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Collapse D2977 - Measham family of Repton - 1275-1702D2977 - Measham family of Repton - 1275-1702
Expand 1 - School Records: Administration and management of the school and charities  - 1864-18741 - School Records: Administration and management of the school and charities - 1864-1874
Collapse 2 - Measham Family Records - 1305-19142 - Measham Family Records - 1305-1914
1 - Grant by William de Hondesaker (son and heir of Sir William de Hondesaker) to William de Meysam and Edith his wife of a plot of land with buildings, in the vill of Repindon: between the lands of William Morris and William in le Hurne. Rent 2s 6d per annum; to appear at two views of frankpledge and owing suit of milk and bakery. - [24 Jan 1305]
2 - Grant: Wm de Hondesaker to John Baker of Repton and Edith his wife of one plot in Repton, with the adjoining smithy, which Nicholas Smith sometime held, near to the common furnace. Rent 2s 4d per annum, subject to his court rights and the rights of mill and bakery Wednesday, after the feast of St John at the Latin Gate. - [1275]
3 - Grant by William, son of Richard de Fornewerkes in Tykinhale [Ticknall] to Robert (son of John de Snipston) and Alice his wife of a toft and a virgate of land in the vill of Repindon formerly held by Simon en le Puyth [Puych?] - [c1305]
4 - Dismissal by J de Gadington (sequestrator general of Roger, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield) of the executor of William de Meysham of Repyndon (deceased), accounts now settled. - 1334
5 - Grant: William Walle of Repyndon to William de Meiysham of 1 acre of arable land in the fields of Repyndon: 2 acre above the Gorbrode, between the lands of Alice Engelby and William Savey (?Saney); 2 acre above Kokhay, between the lands of W S and Simon le Wewer. Witnesses: Lord John Percy, chaplain, Robert de Sniypeston, Hugh Meye, William le Masson, Henry Sele. - [1341]
6 - Grant: Hugh le Barker of Repyndon to John Percy of Repyndon, chaplain. A messuage and a virgate of land in Repyndon: messuage next to 'le Stenner', between the tenements of Michael Otewer and Richard le Cok. Two cottages, with 2 acres land: one between the tenements of William de Meysam and William de Etewelle: one next to the tenement of William Pistoris [the baker] on the east. Paying 8s and 2 appearances at his court in Repton to the lord, John Segrave, also paying 2s 6d and 2 appearances to the lord, William de Hondesaker. Witnesses Ralph de Meltone, John de Tykenale, William de Mason, John de Engelby, William Meye. - [1348]
7 - Dismissal by Roger Pry(er?), now commissary of Roger, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, of the executor of Elias Turnepeny of Buguwy (deceased), accounts now settled - [1351]
8 - Grant for a term of 1989 years, William Arnald, parson of Naffreton to Richard Vallet of Repyndon and Joan his wife and William de Meysham of Repindon and Matilda his wife, of a messuage and a virgate of land in Repindon, which Warin de Meygnill held after the death of Matilda de Appulby, his wife. Witnesses: William de Irlond of Herteshorn, Ralph his son, John Fraunceys of Osmundeston, John Abel of Tykenal, John de Melton, Richard Sulny of Newton, Hugh Skymmer of Repyndon, John Wareyn of Repyndon, William de Bretteby of Repyndon. - [1353]
9 - Receipt by John de Repyn[don], executor of the will of lord John de Segrave kt, to William son of William de Meysh[am], for money received by William de Meysh[am] as JS's receiver at Repyndon - [1354]
10 - Indenture: Richard Valet and Jean his wife, and Wm de Meysham and Maud his wife to Wm Arnald of a messuage and a yardland in Repton. - [1346]
11 - Grant for life: Elias de Egynton to Joan his daughter, formerly wife of William de Meysham of Repyngdon, of half a messuage in Repyngdon, lying between the lands of Adam le Wright and William in le Hyrne, 3 acres arable land (had by grant from de Meysham): 2 acre in the field towards Newton, between the lands of Richard Valet and William Whytman; 2 acre between the lands of Richard Valet and Henry Daniel; 2 acre in the field towards le Hay, between the lands of the prior of Repyngdon and John de Berd; 2 acre in the same field, between the lands of Nicholas Nykes and Henry Daniel; 2 acre in le Mersshe, between the lands of Nicholas Nykes and Michael Otewer; 2 acre in the same field, between the lands of Nicholas Nykes and Michael Otewer. Witnesses: John Robertson, William Caytwayt, Nicholas Carles, John Fraunceysman of Repyngdon and Hugh Skynner. - [1357]
12 - Grant [condition poor at edges], Isabel Sa(uo?)ney, spinster, to Thomas de Gildeston and Adam Toralt, chaplains, of Newton Sulny, of all her lands and tenements in the fields of Repindon and Wylingtonholm, hers by succession on the death of Roger Mei [alternatively a word may have been omitted, eg Roger my father/brother]. Witnesses: Thomas de Melton, John de Tyknale, Hugh Skynner, William de Brettoby, John Wareyn. - [1368]
13 - Grant: Thomas de Gildeston and Adam Seale, chaplains, of Newton Solney to Thomas Bolt of Repton and his wife of all their tenants and arable lands in the town and fields of Repton and Willington - [1369]
14 - Grant: John de Tyknale of Repindon to William de Meltone, chaplain and John Cokes of Repindon, chaplain, of messuage and a virgate of land in Repindon, formerly held by Robert de Snipston [see D2977/2/3] and all his lands and tenements in Tiknale, descended on the death of his father, John de Tiknale. Witnesses: John Abel, John Assowelle, Adam de Harleye of Newton Sulny, Hugh Skynnere, William del Hay of Repindon - [1373]
15 - Release: John Aly of Lichefield and Joan his wife to Wm de Meysham of Repton of all their right and claim in a third plot of a messuage and virgate of land in Repton which ought to revert to the said Joan after the death of Maud de Appulby of Repton. - [1381]
16 - Quitclaim, Agnes Loly, widow of William Loly of Repindon to William de Meysham of Repindon, to her share of a messuage and virgate of land, which came to her by right of heritage on the death of Matilda de Appelby of Repindon [see D2977/2/8] - [1382]
17 - Grant, Maud Klotes [recte Alotes] of Repyndon to Richard, chaplain of the parish of Repyndon and Hugh Skynner of Repyndon of a plot, with buildings, in the vill of Repyndon, between the tenements of William Persy and Walter Benge. Had by feoffment from Roger de Mylton. Witnesses: Simon Fraunceys, Ralph de Mylton, Nicholas Nyks, William Botyler, Richard Nykes. - [1386]
18 - Grant, William de Meysham of Repindon to Ralph de Harteshorn of Repindon, chaplain, of lands and tenements in Repindon, which he had by gift of William de Naffreton and Richard Valet of Repindon [see D2977/2/8]. Witnesses: Hugh de Engleby, William Percy, William Botiler, William del Hay, Nicholas Nykes and others - [1395]
19 - Receipt of John Burton of Newton (receiver of the Green Wax for the King, in Derbyshire) to Henry son of William de Meysham of Repyndon, for 13s 4d for a fine - [1397]
20 - Grant: Richard, chaplain of the parish of Repyndon to William Nykes, of land as in D2977/2/17, recites feoffment by Maud A lot. Witnesses: Simon Fraunceys, Ralph Melton, Richard Nykes, Walter Benge, Hugh de Engulby. - [1402]
21 - Quitclaim: Richard Whelmon of Wylington to Henry de Meysam and Ralph de Hay, both of Repyndon, of any actions he might have against them - [1403]
22 - Acknowledgement of John Marreys, receiver of Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk in Derbyshire of receipt of 38s 6d in silver from William Bulle and Roger de Meysham (executors of the will of Henry de Meysham). Money which Henry de Meysham had mainprised for John Chesterfield, reeve of Duchess Elizabeth in Repyndon. - [1407]
23 - Quitclaim: John Thurwaston, chaplain to Richard Peyntour and John Woderofe, both chaplains, of all claim in a moiety of a messuage and virgate of land in Repyngton, which he had, with others, by feoffment of John Bolte of Repyngton. Witnesses: Richard Brown, Robert Dauber, Richard Nykes, John Bysshop, Hugh Engleby. - [1415]
