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Collapse D2535 - Hurt family of Alderwasley - 1428-[20th cent]D2535 - Hurt family of Alderwasley - 1428-[20th cent]
Collapse M - Family and estate records - 17th-18th centM - Family and estate records - 17th-18th cent
Collapse 1 - Alderwasley and Ashleyhay Estate papers (items /1-65), title deeds (items /66-90), shrievalty (/91-93) - 17th-18th cent1 - Alderwasley and Ashleyhay Estate papers (items /1-65), title deeds (items /66-90), shrievalty (/91-93) - 17th-18th cent
1 - Survey of Banks, Ashleyhay by Samuel Hutchinson, with assistants John Blackwall and Mr Bower. Scale: 5 chains to 1 inch [Private enclosure] - 1721
2-9 - Bills and receipts for lag and a line of foal, legal expenses, oats, rents, builders expenses - 1724-1729,
10 - Account of the "stence" (stints) of Carsington pasture (the Hill, the Brecks Hill and Coshill) - with list of owners and stint payment.
11 - Draft valuation or rental of land at Carsington - mid 18th cent
12 - Note from Thomas Walker with notes on rents on back - 1729
13-15 - Notes on poor rate assessment, land tax and church rates - 1728
17 - Draft Carsington rental - c1730
18 - Estate account for Carsington - repairing Tower Head stable etc - c1730
19 - Blacksmith's bill to Charles Hurt - 1726
20 - Letter John Beresford to Charles Hurt request to borrow £50 - 1732
21 - Memo on Nether Castern taxes, Staffordshire - c.1730
22 - Bill Ploughing and repairs to "icirus" - 1726
23 - Inventory Goods of John Fletcher distrained by Charles Hurt- estate accounts 1733 - 1734 on back - 1733-1734
24-31 - Bills (attached to D2535/M/23)including candles, soap and rent memoranda - 1728-1733
32-38 - Bills, memos and rent receipts - 1731-1732
39 - Draft notes for survey and rental of Alderwasley and Ashleyhay including water corn mill, Smithing mills and lead mill; acreages divided into land, meadow, pasture and wood - mid 18th cent
40 - Letter Ger(vase?) Rosell to Charles (?) Hurt- requesting £15 to lend to "Nann" - 1731
41 - Letter Duke of Devonshire to Hurt- asking for his vote. Farm accounts on rear - 1732-1733
42 - Draft accounts for wood and rents - 1721-1722
43 - Receipted payments for wheat and peas - c.1730
44 - Notes and prices for sale and purchase of oats - c.1730
45 - Note on Willmot's estate at Alsop
46-57 - Receipted bills for oats, shoes, blacksmith, husbandry utensils and repairs - 1719-1732
58 - Rental- part of Alderwasley
59 - Letter J E Leeke to Charles Hurt- Mrs Port's death and bequest to Justice FitzHerbert and Mrs Betty FitzHerbert of Tissington estate for life - 1725
60 - Account of Widow Harrison's goods - 1725
61 - Draft letters- C Hurt's man borrowing money from Mr Gell- gift of hare and pheasant
62 - Copy will Nicholas Hurt of Castern, devising property at Castern to his wife for life, with reversion to sons Roger and Nicholas, 27 Jul - 1637
63 - Survey Commons at Millhay allotted to John Lowe and commoners [? private enclosure] - c1740
64 - Letter Sam Hutchinson to C Hurt- share in Ashleyhay enclosure [see D2535 M/1/1] - 1721
65 - Rental and survey Ashleyhay and Millhay showing copyholders' and freeholder's parts of common [D2535 M/1/1] - 1721
66-69 - Leases of tithes in Nether Castern (Duke of Devonshire and others - N and C Hurt) - 1742-1751
70-90 - Manor of Over Castern and Nether Castern, Staffordshire: Title deeds - 1670-1875
72 - Exemplification of recovery Philip Gery against Sampson Baker, the manors of Over Castern and Nether Castern with app and one messuage, 400 acres of land, 80 acres of meadow, 520 acres of pasture, 140 acres of furze and heath and 50 acres of moor in Over Castern. Nether Castern, IIam, Stanshope, Wetton and Mayfield, Staffordshire - 1671
