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D3580 - Longsdon family of Little Longstone - [14th-20th Cent]
C - Correspondence
CA - Index
E - Estate, general
1 - Bill for Thomas Longsdon's share of Commissioners' expenses for Ashford enclosure - 1767
1-27 - Enclosure, Ashford, Little Longsdon
2 - Letter from Anthony Maynard Lax to Thomas Longsdon on possible enclosure of Little Longstone, requesting copy of an assessment and as particular an account as possible of each proprietor's property - 1767
3 - Statement by Robert Shaw aged 71 (died about 1795 aged 71) (died about 1795 aged 88): that Robert Shaw's father died about 23 years ago, that he lived with Thomas Longsdon as shepherd for 45 years [erasures] 1735 altered to 1745, that he regularly gathered his employer's sheep on Great Longstone common, and that the same flocks were regularly gathered there before Robert Shaw became shepherd with Longsdon; that the deponent often assisted his father and that he understood that 10 score of sheepgates had been given to the Longsdon family by the Countess of Shrewsbury - [c.1778]
4 - Statement by George Tomlinson, aged 82: that he was born in Longsdon and when he was 19 he came to live as servant with Mr Thomas Longsdon as his shepherd. Mr Longsdon generally kept our 200 sheep and turned them on Great Longsdon Common with his gathering place at Beasteats near Wardlow Townend in township of Great Longsdon. He heard the late Mr Longsdon say that he had a right to a number of sheepgates on Great Longsdon Common but cannot remember the number. He never heard of anyone impounding Mr Longsdon's sheep - 1810
5-6 - Notes on exchange of land between Countess of Shrewsbury and Stephen Longsdon and Anthony Longsdon, regarding 10 score sheep on Great Longston common and arguments for allotment thereon × Extract from notes
7-8 - Accounts of acres of land on Great Longstone, Wardlow and Little Longstone commons and hays
9 - Copy-joint letter from R[obert] Wright [of Great Longstone] and J[ames] Longsdon to representative or agent of Duke of Devonshire, reminding him of conversation between him and James Longsdon when in London, about inclosing Little Longstone Common, reporting favourable conversations with local proprietors, and Wright's discovery of an old map and survey of Little Longstone Common, of which 506 acres enclosed, 324 acres common, and 119 acres pasture called the Hay, stinted at 58 beasts Mr Milnes, lessee of tithe of wool and lambs, say that Dean and Chapter of Lichfield will expect land in lieu. Proprietors thought likely to come to £30 or £40, reference to Duke's share. Survey dated 1611 by Senior can be sent to London
10 - Act for inclosing lands in townships of Great Longstone, Little Longstone and Wardlow Hay, 50 George III - 1810
11-12 - Statement to Commissioners at Edensor of land and houses claimed by James Longsdon in Little Longstone - 1817
13 - Assignment by James Longsdon's interest in enclosure to son, James Longsdon, on condition that he pays the expenses - 1819
14-16 - Correspondence between Helen Morewood at Newington Green, and James Longsdon at Ashford discussing her new allotment on Longstone Common, cost of enclosure, cost of fencing, arrangements for letting or exchanging - 1820-1821
17 - Certified extract from inrollment of inclosure award for Great Longstone, Little Longstone and Wardlow giving land alloted to James Longsdon in Little Longstone, 206 cottage and garden 7 perches, 205 Croft 3 roods [rods] 27 perches, 207 Cowhay 5 acres 20 perches, 208 Flash 2 roods 26 perches, 211 Meadow 3 acres 2 roods 13 perches, 212 Meadow 3 acres 1 rood 3 perches, 209 New Close 2 acres 2 roods, exchanged by Duke of Devonshire for 263 Howley 2 acres 3 roods 26 perches, 262 House and garden 1 rood 7 perches, 261 Nether Green Croft 1 acre 2 roods 32 perches, 260 Croft 36 perches, 259 Upper Green Croft 1 acre 1 rood 15 perches, 258 Ellis Ley 3 acres 1 rood 17 perches, 257 Gressbrook Close 1 acre 3 roods 3 perches, 203 Butts Cottage and croft 1 rood 16 perches, 226 In Greenhill 2 roods 8 perches, all in Little Longstone, and 40 house and croft 3 roods 39 perches in Wardlow - 1824
18 - Account of timber on lands exchanged between Duke of Devonshire and James Longsdon - 1822
19 - List of various allotments and fencing lengths of Great Longstone and Little Longstone commons - 1825
20-23 - Draft letter, bill and observations on discrepancies between expected and actual cost of inclosure: letter relates to proposed visit by [John] Charge, Commissioners to produce day book and other accounts, Mr Cheek willing to produce papers to make extracts. Everybody satisfied with arrangements - 1825-1826
