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D255 - Ray family of Heanor Hall - 18th - 19th cent
B - Business
E - Estate Papers
1 - Abstract of Mr Wheatley's title to an estate at Heanor and Langley beginning with lease and release of 20-21 April 1712/3 - c1780
2 - Abstract of Lord Scarsdale's title to an estate at Langley beginning with lease and release of 22 & 23 April 1750 being marriage settlement of Nathaniel Curzon and Lady Caroline Colyear, by which a messuage in Langley was released to trustees - c1800
3 - Abstract of title of Mr Anthony Spendlove and Sarah his wife to an undivided fourth part of share of four messuages or dwellinghouses, a malt office, shop and 21 acres of land at Heanor - c1820
4 - Abstract of D255 M/T 70-71 - 1845
5 - Bond by Robert Lilly, Mary Metham, Edward Newcomen, Richard Bradshaw, Katherine Carter and David Richmond to Robert Sanderson in £400: the condition that Sanderson peaceably holds the premises conveyed to him by indenture of 20 and 21 April 1713 (D255 M/T 33-34) - 22 Apr 1713
6 - Bond by John Bentley of Risley and William Newton of Draycott, yeoman to Francis Wheatley of West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, yeoman, John York of Nottingham, maltster, and Jonathan Blunt of Nottingham, butcher, in £120, 5 April - 1759
7 - Copy extracts from the will and codicil of Robert Toplis - 1790
8 - Copy of the Lord Chancellor's order for a discharge of the incumbrance affecting that part of Lord Scarsdale's settled estates sold to redeem the land tax, 11 April - 1800
9 - Copy of part of the will of Anthony Woodward late of Heanor, yeoman 18 April - 1803
10 - Copy of part of the will of Job Turton of Heanor, yeoman 1 April - 1826
11 - Award of arbitration in a dispute between John Ray and Messrs Smith and Frearson (trustees of Mrs Abbott) regarding the exclusive right and enjoyment of the Marlpool. In 1835 Ray deepened the pool and planted willows which inhibited the use of the pool by Smith and Frearson; Ray also placed a well nearby and a stop-cock by which the level of the pool could be regulated. The arbitrator ruled by that Ray was the owner of the pool but that owners of certain land adjacent had a right to use it: therefore Ray, at his own expense, must construct a conduit leading from the pool, not interfering with the ancient sough leading from the pool, to ensure a sufficient supply of water to Smith and Frearson's cattle and horses, 4 April - 1840
12 - Attested copy of deed of settlement by Mr Charles Toplis (D255 M/T 61) - 1846
13 - Attested copy of the will of Charles Toplis - 1846
14-15 - Award (and copy) of the arbitration, H Waddington in a dispute between John Ray and Charles Toplis regarding the erection of fence between the two properties, 17 April - 1848
16-17 - Fire Insurance policy on Heanor Hall with draft notes for schedule - 1866
18 - Particular of Rev L H Master's manors of Heanor and Codnor, with price of the estate - c1810
19 - Copy of the rates and land tax of Heanor Hall, lands and tenements from the valuation of William White - 1832
20 - Copy of a valuation of John Ray's estate at Heanor by F Sandars - 1834
21 - Small memorandum book of rough notes on title deeds, value of Heanor Hall, capital, collieries and Shipley Wharf, Leicester - c1845
22 - Rough terrier, notes and valuation of Ray property at Heanor - c1845
23 - List of cottage rents - 1836-1837
24 - Plan of five closes in Heanor - Near Field, Far Field and Little Field - c1880
25 - Small sketch plan of part of the Far Field
26 - Plan of Heanor Local Board of Health land at Tag Hill proposed to be taken for the water works reservoir - 1855
27 - Sketch and admeasurement of land at Heanor belonging to William Beardsley - 1834
28-29 - Lease by Rev George Henry Ray of Finghall Rectory, Bedale, Yorkshire, clerk, to Jane Bannerman and Louisa Bannerman both of Wyastone Lyes, Herefordshire, spinsters, of Heanor Hall and three cottages in Heanor near the Hall, with all fixtures and furniture (inventory accompanying): for 5 years at £156 per annum 26 April - 1876
30-31 - Extract from the Heanor enclosure award of 1792 relating to the stopping up of a footpath with pencil sketch of the path - c1810
32 - Memorandum regarding the stopping-up of a road by Mrs Sutton - 1821
33-35 - Notes relating to the diversion of the road from Commonside to the "Woodshop" - 1825