73 - Deed to levy a fine. Charles Hurt, Francis Hurt, Anthony Hurt, Henry Hurt (1) Thomas Brown of Hungry Bentley, Derby and Gervas Rossell of Wirksworth (2) - for the docking of estates tail on manors of Over Casternand Nether Castern and Lawrence Wright's part of IIam Moor and Dovedale. (1) agree with (2) they will levy a fine before the end of coming Easter term - 1710
74-75 - Final concord and counterpart - Thomas Browne and Gervase Russell Esq. plaintiffs and Charles Hurt, gent, Francis, Anthony and Henry Hurt gents, deforciants of the manors of Over Castern and Nether Castern and 3 messuages, 2 cottages 200 acres of land, 80 acres of meadow, 220 acres of pasture, 150 acres of furze and heath, 40 acres of moor in Over Castern, Nether Castern, IIam, Stanshope, Wetton and Mayfield. £600 consideration. - 1711
76-77 - Family settlement and counterpart Charles Hurt (1) Mercy Hurt for ensuring payment of £1000, the portion or fortune of MH (1) has demised to (2) a part of the manors of Over Castern and Nether Castern (as before) for 1000 years at a peppercorn rent: null and void if CH pays to MH £1000 on 15 Apr 1715 - 1715
78-79 - Family settlement and counterpart (Charles Hurt - Grace Hurt) Demise for 1000 years for securing payment portion of £1000 of ? of manors of Over Castern and Nether Castern 31 Aug - 1710
80 - As D2535/M/1/76+79 but Mary Hurt spinster 31 Aug - 1710
80-81 - As D2535/M/1/76 - 77 - 1710
81 - Counterpart of D2535/M/1/80 - 1710
82 - Lease Nicholas Hurt and Nicholas Hurt to George Cope All mines or veins of lead ore in Castern, for 21years. Rent: 2 shillings for every nine dishes of lead mined. Dated 14 Oct - 1669
83-84 - Assignment of manor of Over Castern and Counterpart (William Fitzherbert and others - Ferdinando Lowe and Luke Vallence) - 1670
85 - Demise by Nicholas Hurt (1) Robert Willimott eldest son of Nicholas Willimott of Grays Inn and Thomas Catesbie of Osmaston (2) (a) appointment by (1) that Philip Gery of Osmaston shall be possessed of an annuity of £200 for the maintenance of his wife Isabella for the residue of a term in an indenture of 1 Jan 1647 (b) demise by (1) to (2) of all his estates in Staffs and Derbyshire for 40 yrs for better securing the payment of the £200 Dated 21 Jan - 1663
86 - Deed to lead to the recovery of Over Caston manor [see 1/83] N Hurt the elder (1) N Hurt the younger (2) William Fitzherbert of Tissington, Robert Willimott of Grays Inn, Thomas Rudyard of Rudyard, Christopher Lea of Mayfield (3) Sampson Baker servant to Nicholas Willimott serjeant at law (4). Making provision for the payment of all the debts on (1) and for making provision for the portions of the younger children of (2). (1) and (2) agree to suffer a recovery of the manors of Over Castern and Nether Castern together with the portion of Ilam Moor and Dovedale known as Laurence Wright's part, the manor house or capital messuage in Ballidon & Cow Close, Kitchen Croft, Well Croft, the Pouch, Long Pingle, house in occupation of Stephen Denings, the Walke, the Eleven Acres lately inclosed, the Over Meadow or Bentons Croft late in occupation Of George Hambleton, Barn Close (with barn), Great Buckleyes, the Blacke Close, Meane Close, Verneys Close, Dickin Meadow, Goosemoore Lands, Harrow Meadow, Three Calves Flatts (late in occupation of John Slacke), one Calver Flatt and Smeeth butts late in occupation of George Smith, one Claver Flatt and Smeath butts late in occupation of William Hibblin, one other smeth butt late in occupation of Nicholas Appleby, close called Pitgreave Close at land of Buckleyes close late in occupation of George Hambleton (with all tithes at Ballidon) - to use