24-26 - Correspondence between E M Longsdon and Clerk of County Council on E M Longsdon's gift of enclosure act - 1934
27 - Typescript copy of case of proprietors of estates in Great Longstone and Wardlow in manor of Ashford with respect to intended inclosure of manor of Monyash
28-31 - Little Longstone land tax assessments: 1736, 1809, 1869/70, 1878 - 1736-1878
28-77 - Land Tax, Little Longstone
32-35 - Certificate of contract for redemption of land tax with covering letter and certificates of registration of exoneration - 1799
36 - Letter on replacing money sold out for redemption of land tax and purchase of lottery ticket - 1799
37-38 - Correspondence on belated claiming of 1799 contract from Land Tax Register Department - 1819
39 - Instructions for redemption of Land Tax with forms of declarations - [1820s]
40 - Blank form of certificate of amount of Land Tax - [19th century]
41 - William Longsdon's working notes on Land Tax - 1871-1872
42-44 - Notes on Land Tax to be redeemed - 1897
45-46 - Letter concerning redemption of Land Tax and abstract of certificate of contract - 1900
47-68 - Correspondence concerning redemptions of Land Tax on Longsdon property in 1799, 1812 and 1864, with certified copy of redemption in 1799, and claim that Land Tax is being paid on property for which it has been redeemed, with plan (paper, coloured) annotated "Tax then adjusted", and with schedules and working notes - 1904-1905
69-71 - Certificate of contract for redemption with plan and covering letter - 1925
72-77 - Further correspondence on Land Tax assessments and redemptions, with plans of property charged with Land Tax - 1925-1927
78-79 - Lists of tithes for Little Longstone - 1695-1696
78-114 - Tithes - Little Longstone
80 - Draft letter by Ann Longsdon to Lord Newburgh on her loss on tithes of Little Longstone of which each holds a moiety but of which over half is paid to him [circa, 1837]; - [c. 1837]
81 - Draft letter of 11 Jun 1838 by Ann Longsdon to Lord Newburgh giving summary return of tithes, 1831-1837 - 1838
82-83 - Draft and copy letters by Ann Longsdon to Dean and Chapter of Lichfield on tithe commutation in Little Longstone, 1838 - 1838
84 - Letter by William Longsdon to Ann Longsdon on acreage and value of Little Longstone and Monsall dale with notes on practice of valuation 1838 - 1838
85 - William Longsdon's "Copy from tithe commutation award for Little Longstone", with summaries and annotations - [late 19th century]
86-90 - William Longsdon's copy of tithe rent charge apportionment with some summary entries, but full entries for own land and annotations concerning his tenants; together with his small Tithe Book, being particulars of tithe on estate payable to Dean and Chapter of Lichfield Cathedral with occupiers of plots pencilled in; and two letters from James Furness of Great Hucklow to William Longsdon: 1) 23 Jan 1872, promising to let William Longsdon know when he is coming, and to bring tithe apportionment with him; and 2) 5 Feb 1872, enclosing copy of tithe award as far as concerns William Longsdon's property, and advising him to fill in the tenants shares as he knows what fields each owns - 1872
91-97 - Sheets of William Longsdon's working note, with account of tithes chargeable to self and tenants, worked out by occupiers only; and fair sheet of full tithe description for occupiers of William Longsdon's property - 1872
98-99 - Copy of tithe rent charge apportionment, and second annotated copy - [late 19th century]
100-114 - File on tithe rentcharge redemption, with summary copies and loose papers - 1928-1961
115-116 - Rentals of arrears: 1673, 1679 - 1673-1679
115-286 - Estate papers prior to William Longsdon
117 - Rentals - 1682
118 - Letter from R Freeman, legal adviser to Mr John Beech, attorney at law, forwarded to Mr Thomas Longston at Little Longstone on Thomas' opposition to mining, asking if any court baron has been held for Little Longstone as a private manor within living memory, who claims the lordship and what power he has exercised. If no court baron has been held, Little Longstone is a manor in reputation but not in reality. If so Thomas must rely on his estate being particularly exempted from the mineral custom generally prevailing within the King's Field by virtue of old deeds and his constant opposition to miners working on his ground. Freeman does not advise actions of trespass but rather acting on the defensive - [late 17th century]
119 - An account of land lying in Great Longstone [mainly 1 and 2 rood [rod] strips in furlongs, and 1 acre of armay meddow] - [early 18th century]
120 - Note of "weels" measuring between 23 perches and 3 roods [rods] 10 perches - [18th century]
