Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D3109 - Parish of Bradwell St Barnabas - 1868-1987D3109 - Parish of Bradwell St Barnabas - 1868-1987
Collapse A - Parish records - 19th-20th centA - Parish records - 19th-20th cent
Expand PC - Parochial Church Council - 1922-1969PC - Parochial Church Council - 1922-1969
Expand PF - Charities - 1830-1936PF - Charities - 1830-1936
Expand PI - Archives of the parish incumbent - 19th-20th centPI - Archives of the parish incumbent - 19th-20th cent
Expand PV - Vestry - 1870-1950PV - Vestry - 1870-1950
Expand PW - Churchwardens - 1944-1969PW - Churchwardens - 1944-1969
Collapse PZ - Miscellaneous - Late 19th cent-1946PZ - Miscellaneous - Late 19th cent-1946
Expand 1 - Papers concerning War Memorial - 19211 - Papers concerning War Memorial - 1921
Expand 2 - Programmes of events - 1919-19232 - Programmes of events - 1919-1923
Collapse 3 - Assorted photographs and postcards, mainly local people, scenery, churches of Bradwell and Hope - Late 19th cent-early 20th cent3 - Assorted photographs and postcards, mainly local people, scenery, churches of Bradwell and Hope - Late 19th cent-early 20th cent
1 - Saxon Cross Shaft [in Hope Churchyard]
2 - Hazelbadge [Hall], near Bradwell, with 5 people in front
3 - Market cross-type monument in front of a church, with a man in the background
4 - Photographic portrait of a vicar, Revd G L Vigar
5 - Group of 2 women (seated) and 2 men standing, (one a vicar), annotated on the front "Mr Coen" and on the back "Mrs Wood"
6 - E N Kemp, Vicar of Bradwell, 1944-1947, - 1953
7 - The Duddley family portrait group, comprising a man (the Vicar of Bradwell) a woman and 10 children
8 - 3 carved 17th century chairs [in Hope church]
9 - Pulpit [Hope]
10 - Stall backs dated 1658 and 1690, made out of old pews [Hope]
11 - View of church and village [Hope]
12 - Porch entrance [Hope]
13 - Wooden panel dated 1652 [Hope]
14 - Chancel exterior [Hope]
15 - 3 blocked up arches in church interior [Hope]
16 - View of Bradwell Church from Dale End
17 - Group of 12 girls holding baskets of flowers of flowers outside building
18 - View of Church Street, Bradwell , photographed some time after 1936 - 20th cent
19 - Group of 8 men with hoisting equipment around large bell
20 - Interior view of Bradwell Church chancel
21 - View of Dale End, Bradwell
22 - Memorial Cross, Bradwell
23 - Group of 34 school children with 2 teachers of the National/School,/Bakewell,/c/1895
24 - Interior view of Bradwell Church chancel
25 - Group of children and adults outside church ("Sunday School - Mr Moseley")
26 - Stall backs dated 1652 [Hope] - early 20th cent
27 - Full length portrait of unknown bishop
28 - Stall backs dated 1658 and 1690 [Hope]
29 - Wooden panels [Hope]
30 - Wooden panelling, including ornate carvings of coats of arms [Hope]
31 - View of Dale End, Bradwell
4 - Newspaper cutting of article from the Sheffield Daily Telegraph on the latest nicked lead mines at Bradwell, 18 Nov 1906 - 1906
5 - Newspaper cutting of article concerning debate of Consistory Court on Bradwell Church scheme, - 1946