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Collapse D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]D239 - FitzHerbert family of Tissington - [16th-20th cent]
Expand BOX - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: box-listed records - [18th-20th cent]BOX - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: box-listed records - [18th-20th cent]
Collapse E - Estate records - 1380-1940E - Estate records - 1380-1940
Expand A - Derbyshire EstatesA - Derbyshire Estates
Expand B - Surrey and Kent EstatesB - Surrey and Kent Estates
Collapse C - Caribbean Estates - 1683-1898C - Caribbean Estates - 1683-1898
Expand 1 - Correspondence of the attornies, James Laing and George Hamilton - 1820-18271 - Correspondence of the attornies, James Laing and George Hamilton - 1820-1827
Expand 2 - Accounts of the attornies Laing & Hamilton - 1821-18272 - Accounts of the attornies Laing & Hamilton - 1821-1827
Expand 3 - Correspondence of plantation overseers - 1825-18563 - Correspondence of plantation overseers - 1825-1856
Expand 4 - Other West Indian correspondence - 1825-18454 - Other West Indian correspondence - 1825-1845
Expand 5 - Correspondence and accounts primarily of the English merchants - 1753-18775 - Correspondence and accounts primarily of the English merchants - 1753-1877
Expand 6 - General Estate Records - [c1800-late 19th cent]6 - General Estate Records - [c1800-late 19th cent]
Expand 7 - Re-deposited items - 1790-18497 - Re-deposited items - 1790-1849
Expand B - Turners Hall Sugar Plantation, Barbados - 1721-1889B - Turners Hall Sugar Plantation, Barbados - 1721-1889
Collapse J - Jamaican Plantations - 1683-1878J - Jamaican Plantations - 1683-1878
Expand 1 - Wills of William Perrin and associated papers - 1748-18201 - Wills of William Perrin and associated papers - 1748-1820
Expand 2 - Executorship of William Perrin's will - 1759-[c1777]2 - Executorship of William Perrin's will - 1759-[c1777]
Expand 3 - Correspondence of William Perrin - 1750-17583 - Correspondence of William Perrin - 1750-1758
Expand 4 - Case papers: Blechynden v Perrin - 1752-17974 - Case papers: Blechynden v Perrin - 1752-1797
Expand 5 - Case Papers: Beckford v Perrin - 1753-17565 - Case Papers: Beckford v Perrin - 1753-1756
Expand 6 - Case Papers: Philp and Perrin v Harris - (1731)-17666 - Case Papers: Philp and Perrin v Harris - (1731)-1766
Expand 7 - Case Papers: Chriton v Perrin - 1753-17607 - Case Papers: Chriton v Perrin - 1753-1760
Expand 8 - Case Papers: Malcher v Perrin - 1756-17828 - Case Papers: Malcher v Perrin - 1756-1782
Expand 9 - Case Papers: Wilkins v Perrin, and the executors of Mathias Philp - 1769-17729 - Case Papers: Wilkins v Perrin, and the executors of Mathias Philp - 1769-1772
Expand 10 - Case Papers: executors of Philp and of Perrin v. Anderson - 1765-177310 - Case Papers: executors of Philp and of Perrin v. Anderson - 1765-1773
Expand 11 - Case Papers: Mrs. Spencer v Perrin - 1731-175811 - Case Papers: Mrs. Spencer v Perrin - 1731-1758
Expand 12 - James Fraunces of London, plantation owner - 1756-176012 - James Fraunces of London, plantation owner - 1756-1760
Expand 13 - Account with Joshua Sharpe, Solicitor - 1756-179013 - Account with Joshua Sharpe, Solicitor - 1756-1790
Expand 14 - Miscellaneous partnership and case papers - 1730-175914 - Miscellaneous partnership and case papers - 1730-1759
Expand 15 - Correspondence of the Jamaican attornies - 1759-180415 - Correspondence of the Jamaican attornies - 1759-1804
Expand 16 - Accounts of the Jamaican attornies - 1759-179116 - Accounts of the Jamaican attornies - 1759-1791
Collapse 17 - Correspondence of plantation overseers - 1770-181917 - Correspondence of plantation overseers - 1770-1819
17711 - Malcom Laing to David Munro: the negroes have complained of ill-usage; wants to hear Munro's explanation - 11 Sep 1770
17712 - David Munro to Malcom Laing: the plantation needs a dozen more mules to function properly; comments on the plan to move negroes from Vere to Grange Hill; would like 20 breeding ewes from Vere. 6 November - 1770
17713-17715 - Copy letter from David Munro to [Mrs. Frances Perrin]; explains that he was obliged to quit as overseer to avoid imputations of dishonesty; complains against Malcom Laing, particularly in his lenient treatment of negroes. 6 April - 1771
17716 - David Munro to William Philp Perrin: on new methods of milling and refining. 4 Mar - 1772
17717 - Narrative account by David Munro of his overseer-ship - [c1771]
17718-17726 - Correspondence from Thomas Boyd to Malcom Laing and William Philp Perrin about the settlement of a dispute with a neighbouring planter which occurred during Boyd's overseer-ship of Forest plantation - 1771-1778
17727 - James Blaw to William Philp Perrin: returns thanks for his joint power of attorney with Malcom Laing; the Blue Mountain crop promises well; will pay particular attention to the health of the negroes. 4 July - 1773
17728 - James Blaw to William Philp Perrin: 25 July 1773 - 1773
17729 - James Blaw to William Philp Perrin: if the mill at Blue Mountain is moved, it will make little or no difference to the negroes' houses ... "negroes are very tenacious and even superstitious in quitting their aboads where some of their family are generally buryed"; has innoculated the negroes against smallpox, has a gang of 50 seasoned negroes which Perrin may have the option of purchasing. 30 Mar - 1774