24 - Grant, John Bolte of Repyngton to Richard Peyntour and John Woderofe, chaplains, of moiety of a messuage, with half a virgate of land [the other part of or the same as D2977/2/23] adjoining in Repyngton, between the messuages of the Prior and John Bishopp. Witnesses: Richard Bron, William Clende, Alan Daweson, Robert Dauber, John Bishopp. - [1416]
25 - Grant: Richard Peyntour and John Woderofe chaplains to John Cartwright of Fornewerk, of all their lands in the vill of Repyngton, had by feoffment from John Bolte [see D2977/2/24]. Witnesses: Richard Bronn of Repyngton, Robert Daubour of the same, Hugh Engulby of the same, John Bishopp of the same, William Nykes of the same. - [1419]
26 - Grant: John Cartwright of Fornewerk to Roger Meisham of Repton of a messuage with houses and half a virgate of land in Repton, which he had by feoffment of John Bolt the elder to hold to Roger his heirs and assigns of the Chief Lords of that fee by theservices done and accustomed. Warranty. Witnesses: Richard Browne of Repton, Alan Daweson, John Bysshop, etc. - [1421]
27 - Grant: Roger de Meisham of Repton to Agnes, relict of John del Stable of the moiety of a Messuage in Repton lying between the teasements of the Prior of Repton and John Bysshop, to hold of the chief lords by the services due and accustomed, rendering to said Roger 12d per annum. Warranty..Witnesses. Richard Brown of Repton, William Nyk, Hugh Engulby, etc. - [1422]
28 - Quitclaim: John Bishop junior of Repyngton to Nicholas Percy of the same, of all claim to 1 acre land and meadow in Willyngton, lying in 'le Holme', between the lands of the prior of Repton and Alan Daweson of Repton. Witnesses: Richard Bronn, Robert Daubour, Alan Daweson (all of Repton) and many others. - [1429]
29 - Grant (with quitclaim) by Thomas Bolt of London and John, son of John Willyngton of Repyngton to Roger Maisham of Repyngton, of messuage and moiety of a virgate of land in Repton (formerly John Bolt's, father of Thomas Bolt). Witnesses: Richard Bronn, Gilbert Ins, Robert Daubour all of Repyngton. - [1436]
30 - Admission of Henry Claver and Agnes his wife [?as postulants to the Order], by brother John, minister of the house of St Robert by Knaresburgh [a Trinitarian house], for the redemption of captives imprisoned for the Christian faith by the pagans. Given in the said house, 1440 - 1440
31 - Will of Margery Meysam - [1444]
32 - Grant: (to take effect after Roger Meysham's death), Roger Meysham husbandman of Repynton to William his son and Helen (William's wife) and their lawful issue, of messuage, cottage and 12 virgates of land within the vill of Repynton. Witnesses: Roger Hunt, William Perse, John Leke, John Draper, John Okee and others. - [1445]
33 - Quitclaim, William Dawes and Katherine his wife to John Berker of Bredon [? Breedon on the Hill, Leicestershire] of all right in a plot of land in Bredon, extending from Heselwell to Bredon pond - [1452]
34 - Draft Will of Alice Hynts of Repton - [1498]
35 - Grant for life, Edmund Turhar of Repyngdon to Richard, his son, of Delfes Place, of tenement in the vill of Fosbroke, between the tenements of Thomas Werelow and Thomas Wood, rent 13s 4d per annum. Power to Edmund Turhar to distrain, if the rent is in arrears. Repairs to be done at Richard's cost. No witnesses. - 1482
36 - Number not used
37 - Admission by William Sutton, master of Burton St Lazarus [the lazar hospital belonging to the Knights Hospitallers] and his co-brethren of Robert Oldwer and Agnes his wife to all the privileges, indulgences etc of the house - [10 Aug 1484]
38 - Quitclaim, Robert Baker and Katherine his wife of Repyngdon to Thomas Percy of Repyngdon, of all actions and claims - [1489]
39 - Writ of William Bothe, a Derbyshire JP to the sheriff and others to refrain from arresting Roger Mayssham of Repyndon, because he has found sufficient security to appear at the next sessions at Derby before 20 Jul - [1491]
40 - Will of Thomas Wynfeld of Thurlston, made 1 May. Desires burial in the churchyard of St Mary, Elvaston and 3 lbs of wax to be burned round his body as a mortuary. Gives 13d to Aston Church, 2 ewes to John Wynfeld, to Robert (Thomas's son) a cloak, to Elias and Ralph (his other sons) goods not otherwise bequeathed. Executors: Joan his wife, Robert Claver his brother, Surveyor, Thomas Grene. Proved at Lichfield, 6 May 1493 in the commissary court of Lichfield, in front of Richard Roston, commissary general. - 1493
41 - Number not used
42 - Grant, John Hunt of Repingdon, husbandman to William Meysham of Repindon, of a piece of meadow (2 acre) in the field called Newton bruck, inside the lordship of Repyndon; between the lands of William Meysham on each side, the King's land on the East and Newton bruck on the West. Appoints Roger Nycholson and Thomas Hunt his attornies to deliver seisin. Witnesses: John Franncis junior, gent, John Weyte, John Meykyn, James Huntt, George Smyth - [1541]
43 - Blank form of apprenticeship indenture, for parish pauper apprenticeship in the town of [ ], Derbyshire - [1669]
44 - Lease for 12 years (for £40) Henry Gilbert of Repton, yeoman to Thomas Sault of Repton yeoman of parcel of meadow, Ferry Acre (4 acres) in Repton, abutting on the river Trent East and West, now occupied by Thomas Sault. To hold from 2 Feb [1672] at a peppercorn rent. - [1671]
45 - Certificate by John Rogerson that he married Robert Hunt and Dorothy Walker at Repton - 1674
46 - Notice - King Richard II to Sheriff of Derby etc stating that various Repton men were bail for the appearance at the next quarter sessions at Derby of Roger Meysam, husbandman of Derby under a penalty of £20, charged with bodily assault on Lawrence Gardyner and setting fire to his houses - [1378]
47 - A note of the bearers names and what they then pay every one in particular to the soldiers. - 1673-1674
48 - Receipt from J Hopkins, collector of hearth tax for 1s for a half year's duty paid by William Coleshaw for his house in Ashton - 1681
49 - Order to the Constable of Repton or his lawful deputy to arrest and bring [before The JP] Robert Burch, basket maker, of Repton, to answer for the theft of young osiers. - 1677
50 - Rules relating to payment of subsidy or levy - eg persons having £100 ready money to pay 20s 9 paragraphs, endorsed 'the Pole' (ie poll tax) - [17th cent]
51 - Presentment of the Constabulary of Repton and its members re the Constabulary being charged with finding three foot soldiers for the militia, giving names and values of their estates. - [late17th cent]
52 - Land tax assessment, liberty of Aston upon Trent. The assessors are John Prior and John Williamson. Intent to raise £72.2.0d - 1708
53 - Levy made by consent of the Church wardens and overseers of the Poor of Aston-upon-Trent, laid at 8d in the pound. Rent for the use of the poor by Lord Coulshaw, Overseer and John Pimm, Churchwarden - 1702
54 - Writ to the constable of Repton: Joyce Allen of Repton to appear before a JP, to answer allegations against her by Thomas Wilders of Repton - [1720]
55 - Blank printed form, for payment of duty charged according to Act of Parliament. On dorse 'Spanish, French, Dutch, German, and nine copper coins' - c1770s
56 - Rate assessment (torn) for the liberty of Hulland, John Cockine assessor, Robert Cockine collector. Total ,13.1.6 (appears to cover one quarter) - 1777
57 - Assessment made for the militia of the parish of Repton. - 1782
58 - Assessment (3rd in the pound) for relief of the poor in the parish of Repton, for the first part of 1787. - 1787
59 - Three receipts, all for Repton with Members. The First Land, 1797, the Second Land 1797, the Fourth Land 1796 (all 9s 3d, ,37 14s 6d) - 1797
60 - Note on Repton: The three following Mercian Kings buried at Repton:- Ethelbald 750, Mercwala and Kynechardus. A human skeleton about 1678 in 1727 Thomas Walton, labourer, 88 years old, about 40 years ago (sic) discovered it when cutting hillocks; found an old stone wall, an enclosure of 15 feet. In a stone coffin found a human skeleton 9 feet long - round it 100 of ordinary size laid with their feet pointing towards the coffin. Mr Bower had the head.