121 - Estimate for new building, including dairy and chimney piece, and for alterations in farm house in stitting-room, kitchen and 2 chambers, £140 [?Little Longstone Hall]
122 - Details of stones for chimney pieces, jams, mantels, water table cornice, with sketch of semi circular [?ornamental] stone - 1786
123 - Engagement by David Bagshaw and Richard Naylor, purchasers from James Longsdon and Thomas Fynney of Cook Wood, that trees will be felled, in workman like manner without damage to standing timber, in spring and summer of 1789; "bramell" to be cleared off ground by Michaelmas 1789 Price £50 - 1789
124 - Letter to agent of Duke of Devonshire asking for the tenancy of Naylor's farm in Little Longstone, if Naylor should surrender it; the land was originally Longsdon property until exchanged with the Countess of Shrewsbury - 1792
125-151 - Letter, surveys, and financial memoranda relating to J T Wright's repudiation of lease of 1796 by father [Robert] Wright to James Longsdon made in part payment of Robert's debt of James, and J T Wright's offer to sell part of Wright estate in Little Longstone, including: D3580/E149 Letter by J T Wright to James Longsdon concerning report by Mr Nuttall that William Wager has opened a mine in Great Longstone Dale, and asking advice on proper steps to take, 1811 - 1807-1815
152-154 - Letters on further possible sales to James Longsdon by Colonel [J T] Wright - 1816
154 - Particulars from the late Mr Wright of the farm James Longsdon holds - [early 19th century]
155 - Extract from survey of J T Wright's estate listing land in Little Longstone - [early 19th century]
156 - "Present yearly rent of Col Wright's estate in Little Longsdon as valued in farms by my Uncle John" - [early 19th century]
157 - Surveyed and valuation of Colonel Wright's land occupied by James Longsdon - [early 19th century]
158 - Map: "Survey of parcel of land at Little Longstone purchased by James Longsdon of J T Wright"; ink, no scale, surveyor P Potter - 1808
159 - Survey and price of land purchased by Colonel Wright - [early 19th century]
160 - Survey of lands held under Duke of Devonshire and John Thomas Wright, surveyor, R Cooke - 1814
161-169 - Memorandum and statements of account between James Longsdon and Colonel Wright, including: D3580/E162 Note on separate purchases about 1808 by James Gregory and James Longsdon of part of farm late in possession of Mr Longsdon, with notes on land tax and rates D3580/E163 James Gregory's note on entry into Smithy field in 1808 - 1808-1815
170 - Note on estate in Little Longstone not subject to J T Wright's marriage settlement - [early 19th century]
171-172 - Note of measurement of William Gregory's land in Standel [?Standhill, Great Longstone] sold to Mr Longsdon, and sketch
173 - Copy application by James Longsdon, junior, to James Abercrombie, agent of Duke of Devonshire asking for tenancy of farm lately held by Robert Needham of Ashford and surrendered at Lady Day last, or of any other land, referring Abercombie to any of his respectable neighbours for enquiries concerning his character and agricultural knowledge - 1817
174-176 - Valuations of fixtures in James Longsdon's late residence in Ashford, of which tenancy surrendered, Lady Day - 1817
177 - Terrier of land in Ashford tenanted by James Longsdon [junior] from Lady Day - 1818
178 - Valuation [?rating assessment] of land in Little Longstone - 1819
179 - Pain of jurors at Ashford Great Court Baron on James Longsdon, requiring his to make good fence between his premises and William Flint's close at Great Close - 1820
180 - Statement of lands purchased by the late Mr Longsdon [James Longsdon, senior] - [1820s]
181-184 - Copies of probate of will of James Longsdon, senior - [1820s
185 - Inventory of household furniture of James Longsdon, senior - 1822
186 - Note of purchase of house in Little Longsdon [Longstone] by James Longsdon from William Smith of London, grandon of late Thomas Gregory of Little Longsdon, and purchase of adjoining house by Martha Furness from Thomas Gregory of Darley Dale, with further note that James Longsdon in repairing house had laid timber on gable end of house belonging to Furness as has been done before and put same in good repair again. Furness is to have the same liberty at any time to repair or raise the house 9 Mar 1825 - 1825
187 - Notice of Duke of Devonshire's agent to James Longsdon to quit farm in Ashford by Lady Day 1826, Sep - 1825
188 - Particulars of rent in Little Longstone and Great Longstone with a rough sketch of tithes - [early 19th century]
189-190 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Copy wills - c.1827
191-194 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Cases with opinions, draft and copy, on tithe to estate - 1828
