Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D3271 - Parish of Eyam St Lawrence: Grindleford St Helen (Chapel of Ease) - 1894-1989D3271 - Parish of Eyam St Lawrence: Grindleford St Helen (Chapel of Ease) - 1894-1989
Collapse A - Parish archives - 1894-1987A - Parish archives - 1894-1987
Expand PC - Parochial Church Council - 1917-1987PC - Parochial Church Council - 1917-1987
Collapse PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1919-1975PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1919-1975
Expand 1 - Baptism registers - 1919-19751 - Baptism registers - 1919-1975
Expand 2 - Marriage registers - 1951-19702 - Marriage registers - 1951-1970
3 - reserved for banns
4 - reserved for burials
Expand 5 - Service registers including preachers’ books - 1894-19895 - Service registers including preachers’ books - 1894-1989
Expand 6 - Administration - 20th cent6 - Administration - 20th cent
7 - Order of Service to mark 50th anniversary - 1960
8 - St Helen’sGrindleford fabric - terrier - 1929
Expand 9 - Sewing party - 1963-19769 - Sewing party - 1963-1976
10 - St Helen’s Grindleford Girls’ Friendly Society Annual branch reports (incomplete) - 1950-1960
11 - St Helen’s Grindleford Girls’ Friendly Society Annual statements of accounts (incomplete) - 1946-1949
Expand 12 - St Helen’s Grindleford Girls’ Friendly Society - 1953-197712 - St Helen’s Grindleford Girls’ Friendly Society - 1953-1977
Expand 13 - St Helen’s Grindleford Girls’ Friendly Society Accounts - 1945-197813 - St Helen’s Grindleford Girls’ Friendly Society Accounts - 1945-1978
14 - St Helen’s Grindleford Girls’ Friendly Society Newscuttingsetc album - 1947-1973
Expand 15 - Friendly Society concerts - 195215 - Friendly Society concerts - 1952
16 - St Helen’s Grindleford Girls’ Friendly Society?Members workbook - mid 20th cent
17 - Diocesan leaflet (incomplete) - 1941-1956
18 - Newsletter (national) - 1967-1975
Collapse 19 - Eyam parish magazines - 1925-197319 - Eyam parish magazines - 1925-1973
20 - Visitors book - May 1911-Jul 1922
Expand PV - Vestry - 1911-1919PV - Vestry - 1911-1919
Expand PW - Churchwardens - 1910-1921PW - Churchwardens - 1910-1921
Expand PZ - Miscellaneous - 1939-1964PZ - Miscellaneous - 1939-1964