61 - Programme of two plays, performed for the benefit of the Sunday School, at the Assembly Room, Mitre Inn, Repton: Rev Mr Miller's tragedy 'Mahomet, the Imposter'; Mrs Cowley's farce 'Who's the Dupe' - 1819
62 - Lines on the Repton Concert', by Musicus. A review of an event - 1840
63 - Repton Field Names: Stamped 'Repton School Library'
64 - Grant, Thomas Percy of Repingdon (son and heir of William Percy deceased) to John Verney of Reptons dyer, of 2 cottages together: bounded in length West, tenement formerly of Henry Baker, East, the stream called the 'Townebroke'; in width North, the wall of Repton abbey; South, the king's highway. Robert Walker and John Carter appointed attornies to deliver seisin. Witnesses: Henry Peyke, Roger Meysham, William Wayte (all of Repton) and many others. - [1510]
65 - Conveyance, Henry Cantrell, leather dresser and John Marburie yeoman both of Repton to Roger Measame of Repton husbandman. Cottage with adjoining garden (occupied by Robert Osburne) in 'the longe strete' Repton, with all lands belonging to it in the fields of Repton for £8 13s 4d. - [1567]
66 - Bond in £16: Parties, property and witnesses as in D2977/2/65 - [1567]
67 - Bond in £20, William Byshoppe of Mylton, Richard and Roger Mesam of Repingdon, husbandman to William Wilne gent and Reginald Ragge of Newton in Melbourne husbandman. To secure payment for the furtherance of the advantage of the children of John Croberrowe of Newton (deceased): £3.6.8d to be put out for Emotte Croberrowe until she is 14; £3.6.8d for William, until 16; £3.6.8d for John, until 16 - [1568]
68 - Will of Roger Measam of King's Newton in Melbourne. Gives the house in Repton, lately bought, to hisdaughter Ellen and her issue, in default of issue to William Croberrowe (son of John of King's Newton, deceased). To Ellen, also, his leasehold meadow in Repton, with a red heifer. To his brother William, his best coat and a pair of dry boots. To Richard Meysam (son of brother Richard) a sheep hogge. To William (son of brother Richard) one ewe sheep. To Emmite Croberrowe, two ewe sheep. Residuary legatees, Agnes his wife and son in law William Croberrowe. Supervisors: Nicholas Hardie, Reginald Ragge. Witnesses: Ralph Potter, parish clerk, Robert Greene, vicar and others - 1570
69 - Will: Richard Meysom the elder of Repton yeoman, will dated 8 Jun 1596. Desires burial in Repton parish church. To his wife Margery, a third of all land and housing, to son Richard the other two parts, except what has already been given to son William, with remainder in default of heirs male to William, in default of heirs male to heirs male and female of Richard. To the two children of William a ewe and a lamb, to the daughter of Richard a ewe and a lamb. To Richard the best weyne [wain] but one, with the ploughs, shares, coulters, harrows and tyndes, yokes, teames and iron ware, one yokes, teames and iron ware, one yoke of bullocks of the best yoke I have but one, and one mare. To William the house where he dwells, for the remainder of the term of 21 years, without paying rent. Also a meadow in Newton Brook, taken by lease from John Bull of Repton (see D2977/2/71). Any remaining leases assigned to his wife, Margery. Sown corn to be divided equally between Margery and William. To each godchild, 4d. To the poor of Repton, 10s. To sister Margery, 5s. To John Osbourne, 4d. Residuary legatees and executors, wife Margery and William. Overseers: William Pratt, Robert Dewpon. Witnesses: Richard Newton, William Pratt, Robert Dewpon, John Osbourne. Proved by the executors, before Zachary Babington, commissary - 1598
70 - Lease for 21 years: William Waklen of Bretby Mylne, yeoman to William Rawston of Repton, weaver, of a cottage of 3 bays in Repton, in the High Street, against the high stone wall, in times past 'the Abbey wall', adjoining the house of John Radforth. Rent 5s per annum Waklen covenants to find timber for repairs. Entry fine of 6s 8d only, because he has put Rawston into a better house than he had from him before. - [1569]
71 - Lease for 18 years. £12 as whole rent: John Bull of Repton, husbandman to Richard Meysham of Repton husbandman, of a close at Newton brook, rent ,12 as whole rent. Meysham to pay Bull 1d pa for the tithe of the nether part of the close. Meysham to repair the fences - [1583]
72 - Lease for 21 years: Thomas Fyndarne of Findern esq to Richard Mesam of Repton, husbandman, of one >meane=in the lordship of Repton, now occupied by Richard. For £4 rent, 7s 4d per annum, one clean capon, one bene in harvest time (or 2d in money) and carriage of one load of wood or coals within 4 miles of Repton - [1564]
73 - Lease for 21 years: Richard Mesame of Repton yeoman to Gilbert Wandell of Repton husbandman, of cottage where William Moore now lives, with the barn and foldyard, and ground above the barn in the close as far as the end of Roger Bishop's barn, and 6 acres of arable land, in Repton as follows: 2 acres 1 rood in Westfield - 2 acre with the hade on Quarrell furlong; 2 acre with the hade on Greenhill; 1 rood on Cliffe Furlong; 2 acre with the hade suiting over Newton brook (next to the balk but one of Mrs Greasleyes); 2 acre at Holloeway Furlong, 2 acre in Cockhey Field, suiting to Blacksitch, 3 roods suiting into Sitch 2 acre in Haskie Field, suiting into Full Sitch 2 acre in Ridgway Field suiting to the Dams 1 acre in Heyfield, suiting on Oldfield gap, 2 acre on Breaches. For payment of ,19 10s, annual rent 8s, paying a capon at Christmas and one day's harvest work pa. - [1633]
74 - Conveyance, Richard Measham of Repton yeoman and Mary his wife to Richard Waite to Repton yeoman, for £124, of croft of meadow (2 roods) and 4 acres arable land in the fields of Repton as follows: 1 acre in Haskie field, suiting up Haskiehill East and West; 1 acre in the Hayfield; 2 acre on the shutt 'the Breches'; 2 acre on longe furlong; 1 acre in Westfield, suiting North and South; 1 acre in Westfield, suiting North into Hallowe way - [1640]
75 - Conveyance, Richard Mesam of Repton, yeoman to Hastings Hill of Repton labourer, for ,29 4 'riggs' of arable land with the 'hads' belonging to them, within the territories of Repton. One selion or land in Westfield, on Greenehill Furlong (2 acre); One selion or land in Heyfield, on Hervey sitch furlong (2 acre); One selion or land in Ridgeway Field, on Upper Furlong (2 acre), suiting towards Milton Field on the road leading to Loscoe; One rigg in Ridgeway Field, on Upper Furlong (1 rood) - 1650
76 - Conveyance, Richard Mesam of Repton, yeoman and Mary his wife to Thomas Hindley of Repton yeoman, for £42 10s, of 6 riggs of arable land in Repton as follows: 2 riggs in Curfeyfield (1 acre) in Little gall furlong; 2 riggs in Westfield, with the heads, both on Overbrooke furlong, heads suiting over the brook; 2 riggs in Heyfield, both in Over more furlong; - 1650
77 - Final concord, James Gilbert, plaintiff, Henry Gilbert and Joan his wife deforciants, concerning 4 acres meadow in Repton. - 1656
78 - Articles of agreement between Thomas Lockington of Repton, yeoman and Richard Measam of Repton yeoman, that Lockington is to have a and Measam is to have 2/3 of a farm messuage in Repton, formerly in the tenure of Lockington. Lockington to enjoy all the corn and grass now growing; and the dwellinghouse, parlour and chamber over them, the kitchen and the upper barn until Measam marries and six months after then to have the houses where William Measam and Richard Grey now live, with Broom hill, Lease close, Neither house yard and other land, to hold this during the life of Mary his wife Richard Measam to have the chamber over the kitchen, the houses and buildings were William Measam and Richard Grey live, until he marries and six months thereafter. Recites the land included as his 2/3 part - 1644