36 - Solicitor's bill to Mrs Sutton regarding the diversion of a public footpath in Heanor - 1828
37 - Letter from Birch to Mrs Sutton regarding the diversion of a footpath on her estate - 1829
38 - Notice of intention to divert the footpath from Commonside to the public highway at the west end of the town over Mrs Sutton's land at Tagg Hill Field - 1828
39 - Letter from John Ray to Birth (solicitor) regarding turning the Tagg Hill road on to the Commonside road - c1829
40 - Measurement of a foot-road to Shipley - c1835
41 - Letter by Charles Toplis to John Ray regarding stopping up "the cross road", with draft reply - 1834
42-43 - Draft letters by John Ray relating to a road in Heanor - c1850
44 - Agreement by W H Fletcher of Pentrich Mill to sell to John Ray a piece of land being part of the Near Field at Heanor, 2 acres 2 roods 3 perches, for £300 - 1834
45-46 - Further letter from Fletcher to Ray accompanying draft conveyance - 1835
48 - Abstract from deed of division of chief rents between Thomas Oldknow, George Hodgkinson and Thomas Potter, 20 April 1758 - c1834
49 - List of chief rents at Langley 1809-1815 copied from Mrs Chambers' ledger - c1834
50 - Abstract of title of C G Riley to a freehold estate at Langley, relating to a messuage, croft and parcel of land called Crab Tree Close - c1834
51 - List of chief rents - c1834
52 - Short terrier with rate and land tax paid: five closes in Langley, Joseph Gammer tenant - c1834
53-54 - Two letters from W W Bailey (Ray's agent) regarding Gammer's refusal to recognise John Ray's claim for chief rent - 1834
55 - Letter from Mr Gammer's solicitors regarding the grounds for John Ray's claim for fee farm rent - 1834
56-57 - Letter and demand note from John Ray to Gammer for £1 17s 10½d chief rent - 1834
58 - Small sketch map of Mr Harrison's property at Mill Hay - c1834
59 - Memorandum regarding Mr Harrison's refusal to pay chief rent - 1834
60 - Letter from Harrison referring John Ray to his solicitors - 1834
61-67 - Further correspondence between Ray, Harrison and Harrison's solicitors Leeton and Gell regarding Ray's claim to the chief rent and Harrison's refusal to pay - 1834
68-70 - Further notes on chief rents - c1834
71 - Memorandum from Mr Wood of Swanwick Hall to John Ray stating that in 1755 Goodere Fletcher paid £2 chief rent to the Lord of the Manor - 1834
72-73 - Further notes on John Ray's claim for £1 17s 10½d chief rent for a farm in Langley formerly belonging to Goodere Fletcher - c1834
74 - Note on chief rents on the Dunsteads, Langley Farm - 1838
75 - Letter from F T Howitt to John Ray regarding the chief rent for Harrison's property on Lee Lane - 1859
76 - Letter from John Radford to John Ray regarding his arbitration in the dispute between Ray and Charles Toplis over the ownership of a strip of land 10 perches, stating that the land was unquestionably the property of John Sutton 23 April - 1835
77-80 - Further correspondence relating to Toplis' claim to the 10 perches mentioned in D255 M/E 76 together with copy statements - 1835
81 - Further notes on the boundaries of the Toplis property - c1835
82 - Notes on John Ray's title to a strip of land connecting the Long Close -10 perches, including the hedge and ditch with oaks in the fence - c1835
83 - Receipt for rent from John Toplis for the slip of land adjoining Tagg Hill Field - 1839
84 - Note from Ray to Toplis stating that Ray is desirous of planting the slip of land adjoining the Tagg Hill Field and reminding Toplis that he has not paid three years' rent - 1841
85-86 - Notes on alleged trespass by Charles Toplis on Ray's property, with extract from the Heanor Enclosure award 1792 - c1846
87 - Draft deed relating to the settlement of the dispute with Toplis - 1846
88 - Receipt for purchase of land by John Ray - to enable him to build the ditch from the Marlpool - 27 perches for £14 - 1834
89 - Letter from Simpson and Frear, solicitors, to John Ray regarding his making a ditch at the Marlpool and thereby encroaching on their client's land - 1834
90 - Reply by Ray of D255 M/E 89 denying the charge - 1834
91 - Small plan of the Marlpool, showing 12 perches of it cut off by the turnpike road
92 - Extracts from 18th century deeds relating to the Marlpool
93-94 - Notes by T Baynton on the original watercourse at the Marlpool - c1834
95 - Extract from the Heanor enclosure award 1792 relating to the manorial allotment