17730-17746 - Letters from James Blaw to William Philp Perrin - 1775-1779
17747-17748 - William Munro to Jaques and Fisher (copy): although the sugar now being made is better in quality than previous years, the canes themselves have been badly planted and tended in the past; the stock on the estate is too low in numbers; too many negroes are in ill-health; makes suggestions for new water wheel for the mill, and for the building of the mill. 2 Mar - 1784
17749-17750 - William Munro to Jaques and Fisher (copy and duplicate), reporting favourably on developing a new sugar estate on some of the virgin land. 15 Mar - 1784
17751 - William Munro to Jaques and Fisher: has begun guttering for the new works; Jacob Neufville, a neighbouring planter, has queried taking up the water. 10 June 1784 - 1784
17752 - William Munro to Jaques and Fisher: recommends planting a few acres of Guinea Grass for the cattle and stock involved in the new works; reports a dispute over the estate boundary. 4 September - 1784
17753 - William Munro to Jaques and Fisher: 23 November - 1784
17754 - William Munro to Jaques and Fisher: reports the violent hurricane of 27 August, and the damage to the estate. 1 September - 1785
17755 - William Munro to Jaques and Fisher: 30 April - 1786
17756 - Letter from William Sutherland to Malcom Laing recommending the purchase of a new 'negro' [Black peoples] bricklayer - 27 Dec 1780
17757 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher (copy): poor weather may be blamed for the deterioration in the quality of the sugars; has taken some land back into cultivation; Blue Mountain compares very favourably with its neighbours, Hallhead and Petersfield; suggests that the molasses bottoms should not be dug out of the hogsheads; is grateful for the increase in his salary up to £200; so far the mules have not been stricken with the disorder which has killed several mules at Hallshead; suggests concentrating production of sugars on the rich soils. 10 June - 1782
17758 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: comments on the possibility of purchasing a moiety of Mount Pleasant estate, and the benefits which would accrue to Blue Mountain. 11 Feb - 1783
17759-17760 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: suggests purchasing 100 acres adjoining Blue Mountain, property of the late George Camack deceased; in Camack's lifetime's there were constant complaints of his stocks and negroes' depredations on Blue Mountain; the extra land would make a valuable pen. 29 July (with duplicate) - 1783
17761 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: 8 August 1782 - 1782
17762-17763 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: has some 404 acres in canes, which ought to produce 400 hogsheads; the figure to which Mr. Perrin wants production raised; however, more negroes will be required and more money will be needed for jobbing. 27 September - 1783
17764-17765 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: Peter Robertson, Mr. Shirley's attorney, has informed him that Robertson is ordered to stop Petersfield back-water from running into Blue Mountain dam unless Perrin agrees to pay a sum of £1500-2000 for the flow, suggests building a breeze-mill to counter such an exorbitant demand. 1 October (with duplicate) - 1783
17766-17767 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher (with duplicate): repeats that Blue Mountain can be raised to 400 hogsheads a year; but not without expense; it is better to buy 10-12 new negroes than seasoned ones; Blue Mountain negroes are in good condition and heart. 24 November - 1783
17768-17769 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: comments on the improvement of the sugars produced in copper pans on the Petersfield estate; will make the hogsheads smaller - "I always dreaded from the large size of them that they would not arrive in good condition". (with duplicate). 26 Jan - 1784
17770-17772 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: encloses list of Supplies needed for Blue Mountain (D239/M/E/17772) 4 Feb (with duplicate) - 1784
17773-17774 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher (with duplicate): will take care to see the hogsheads are adequately drained; the wet weather has been unfavourable to the quality of the sugars; difficulties in obtaining staves has meant that many of this year's hogsheads will be of differing sizes. 9 Feb - 1784
17775 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: has now taken possession of Camack's land and negroes; it will be a great advantage to Blue Mountain to have pasture for the stock. 17 April - 1784
17776 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: torrential rain has wrought havoc among the canes. 20 May - 1784
17777 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: 280 hogsheads had been made by 13 May, when there were 125 acres of canes still to cut which promised to yield a further 143 hogsheads; but the weather has blasted all hopes of such a yield, and has seriously threatened prospects for 1785; given favourable conditions, however, the estate is capable of raising 450-500 hogsheads. 20 September - 1784
