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D247 - Brown and Nesbitt of Buxton, solicitors - 1801-1929
B - Business - 1801-1917
EA - Buxton Schools - 1874-1936
1-2 - School Board Managers' minutes: 1874-1889, 1890-1903 - 1874-1903
3 - Council Schools' Managers' minutes - 1903-1914
4 - School Board and Council Schools Managers' draft minutes - 1874-1887
5 - School Board and Council Schools Managers' draft minutes - 1887-1906
6 - School Board and Council Schools Managers' draft minutes - 1906-1913
7-8 - Bundles of draft minutes of Education Committee - 1913-1916
9-103 - Education Committee draft minutes - 1916-1920
104-107 - School Board agendas and chairman's notebook: 1875-77, 1877-81, 1882-85, 1888-1903 - 1875-1903
108 - School Board Letter Book - [1875]-1891
109-147 - Bundle of correspondence - 1877-1878
148-242 - Bundle of correspondence - 1885-1887
243 - Note of attendance on School Board 1897-1903 - 1903
244-248 - Proposed enlargement of Council schools: statistics of school growth and suggestions for improvements - 1906
249-255 - Failings of headteacher at Harpur Hill School: letters, reports, minutes - 1908
256-263 - Correspondence over petty cash expenditure - 1883-1884
264-280 - Correspondence about St Anne's Roman Catholic School, Buxton - 1888-1898
281-285 - Duplicate returns to Board of Education - Hartington UQ Branside Board School - 1881-1901
286-363 - Extracts from HM Inspectors' reports - Buxton, Hartington UQ, Burbage - 1903-1915
364 - No 569 - Evening, Technical and Art Schools - 1903
365 - No. 974 - Reports of School Medical Officers for 1916 - 1917
366 - No.976 - Grants in aid of the organisation and supervision of physical training - 1917
367 - Number not used
368 - No. 980 - Memorandum accompanying regulations for evening play centres - 1917
369-372 - Nos. 982-985 Call-up of teachers - 1917
373 - No 986 - Offers of service made by clerks in holy orders or regular ministers of congregations - 1917
374-375 - No. 988 - War service - 1917
376 - No.955 - Children's clubs - 1917
377 - No.1008 - Salaries - 1917
378 - No.1009 - Collection of horse-chestnuts for war food production - 1917
379-380 - No.1011 - alterations to holidays - 1917
381 - No. 1012 - Papers read to a conference on the choice of Employment Act - 1917
382-384 - No.1017 - Training courses for teachers of gardening - 1917
385 - No. 1018 - suggestions for the consideration of teachers - 1917
386-387 - No. 1019 - Teacher training college entrance examinations - 1917
388-389 - No.1020 - Prevention of waste in school catering - 1917
390-393 - No.1021 - Potato wart disease - 1918
394-395 - No.1023 - Advanced course in secondary schools - 1917
396-397 - No.1025 - holiday dates - 1918
398-399 - No.1030 - Regulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers - 1918
400-401 - No.1035 - National Kitchens and the provision of meals for school children - 1918
402-403 - No.1036 - Grants to trainee teachers - 1918
404-405 - No. 1037 - Occupation of schools by Ministry of National Service - 1918
406-407 - No.1038 - Grants for special instruction - 1918
408-410 - No.1040 - Use of potatoes in making bread - 1918
411 - No.1043 - Salaries - 1918
412 - No.1051 - Temporary war buildings for school purposes - 1918
413-414 - No.1116 - Commercial instruction in evening schools - 1919
415 - No.1124 - Supply teachers - 1919
416 - Model course of Physical Training - 1901
417 - Regulations for secondary schools - 1903
418 - Syllabuses for technical schools, art schools etc - 1909
419-420 - Regulations for evening schools, technical institutions and schools of art - 1903-1910
421 - Report by the Chief Woman Inspector on the teaching of needlework - 1918
422 - Statement of expenditure on teachers' salaries - 1915-1920
423 - Alterations in the list of certified schools for blind, deaf, defective and epileptic children - 1916
424 - List of certified schools for blind deaf, defective and epileptic children - 1918
425-426 - List of secondary and preparatory schools recognised as efficient with index 1917-18 - 1919
427 - List as EA 425 for 1918-19 - 1919
428-430 - List of inspectors of the Board of Education - 1918-1920
431 - As EA 424 - 1920
432-433 - List of medical officers - 1920
434 - Parliamentary speech on education estimates by President of the Board of Trade (Herbert Fisher) - 1917
435-436 - Annual report of Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education - 1916-1917
437 - Draft of proposed revised regulations for continuation, technical and art courses - 1917
438 - Regulations for special schools - 1917
439-440 - Statistics of intending teachers 1917-18, 1918-19 - 1917-1919
441-454 - Syllabuses for teacher training and for schools - 1918-1922
455 - Deputation from the Association of Municipal Corporations to the Parliamentary Secretary of the Board of Education over the Education Bill - 1918
456 - Circular about employment of children - 1918
457 - Physical exercise for children under 7 years of age - 1919
458 - Suggestions in regard to games - 1920
459-460 - Burnham Committee reports on salaries - 1918-1920
461 - Copy of EA 460
462-464 - Scheme for the establishment of an education committee (for the Buxton area) - 1902