79 - Bond in £30, Godfrey Ward of Barton under Needwood, Staffordshire, clerk to Richard Measham of Repton, yeoman, to observe covenants in bargain and sale of even date - [1670]
80 - Power of attorney, Godfrey Ward appoints John Smalley of Formarke gent, to enter into parcels of land, as mentioned in a bargain and sale of even date (see also D2977/2/79) between Godfrey Ward and Richard Measham of Repton, yeomen and further parcels in a bargain and sale of even date between Ward and Mary Browne of Repton, spinster - 1670
81 - Bond in £30, John Gilbert of Repton yeoman to Richard Measham of Repton yeoman, to observe agreements in indentures of even date - [1671]
82 - Bargain and sale, John Weane of Milkdon (Derbs) yeoman, to Richard Measham of Repton yeoman, for £14 10s, of a parcel of ground 'Stinyard pingle', now in possession of Weane - [1671]
83 - Assignment of lease (remainder of a term of 12 years), Thomas Salt of Repton, yeoman to Richard Moore of Woodcoate at Ashby Leicestershire, yeoman, of Ferry acre (4 acres) in Repton - 1674
84 - Bond in £500, David Jackson of Derby, maltster to Francis Gough (alias Gaigh) to Aston upon Trent yeoman and Richard Gough (alias Gaigh) of Aston yeoman, to perform covenants in deed of even date - [1676]
85 - Bond in £40, Samuel Measham of Repton mason to Richard Measham of Repton yeoman to pay Richard Measham £20 on 19 Jul next [1677] - 1676
86 - Quitclaim for 20s, Joseph Beighton of Ticknall, husbandman and Ellen his wife (a daughter and co-heir of Henry Gilbert, late of Repton, yeoman), Sarah Gilbert (another daughter of Henry) and Joan Gilbert of Repton (widow of Henry) to Thomas Salt, to Ferry acre (4 acres), see D2977/2/44 and D2977/2/83. Recites a bargain and sale between Henry Gilbert and Thomas Salt of 1 Jul 27 Charles II [1675] - 1681
87 - Receipts paid to John Haywood for chief rent (9s 6d) due to Sir John Harpur, bart, by Richard Measham half yearly - 1684-1687
88 - Assignment by lease and release as security for marriage settlement made between 1) Thomas Salt of Repton Wast yeoman 2) Mary Webster of Hartshorne widow 3) Samuel Webster of Hartshorne yeoman, one of the sons of Mary Webster 4) Robert Heathcoate of Repton Wast yeoman and John Browne of Hartshorne yeoman, of Ferry Acre (4 acres) in Repton, see D2977/2/44, 83, 86. Recites an intended marriage between 1) and 1685 2) and £100 paid by 2) to 1) as a marriage portion. 1) grants Ferry Acre to 4) to the use of 1) until his marriage and then for his life, with contingent reminders to 2) for life, then to 3) his heirs and assigns until the heirs and assigns of 1) have repaid the £100 with interest - 1685
89 - Grant of probate (22 Sep 1687) of the will of Robert Cowlyshaw of Aston upon Trent, deceased. Executors are William and Mary Cowlyshaw. No will annexed - 1687
90 - Grant to William and Mary Cowlyshaw of guardian ship of Sarah, daughter of Robert Cowlyshaw, during her minority. Also of the goods bequeathed to her - 1687
91 - Receipts for chief rent (9s 6d) paid half yearly by Richard Measham to Mr Harpur - 1688-1701
92 - Three fragments of a letter from Godfrey Ward to Richard Messam, asking for 30s to be sent by the bearer, his little daughter being sick and his wife not liking to leave while she is so bad. - 1669
93 - Apprenticeship indenture for 7 years, George Measam of Repton, yeoman and Samuel his son to Benjamin Mather of Macclesfield, Cheshire hardwareman, for Samuel to be instructed in the trade of a hardwareman and in the occupation of candle manufacturer - 2 Jul 1784
94 - Directive to Richard Measam and John Cantrill, assessors for Repton, to levy £9.14.0 3/4d per quarter for a year as part of the assessment of £431.4.2d on the county Apr 1679. - 1679
95 - Will of William Cowlishaw of Aston upon Trent husbandman (dated 9 Sep 1680). Bequests:-Son William £40 and one year old filly; Daughter Elizabeth, £40; Daughter Ellen Frierson's three children, 20s to be equally divided; Daughter Mary Fisher's four children, 20s to be equally divided; Son in law Thomas Cook's four children, 20s to be equally divided; Samuel Cowlishaw 5s; Joseph Cowlishaw 5s; Elizabeth Brooks and Anne Brooks, either [each] of them 12d; All the rest of his goods and chattels to his son Robert (made executor) - 1680
96 - Receipt from Richard Roughley, on behalf of Sir John Harpur, for half yearly chief rent (9s 6d) due from Richard Measham - 1681-1682
97 - Bond in £160, William Allestry of Walton upon Trent esq to Richard Measham of Repton yeoman, for Allestry to pay Measham £80 by 9 Aug next - 1690
98 - Receipt for £5, paid by Mary Cowlishaw widow, executrix of William, to Margery Threshold, formerly Fisher, bequeathed in his will, at London - 1722
99 - Receipt, as D2977/2/98. Payment to Jane Jefferson (nee Fisher) and William Jefferson of £5 as bequeathed by their uncle William Cowlishaw, at London - 1722
100 - Will of Mary Cowleshaw of Aston upon Trent widow (dated 4 Mar 1721/22). Bequests:-Grandchild, Ann Mesam, £20 at age 18; Grandchild, Sarah Mesam, £20 at age 18; Similar sums to other grandchildren, Mary Measham, Elizabeth Mesham, at age 18; grandchild Robert at age 21; Residuary legatee and executor, son Richard Mesham - 1728
101 - Inventory of Richard Measham of Repton deceased: furniture, goods, and animals. Total: £135.10.6d - 1742
102 - Receipts for chief rent payable by Richard Measham (Robert Measham from 1742) to Stanhope Hunter for Sir John Harpur Bart - 1739-1752
103 - Bond in £60, Robert Measham of Repton yeoman to Samuel Swindell of Repton yeoman, for Robert Measham to pay Swindell £30 on 1 Nov 1748. - 1748
104 - Will of Sarah Measham of Repton widow (made 7 Mar 1749). Son George is appointed executor. He, with Sarah's daughters Sarah, Elizabeth and Catherine (equal divisions) gets all lands and real and personal estate - [1750]
105 - Inventory (torn in two) of Robert Measam deceased. Goods appraised (12 Jan 1762) by James Matthews and William Wayte. ,169.17.4d, less debts of £96.6.02d - 1762
106 - Letters of administration for Robert Measom of Repton yeoman deceased. Administration granted to George Measom, Robert's brother - 1762
107 - Notice to Richard Mesum, Thomas Allsopp and John Shortose to appear in Wirksworth Church, 31 May, before Archdeacon Browne, to answer'what will be objected against you'. - 1777
108 - List of Measham family births and deaths - 19th cent
109 - List of Measham family births - 19th cent
110 - Two copies of the will of George Measham of Repton yeoman, bequests:- Wife, Eleanor, all real and personal estate at Aston (reversion after her death to second son George) and a messuage at Repton during her widowhood; Eldest son, Richard, all real and personal estate at Repton and Wirksworth (house and furniture at Repton to belong to George's wife Eleanor for life); Second son, George £200; third son, Robert £200; fourth son, Samuel £200; fifth son, John £200; sixth son, Thomas £200; eldest daughter, Eleanor Wayte, £200; youngest daughter, Mary Measham, £200. Joint executors, Mr Abraham Burton of Aston and Mr Richard Bull of Repton. - 1800
111 - Letter of administration, for Samuel Measham of Repton bachelor deceased; Granted to Richard Measham, his brother. Ellen, Samuel's mother, has renounced her right to letters of administration - 1804