17778 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: work progresses on the new buildings, and the new coppers will be hung as soon as possible; is thinking of selling his gang of negroes and makes Jaques and Fisher first refusal. 25 October - 1784
17779 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: comments on the possibilities of ploughing
17780 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher (copy): the sugar crop may fall below 200 hogsheads; all the neighbouring plantations are in a similarly reduced position. 13 April - 1785
17781-17783 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: has received the 16 steers - they are needed badly; the total crop is 150 shipping hogsheads. 18-25 May - 2 June - 1785
17784-17785 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: with list of negroes belonging to and employed on Blue Mountain, and lists of stock and cane-pieces; provides short diary of events for first 6 months of 1785; with a report on prevailing conditions, is badly need of provisions for the negroes. 30 June - 1785
17786 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: favourable weather has enabled work to progress. 31 July - 1785
17787-17788 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: reports the hurricane of 27-28 August. The negroes' provisions have suffered most; the buildings have escaped quite lightly; as there was only a small crop in the ground the plantation has not been hit as severely as other neighbouring ones. Has set the negroes to repairing their houses and planting potatoes. Mr. Shirley on Petershead estate has lost a trash house in the storm and a wharf at Morant Bay. 29 August - 7 September - 1785
17789-17799 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: monthly reports - 30 Sep 1785-15 Jun 1786
17800 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: the canes promise well; a dispute has arisen over a piece of land claimed by Greighton Hall plantation. 19 June - 1786
17801-17802 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: monthly reports. June - July - 1786
17803 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: regrets their decision to sell off half the provisions destined for Blue Mountain; it is essential to keep the negroes in good health; hopes to exceed 300 hogsheads. 9 April - 1787
17804 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher, recommending Mr. R. Lang as a good planter. 11 October - 1787
17805 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: cannot understand why the sugars turned out so poor. 6 November - 1788
17806 - William Sutherland to Jaques and Fisher: see D239/M/E/17118-119. 12 Feb - 1789
17807 - William Sutherland to Ralph Fisher: full report on the plantation. 9 Feb - 1793
17808-17809 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin, expressing pleasure at rejoining Perrin's employment as joint attorney with John Jaques. 23 Feb - 8 October - 1794
17810-17812 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: detailed report on Perrin's plantations, with estimate for opening up a new estate at Grange Hill. 20 June - 1 July (with duplicates) - 1795
17813 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: reports on a visit to Vere where it will be an expedient to plant pastures rather than rely on the pasturage hitherto kindly provided by Mr. Christian for a "pepper-corn" rent. 17 July - 1795
17814-17815 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: reports on the successful introduction of bamboo to Blue Mountain as a quick-growing fuel and general purpose wood; will pay particular attention to manuring the land; comments on the imposition of martial law and attendant difficulties; the regular October seasons have failed for the first time in over 20 years, (with duplicate). 20 December - 1795
17816 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: despite the dry weather, the corn crop at Vere should be tolerably good; martial law slowed the work of providing pasture at Vere; strongly recommends pushing ahead with the new estate at Grange Hill, and with the new pen. 24 Jan - 1796
17817-17818 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): purchase of Dr. Affleck's negroes and land for Grange Hill; quotes from a letter from the overseer of Grange Hill about the negroes; the past year has been the driest in living memory, and the crops have suffered accordingly. Blue Mountain would benefit from a cattle mill to combat such drought; has purchased 1000 plants of Otaheite canes from Antigua - 6 May 1796
17819 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: agrees with Perrin's suggestion of a gradual reduction of production on Blue Mountain when the new estate on Grange Hill starts, at least until the old land has recovered; the reduction would also dispense with the necessity of importing coals; will see that the newly introduced breadfruit tree is planted on Perrin's estates. 30 May - 1796
17820 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: a bargain has finally been struck with Dr. Affleck for the purchase of land and negroes; will set the negroes to work clearing the new estate at Grange Hill; dry weather has meant a want of provisions for the negroes. 30 June - 1796