96 - Extract from conveyance by John Sutton to Samuel Abbott 24-25 April 1803 of a messuage called the Windmill House at a place called the Marlpool with certain plots of land adjoining - c1839
97 - Notes on conveyance of land at Marlpool
98-101 - Correspondence relating to arbitration in the Marlpool dispute - 1839-1840
102 - Letter by W Browne to John Ray regarding Smith and Frearson's claim to the Marlpool (with copy) - 1839
103 - Further letter as D255 M/E 102: Browne is claiming that the Marlpool is a public watering place and that the Lord of the Manor's claim to it disappeared with the enclosure award of 1792 - 1839
104 - Further letter from Browne to Ray, complaining about Ray's planting of willows and lowering the level of the Marlpool - 1839
105 - Agreement between John Ray and Daniel Smith and Henry Frearson (trustees under the will of Lydia Abbott) agreeing to refer their dispute regarding the Marlpool to an arbitrator, 28 April - 1839
106 - Further notes on the Marlpool - c1840
107-108 - Details of soughs, water levels etc at the Marlpool by W W Bailey and T Baynton - 1840
109-111 - Drawings of Marlpool drainage scheme, with notes of piping water from Marlpool to Abbot's watering place - 1840
112-113 - Further measurements of Marlpool levels by W W Bailey and T Baynton - 1840
114-115 - Further notes on the Marlpool - c1840
116 - Account of John Ray's alterations to the Marlpool 1834-5 - c1840
117 - Letter by F T Howitt to John Ray regarding a meeting "respecting the Marlpool" - fixed by the umpire - 1840
118 - Statement of the data as to the property called the Marlpool - c1840
119 - Letter from the arbitrator accompanying the award suggesting that Ray has custody of the award - 1840
120 - Further letter from the arbitrator to John Ray - 1840
121 - Bill by Mrs Abbott's trustees to John Ray - 1843
122 - Newspaper cuttings relating to Toplis's property at Westhill, Heanor including an advertisement for letting the residence called Westhill, the projected sale of 13 acres of grassland at Westhill, particulars of the land and rental - 1848
123 - Further notes on the Toplis property - 1848
124 - Letter from John Ray to John Curzon regarding the mortgage of the Toplis property - 1848
125-126 - Two letters from Capt Drawwater to John Ray regarding the purchase of the Westhill property - 1848
127 - Letter from Abraham Cann of Nottingham to John Ray, offering Ray the Westhill property - 1848
128 - Copy lease by Eliza Jane Toplis of Stamford Baron, Northants to Herbert Abbot of 10 acres of the Westhill estate at Heanor for 7 years at £35 per annum - 1851
129 - Articles of agreement between Francis Stanley Toplis of Bristol, agent, and John Ray of Heanor Hall, esquire, by which Toplis agrees to sell to Ray for £1600, all those closes with messuages or tenements standing thereon at Westhill namely Far Field, Middle Field, Barn Close, Tag Hill Close, Common Piece, gardens, house and cottage: 11 acres or thereabouts in the occupation of Herbert Abbot, Henry Eley and William Suget, 27 April - 1858
130-132 - Notes regarding the Toplis conveyance including the addresses of members of the Toplis family - 1858
133 - Solicitor's bill for Toplis conveyance - 1858-1859
134-135 - Letter from John Greasley to John Ray with reply, regarding an auction of "Mr Marshall's property" - 1857
136 - Letter from John Holbrook to John Ray containing a description of the property - 1857
137 - Agreement between John Marshall and John Ray by which Marshall agrees to sell to Ray for £250, a dwellinghouse, bakehouse, garden and conveniences adjoining the grounds of Heanor Hall, 16 April - 1857
138 - Three bills for repairs to Marshall's house - 1857
139 - Letter from John Greasley to John Ray (as D255 M/E 134-135) stating that Marshall's house, bakehouse and premises are available for £250 - 1857
140 - Draft agreement with Charles Hunt for the purchase of land in the Little Field - 1859
141 - Notes on a conversation with Mr Hunt regarding the purchase - 1859
142 - Receipt of £2 5s 0d by John Ray to Charles Hunt for the purchase of 45 square yards of the Little Field - 1859
143 - Two rent receipts - 1839
144 - Receipt for £10 from John Ray to William Abel being part of the purchase money for Top Meadow
145 - Legal bill accompanying 1845 sale of part of Smith's land - 1845
146 - Accounts of the rents of the lands and cottages formerly of John Smith, now of Richard Hawks, Sarah Parkin, Elizabeth Robinson and John Ray - 1845-1847
