney; £200 to William Peploe son of John and Mary Peploe of Bednall; £100 each to George and Anne Brownhill children of George and Martha Brownhill of Bakewell. Use of residue of money and personal estate to wife until youngest daughter becomes 21 yrs old, then equally between wife and daughters or the survivors of them. Probate granted 7 May 1756; copy dated 26 December 1788. - 1788
42 - Presentment of homage of Ashford view of frankpledge and great court baron of William Duke of Devonshire, Godfrey Heathcote gent., steward, of surrender and admission of 6 May 1748, and of death of Richard Finney. Margaret Finney and John Beech admitted as trustees on payment of 14s 1d fine and John Beech doing fealty. 13 May 1756 - 1756
43 - Surrender in Ashford small court baron of William Duke of Devonshire, Godfrey Heathcote steward, by William Lowe of Little Longstone, p. Tideswell, and wife Mary, of Shoe Broad Close, 2 acres and 2 rods in Ashford to use of Margaret Finney for life, then to use of her will. Margaret Finney admitted on payment of 1s. fine, and spared fealty. 16 December 1760 - 1760
44 - Sealed will of Thomas Fynney, the elder, of Ashford in the Water, yeoman, leaving £500 to daughter Fawnia Fynney charged on real estate with powers of distress; real estate to son Thomas; personal estate equally between son and daughter, each named as executor and executrix. 1 February 1768. - 1768
45 - Letter from ? James Blodworsh to Mrs Fynney on shopping for her. - 18th century
46 - Copy statement by member of Finney family: that his father and grandfather were natives of Ashford. His grandfather had a brother, William Finney who lived at the Rookery, Ashford, his own property. He married a Widow Bullock with two sons, a doctor and a clergyman whom he brought up and educated, and to whom he left all his property except an estate at Overhaddon entailed on the male heir, "my father". He believes Mrs Smither's grandfather, Mr Longstone married a Finney. Richard Finney of Stony Middleton had 2 daughters, one of whom married Dr Denman, uncle of the present Lord Denman. The other never married and never made a will thinking the estate would come to deponent's father, the last of the Finneys. It actually went to a child who came from London and whom Robert Shaw of Monsall [Monsal] Dale brought to Ashford. She married Abraham Brown who sold the estate to Dr Denman. There is said to be a Finney, a tobacconist in Leadenhall Street, London - [mid 19th century]
47 - Notes on the Fynney pedigree, claiming descent from Fenis, kinsman of William I through the Fynes of Staffordshire. James Fynney, born 2 March 1596 married Mary, daughter of Ralph White of Ashford and settled at Little Longstone. - 19th century
48 - John Gardom's ledger and cashbook - 1743-1778
48-50 - Gardom of Bakewell
49 - Copy will of 12 September 1812 of Thomas Gardom of the Cliff, p. Bakewell, gent., leaving real property to his brother John Gardom, gent., to relation and friend John Morewood of West Hallam, clerk, and son in law Alexander Crawford Broomhead, clerk, on trust to pay the profits of the real estate to wife, Mary, for life to be used for maintenance of self and children other than Elizabeth, wife of A. C. Bromehead who is already provided for. Whereas a considerable part of his personal estate is engaged in the partnership carried on at Calver Mill under the firm of Gardom and Pares he leaves his personal estate to his trustees in trust 1) to pay interest on sums owed, and 2) to pay son John Gardom during existence of present articles in said partnership so long as he continue an active manager therein £100 yearly, and 3) to use residue to meet debts not secured by mortgage and at trustees' discretion to wife for maintenance of self and chilren. Household goods to wife for life. After wife's death and payment of all debts £1000 to each child except Elizabeth, and residue between all children equally. Proved 25 April 1817 by surviving trustees Morewood and Broomhead. - c.1817
50 - Answer of James Longsdon, one of defendants to Bill of Complaint in Chancery of Alexander Crawford Bromehead and John Morewood. James admits that he with Revd John Barker and Horatio Mason is an executor of the will of George Gardom who died 22 June 1813, that they proved the will and are entitled to the share of George Gardom in the partnerhsip concern mentioned in the Bill. James denies interference in the matters mentioned in the Bill, being merely a trustee for Samuel George Gardom. He is a stranger to these matters, and claims no beneficial interest. He asks for costs and will do as the court directs. 3 June 1825 - 1825
51 - Settlement before marriage of Sydney Smithers of Ashford, gent., and Katherine Longsdon of Little Longstone, spinster, trustees George Morewood of Pancras Lane, London, merchant, and William Longsdon of Little Longstone, gent., reciting that Katherine's fortune consists in part of a bond in £1000 from her brother James Longsdon of 2 September 1822, assigned to George Morewood and William Longsdon in trust to pay interest to Sydney Smithers for life, then to Katherine for life then to children as appointed by both parents or survivor, in default of appointment equally. If no children survive to be paid at Katherine's appointment and in default of such appointment then after Sydney Smithers' death to the heirs of Katherine's estate. 4 September 1822. Endorsed with Katherine's assignment to Edward Smithers in 1860, and his receipt for principal in 1862 - 1822-1862
51-85 - Smithers of Ashford
52 - Memorandum on settlement to date of interest on K. Smithers' settlement bond for £1000 - 1838
53 - Certificate of transfer of shares in Newcastle and Berwick Railway to William Longsdon and George Morewood with Sydney Smithers' counter signature - 1846
54-70 - Correspondence between William Longsdon as trustee of Smithers' marriage settlement with brother-in-law Sydney Smithers, nephew Edward Smithers and niece Elizabeth Smithers - 1853-1864
71 - Account of William Longsdon as trustee of Mrs Smithers' settlement with Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Stock Banking Company. - 1861-1862
72 - File of correspondence of Captain E. Smithers on American railway investments - 1861-1889
73-76 - Correspondence between Revd H. J. Longsdon, Edward Smithers and J. Taylor on offer to re-sell to Longsdon trust house sold to Smithers by William Longsdon for sister on condition of being given first refusal if house re-sold - 1881
77-78 - Probate copy of will of Edward Smithers of Little Longstone with probate application - 1891
79 - List of securities left by Captain E. Smithers and owned by Mrs Mary Smithers - 1891
80 - Letter of Mrs Mary Smithers to E. M. Longsdon - [1891]
81 - Probate copy of will of Mrs Mary Smithers - 1891
82 - Mourning card, Mary Smithers - 1891
83-84 - Sale catalogue of furniture, farmstock and personal property of late Mrs Smithers. - 1892
85 - Photograph of Edward Smithers and shooting party in Monsal Dale in the 1880's, identified by E M L [Longsdon] 1938 - 1880s
86 - Account book of Peckover Hams and Co with Mary Hardcastle (client) dealing with investments, references to Crofts and Lace, endorsed Bradford - 1816-1834
86-98 - Lace of Doncaster
87 - Exercise book of Elizabeth Lace, Doncaster [Yorkshire], notes on geography, celebrated ancient sieges, Biblical history, and other subjects October 1847. - 1847
88 - Glove in which E[lizabeth] L[ace] was married - 19th century
89-94 - Lace trustees' working notes on family and division of effects - 1883-1903
95 - Newspaper cutting advertising sale of Stone Gappe estate near Lothersdale [Yorkshire] by order of trustees of late F. J. Lace, esq. - 1883
96 - Newspaper cutting advertising sale of landed estates in Sartfield in Jurby, and lands in Ballaugh and Legayre [all Isle of Man] by orders of trustees of late Revd F. J. Lace - 1898
97 - Plan of Stone Gappe estate in townships of Glusburn and Carlton [Yorkshire], by E. M. Longsdon, surveyor, Bakewell, no scale but acreages given, ? based on O.S. 1/2500 - [c. 1900]
98 - Letter from Geraldine M. Dodds to cousin Ernest [E. M. Longsdon] asking for details of Lace family trust for her father, Alfred Lace - 1936
99 - Copy will of Miss Florence Elizabeth Broomhead - 1891
99-123 - Broomhead family
100 - Schedule of securities deposited with Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Stock Banking Co. Ltd, Bakewell by Miss F. E. Broomhead of Dalserf, Paignton - 1892
101-120 - File of receipts and correspondence concerning securities in William Deacons Bank, Bakewell bank - 1907-1925
121 - Copy will of Miss F. E. Broomhead - 1921
122 - Address book of Miss F. E. Broomhead - c. 1920-1925
123 - Bank book of Miss F. E. Broomhead - April 1929 - February 1930
