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D3551 - Derby Borough Quarter Sessions - 1628-1971
1 - Minute books - 1628-1971
2 - Draft minute books - [1720]-1741
3 - Alehouse recognisances - [c1704]-1740
4 - Sessions Rolls/Papers - 1617-1869
1 - Sessions roll - [1617-1619]
2 - Extracts of court roll - 1683
3 - Presentment - Mar [1706]
4 - Jury List and Presentment - Jan [1716]
5 - Recognizance of Ralph Thorpe, butcher, to appear at the next sessions - Nov [1726]
6 - Order for the collection of an assessment to repair the highways in All Saints parish - Jul [1735]
7 - Examination of Samuel Windley, now of St Michael's, Derby touching his settlement - 21 Feb [1736]
8 - Recognizances - Jun 1739
9 - Jury list and presentment - 1740
10 - Bond, [?Chambers] Wilson, innholder to answer charge by Richard Bull and his daughter of pulling up a plant, Aug - 1740
11 - Jury List and Presentment - Jan [1741]
12 - Jury List - Apr 1743
13 - Recognizance - John Holdbrooke on the charge of Richard Simpson and Hannah his wife for assault and breach of the Peace - Sep 1743
14 - Recognizance - Isaac Rawlins of St Werburgh's, tailor to appear - 1744
15 - Recognizance - Francis Rushton of All Saints, stone cutter to appear - 1744
16 - Order to the constables to apprehend Thomas Marples, butcher and Isaac Rawlins, tailor - Jun 1744
17 - Recognizances and examinations - [1746]
18 - Recognizance: William Hill, barber, to answer charge of Elizabeth Slater and the officers of the parish of St Peter regarding a bastard child born of Elizabeth Slater - Jan [1746]
19 - Recognizance-Hugh Logan to appear on charge of Ann [?Hiat], dau. of John for endeavouring to debauch her - Feb [1746]
20 - Petition of Sarah Wood, a poor inhabitant in St Michael's lately bore an illegitimate child (now aged 2½ ) by William Wall - Mar [1746]
21 - Bastardy order-William Hill of Sadler Gate, barber, (and Elizabeth Slater) - Mar [1746]
22 - Presentment and Jury List; John Lacey for obstructing the pinner in the duty of his office - Mar [1746]
23 - List of pinders, dozeners, constables and coroner - Aug 1748
24 - Recognizance-James Bardsley, Thomas Torondra Samuel Pratt, Robert Hawkeridge, Robert Dale and Gilbert Dallison to appear re. righting (sic) and being guilty of seditious practices - Aug 1748
25 - Jury List - Nov [1748]
26 - Bastardy order-Samuel Cash, sawyer (and Alice Wishett), Feb, 22 Geo II - Feb [1750]
27 - Presentment-Thomas Moseley the younger and wife, William Steel, Dororthy Stables, Elizabeth Anderson, Mary Gee and Mary Swan for harbouring vagabonds etc. as inmates [and on reverse] Joseph Swann, Elizabeth Harrison otherwise Bowyer, Isaac Salt and William Orton for selling false weights of butter, cheese, eggs, and other dead victuals, c. 20 Dec, 24 Geo II - [1750]
28 - Sessions roll - Jun [1752]
29 - Jury List and Presentment - Nov 1752
30 - Recognizance; John ?Lyegoe to appear - Sep 1753
31 - Sessions roll - [1754]
32 - List of coroner, constables, dozenors, and pinders - Aug [1752]
33 - List of coroner, constables, dozenors, and pinders - Aug [1754]
34 - Sessions roll - 1754
35-36 - Bastardy examination of Ann Whitby, singlewoman in which she cites William Hill, of St Werburgh's, barber and peruke maker as the father; and writ for Hill's apprehension - Mar 1754
37 - Sessions roll - Jun [1755]
38 - Sessions roll - [1755]
39 - Appointment of William Goodwin and John Cockin as churchwardens, overseers and collectors for the poor for the parish of St Alkmund, Apr - 1755
40 - Approval for the erection of an engine or machine for the weighing of coals on Chester green within the manor of Little Chester, and on reverse Presentment that the highways in St. Werburgh's are in irrepair and an assessment is to be levied, Jun - 1755
41 - Recognizance Joshua Holbrook for begetting Elizabeth Pycroft with a bastard child likely to be chargeable to the parish of All Saints - Jul 1755
42 - Recognizance Isaac Dobson for begetting Elizabeth Campion, single woman, whose settlement is in the parish of All Saints, with a bastard child likely to be chargeable to the parish of All Saints - Aug 1755
43 - Acknowledgement by Elizabeth Campion as in D3551/4/42 that she is with child and that Isaac Elliot or Dobson is the father and that he had carnal knowledge with her at the house of Samuel Fox the younger - Aug 1755
44 - Order for the apprehension of Isaac Elliot or Dobson as in D3551/4/43 - Aug 1755
45 - Examination of Richard Burton, pattin maker of St Alkmund's, assaulted by Samuel Foster, stickiner, and recognizance for the appearance of the said Foster - Nov 1755
46 - Examination of Edward Broughton, George Clark and Simon Mansfield who were thwarted in their attempt to apprehend George Headly by John Headly and James the younger - Jan 1756
