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D3045 - Caudwell's Mill, Rowsley - 1912-2017
1 - Administration - 1888-1939
2 - Articles of partnership, Messrs C and E Caudwell and Co, 25 Mar 1895 - 1985
3 - Assignment of lease of Rowsley Mill and other hereditaments from Mary Watson and other to Messrs C Caudwell and others, 2 Apr 1897 - 1897
4 - Bill of costs of North, Kirk and Cornett of Liverpool, solicitors, concerning and dissolution of the partnership and assignment of Kings Mill, with receipt - 1888-1897
5 - Papers relating to court case, Mary Watson (daughter of John Caudwell) v Messrs C and E Caudwell on the non-payment of £150 annuities arising out of the estate of John Caudwell (died 1891 ), including deed of composition, accounts and bankruptcy accounts - 1888-1897
6 - Letter book of contracts and quotations, 10 Oct 1922-4 Apr 1925 (12/1) - 1922-1925
7 - Letter Books - 1924-1928
8 - Files containing in-letters, including circulars from the Ministry of Food, the North East Coast Millers Association, the Wheat Commission, the Flour Milling Employers' Federation, the Civil Defence Joint Committee, etc (40/1-9)? - 1939-1942
9 - Assorted Correspondence - 1909-1931
10 - Employers organisations - 1921-1964
1 - Flour Milling Employers Federation Correspondence with the North Midlands Association, 1921-1922? - 1921-1923
2 - Printed handbook of the Federations, 1923 (47/1) - 1923
11 - National Association of British and Irish Millers - 1937-1964
12 - Millers Mutual Association - 1953-1957
13 - Central Government Regulation - 1918-1946
14 - Wheat Act - 1937-1940
15 - Central government circulars - 1945-1946
16 - Rowsley balances books, recording figures only (9/1-2)? - 1959-1977
17 - Hartington balances book - 1957-1977
18 - Nominal ledgers? - 1912-1974
19 - Private ledger - 1912-1948
20 - Corn and wheat purchases day/cash books - 1912-1975
21 - Expenses journals? - 1911-1942
22 - Invoice books - 1935-1951
23 - Invoices - 1943
24 - Further financial papers - 1964-1978
25 - Receiving books, for supplies received and from whom - no accounts (18/1-2)? - 1970-1978
26 - Sack accounts - 1961-1973
27 - Sack receipts - 1969-1977
28 - Sack correspondence - 1910
29 - Sales accounts - 1911-1978
30 - Sales balances cash books - 1919-1936
31 - Sales cash books - 1921-1953
32 - Rowsley sales cash books - 1934-1978
33 - Hartington sales cash books - 1933-1978
34 - Rowsley sales day books - 1935-1978
35 - Hartington sales day books - 1935-1978
36 - Groups of nominal ledger sheets for customers, probably Rowsley Mill - 1921-1970
37 - Groups of nominal ledger sheets for customers, Hartington? - 1929-1960
38 - Ledger sheets - 1920s-1960s
39 - Rowsley customers - 1974-1977
40 - Hartington customers - 1974-1977
41 - Sales - 1943-1966
42 - Cash sales books? - 1973-1977
43 - Carbon invoice books - 1975-1978
44 - Debt collection - 1911-1941
45 - Journal - 1912-1978
46 - Receipts and payments books, including Rowsley and Hartington cash totals, wages totals? - 1949-1978
47 - Cash books - 1927-1978
48 - Cash books (?bank accounts) - 1931-1940
49 - Combined cash books and analysis ledgers (37/1-5)? - 1967-1978
50 - Disbursements cash books (petty cash) - 1955-1978
51 - Petty cash books, with sack accounts as end · (16/1-5) [For earlier sack accounts, 1946-1961, see 26/1]? - 1961-1973
52 - Daily turnover books, recording sums of money only? - 1906-1973
53 - "EAC" - 1967-1977
54 - Distribution - 1941-1977
55 - Drivers record books, with loose record sheets, grouped for convenience into 16 bundles (10/1-16) - 1977
56 - Carbon delivery note books - 1969-1977
57 - Plans, specifications, estimates, etc on plant and machinery produced by Gilbert Gilkes and Co, engineers and turbine manufacturers, Kendal - 1895-1914
58 - Meal plant - 1904
59 - Plans, specifications and correspondence from Briddon and Fowler Ltd, Stockport, flour mill engineers - 1905-1914
60 - Machinery correspondence - 1906-1908
61 - Plans, specifications, orders, correspondence and estimates of Amme, Gesiecke and Konegan of Burnswick, Germany - 1913-1914
62 - Plans, reports, correspondence, machinery instructions, specifications, etc of Henry Simon Ltd, Cheadle Heath, Stockport? - 1916-1919
63 - Plans of E R and F Turner of Ipswich, flour milling machinery manufacturers? - 1933-1953
64 - Plans, correspondence, etc of Miracle Mills?Ltd, London? - 1927-1943
65 - Plans, etc from assorted manufacturers? - 1910-1967
66 - Contracts - 1938-1957
67 - Daily output record books - 1936-1945
68 - Mixing books, recording types of products used - 1930-1964
69 - Flow books, recording product by type and weight (20/1-4) - 1957-1978
70 - Wages and staff - 1931-1970
71 - National Joint Council for the Flour Milling Industry papers - 1934
72 - Tax - 1970
73 - Miscellaneous mill material - 1907-1975
74 - Photographs - 1970
75 - Publication - 1907
76 - Newscuttings - 1950-1968
77 - Commercial publications - 20th cent
78 - Personal estate - 1903-1978
79 - Agreement - 1912
80 - Building specification - 1924
81 - Bank books of Edward Caudwell in account with William Deacon's Bank Ltd (59/1-2)? - 1925-1935
82 - Newscuttings - c1915
83 - Correspondence - 1952-1963
84 - Hall Farm, Rowsley - 1941-1978
85 - Rationing - 1899-1942
86 - Accounts - 1975-1978
87 - Invoices - 1975-1978
88 - Rowsley Reading Room - 1933-1968
89 - Business papers - 1947-1968
90 - Home Guard - 1940-1941
T - Caudwell's Mill Trust - [Early 1900s]-2017
Harpur Crewe family of Calke
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