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Collapse D258 - Gell family of Hopton Hall, Wirksworth  - 1200-1905D258 - Gell family of Hopton Hall, Wirksworth - 1200-1905
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Expand 9 - Thomas Gell9 - Thomas Gell
Expand 10 - Sir John Gell I (1593-1671), Sir John Gell II (1613-1689), Civil War and various10 - Sir John Gell I (1593-1671), Sir John Gell II (1613-1689), Civil War and various
Expand 11 - Various, 18th - early 19th century11 - Various, 18th - early 19th century
Collapse 12 - Various, 17th century12 - Various, 17th century
1 - The answer of Sir John Gell to the bill of complaint of Cornelius Vermyden re marriage of Vermyden and Anne, daughter of Sir Compton Read - 11 Feb [1682]
2 - `Some Observations on the Late dangerous Petition presented to the House of Commons, 11 Sep Printed - 1648
3 - Pleadings in the case John Mason alias Nicolson v Immanuel Bourne, parson of Ashover (incomplete) [after 1649] - [mid-late 17th cent]
4 - Depositions in the case Cornelius Wermeyden [Vermuyden] v Anthony Alcroft and partners re lead mines, 22 May with note of agreement 23 Oct - 1678
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6 - MS volume of notes (in Latin) on philosophy, rhetoric and early science, with index - 1607
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11 - Unexecuted indenture between John Gell, son and heir of Thomas Gell and Lionell, Lord Cranfield, Lord High Treasurer and Master of the Court of Wards and Sir Benjamin Richerd re lands inherited from Thomas Gell with extent and valuation of the lands 12 Jas I - 1614-1615
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14 - Final concord between Sir John Gell, Samuel Stone, Thomas Gell, Richard Spencer, and Richard Lea, plaintiffs, and Elias Sladen, Robert Hayward, and Ann his wife, John Allsopp, George Alsop, Edward Allsop, John Taylor and Mary his wife, John Allen and Hannah his wife, deforciants, of one messuage, 20 acres arable, 10 acres meadow, 20 acres pasture and common of pasture for 70 beasts and 12 calves, at Hopton, Hognaston, Kniveton and Offcote and Underwood Quindene of St Martin 30 Cha II [25 Nov] - 1678
15 - Petition of Faith Wigley of Wirksworth, widow, to William Lord Cavendish, Earl of Newcastle, Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire that the Earl writes to Mr Gell to ask Gell to take up the execution of Wigley's will and settle the estate on Faith - c.1640
16 - Answers to articles of inquiry before Sir Robert Pye, Sir Edward Boyse and others re happenings at Derby in 1643-4, 5 - 26 Dec - 1645
17 - Copy lease and release by Sir John Gell to William Sacheverell of Barton [Notts] and William Eyre of Holme of the manor of Holland in parishes of Wirksworth and Duffield and properties in Wirksworth and Carsington 15-16 Aug - 1678
18 - "A Message from the lower House of Parliament, sent to the upper House and delivered by Sir Dudley Digges", about negotiations with the Lords' answer 8 May - 1626
19 - "Sir Thomas Overburies Observations in his travels upon the state of the seventeene provinces [Netherlands] as they stood 1619 ......"; also "The Arch Dukes country 1609" and "France 1609 under Henry 4th" - Early 17th cent
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21 - Letter announcing writs under Great Seal at the King's request, to release those imprisoned by reason of being papists 2 Aug - 1622
22 - `His Majesty's speech upon the prorogation of Parliament' mentioning tonnage and poundage and Remonstrance - c.1620s
23 - Copy letter from the Lords of the Counsell to the King re the answer of Sir Edward Cooke, Lord Chief Justice, to certain articles objected against him 26 Jun, and note of King's judgement 30 Jun - 1616
24 - Copy letter of Sir Charles Cornwallis, a prisoner in the Tower 22 Jun - 1614
25 - Address of the bishops to James I and the King's answer re nullity of marriage 15 Jul - 1613
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27 - Notes of medieval deeds for Carsington, Brassington and Hopton - 17th cent
28 - List of names headed "all willing" and "not willing" - 17th cent
29 - St Martin in the Fields [Middlesex] subsidy list - 1663
30 - Report of the committee for the affairs of Ireland concerning compensation for land of Lady Tyringham seized by rebels and Parliamentary forces - 10 Jun 1650
31 - Copy speech of James I in the Parliament house at Edinburgh 7 Jun - 1617
32 - Notes of various legal cases temp. James I - 17th cent
33 - "A prayer publiquely made at Austat in Germanie by a priest of the same place" for the preservation of the Catholic religion with two later versions including. refs to Turks, German princludinges "..... all the divills in Hell (yea God himself) are turned hugonites" - 17th cent
34 - Copy letter from Sir Kenelm Digby to his wife re naval engagments in the Mediterranean - dated at Zante refers to English captives in Greece and stops in Majorca, Minorca etc 26 May - 1628
35 - Order from the Keepers of the Libertye of England to the sheriff of Derbyshire re money owed by late William Greatrax of Brassington, to Thomas Gell, Receiver of the Honour of Tutbury and which was assigned by Gell to Charles I, for which an extent is to be made of the estate of John Greatrax, son the said William 12 Jun - 1651