17821 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: Dr. Affleck's negroes "are the finest gang of negroes I ever saw in Jamaica for sale". 13 July - 1796
17822 - Newspaper descriptions of Otaheite canes and breadfruit, with Sutherland's comments. 13 July (with D239/M/E/17821) - 1796
17823-17824 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: reports Affleck's sudden decision to break-off the sale of his land and negroes; outlines a plan for raising production in the light of these changed circumstances, encloses a printed description of the drought and its effects. 15 August - 1 October - 1796
17825-17826 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): also duplicate of D239/M/E/17824; the rains now continue very pleasingly. 12 October - 1796
17827 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: the weather is again causing concern; hopes to purchase a gang of negroes from Mr. Bromfield; the nursery of Otaheite canes at Blue Mountain flourishes. 28 November - 1796
17828 - Extract from `Supplement to the Royal Gazette', with testimonials concerning Otaheite canes (with D239/M/E/17827) - 1796
17829 - Extract from `Supplement to the Royal Gazette': quotes at length from his report on Blue Mountain (D239/M/E/17810) in order to explain why Blue Mountain production may decline. 19 December - 1796
17830 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: the new coppers at Blue Mountain are working better than expected; Mr. Bromfield's negroes have been purchased and set to work on Grange Hill. 8 Feb - 1797
17831 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate of D239/M/E/17830): reports on sugar production and prospects; Vere has been particularly badly hit; reports on the breadfruit tree. 2 April - 1797
17832 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate of 20 May): comments on boiling sugar for the home market. 3 June - 1797
17833-17834 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin - duplicate of D239/M/E/17832, with copy of James Affleck's terms for a lease and sale of his land and negroes - 1797
17835-17836 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): regular seasons have failed again and drought affects much of the island. 12 August - 1797
17837-17838 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): encloses a sketch plan of the Grange Hill estate (D239/M/E/17839); reiterates his proposals for developing Grange Hill. 12 September - 1797
17839 - Sketch plan of Grange Hill (with D239/M/E/17837) - 1797
17840 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: the first prolonged rains have fallen since 1794. 10 October - 1797
17841 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: fine seasons continue; a piece of woodland contiguous to Blue Mountain has been purchased on Perrin's behalf, it would be a valuable acquisition if Perrin were to agree to purchase it - if not Jaques, Laing, and Ewing can easily dispose of it. Suggests putting 200 acres of Blue Mountain down to guinea grass; explains at length the advantages which might accrue to the estate. 20 November - 1797
17842 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: the new penn at Grange Hill is coming along well; outlines his plans for the new estate there. 15 December - 1797
17843 - Letter from William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin - 14 Jan 1798
17844-17845 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): the tea plants sent by Perrin have been planted as directed; the crop of guinea corn at Vere has been very good; reports the visit to Jamaica of Dr. Higgins, "a gentleman of great eminence in the chemical line in London" whom the planters have employed to investigate methods of improving the quality of sugars and rum. 20 Feb - 1798
17846-17847 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: the lines of Grange Hill have been drawn up by a proper surveyor. 27 Mar - 1798
17848-17849 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): while the Blue Mountain hogsheads have been made larger in compliance with Perrin's request, the ships' captains dislike the larger size; doctors have advised Mr. Roberts, overseer of Vere, to return to Britain. 17 April - 1798
17850-17851 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): Otaheite canes at Vere are flourishing; generally, their yield has proved double that of the usual canes. 12 May - 1798
17852 - Duplicate of D239/M/E/17841 - with D239/M/E/17850-1
17853-17855 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicates): 23/25 May - 1798
17856-17857 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): heavy rains have fallen disrupting lading; suggests sending out a gardener to tend the breadfruit trees. 16 June - 1798
17858-17859 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): Blue Mountain has only made 173 hogsheads, but they are very large, and there is a good quantity of rum; Mr. Sands, overseer of Blue Mountain, has been dismissed and a John McIntosh appointed in his place. 16 July
17860 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: is pleased the purchase of woodland for Blue Mountain meets with Perrin's approval. 9 August - 1798