147 - Lease by Charles Toplis of Heanor gent, to John and Henry Eley, farmers and contractors, of coal under fields called the Barn Croft, Tag Hill Field, Middle Field and Far Field, 13 acres, with liberty to build machines, roads, railways etc but no new road or building to be made within 80 yards of Charles Toplis's house: for 15 years at £40 per acre per annum for every acre of coal raised, by quarterly payments, 12 April - 1845
148 - Agreement between John Ray and Elizabeth Sutton Ray of Heanor Hall, Rev G H Ray of Spennithorne Rectory, Yorkshire, and Sir Henry Sacheverell Wilmot of Chaddesden, Bt., and Lorenzo Kirkpatrick Hall of Barton Hall near Lichfield, by which the Rays agree to let to Wilmot and Hall, of the Bottom Hard Coal and Bottom Soft Coal lying under land in Heanor coloured pink on the plan (inset) and marked with the letter "A"; for 31 years at an annual rent of £75, and a further £75 for every acre mined: not to open any pit within 60 yards of the Heanor Hall boundary (edged and marked "B"), 27 April - 1858
149 - Memorandum of an agreement between Rev G H Ray and Henry Hale West of Shipley Colliery, agent - 19 Apr 1871
150 - Counterpart lease by Rev George Henry Ray of Finghall Rectory, Yorkshire, clerk, to Henry Hale West of the Marlpool, colliery proprietor, of the Combe Coal underlying 70 acres of land in Heanor (plan inset), to be worked by two shafts in the corner of the close known as the Big Common Piece numbered 556; coal not to be worked within 20 yards of any building on the Ray property or within 60 yards laterally of the mansion house; to make use of the old shaft at Tagg Hill as a ventilating shaft; not to erect a chimney or similar erection over the old shaft; to make use of parcels 556 and 557 for all purposes usual in mining operations: to be a single pit-heap on the same site as the present one; no coke to be burnt; for 16 years; £4 per acre rent for the use of 556 and 557, £200 per acre of Hard Coal worked, £10 per acre for any coal worked by outstroke, and £80 per acre of Combe Coal worked: to draw up a plan at his colliery office on a scale of not less than 2 chains to 1 inch to show the direction and state of the workings at any time, 30 April - 1876
151 - Surrender by Henry Hale West to Rev G H Ray, in consideration of £150, of all the beds of coal under lands and hereditaments in Heanor 3 acres 0 rood 30 perches delineated on the plan [back cover] and coloured pink, 28 April - 1884
152 - Notes on communications between John Ray and Edward Miller Mundy of Shipley, mainly relating to coal - 1845-1848
153 - Bond by John Ray to Jemima Thompson of Bishop Auckland, Durham, widow, executrix of Robert Thompson in £1000: if any person other than John Ray shall claim title to coal under the Dunstead Closes, Langley, and substantiate such claim, then if Ray pays to Mrs Thompson £600 within two months of such judgment, then the bond will be void [Ray won his case in Chancery against Thompson and others proving his right to the Dunstead coal], 8 April - 1847
154 - W T S Daniel's opinion on Thompson's bond - 1851
155 - Copy letter from John Ray to Henry Eley regarding his illegal working of coal under John Ray's land - 1851
156 - Draft letter by John Ray to Henry Eley stating that "a road of (Ray's) coal has been forgotton" - 1851
157 - Letter from Thomas Charlton of Chilwell to John Ray regarding Eley's coal workings at Heanor - 1851
158 - Receipt by John Ray to Henry Eley for £2, also Eley to deliver coal valued at £3 to Heanor Hall - 1851
159 - Copy letter by Freeth, Bacon and Brown stating that the coal gotten by H Eley under Ray's and under the common should be measured and the rent paid by Eley: he may continue to get the coal under Ray's land however - 1851
160 - Abstracts relating to coal at Heanor, beginning in 1577 - c1852
161 - Further notes by John Ray on the Common coal at Heanor - c1852
162 - Notes on coal under Tag Hill Field and other matters - c1852
163-168 - Memoranda of quantities of Deep Soft, Top Hard and Combe Coal belonging to Rev G H Ray worked by Shipley Colliery Co from West Hill Colliery - 1868-1876
169 - Memorandum by John Booth on the amount of Top Hard and Combe Coal belonging to G H Ray worked from West Hill Colliery - 1871
