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D319 - Smedley's Hydro, Matlock - [c1881-c1896]
1 - Smedley's Hydro; Smedley's, Matlock, Fire Brigade rules with list of firemen - Jul 1881
2 - 'Matlock Madrigals being Random Rhymes by a Sometime Smedleyite' - Aug 1889
3 - A Smedley Medley by J Jacoby - 4 Nov 1890
4 - Matlock Schools; Books of Words of the cantata for Ladies' Voices "The Mountain Maidens", at a Grand Evening Concert held at the National School, Matlock Town - 7 May 1886
5 - The Cavendish School Notebook, No 1. [school magazine] - Feb 1896
6 - Other Matlock Papers; Matlock Bank Congregational Church Magazines (printed) - Dec 1892
7 - Fourth Annual Report of the Matlock Art Class and Technical Education Committee Printed - 1893-1894
8 - Programme of A Grand Concert in aid of the funds of Matlock Cricket Club, held at the Assembly Room Matlock Bridge 29 Apr. Printed. - late 19th cent
9 - Ticket to admit bearer to hear the Liberal candidates at the Temperance Hall, Wirksworth, 20 Nov. Printed. - late 19th cent
National Coal Board
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