17861-17862 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: expands on his plans for Grange Hill. 21 October - 1798
17863 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: reports on a visit to Vere; the boiler house at Blue Mountain has needed reroofing. 22 November - 1798
17864 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: Grange Hill is much better suited to a penn than Blue Mountain. 16 December - 1798
17865-17866 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: 4 Feb - 1799
17867-17868 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: plans for Grange Hill; the Otaheite canes promise to transform Blue Mountain and Grange Hill production, if they live up to expectations, it might be best to consider buying a penn rather than making one on Grange Hill. 7 April - 1799
17869-17870 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: hopes that this year's crop from Jamaica will exceed 500 hogsheads; unfortunately all the tea plants have died. 24 April - 1799
17871-17872 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: the cattle have arrived safely for the new penn at Grange Hill. 13 May - 1799
17873-17874 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: Vere should ship 163 hogsheads, Blue Mountain 248 hogsheads, Grange Hill perhaps 120; comments on the exorbitant price of stock for the new penn. 4 July - 1799
17875 - Letter from William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: comments on the great increase in the price of 'slaves' [enslaved African peoples] over the past 20 years - 26 Sep 1799
17876 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: dry weather continues; comments on the size of Blue Mountain hogsheads. 20 October - 1799
17877-17878 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): the rains have now set in. 29 November - 1799
17879 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: 13 December - 1799
17880 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: martial law has been declared following the troubles on St. Domingo. 18 Jan - 1800
17881-17882 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: reports a scarcity of shipping to take off the crop. 15 Mar - 1800
17883-17884 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: the heavy rains have generally delayed the crop; 260 hogsheads have now been made at Blue Mountain with the prospect of some 70-80 more; Vere will not exceed 50 hogsheads, though Grange Hill should reach 150; Blue Mountain should make about 200 rum puncheons. 24 May - 1800
17885-17886 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): reports on Perrin's new purchase of land and negroes at Palmyra; the new penn at Grange Hill is coming on; 150 acres have been planted with guinea grass; unfortunately 5 cows and the bull sent out from Britain have died. 17 June - 1800
17887-17888 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): heavy rains are spoiling the sugars. 24 July - 1800
17889-17890 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): it has proved impossible to ship the crop before July in order to avoid double insurance; little has been done to counter the activities of privateers. Admiral Sir Hyde Parker has done little to protect Jamaica; preferring to spend "his time in the arms of a French strumpet, a Madam d'Antoine ..."; however, the admiral has now gone home to the great joy of everybody". 14 August - 1800
17891 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: explains the large sum paid out on jobbing - "what keeps up the price of jobbing is the number of coffee settlements forming in all parts of the island ...". Prospects for the next crop are good. 18 October - 1800
17892 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: a severe gale on the night of Saturday 1 November has caused a set back, but damage on Perrin's plantations has not been very great. 23 November - 1800
17893 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: 6 December - 1800
17894-17895 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): 19 December - 1800
17896-17897 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): 24 Jan - 1801
17898-17899 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): explains the difference in climate in Jamaica between the north side of the island and the south, and the effect this has on sugar production; it is impossible to synchronise sugar production north and south so as to ship sugars together. Doubts if Perrin can reasonably sell his land in America until there is a general peace. Comments on the use of the plough in the West Indies. Prospects for the crop are good - Vere alone promises 200 hogsheads; will plant East India Ebony at Blue Mountain as a quick-growing fuel wood. 8 Feb 1801 - 1801
17900-17901 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): 20 Mar - 1801
17902-17903 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): the quantity and quality of the crop promises well. 17 April - 1801
17904-17905 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): Blue Mountain's crop amounts to 280 hogsheads; 24 acres of canes have been held over; Vere should raise 200 hogsheads; Grange Hill is doing less well; the effects of last November's storm are now being felt. 13 May - 1801