170 - Letter from John Boot to W W Bailey regarding Mr West's application for an extension and enlargement of his present coal lease for the Combe and Heanor Hard Coal - 1871
171 - Letter from John Boot to Rev G H Ray mentioning the pillar of coal left under Heanor Hall and his survey of the underground workings - 1885
172 - Letter from John Boot to Rev G H Ray regarding 11 acres of Top Hard and Combe Coal thought to belong to Ray - 1885
173 - `Ilkeston Pioneer', advertisement for sale and lease of the Waterloo and Dunsil seams of coal under lands in a ring fence situated at Heanor and Tagg Hill, 15 April - 1855
174 - Letter by E M Mundy to John Ray regarding "the stakes placed in the Tag Hill Field" - 1851
175-176 - Letters by Ray to Mundy and Charlton regarding the mining activity in Tag Hill Field - 1851
177 - Letter and draft reply by G H Ray to J Ray regarding Ray's dispute with Miller Mundy over the ownership of coal in Heanor - 1852
178-194 - Correspondence between Thomas Charlton of Chilwell Hall, John Ray and Mr Mousley, solicitor, regarding the preparation of the deed of partition of coal in Heanor, with notes, memos and four small plans - 1852
195 - Further small bundle of correspondence between T B Charleton and John Ray regarding the agreement on coal ownership - 1852
196 - Copy acknowledgement and conveyance by way of confirmation of title of coals at Heanor - 1852
197 - Extract from the conveyance by Samuel Fletcher and John Sutton to John Bullivant, 23 April 1785 - closes in Langley called the Dunstead Closes - c1850
198 - Letter from Thomas Charlton to John Ray asking to examine any old deeds Ray may have relating to the Fletchers or other families at Heanor - 1854
199 - Declaration by John Boot of Hucknall Huthwaite, mineral engineer, to the effect that in 1856 he was employed by Thomas Broughton Charlton to sell 17 acres of Combe Coal, Heanor Hard Coal, Dunsil Coal and Waterloo Coal under parcel numbers 3786, 557a, 557, 556, 424, 425, 427, and that he was further employed by E M Mundy and T B Charlton to sell similar beds of coal under 375, 374, 373, 368, 372, 369, 371, 370, 377, 378a, 378, 318, 315 and 317 and 49 acres 2 roods 3 perches - [plan inset,] 15 April - 1885
200 - Memorandum by William Wheatley the younger of Watnall that he has sold to Robert Toplis of Newthorpe, farmer, for £460, a messuage with another tenement, barn and cowhouse, and 13 acres 2 roods of pasture and arable land 4 April - 1779
201 - Page from pocket book and diary with notes on "Lord Scarsdale's allotment next the road" - nd [19th cent]
202-203 - Further extracts from the Heanor and Codnor enclosure award (1792) - nd [19th cent]
204 - Notes on Lord Scarsdale's conveyance, 1801 - c1850
205 - Letter by J Nuttall (one of the Heanor enclosure commissioners) to Mrs Sutton regarding the Heanor enclosure award and the reserved mineral rights - 1824
206 - Notes on payments to servants at Heanor Hall - 1833-1844
207-209 - Notes on farm and garden wages at Heanor Hall - 1833-1843
210 - Memorandum of an agreement with Mr Cordon for altering the "sunk fence" at Heanor Hall - 1834
211 - Note on the Heanor estate - nd [19th cent]
212 - Letter by E J Toplis to J Ray regarding the Heanor Board of Health's desire for land for building a waterworks - 1856
213-215 - Two letters and a plan relating to a road to Heanor cemetery - 1857
216 - Bill for timber - 1867
217 - Letter from H W Plumptre (trustee) to Rev G H Ray, giving him permission to sell part of the Heanor estate - 1876
218 - Sale catalogue: building land and hereditaments at Heanor, with plan showing house plots (Ray Street) 8 April - 1881
219 - Letter from W Frimodge (agent) to John Sutton regarding an estimate for building a small office at Shipley Wharf - 1800
220 - Letter from W Frimodge to John Ray stating that he has valued the dilapidations at Shipley Wharf - 1815
221 - W Frimodge's bill to Mrs Sutton - 1815-1816
222 - Lowdham and Greaves bill to Mrs Sutton for legal charges - 1816
223 - Valuation of dilapidations at Shipley Wharf Leicester for Mr Sutton: barn, shed, well and pump - 1816
224 - Letter from W Frimodge to John Ray Frimodge is trying to sell the eight tenements fronting St Margaret's Pasture belonging to Mrs Sutton - 1820
225 - William Frimodge's bill to John Ray - 1821-1827
226 - Receipt for rent from the Borough of Leicester - 1822
227 - Sketch plan of Shipley Wharf - 1822