112 - Letters of administration for George Measham of Repton farmer deceased; Granted to Ann Rebecca Measham, George's widow - 1830
113 - Receipt for rent of £6.6.8d for Hall Hey due from William Cowlesser of Aston, husbandman. Received by Zachariah Johnson, Ralph Heaywood, William Henworth - 1642
114 - Receipt, property and party as in D2977/2/113. Land in the liberties of Wilden and Shardle [Wilne and Shardlow]. Money (£4.13.0d) due to James Heawood, received by William Henworth - 1646
115 - Receipt for £3. Received by Richard Wrightson from William Cowlesser, rent due for one yardland - 1669
116 - Receipt for £3. Received by Richard Clerke from William Cowlesser, rent due for a yardland of glebe - 1673
117 - Receipt for £3.15.0d. Received by Benjamin Clerke from William Cowlesser, half a year's rent for a yardland and a quarter - 1679
118 - Inventory of William Cowlishaw of Aston upon Trent husbandman. Total: £176.16.0d. - 1682
119 - Bond in £10, by Joseph Cowleshaw of St Paul's Shadwell Middlesex, blacksmith to William Cowleshaw of Aston upon Trent farmer, for J Cowleshaw to pay William £5.3s.0d on 28 Jul next. - [1684]
120 - Acknowledgement (dated 16 May 1685) by William Cowleshaw of Aston upon Trent of receipt of £40 from Robert Cowleshaw his brother (a portion left to him in his father's will) - 1685
121 - Will of Robert Cowleshaw of Aston upon Trent husbandman. All wordly goods and personal estate to his wife Mary and brother William. £60 at age 18 to the child his wife is now carrying, should it survive. John Prior and Robert Brownhill to see the will performed. To cousins Margery and Jane Fisher one ewe and lamb each. To godchildren 12d apiece. Executors Mary and William Cowleshaw. - 1687
122 - Bond (2 fragments) in ,14, from John Hodgkinson of Derby gent and Ralph Coleman of Alvaston yeoman to William Cowlishawe of Aston upon Trent yeoman, to pay £7 on 19 May next - 1698
123 - Terrier of lands at Aston, supposed to belong to Mrs Almand's charity to Burton upon Trent (copy). Land in the Cross field, the Ash field, the Elderslade field, meadow - [18th cent]
124 - Terrier of lands in Aston fields, late belonging to William Cowlishaw, now the estate of widow Measham (copy, annotated in the hand of D2977/2/123 with bounds). Land in the Nether Field, Marsh flat, meadow ground - [18th cent]
125 - Articles of agreement between Daniel Parker of Swarkeston mercer and William Cowlishaw of Aston upon Trent yeoman (on behalf of Mary Cowlishaw widow), concerning several pieces of land (c20 acres), one yardland in the fields of Aston, in the possession of John Prior - 1704
126 - Receipt of £5 6s 0d, expenses payable to J Wright for drawing up deeds on behalf of Mrs Meysham and Mary Cowlishaw, paid in two instalments, Nov 1705 and Feb 1705 - 1705-1706
127 - Receipt given by Robert Holden to William Cowlishaw for ,9 17 6d, a half year's rent for Alstone meadow and part of Wett Close. - 1718
128 - Inventory of William Cowlishaw of Aston upon Trent. Total £83 - 1721
129 - Receipts given to Mary Cowlishaw (as widow and executrix of William Cowlishaw) for a legacy due to Mary Peate (£1 1s 6d) and Mary and Elizabeth Peate (£10 each) - 1722
130 - Receipts as D2977/2/129: Sarah Potter (130b) 7 Jun 1722, £3. The rest all on 130 acres, dated 15 May 1722, William Frearson, £3. Joseph Brownhill, £3; Alice Wood £10; Elizabeth Pearson £5 - 1722
131 - Inventory of Mary Cowlishaw of Aston, deceased. Total £169 - 1727
132 - Inventory of Richard Mesam of Repton deceased. Total £33 11s 2d - 1651
133 - Bond in £300 from David Jackson of Derby maltster to Francis Gough alias Gaigh of Aston upon Trent yeoman, to perform covenants in a lease of even date, relating to a farm in Aston. - [1676]
134 - Charges made for enrolment of a recovery. Receipt by H Gregson for £11 5s 0d. - [1705]
135 - Draft settlement (paper, 3 copies) 1) Richard Meysham the elder of Repton yeoman and Anne his wife, and Richard the younger his son and heir. 2) Mary Cowlishaw of Aston upon Trent widow and Sarah Cowlishaw her only daughter. 3) William Cowlishaw of Aston yeoman of a messuage, where Richard Meysham the elder now lives, with barns and outhouses, a croft the overyard, a croft with a barn, the nether house yard with the pingle, a close the Leyes, a close Notlow Hedges, one ley or rood of land in a close at Overbrooke, Thomas Wayte's close, four west meadow doles, four beast gates in Repton marsh. Also, specified lands in Haskey Field, Good field and Hey Field Richard Meysham the younger to marry Sarah Cowlishaw. Land worth £7 pa plus £60 in money settled on Sarah. Lands as above settld on Richard Meysham senior and his wife for life, then Richard Meysham junior and his heirs. Land specified and tenement now in the holding of William Measham (part of the inheritance of Richard Meysham senior) to Richard junior and Sarah as part of her jointure - 1705
136 - Receipt of Richard Measham for £60 received from the executors of Robert Cowlishaw (Mary his widow and William Cowlishaw), 29 Sep 1705. Richard Measham's receipt for a legacy of £5 from William Brownell (paid by Mary Cowlishaw) - 1705
137 - Letters of administration of Richard Measham widower of Repton granted to his son Richard - 1716
138 - Lease for possession, Elizabeth Bostock of Stanton by Bridge widow and John Bostock her son to Richard Measham of Repton yeoman, of half of an old beast gate in the common pasture of Repton called 'the Marsh', now in the possession of Richard Measham - 1733
139 - Lease (prior to marriage settlement see D2977/2/144)Edmund Challoner of Marston Woodhouses in Marston Montgomery yeoman to Richard Meysham of Repton yeoman (brother of Elizabeth, now wife of Edmund Challoner) Messuage at Draycott in the Clay, Staffordshire where John Robotham dwells, a croft adjoining (12 acres) and several beastgates in Needwood Forest, purchased by Challoner from Isaac Robotham and Margaret his wife and son John, Robotham) Long Ridding Close (4 acres) in Cotton, in the parish of Hanbury Staffordshire, formerly occupied by George Allen, part of Sales Farm, purchased by Challoner from Thomas Smith of Repton mercer, son and heir of Ralph Smith of Cotton yeoman - 1737
140 - Original will (proved, Lichfield, 10 Dec 1558), William Measham of Repton Desires burial in the church of 'Saint Whystan King and Martyr', Repton, Bequests:-Lichfield Cathedral, 4d; Children, Roger, William, Joan and Margery, £6 13s 4d each; The poor of Repton and Milton, 20s to be bestowed in bread; Son Ralph, all land in Repton, had by William's wife from her father Thomas Percye, except the cottage where William Breres lives (this to son Roger); Son Richard and his wife , 4 sheep; Wife, one of the 'meanes' that I have from Mr Fyndren (the other to son Richard); Son Ralph, a yoke of oxen, the best wain with all other implements and 'reament'; Agnes Gilbert, a ewe; Anges Rutter, a ewe and 12d; Hosburne's wife, 12d; Wife Joan and son Ralph are appointed executors; Witnesses: Roger Nyclasson, Richard Corden, Richard Measham, John Walton curate - 1558
141 - Marriage settlement (articles of agreement) 1) Thomas Allestry of Alvaston gent 2) Richard Measome of Repton yeoman. Recites a forthcoming marriage between (2) and Anne daughter of (1), and the provision by (1) of a marriage portion of ,100. (2) to settle lands on his wife of an annual value of ,10. Signed: Thomas Allestry. Witnesses: William Allestry, Francis Hawkins (mark) - 1666
