Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D2961 - Derby East Methodist Circuit - 1954-1998D2961 - Derby East Methodist Circuit - 1954-1998
Expand 1 - Quarterly meetings and other papers - 1954-19841 - Quarterly meetings and other papers - 1954-1984
Expand 2 - Minutes of Local Preachers meetings  - 1954-19682 - Minutes of Local Preachers meetings - 1954-1968
Expand 3 - Minutes of United Trustees Meetings and other papers - 1955-19883 - Minutes of United Trustees Meetings and other papers - 1955-1988
Expand 4 - Minutes of Circuit meetings - 1984-19934 - Minutes of Circuit meetings - 1984-1993
Expand 5 - Minutes of Staff & Stewards meetings - 1969-19895 - Minutes of Staff & Stewards meetings - 1969-1989
Expand 6 - Minutes of Leadership Team meetings - 1990-19936 - Minutes of Leadership Team meetings - 1990-1993
Expand 7 - Minutes of General Purpose & Finance Committee meetings - 1967-19997 - Minutes of General Purpose & Finance Committee meetings - 1967-1999
Expand 8 - Income / expenditure accounts - 1971-19938 - Income / expenditure accounts - 1971-1993
Expand 9 - Account and collections books - 1943-19969 - Account and collections books - 1943-1996
Expand 10 - Manse accounts and associated papers - 1954-199010 - Manse accounts and associated papers - 1954-1990
Expand 11 - Membership - 1936-197711 - Membership - 1936-1977
Expand 12 - Women's Work Committee  - 1955-198812 - Women's Work Committee - 1955-1988
Expand 13 - Circuit plans & directories - 1959-200113 - Circuit plans & directories - 1959-2001
Expand 14 - Assorted financial records - 1979-198614 - Assorted financial records - 1979-1986
Expand 15 - Overseas Missions accounts - 1977-197915 - Overseas Missions accounts - 1977-1979
Expand 16 - Minutes of various meetings - 1978-197916 - Minutes of various meetings - 1978-1979
Collapse 17 - Circuit festivals and other events  - 1979-198117 - Circuit festivals and other events - 1979-1981
Expand 18 - Church inspection reports  - 1970-198018 - Church inspection reports - 1970-1980
Expand 19 - Trust property schedules - 1955-198219 - Trust property schedules - 1955-1982
Expand 20 - Trust schedules - 1967-198320 - Trust schedules - 1967-1983
Expand 21 - Enquiries to Trustees - 1971-197621 - Enquiries to Trustees - 1971-1976
Expand 22 - Enquiries to Circuit Property Committee - 1980-198122 - Enquiries to Circuit Property Committee - 1980-1981
Expand 23 - Circuit schedules for ministers houses - 1966-196923 - Circuit schedules for ministers houses - 1966-1969
Expand 25 - Circuit returns of endowments, investments, and other funds - 1971-197525 - Circuit returns of endowments, investments, and other funds - 1971-1975
Expand 26 - Orders of Service - 1988-199726 - Orders of Service - 1988-1997
Expand 27 - Overseas Division (Nottingham & Derby District) Newsheets - 1977-198027 - Overseas Division (Nottingham & Derby District) Newsheets - 1977-1980
Expand 28 - 'The Link' Circuit magazines - 1983-198628 - 'The Link' Circuit magazines - 1983-1986
Expand 29 - 'The Sharing Thoughts All Round' Circuit magazines - 1987-199429 - 'The Sharing Thoughts All Round' Circuit magazines - 1987-1994
Expand 30 - Miscellaneous - 1987-199430 - Miscellaneous - 1987-1994
Expand 31 - Youth Council Meeting Minutes - 1979-200231 - Youth Council Meeting Minutes - 1979-2002
Expand UL - Derby East Methodist Circuit: unlisted records - 1985-2009UL - Derby East Methodist Circuit: unlisted records - 1985-2009