228 - G Parker to J Ray: the Surveyors of the Highways of the parish of St Margaret's, Leicester have ordered that the road to Shipley Wharf be repaired - 1823
229-230 - Letter from W Frimodge to J Ray regarding his opinion of the value of Shipley Wharf - 1823
231 - Letter from W Frimodge to J Ray: Mr Porter a builder has enquired for part of the wharf with a view to converting it into a factory - 1824
232 - Letter from W Frimodge to J Ray: Mr Deakin has a brother who wishes to take the wharf - 1824
233-234 - Letters from W Frimodge to J Ray: Mr Deakin is a possible tenant and he will pay the same rent as the present tenant - 1824
235 - Letter from the outgoing tenant William Preston to J Ray asking for remunerations for his improvements at Shipley Wharf - 1824
236 - Edward Grant's agreement to become tenant for Shipley Wharf at a rent of £100 per annum: the tenant is also to send for and lay down on the Shipley Wharf two full cargoes weekly or an average of 104 cargoes per annum of Heanor Hall coal - 1824
237 - Rough draft of D255 M/E 236 - 1824
238 - Letter from William Frimodge to J Ray: Mr Bowmer wishes to purchase the whole of Shipley Wharf - 1824
239 - Letter from William Frimodge to J Ray: Mrs Warner (via Mr Bowmer) does not want all Shipley Wharf after all, but wants part of it for the erection of a small office - 1824
240 - List of repairs carried out at Shipley Wharf - 1824
241 - Inventory and valuation of sundry household furniture, fixtures, coppers, brewing vessels, ale, garden stuff and other effects of William Preston, sign of The Boat, in the parish of St Margaret's, Leicester; sold to Edward Grant - 1824
242 - Various bills for repairs at Shipley Wharf - 1824
243-245 - Letters by J Ray to W Frimodge regarding repairs at Shipley Wharf - 1826
246-247 - Letter by William Frimodge to J Ray regarding complaints about the pump and paving at Shipley Wharf - 1826
248-249 - Receipts for work carried out at Shipley Wharf - 1826-1827
250-251 - Letters by W Frimodge to J Ray: a new floor is needed at the "Heanor Boat", the parlour wall has "retired 2 inches" and other repairs are needed - 1827
252-253 - Tenancy agreement and draft between John Ray and Edward Grant for the public house and Wharf for 3 years at £100 rent per annum - 1827
254-257 - Bills for repairs at Shipley Wharf - 1827
258 - Copy reply by John Ray to an enquiry regarding the possible sale of Shipley Wharf: Mr Porter the builder has asked for a price - 1829
259 - Agreement to build a cistern - 1830
260 - Memo by W Rudkin that he has painted the public house and offices - 1830
261 - Bill for fencing and new landing at Shipley Wharf - 1830
262 - Copy memorandum that J Ray has let to Samuel Coleman, coal merchant, of Leicester, all that public house, wharf, garden, eight tenements and other outbuildings called Shipley Wharf, at an annual rent of £100, 18 April - 1830
263-264 - Specification for sinking a cistern and drain at Shipley Wharf to take superfluous water to the ditch in the lane - 1830
265 - W Rudkins bill for building the rainwater cistern etc - 1830
266 - Copy letter by John Ray to William Frimodge: Coleman willing to pay £29 1s 10d - 1830
267 - Letter from Samuel Coleman to John Ray asking Ray to take the fixtures in the house, piggeries and garden "at a valuation" - 1834
268-269 - Letter relating to Sam Coleman's intentions of quitting Shipley Wharf - 1834
270 - Letter from John Ray to Samuel Coleman regarding his tenant right - 1834
271 - Acknowledgement of Coleman's notice to quit - 1834
272 - Letter from W Frimodge to J Ray regarding Coleman's repairs and Gent's willingness to rent it - 1835
273-274 - Advertisement in the 'Leicester Journal' and 'Leicester Chronicle' that the Heanor Boat public house is to let - 1835
275 - Copy note from J Ray to S Coleman accusing him of not putting Shipley Wharf in tenantable repair - 1836
276 - Inventory of fixtures to value to Joseph Gent from Samuel Coleman - 1835
277 - Draft supplemental agreement between John Ray and Joseph Gent by which Ray lets to Gent the Pasture Lane (Shipley) Wharf for the reduced rent of £70 per annum, due to the diminution of traffic at the wharf - 1835
278 - Sketch plan of Shipley Wharf - c1835
279 - Letter by Thomas Cook (agent) to John Ray: Ray has had a family bereavement - 1836
280-281 - Repairs at Shipley Wharf - 1836
282 - Letter from Thomas Cook to John Ray regarding Mr Gent's complaints - 1836