of (3) upon trusts - (a) Ballidon property to use of (3) upon uses declared later (b) remainder to use of NH for life, then from his decease - manor of Over Castern to use of (3) for 99 yrs for uses to be declared - manor of Nether Castern & messuage in Nether Castern, Ilam, Stanshope, Wetton and Mayfield to use of NH the younger and lawful male issue - in default to use of Harpur Hurt second son of NH the Elder and lawful male issue, and in default to use to any other son of NH the Elder - If at time of his death NH the Elder has only a daughter by his second wife Isabella, then (3) to take out of the profits £20 per annum for her maintenance until she comes of age Many other uses too numerous to mention schedule of debts attached - 1669
87 - Feoffment by Nicholas Hurt of Castern (1) gent, to Henry Jackson of Stansopp (2) in consideration of £349, of a close, meadow or pasture called Weille Close in Nether Castern in occupation of HJ, a parcel of ground 1 rod in a close called Byshorne in Upper Castern, parcel of ground called the Rakes 1 rod by est with all appurtenances 18 October - 1617
88 - Final concord between Gervase Rossell Esq.and Anthony Hurt plaintiffs and Charles Hurt and Katherine his wife deforciants of the manor of Alderwasley and Ashleyhay 20 messuages, 22 cottages, 4 mills, 530 acres of land, 130 acres of meadow, 670 acres of pasture, 270 acres of wood, 700 acres of furze and heath, and pasture for 36 cattle in Alderwasley and Ashleyhay, Belper, Carsington and Wirksworth, and the manors of Over Castern and Nether Castern, and three messuages, 2 cottages, 150 acres of land, 80 acres of messuages, 320 acres of pasture, 100 acres of furze and health, 50 acres of moor in Over Castern, Nether Castern, Stanshop, Ilam, Wetton and Mayfield - £1400 consideration. - 1728
89 - Marriage settlement. Marriage of Nicholas Hurt and Elizabeth Lowe and Nicholas Hurt senior and Philip Gery to suffer a common recovery of the manors of Over Castern and Nether Castern, and part of Ilam Moor to various uses - 1670
90 - Albert Frederic Hurt of the Outwoods, nr Derby Esq. Lord of the manor of Heage (1) Isaac Bourner of Crich gent (2) grant of mines and minerals under several pieces of copyhold land in Manor of Heage, Barn Close, Shore or Dicks Pingle, Dicks o "th" Hill Lane - 6 acres 1 rood 36 perch. Long Close 3a 1r 38p N and NW parts of the Well Close 4a 1r 37p the Patch 1a 2r 04p NW part of Lower Town Field 3a or 18p -including bed of clunch or fire clay supposed to be 80 yds deep - plan on back with area delineated in red: dial and measure the area worked each half year Royalties mentioned but sums not detailed [presumably in previous agreement]. With - 17 Feb 1876 - grant of mines etc to IB's trustees - IB having died Further deed 6 March 1876 - rectifying omissions in above - 1875
91 - Appointment of Francis Hurt as Sheriff of Derbyshire (with bond and account) - 1814
92 - Quietus roll - 1814
93 - Great roll - 1813-1814
Expand 2 - Hurt family papers - 1778-18362 - Hurt family papers - 1778-1836
Expand 3 - Morley Park deeds and associated papers including /1-29 Stanhope family including coal and ironstone mining, 1568-1767. /30-45 Spendlove family of Heage: title deeds, 1471-1592. /46-53 Wentworth family: title deeds: 1703-1768 (items 1-2), Spendlove Family of Heage title deeds (/30-45), Manor of Heage including Morley Park: Wentworth title deeds (/46-53), Wentworth correspondence re Heage coal & ironstone, leases 1764-1766 (/54-66), Notebooks & Papers of Francis Hurt (/67-148), Marriage settlement of Miss Grace Hurt and Richard Milnes  (/149-155), Settlement on marriage of George Moore and Miss Elizabeth Hurt (/156-158) - 1428-18713 - Morley Park deeds and associated papers including /1-29 Stanhope family including coal and ironstone mining, 1568-1767. /30-45 Spendlove family of Heage: title deeds, 1471-1592. /46-53 Wentworth family: title deeds: 1703-1768 (items 1-2), Spendlove Family of Heage title deeds (/30-45), Manor of Heage including Morley Park: Wentworth title deeds (/46-53), Wentworth correspondence re Heage coal & ironstone, leases 1764-1766 (/54-66), Notebooks & Papers of Francis Hurt (/67-148), Marriage settlement of Miss Grace Hurt and Richard Milnes (/149-155), Settlement on marriage of George Moore and Miss Elizabeth Hurt (/156-158) - 1428-1871
Expand 4 - Family and business papers - 1537-16304 - Family and business papers - 1537-1630
Expand 5 - Emma Hurt probate and personal papers - c1857-18885 - Emma Hurt probate and personal papers - c1857-1888
Expand 6 - Wirksworth title deeds, 17th-18th cent - 1601-17706 - Wirksworth title deeds, 17th-18th cent - 1601-1770
Expand 7 - Hurt family wills, probates and associated papers, 17th-early 19th cent - 17th cent-19th cent7 - Hurt family wills, probates and associated papers, 17th-early 19th cent - 17th cent-19th cent
Expand 8 - Hurt family, settlements, title deeds, etc Lady Borlase Warren - 1477-18788 - Hurt family, settlements, title deeds, etc Lady Borlase Warren - 1477-1878
Expand 9 - Hurt family Marriage settlements and related documents, title deeds, conveyances - 1711-19209 - Hurt family Marriage settlements and related documents, title deeds, conveyances - 1711-1920
Expand 10 - Hurt family: title deeds  - 1748-189110 - Hurt family: title deeds - 1748-1891
Expand 11 - Hurt family: Abstracts of Title, 19th cent - 1861-192711 - Hurt family: Abstracts of Title, 19th cent - 1861-1927
Expand 12 - Medieval and 16th cent deeds, Alderwasley - [15th-20th cent]12 - Medieval and 16th cent deeds, Alderwasley - [15th-20th cent]
Expand 13 - F C A Hurt Deeds relating to the Crich Estate, 19th-20th cent - c1799-190113 - F C A Hurt Deeds relating to the Crich Estate, 19th-20th cent - c1799-1901
Expand 14 - Papers regarding No 7, The Crescent, Filey, Yorkshire - 1854-[1900s]14 - Papers regarding No 7, The Crescent, Filey, Yorkshire - 1854-[1900s]
Expand 15 - Sale of Meerbrook Sough Co, Crich  - 1841-190215 - Sale of Meerbrook Sough Co, Crich - 1841-1902
Expand 16 - Frances Hurt d.1893 - 1840- early  20th cent16 - Frances Hurt d.1893 - 1840- early 20th cent
Expand 17 - J N Hurt (d.1887) - Late 19th-early 20th cent17 - J N Hurt (d.1887) - Late 19th-early 20th cent
Expand 18 - Mrs C Crich estate deeds and papers, chiefly 19th cent - 1799-184418 - Mrs C Crich estate deeds and papers, chiefly 19th cent - 1799-1844
Expand 19 - Alderwasley and Castern estates: deeds etc  - [16th-20th cent]19 - Alderwasley and Castern estates: deeds etc - [16th-20th cent]
Expand 20 - Annual files of Hurt estates corresp - c1905-192320 - Annual files of Hurt estates corresp - c1905-1923
Expand 21 - Business papers - early 20th cent21 - Business papers - early 20th cent
Expand 22 - Alderwasley estate - 1908-192522 - Alderwasley estate - 1908-1925
Expand 23 - Alderwasley estate - 1909-192523 - Alderwasley estate - 1909-1925
Expand 24 - Alderwasley estate - 1919-193024 - Alderwasley estate - 1919-1930
Expand 25 - Family papers - 1920-192625 - Family papers - 1920-1926
Expand 26 - Property and business papers - 1905-192826 - Property and business papers - 1905-1928
Expand 27 - Heage, Ambergate and Alderwasley - 1907-192927 - Heage, Ambergate and Alderwasley - 1907-1929
Expand 28 - Selina Hurt - 1871-192328 - Selina Hurt - 1871-1923
Expand UL - Hurt family of Alderwasley: unlisted recordsUL - Hurt family of Alderwasley: unlisted records