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D280 - Tideswell Grammar School - 1536-1939
1 - Minutes of meetings of the School Corporation - 1729-1740
2 - Minutes of meetings of the Governors of Tideswell Grammar School - 1852-1893
3 - Agendas, minutes and resolutions (many rough and draft) of individual meetings of the Governors - c1861-1894
4 - Bargain and sale by Nicholas Garlicke of Thornsett, gent, to Robert Tyward, schoolmaster of the Free Grammar School of Jesus Christ Our Saviour in Tideswell, the vicar and churchwardens, of land in Tideswell, with all appurtenances with bond by Garlicke to Robert Tyward - 26-29 May [1562]
4-67 - Title Deeds and other estate papers - 1562-1839
5 - Grant by Ottewell Newham of Sneterton to the Master of Scholars, vicar and wardens of the Free School, Tideswell, of land in Tideswell. With seal 16 Mar 1566/67 - 1567
10 - Conveyance by Master, Vicars and Wardens of Free Grammar School of messuage and dwelling house in Tideswell to Alice Baker of Litton 8 Mar - 1767
11 - Grant by Anthony Tunsted of Tunstead to the schoolmaster, vicar and wardens of the Free School of Jesus Christ Our Saviour, Tideswell, of lands in Priestcliffe. 30 Jun 10 Eliz I - 1568
12 - Conveyance by the Trustees of the Hassop Settlement to William Shore Mosley of land at Priestcliffe. 30 Dec - 1878
13 - Conveyance by the representatives of William Shore Mosley to Henry Jackson of land in Taddington 9 May - 1894
14 - Conveyance by Mr William E Newton to Mr William N Wilkinson of land in Priestcliffe 17 May - 1909
15 - Conveyance (in trust) by Mr W N Wilson to the Trustees of Tideswell Grammar School Foundation of a piece of land in Priestcliffe 10 Jun - 1911
16 - Grant by Roger Thocette to James his son of lands in Bedfordshire 1 Jun 28 Hen VIII - 1536
17 - Copy of lease by the Master, Vicar and Wardens of the Grammar School of Jesus of Tideswell to Adam Pursglove of Hoton, Yorkshire, yeoman of a messuage, stable barn and 18 acres of land in Tideswell in the occupation of William Crichlow, for 21 years 3 Oct 8 Eliz I [1566] - [19th cent
19 - Lease by Master, Wardens and Vicar of Tideswell Free Grammar School to John Greaves of Tideswell of a cottage, land and appurtenances in Tideswell for 12 years 3 Apr - 1635
20 - Lease by the Master of Scholars, Vicar and Warden sof the Grammar School of Jesus Christ Our Saviour at Tideswell to John Greaves of Tidewell of a cottage and yard in Tideswell for 12 years 4 Apr - 1648
21 - Lease as above, to John Greaves of cottage and lands with appurtenances in Tideswell for 12 years 25 Mar - 1659
22 - Lease as above, to Zacharius Greaves for 12 years 25 Mar - 1671
24 - Lease and counterpart as above, to Richard Hall for 12 years - 3 Apr 1695
25 - Lease as above, to William Clark of Litton; for 12 years - 2 Feb 1730/1731
26 - Lease as above, to William Clark of Litton for 12 years 8 Mar 1742/3 - 1743
27 - Tenancy agreement: John Goddard, clerk, and George Dickin of Brushfield: for land in Tideswell - 1771
28 - Lease by Master of Scholars, Vicar and Wardens of the Grammar School of Jesus Christ Our Saviour of Tideswell to Henry Boulton of Colmworth, of a cottage, two closes and land in Colmworth 26 Mar 21 Cha I - 1648
29 - Note of indemnity of all charges by Robert Pulleyne, esq., holding a 12 years lease of messuage and lands in Bedfordshire - 1696
31 - Tenancy agreement: William Midland for the Trustees of Tideswell Grammar School and James Smith of Roxton, for house and lands at Colmworth 29 Sep - 1836
32 - Tenancy agreement: William Midland for the Trustees of Tideswell School and John Darrington the elder of Chauson, for the lease of lands for one year, at Colmworth 20 Oct - 1836
33 - Tenancy agreement: Samuel Colgrave of Colmworth for School Farm, Colmworth - 1891
34 - Abstracts of agreements with tenants of lands in the township of Taddington contracted to be sold to W Mosley, as part of the Hassop Estate sale - 1878
35 - Abstract of release from mortgage securities on premises in Taddington and Priestcliffe formerly part of the Hassop estates - 1878
36 - Abstract of title, 1867 -1877, of Rt Hon Simon Baron Lovat and others to Hassop estates (Lot 61) - 1878
37 - Abstract of title, 1736 - 1816, of the Duke of Devonshire to a messuage and premises late the property of the Rev Thomas Gisborne dec'd in Tideswell, called Eccles Hall - 1833
38 - Supplemental abstract of title 1833 -1834 of the Rev H B Chinn to a capital messuage and premises called Eccles Hall in Tideswell - 1839