124 - Copy marriage settlement between Alfred Morewood, gent., and Eliza Briggs widow of Edward Briggs late of Blackburn, cotton spinner, who died intestate in June 1857 leaving 3 children by a former marriage, assigning Eliza's share as widow to trustees, William Barlow and H. J. Longsdon to pay annual produce to Eliza for life for separate use without power of anticipation with remainder of £5000 to 3 Briggs' children and such children as Eliza might have by future marriages as she appoints; failing whom £5000 as Eliza appoints or to her next of kin if unmarried. 10 September 1859. - 1859
124-172 - Morewood family
125 - Covenant by Morewood trust beneficiaries of indemnity to trustees because some investments made with the privity and sanction of Eliza Morewood are not in accordance with the trust or with the trustees' power of investment. 3 November 1884. - 1884
126-170 - Packet of Morewood trust correspondence - 1883-1905
171 - Deed of appointment by Eliza Morewood of £3000 to Briggs' daughter and £2000 for Briggs' sons, James and Edward. 23 January 1896. - 1896
172 - Morewood trust minute book quarto, board binding, paper - 1896-1904
173 - Number not used - Item Not deposited
173-183 - Chappe Cross family
174 - Mortgage in £150 by means of gift by William Brereton of Meerebrooke, Staffordshire, clerk, and wife Elizabeth to John Sidebotham of Congleton, Cheshire, yeoman, of close and parcel of ground called the Priesty Field and the Holloway in Congleton, with barn. 26 June 1691. - 1691
175 - Quitclaim by John Lawton of Newton, p. Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, yeoman, to George Booth of Hollingworth, carpenter, for 15s. of all right in three backseats belonging to the pew next adjoining the chancel in the gallery of Mottram church, sold to John's brother, Robert Lawton, deceased, by John Gibson late of Stockport, Lancashire-[and Cheshire. The township of Heaton - Norris on the north of the town was then in Lancashire], carpenter. Note: John struck out and "Lawrence Hollingworth of Hollingworth, yeoman, or one of them" substituted. 1 January 1740/1741 - 1741
176 - Agreement, reciting that Jarvis Wooley late of Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, clothier, deceased, left by his will to his five youngest children Sarah, Alice, John, Jarvis, and Jane his three sittings on the old loft or gallery in Mottram church, and that John Sidebotham, husband of Alice, Jarvis Wooley and John Wooley, sons of Jarvis Wooley deceased, have purchased the shares of Sarah and Jane, and arranging now that John Sidebotham is to have the uppermost or first seat next the pulpit, Jarvis the next, and John the third. 16 December 1769. - 1769
177-178 - Letter to Miss Cross of Coney Garth, Ripon, from John Singer of Knoll House, Frome, and wife accompanying gift of metal spray of flowers, 2 Dec - late 19th century
179 - (i) Cross family Bible, 1825 edition, with manuscript entries 1797-1917, and note on Cross vault in Bakewell cemetery; with enclosures (ii) Form of Prayer of Thanksgiving for Present Abundant Harvest, Oct. 1854 (iii-v) Form of Prayer with Thanksgiving 20 June 1897 with Hymn by Bishop of Wakefield set to music by Arthur Sullivan (By Request); and Bakewell Parish Church list of services, hymns and anthems for 20 June 1897, 60th Anniversary of Accession of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria. (vi) Form of Service in Commemoration of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, 1901 (vii) Archbishop Benson's draft memorandum defending Anglican orders printed posthumously as "The Late Archbishop's Answer to the Pope", offprint from Church Bells 2nd supplement 23 October 1896. - 19th-20th century
180 - Number not Used
181 - Memorial Booklet on Presentation of the Victoria Clock Tower to the City of Ripon by the Misses F. M. and Constance Cross to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee - 1898
182 - Margaret Cross' perpetual diary used to record Cross and allied families' births, marriages, and deaths, presented to A. E. C. Longsdon in 1926 with 3 sheets of notes on H. J. Longsdon, wife and family waiting to be copied in - [19th-20th century]
183 - Pieces of white floral silk and yellow silk, part of wedding dress of Margaret Cross nee Openshaw and of her bridesmaids' dresses 11 April 1836 - 1836
184 - Pocket book containing Swetnam papers - 1797-1829
184-366 - Goodwin and Swetnam families of Bakewell
185-190 - Letters to Miss Swettnham [Swetnam] or "my dearest sister" at Bakewell from Isle de France [Mauritius] 1836, Cape Town [South Africa] 1837, Port Louis [Mauritius] 1838, and Pamplemousses, Mauritius, 1851 - 1836-1851
