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D3040 - Severn Trent Water Authority and predecessor bodies, including Derwent Valley Water Board - 19th-20th cent
LW - Water Board records - 19th-20th cent
1 - Derwent Valley Water Board - 1806-1970s
1 - Board Meeting Minute Books - 1899-1974
2 - Capital Ledgers - 1900-1949
3 - Revenue Ledgers - 1912-1959
4 - Orders on Treasurer Books - 1905-1975
5 - Letters Books - Engineers - 1907-1960
6 - Letter Books - Clerk's Department - 1923-1942
7 - Monthly Reports of Engineer to Board - 1901-1913
8 - Engineer's Reports to Board - 1900-1931
9 - Reports of the Clerk on behalf of the Board to Constituent Authorities - 1903-1914
10 - Chairman's Board and Committee Meetings Agenda Books - 1906-1939
11 - Registers of Sealing of Documents - 1901-1944
12 - Apportionment Books, recording revenue expenditure, interest, establishment accounts, etc apportioned to each constituent authority - 1922-1973
13 - Journals, recording apportionment of expenditure between revenue and capital ledgers - 1917-1975
14 - Contract Books - 1935-1971
15 - Books of Balances and Statements of Accounts, signed by the Treasurer and Auditors - 1919-1974
16 - Mortgages Raised on the Board's Revenues Books - 1903-1974
17 - Registers of Transfers of Mortgages - 1905-1966
18 - Office Cash Books - 1943-1968
19 - Weekly Water Supply Record Books - 1913-1971
20 - Expenditure Analysis Books - 1945-1960
21 - Rent Ledgers - General Properties - 1930-1965
22 - Rent Ledgers - Farms, Grazing Tenancies, Shooting Rights, etc - 1938-1964
23 - Personal Creditors Ledgers - 1923-1944
24 - Newspaper Cuttings Books, maintained by Engineer's Office - 1900-1974
25 - Capital, Revenue and Superannuation Ledgers - 1960-1975
26 - Salaries Books - 1912-1974
27 - Capital Account Cash Books - 1932-1965
28 - Sales Journals - 1934-1975
29 - Registers of Stockholders and Stock Transfers, of 2«% Stock - 1946-1966
30 - Registers of Stockholders and Stock Transfers, of 3«% Stock - 1933-1963
31 - Purchase Journals (numbered 11-13) - 1936-1945
33 - Birchinlee Elementary School - 1904-1914
35 - Registers of Investments for Superannuation Fund - 1927-1973
36 - Yorkshire Bridge Weir Discharge Record Books for the gauging of the River Derwent recording daily figures for the measurement of head on 30 ft weir, total flow every 24 hours, cubic feet per minute per acre from watershed, rainfall and weather notes - 1905-1926
37 - Plant Depreciation - 1932-1947
38 - Bolehill Quarry - 1905-1914
39 - Monthly reports - 1908-1912
40 - Stock registers - 1926-1946
41 - Personal Debtors Ledger - 1930-1947
42 - Revenue Account Cash Books - 1927-1964
43 - Registers of Stockholders of 5% Redeemable - c1926-
44 - Engineer's Subject Correspondence Files - 2nd Series, selection only. Original file numbers in brackets - 1940-1962
1-2 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1961
3 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1962
4-5 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1962
6-7 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1961
8 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1958
9 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1954
10 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1950
11 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1960
12 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1951
13-16 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1962
17-27 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1958
28-29 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1962
30-31 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1950
32-35 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1961
36 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1961
37-38 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1953
39-42 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1959
43-48 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1955
49-50 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1954
51-52 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1960
53-57 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1956
58-61 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1960
62-64 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1954
65-68 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1953
69 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1959
70-84 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1961