283-285 - Letter and reply by Berridge, Berridge and Macaulay to John Ray regarding the price and particulars of the Shipley Wharf property: lowest price Ray has ever wanted is £2500 - 1836
286 - Letter by Thomas Cook to J Ray: Mr Gent has been complaining about repairs: his beer is going to sour - 1836
287 - Letter from John Ray regarding the value of the Shipley Wharf property - 1836
288 - Note regarding the possible sale of the Shipley Wharf property - 1836
289 - Letter from Cook to Ray regarding Gent's rent - 1837
290-291 - Letters from John Harvey and Thomas Cook to Ray: Harvey has purchased the piece of land adjoining Shipley Wharf [pencil sketch] and requests to make the margin of the properties straight so that the street may go down between them - 1837
292 - Letter by Cook to Ray: a fence is needed against the ditch as Gent's crops are being destroyed or stolen - 1837
293 - Notice requesting attendance at the 1st Annual Meeting of the Derby Town and County Museum and Natural History Society to be held at the Derby Town and County Library [used for scribbling rough notes] - c1837
294-296 - Further letters from Harvey to Ray regarding his scheme for straightening the street: it would add £200-300 to the value of Ray's property - 1838
297 - Letter from Cook to Ray regarding Harvey's proposition - 1838
298 - Letter from Cook to Ray: he has seen the parish map made in 1804 - 1838
299 - Letter from Cook to Ray: he has received Gent's rent - 1838
300 - Letter from W Burbedge to Ray denying that he emptied the ditch - 1838
301 - Letter from Cook to Ray: Ray thinking of selling Shipley Wharf - 1838
302 - Letter from Stone and Paget to Ray: Mr Harvey wishes to see him regarding the watercourse - 1838
303 - Letter from Cook to Ray: Mr Gent is coming to Heanor to pay his rent; wants to erect a crane on the wharf - 1839
304 - Letter from Cook to Ray: has received Gent's rent - 1839
305 - Letter from Cook to Ray: the "£10 Grocer man" has culverted the ditch nearly down to the canal and has drawn a line obliquely so that he leaves a way into another newly formed street - 1839
306 - Letter enquiring for details of Ray's land "at the back of the Heanor Boat, Leicester" - 1841
307-308 - Letter from Cook to Ray: he has received Gent's rent - 1841
309 - Letter from George Greet to Ray: he wants to become tenant to Shipley Wharf although the business of the yard is nearly lost - 1841
310 - Letter from J Huish to Ray: Gent's executors are liable for the payment of rent to Lady Day 1843 - 1842
311-315 - Letter from Cook to Ray: new tenants are wanting to take over at Shipley Wharf and notes on landlord's repairs - 1842
316 - Bill for work done at Shipley Wharf - 1844
317 - Circular letter by the Conservative Committee, Leicester, regarding the election of poor law guardians for the parish of St Margaret, Leicester - 1844
318 - Reply to D255 M/E 317 - 1844
319 - List of Leicestershire rents: Shipley Wharf and eight houses in Pasture Row. - 1846
320 - Leicester rent account (Lady Day). - 1846
321 - T. Johnson's bill for nails - 1846
322 - Leicester rent account (Michaelmas). - 1846
323 - Joseph Sheldon's bill to Ray for repairs at Shipley Wharf. - 1846
324 - Bills - 1846
327 - Webb and Austin's bill: dealers in Crich and Barrow lime. - 1847
328-333 - Leicester rent accounts - 1847-1849
334 - John Curzon's bill to Mrs Sutton for charges in relation to the mortgage of the Shipley Wharf property - 1823-1825
335-337 - Correspondence between John Ray and John Curzon regarding the Leicester mortgage - 1827-1850
338 - Lease by the Wardens and Commonalty of the Mistery of Goldsmiths to George Ray, esquire of a messuage and premises in Wood Street, Cheapside: annual rent to £81 13s 0d for 59 years: to be insured for £2000, 23 April - 1829
339 - Copy of an agreement between George Ray and Messrs Barlow and Butt respecting 118, Wood Street: to be tenants for 21 years at an annual rent of £360: tenant's fixtures and fittings to be taken at a fair valuation. 18 April - 1844
340 - Counterpart lease by John Ray to Messrs Besemeres and Bowley of 118, Wood Street; for 21 years at an annual rent of £400, 29 April - 1858
341 - Agreement for underlease by Rev G H Ray to Messrs Young, Carter and Overall of 118 Wood Street: for 8½ years at an annual rent of £600. 27 April - 1877
342 - Advertisement for Mr Debenham's register of property to be sold and let.