195-196 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Stamp Office probate account and memorandum (Johnson and Taylor, Receivers for Legacy Duty in Bakewell) - 1832
197 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Executors' cash account - 1827
198 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: List of farm chattels liable to, and exempt from, duty - [1827]
199-203 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Bonds by James Longsdon - 1822-1828
204-227 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Notes of hand and related papers - 1808-1827
228-231 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Papers on repayment of mortgage - 1826-1828
232-236 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Lists of creditors, bills and assets - 1827-1828
237-242 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Handbills, annotated, advertising sales of land and stock - 1827-1828
243-264 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Valuations, summary terriers, and rough valuations, with memoranda on William Longsdon's proposals including particulars of his purchase and calculation of price - 1826-1829
265-275 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Trustees' correspondence with William Longsdon on proposed purchase, and notes on the settlement of the estates of James Longsdon, senior, and James Longsdon, junior - 1827-1828
276 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Draft letter by Ann Longsdon [widow of James Longsdon, junior] claiming on behalf of son, Henry John Longsdon, sittings in church which belonged to his father and not amongst those specified to be handed over to William Longsdon. Ann and her son have nowhere to sit - [c.1820]
277-284 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Trustees' correspondence - 1835-1836
285 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: Notice to Mrs Longsdon of surrender of tenancy - 1837
286 - Papers in settlement of estate of James Longsdon the younger: William Longsdon's letter to trustees of late John Barker requiring delivery of papers relating to the estates of his father and brother, James Longsdon, senior, and James Longsdon, junior - 1853
287 - Plan of William Longsdon's land at Wardlow, with notes on letting to James Eley, 25 Mar 1807 - 1807
287-366 - William Longsdon, estate papers
288 - Survey and rate book for Little Longstone copied by William Longsdon for his own use - 1835
289 - "Old rate book", William Longsdon's copy giving owners, occupiers, field names, area value, and notes on redemption of Land Tax (owners include W H Wright, therefore post 1838) - [mid 19th century]
290 - Measure of land belonging to William Longsdon surveyed by F Parker - 1840
291 - Extracts from inclosure award giving plot boundaries, undated-1849 - [early 19th cent]-1849
292 - Sketch plan of part of estate belonging to William Longsdon [Park Meadow, Barnland, Barnland Pingle, Cock and Garden] - 1861
294-295 - Notes on debts of father, James Longsdon, for settlement of estate - 1822-1833
296-306 - Folder of accounts between William Longsdon, Sydney Smithers, solicitors, and agents, for William's purchase of main estate - 1827-1829
307-310 - Specifications, accounts, and bills for work on house and for equipment bought - 1829-1830
311-316 - Schedules of, and memoranda on deeds of main estate held by solicitors - 1829-1861
317 - Letter by J W Harrison to Anthony Hallows about William Longsdon's suggestion of a sough to drain turnpike, owners, turnpike and parish dividing cost - 1841
318 - Statement of expenses incurred in making fence and enlarging garden at Grotton Cottage - 1843
319 - Request from and consent by proprietors and occupiers of property in township of Little Longstone for draining and filling in pool of stagnant water in Little Longstone, accompanied by medical opinion - 1849
320 - Specifications for draining and filling up part of pond in Little Longstone to make turnpike road - [?1849]
321 - Copy letter from William Longsdon to T E Wheatley arguing strongly in favour of proposed widening of road, referring to widenings made by William in past at his own expense and rebutting suggestions that he is enclosing public property to benefit himself, referring also to his draining of the mere and purchase and installation of a pump costing £15 for use by the village - 1856
322 - Letter to the Sun Fire Insurance Company, Manchester, changing the values of house and goods insured - 1856
323-329 - Memoranda and agreement, with plan, by William Longsdon on letting land to Charles Young - 1849-1874
