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Collapse D2310 - Derbyshire County Council: Social Services Department - 1912-1985D2310 - Derbyshire County Council: Social Services Department - 1912-1985
Expand 1 - Adoption - c1940-19491 - Adoption - c1940-1949
2 - Correspondence re approval as a training centre, with National Society for Children's Nurseries National Society of Day Nurseries pamphlets re engaging staff, setting up and running a nursery, diet etc. - [1940s]-1950
3 - Correspondence between County Welfare Officer and Regional Welfare Officers re welfare of evacuees - 1944-1946
4 - Copy notebook labelled "Evacuees 1940-1946" containing names of children and the names of their parents, together with a billeting address [contains approx. 30 names] - [1980s]
Expand 5 - Mental Health - 1912-19595 - Mental Health - 1912-1959
6 - 'Under 26, Unemployed and in Board and Lodging' A Research Report into the Effect of Department of Health and Social Security Regulations on Board and Lodging in Derbyshire - 1985
Expand 7 - Old Age Pensioners - 1948-19747 - Old Age Pensioners - 1948-1974
8 - Oversdale [Nursing Home] Visitors book (also includes observations) - 1949-1983
Collapse 9 - East Midlands Old People's Welfare Committee: Signed minutes - 1946-19639 - East Midlands Old People's Welfare Committee: Signed minutes - 1946-1963
10 - Steering sub-committee minutes and papers (/1-2) - 1963-1966
11 - Correspondence, reports, membership lists etc - 1948-1965
12 - Review of 'Visiting Services in The East Midlands' file - 1958-1959
13 - Pocket Money in Residential Homes - enquiry file - 1963-1964
Expand 14 - Retired Persons' Voluntary Employment Bureau, Derbyshire County Council - 1966-196814 - Retired Persons' Voluntary Employment Bureau, Derbyshire County Council - 1966-1968
Expand 15 - Correspondence - 1966-196815 - Correspondence - 1966-1968
16 - Derbyshire County Council Schemes re vaccination and immunisation, mental health, domestic help service, welfare of blind and death, residential accommodation etc, under National Assistance Act 1948 and National Health Service Act 1946 - 1948-1961