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Collapse D2713 - Risley Educational Foundation - [15th-20th cent]D2713 - Risley Educational Foundation - [15th-20th cent]
Expand 1 - Trustees - 1723-19371 - Trustees - 1723-1937
2 - Charity Commission scheme, varying the scheme of 8 May 1867 - 1898
3 - Charity Commission Orders (sealed) authorising expenditure, appointment of new trustees, sale of stock, etc - 1891-1939
4 - Copy of Charity Commission Order of 1 Dec 1885 - [19th cent]
5 - Scheme by the Board of Education under the Charitable Trusts Act, 1853 to 1894 - 1914
6 - Board of Education Orders (sealed) for appointment of Trustees and sale of property - 1907-1931
7 - Number not used
8 - Final Order under Section II of the Education Act of 1902 for the appointment of Foundation Managers at various schools, including Risley Lower Grammar School - 1902-1903
9 - Notes on Charity Commission and Board of Education Orders etc, 1891-1939 (/1-2)
Expand 11 - Case of the schoolmaster and usher of the school against the Trustees - c1728-172911 - Case of the schoolmaster and usher of the school against the Trustees - c1728-1729
12 - Questions and legal opinion concerning a requirement for the Trustees to surrender copyhold property according to "Mrs Gray's Deed of Trust" - 1755
Expand 13 - Case of the Attorney General, at the instance of John Thacker of Draycott on behalf of other inhabitants of the Risley area against John Bentley and others, Trustees of Risley Schools, with charges of mismanagement - 177513 - Case of the Attorney General, at the instance of John Thacker of Draycott on behalf of other inhabitants of the Risley area against John Bentley and others, Trustees of Risley Schools, with charges of mismanagement - 1775
14 - Legal opinion as to whether the vicar of Sandiacre may insist on being appointed a trustee - 1815
Expand 15 - Case of the Attorney General against Revd John Hancock Hall - c1828-183015 - Case of the Attorney General against Revd John Hancock Hall - c1828-1830
Expand 16 - Case of the Attorney General against Lewis Fytche and the Trustees of the School - 1865-186816 - Case of the Attorney General against Lewis Fytche and the Trustees of the School - 1865-1868
17 - Manor of Risley : Final concord between Hugh, son of Wylughby and his wife Johanna, querentes and Hugh of Wylughby, son of Edward of Wylughby, deforciant concerning the manor of Risley. 100 silver marks, St Martin 12, H[enry VI] - 1433-1434
Expand 18 - Manor of Wilsthorpe - 1632-170218 - Manor of Wilsthorpe - 1632-1702
19 - Copy of the will of Elizabeth Grey, spinster and daughter and heir of the Honourable Anchitel Grey of Risley
Expand 20 - Appointments of New Trustees - 1758-180820 - Appointments of New Trustees - 1758-1808
21 - Duffield Fee: Surrender by Issac Plats and John Storer of closes called Nether Holme, Over Holme, Bryrye Field, Newbreck and 1a 1r in Henne Crofte with the close called Foale Close leading to the King's Highway of Newbrecke, to use of John Chamberlyn; and messuage in Idridgehay and close called the Great Rangnell, Little Rangnell, Henne Crofte, Little Croft, Cow Close and The Hillocks to use of Storer and his wife Dorothy - 1660-1661
Expand 22 - Copyhold deeds - 1664-170822 - Copyhold deeds - 1664-1708
23 - Duffield Fee: Surrender by Robert Shawe and his wife Anne, wife examined separately, of half of Towneshead House, Idridgehay; half of the Nether Meadow, half of The Hillocks and half of the Orchard to use of William Keyes and Thomas Gell; followed by a common recovery between Thomas Potter and Nicholas Orme, plaintiffs, and William Keyes and Thomas Gell, of land above, Robert Shawe vouched to warranty; and the subsequent surrender by all parties above including Robert Shawe of half of a messuage, 8a of land, 4a of meadow and 4a of pasture in Idridgehay to the use of Richard Spencer - 1678
Expand 24 - Hall Close, Idridgehay - 191024 - Hall Close, Idridgehay - 1910
Expand 25 - Dale Abbey, and Wilsthorpe, Sawley - 171625 - Dale Abbey, and Wilsthorpe, Sawley - 1716
Expand 26 - Ockbrook - 1717-171826 - Ockbrook - 1717-1718