329-331 - Agreement for sale of Grotto Cottage by William Longsdon to newphew, Edward Smithers, for £625, with Smither's letter promising William option to repurchase at same price plus cost of improvements, not to mortgage, and to give mother undisturbed possession as long as she wishes to live there - 1859
332-333 - Agreement by William Longsdon to surrender Edward Smithers tenancy of farm, 32 acres rented from Duke of Devonshire £52 4s. yearly rent including tithes, Smithers to surrender tenancy, with consent of Duke's agent first obtained, to anyone who may occupy William's house and wish to rent farm; Smithers to take into his employment William Pidcock, senior, at 10s. minimum weekly wage. Further agreement by William to let Backside Square Leys, Long Leys, and Croft, 20 acres, and 2 cowsheds for £48 yearly rent, terminable by 6 months notice prior to Lady Day; Penalty for ploughing £5 an acre yearly; Stable at £1 yearly rent; manure to be returned to land; hay not to be sold; William reserves right of way, and access to cut and plant timber - 1861
334 - Letter by William Longsdon to A G Cottingham, Duke of Devonshire's agent, reporting surrender already sanctioned, and requesting approval of arrangements; land clean and all in grass; 2 meres made; fence recently repaired; 2 acres drained - 1861
335 - Memorandum of agreement by William Longsdon to let land to George Eyre from Lady Day 1862 - [1862]
336 - Agreement by William Longsdon to let cottage to John Hollingsworth at quarterly rent of £1 2s 6d., on month's notice - 1869
337 - Copy letter to Henry John Longsdon on William Longsdon's arrangements with Edward Smithers to rent Smithers William's house and about 20 acres land after William's death, £75 yearly rent for house and garden, rent for land fixed by executors - 1874
338-339 - Draft and copy letter to Edward Smithers on arrangements for renting and rating Duke of Devonshire's farm normally held by occupant of Little Longstone Hall - 1874
340-341 - Letter accompanying formal notice to quit to keep tenants unaffected by Agricultural Act - 1875
342-352 - Memoranda on land, buildings and cottages, area, tenure and rents, with memorandum and copy memorandum on fences surrounding William Longsdon's land of 25 March 1871 based on memorandum of 1860 - 1871-1874
353-354 - Summary statement of stock, debts, and assets on hand - 1873-1874
355 - Memorandum on American railway shares and bonds owned by William Longsdon with notes on yield and value - 1873-1874
356 - Sale catalogue, furniture, glass, china, earthenware, carriages, harness, etc - 1876
357 - Details of highway extent - 1864-1865
358-359 - Notes on rates of parts of William Longsdon's property
360 - Memorandum on ownership and rating in Little Longstone
361 - Valuation of rateable property in townships of parish of Bakewell
362-364 - Note on produce of rates in Great Longstone, Little Longstone, Wardlow and Brushfield
365 - Copy letter to "My Lord" [?Duke of Devonshire] on damage to fences by hunt followers as opposed to hunt, objecting to proposal to put up additional bridle gates as leading to rapid establishment of fresh foot paths
366 - Cutting from Daily News on Great Western Railway of Canada - 5 Jul 1855
367-444 - File on funeral, probate, estate duties and payment of initial legacies, with details of funeral arrangements, copy probate, epitomes of will, and 3 cases on legacies and duty - 1876-1880
367-1429 - William Longsdon's Trust
445 - "Note book for H.J. Longsdon and executors to examine": memoranda on cottage rents, American Railway holdings, outbuildings, outgoings, stock assets, main tenancies, addresses, letters, debts owing, papers etc. - 1872-1875
446 - William Longsdon's memorandum book: detailed memoranda: personal, business, household and estate stock taking, and summary letters; with notes by executors - 1874-1876
447 - Entry book, epitome and copy will with notes, memoranda on later manuscripts - 1876-1900
448-944 - Correspondence between Henry John Longsdon, fellow trustees, member of family, and professional advisers - 1876-1903
945-992 - Solicitors' files: bundles of trustees' minutes and solicitors' memoranda, with lists of securities, valuations of estate, draft schedule of deeds and epitomes, general statement of 1886 at close of first stage of trust to benefit Charles J Longsdon, and draft memorandum on activities of trust in 1890's - 1876-1900
993-1105 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: First packet labelled "Better be preserved" and "Do not destroy" - 1883-1900
994-1048 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: Correspondence between H.J. Longsdon, John Taylor, trustee, and Herbert Brooke Taylor, solicitor - 1883-1894
1049-1054 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: Correspondence between John Taylor and H B Taylor - 1886-1891
1055-1058 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: John Taylor's miscellanea - 1887
1059-1074 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: Correspondence between Ernest Morewood Longsdon, agent, and John Taylor - 1891-1897
1075-1104 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: Correspondence incident to John Taylor's staightening up of business after death of H.J. Longsdon - 1900
1106-1117 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: Correspondence with Sheffield and Rotherham Bank - 1886-1887
1118-1131 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: Correspondence between John Taylor and Midland Railway - 1887
1146-1162 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: Correspondence with Leeds and County Bank, later London and Midland Bank - 1887-1897
1163-1170 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: Sale of Midland Railway - 1883
1171-1188 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: Correspondence with Messrs Robert Benson and Co, agents for Pennsylvania Railroad - 1887-1895
1189-1208 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: Sale of American Railway shares - 1895-1896
1189-1234 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: Third packet
1209-1234 - Solicitors' files: correspondence: Railway divideded warrants and related papers - 1876-1886
1235 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Agrement on repairs to main dwelling house - 1876
1236 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Wheatley purchase - 1876
1238 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Lace re-assigment of mortgage - 1876
1239 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: H.J. Longsdon's release of money due on two securities - 1876
1240-1241 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: H.J Longsdon's appointment of jointure - 1876
1242 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Hawley farm lease - 1877
1243 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Orr farm lease - 1877
1244-1249 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Goodwin mortgage - 1877
1250-1260 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Millington quarry lease - 1882
1261 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Hall farm lease - 1883
1262 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Goodwin reconveyance - 1885
1263 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Ashton right of way easement - 1891
1264-1294 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: - 1891
1295 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Henry Crofts Longsdon's appointment of jointure to wife, Annie Thorncroft - 1892
1296-1340 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Keighley: Ferrand - Kidd - Longsdon sale - 1892-1893
1341-1393 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Castleton purchase, and sale of railway bonds - 1895-1897
1394 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Hadfield tenancy - 1896
1395-1408 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Devonshire purchase by H.J. Longsdon privately - 1898
1409 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Nuttall sale - 1899
1410-1414 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: - 1899
1421 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Taylor, lease of manor house - 1900
1422 - Solicitors' files, bundles, packets of draft deeds and related papers: Doxey quarry lease - 1900
1423-1429 - Sale catalogue, freehold sporting estate, 224 acres, accommodation land and building site in Great Longstone, Little Longstone and Overhaddon, with house and garden at Stoney Middleton; auctioneer J.H. Field at Devonshire Arms Hotel, Ashford, 7 November 1889; with correspondence on possibility of buying parts adjoining trust estate. - 1889
1430 - Letters of administration on death of mother, Anne Longsdon of Longstone - 1844
1430-1607 - The Revd. Henry John Longsdon
1431-1436 - North Laxey Mining Co., Ltd., call receipts and share certificates - 1860-1864
1442-1540 - Papers relating to bantruptcy of Barneds Banking Co., calls on shareholders, H.J. Longsdon's liability both for own shares and shares sold to a broker who used an infant as nominal purchaser, and H.J. Longsdon's projected suit for libel against - 1866-1871
1541-1542 - Memorandum scheduling property in Great Longstone, subject to trust of William Londsdon's [Longsdon's] will. with plan of main estate, O.S. 1/2500 tracing - 1883
1543-1547 - Copy notices by Revd John William Lace of Pill, Somerset, clerk, and others to Scottish Widows Fund and Life Assurance Society of assignment to them under mortgage of 18 April 1885 of policies of assurance of H.J. Longsdon and Henry Crofts Longsdon; and to trustees of Longsdon settled estate concerning their life interests; with notice and copy notice to trustees authorising them to account to H. J. Longsdon until further notice - 1885
1545-1549 - Notice of charge by Emma Sarah Goodwin on H.J, Longsdon's interest in trust estate, 1877, returned by trust to him on discharge of debt. - 1885
1550 - Memorandum on trustees agreement with Joseph Nuttall of Little Longstone, carpenter, to block north west window overlooking trust property
1555-1557 - Correspondence on projected purchase of furnishings in cottage vacated by Mrs March, with detailed list and rough valuation - 1886
1555-1559 - Covering letter for bill for new cowhouse, with bill for mending pump - 1888
1560 - Draft agreement between H.J. Longsdon by E, M Longston, agent, and David Ashton of Little Longstone, farmer, exchangine shooting rights in 2 fields tenanted by Ashton for right of way across Longsdon property, each to pay the other 1d yearly rent, agreement determinable on 6 months notice, death of either party, or determination of Ashton's tenancy - 1891
1561-1566 - Solicitor's bills for purchase of property - 1891
1567 - Longstone estate rental receipt and disbursement accounts - 1891-1893
1568 - Note of charge on assurance policy on life of H J Longsdon - 1891
1569 - Epitome of informal will later cancelled - 1896
1570-1576 - Letters on parish pump supplied by William Longsdon - 1896
1572 - Copy contract plan of land proposed to be purchased by trust at Castleton - 1896
1573 - Transfer by Georgina Douglas Lace of Bath, widow, to H J Longsdon and F D Longsdon, his wife, of policy assigned to trustee of their wedding settlement - 1897
1574-1576 - Solicitor's letter on transfer of securities together with bills for purchase of land - 1897-1899
1578-1579 - Letter from H C Longsdon at Phoenix Foundry, Keighley, Yorkshire, to parents concerning state of capital account between self and father - 1898-1899
1580-1607 - Probate of will of Revd H J Longsdon of 19 Jun 1876, whole private estate to wife and £75 annual charge on settled estate, 21 Feb 1900; valuation of settled estate with rental and deductions 1899; papers on estate duty etc - 1900
1608-1624 - Assurance policy receipts 1883-1900, with correspondence on realising policies and taking out a new one, 1901 - 1883-1901
1608-1641 - Henry Crofts Longsdon
1625 - Appointment of jointure rentcharge on £75 yearly by H C Longsdon to wife Annie, subject to prior charge by father to mother - 1892
1626 - Prospectus for W Summerscales and Sons., Ltd, Keighley, Yorkshire including Phoenix Foundry, H C Longsdon, Managing Director - 1898
1627 - Draft lease to Henry and John Doxey trading as Doxey Bros., Quarry Proprietors, of beds of chert on settled estate - 1900
1628 - File of solicitors' notes on financial position of H C Longsdon - 1902-1903
1629 - Draft sale plan of Castleton property to be sold by auction at Castle Hotel, Castleton, George Elliott, auctioneer, F and H Taylor, Solicitors, Bakewell, and E M Longsdon - 1907
1630 - Counterpart lease to E M Longsdon of stables and garden - 1907
1631 - Bank book of H C Longsdon's agent, E M Longsdon - 1908-1909
1632-1638 - Plan, specification, estimate and bills for work on Parry's and Slack's cottages - 1914
1639 - Detailed survey and valuation of property at Little Longstone belonging to H C Longsdon and H S Longsdon by George F Barnes, valuer, of Chesterfield - 1920
1640 - Statement of extent of H C Longsdon's property in Little Longstone, with rental and outgoings, 1917-1922 - 1922
1641 - Application for certificate of payment of estate duty in connection with death of A C Longsdon late of 14 Belmont Street, Southport, on 7 Apr 1922 - 1924
1642 - Draft transfer of mortgage of £100 by Lucy Ann Percival and trustee, mortgages, and George Critchlow, mortgagor, to E M Longsdon of Bakewell, architect and surveyor - 1896
1642-1738 - Ernest Morewood Longsdon
1643 - Way leave by agent of Duke of Devonshire for E M Longsdon on foot across Duke's fields 250 and 278 during Duke's pleasure - 1901
1644 - Draft valuation be E M Longsdon of Longstone property - 1920
1645 - Correspondence on building lease for 99 years to Mr H Goodwin - 1925
1646 - Correspondence on attempted purchase of field in Chirt Pit Lane off Scratter - 1928-1940
1647 - Letter from Chatsworth Estate Agent on walling above Chirt Pit Lane - 1932
1648 - Correspondence with G H Wood on sub-letting to James Bacon, retaining right to rearrange fields, together with correspondence on land adjoining Pack Horse Inn - 1932
1649 - Bill for 3,600 trees, sycamore, spruce, Scots pine and Corsican pine - 1933
1650 - "Bacons Cowshed": Bakewell Rural District printed memorandum on Dairies and Cowsheds under Milk and Dairies (Consolidation) Act 1915, Milk and Dairies Amendment Act 1916, Milk and Dairies Order 1926. Standard of Administration - 1931
1651 - "Bacons Cowshed": Plan for cowhouses and hay barn at Haddon Moor on Lord Kerr's estate, by E M Longsdon - 1908
1652-1668 - "Bacons Cowshed": Plan, with notice of approval by Bakewell R.D.C., of Bacon's cow-shed - 1933
1669 - "Bacons Cowshed": Exercise book with notes on Bacon's building, drainage, and alteration of Oldfield's cowhouses - 1933-1940
1670-1674 - "Bacons Cowshed": Correspondence and preliminary quantities for alterations to Oldfield's cowhouses - 1933-1938
1672-1681 - Correspondence on registration of houses decontrolled under Rent Registration Act, on Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act 1938, and re-control of certain classes of houses - 1933-1939
1682 - Correspondence with H M Office of Works and Clerk of the County Council on preservation of village stocks, and contruction of recess open to road on Longsdon land to hold them, allowing public way leave as long as the stocks stand there - 1934
1683-1886 - Estate Duty Office request for particulars of property purchased from Serlo Longsdon - 1934
1687-1691 - Correspondence on purchase of 10½ acres of land at Wardlow from Mr & Mrs Birley - 1935
1692 - Letter on lease of Little Longstone Social Institute - 1935
1693 - Sale catalogue, Holly Tree House in Little Longstone and Ashford, and 19 acres, 2 rods and 12 perches of land; Queens Arms Hotel, Bakewell, 25 May; solicitors Messrs Brooke Taylor and Co., Bakewell, and Messrs Bennet, Brooke Taylor & Co., Buxton: auctioneers Messrs Marchant Brooks and Co., Bakewell and Martlock. Notes on prices - 1936
1694-1707 - Correspondence with Mrs Chettle Shaw of Brighton on sale of Shaw property to Mrs E H Arning - 1937
1708 - Wayleave for G.P.O Telegraphs - 1937
1709 - File:- correspondence with Inspectorate of Mines and Bakewell R D C on fencing old mine shafts - 1938
1710-1711 - Correspondence on change of cottage tenancy - 1938
1712-1724 - Correspondence concerning Bakewell Farmers Club, and competition for Pasture Land Improvement suggested and prizes provided by E M Longsdon; subsequent article by H E Wells on scheme; and correspondence with Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries on availability of tractors together with Ministry notes on ploughing grants - 1937-1939
1725 - Bakewell Young Farmers Club Whist Drive and Dance balance sheet - 1938
1726-1729 - Correspondence on and subscription to investigation of Warfa (swayback) in sheep with article by George Dunlop on Mineral Mixtures and Warfa (Swayback) in Lambs, Derbyshire Farm Vol XVIII, No 7, Jul 1938, Bulletin of County Agricultural Institute - 1938
1730-1738 - Correspondence with Peak and West Derbyshire Walling Association on finding a waller, and Subscription - 1939
1739 - Inventory of Winton House, Ewhurch, Surrey Mar - 1945
1739-1791 - Anthony E C Longsdon
1740 - Smithwood Farm, Cranleigh, Surrey, file of field plans with sowing, manuring and cropping notes, scale 1/2500 - 1946
1741-1770 - File-Town and Country Planning Act 1947. Correspondence with Central Land Board, District Valuer, and Longsdon agents, Messrs Richard Ellis and Sons concerning claims for loss of Development Value on land and minerals mainly in Great and Little Longstone but with occasional references to Smithwood, with plans - 1948-1954
1771-1773 - Sale catalogue, Smithwood Farm, Cranleigh, Surrey; auctioneers Weller Son and Grinsted, and John D. Wood and Co., at Lion Hotel, Guildford, Surrey 8 Jul 1952 (2 copies with plan) - 1952
1774-1791 - File-Town and Country Planning Act 1947. Correspondence with Central Land Board, Longsdon agents, Messrs Richard Ellis and Sons, and solicitors, concerning claims for loss of Development Value, and other correspondence on sale of Smithwood - 1952-1956
EF - Personal Estate Papers and Accounts
FP - Personal Papers
FZ - Family papers : general
O - Office and Public Service
T - Title Deeds
X - Additional estate, family and personal papers - 20th Cent
ZF - Papers relating to families associated with the Longsdon family
ZL - Legal Miscellanea
ZP - Longsdon family history papers
ZZ - Miscellaneous papers
Harpur Crewe family of Calke
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Bryan Donkin Company Ltd of Chesterfield, engineering firm
George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
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Horace John Rylands (1886-1961) of Bakewell, First World War soldier
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