39 - Abstract of title, 1878, of the trustees of the will of William Shore Mosley, deceased, of land and fields at Priestcliffe - 1894
40 - Terrier of lands in Tideswell lately belonging to Henry Bradshaw, now Tideswell Grammar School - Early 17th cent
42 - Copy terrier of Tideswell School land at Colmworth, Bedfordshire 3 Jul - 1773
44 - List of Freeholders in the liberty of Taddington and Priestcliffe - 18th cent
45 - Rental of the lands of Rowland Eyre, esq., and gathered by William Middleton - 1659
46 - A copy of Robert Hodgkinson's deed for 40s a year to be paid by William Longden to the poor of the parish of Tideswell to Mr Bagshaw and Mr Tunsted to the use of Robert and Edith Hodgkinson 16 Jun 34 Eliz I [1592] - 17th cent
47 - Quitclaim - John Michell of Gedling, (Notts) and his landlord Francis Fletcher of Stoke Bardolph (Notts) by the corporation of the Grammar School of Tideswell 1 Jul 34 Eliz I - 1592
48 - Obligation re. articles of agreement between Francis Tunsted (for and on behalf of the poor people of Tideswell) and Robert Eyre 7 May - 1628
49 - Obligation - George Longden of Wormhill, Tideswell, yeoman bound to William Bagshaw of Litton, yeoman, one of the new wardens of the free grammar school of Jesus of Tideswell. Sep - 1657
52 - Obligation - Hugh Wibbersley of Hargate Wall, Tideswell and Thomas Jackson of Priestcliffe in Bakewell to pay Phillip Turner, master of the free grammar school of Jesus Christ, Tideswell and Daniel Totty, vicar of Tideswell. 28 June - 1693
53 - Extract from Court roll - Thomas Green complains against Francis and Eliza Beckett and Robert Pulleyne re. rent arrears 4 Jun 9 Will III - 1697
54 - Copy of award from the Colmworth (Beds) enclosure commissioners - 1835
55 - Agreement for the erection of a central school at Tideswell. Governors of Tideswell Grammar School and Derbyshire County Council - 1929
56 - Robert Pulleyn's receipt for rent paid by Thomas Bradshaw - 1696
57 - Memorandum that 52s of Taddington rents were put in the school chest "there being none of the trustees for that land at that time but Mr Alleyne who was unwilling to dispose of it without the consent of some others of trustees" - 1701
58 - Present rents due to the school - 1720
59 - Agreement to pay off rent arrears for Braye's Farm, Colworth (Beds) - 1722
60 - A true inventory of the goods of John Faviall of Colmworth (Beds), yeoman seized by Mr John Goddard, Schoolmaster of the Free School of Jesus at Tideswell for 2½ years rent, part of the rent in arrears due to the school, 1724. Note. On the reverse is a note that goods and chattels were seized, 1727 - 1724-1727
61 - Order giving notice to Mr William King or Mr James Manison of the distraining of goods and chattels the property of the school, for rent arrears - 1727
62 - Note re. goods of Mr William King seized by J Hough and William Foxlow - 1727
63 - Order giving notice to James Loe or his mother, Widow Loe of the distraining of goods and chattels the property of the school, for rent arrears - 1724
64 - Letter of attorney to collect rents from William King of Colmworth (Beds) - 1729
65 - List of persons to receive bids for letting Broyes Farm, Colmworth (Beds), belonging to the school, in pursuant to a decree in the High Court of Chancery - [?18th cent]
67 - Part of regulations re. tenancy ie:- obligations, allowances - [?1880s]
68 - Sealed and copy/draft orders - 1877-1911
69 - Schemes - 1871-1890
70 - Finance and Accounts - 1566-1938
71 - Wilkinson's case in chancery- book of depositions [re. land in Colmworth (B - 1673
71-72 - Legal case - 1673
72 - The case concerninge Tideswell School' - notes on the history of the school and inquiries as to the state of the school. - [?1673]
73 - Licence for special leave of the schoolmaster, Mr John Raworth in order that he may take a degree at the University of Cambridge and to substitute in his place John Stanley of Eyam, gent, - 1678
73-80 - Staff - 1678-1918
74 - Form of oath to be undertaken by the master of Tideswell School - 1722
75 - Pupil - teacher agreement - Hannah Hinchcliffe - 1874
77 - Character report in John Harrison, a candidate [? for headmaster] - 1864
78 - Letter of application of John Cocker for headmaster - 1879
79 - Letters requesting salary rise, Dr W G Boul, headmaster and Thomas Bagshaw, caretaker - 1912
81 - Reports on the expulsion of R A H Caldecott - [late19th cent]
81-92 - Pupils - 1831-1939
82 - Letter requesting examination results - 1898
84 - Scheme of scholarships or exhibitions adopted by the Governors - 1938