343 - John Ray in account with Frank G Debenham, 80 Cheapside for letting his property, 118, Wood Street. - 1858
344 - Notes on 1877 lease - 1877
345 - Letter from Rideaux and Sons, Goldsmiths Hall to Clark and Huish, regarding the underletting of 118, Wood Street - 1877
346 - Letter from Debenham, Tewson and Farmer auctioneers and surveyors, stating that Messrs Young, Carter and Overall accept Ray's terms for 118, Wood Street. - 1877
347 - Messrs Clark and Huish's bill to Rev. G H Ray in connection with the 1877 lease - 1877
348 - Series of receipts for rent for 118 Wood Street, leased by John Ray of the Company of Goldsmiths. - 1857-1862
349 - Further bundle of rent receipts. - 1862-1867
350 - Receipt of fire insurance, 118 Wood Street; Westminster Fire Officer. - 1863
351 - John Ray's personal account book - 1816-1839
352 - Account book relating to the winding up of the affairs of George Ray by John Ray, his sole executor. - 1852-1866
353-397 - Bundle of papers relating to John Ray's residuary accounts and funeral expenses. - 1867-1868
398-399 - George Henry Ray's succession duty accounts upon the death of John Ray (29 April 1867) - 1868
400 - An account of the succession in real property of George Henry Ray following the death of Elizabeth Sutton Ray (2 April 1870) - 1870
401 - Note of the property left by Mr Brentnall's relation to Mary Sills
402 - Notes on Mrs Sills' will (died 13 April 1821) with executors' bill - 1822
403 - Account of the executors of Mary Sills - 1823
404-407 - Correspondence between John Curzon and John Ray (Mary Sills' executors) regarding Mr Flamstead's mortgage of land at Spondon - 1823
408-410 - Mr Curzon's accounts of Mrs Sills' estate with legacy receipts - 1825-1827
411 - Letter from Curzon to Ray: he has received the papers signed by Mrs Ray - 1825
412-413 - Correspondence between Curzon and Ray relating to the Sills trust - 1826
414 - Memo from the Inland Revenue that the duty on some of Mrs Sill's legacies remains unpaid - 1849
415-416 - Correspondence between Curzon and Ray regarding a release and indemnity from Mrs Tomlinson's family to them as executors of the late Mrs Sills - 1850
417 - Letters from Curzon to Ray: James Tomlinson intends to surrender the copyhold to Curzon and Ray in mortgage for the £100. - 1850
418 - Letter from Curzon to Ray regarding Mrs Sutton's mortgage - 1857
419-420 - Further correspondence between Curzon and Ray regarding James Tomlinson's mortgage of copyhold land - 1857
421-425 - Correspondence between W H Toynbee and John Ray regarding banking matters. - 1857
426 - Letter to John Ray regarding Jennings' legacy - 1844
427 - Solicitors' bill - Huish to Ray - 1857
428 - Bond by James Jennings of Chesterfield, butcher, to William Turbutt of Ogston in £200. 10 April - 1810
F - Family
O - Official
T - Title Deeds
Z - Miscellaneous
George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
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