27 - Mapperley: Bargain and sale (two copies, numbered /1-2) ("Bundle No 6") by Francis Handley, yeoman, of Lucott yate, p West Hallam, to William Smedley, Samuel Stevens, Henry Charleton, Richard Carter, and Godfrey Wheateley, husbandmen, all of Risley, and John Smedley, framework-knitter, of Risley of a close of 6a in Mapperley and an annual chief rent of 5s 4d subject to an annual charge of 20s for the poor of West Hallam and an annual rent charge of 20s from Long Close in Maperley. One third of the income is to be used for repair of the school house and the remaining two thirds for the poor of Risley. Consideration £71paid by Elizabeth Gray of Risley - 1714
Expand 28 - Long Clawson and Hose, co. Leics - 1742-[19th cent]28 - Long Clawson and Hose, co. Leics - 1742-[19th cent]
Expand 29 - Risley - 1804-c181529 - Risley - 1804-c1815
Expand 30 - Schedules of Title Deeds - 1862-188630 - Schedules of Title Deeds - 1862-1886
31-32 - numbers not used
Expand 33 - Idridgehay leases - 1805-183533 - Idridgehay leases - 1805-1835
Expand 34 - Hulland leases - 1805-183834 - Hulland leases - 1805-1838
Expand 35 - Ockbrook leases - 1805-187735 - Ockbrook leases - 1805-1877
Expand 36 - Mapperley leases - 1875-191236 - Mapperley leases - 1875-1912
37 - Notice with plan (/1-2) from the Great Northern and London and North Western Joint Committee in intention to purchase Risley School land in Hose, Co Leics., for the line from Bottesford to Melton - 1875
38 - Terrier: "An Estimate Accompt" of half of the lands now in the possession of Edward Jowit taken by the jurors at Breaston. Details including field names, acreage and boundaries are given for lands in New Dike, Nether Field, Hopwell Field and Wilne Hill Field and the town pasture in Breaston - 1693
39 - Terrier: Account "by estimation" of all land in Breaston belonging to the Hon Anchitell Gray and occupied by John Becon. Details include field names, acreage and boundaries - 1693
40 - Terrier: Account of lands in Breaston to be exchanged giving acreages and field names for lands in Millhill Field and Hopwell Field and other property - [18th cent]
41 - Letter from H Aston, Hanover Square, London, to Revd Pilkington, Rector of Stanton on investment of school money in turnpike securities - 1752
42 - Letter to Revd Pilkington, possibly from H Aston at Wadley, concerning a forthcoming Trustees' meeting - 1754
43 - Bundle of correspondence and legal opinions (/1-8) concerning an exchange of land in the two Coal Pit closes and Sherborn Pingle, Idridgehay and Joseph Greatorex who intends to build a culvert, including plans 43/6 and 43/7, and wrapper - 1811-1812
44 - Letter from P Yeoman relating to land on the banks of the River Sherbourn claimed by a former tenant of the Trustees - 1817
45 - Letter from Freeth & Rawson of Nottingham stating that Mr Hemsley withdraws his claim in a boundary dispute with the Trustees - 1848
46 - Correspondence with the Charity Commission about Trust accounts (/1-5), 1861 and a new scheme for the charity, 1877 and 1886 - 1861-1886
47 - Letter from John Pearn of Great George St, Westminster, to Revd H B Hall concerning the legal position of the Long Clawson estate - 1867
48 - Miscellaneous administrative correspondence (/1-10), including attendance figures and a specification for repairs at a farm house in Idridgehay, and labelled wrapper - 1881-1883
49 - Folder of correspondence (/1-120) on investment of the Charity's funds from the official Trustees' Dept, Charity Commission - 1911-1943
50 - Correspondence from Mapperley Colliery Co Ltd (/1-5) on working of the Kilburn Seam leased from the Trustees, 1930 with a memorandum of the coal worked, 1929 and notes on the lease - 1929-1930
51 - Folder of correspondence (/1-191) mainly relating to the sale of Trust property in Ockbrook, including plans - 1959-1973
52 - Folder of correspondence (/1-33) relating mainly to building improvements at the Latin School, including plans - 1961-1966
53 - Correspondence and plans (/1-30) for erection of a bridge over the brook in connection with a house at Brookside, Risley - 1967-1972
54 - Letter concerning an application for a scholarship - 1968
55 - References (/1-2) for Abigail Bolbrooke to support her application as a teacher - 1758-1759