142 - Assignment of a lease Mary Webster of Hartshorne, widow to Samuel Webster (one of the sons of Mary) Messuage in Hartshorne, with an adjoining close, and other closes 'the Nooke Close, the Great Close, the Little Close' and 27 lands or selions of ground in the three fields of Hartshorne. Recites a lease of 9 Jan 1649/50 by Simon Yeale of Hartshorne Grange, gent to James Webster and Mary his wife. Signed: Samuel Webster (mark). Witnesses Thomas Pidcocke, John Cantrell, John Scott - 1685
143 - Unsigned (draft?) Will of Richard Meysham of Repton yeoman: One third part of all lands and tenements to his wife Ann, the remainder to his son Richard (reversion in default of issue to nephew Thomas Meysham); Bequests of £100 to each of his daughters Mary and Elizabeth; Executrix: wife Ann. Overseers: William Allestry of Walton, esq, John Cantrill of Repton yeoman - [1686]
144 - Deed of settlement; For parties and property see D2977/2/139. Signed: Edmund Challoner, Elizabeth Challoner (mark). Witnesses as D2977/2/139 - 1737
145 - Number not used
146-147 - Deeds to two messuages in Repton: Conveyance by Elizabeth Marlbro of Repton spinster and George Measham of Repton yeoman to Joseph Stone of Derby baker, of messuage and barn, outbuildings, yard garden and orchard in Repton (1r 10p) in the possession of Elizabeth, premises allotted to her by the inclosure commissioners for Repton 1770, and Mortgage by lease for 500 years to secure £200, by Joseph Stone of Repton, baker and innholder to Thomas Brentnall of Derby, wine merchant, of newly-erected messuage in Repton, with outbuildings, occupied by Stone, 25 Mar 1771 - 1770-1771
148 - Counterpart to D2977/2/147 - 1771
149 - Lease for possession, parties and property as D2977/2/147
150 - Assignment of mortgage to secure £300, by 1) Thomas Brentnall of Derby, wine merchant 2) Charles Upton of Derby, gent (trustee for Thomas and executor of Constance Harpur Tomlinson, late of Derby, spinster). 3) Samuel Kenyon of Manchester, captain in Royal Regiment of Lancashire Militia (executor and residuary legatee of Constance) Property as D2977/2/147. Recites D2977/2/149 1) and (2) to repay (3). (3) agrees to assign to (2) such money as is owing on trusts declared in the will of Constance - 1779
151-153 - Assignment of mortgage (by lease and release, with fine), 8-9 Oct 1779 1) Thomas Evans of Derby, gent and Thomas Macklin of Derby, esq (assignees of the estate of Thomas Brentnall, a bankrupt) 2) Thomas Brentnall of Derby, wine merchant, dealer and chapman. 3) Charles Upton of Derby, gent. 4) William Stretton of Derby gent 5) Thomas Eley of Derby, mercer. 6) William Hardy of Derby, gent. Property as in D2977/2/150, occupier Joseph Stone. Recites D2977/2/150 and a commission (3 Apr 1779) declaring Brentnall a bankrupt and appointing assignees (1) For £250 (part of the principal of £300) (3) assigns the mortgage of property to (5) in trust for (4). (5) grants to (4) and (6) in trust for (4) - 1779
154-155 - Lease and release by William Stretton of Derby gent and William Hardy of Derby gent (trustee of Stretton to prevent dower) to William Bott of Ashby de la Zouch yeoman and Henry Smith of Ashby, gent (trustee of Bott to prevent dower), of two messuages (previously one only) with orchards, in Repton, occupiers Henry Roughton and [blank] Ashmole. Recites the bankruptcy of Stretton - 1789
156-157 - Mortgage (with bond) to secure £200, by William Bott of Ashby yeoman and Henry Smith of Ashby gent to Robert Bakewell of Tempe in Swepstone (Leicestershire), esq of property as in D2977/2/154-155, occupiers including William Ashmole. Recites D2977/2/154-155. Interest at 42% - 1791
158 - Articles of agreement for sale by William Bott to Joseph Somers of property as in D2977/2/154-155, for £378 - 1793
159 - Mortgage to secure £200 1) Elizabeth Marshall of Repton widow. 2) Joseph Somers of Milton in Repton miller. Property as in D2977/2/154-155, recently purchased by Elizabeth from William Bott - 1793
160 - Deeds of Cockey (Cockhay) Close, Repton, which was the property of Richard Measham in 1810: Bond in £100, from Thomas Rivett of Derby, fellmonger to Isaac Borrow of Castle field, Derby, esq. To secure payment of £50 and interest on 22 Nov 1735 - 1735
161-163 - Mortgage by lease and release, for £60, with receipt by Rivett to Borrow as in D2977/2/160, of messuage in the Morledge, Derby (in possession of Thomas Rivett) 3 acres arable land in 'West Field' in Repton, yearly rent 30s (in possession of Rivett). Recites non-payment of £52 10s 0d (owing from D2977/2/160) - 1736
164 - Quitclaim, by Rivett to Borrow as D2977/2/160, to property as in D2977/2/161-162. Recites D2977/2/162 and its non-payment and a previous mortgage to Richard Caulton butcher excepted from the conditions - 1737
165-167 - Lease and release by 1) Joseph Caulton of Derby gent (2) Thomas Borrow of Derby esq (one of the sons of devisees in the will of Isaac Borrow) (2) Benjamin Bradley of the Sawn's in the liberty of Belper yeoman, Several parcels of arable land in "Westfield" in Repton: 1 acre on Greenhill furlong, 1 acre on Newton Brook furlong, 1 acre on Over Shutt above Newton Brook. D2977/2/164 Recites lease and release of 22/23 Aug 1743 between Richard Caulton of Derby, butcher and Joseph his son, reciting a mortgage by lease and release of 29 Nov 1734 between Thomas Rivett and Mary and Elizabeth Hale of Derby widow for £100 of property as above, with messuage in the Morledge in Derby, and another of 18 May 1736 between (1) Elizabeth Hale (2) Thomas Rivett and Mary (3) William Osborne (4) Richard Caulton for £210 - part to repay Elizabeth. Isaac Borrow has died. Bradley has agreed with Caulton and Thomas Borrow for the purchase of the Derby property for £230, paid to Caulton in discharge of his principal and interest. Caulton confirms the other land to Thomas Borrow - 1762
168 - Copy will of Thomas Borrow of the Castlefields, Derby - 1765-1797
169-170 - Conveyance for £225, 24-25 Dec by Thomas Borrow of Castlefields nr Derby esq to William Newton of Repton, fellmonger and Heneth Newton of Repton farmer and grazier of close of land 2 acres (late in occ of John Ward) allotted on the inclosure of Repton to Thomas Borrow esq (father of Thomas Borrow) in lieu of 3 acres dispersed in the West Field [as in D2977/2/165-67]. Schedule recites 15 May 1744, probate copy will of Isaac Borrow; lease and release of 10-11 Apr 1798 between (1) Ann Borrow of Castlefields (widow of Thomas) (2) Thomas Borrow esq, only son and heir of Thomas and Ann (3) John Philpot of Red Lion Square (Middlesex) (4) Edward Ward of Derby, gent (5) Daniel Parker Coke and John Leaper Newton of Derby Esqs - 1802
171 - Solicitor's bill connected with D2977/2/160-170 - 1802
172 - Inclosure award to Thomas Newton of 2 acres 1 rood 26p in the Good Field (North, East, land allotted to Thomas Stead; South ancient home-steads or crofts of John Morley and William Bowers, and land allotted to Bowers; West, lands allotted to Bowers and William Newton)
173-174 - Lease and release (with covenant to levy fine) made between: 1) Willian Newton of Repton skinner and Mary his wife (2) Henworth Newton of Repton grazier (trustee of William Newton) (3) Richard Measham of Repton farmer (4) Thomas Ley Greaves of Derby gent (5) John Smith of Repton gent by which Cockey Close (2 acres), formerly occupied by John Ward, since by William Newton, now Richard Measham. Allotted to Thomas Borrow esq on inclosure, was conveyed by William Newton to Richard Measham - 1810
175 - Bond for payment of an annuity of £10 by Richard Measham of Repton farmer to Elizabeth Marshall of Repton widow - 1807
176 - Copy letters of administration, George Measham of Repton farmer - 1830
