Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D3453 - Parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith St Thomas Becket - 1614-1996D3453 - Parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith St Thomas Becket - 1614-1996
Expand 1 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1620-18121 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1620-1812
Collapse 2 - Baptism registers - 1813-19962 - Baptism registers - 1813-1996
Expand 3 - Marriage registers - 1754-19883 - Marriage registers - 1754-1988
Expand 4 - Banns registers - 1837-19664 - Banns registers - 1837-1966
Expand 5 - Burial registers - 1813-19925 - Burial registers - 1813-1992
Expand 6 - Baptism registers for St John's Whitehough  - 1906-19236 - Baptism registers for St John's Whitehough - 1906-1923
Expand 7 - Service registers - 1897-19847 - Service registers - 1897-1984
Expand 8 - Services at Christ Church, Whaley Bridge - 1905-19288 - Services at Christ Church, Whaley Bridge - 1905-1928
Expand 9 - Services at Whitehough and Dove Holes - 1889-19279 - Services at Whitehough and Dove Holes - 1889-1927
Expand 10 - Church Book - 1660-184410 - Church Book - 1660-1844
Expand 11 - Vestry - 1834-187111 - Vestry - 1834-1871
Expand 12 - Vestry/Parochial Church Council - 1894-194912 - Vestry/Parochial Church Council - 1894-1949
Expand 13 - Churchwardens’ account books - 1835-184913 - Churchwardens’ account books - 1835-1849
Expand 14 - Appointment of ministers - 1617-162014 - Appointment of ministers - 1617-1620
Expand 15 - Faculties  - 1754-196215 - Faculties - 1754-1962
Expand 1616
Expand 17 - Papers re repairs and alterations - 1621-195617 - Papers re repairs and alterations - 1621-1956
Expand 18 - Churchyard and Burial Places - 1702-196518 - Churchyard and Burial Places - 1702-1965
Expand 19 - Parsonage - 1849-187419 - Parsonage - 1849-1874
Expand 20 - Church Property - 1719-196120 - Church Property - 1719-1961
Expand 21 - Ley payers and Rating Lists - 17th cent-184521 - Ley payers and Rating Lists - 17th cent-1845
Expand 22 - Overseers of the Poor - 1712-187122 - Overseers of the Poor - 1712-1871
Expand 23 - Parish Magazines - 1892-189523 - Parish Magazines - 1892-1895
Expand 24 - Chapel en le Frith National School - 1863-193824 - Chapel en le Frith National School - 1863-1938
Expand 25 - Buxworth National School - 1872-194725 - Buxworth National School - 1872-1947
Expand 26 - Charity deeds - 1714-172826 - Charity deeds - 1714-1728
Expand 27 - Barber Charity - 1666-185827 - Barber Charity - 1666-1858
Expand 28 - Woods Charity - 1779-181928 - Woods Charity - 1779-1819
Expand 29 - St Thomas’ Day Charity - 1844-185129 - St Thomas’ Day Charity - 1844-1851
Expand 30 - Various charities - mid 19th- cent30 - Various charities - mid 19th- cent
Expand 31 - Dove Holes Church - 1879-198131 - Dove Holes Church - 1879-1981
Expand 32 - Dove Holes church property - 1877-188232 - Dove Holes church property - 1877-1882
Expand 33 - Dove Holes Churchyard - 1945-197133 - Dove Holes Churchyard - 1945-1971
Expand 34 - Dove Holes Parsonage - 1896-198334 - Dove Holes Parsonage - 1896-1983
Expand 35 - Dove Holes Church accounts - 1894-190135 - Dove Holes Church accounts - 1894-1901
Expand 36 - Dove Holes curacy - 1884-188536 - Dove Holes curacy - 1884-1885
Expand 37 - Plans and drawings, Dove Holes Church - 1878-187937 - Plans and drawings, Dove Holes Church - 1878-1879
Expand 38 - Dove Holes School - 1896-191238 - Dove Holes School - 1896-1912
Expand 39 - Auxiliary Bible Society - 1857-193039 - Auxiliary Bible Society - 1857-1930
Expand 40 - Programmes - 1887-195940 - Programmes - 1887-1959
Expand 41 - Newscuttings - 1885-193441 - Newscuttings - 1885-1934
Expand 42 - Historical papers re Chapel en le Frith - 1711-191842 - Historical papers re Chapel en le Frith - 1711-1918
Expand 43 - Miscellaneous - 1726-196043 - Miscellaneous - 1726-1960
44 - Confirmation register - 1963-1988