85 - Letter requesting term fees - 1939
86 - Correspondence and other papers re. scholarships and free places - 1912-1918
87 - Applications for scholarships - 1938
88 - Applications for maintenance grants - 1938
89 - Vicar of Tideswell's annual report on the school including the summer examinations. Includes individual pupil results. Some undated - 1906-1914
90 - Report of the Board of Education Inspectors visit - 1907
91 - Report and other papers of the inspection by the Oxford and Cambridge School's Examination Board - 1913
92 - Letter from school to Endowed Schools Commission re. intended visit - 1874
93-112 - Correspondence - 1679-1878
94 - Correspondence re rents and distraint of goods for non-payment, master's salary, Pursglove Charity, school lands, appointment of trustees, repair of cottages, enclosure at Colmworth, etc. - 1705-1918
96 - Correspondence with Charity Commissioners - 1861-c1908
97 - Correspondence with Endowed Schools Commission - 1870-1873
98 - Correspondence with Derbyshire Education Committee and Derbyshire County Council Technical Education Committee - 1899-1919
99 - Correspondence with Board of Education - 1907-1913
101 - Correspondence re dispute between the Governors and the schoolmaster, John Carillon - 1865-1877
102 - Correspondence re appointment of governors - letters of acceptance to serve, notices re. vacancies etc. - 1893-1938
103 - Correspondence re financial matters - insurance, rents, sale of Gelding (Notts) estate, etc. - 1850-1937
104 - Correspondence re land at Priestcliffe - 1891-1911
105 - Correspondence re arrangements re. railway sidings - 1902
106 - Correspondence re sale of land to Manchester and County Bank - 1902-1904
107 - Correspondence re sale of Lands - 1882-1909
109 - Correspondence re land near 'Miners Arms', Tideswell - 1907-1908
111 - Correspondence re land values duties - 1911-1914
113 - Petition for a bill to be filed in the High Court of Chancery for redressing the misemployment of the charity funds - [17th cent-18th cent]
113-117 - Bishop Pursglove's Charity Dole - [17th cent-1919]
114 - Bishop Pursglove's Charity Doles - 1861-1889
115 - Bishop Pursgloves charity, rents - 1861-1902
116 - Lists of recipients of the dole, and receipts - 1850-1919
117 - Exercise book containing details of money paid out - c1860s-1882
118-131 - Miscellaneous Tideswell school records - 1561-1938
119 - Seal, with note, [? of Letters Patent] - 1561
120 - Derbyshire War Agricultural Executive Committee - orders - 1918
121 - Technical Education - report of Sub -committee and Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Act, 1890, Technical Instruction Act, 1889 - return - 1890-1899
122 - Correspondence and papers of a miscellaneous nature - c1777-1938
123 - Charity Commission, (Nonconformist Endowments) return giving a list of orders, 1863-1873 of the Charity Commission appointing trustees or establishing schemes for nonconformist chapels or institutions on their endowments - 1873
125 - Elementary Education Act, 1870 Tideswell School educational return - 1870
126 - A Bill for carrying into effect . . . the recommendations of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the practise and jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts of England and Wales. - 1843
127 - Report of Her Majesty's commissioners for inquiring into the condition of cathedral churches in England and Wales: Lincoln. - 1885
128 - An Act to make further provision for the good government and extension of certain public schools in England. - 1868
129 - Endowed Schools Bill. - 1869
130 - An Act to amend the law relating to endowed schools and other establishments in England, and otherwise to provide for the advancement of Education - 1869
131 - Derbyshire Education Committee Directory part VII containing regulations relating to secondary schools and minor, intermediate and major scholarships. Revised to March, 1916. - 1916
132 - Notices - [late 19th cent]-1910
133 - Book containing details of applicants for headmaster - c1894
134 - Technical Education income and expenditure account book - c1894-c1896
135 - Tideswell School admission register, giving name of student and date - c1831-1849
136 - Precepts for the running of the school - [17th cent]
137 - Correspondence re lands and rents - 1870-1918
138 - Register book, giving name of student, dates of admission and leaving, conduct and further education/employment. Includes list of headmasters - c1858-1926
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