56 - Application by Frances Rosell for the post of school mistress - 1759
57 - References (/1-2) for Joseph Jackson to support his application as a teacher - 1761
58 - Letters (/1-2) concerning John Hancock Hall's request that the payment formerly made to him as head-master be paid to Revd H L Biden whilst discharging the duties of headmaster - 1829
59 - Letters (/1-2) from John Downall relating to his application for the headship of the school - 1830
60 - List of fixtures belonging to the Trustees in the Headmaster's house - 1868
Expand 61 - Finance - 1893-198061 - Finance - 1893-1980
Expand 62 - Draft statements of account - 186162 - Draft statements of account - 1861
63 - Folder outlining: statement of account 1915-1920, analysis of accounts 1918-1921, cash account 1920-1921, estimated receipts and expenditure 1923-1926, draft accounts 1921-1922; 1925-1927, receipts and payments accounts 1927-1943 (44 items, numbered D2713/63/1-44) - 1915-1943
64 - Bundle of annual abstracts of accounts, Midsummer to Midsummer (/1-10) - 1871-1883
Expand 65 - Receipt and payments - 1939-196865 - Receipt and payments - 1939-1968
Collapse 66 - Bank deposit books - 1943-197366 - Bank deposit books - 1943-1973
67 - Receipt counterfoil book - 1963-1970
Expand 68 - Bank statements - 1934-197568 - Bank statements - 1934-1975
69 - Memorandum of the appointment of Revd Pilkington as Receiver - 1752
70 - George Rouse's account for rents paid, endorsed "Account of Chief rents payable out of the Long Clawson Farm" - 1720-1721
71 - Memorandum of the Long Clawson rent payable and the taxes and other payments to be made from it - [18th cent]
72 - Memorandum of rents received - 1756
73 - Lists of half year rents due with notes of dates of settlement - 1833-1837
74 - Note of debts owed by the Trustees to John Flamsteed for rents and memorial dues, 1708-1720 and copy of a letter sent to Mr Flamsteed concerning his account (/1-2) - 1751
75 - Bill for timber bought from Revd H B Hall - 1836
76 - Account for timber cut on the Idridgehay and Breaston estates - 1844
77 - Account of the Trustees with Burton and Eking (dissolved) for legal services 1881-1891 and account of the Trustees with W G Eking's Representatives for legal services, 1892 and 1899 (/1-4) - 1881-1899
78 - Miscellaneous bills and delivery notes (/1-5) - 1965-1977
79 - Memorandum of payments to teachers, 1716-1719 - c1719
80 - Memorandum of sums of money let by School Trust, 1743-1746 (/1) - [18th cent.]
81 - Bundle of papers about the bankruptcy of the Trust's tenant at Long Clawson (/1-6) - 1871
82 - Copy valuation of a house, premises and land at Idridgehay - 1878
83 - Notice, with covering letter, of prescription of a building line affecting Trust property in Pilsley on the main Nottingham-Derby Road, 1928, with plans for road widening, 1929 (/1-3) - 1928-1929
84 - Plan of Mow Close, Dale Abbey, showing proposed division between the Trust and Long Stamford, with various measurements. - [18th cent]
85 - Plan of soft coal workings at Mapperley Colliery - 1915
86 - Plan (probably from a sale catalogue) of pieces of land at Long Clawson, Long Clawson Bridge and Long Clawson Station, by C W Wright of Nottingham. - 1933
87 - Ordnance Survey sheet SK72 (including Long Clawson). - c1959
88 - South elevation and section of east gable, School House, Risley by Naylor, Sale and Widdows, architects of Derby. - 1978
89 - Lists of Trustees - c1898-1940
90 - Sub-Committee suggestions for the awarding of Junior and Senior Exhibitions, adopted by the Trustees (/1-2) - 1914
91 - Completed return of the School as a secondary school of a public character for the Director of Education, Derbyshire County Council - 1904
92 - Acts of Parliament - 1840-1869
93 - Bill, with memorandum, for the organisation of secondary education - 1898
94 - Derbyshire Education Committee regulations and instructions for the managers and teachers of public elementary schools - 1937
95 - Account of a house and land (field names given) in the possession of Sir Thomas Perkins (or Parkyn), giving acreages - [17th cent]
96 - Manor of Risley: view of frank pledge and court baron - 1733
97 - Part of a schedule of Trust documents - [late 19th cent]