465-469 - Regulations and instructions for the guidance of school managers - 1906-1925
470-473 - Statistical summaries and medical inspection of schools - 1910
474 - Report of Derbyshire Education Committee June-Sep - 1910
475-628 - Quarterly circulars to managers and teachers - 1910-1936
629 - Regulations and syllabus for religious instruction - 1911
630 - Directory containing regulations under which secondary and technical instruction will be supplied or aided - 1914
631-635 - Reports on the examination of religious instruction in Buxton schools - 1915
636-637 - Leaflets on washing painted walls, and on hospital collections - 1925
638-758 - Applications for teaching posts
759-807 - Lists of teachers and salaries 1898-99, Buxton and District Council Schools 1904-16, Hartington UQ Brandside and Harpur Hill schools 1917-32 - 1898-1932
808-813 - Circulars about salaries - 1904-1919
814-1136 - Headteachers' quarterly reports on staff - 1905-1916
1137-1145 - Pupil teachers' records of training - 1906-1916
1146-1150 - Headteachers' reports on pupil teachers - 1908-1909
1151-1229 - Pupil teachers' reports from Pupil Teachers' Centres at Buxton, New Mills and Bakewell - 1908-1912
1230 - Recommendation for increase in caretaker's contributions - 1912-1913
1231-1232 - Buxton and District Council Schools - National Insurance contributions - 1912-1913
1233-1236 - Pupil teachers' lesson plan - "Coverings for the feet" with visual aids
1237-1242 - Bye-laws of Buxton School Board - 1888-1900
1243 - List of pupils with addresses - 1914
1244-1291 - Returns of absent children with remarks and reports of attendance officers - 1903-1904
1292-1296 - List of school holidays - 1912
1297-1300 - School Board ledgers 1874-84, 1884-1889, 1889-99, 1899-1902 - 1874-1902
1301-1304 - Treasurer's receipts and payments: 1874-86, 1886-95, 1896-1901, 1901-03 - 1874-1903
1305 - Cash book - 1874-1903
1306 - Petty Cash Book - 1874-1902
1307-1308 - Financial statements 1879-91, 1892-1903 - 1879-1903
1309 - Financial statements (Hartington UQ and Burbage) - 1901-1903
1310 - Book of counterfoil receipts by the school board to the overseers of the poor for rates - 1875-1897
1311-1313 - Abstracts of school accounts 1874-92, 1892-99, 1900-03 - 1874-1903
1314-1324 - Bundles of vouchers to account 1876, 1877-78, 1880-86, 1893-94, 1894-95 - 1876-1895
1325-1460 - Loose vouchers and correspondence: 1876-77, 1885-6 - 1876-1886
1461-1466 - Instruction for payment of interest on Public Works Loan Board loan - 1894-1895
1467-1468 - Counterfoil order books: 1889-1891, 1900-1902 - 1889-1902
1469-1471 - Buxton Girls' Council School entertainment vouchers - 1909-1910
1472-1473 - Invoices and requisition lists: Thomas Hope, educational supplier - 1918-1919
1474 - Recreative Evening Schools Association leaflet advocating creation of evening schools with governing financial aid - Late 19th century
1475-1510 - Fairfield Evening Continuation School bank pass book with vouchers - 1893-1919
1511-1515 - Leaflets of the National Association for the Promotion of Technical Education - c.1900
1516 - Evening Continuation Schools pamphlets - c.1900
1517-1519 - Duplicate managers' reports to Derby CC Technical Education Committee from Harpur Hill, Burbage and Buxton Board Schools - 1903
1520 - Letter about salaries: Fairfield school - 1908
1521 - Plans and elevations of master's residence - c.1874
1522 - Bill of quantities and specifications for schools and residence - 1875
1523-1525 - Buildings' statements of account: Henry Eyre and Rogers - 1877-1878
1526-1539 - Tenders and plans for heating installation - 1886-1890
1540-1560 - Plans, elevations, specifications, accounts etc: new classrooms, cloakroom, porches etc - 1894-1897
1561 - Plan of suggested street improvement near the Board Schools - Late 19th century
1562-1565 - Jottings - room dimensions etc
1566 - Charity Commission scheme for administration of Buxton Endowed School - 1876
1567 - Bye laws of Buxton Local Board - 1886
1568 - 'The Schoolmaster', 10 Sep 1887 - 1887
1569-1570 - 'Schoolmistress', 23 Jan, 16 April - 1896
1571-1575 - Licences to perform plays: Buxton Church Sunday School - 1899
1576 - Handbill for garden party for NUT Bereaved and Orphan Fund - c.1902
1577 - Leaflet - 1903
1578-1583 - Burbage Council School concerts: posters and correspondence - 1912-1913
1584-1595 - 'Kindness to animals': 12 essays by Buxton Board School pupils with teacher's corrections
1596-1597 - Catalogue of schools prize books
1598 - Year Book of Derbyshire Association of Teachers - 1915
1599 - Buxton Girls School Empire Day programme - 1916
1600-1601 - Ministry of Food memorandum - 1917
1602-1603 - Copies of correspondence on Education Bill - 1917
1604 - Poster urging registration for National Service - 1917
1605 - List of reference books for teachers - 1918
1606 - Booklet advertising 'St George's magazine for boys and girls' - 1923
1607 - Buxton and District Cottage Hospital Annual Report - 1923
1608 - NUT edition of official school regulations - 1909
ES - Sale Catalogues
F - Family - 1755-1907
G - Buxton Protestant Electoral Federation - 1899-1906
O - Office - 1887-1906
UL - Brown and Nesbitt: unlisted records - 20th cent
Z - Miscellaneous - 1861-1928
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