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Collapse D3295 - Curzon family of Kedleston, Viscounts Scarsdale - 1750-1985D3295 - Curzon family of Kedleston, Viscounts Scarsdale - 1750-1985
Collapse 1 - Box-listed records - 20th cent1 - Box-listed records - 20th cent
Collapse 1 - Box 1 - 20th cent1 - Box 1 - 20th cent
1 - Kedleston Estate Capital a/c - 1941
2 - List of stock assets - 1969
3 - Agreement - Sir H Michael (1) Lady Bourne (2) right to set music to a poem by Marquess Curzon - 1961
4 - Catalogue - sale of portion of Kedleston Hall Estate - 1931
5 - Catalogue - sale of portion of Kedleston Hall Estate (Grange Mill & Brassington) - 1918
6 - Catalogue - sale of portion of Kedleston Hall Estate (Litton) - 1918
7-12 - Bundle of Inland Revue documents - sale of timber - 1929-1943
13 - Statutory Declaration - T S Pedlar - 1959
14 - Abstract of Title - Weston Underwood - 1871
15 - Estate repairs - 1951-1955
16 - Plans - Hulland Ward - 1922
17 - Bundle of Solicitor's Bills - 1952-1954
18 - Statement of account - 1951-1956
19 - Receipted Solicitor's Bill - 20th cent
20 - Bundle of statements showing interest due on stock - 20th cent
21 - Bundle showing statement of a/c - land Quarndon - 1955
22 - Statement of a/c - 1954-1955
23 - Receipted Solicitor's Bills - 1953
24 - Deposit a/c book - 1947-1948
25 - Deposit a/c book - 1941-1948
26 - Bundle re War Damage Contribution with cheque - 1950
27 - Bundle re purchase & sale National War Bonds - 1944-1951
28 - Abstract of title - 1750
29 - Abstract of title re 11 Mount Street, London - 1910
30 - Bundle of documents labelled re: Park Nook House - 1947
31 - Bundle of documents labelled Appointment of New Trustees - 1928
32 - Bundle labelled Settlement of 1910, vesting deeds, etc - 1925
33 - Bundle of documents re release of land at Mugginton 1931 SNo 4621 etc and copy correspondence - 20th cent
Expand 2 - Box 2 - 20th cent2 - Box 2 - 20th cent
Expand 3 - Box 3 - 20th cent3 - Box 3 - 20th cent
Expand 4 - Box 4 - 20th cent4 - Box 4 - 20th cent
Expand 5 - Box 5 - 20th cent5 - Box 5 - 20th cent
Expand 6 - Box 6 - 20th cent6 - Box 6 - 20th cent
Expand 7 - Box 7 - 20th cent7 - Box 7 - 20th cent
Expand 8 - Box 8 - 20th cent8 - Box 8 - 20th cent
Expand 9 - Box 9 - 20th cent9 - Box 9 - 20th cent
Expand 10 - Box 10 - 20th cent10 - Box 10 - 20th cent
Expand 11 - Box 11 - 20th cent11 - Box 11 - 20th cent
Expand 12 - Box 12 - 20th cent12 - Box 12 - 20th cent
Expand 13 - Box 13 - 20th cent13 - Box 13 - 20th cent
Expand 14 - Box 14 - 20th cent14 - Box 14 - 20th cent
Expand 15 - Box 15 - 20th cent15 - Box 15 - 20th cent
Expand 16 - Box 16 - 20th cent16 - Box 16 - 20th cent
Expand 17 - Box 17 - 20th cent17 - Box 17 - 20th cent
Expand 18 - Box 18 - 20th cent18 - Box 18 - 20th cent
Expand 19 - Box 19 - 20th cent19 - Box 19 - 20th cent