85-88 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1961
89 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1958
90 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1951
91 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1953
92-94 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1953
95 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1954
96 - Engineer's subject correspondence file - 1961
45 - Engineer's Subject Correspondence File - 1st Series - 1920-1950
45 - Engineer's Subject Correspondence Files - 1st Series. (Original file numbers in brackets.) - 1914 -1950
46 - Engineer's Subject Correspondence Files - 3rd Series. (Original file numbers in brackets.) - 1962-1973
47 - Accountants/Treasurers Correspondence Files - 1936-1974
48 - Engineer's Board and Committee Meeting Papers - 1920-1966
49 - Monthly Reports on the Progress of Works for Contract C - Derwent Aqueduct - 1904-1912
50 - Yorkshire Bridge River Gauge Record Books - 1945-1974
51 - Parliamentary Books of Reference, Minutes and Notes of Proceedings, and DVWB Year Books - 1898-1974
52 - Assorted Record Books - 1900-1966
53 - Reports, Accounts and Publications of Other Water and Public Authorities - 1947-1973
54 - Derwent Valley Water Board Contracts - 1902-1966
55 - Tenders and Schedules of Prices for Contracts - 1901-1938
56 - Clerk's Miscellaneous Correspondence Files - 1959-1974
57 - Treasurer's Miscellaneous Correspondence Files - 1911-1975
58 - Registers of Annual Rainfall Statistics - 1963-1970
59 - Clerk's Agreements, Certificates, Notices Regulations, Authorities, Reports, etc - 1901-1978
60 - Engineers and Consultants Reports and Correspondence - 1900-1962
61 - Yearly Expenditure and Income Estimates - 1967-1974
62 - Statements of Accounts and Estimates (bound volumes) - 1945-1966
63 - Employees Benevolent Fund records - 1941-1970
64 - Engineers Department Rainfall Observation Charts - 1900-1964
65 - Derwent Valley Water Board Bill Papers for 1901 Parliamentary Session - 1899-1905
66 - Derwent Churchyard - Removal of Bodies Records - 1940
67 - Clerk's Correspondence Files - 1931-1944
68 - Mortgages Administration - 1961-1975
69 - Agricultural, Housing and Land Tenancy and Other Agreements - 1911-1965
70 - Assorted Clerk's and Engineer's Department Papers - 1899-1970
71 - Derwent Aqueduct Plans (large, outsize, heavy folders of signed plans) - c1900s
72 - Derwent Aqueduct Plans and Drawings - 1899-1902
73 - Resident Engineers' Working Papers and Notes - 1902-1937
75 - Edale Mill - 1806-1920
76 - Isohyetal Plans for Reservoirs, showing lines of equal annual/seasonal rainfall, drainage areas and position of rain gauges, made monthly - 1934-1971
77 - Plans - 1899-1965
78 - Photographs for DVWB vs Howden dispute, showing stretch of river and Celanese works - c1930
79 - Arbitration case records relating to Sheffield Corporation v Leicester and Derby Corporations and DVWB - 1939-1940
80 - Costings - 1904-1909
82 - Rainfall record books - 1951-1977
83 - Yearly water supply to towns record books - 1937-1975
84 - Monthly record books of water quantities from reservoirs and Yorkshire Bridge Filters - 1937-1976
85 - Trent River Authority daily figures - 1966-1973
87 - Daily records of the naturalised flow of the River Derwent at Yorkshire Bridge - 1931-1980
88 - Birchenlee - 1900-1902
89 - Win Hill Tunnel - 1951-1968
90 - Water supply - 1951-1960
91 - Bamford Treatment Works extension and modernisation records - 1965-1969
92 - Agreements - 1904-1974
93 - Howden Reservoir - c1901-1909
94 - Plans of Derwent Dam - c1905-1910
95 - Ladybower Dam Contract No 1 Drawings - c1930s
97 - Plans of collieries' workings as they affected the Derwent Aqueduct Nottingham Pipe - 1920s-1970s
98 - Assorted plans - c1907-1969
2 - North Derbyshire Water Board - c1954-1974
3 - Chesterfield, Bolsover And Clowne Water Board - 1921-1963
4 - North East Derbyshire Joint Water Committee - 20th cent
5 - Chesterfield Gas And Water Board - 1825-mid 20th cent
6 - Chesterfield Rural District Council: Northern and Southern Water Committees - early 20th cent
7 - Buxton Borough Council - 1950-1964
8 - South Derbyshire Water Board - 1961-1974
UL - Severn Trent Water Authority: unlisted records - [19th-20th cent]
Bryan Donkin Company Ltd of Chesterfield, engineering firm
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Bryan Donkin Company Ltd of Chesterfield, engineering firm
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