17906-17907 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): fine rains have fallen; about 12 acres of different sorts of trees have been planted at Blue Mountain; to provide fuel: "it has ever been the plan in Jamaica to cut down but never to plant - the idea of reaping an advantage 6 or 7 years hence seldom enters into any one's head". 8 June - 1801
17908-17909 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): Vere has now turned the 200 hogsheads. There is now little point in reopening negotiations with Dr. Affleck. 5 July - 1801
17910 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: is anxious to take his children to Britain for their education; his own health gives cause for concern; having been 26 years in Perrin's service, feels it is now time to stand down; recommends to Perrin Francis Graham, nephew to Charles Graham of London; and suggests he is made Perrin's joint attorney. 8 July - 1801
17911-17912 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: fine weather continues; Vere will ship about 236 hogsheads; if the weather holds, the plantation could make an even better crop next year. The overseer at Grange Hill has been dismissed; Mr. Laing has sailed for Britain. 4 August - 1801
17913-17916 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): explains his executorship of Morgan Jones's will; and the tangled state of that man's business affairs at his death. [Morgan Jones was related to the Jones family of Rhayader with whom Perrin often stayed]. 30 September - 1801
17917-17918 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): 25 October - 1801
17919-17920 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): 20 November - 1801
17921-17922 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): comments on the need for young; white tradesmen to be sent out. 15 December - 1801
17923-17924 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): is grateful for Perrin's response to Sutherland's letter of 8 July (D239/M/E/17910). 29 December - 1801
17925-17926 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): hopes to ship 200 hogsheads from Blue Mountain before the end of April; Vere is suffering the effects of dry weather. 7 Feb - 1802
17927-17928 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): Vere will not reach 200 hogsheads this year; suggests planting Otaheite canes there; the new men sent by Mr. Laing from Scotland have arrived. 3 Mar - 1802
17929 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: the south side of the island is suffering a severe drought; Blue Mountain has produced 281 hogsheads. 6 April - 1802
17930 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: Vere should yield 170 hogsheads; the bull has arrived at Grange Hill. 2 May - 1802
17931-17935 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: letters written while in Britain. July - September - 1802
17936-17937 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): reports a stay in Madeira on the voyage home; "the inhabitants, I mean the labouring part of them, live worse and are far worse lodged than the poorest negroes in Jamaica". Mr. Jaques has been elected mayor of Kingston. - 6 Dec 1802
17938-17939 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): the drought continues; Vere is particularly badly hit; the bull sent out to Grange Hill has died. 9 Jan - 1803
17940-17941 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: reports on the situation on the three plantations. 27 Jan - 1803
17942-17943 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): comments on the controversy over the alledged inferiority of sugar produced from the Otaheite cane. 14 Mar - 1803
17944-17945 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): the drought has now ended; last year some 140,000 hogsheads of sugar were shipped from Jamaica; this year, the figure will be about 100,000. 28 Mar - 1803
17946-17947 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): dry weather has returned. 15 May - 1803
17948-17949 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): 30 May - 1803
17950-17951 - Letter from William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin - 29 Jun 1803
17952-17953 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): 4 September, D239/M/E/17952 contains a duplicate letter of 21 July - 1803
17954-17955 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): 3 October - 1803
17956-17957 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): the final crop at Blue Mountain is 305 hogsheads of sugar and 197 puncheons of rum; Grange Hill totalled 165 hogsheads of sugar. 13 November - 1803
17958-17959 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin (with duplicate): recommends Francis Graham to take over. 15 December - 1803
17960 - William Sutherland to William Philp Perrin: 16 May - 1804
17961-17962 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: Mr. Sutherland resigned the management of Perrin's estates on 1 Mar. Grange Hill has not been adequately prepared for crop in 1805; it is very much worn and without dung, and the returns will not measure up to the complement of 240 negroes. Blue Mountain can be raised to 450 hogsheads if more grass is planted and some breeding cows purchased. 9 Mar Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin (on 17962): reports on a visit to Vere [now called Perrin's in Vere]. 13 April - 1804