36 - Agreement re dispute over mortgage by Gell and Pole to Thadai 25 Apr, 28 Cha II - 1676
37 - Draft acknowledgement that John Primate will be paid on recovery of debt 18 Dec - 1651
38 - "A noate of my brother Cursons bonds" - 17th cent
39 - List of money received from Maurrice Abbott including reference to Steppingley Park (Bedfordshire) - 1641-1642
40 - Bill for legal charges in the case Gell v Blake including receipt Jul - 1642
41 - "A discourse touching the present Consultacion concerning the Peace with Spaine and the retayninge of the Netherlands in societie and protection" - written by Sir Walter Raleigh in first year of the King 1602 (MS copy) - [1603]
42 - The substance of the Earl of Bristol's speech in Parliament against accusations of treason 19 May - 1626
43 - "A Discourse ...... Whether it be better to suppresse Popish Practises by the strict execution of the Lawes touching Jesuites and Seminary Priests, or to restraine them to close prison during life, if no reformacion follow" (MS copy) by `R.C.' 11 Aug - 1613
Expand 13 - Title deeds and other papers13 - Title deeds and other papers
Expand 14 - Various, 18th-19th century14 - Various, 18th-19th century
Expand 15 - 17th Cent Printed Material15 - 17th Cent Printed Material
Expand 16 - Title deeds and other papers16 - Title deeds and other papers
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Expand 23 - Title deeds and other papers23 - Title deeds and other papers
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Expand 25 - Miscellaneous legal, financial and other papers25 - Miscellaneous legal, financial and other papers
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26 - Title Deeds etc
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Expand 28 - Title Deeds28 - Title Deeds
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Expand 34 - John Gell (1539-1671)34 - John Gell (1539-1671)
Expand 35 - Various accounts, deeds etc35 - Various accounts, deeds etc
Expand 36 - Anthony Gell d. 158436 - Anthony Gell d. 1584
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Expand 38 - Correspondence etc38 - Correspondence etc
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42 - Conserved fragments of estate plan showing fields (numbered) around house called Bank Top - 19th cent
Expand 43 - Hopton Receipt Papers43 - Hopton Receipt Papers
Expand 44 - Sir John Gell44 - Sir John Gell
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Expand 46 - Staffordshire estate papers, 19th century - 1834-187946 - Staffordshire estate papers, 19th century - 1834-1879
47 - Unidentified plan showing part of the course of a waterway, marked at points with numbers, and the dates 20 Aug and 22 Aug. Scale not given. Dimensions approx 150cm x 130cm - [19th Cent]
Expand 48 - Philip Gell (d 1842), draft deeds, estate and financial papers - 1706-187748 - Philip Gell (d 1842), draft deeds, estate and financial papers - 1706-1877
49 - Log book of the Cutter Yacht Albatross from the port of Cowes, Isle of Wight to any port or ports her owner may think proper, wind and weather permitting' [to Scotland] - 18 May-29 Aug 1836
Expand 50 - SIR WILLIAM GELL (1777-1836)50 - SIR WILLIAM GELL (1777-1836)
Expand 51 - Various51 - Various
Expand 52 - Volume of bound letters and other documents - Late 17th-early 19th cent52 - Volume of bound letters and other documents - Late 17th-early 19th cent
Expand 53 - Printed Pamphlets53 - Printed Pamphlets
Expand 54 - Isabella Thornhill - c1850-187054 - Isabella Thornhill - c1850-1870
Expand 55 - Pedigrees and other papers55 - Pedigrees and other papers
Expand 56 - Gell Family Papers Series A-D56 - Gell Family Papers Series A-D
Expand 57 - Family Papers57 - Family Papers
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63 - Number not used
Expand 64 - Boer War (largely Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell) - 1899-190264 - Boer War (largely Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell) - 1899-1902
Expand 65 - Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell (1872-1934) and other material65 - Henry [Harry] Anthony Chandos-Pole-Gell (1872-1934) and other material
Expand 67 - Masque by William Browne written for the Inner Temple and associated correspondence - 1615-196467 - Masque by William Browne written for the Inner Temple and associated correspondence - 1615-1964
Expand 68 - Pedigrees - 19th cent68 - Pedigrees - 19th cent
Expand 69 - Plans - 1711-182869 - Plans - 1711-1828
70 - Manor of Holland p Wirksworth and Lands Grant [temp Q Anne] to Philip Gell of Hopton [outsize parchment deed, badly damaged by damp, partly illegible]
Expand 71 - Isabella Thornhill, nee Gell (1800-1878): diary - 1863-187571 - Isabella Thornhill, nee Gell (1800-1878): diary - 1863-1875
72 - `Catalogue of the library at Hopton Hall' Arranged by size of volume: folio, quarto, octavo Duodecimo, `sixteens and twenty-fours' Title, edition and date of publication Folio paper vol, in slip case - ?17th cent
Expand 73 - Gell of Hopton Hall: family seal dies - late 19th cent73 - Gell of Hopton Hall: family seal dies - late 19th cent
UL - Gell of Hopton Hall: unlisted records