177 - Copy will of John Ward of Repton made 1758. Leaves all effects to his wife Elizabeth, in the event of remarriage to be divided equally among their three children Thomas, John and Rebecca
178 - Copy will of Hannah Woodhouse of Denby widow made 1774. Bequests of money to surviving children (Samuel, John, William, Mary, Hannah) and grandchildren
179 - Copy will of Luke Needham excise officer, made 1781 (acknowledged 1787). Bequests of bonds, promissory notes and rings. Executor, Samuel Woodhouse junior of Bilston (Staffordshire) Needham, Measham and related families: copy wills, executors and other legal papers excise officer - 1787
180 - Copy will of George Measham of Repton yeoman made 1800. Bequeaths to son Richard all real and personal estate at Repton and Wirksworth, except the house and furniture at Repton and property at Aston (to George's wife Eleanor), and payments to younger children to be made out of the estate
181 - Copy draft will of Elizabeth Marshall of Repton widow - 1806
182 - Undated copy of the will of Elizabeth Marshall of Repton widow, made 1807 - (1807)
183 - Case for the opinion of Mr Balguy. Based on the will of George Measham of Repton (1800) and the descent of property at Aston to his widow and then to his second son George - 1810
184 - Copy will of Horatio Goodbehere of China Terrace, Lambeth, Surrey esq, - proved 1820. Includes bequest of music books and legacy to Trinity Hall, Cambridge plus devise of property in Lambeth
185 - Valuation of household goods, furniture etc of the late Mr Richard Measham of Repton - 1821
186 - Bill from Osborne and Drewry, solicitors, for work done on George Measham's (marriage) settlement - 1826
187 - Letter from the Comptroller of Legacy Duties, Stamp Office, demanding payment of duty under the will of Richard Measham (died 1821) - 1830
188 - Receipted bill from James Drewry solicitor, for a release from claims under the will of Richard Measham, made on behalf of Mrs A R Measham - 1831
189 - Sale catalogue (poster), farming stock and implements, late property of George Measham deceased. - 1831
190 - Legacy duty account for the estate of George Measham of Repton farmer (died Jan 1830), exhibited by his widow and administratrix Ann Rebecca Measham - 1831
191 - Benjamin Needham, Chaddesden to his brother [Luke]. Wonders why they have received no letter from him. Family gossip and requests - 1754
192 - Ann Woodhouse from Huff Park to Luke Needham, Supervisor at the Excise Office (London deleted) Oxford. (Family news and best wishes. Hannah (? Ann's daughter) and her growing up - 1771
193 - J Sparrow, Bishton to Mr John Ward, Raglan (Mon) Talks about the merits of the tenants at Gwernitheg and Pentwyn, Webb, Greatrex and Hargreaves. At the end, comment of same date by T Shenton about Gwernitheg farm. - 1785
194 - [Luke Needham] Bilston to his sister Mrs Whiting of Repton. Bemoans his financial position, in danger of arrest. He joined in security with Mr Lowe for £150, in favour of Mr Burrows' cheese money. Wishes to continue with the Excise when his creditors are satisfied. - 1785
195 - Recipe for cough medicine (undated). Addressed to Mrs Whiting of Repton. Compliments to Mrs Woodhouse from Mrs Whiting, wishing her many happy new years
196 - Part of an undated letter (? from Luke Needham) referring to his new station after an assistancy (? in the Excise) now becoming collector in Bolton and Manchester - [18th cent]
197 - J (?Hadley), Chester to good friend Samuel Measam, Mr Hadley's, Newhall St, Birmingham. In receipt of letter of 25 Sep before leaving Parkgate. Asks Measham to exert himself to dispatch particular orders. - 1794
198 - Frances Woodhouse, Bilston to her parents. Addressed to Mr Samuel Woodhouse of Hulland to be left at the Green Dragon, Ashbourne. Inquires whether the clothes have been sent to her: other domestic matters, brother's intended to visit to Chester Fair (via Huff Park and Repton) - [c.1800]
199 - S Woodhouse at Worcester to Mr Samuel Woodhouse at Repton, Derbyshire near Burton upon Trent. Dutiful son to honoured father, has moved toanother house in St Peters Church near Sudbury [Worcestershire] 6 doors from Mr Sergeant's, poor rate 12s a month which with other payments amounts to to as much as the rent. S wishes to be Supervisor some few years so that he may with economy settle his family comfortably and make interest for an easier and perhaps a better situation. Requested promotion from a Commissioner at Malvern who promised to examine his books shortly. If not successful means to get a Division or District as near father as possible. Hopes to see him on his [son's] way to London, or if not to come on leave to learn if any vacancy is likely at Burton, Lichfield or Tamworth or if any officer is willing to exchange. Sam wants to be a linen printer, S has written to Mr Hawksworth of Tamworth asking if he could find an apprenticeship for him. Bessy will write soon as say if she has or has any prospect of a good place. S wishes her to have one near his father or near London for a year, then put her to Millinery and Mantua making. Sally wishes to contine china burnishing here or in London till she can join Bessy in the other. Luke wishes to be prentice with his present master or another in the Grocery business. Think it best to put a trade in their hands. The boys if they prefer it when they come to age may take the Excise, and if anything happens in that will have a trade to depend on. Bessy is to write a long letter soon with all the news. Was exceedingly sorry to hear to Sister Port's death - affectionate messages to her family. The famine hath been very sore in the land near two years, but hopes we shall soon have the blessing of plenty. Concludes with number of Biblical text references - 1801
200 - Sarah Ann Woodhouse, Copenhagen Street, Worcester with Mr Kinnings at Mr James, Carpenter and Joiner to Mr John Ward and Mrs Frances Whitings, Repton, Derbyshire, near Burton upon Trent. Asking her friends to forgive her not writing sooner. Her sister [Bessy] married on 6 Jul and Sarah lives with them learning mantua making of her sister at her father's request. Bessy and her husband are moving to Birmingham and Sarah will go with them. Sarah asks for her bed to be sent on because Bessy and her husband Mr Kinnings mean to buy as little furniture as possible, he fearing he shall not like his Division.Brother Samuel has moved from Ledbury toNuneaton by his own request, came to Worcesterto stay with us for a week, then went with Thomas to see father. Luke and Sarah Anne lately visited there for a week to see their Races now held four miles north of Burford, and visited Oxford also. Parents promised to come to the Music Meeting but now say they will visit their children at Birmingham next summer and go on to see Ward and Mrs Whiting at Repton and Bilston. Sarah Ann requests bed to be sent about 10 Oct and notification of wagon and warehouse chosen directed to Mr Kinning, Officer of Excise, Birmingham, to be left at the Seahorse until called for. Luke sends his love to them all and Betty Smith. - 1806
201 - Mr Cokayne at Chaddesden to Mrs John Ward near the Cross, Repton 1808. Formal invitation to Mr and Mrs Ward to meet Mr and Mrs Shorthose of Willington on Thursday next - 1808
202 - S Woodhouse at Carmarthen to Mr John Ward/ crossed Woodhouse/ at Repton, Derbyshire, near Burton on Trent. To their dear sister, brother, niece and nephews. - 18 Sep 1813
203 - Valentine poem addressed to Mr J Ward junior, near the Cross, Repton.