17963 - Duplicate of 13 April - 1804
17964 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: can see no sign of an intended penn at Grange Hill; the ship Margaret was unfortunately lost leaving harbour with 40 hogsheads of Perrin's sugar. 10/30 July - 1804
17965-17969 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: fine weather continues; bills of lading. 30 July/29 August - 1804
17970 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: 29 August/4 October - 1804
17971 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: hopes to raise 150 hogsheads from Vere; there is a good crop of corn; has planted 60 acres more with canes at Blue Mountain for 1806 than he found planted for 1805. 4 October/8 November - 1804
17972 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: will establish sufficient pasturage on all three plantations. 14 December - 1804
17973-17974 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: constant rain has precluded much sugar-making; two years' corn is now in store at Vere; the method of hanging coppers he has adopted at Blue Mountain and Grange Hill has brought a saving in fuel; new timbers are needed for the water mill at Grange Hill; explains why guinea grass is preferable to common grass for cattle. 27 Feb - 1805
17975 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: Palmyra, two miles from Blue Mountain, will not really do for grass or copper-wood; it could make a useful provision ground for negroes; whooping cough has killed several people at Blue Mountain; martial law is operating; a French squadron having been reported; has had to join his regiment. - 9 Apr 1805
17976 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: reports on the pasture and stock at Vere; the three estates should produce 700 hogsheads of sugar this crop; 530 hogsheads have been made already. 9 April/10 May - 1805
17977 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: martial law is again in force. 9 June - 1805
17978 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: heavy rain at Blue Mountain and Grange Hill has delayed finishing the crop; the weather at Vere has been very favourable - there are 216 hogsheads made there; Blue Mountain should raise 350 in all. 9 June/6 July - 1805
17979 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: 6 July/2 August - 1805
17980 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: Blue Mountain will ship 360 hogsheads of sugars and a large proportion of rum. 2/30 August - 1805
17981 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: prospects for next crop are excellent; will be necessary to purchase negroes for Blue Mountain. 30 August/12 October - 1805
17982 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: the heavy expenditure of the past year has been quite necessary; heavy rains continue. 12 October/14 November - 1805
17983 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: Blue Mountain and Vere are now making good quality sugars; has purchased ten negroes for Blue Mountain. 14 November/20 December - 1805
17984 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: the negroes on estates near Blue Mountain are in a state of insurrection; but so far Blue Mountain negroes are quiet. 20 December 1805/18 Jan - 1806
17985 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: the troublesome negroes have now been quieted; has moved out of Blue Mountain and made his home at Farm in St. Catherine's parish; a property belonging to Lord Carrington. 18 Jan/8 Feb - 1806
17986 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: 8 Feb/27 Mar - 1806
17987 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: 320 hogsheads have now been made at Blue Mountain, and 210 at Vere. 27 Mar/26 April - 1806
17988 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: 400 hogsheads are now made at Blue Mountain; with perhaps 30 more to be made; 245 hogsheads have been made at Vere, with a prospect of 75 more. The Grange Hill crop will be about 130 hogsheads. 26 April/17 May - 1806
17989 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: would like to buy 30-40 negroes for Blue Mountain over the next 3-4 years. 17 May/6 June - 1806
17990 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: it is impossible to bring Grange Hill sugars and rum round to Kingston because of the dangers to shipping; does not believe that the use of ploughs helps; believes that the plough impoverishes the soil more than the hoe; 300 hogsheads have now been made at Vere; hopes to raise Blue Mountain to 500 hogsheads next crop. 6 June/10 July - 1806
17991 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: comments on possibilities for new penn and new estate at Grange Hill; an estimate would put the cost at £7000 Jamaican currency. 10 July/2 August - 1806
17992 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: 2 August/4 September - 1806
17993 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: the seasons have been very favourable, especially so at Vere. 4 September/10 October - 1806
17994 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: 10 October/14 November - 1806