47-48 - Recognizance John and James Headley for being accessories to the escape of George Headly, suspected of stealing - Jan 1756
49 - Examination of Mrs Alice, wife of Mr Abraham Webster who, whilst in the market amongst the country butchers she saw Mary, wife of James Headly the elder, steal from the stall of Isaac Page - Jan 1756
50 - Recognizance Isaac Page to appear to prosecute Mary Headley as in D3551/4/49 - Jan 1756
51 - Recognizance James Headley for his wife's appearance - Feb 1756
52 - Order against John Headley and James Headley the younger for abusing the court whilst drunk and answering charges in helping brother escape, to be kept in custody until they find good sureties to answer their pleas - Mar 1756
53 - Jury List 31 Geo II - Jan [1758]
54 - Sessions roll - Jan [1758]
55 - Information of Dorothy, wife of Daniel Ford, tailor re theft from the garden of Anthony Clough in St Werburgh's - Nov 1758
56 - Recognizance Mary Pursloe, spinster, for assault and battery on Elizabeth Ball, spinster - Nov 1758
57 - Order for the searching for the goods of Anthony Clough, stolen out of his garden - Nov 1758
58 - Order for the raising of an assessment in St Alkmund's for the repair of the highways - Dec [1758]
59-60 - Order that the case of Thomas Roe and John Bowden, brickmakers, charged with deceiving Peter Oldershaw in a game of cards be held over to the next sessions - Dec [1758]
61 - Information of William Maddock, sawyer, who saw John Perkin, carpenter steal from the saw pit of Edward Fletcher, joiner and carpenter on the Nuns Green, with Recognizance for the appearance of John Perkin - Feb 1759
62 - Fine of James Holmes, victualler, guilty of suffering George Heathcote to play at cards with one Yates in his house - Jan [1760]
63 - Recognizance for the appearance of John Perkin - Mar 1759
64 - Information of George Reed, drummer in Capt Basset's Company in General Pole's Regiment of Foot and of Thomas Ford, a soldier in the same company and of Thomas Cutler, pattin maker, and of Timothy Lawrence, a soldier in Col. Wolf's Regiment of Foot re the pushing of Reed and Ford from the bridge at the Cuck Stool Dam into the mill dam etc - May 1759
65 - Recognizance for the appearance of John Shewin, labourer to give evidence against Henry Wood for defrauding him of 12s and assaulting him, and John Jackson, servant to appear to give evidence in the case - Jun 1759
66 - Recognizance John Millington of Chaddesden, stockiner, to appear to answer charge of begetting a child on the body of Elizabeth Marshall, singlewoman, which is likely to become a charge on the parish of St Alkmund - Jul 1759
67 - Jury list - Sep [1759]
68 - Information of William Haughton, butcher, re mutton stolen out of his shop on the shambles, and also out of the shop of Thomas Smith, butcher, which was found in the house of John Toplis, labourer, Feb - 1760
69 - Information of John Smedley, baker, a boarder at Mrs Girling's, re theft of property from under his pillow - Feb 1760
70 - Order for the raising of an assessment for the repair of the highways in the parish of St Alkmund, May 33 Geo II - [1760]
71 - Information of Ann Vallance, spinster, re a piece of silk offered for sale to her by Elizabeth, wife of William Campbell, Jul - 1761
72 - Sessions roll - [1761]
73 - List of coroner, constables, dozenors, and pinders - Mar [1762]
74 - Draft Jury list - Oct 1783
75 - Notice of order to take up or destroy all stray dogs - Sep 1814
76 - Travel pass to poor person [blank], enabling them to ask for relief (printed) - [1820s]
77 - Clerk of the Peace, bills - 1826
78 - Writ re. election fraud (blank) (printed) - 1841
79-80 - Prosecutors bills - 1845-1846
81 - Case paper re. rent arrears, John Moore of Queen Street - 1864
82 - Bill of juveniles detained in Kingswood Reformatory (Gloucestershire) chargeable to the Borough of Derby - 1866
83 - Committal for non-payment of penalty, Edward Smith of St Werburgh's - 1867
84 - Writ against George Hilton, hackney carriage driver - 1869
5 - Undated Sessions Rolls/Papers
6 - Association Rolls - 1696-1700
7 - Oaths of allegiance, abjuration and supremacy - 1697-1714
8 - Fees - 1855-1863
9 - Index of Prisoners - 1860-1909
10 - Record of summary convictions under Summary Jurisdiction Act, 1879. Adults Jan 1874-Oct 1886 (name, offence, punishment and convicting justices) - 1874-1886
11 - Index of summary convictions (name, when tried, offence and punishment) - Jan 1887-Dec 1891
12 - Calendars of prisoners - 1941-1971
13 - Recorder's note books - 1942-1967
14 - Sessions cost books - 1937-1970
15 - Registers of appeals - 1970-1971
16 - Case papers - 1945-1971
Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), naval officer and arctic explorer
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