204 - William Barton, accountant, 7 Exchange St, Liverpool to Mr Richard Measham, Repton. Advises Measham of a property belonging to him, and awaiting a legal claimant. Is willing to communicate this information on receipt of a ,2 note, plus 10% on the amount recovered - 1821
205 - John Ward at Derby to Mr J Ward at Mr Salsbury pipemaker, Leicester.Affectionate father to John and Ann, was in Derbytoday and received their letter from the PostOffice. If had not received it would have written toMr Bull in London, not having heard from them from London since 4 inst. Father, brother and Samuel are all well, will meet them at Derby next Tuesday . Sorry to hear of Mr Bull's misfortune, and glad the rest are well. Mr G Measham is at present with Ward in the dining room of the Rose and Crown. Miss Measham is also in Derby. She has been at Ashbourne a fortnight returning home today. Respects to Mr and Mrs Salisbury and other named persons. Request to purchase the Revd Mr Vaughan's address to his Parishioners, price 1s 6d - 1822
206 - J W Ward at Repton to Mr Middlemiss, 3 Hoxton Fields, Near the Ivy House, Hoxton, London.Sending letter by Mr Hulland, a former schoolfellow of Wards who has been visiting friends in Derbyshire to reassure Mr Middlemiss that he will never forget him or his kind treatment while Ward was under his roof. Enquiries concerning health of Mr Middlemiss' nieces and Mrs Foreacre. Mr William Shorthose of Leamington spent yesterday with Wards, matrimony agrees with him. Ward's father apologises for not writing by Mr Hulland but had extremely short notice of his return. Wards parents, sister and brother send mesages. Hope to see the young ladies in the spring. - 1822
207 - E Salisbury at Leicester to cousin Mr John Ward, near the Cross, Repton.Respects to family and friends. Want to know when Ward and his family will be visiting, eg for the races - 1823
208 - George Measham at London to Miss Ward at Mr J Ward farmer, near the Cross, Repton, Burton on Trent. Addressing his dear friend in adulatory terms, thanking her for a letter received by personal carrier, wishing she was one of the party in their rambles. Sorry to find a misunderstanding between Mr Bull and Mr Middlemiss, has only seen Miss Middlemiss once when they met in Featherstone Street but his party are to dine with them today. Believes her brother told her that they went to St James Park last Thursday because the King was holding his first Drawing Room for a long time. The King slept the night before at Buckingham House, so party saw them all pass to the Palace. Measham thinks he caught a glimpse of the King covered by troops. From St James Park to Westminster Abbey and then to Exeter Change to see the wild beasts -no great variety, frequently seen more in the shows in the country. Also visited Mr Witbread's Brewery, Bank of England and Guildhall; one round trip of 20 miles to British Museum, Kensington Gardens, Palace and village, Paddington, Regents Park and back home by Pentonville, Somerset House to see paintings. Lady and gentleman balloon ascent on Tuesday from Eagle Tavern in City Road, came down too rapidly - man killed, lady died since. Messages to her family - 1824
209 - George Measham at London to Miss Ward at Repton, Burton on Trent. Seizing opportunity to write to his every and only dearest friend. Rumour that the Lady balloonist is not dead though the gentleman was killed. Dined with Mr Middlemiss on Thursday. Journey to Heygate [? Kenwood House, Nr Highgate] to see the beautiful gardens of Lord Mansfield. Mr Bull is going to show him more of London - 1824
210 - E Salisbury to cousin Mr John Ward near the Cross, Repton - 1824
211 - Catalogue of family stock and implements (late property of George Measham dec) sold by auction - 1831
212-224 - Poetry and verses (scraps of paper: quarto and smaller sheets), some in the hand of Ann Ward of Repton - c.1823
225 - Repton School salary account book: Quarterly payments by the master of Etwall Hospital (Mr Jackson) to the schoolmaster and ushers at Repton and for poor scholars places - 1672-1692
226 - As D2977/2/225, 1693-1710. Mr Cunliffe succeeds Mr Jackson - 1693-1719
227 - Commonplace book. Entries, musical, literary, biographical, historical with selection of epitaphs, lists of locations of seats of major Derbyshire families. At back words and music of small collection of songs, mainly frivolous, including one on coronation of George III and Queen Charlotte and Rule Britannia 1 song loose and part of a letter dated Thame - 1759-1900
228 - Memorandum book endorsed memorandums - 1770-1771
229 - Cookery Notebook opening with (a) diagrams for dressing the top of the table for 1st and 2nd courses (b) index to recipes (c) recipes, culinary and medical (d) loose recipes preservatives against cholera at p9 for the asthma at p10 shortness of breath at p53 (e) a morning hymn - Awake my Soul (f) romantic verse on the transience of beauty and the staying qualities of character - 1780
230 - Memorandum book (?Frances Whiting of Repton) - 1788-1799
231 - Memorandum book - 1797-1800
232 - Memorandum book - 1816-1819
233 - Memorandum book - 1824-1826
234 - Samuel Measham's Book 1 - 1781-1827
235 - Book: The Gift of Friendship or the Riddle explained by Mary Elliott,1822. - 1833
236 - Book: The New Whole Art of Confectionary, sugar boiling by W S Stavely, 5th edn - 1828
237 - Book: Records and reminiscences of Repton by G S Messiter, OR (privately printed) - 1907
238 - 'A budget from Repton' by the Rev J Charles Cox reprinted from the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Journal, 1914 - [c1914-1920]
239 - Bag, originally used to hold a bundle of deeds as described in D2977/2/238 - [14th cent]
240 - Richard Measham, 1969'. Table of numeration, with copy draft deeds, bonds and form of a will. - 1696-1743
241 - Manuscript list of D2977/2/1-145 (from which the typed copy was made) - 20th cent
242-243 - Letter from R J R Measham, acknowledging receipt of a copy of the list and enclosing (D2977/2/243) details of additional items handed over - 1965
Expand 3 - Papers of W B Stevens (Headmaster, 1779-1800) - 18th cent-19633 - Papers of W B Stevens (Headmaster, 1779-1800) - 18th cent-1963
Expand 4 - Burdett Papers - 1751-early 20th cent4 - Burdett Papers - 1751-early 20th cent
Expand 5 - Documents given by P Laithwaite - 1682-19535 - Documents given by P Laithwaite - 1682-1953
Expand 6 - Will - ?18th cent6 - Will - ?18th cent
Expand 7 - Notes Regarding the Port Family - 19697 - Notes Regarding the Port Family - 1969
Expand 8 - Named and dated photographs - 1907-19088 - Named and dated photographs - 1907-1908
Expand 8 - Photographs - 1903-19228 - Photographs - 1903-1922
Expand 9 - Memories of Life at Repton in the Early Twentieth Century - 20th cent9 - Memories of Life at Repton in the Early Twentieth Century - 20th cent
Expand 10 - Elmhurst/Vidler Correspondence - 196710 - Elmhurst/Vidler Correspondence - 1967
Expand 11 - School Engineering Workshop - 197011 - School Engineering Workshop - 1970
Expand 12 - School Engineering Workshop - c1900-195412 - School Engineering Workshop - c1900-1954
Expand 13 - Repton Church Before 1845 - 1845-195813 - Repton Church Before 1845 - 1845-1958
Expand 14 - School Bill - 1864-196914 - School Bill - 1864-1969
Expand 15 - Ferraby Family Papers - 1886-196915 - Ferraby Family Papers - 1886-1969
Expand 16 - Chapel Attendance - 1966-196716 - Chapel Attendance - 1966-1967
Expand 17 - Typescript Letter - 189417 - Typescript Letter - 1894
Expand 18 - Maps - 20th cent18 - Maps - 20th cent
Expand 19 - Newspaper Cuttings - 1883-191519 - Newspaper Cuttings - 1883-1915
Expand 20 - Banknotes - 1811-190020 - Banknotes - 1811-1900
Expand 21 - Press Cuttings - 1728-181121 - Press Cuttings - 1728-1811
Expand 22 - W B Stevens Papers - 1782-195622 - W B Stevens Papers - 1782-1956
Expand 23 - Lady Fisher Correspondence - 20th cent23 - Lady Fisher Correspondence - 20th cent
Expand 24 - County History - 1720-173124 - County History - 1720-1731
Expand 25 - Papers Relating to H Vassall - 20th cent25 - Papers Relating to H Vassall - 20th cent
Expand 26 - Commentary - 184326 - Commentary - 1843
Expand 27 - Portrait photograph - c1950s27 - Portrait photograph - c1950s
Expand 28 - Willington Church - 183028 - Willington Church - 1830
Expand 29 - Medieval Deed - [1301]29 - Medieval Deed - [1301]