191-197 - 3 files and loose papers, receipts of Humphrey Goodwin, John Goodwin and George Goodwin for Cowloe [Cowlow, Green Fairfield] and Cowloe tithe - 1742-1830
198-203 - Cookery, medical and farming recipes - 1763-1843
204-209 - Correspondence concerning proposed sale of Cowdale estate [Green Fairfield] will of John Cotterill made 13 January 1747 [father of Alice, wife of John Goodwin who died 1778 or 1779 leaving eldest son John Goodwin and other children], between John Goodwin of Buxton [grandson of Alice and nephew of her son John], and solicitor, William Brittlebank. John Goodwin of Buxton identified as "my great grandfather, F.S.G." - 1801-1814
210 - Receipt by John and William Goodwin for £550 from William Milney "in full for our right of Tithe Wooll and Lamb". - 1805
211 - Election poem, North Derbyshire, mentioning 17 persons including the newly knighted Sir William [Chambers] Bagshaw [of The Oaks, Norton]. - c.1805
212 - Goodwin cash note book dealing mainly with farming including collection of tithe of wool and lamb 1828-1829. - 1828-1830
213 - Memorandum: agreement by John Goodwin of Bakewell, stationer, to let to Isaac Ash of Cowlow, farmer, farm at Cowlow with land in Cowlow, Green Fairfield, and Waterswallows [Green Fairfield], 17 November 1828. - 1828
214 - Letter from James [M.] at Bakewell to Mr Goodwin at St Ann's Hotel, Buxton, with plan, coloured, and survey of Mr James Mackrell's estate at Flaxgate Wall, Wormhill, to be sold on Monday next at Tideswell, 4 July - 6. - [1836]
215 - Bank book of J. Goodwin of Bakewell with James Taylor [banker of Bakewell]. - 1836-1850
216 - Statement of account for year 1838, Chesterfield and Hernstone Lane Head Turnpike Trust. - 1839
217 - Confectioner's bill for wedding cake, Harrison and Co., 130 Deansgate, Manchester, to Mr Goodwin, Bakewell - 1839
218-227 - Goodwin family correspondence including letters from George and Robert at Pig Tor [Green Fairfield]. Includes: D3580/ZF218 Letter from J. E. Clarke to John Goodwin, formerly fellow employee in London of John Wesley Clarke, printer in St John's Square in 1820's, with news of members of Clarke family and other employees, some now in newspapers, including Daniel Gogarty a former compositor, now a travelling preacher with Wesleyan Methodists in Ceylon for nearly 20 years. His brother George Gogarty, a former compositor but not a Clarke employee, now a minister with the Independents. 1843 - 1843-1892
228-229 - Rough estimate of cost of new house at Cowlow with copy particulars of actual cost of house on Upper House Farm, Cowlow. - 1845
230 - Memorandum: apprenticeship of John Goodwin son of John Goodwin of Bakewell to Messrs Strafford and Hanson of Liverpool, brokers. - 1857
231 - Sale catalogue: messuages, farm buildings and 200 acres in township of Green Fairfield; auctioneer Mr John Brittain, sale 20 October. - 1859
232 - Funeral card for Robert Goodwin of Pig Tor. - 1862
233 - Bill for purchase of dinner service for 24 (including 72 plates, 24 soup plates, 24 muffin plates etc) from Liddle Elliot and Son, Dale Hall Pottery, Longport. - 1864
234 - Counterpart lease for 14 years by Emma Sarah Goodwin of Aylestone Hill, Hereford, to Joseph Cocksey Lee of Manchester, merchant, of Pictor House and 60 acres land at £198 yearly rent, 24 April 1876. - 1876
235 - Bill for pictures. - 1895
236 - Bill for chest and plate. - 1897
237 - Bank book of Miss M. R. S. Goodwin with William Deacons Bank, Ltd., Bakewell - 1912-1919
238-252 - Correspondence of Frank Swettenham [Swetnam] Goodwin, mainly isolated letters but including correspondence with nephew Jack, and a copy file on Goodwin's financing of claimed invention by James Brightmore of Tideswell, stone mason, of new process for manufacturing synthetic nitrates. - 1911-1930
253-366 - Correspondence of executors of F. S. Goodwin with solicitor, agents, valuers, etc., including D3580/ZF313-315 Papers in case between executors of F. S. Goodwin and James Brightmore. 1931 And inventories and sale catalogues of: D3580/ZF354-357 silver bought at Mr Parker's sale in 1883 belong to F. G. S. 20c. D3580/ZF358 household furniture of headmaster of Lady Manners School [Bakewell]. 1930 D3580/ZF359-362 Bridge house, Bakewell, and contents. 1930 D3580/ZF363-364 Cowdale Quary [Green Fairfield] with detailed report up to valuation of quarry 1932 D3580/ZF365 other property. 20c. D3580/ZF366 photograph of chest no date. - 1930-1938
ZL - Legal Miscellanea
ZP - Longsdon family history papers
ZZ - Miscellaneous papers
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