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D2966 - L Ward of Cokhay Farm, Burton Road, Repton, pig farmer - late 19th cent - 1963
1 - Inventory of livestock and equipment (1 vol) - 1927
1-7 - Farm administrative and financial records including pig sales
2 - Inventory of pigs by breed - 1938-1939
3 - Wages book - 1960
4 - Farm annual accounts - 1941-1959
5 - Cokhay pig sales - 1932-1945
6 - Cokhay pig sales catalogues with notice of dispersal sale - 1932-1961
7 - Pig sale catalogues other than for Cokhay farm - 1943-1953
8-9 - Livestock management
10 - Fruit sales books - 1936-1964
10-11 - Horticultural management
11 - Papers and correspondence regarding fruit and vegetables - 1939-1947
1 - Apple capsid inspection - 1939
2 - Correspondence on apple trees - 1949-1953
3 - Record of sales of windfalls and produce from private garden - 1944-1947
12 - Papers on construction and maintenance of farm buildings and roads - 1922-1963
12-13 - Buildings and furnishings
13 - Vouchers to accounts for farmhouse furniture and equipment, 1830-1940, for fencing and poultry sheds, 1925 - 1925-1940
14 - L Ward's correspondence, chiefly on pigs, also labour in wartime and letters to Press - 1932-1955
14-21 - Correspondence and miscellaneous papers
15 - Blueprint of water points at Cokhay Farm - 1928
16 - Texts of lectures by L Ward on Cokhay Farm, and on pigs; poem in German and English on Cokhay in Christmas card; papers regarding cocktail party with brief guide to farm, 1952 - 1930s-1950s
17 - Photographs of pigs - 20th cent
19 - Weather diary of T Hibbert, gardener at Cokhay - 1941
21 - Group photograph of `Agricola' Dinner party - 1929
22-23 - Wartime papers - 1910s-1940s
24 - Scrapbook of printed programmes of concerts in Sheffield, plays football matches, etc (1 vol) - 1930s-1940s
24-26 - Ward family papers
25 - Ward family photographs - early 20th cent
26 - Miscellaneous ephemera including L Ward's driving licences 1923-1925 - 1920s
27 - Photographs and correspondence regarding members of Jackson family - late 19th-20th cent
27-28 - Jackson family papers
28 - City and Guilds Certificates of J H Jackson (1 roll)
29 - Autograph letters - 19th-20th cent
29-31 - Miscellanea
30 - Derby ABC Railway and Bus Guide - 1922
31 - 400th Anniversary of Repton School - 1957
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George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
Harpur Crewe family of Calke
Horace John Rylands (1886-1961) of Bakewell, First World War soldier
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