17995 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: prospects are very good. 14 November/12 December - 1806
17996 - Letter from Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: - 12 Dec 1806-10 Jan 1807
17997 - Letter from Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: the 'negro' [Black peoples] trouble is now over and the ring-leaders hanged - 10 Jan-20 Feb 1807
17998 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: comments on plans for Grange Hill; can see no real benefit in sending out white tradesmen; the ship Bridgetown with supplies for Vere has been lost to windward of Barbados. 20 Feb/14 Mar - 1807
17999 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin: continued dry weather is causing concern; Blue Mountain will exceed 500 hogsheads this crop, of which 460 are made, and 360 shipped or sent to the wharf; because of the drought, Vere will only make about 280 hogsheads; Grange Hill should make 170 hogsheads. 14 Mar/24 April - 1807
18000 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 24 Apr-15 May 1807
18001 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 15 May-13 Jun 1807
18002 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 13 Jun-9 Jul 1807
18003 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 9 Jul-15 Aug 1807
18004 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 15 Aug-11 Sep 1807
18005 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 11 Sep-30 Oct 1807
18006 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 30 Oct-20 Nov 1807
18007 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 20 Nov-10 Dec 1807
18008 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 10 Dec 1807-5 Feb 1808
18009 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 5 Feb-4 Mar 1808
18010 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 4 Mar-16 Apr 1808
18011 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 16 Apr-15 May 1808
18012 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 14 May-16 Jun 1808
18013 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 16 Jun-10 Jul 1808
18014 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 8-29 Jul 1808
18015 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin (copy) - 10 Jun 1809
18016 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 17-24 May 1811
18017 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 20 Feb-14 Mar 1812
18018 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 12 Jun-31 Jul 1812
18019 - Precis of a letter from Francis Graham [in Lord St. Helen's hand] - 1815
18020 - Extract from a letter of Francis Graham - 2 Nov 1815
18021 - Precis by Lord St. Helen's of a letter of Francis Graham - 18 Nov 1815
18022 - Francis Graham to William Philp Perrin - 6 Aug 1819
Expand 18 - Journals - 1795-180118 - Journals - 1795-1801
Expand 19 - Inventories and Appraisements - 1765-181419 - Inventories and Appraisements - 1765-1814
Expand 20 - Blue Mountain Plantation Records - 1771-181420 - Blue Mountain Plantation Records - 1771-1814
Expand 21 - Grange Hill Plantation Records - 1771-181521 - Grange Hill Plantation Records - 1771-1815
Expand 22 - Vere [or Perrin's] Plantation Records - 1771-181422 - Vere [or Perrin's] Plantation Records - 1771-1814
Expand 23 - Produce Records - 1759-178323 - Produce Records - 1759-1783
Expand 24 - Supplies - 1769-180624 - Supplies - 1769-1806
Expand 25 - William Philp Perrin - 1783-179925 - William Philp Perrin - 1783-1799
Expand 26 - Bills of Lading - 1770-180826 - Bills of Lading - 1770-1808
Expand 27 - Powers of Attorney - 1744-178327 - Powers of Attorney - 1744-1783
Expand 28 - Copy deeds, bonds etc. including purchases of enslaved people - 1769-179728 - Copy deeds, bonds etc. including purchases of enslaved people - 1769-1797
Expand 29 - General correspondence - [1741]-180429 - General correspondence - [1741]-1804
Expand 30 - Family Correspondence - 1763-178430 - Family Correspondence - 1763-1784
Expand 31 - Correspondence of London merchants - 1765-182031 - Correspondence of London merchants - 1765-1820
Expand 32 - Accounts of the London merchants - 1747-181932 - Accounts of the London merchants - 1747-1819
Expand 33 - Correspondence and accounts of Bristol merchants - 1771-181933 - Correspondence and accounts of Bristol merchants - 1771-1819
Expand 34 - Miscellaneous - 1683-[c1808]34 - Miscellaneous - 1683-[c1808]
Expand BM - Blue Mountain Plantation Records - 1827-1857BM - Blue Mountain Plantation Records - 1827-1857
Expand GH - Grange Hill Pen Plantation Records - 1820-1849GH - Grange Hill Pen Plantation Records - 1820-1849
Expand PSH - Perrins and St. Helens Pen (formerly Bog Pen) Plantation Records - 1803-1878PSH - Perrins and St. Helens Pen (formerly Bog Pen) Plantation Records - 1803-1878
Expand D - WarsopD - Warsop
Expand E - Kirton, Boughton, Walesby, & WilloughbyE - Kirton, Boughton, Walesby, & Willoughby
Expand F - Family recordsF - Family records
Expand M - Manorial records - 1606-1911M - Manorial records - 1606-1911
Expand O - Public office - 1626-1942O - Public office - 1626-1942
Expand T - Title deedsT - Title deeds
Expand UL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted recordsUL - FitzHerbert family of Tissington: unlisted records
Expand Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous