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Collapse D231 - Okeover family of Okeover - [12th-20th cent]D231 - Okeover family of Okeover - [12th-20th cent]
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1 - Gift by Robert, Abbot of Burton and the convent there, to Ralph son of Orm, of the whole land of Okeover with all its appurtenances, which the King granted to the church of Burton, paying annually two marks of silver at the feast of St Martin: the said Ralph and his heirs to attend the king's court at the expense of the Abbot and also to attend the Abbot's court to judge the punishment of thieves if one should be taken, and trial by battle, although he must have 'reasonable summons'. - [1150-1159]
1-33 - Okeover Estate (Okeover, Okeover Woodhouse and Coldwall
1-385 - Title deeds relating to the Derbyshire and Staffordshire Estates of the Okeover family
2 - Covenant between Bartholomew, the Prior, and the convent of Tutbury and Hugh de Okeover, in witness of a grant by the Prior and convent to Hugh and his heirs of all their ploughland belonging to their demesne land beyond the bridge inclining in the direction of Okeover between the road which leads from Maafelt [Mayfield] to Okeover and the Dove, with three other selions contiguous to the above ploughland in the part towards Okeover: (in exchange) the said Hugh granted to the Church of the Blessed Mary and the monks who serve there, all his ploughland situated between Snelston mill and the fields of Maafelt [Mayfield] on both sides of the Dove, which he himself retained in his own demesne, out of the land he gave to his brother Geoffrey de Okeover in Snelston - [early 13th cent]
3 - Covenant between Hugh son of Robert de Okeover and Hugh de Coldwell by which Hugh has granted and quitclaimed to Hugh de Okeover all the land he holds in Coldwell with all appurtenances in exchange for 28 acres of land which Hugh de Okeover granted to Hugh de Coldwell in Woodhouses, reserving the crop on the Coldwell land and the greater garden to Hugh de Coldwell in the 30th Henry III [1246] and reserving the crop on the Wodehouse land to Hugh de Okeover - 1245-1246
4 - Gift by Hugh de Okeover to William de Venables his heirs and assigns (except monks and burgesses), of an assart in the territory of Okeover under Woodhul, situated between the road and the Longflat which Robert de Snelsdale held. To be held at a yearly rent of one pair of white gloves to be given at the feast of St John the Baptist. Witnesses: Robert de Wensley, Roger de Woodhouses] William de Ipstones, Robert de Castern, Henry de Ilam, Hugh de Cauldwell,, Henry de Huntistone, clerk. - [late 13th cent]
5 - Gift by Hugh de Okeover, son of Robert de Okeover, to William de Venables and his heirs of all the land with messuage, building, orchard and hedge, with all appurtenances in Okeover which Richard White formerly held: to hold the same with all liberties, rights of common and all appurtenances except for Pincheneye and the Oldeflat, paying to the Prior of Tutbury 6 shillings annually and also to Hugh de Okeover and his heirs twelve pence at the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mary for all services except suit of his mill at a twentieth of the grain and foreign service - [late 13th cent]
6 - Gift by John, Abbot of Burton, to Hugh de Okeover, knight, of a place in the vill of Okeover, in which the chaplain of the chapel of Okeover used to live and all services enjoyed by the said chaplain without diminution or deterioration, in exchange for another place in the same vill in which Simon, clerk, Gilbert the shepherd and Walter the carter used to live, and four shillings they were accustomed to receive for tithes of pasture, turbary and heath in or near Stonam. - [late 13th cent]
7 - Grant by Laurence, Abbot of Burton to Lord Hugh de Okeover and his heirs that they may pay to their attorney at Ilam the farm which they are bound to pay to the abbey for the vills of Okeover and Ilam and also the lands of Castern, to pay two marks a year at the feast of St Martin. - 1256
8 - Gift by Robert son of Hugh de Akovere [Okeover] to Robert de Wedinsleg de Mapilton [Mapleton] of the right to make a `sonabile' attachment of a pond on his land at Akovere, from the stream of Dove as far as the mill of Mapilton of Robert de Wednisleg [Wensley?], for an annual payment of 6d or 9d. Witnesses: Jordan de Sniturton [Snitterton], Roger de Wardington, Roger de Mapilton, Robert Fichet, Hugh Bonseriaunt, John Saulle and William, clerk. - [c1280]
9 - Gift in tail by Henry son of Herbert knight to John de Okeover and Margery his wife of the manor of Okeover, together with Le Wodehouses [Woodhouses], Coldwell, Ilam and Castern and other places. If the said John dies without issue of his body, then to remain in the possession of his wife Margery for life, with remainder to the nearest heirs of the said John. Witnesses: Lord William de Montgomery, Ralph de Mountjoy, knights, Roger de Wensley, John Soule, William Meverel, Robert de Woodhouses, Walter, clerk and many others. Tuesday before the Feast of All Saints 13 Oct 13 Edward I - 1285
10 - Quitclaim by Henry de Thorpe to Robert son of Hugh de Okeover of all his lands and tenements with appurtenances which he held in the vill and territory of Caldewell [Coldwell] which were once held by Orm de Caldewell [Coldwell] Witnesses: Robert de Wensley, Richard de Okeover, William Meverel, Robert de Woodhouses, Thomas of the same place, Robert de Clifton, Robert de Okeover, William, clerk, and many others. - [late 13th cent]
11 - Quitclaim by William Wyther to Robert son of Hugh de Okovere [Okeover] and his heirs of common pasture in Okeover in the fee of the Lord Abbot of Burton, which common of pasture William Wyther claims to have in respect of a holding in the fee of the Lord Prior of Tutbury: further, if any of William's cattle are found on the said pasture between Michaelmas and Martinmas `without guard', they may be moved by the said Robert and his men, but if they are found with someone in charge, the said Robert may impound them or take a pledge from the tender. - [late 13th cent]
12 - Gift by Roger son of John de Okeover to Henry de Rudele of Blore and Alice his wife for their lifetime, of a messuage with buildings and superstructures in Le Coldewalle in the fee of Okeover which Orm once held, along with one fifth part of all the land and meadows in Le Coldewalle. Annual rent of 9s 7½d, also to perform foreign service, suit of court at Okeover and also suit of his mill there at the rate of a twentieth of the grain. Witnesses: Thomas de Mayfield, chaplain, Master Ralph de Woodhouses, Henry, son of Robert of the same place, William de la Coldewalle; William son of Hawise. Saturday next after the Feast of St John the Baptist 27 Jun - 1311
13 - Gift by Amicia [Amy] de Woodhouses to Roger son and heir of John de Okeover of a messuage and croft with all appurtenances in Okeover in the fee of Mayfield, which the said Amicia held by gift and feoffment of Hugh de Okeover, park-keeper of Okeover, bondman of the said Roger. Witnessed by Lord Roger de Bradbourne, Henry Fitzherbert, Roger de Wensley, John de Bradbourne, Geoffrey Wyther, Ralph de le Wooehouses, Ralph de le Grene, clerk, and many others. Dated Friday the Feast of St Augustine 26 May 5 Edward II - 1312
14 - Gift by Roger de Okeover, knight, son and heir of John de Okeover to John son of Thomas Smith and Joan his wife of a messuage in La Coldewalle in the fee of Okeover which William son of Hawise de Torp (Thorpe) used to occupy along with one fifth part of all the land and meadow in Coldewall: to be held at an annual rent of 9s 9½d to be paid in two equal amounts, on the Feast of St John the Baptist and the Feast of St Martin, and also performing suit of court at Okeover and suit of his mill there at the rate of a twentieth of the grain Witnesses: Roger de Rossinton, Master Ralph de le Wodehous [Woodhouses], Ralph de Snelsdale, Robert, clerk and others. Tuesday next before the Feast of St Chad 23 Feb 10 Edward II - 1317
15 - Gift by Roger de Okeover to Henry le Tornour and Emma his wife of a toft and croft along with the buildings in the vill of Okeover, formerly held by Thomas Toyt his tenant at an annual rent of 4 shillings: also to provide one man at haymaking for one day per year, also one man at corn harvest for one day and one man at the mill pond for one day and also other services due to the said Roger. Witnesses: Ralph de la Woodhouses, Henry his son, Robert of the same place, William his son, Henry, beadle and many others. Sunday next before the Feast of St Luke the Archangel 15 Oct - 1318
16 - Gift by William de Praers, parson of the church of Erealowe, [Erslowe] to Roger de Okeover of all his common of pasture in an area of waste in Okeover known as Okeover Smethe [Smith], with licence to enclose and improve it without interference from William de Praers his heirs or assigns or fellow commoners, but William reserves to himself his customary common right. Witnesses: Walter Wither of llam, William de Castern, Ralph de Snelsdale, Henry son of Robert, Robert de Stramshall and many others. Thursday nearest after the Feast of the Translation of St Thomas the Martyr 12 Jul 18 Edward II - 1324
17 - Gift by Roger, son of John de Acovere [Okeover] to William de Hope and Agnes his wife for their lives, of a messuage with buildings and superstructures, and one fifth part of all the land and meadow in La Colderwalle in the fee of Acovere, which John son of Thomas the miller of llam, carpenter, and Mabel his wife held from Roger: paying annually to Roger and his heirs 9s 7½d rent in two equal portions and performing also foreign service, suit of his court at Acovere and suit of his mill there at the rate of one twentieth of the grain. Witnesses: Henry son of Robert de la Wodehous [Woodhouses], Ralph de Snellesdalem [Snelsdale], Hugh Asser de Swyneschouh [Swinscoe], Adam de Werselourve [Warslow] of the same place, Simon de Snellesdale and many others 8 Mar 19 Edward II - 1326
18 - Gift by Roger son of John de Okeover , knight, to John son of Thomas the miller of llam and his wife of a messuage, buildings and one fifth part of all the land and meadow in La Coldewall in the fee of Okeover, formerly held by Henry de Grene of Snelston and Lettice his wife, paying annually 9s 7½ d rent in two equal payments, and performing suit of court at Okeoverand suit of his mill there at the rate of a twentieth of the grain. Witnesses: Henry son of Robert de le Woodhouses] Ralph de Snelsdale, Hugh Asser de Swinscoe, Adam de Warslow, of the same place, Simon de Snelsdale and many others. 8 Mar 19 Edward II - 1326
19 - Gift by Roger de Okeover, knight, to William parson of Enfield, of the manor of Okeover with all common rights and feudal dues. Witnesses: Henry de Hanbury, Henry de Birmingham, Richard de Okeover, Roger de Okeover, Ralph de Lockwood, Simon de Caldon [?Cauldon], William de Butterton, William de Castern and many others. Sunday nearest after Easter Day 19 Apr 1 Edward III - 1327
20 - Gift by Roger de Okeover, knight to Richard Picard of Mapleton and his wife for their lives, of two plots of land in the fee of Okeover, one plot lying in the Ewes, between the lands of Roger de Wensley on one side and Okeover churchland on the other, the other plot lying between the flat on one side and Le Mere Stake on the other: to be held for their lives, paying annually one rose rent, with reversion to Roger de Okeover, his heirs and assigns. Witnesses: William de Castern, William de Bedulle [?Bedhill], John de Snelston de Coldwalle [Coldwell], Thomas the chaplain, Robert le Drover and others Sunday nearest before the Feast of St John the Baptist 17 Jun 9 Edward III - 1335
21 - Gift by Philip de Okeover to Thomas de Marchington, knight, John Crecy, Rector of Longford, John Wall, Rector of Leigh and Thomas de Shee], of the manor of Okeover with all lands, tenements, rents and services, freeholders and bondmen, homage, reliefs, escheats, villeinage and all other things appertaining to this manor. Witnesses: Richard de Kniveton, Oliver de Barton, John Cokayn, John de Newnham, rector of the church of Solihull and Richard de Welbeck. Eve of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1 Feb 5 Richard II - 1382
22 - Gift by John Cokeyn to his nephew Thomas de Okeover of a certain parcel of land (which he can enclose) adjacent to a field lying between the park of Okeover and Mayfield Smeethe [Smith] , namely that parcel which lies between the strip of land extending from Okeover meadow towards the manor of Snelsdale]on the East and a lane which leads from Okeover towards the fields of Swinscoe and Woodhouses on the West. Feast of St Catherine the Virgin 25 Nov 2 Henry V - 1420
23 - Gift by Thomas Okeover of Okover to Henry, Abbot of Rocester, Richard Falkhurst, parson, of Kingsley, Geoffrey Walker of Castern and Thomas Lockwood of Throwley their heirs and assigns of all that pasture called Coldwall together with the pasture called Brendwode in the territory of Okeover, with all its appurtenances and all rents in Blore Woodhouse and a parcel of meadow in Blore Woodhouse, and another pasture called Cokshuthull in the territory of Snelston in the county of Derby. Witnesses: Samson Meverel, knight, John Curzon, John Pole and others. 6 Sep 18 Henry VI - 1439
24 - Quitclaim by Thomas Okeover to Henry, Abbot of Rocester, Richard Falkhurst, parson, of Kingsley, Geoffrey Walker of Castern and Thomas Lockwood of Throwley their heirs and assigns of property as D231M/T25 Witnesses as D231M/T25 9 Sep 18 Henry VI - 1439
25 - Quitclaim by John, Earl of Shropshire to Richard Boys of Okeover his heirs and assigns of a pasture called La Eyes in the fee of Okeover which he held by gift and feoffment of the said Richard 10 Dec 37 Henry VI - 1458
26 - Quitclaim by John Cokayne, esq., to Philip Okover esq of the lordship of Okeover - 17 Apr 1462
27-28 - Release by Leak Okeover of Okeover, esq to Wrightson Mundy of Osbaston, Leicestershire, and John Eardley Wilmot of the Inner Temple, London, for the better securing of the payment of the debts of the said Leak Okeover, in consideration of 10 shillings, of the manor of Okeover and the capital messuage or mansion house there with all parks, messuages, farms, mills, lands, tenements, grounds belonging, all tithes of corn, hay, wool and lamb in Okeover Woodhouse and Swinscoe, all those messuages, farms, lands, tenements and hereditaments in Okeover Woodhouse, Swinscoe, Mayfield, Ilam, Castern [Calton], now or late in the tenure of Henry Ford, John Sellors, Samuel Swynscow [Swinscoe], William Hodgkinson, Samuel Smith, Richard Milward, Thomas Hodkinson, Edward Roobotham and John Wilcockson (annual rent £810 11s 8d), also several quit rents issuing out of certain tenements in Swinscoe; also all that manor or lordship of Atlow and all those messuages, farms, tenements, lands rents, profits and hereditaments in Atlow and Mapleton in the occupation of Thomas Hewson, Edward Carter, John Allcock, Robert Austin, John Hallam, Thomas Oliver, William Chesham, Diana Ryley, Joseph Tunnicliffe, Peter Pearson, Richard Wood, John Tinn, Humphrey Daniel, John Tomlinson, William Cockin, Samuel Smith, Samuel Buntin, Christopher Tomlinson, senior, Thomas Longdon, Andrew Cockin and Richard Harrison (annual rent £513 1s 8d): also all those manors or lordships of Wymeswold and Crackhole alias Crowhole in Wymeswold, Leicestershire, and the capital messuage or mansion house there and all those messuages, tenements and farms in Wymeswold and several quit rents and other rents payable to Leak Okeover in Wymeswold; also all that close in Thorpe-in-the-Clotts (Thorpe-in-the-Glebe), Nottinghamshire called Over Mussels, 12acre by estimation, and part of a close called Hebes Close, 22acre or 18perches; also all that capital messuage in Hardwick, Norfolk with all lands, tenements and hereditaments thereto belonging, and also all that messuage, tenement and farm with its appurtenances in the occupation of Jeremy Wade, 147acre., and also the sheepwalk in Hardwick and North Runton, all that messuage or tenement in Hardwick in the occupation of Nicholas Rightus and all the lands, gardens and hereditaments thereto belonging, 90 acres by estimation; also 4 acres of land in Hardwick; all that land of Leak Okeover's in Middleton, Norfolk, 11acre. by estimation in the occupation of Henry Towers and a messuage or tenement at West Winch, Norfolk, in the occupation of Master Bagg and several parcels of ground in Sech alias Sechee, 25acre by estimation, in the occupation of John Williamson and also two parcels of ground in Sechee next the brook, 4½a. by estimation in the occupation of John Hinn and a small parcel of ground, 1acre by estimation, butting on the common in the occupation of Edward Woodhouse (£499 annual value of Norfolk estate); also all that messuage, farm or tenement called Huntingfield Farm, Huntingfield, Suffolk, in the occupation of Widow Ingate: to be held upon trust with the intent that they with all speed sell and dispose of the premises for the highest possible sum and from the proceeds pay firstly the costs incurred in the execution of the trusts and secondly to discharge all Leak Okeover's debts mentioned in the first schedule (attached) and such of the debts in the second schedule (attached) as shall be found justly due: the surplus to be used to purchase government or real securities at interest, paying the interest annually to Leak Okeover and after his death to his wife, Mary, for life: if any part of the estate not disposed of then the rents and profits to be paid to Leak Okeover and after his death, his wife Mary: further Okeover assigns to Mundy and Wilmot the lease of the rectory of Wymeswold upon trust that it is assigned for the best possible price: also Okeover agrees with Mundy and Wilmot to levy a fine of all the premises before Michaelmas Term. 16 Aug - 1751
29-30 - Lease and release by Leighton Hayne of Uttoxeter, esq to Edward Walhouse Okeover of Okeover, esq in consideration of £30, of a close or parcel of inclosed ground in Okeover, ½ acre, and a butt, ridge or selion of land lying in an open field called Oliver's Meadow, 9 yards in breadth, 48 yards in length. 8/9 Jun - 1779
31 - Deed to make a tenant to the precipe by which Haughton Farmer Okeover of Okeover, esq, has granted to Stafford Squire Baxter of Furnivals Inn, London, gent., in consideration of 10 shillings, a messuage or tenement called the Little Park House with buildings, yards, orchards, gardens and pastures, 24 acres by estimation, and several closes called the Eyes on the west side of the River, the Eyes on the east side of the River, Further Horse Close, Yerley Meadow, Bushy Close, Near Horse Close, the Pingle, Horse Close, Pinchley Meadow, Rye Grass Close, Middle Close, the pieces on the side of Kendar, the Slaney, Calf Croft, Little Dyford, Meadow Head and Meadow Head Pingle, Gravel Beds, Nether Dyford, Over Dyford, Wood Pingle, Lower Wood Close and Upper Wood Close, 123acre, 3roods. 25perches., in the occupation of Henry Ford, also several other closes at Okeover namely the Mill Meadow, Little Holme, the Furlong, Bye Field, the Beach, Lady Holme, Lower Dryfield, Over Dryfield, Over Dryflatt, Kendar, Yerley and Yerley Bottom, 107acre, 2roods, 16perches, in the occupation of Eld Milward, also all that messuage or tenement called Coldwall [Caldwell] House with outbuildings, yard, garden and nursery, Oa. Or. 26perches., and several closes, namely Over Holme, Sands Fields, Wood Flatts, Horse Piece, Apes Yard, Meadow, Apes Yard, Tollgate Garden, Pale Close, Barn Garden, Calf Croft, Wheat Piece, Crabtree Piece, Far Coldwall, Nether Coldwall and New Meadow, 127acre, 3roods. 38perches. in the occupation of Joshua Sellars, also all that messuage called Pinchley House with outbuildings, yard, garden and milking hillock, Oa. 1roods. 19perches. and several closes namely Upper Coldwall, Far Little Leys, Big Little Leys, Far Pinchley, Lower Bassord Meadow, Little Farnham, Upper Bassord Meadow, Peggs Wood, Big Pinchley, Middle Pinchley, Near Pinchley, Back o' the House Limekiln Close, Bassord Bank, Peggs Bank, Peggs, Lee and Nether Coldwall, 112acre. 1roods. 01perches. in the occupation of Thomas Swinscow [Swinscoe]: to make Baxter a perfect tenant of the freehold so that a recovery may be suffered and had before the end of Hilary Term. 17 Jan - 1799
32 - Recovery by Robert Baxter against Stafford Squire Baxter, gent. of 3 messuages, 4 gardens, 500 acres of land, 250 acres of meadow, 250 acres of pasture with appurtenances in Okeover 17 Feb - 1799
33 - Merger of tithes in the freehold of the Okeover estate 20 Sep - 1845
34 - Quitclaim by Henry de Bette to Hugh de Acovere [Okeover] his heirs and assigns of the homage and service of Richard de Swinescow [Swinscoe] which the said Richard was accustomed to perform for two bovates of land held of Henry de Bette in Swinescow and the homage and service of the men of Hutlesdale. Witnesses: Richard de Draycot, William Meverel, Robert de Bette, William, marshal de Standton, Matthew de Kniveton, John, clerk, and others Palm Sunday 13 Apr 38 Henry III - 1254
34-130 - Swinscoe and Woodhouse Estate
35 - Quitclaim by William Mossel to Lord Hugh de Okeover, son of Robert de Okeover of two bovates of land in the vill of Swinscoe with all appurtenances in Swinscoe Witnesses: William de Aldithele [Alderley], Robert de Thorpe, then seneschal, William Meverel, William de Ipstones, Roger de Woodhouses, William Leigh, Henry de Ilam, Robert de Castern,, Henry Wodegrim and others - [late 13th cent]
36 - Gift by Hugh de Okeover son of Robert de Okeeover to Hawise [Avice] de Okeover her heirs and assigns (except monks), her homage and service, to two bovates of land in the vill of Swinscoe with tofts, crofts and buildings and all other appurtenances which William Morsel once held of him: paying annually six barbed arrows and twopence Witnesses: William de Aldithle [Alderley], Robert de Thorpe, then seneschal, William Meverel, William de Ipstones, Henry de Ilam, Roger de Woodhouses, William of Leigh, Robert de Castern, Henry Wodegrim and others - [late 13th cent]
37 - Gift by Hawise de Okeover to Lord Hugh de Okeover and his heirs, that if Cecily wife of William Morsel should survive her husband and claim her dower in two bovates of land in the vill of Swinscoe which she (Hawise) holds of Hugh de Okeover, then she (Hawise) shall give her full dower or make peace with her (Cecily) Witnesses : William de Alditle [Alderley], Robert de Thorpe, then Seneschal, William Meverel, William de Ipstones, Henry de Ilam, Roger de Wodehouse, William de Leigh, Robert de Castern, Henry Wodegrim - [late 13th cent]
38 - Copy of a gift by Hugh de Okeover to Richard de Swinscoe and Cecily his wife, for homage and service, of two bovates of land and a toft which Richard once held, with all appurtenances of the ville of Swinscoe, namely those two bovates which the said Richard held of Margery de Okeover and Geoffrey her son and also 4 acres of waste, namely 3 acres next to Bothesley and an acre next to Haram (?) and also 4 cart loads of timber from his wood at Swinscoe and free common of herbage in the wood: paying annually 16 pence for all services except suit of court at Okeover and suit of mill at Okeover at the rate of one twentieth of the grain Witnesses: Lord William of Cheddleton, William of Ipstones, Thomas Meverel of Throwley, Benedict de la Coudrey, Hugh de Beresford, William Putrel, Henry de la Ford, Henry of Castern and many others - [late 13th cent]
39 - Gift by Roger de Wodehuses, [Woodhouses] to Hugh de Akovere, [Okeover], knight, his heirs and assigns, that they might assart and reduce to cultivation any part they wish of Roger's waste and wood in the fee of Swyneschouh, [Swinscoe] reserving to Roger common of pasture on his land at Swyneschouh after the corn has been carried away and the hay mown - [late 13th cent]
40 - Gift by Hawise [Avice] de Thore, widow, to Hugh de Okeover, his heirs and assigns, of two bovates of land in the vill of Swinscoe, namely those she held from Hugh de Okeover himself for homage and service Witnesses: Robert de Wensley, Thomas Meverel, Robert Fitchet, Hugh de la Coldwell,Henry de llam] Richard de Patris and others - [late 13th cent]
41 - Gift by Hugh de Okeover to Richard de Swinscoe and Cecily his wife, for homage and service of one bovate of land with all appurtenances in the vill and territory of Swinscoe, namely that bovate which Mabel de Ellesmere once held and also six acres of land in Netlehale, [Nettlehale] and in Wychyebeddes lying on each side of the road that extends from the ditch of William de Venables towards Wednesale, [Wensley?] and three acres of the field next to the land of the said Richard of which 1½ acres extends from above the ditch of Stirkereden and 1½ acres lies in Sneteshalg, and also three acres of intake from the waste lying at Botheleg, on each side the land of the said Richard: paying annually two silver shillings rent, for all services except foreign and suit of court and mill at Okeover at the rate of one twentieth of the grain - [late 13th cent]
42 - Gift by Hugh de Okeover to Richard de Swinscoe and Cecily his wife of two bovates of land which Oky formerly held in the vill and territory of Swinscoe, which said bovates Richard formerly held of Margery de Hultone and Geoffrey her son, also four acres of waste next to Richard's land, namely three acres at Bothisleg and one acre next to the hedge which belongs to Ivor de Swinscoe, also four cart loads of timber from his wood at Swinscoue as long as the wood remains in his forest and also free common of herbage in the wood: also a reasonable part of the uncultivated land appurtenant to the two bovates - [late 13th cent]
43 - Copy gift by Hugh de Okeover to Roger, son of Roger de Woodhouse for services and homage, of ten acres of land with appurtenances in Wodehul, [Woodhill] namely that land which his (Roger's) father held of him for life paying sixpence a year for all services: further, Hugh has quitclaimed to Roger one penny for holding pasture `de fragera', in return for which Roger has quitclaimed to Hugh eighteen acres of land at Aldeflat, and also, Hugh has granted to Roger all that land of Woodhouse which Roger father of Roger held of him in the same vill at an annual rent of three shillings, Roger (the father) having quitclaimed the above land to Roger (the son) at his (Hugh's) court and for entry the said Roger the son has given to Hugh forty shillings. Witnesses: Ralph, son of Jordan, Henry de Denstone, William Ipstones, Robert de Sireford, Ralph de Stanton, Hugh chaplain of Okeover and others - [late 13th cent]
44 - Gift by Robert son of Hugh de Okeover]to William Wyther, knight, his heirs and assigns of a toft and croft with appurtenances which Robert Fychet held of his father in le Wudehuses,[Woodhouses] in the fee of Mayfield and all that land with appurtenances which the same Robert held of his (Robert de Okeover's) father along with the meadow which the same Robert held of his father in Okeover, also common of pasture and turbary in Swinscoe and the right of getting timber for repairs (`husbote' and `haybote') in the wood of Swinscoe, reserving to Robert de Okeover his `defences' in times of `protection' (tempore defensionis), and the right to enclose the wood whenever he wishes; paying annually forty silver pence rent - [late 13th cent]
45 - Quitclaim by Robert de Ocovere, [Okeover] son of Hugh de Ocovere to Thomas de Wodehwsis [Woodhouses] of sixpence annual rent which the said Robert exacts from Thomas for a tenement in Swenescho, [Swinscoe] - [late 13th cent]
46 - Copy gift by Robert de Okeover to Roger de Wodehul, [Woodhill] and his heirs of 9 acres of land on Woodhill for homage and services, namely those six acres which William Surum held on Woodhill and 1½ acres which Richard le Sene held on Woodhill and 1½ acres from the wood of Woodhill towards the North, and also the right to make assarts in the wood, and to fence and plough that land towards the pasture, paying annually one mark. - [late 13th cent]
47 - Gift by William de la Coldewalle [Coldwell] , to Isabel de Birmingham and Roger, son of John de Okeover of all his holding which he held by gift of William de Ster and Emma his wife in le Woodhouses near Okeover along with a pasture in the fields of Woodhouse and Swinscoe and also rights of getting timber for repairs (`heybote' and `husbote') in the wood of Swinscoe Witnesses: Henry Fitz Herbert, John de Castern, Hugh de Prestwood, Walter Wyther, Thomas de Bynket (?) and others - [late 13th cent]
48 - Gift by Agnes widow of Roger Houlf de Ashbourne to Hugh de Woodhouses her brother of one acre of land with appurtenances in the territory of La Wodehouse, namely that acre of land she held by gift of Hugh Here her father, which acre lies between the land of Lord William Wyther on the North and the land of Sibil widow of Richard le Challoner of Ashbourne on the other part, one head extending near the Holdewodhul and the other abutting on the Finayeis: to be held by right of inheritance, paying annually to Roger Here de Wodehouse three halfpence rent. - [late 13th cent]
49 - Gift by Cecily formerly wife of Richard de Swinscoe to William Wyther of a plot of land in Swinscoe lying in Nettlehale extending in length towards the King's Highway and towards the Moldysrowe and in width from the demesne land of the Abbot of Rocester towards the wood of Mathelfeld [Mayfield]: annual rent of a rose - [late 13th cent-early 14th cent]
50 - Quitclaim by Richard, son of Richard de Swinscoe to Lord William Wyther knight of a parcel of land in Swinscoe with all appurtenances which lies in Nettlehale and extends in length towards the King's Highway and in breadth from the demesne land of the Abbot of Rocester towards the wood of Mayfield, which land Lord William formerly held by gift of Cecily his mother in her widowhood Witnesses: Thomas Meverel, Lord of Throwley, Roger de Hales, Walter Wyther, Lord of Ilam, Benedict de Butterton, Thomas de Sheen and others - [late 13th-early 14th cent]
51 - Copy of a confirmation by Roger, Lord of Okeover of a gift by his forbear Hugh de Okeover to Roger de Okeover of all his land in Woodhouse which Huyet held except 8 acres of land which he retains in Ffyneshas, namely that messuage which Huyet held and two tofts in the same vill which Siwy and Hathewell held and 46 acres of land in the field which remain to the said Roger: to be held by Roger from Roger as his inheritance with all usual services and homage and he has paid also one mark for the recognition, paying also an annual rent of three shillings for all services pertaining to this land Witnesses: Thomas Wither, knight, Walter Wither de Ilam, William de Castern, William de Praers, parson of Erkalowe [?Ercall], Ralph del Wodehouse, Roger de Wensley of Mapleton, Robert de Stramshall, and others Wednesday nearest after the Translation of St Thomas the Martyr 11 Jul 18 Edward II - 1324
52 - Gift by Roger de Okeover to Lord William de Praers, parson of Erkalowe [?Ercall], of a parcel of waste with its appurtenances in Le Wodehouse [Woodhouses] lying in width between the road of the said William and another road which leads from Blore to Mayfield and extending from the messuage and toft of John Thomcoke which he held from Roger de Okeover for life, as far as the road which leads from the gate of the said William towards Coldwall; also all that messuage and croft which John Thomcoke held from Roger de Okeover together with the bays and ditches, paying 3 shillings annual rent and performing all the accustomed services. If the said William dies without heirs of his body then the remainder to Agnes de Hugeford, to be held by her for life in the above manner: after the death of Agnes then the remainder to John her brother, if he dies without heirs of his body then remainder to Lettice his sister, if she dies without heirs of her body then remainder to Robert de Praers, then if Robert dies without issue and after the death of all the other parties, remainder to Roger de Okeover, his heirs and assigns Witnesses: William Bicher, William de Castern, Ralph de Snelsdale, Henry Robert, Robert de Stramshall and others Thursday nearest after the feast of the Translation of St Thomas the Martyr 12 Jul 18 Edward II - 1324
53 - Gift by Henry son of Robert del Woodhouses to John his son and Lettice daughter of William de Praers of all those lands and tenements, rents and possessions with appurtenances which he held at Le Wodehouse in the fee of Mayfield and in Swinscoe Witnesses: Roger de Okeover, John de Ipstones, knights, Hugh Adam de Blore, Ralph del Woodhouse, Simon Asser de Swinscoe, Hugh Asser of the same place, Richard Smith of Mayfield and others Feast of St Chad 2 Mar 6 Edward III - 1332
54 - Gift by John son of Robert de le Woodhouses to Christiana, formerly wife of Roger de Okeover, knight, of a place [name illegible] and 8 acres of arable land in le Wodehouse in the fee of Okeover lying between Christiana's land on the one side and the land [name illegible] on the other, also 8 acres of land with one head turned towards Wechull and the other towards Okeover Brook. Witnesses: John de Alnefield, William de Castern, William son of Ralph del Wodehouse and others Monday next before the Purification of Blessed Virgin Mary 28 January 16 Edward III - 1342
55 - Gift by Thomas, son of Henry de Warslow of Swinscoe to Adam son of Robert le Daye de Calton of all his lands and tenements in the vill and fee of Swinscoe which descended to him by law and heredity after the death of Henry, son of Adam de Warslow, his late father Witnesses: Nicholas Bisbrooke of Waterfall, Robert de Ravennsdale of Caldon, Henry Asser of Swinscoe, Jouaystur [?Jouster] de le Forde, Hugh Bayli de Calton and others Friday nearest after Epiphany (6 Jan) 49 Edward III - 1376
56 - Quitclaim by John Hanbury abbot of the monastery of the Blessed Mary at Rocester and the convent of the same place to Laurence Thickeness and his heirs and assigns of an annual rent of 8d arising from diverse tenements in le Wodehouse Witnesses: Nicholas FitzHerbert, esq., Thomas Madeley, Thomas Lockwood and others Feast of St Peter and Paul (29 Jun) 32 Henry VI - 1454
57 - Quitclaim by Elizabeth formerly wife of John Lont to Thurston Lont of 17 shillings arising from lands, tenements, rents, meadows, pastures with appurtenances in Woodhous [Woodhouses] and Swynsco [Swinscoe] in the fee of Mayfield and Grendon next Blore which she lately acquired of Ralph Thekenes Witnesses: Thomas Guld de Grendon, Robert Bailly de Stanshop, William Rakson de Mapulton [Mapleton] and others 10 Jan 3 Henry VII - 1488
58 - Gift by John Tomkynson of Swinscoe husbandman to William Tomkynson his son of all his lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, rents and reversions in the parish and vill of Swinscoe and Calton, Staffordshire Witnesses: William Basset, esq., Edward Meynell, rector of the church of Blore, Nicholas Lord, Ralph Baynold 1 Oct 16 Henry VII - 1500
59 - Assignment by Lettice Okover of the parish of St Brides, London, widow of Thomas Okeover, citizen and woollen draper of London to Rowland Okeover of Okeover, esq., of a messuage, farm or tenement in Woodhouses called Hadfields Farm now in the occupation of John Stubbs, another messuage, farm or tenement in Woodhouses called Wheeldons Farm, another messuage, farm or tenement called Milward's Farm, messuage, farm or tenement called Rylye's Farm in the occupation of Philip Ryle and a messuage in Woodhouse in the occupation of John Hall 2 Apr - 1678
60-61 - Lease and release by Peniston Lamb of Lincolns Inn, esq., to Daniel Lowndes of Grindon, Staffordshire, yeoman, in consideration of £270, of a messuage and farm in Swinscoe in the possession of Joseph Millington, part of the property conveyed by Edward, Lord Harley and William, Lord Viscount Cheyne to Peniston Lamb by indenture of 23 Jan 1719/20 24 & 25 Feb - 1719/1720
62 - Final concord between Peniston Lamb, gent and Edward Harley, knight, and Henrietta his wife deforciants of the manors of Cheadle, Blore, Calton, Cauldon, Waterfall, Kingsley, with all appurtenances, also Blore Park with appurtenances, and also 50 messuages, 100 cottages, 2 water mills, 1000 acres of lands, 200 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture, 100 acres of wood, 2000 acres of heath and furze, 4000 acres of moor, £9 8s 11d rent, common of pasture and turbary, free fishing, free warren, court leet, court baron, view of frankpledge, way, estrays, goods and chattels of felons and fugitives, in Cheadle, Blore, Calton, Cauldon, Waterfall, Grindon, Ipstones, Kingsley, Swinscoe, Woodhouse and Elkstone, and also the advowsons of the churches of Blore and Kingsley, the manor of Mapleton and 2 messuages, 10 cottages, 20 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture, 100 acres of furze and heath, 100 acres of moor and 20 shillings rent, pasture for 10 cattle, common of pasture and turbary, court leet, court baron, view of frankpledge, with all appurtenances in Mapleton, Thorpe, Ible and Cold Eaton, Derbyshire. Consideration £3900 12 Apr - 1720
63-64 - Lease and release by Daniel Lownds of Grindon, yeoman, to Joseph Millington of Swinscoe, yeoman, in consideration of £160, of a messuage or tenement in which Joseph Millington now lives, close called Two Crofts in Swinscoe lying in Blackshaw Fields and all the land of Daniel Lownds in Town Meadow 4 & 5 Mar - 1732/1733
65 - Mortgage by way of lease for 500 years by Joseph Millington of Swinscoe, yeoman, to Daniel Lowndes of Grindon, yeoman, for £140, of Blackshaw Field, 3 acres, Home Croft, 3 acres, 1 land in Blackshaw Field, 1 acre, 1½ lands in Blackshaw Field, four parcels of land, meadow, arable and pasture in Town Meadow, one piece, 1 acre, 1 piece, 1 rood, one piece, 3 roods and another piece: redeemable on repayment by 25 Sep 1735 25 Mar - 1734
66 - Mortgage by way of lease for 500 years by Joseph Millington of Swinscoe, yeoman, to Richard Lownds of Swinscoe, yeoman, for £20, of a messuage, dwelling house in Swinscoe in which Joseph Millington lives with all appurtenances and several closes of land, meadow and pasture in the occupation of Joseph Millington: redeemable on repayment by 9 Dec 1738 9 Jun - 1737
67-68 - Lease and release by Joseph Millington of Swinscoe, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife to Richard Millington of the same place, his son and heir, in consideration of £100, of Blackshaw Field, 3 acres, Home Croft, 3 acres, land in Blackshaw Field, 1 acres 1½ lands in the Blackshaw Field and 4 pieces of land in the Town Meadow - 1-2 Feb [1745]
69-70 - Lease and release by Joseph Millington of Swinscoe, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife and Richard Millington of Swinscoe, his son and heir to John Lowndes of Grindon, Staffordshire, yeoman, trustee of Richard Lowndes and Richard Lowndes of Swinscoe, yeoman in consideration of £220, of land as in D231M/T67-68 25 & 26 Feb - 1747/1747
71 - Quitclaim by Joseph Millington of Swinscoe, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife and Richard Millington of Swinscoe, yeoman, his son and heir, to Richard Lowndes of Swinscoe, yeoman, of all right, title, interest, trust, benefit and equity of redemption into and out of several parcels of land recited in a mortgage of 25 Mar 1735 (D231M/T65) in which Joseph Millington defaulted 26 Feb - 1747/1748
72 - Gift by William Bruckshaw otherwise Lisett of South Wingfield Park, South Wingfield, gent., to Immanuel Halton of South Wingfield, gent., in consideration of £82 10s 0d., of an annuity of £15 issuing from two messuages, cottages, lands and tenements at Mayfield and Swinscoe, in the possession of Richard Bruckshaw and Sarah Peach 28 Feb - 1748/1749
73 - Mortgage by way of lease for 500 years by Daniel Lowndes of Swinscoe, yeoman, to Ralph Adams of Narrow Dale, Alstonefield, yeoman, for £200, of a messuage, farm or tenement at Swinscoe purchased by Daniel Lowndes of Grindon deceased of Peniston Lamb of Lincoln's Inn, gent., and Blackshaw Field 3acre., Home Croft 3acre., land in Blackshaw Field 1acre., 1½ lands in Blackshaw Field, 4 pieces of land in Town Meadow: redeemable on the payment of £200 and interest by 20 Apr 1974 20 Oct - 1762
74 - Gift by Richard Lisett of the parish of Shirland, hosier, to William Lisett of South Wingfield, gent., his father, of an annuity of £10 issuing from all that messuage or tenement with appurtenances situate and being in Woodhouse [Woodhouses] and the closes to the same belonging now in the possession of Philip Peach: to be paid on 29 Sep and 25 Mar for the life of William Lisett 25 Mar - 1766
75-76 - Final concord between Thomas Hodgkinson, plaintiff, and Richard Lisett al. Bruckshaw and Ann his wife deforciants of one messuage, one barn, one stable, one garden, 30acre of land, 15acre of meadow, 15acre of pasture and common of pasture for all manner of cattle in Woodhouse in the parishes of Mayfield and Blore: consideration £100 25 Nov - 1768
77 - Quitclaim by William Lisett of South Wingfield, gent., to Richard Lisett of Winster (late of Shirland), hosier, of an annuity of £10 arising from a messuage and lands in Swinscoe 26 Nov - 1768
78 - Assignment by John Wall the elder of Wensley, Derby, gent., to Thomas Hodgkinson of Woodhouses, Mayfield, husbandman, at the direction of Richard Lisett otherwise Bruckshaw of Shirland now of Winster, hosier, in consideration of £400, of a messuage or tenement formerly converted into two tenements with appurtenances in Woodhouse, with all lands belonging, now in the tenure of Philip Peach, together with the remainder of a term of 1000 years in a mortgage by Lisett to Wall dated 23 Dec 1766 1 Dec - 1768
79-80 - Lease and release by Richard Lisett otherwise Bruckshaw of Shirland, now of Winster, hosier, and Ann his wife, to Thomas Hodgkinson of Woodhouses, Mayfield, in consideration of £750, of a messuage or tenement formerly converted into two tenements now called the Woodhouse, now in the tenure of Philip Peach his heirs and assigns or undertenants, also the Croft, Hill Meadow, Big Nether, Nether Pingle, the Pools, Barn Flatt, Barn Flatt Pingle, Little Nether, West Close Pingle, Pool Pingle in the parish of Mayfield, Long Croft in the parish of Blore, 30 acres in all: property subject to a mortgage by way of lease for 1000 years for £300 by Richard Lisett to John Wall 30 Nov & 1 Dec - 1768
81 - Copy feoffment by Thomas Hodgkinson the elder of Woodhouses, yeoman, and Thomas Hodgkinson the younger of Woodhouses, yeoman, to Samuel Stubs of Calton, yeoman, in consideration of 16s 4d 16s 4d of a piece or parcel of ground 29 feet in length and 15½ feet in breadth in Woodhouses, Mayfield (lately purchased of Richard Lisett), on which a messuage was lately erected by Samuel Stubs 1 Nov - 1771
82-83 - Lease and release by Daniel Lowndes of Swinscoe, yeoman, Hannah his wife, Mary Lowndes of Withington, Leigh, his mother, Daniel Lowndes of Grindon, yeoman, son and heir of William Lowndes late of Grindon, yeoman, deceased, to John Alcock of Martins Hill, Mayfield, yeoman, in consideration of £440 (paid to Ralph Adams of Narrow Dale, Alstonfield, mortgagee) of property as in D231M/T 69: also assignment by Ralph Adams at the direction of Daniel Lowndes of Swinscoe to Henry Ford of Little Park, Okeover, yeoman, of the property for the residue of the 500 year term in the mortgage of 20 Oct 1762 (D231M/T 69) in trust for John Alcock to await upon the freehold and inheritance 1781 4 & 5 Apr - 1781
84-85 - Final concord between John Alcock plaintiff and Daniel Lowndes and Hannah his wife, deforciants of 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 stable, 1 garden, 20 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 15 acres of pasture, common of pasture for all cattle and common of turbary in the parish of Blore. Consideration £60 Fifteen days of St Martin (18 Jul) 21 George III - 1781
86 - Feoffment by Samuel Stubbs of Strenshall [Stramshall] Staffordshire, yeoman, to William Peak of Okeover, gent., and Richard Frith of Ashbourne, innkeeper, at the direction of William Stubbs of Swinscoe, joiner and carpenter and John Stubbs of Woodhouses, joiner and carpenter, in consideration of £29 8s 0d., of messuage which John Stubbs inhabits together with a plot of ground 29 feet by 15½ feet, part and parcel of a farm called the Woodhouses in the parish of Mayfield: one moiety to the use of William Stubbs, the other to the use of John Stubbs 3 Nov - 1790
87 - Deed of gift by Mrs Elizabeth Waterfall of Swinscoe, widow, co-heir of John Alcock of Martin Hill, deceased, to William Waterfall, yeoman, her son and heir apparent, in consideration of 5 shillings, of an undivided moiety in all and singular the messuage, lands, tenements and hereditaments whatsoever late of John Alcock deceased in the parishes of Blore and Mapleton 10 Apr - 1797
88 - Feoffment by William Peak of Okeover, gent., surviving trustee of William and John Stubbs, to John Philips of Handley in the parish of Ilam, farmer, at the request of William and John Stubbs of Swinscoe, joiners and carpenters, in consideration of £38, of all that messuage or dwelling house situate at Woodhouses wherein John Stubbs now resides and also all that plot or parcel of ground to the same belonging 16 Apr - 1808
89-90 - Lease and release to make a tenant to the precipe by Thomas Hodgkinson of Low Ground in the parish of Mayfield, farmer, and Joseph Hodgkinson of Wall Bank, Cotton, Staffordshire, farmer, to Robert Barber of Fetter Lane, London, gent., in consideration of 10 shillings of property in Woodhouse [Woodhouses] as in D231M/T 79 - 80, together with a parcel of land allotted to Thomas and Joseph Hodgkinson by the Swinscoe enclosure award and a messuage, tenement or dwelling house in Caldon known as the Crown Inn, and a butcher's shop adjoining in the occupation of James Weston, erected and built by Thomas Hodgkinson the elder deceased (Father of Thomas and Joseph) on a parcel of ground purchased from George Smith 5 & 6 Jun - 1812
91 - Recovery by John Langford against Robert Barber, gent., of two messuages, one shop, two gardens, 20acre of land, 20acre of meadow, 20acre of pasture, common of pasture for all manner of cattle in Woodhouse [Woodhouses], Swinscoe, Mayfield, Blore and Calton 17 Jun - 1812
92-93 - Lease and release by Joseph Hodgkinson late of Wall Bank, Cotton, Staffordshire., now of Winkhill, Staffordshire., and John Langford of Ashbourne, gent., trustee, to Thomas Hodgkinson of Low Ground, Mayfield, farmer, and John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne, trustee, in consideration of £1471 5s 0d of a moiety of property as in D231M/T79-80 5 & 6 Apr - 1813
94-95 - Lease and mortgage in fee for £1500 by Thomas Hodgkinson of Low Ground, Mayfield, farmer, John Langford of Ashbourne, gent., and John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne, gent., (trustee) to John Eley of Longford, yeoman, of property as in D231M/T 79 - 80, redeemable on the payment of £1500 and 5% interest on the 8 Oct next ensuing 7 & 8 Apr - 1813
96 - Demise for 500 years by Thomas Hodgkinson of Low Ground, Mayfield, farmer to John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne, gent., for indemnifying Johnson from a promissory note of 6 Apr 1813 by which Hodgkinson and Johnson promised to pay Joseph Hodgkinson £500, of property as in D231M/T89 - 90: the term becomes void if Hodgkinson pays to Johnson £500 and 5% interest before the expiration of three months after the money has been demanded 17 Jul - 1813
97 - Final concord between Richard Utting, plaintiff, and John Waterfall and Mary his wife, Ralph Waterfall, Hannah Mellor, John Mellor, Charles Mellor, John Haywood and Ann his wife, Thomas Mellor and William Mellor, deforciants of one messuage, one barn, one stable, one cowhouse, 20 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 10 acres of pasture in Swinscoe in the parish of Blore and one messuage, one barn, one cowhouse, 4 acres of land, 2 acres of pasture, 2 acres of meadow and common of pasture in Mapleton. Consideration £120 26 Jun - 1815
98-99 - Lease and release by John Eley of Longford and Thomas Hodgkinson, late of Low Ground, Mayfield, farmer, but now of Ashbourne, innkeeper, to John Gallimore of Mayfield, farmer, and Thomas Wise of Ashbourne, gent., in consideration of £2625, of all that messuage in Woodhouse with all buildings and lands belonging heretofore in the tenure of Philip Peach but since of Thomas Hodgkinson and now of David Gerrard, and closes containing 25acre 3roods 03perches., namely the Big Nether, Nether Pingle, Barn Flatt, Barn Flatt Pingle, Little Nether, the Wett Close, Wet Close Pingle and Pool Pingle now commonly called the Close before the house, the Over Wheat Field, Lower Wheat Field, Little Barn Piece, Salts Piece, the Meadow, Bath of the House Piece, the Croft above the House, and also Long Croft, 3acre 1roods 28perches 15 & 16 Aug - 1815
100 - Assignment of a mortgage by Ann Peach of Swinscoe, widow, Philip Peach of Swinscoe, yeoman, William Peach of Swinscoe, yeoman, (executors of the will of Philip Peach of Wood-houses deceased), at the direction of Thomas Hodgkinson of Ashbourne, innkeeper, at the nomination of John Gallimore of Mayfield, farmer, to John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne, gent., in consideration of 10 shillings, of property as in D231M/T98 - 99 for the remainder of a 100 year term in a mortgage of 1 Dec 1768 by John Wall to Philip Peach: to be held in trust for Gallimore 16 Aug - 1815
101-102 - Lease and mortgage in fee for £1500 by John Gallimore of Mayfield, farmer, and Thomas Wise of Ashbourne, gent, (trustee), to John Eley of Longford, of messuage in Woodhouse [woodhouses] and 29acre Or 31perches of land (as D231M/T98 - 99): redeemable on the payment of £1500 and 5% interest on 18 Feb next ensuing 17 & 18 Aug - 1815
103 - Lease for possession by John Eley of Longford, yeoman, to Thomas Hodgkinson of Low Ground, Mayfield, farmer and John Longford of Ashbourne, innkeeper, of closes, the Croft and Hill Meadow at Woodhouse [woodhouses] in the parish of Mayfield and Hill Meadow Pingle in the parish of Blore 1 Sep - 1815
104 - Feoffment by John Waterfall of Swinscoe, yeoman, and Mary his wife, William Waterfall of Ashbourne, baker, Ralph Waterfall of Mayfield, yeoman, Hannah Mellor of Mayfield, widow, John Mellor of Snelsdale, yeoman, John Haywood of Atlow, yeoman, and Ann his wife, Thomas Mellor of Mayfield, yeoman, and William Mellor of Mayfield, yeoman, to Richard Utting of Okeover, yeoman, in consideration of 5 shillings, of a messuage, farm or tenement at Swinscoe with all closes and parcels of land formerly in the possession of John Alcock, since of William Waterfall then or late of Robert Lees, namely Blagshaw Field 3acre., Home Croft 3acre., 1acre of land in Bagshaw Field, a land and a half in Blagshaw Field and four pieces of land, meadow and pasture in Town Meadow, Swinscoe, lately enclosed and allotted by Act of Parliament; and the same were then more commonly known by the names and quantities following - the Homestead in two closes 6acre Or 15perches., Netlows 3acre Or 02perches., Back of the Hill 2acre 3roods 28perches., End Croft 2acre 3roods 12perches., Blagshaw Field 6acre 2roods 09perches., two allotments of Swinscoe Common 9acre Or 10perches.: also a messuage, tenement and croft in Mapleton 1acre 1roods 34perches., Brown Hay 1acre Or 15perches, Butler's Hole 1acre 1roods 08perches and Upper Hill 1acre Or 14perches., to be held in trust by Utting to levy a fine to the use and behoof of such person or persons as the Waterfalls and Mellors shall appoint by any deed or writing: one moiety to the use of the three Waterfalls in equal shares as tenants in common and other moiety to the use of the six Mellors in equal shares as tenants in common 15 Sep - 1815
105 - Surrender and merger of a mortgage term by John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne, esq., to John Waterfall of Swinscoe, farmer, in consideration of £70, in an undivided sixth part of a messuage, tenement and land in Swinscoe, reciting mortgage by way of lease for 500 years of 7 May 1807 by John Waterfall to J G Johnson for £70, of an undivided sixth part in a messuage or tenement in Swinscoe with inclosures and pieces or parcels of land meadow or pasture belonging, purchased by Daniel Lowndes of Grindon from Peniston Lamb, containing about 30 acres, conveyed by lease and release of 4 & 5 Apr 1781 by Daniel Lowndes to John Alcock upon whose death the same descended to Elizabeth Waterfall and Anne Mellor his sisters and co-heirs, and also a messuage and tenement in Mapleton together with four closes 10 Oct - 1815
106-107 - Lease and release by John Waterfall of Swinscoe, yeoman, and Mary his wife, William Waterfall of Ashbourne, baker, Ralph Waterfall of Mayfield, yeoman, Hannah Mellor of Mayfield, widow, John Mellor of Snelsdale, yeoman, Charles Mellor of Snelsdale, yeoman, John Haywood of Atlow, yeoman, and Ann his wife, Thomas Mellor of Mayfield, yeoman and William Mellor of Mayfield, yeoman, to John Gallimore of Mayfield, yeoman, and John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne, gent., in consideration of £460 paid to Waterfalls and £460 to Mellors, of a messuage, farm, garden, yard and homestead 6acre Or 15perches and the Netlows 3acre Or 02perches., in Swinscoe 11 & 12 Mar - 1816
108 - Assignment of a term of 500 years by Henry Samuel Maskery of Little Park, Okeover, gent., to Thomas Wise of Ashbourne, gent., at the request of the Waterfalls and Mellors (see D231M/T104) and at the appointment of John Gallimore of Mayfield, yeoman, in consideration of 10 shillings, in property as in D231M/T106 - 7 in trust for Gallimore to attend the freehold and inheritance: reciting mortgage of 20 Oct 1762 by Daniel Lowndes of Grindon to Ralph Adams of Narrowdale, Alstonefield (D231M/T73) in which Lowndes defaulted 12 Mar - 1816
109-110 - Lease and release by Thomas Hodgkinson of Ashbourne, innkeeper, and John Longford of Ashbourne, gent., John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne, gent., to Ellen Poyser of Swinscoe, widow, of two parcels of and allotted in the Swinscoe enclosure awards, namely plots numbers 48 and 41, 1 acre 1 rood 7perches, and 2roods 25perches respectively, and all that messuage or tenement erected by William Poyser, late husband of Ellen Poyser, on the allotments 18 & 19 Jun. See CD 267 for copy of D231 M/T 109 - 1816
111-112 - Lease and release by Miss Lydia Mellor of Snelsdale, Mayfield, spinster, to John Gallimore of Mayfield, yeoman, and John Goodwin Johnson of Bradbourne, in consideration of one seventh part of the undivided moiety of a farm, tenement, garden, yard and two closes of land, the Homestead 6acre Or 15perches., and the Netlows 3acre O2perches in Swinscoe 2 & 3 Apr - 1819
113-114 - Lease and release by Ellen Poyser of Swinscoe, widow, to Haughton Farmer Okeover of Oldbury, Warwickshire, esq., of allotment number 48 in the Swinscoe enclosure award, 1acre 1roods 07perches., and allotment number 41, Oa 2roods 25perches and also a messuage or tenement in Swinscoe erected and built by William Poyser, late husband of Ellen Poyser on the allotments 11/12 Jan. See CD 267 - 1819
115 - Final concord between Richard Cotton, plaintiff, and John Philips and Elizabeth his wife and John Atkins and Mary his wife, deforciants of one messuage, 2 gardens, one barn, 4 acres of land with appurtenances at Woodhouses and Yoxall in the parishes of Mayfield and Yoxall: consideration £60 25 Nov - 1827
116 - [Number not used]
117 - Gift by John Gallimore of Mayfield, yeoman, to William Gallimore of Woodhouse [woodhouses], yeoman, son of John, in consideration of 5 shillings of a messuage and tenement with appurtenances in Woodhouse and 29acre Or 31perches of lands as in D231M/T98-99 - 1835
118-119 - Lease and assignment of mortgage by Thomas Harvey of Pointhorn, Staffordshire., farmer and John Eley of Buxton, yeoman, at the direction of William Gallimore of Woodhouse, yeoman, to William Harding of Lea Hall, Tissington, gent., in consideration of £1300, of messuage and 29acre 3roods 01perches., in Woodhouse [woodhouses] as in D231M/T989 - 99: redeemable on the payment of £1300 and 4% interest on 28 Sep next ensuing 27 & 28 Mar - 1835
120-121 - Lease and release by John Gallimore of Mayfield, yeoman, and Ann his wife, to James Haughton Langston of Sarsden House, Oxfordshire and William Stratford Dugdale of Merevale Hall, Warwickshire, trustees under the will of H F Okeover, in consideration of £250, of a piece or parcel of land in Swinscoe called the Netlows, 3acre Or, 02perches now in the occupation of William Gallimore 26 & 27 Mar - 1839
122 - Deed of covenant to produce title deeds: parties and property as D231M/T120-1 26 Mar - 1839
123 - Assignment of a term of 500 years by Thomas Wise of Ashbourne, gent., at the direction of John Gallimore of Mayfield, yeoman, and James Haughton Langston of Sarsden House, Oxfordshire, and William Stratford Dugdale of Merevale Hall, Warwickshire, to William Haines of Birmingham, gent., in a parcel of land in Swinscoe called the Netlows 3acre Or 02perches., in an indenture of mortgage for £200 dated 20 Oct 1762 (D231M/T73) by Daniel Lowndes to Ralph Adams: to be held in trust for Langston and Dugdale 26 Mar - 1839
124 - Assignment of a term of 1000 years by John Goodwin Johnson of Fenny Bentley, esq., and Thomas Wise of Ashbourne, gent., at the direction of William Harding of Lea Hall, Tissington, gent., William Gallimore of Kedleston, innkeeper, James Haughton Langston of Sarsden House, Oxfordshire, and William Stratford Dugdale of Merevale Hall, Warwickshire, to William Haines of Birmingham, gent, in that part of a messuage and 29acre 0roods 31perches of land in Woodhouse [woodhouses] (D231M/T 98 - 99) mentioned in an indenture of demise of 23 Dec 1766 by Richard Lisett to John Wall (missing): to be held in trust from Langston and Dugdale to await upon the freehold and inheritance 27 Mar - 1839
125 - Feoffment by Thomas Smith of Swinscoe, farmer, to Matthew Furnihough in Upper Mayfield, millwright and John Fox of Ashbourne, gent., in consideration of £30, of a messuage, dwellinghouse or tenement with cowhouse and garden in Swinscoe in the parish of Blore 5 Aug - 1839
126 - Assignment and release by Edward Jackson of Martin Hill, Mayfield, gent., at the direction of Matthew Furnihough of Swinscoe, millwright, to James Haughton Langston and William Stratford Dugdale, in consideration of £35 of the remainder of a 500 year term in mortgage by Furnihough to Jackson dated 12 Dec 1842, and in consideration of a further £35 of all that messuage, dwelling house or tenement with cowhouse and garden in Swinscoe formerly in the occupation of Thomas Smith 10 Aug - 1843
127 - Release by Rev Edward Hodgson, surviving trustee under the will of Brian Hodgson of Buxton deceased to James Haughton Langston of Sarsden House, Oxfordshire, and William Stratford Dugdale of Merevale Hall, Warwickshire, in consideration of £8142 4s 0d., of all the farm called Cliff Top Farm in Swinscoe comprising a cottage, farm house, two cowhouses, barn stackyard and 23acre 1 roods 22perches of land namely Short Rakes 3acre 2roods 21perches., Cliff Top Meadow 4acre 1roods 38perches, House etc., 0acre 0roods 24perches, Dale Meadow, 4acre 3roods 05perches., Back of the Hill 2acre 1roods 05perches and 1acre 2roods 13perches and Cliff Top Hill 6acre 1roods 36perches., in the occupation of William Smith as year to year tenant: also all those limeworks consisting of a limekiln and a quarry of limestone and 71acre 0roods 26perches of land, in the occupation of Robert Yales and Joseph Bott as year to year tenants, namely Little Flat 3acre 0roods 04perches., Big Flat 6acre 3roods 18perches., Lime Kiln and quarry 2acre 0roods 09perches., Little Upper Flat 1acre 3roods 03perches., Big Upper Flat 5acre 3roods 38perches., Greaves Lands 5acre 1roods 25perches., Field Meadow 6acre 2roods 08perches., Upper Close 10acre 0roods 20perches., Lower Close 16acre 2roods 02perches., Ferney Lee Plantation 0acre 2roods 31perches., Long Rakes 4acre 2roods 38perches., Ferney Leys 7acre 1roods 24., also seven closes of land in Swinscoe 27acre 3roods 08perches., in the occupation of W Swettenham and Samuel Archer as year to year tenants, namely Near Gorse Lane 3acre 1roods 10perches., Far Gorse Land 4acre 0roods 16., Long Croft 3acre 1roods 23perches., Near Long Croft 4acre 0roods 10perches., The Hill 12acre 0roods 16., Hill Plantation 0acre 3roods 23perches., also all that barn and yard and close of meadow in Swinscoe called Netlow Barn 9acre 3roods 29perches. in the occupation of Samuel Archer as year to year tenant: also eleven closes of land in Swinscoe namely Back of the Hill 6acre 1roods 02perches., Plantation 0acre 1roods 01perches., Short Rakes, 2acre 3roods 30perches., Hill 6acre 1roods 06perches., Near Hill 3acre 2roods 07perches., Middle Hill 3acre 1roods 21perches., Plantation 0acre 0roods 19perches., Far Hill 4acre 1roods 17perches., Limekiln Hill 2acre 0roods 35perches., Back of the Hill 5acre 2roods 30perches., Limekiln Plantation 1acre 1roods 12perches - plan attached 25 Mar - 1845
128 - Deed of covenant to produce title deeds: Rev Edward Hodgson, surviving trustee under the will of Brian Hodgson of Buxton deceased to James Haughton Langston of Sarsden House, Oxfordshire, and William Stratford Dugdale of Merevale Hall, Warwickshire, in consideration of £8142 4s 0d., of all the farm called Cliff Top Farm in Swinscoe comprising a cottage, farm house, two cowhouses, barn stackyard and 23acre 1 roods 22perches of land namely Short Rakes 3acre 2roods 21perches., Cliff Top Meadow 4acre 1roods 38perches, House etc., 0acre 0roods 24perches, Dale Meadow, 4acre 3roods 05perches., Back of the Hill 2acre 1roods 05perches and 1acre 2roods 13perches and Cliff Top Hill 6acre 1roods 36perches., in the occupation of William Smith as year to year tenant: also all those limeworks consisting of a limekiln and a quarry of limestone and 71acre 0roods 26perches of land, in the occupation of Robert Yales and Joseph Bott as year to year tenants, namely Little Flat 3acre 0roods 04perches., Big Flat 6acre 3roods 18perches., Lime Kiln and quarry 2acre 0roods 09perches., Little Upper Flat 1acre 3roods 03perches., Big Upper Flat 5acre 3roods 38perches., Greaves Lands 5acre 1roods 25perches., Field Meadow 6acre 2roods 08perches., Upper Close 10acre 0roods 20perches., Lower Close 16acre 2roods 02perches., Ferney Lee Plantation 0acre 2roods 31perches., Long Rakes 4acre 2roods 38perches., Ferney Leys 7acre 1roods 24., also seven closes of land in Swinscoe 27acre 3roods 08perches., in the occupation of W Swettenham and Samuel Archer as year to year tenants, namely Near Gorse Lane 3acre 1roods 10perches., Far Gorse Land 4acre 0roods 16., Long Croft 3acre 1roods 23perches., Near Long Croft 4acre 0roods 10perches., The Hill 12acre 0roods 16., Hill Plantation 0acre 3roods 23perches., also all that barn and yard and close of meadow in Swinscoe called Netlow Barn 9acre 3roods 29perches. in the occupation of Samuel Archer as year to year tenant: also eleven closes of land in Swinscoe namely Back of the Hill 6acre 1roods 02perches., Plantation 0acre 1roods 01perches., Short Rakes, 2acre 3roods 30perches., Hill 6acre 1roods 06perches., Near Hill 3acre 2roods 07perches., Middle Hill 3acre 1roods 21perches., Plantation 0acre 0roods 19perches., Far Hill 4acre 1roods 17perches., Limekiln Hill 2acre 0roods 35perches., Back of the Hill 5acre 2roods 30perches., Limekiln Plantation 1acre 1roods 12perches - 1845
129 - Release by James Haughton Langston of Sarsden House, Oxfordshire, and William Stratford Dugdale of Merevale Hall, Warwickshire, to Charles Haughton Okeover of Okeover, esq., in consideration of 5 shillings of all the estates purchased since the death of H F Okeover namely messuage in Woodhouse [woodhouses] and 29acre 3roods 01perches., purchased from William Gallimore, a parcel of land called the Netlows 3acre 0roods 02perches., in Swinscoe purchased of John Gallimore, also a messuage at Cockshutt in Mayfield in the occupation of John Halsworth purchased from John Halsworth, a messuage or tenement in Swinscoe purchased of Matthew Furnihough and the estate in Swinscoe purchased of Rev Edward Hodgson 10 Nov - 1846
130 - Release by William Gallimore of Kedleston, inn-keeper, and Elizabeth his wife to Haughton Charles Okeover of Okeover Hall, esq., and Rev Roger Ryland Vaughton of Arley, Warwickshire, in consideration of £3500, of all that messuage, farm or tenement at Swinscoe now divided into five dwellinghouses or tenements three of them in the several possessions of Sampson Stubbs, Matthew Lees and William Allen the remaining two being unoccupied and also two crofts called the Homestead 6acre 0roods 15perches.: also a messuage, farm or tenement in Upper Mayfield in the occupation of Edward Lees together with the Corn Park, Corn Park Meadow and Woodgate Close now divided into ten closes also Healds Piece now in two closes, with all timber, trees, outhouses, edifices, buildings, etc - 1849
131 - Release by Herbert de Merle and Margaret his wife of all their right of common in a wood of Lord Hugh called Winnedun in Mulneclif who undertake that if the said Hugh wishes to make a fishpond or park, they will not prevent him, according to the agreement made when they received the land of Atlow by gift of Lord Hugh - [late 12th cent]
132 - Agreement between Lord William de Hamilton and Robert de Okeover, reciting that the said William held the manor called Atlow of the said Robert for 20 years, according to a deed in the possession of both and that if either should contravene these covenants then he will give the other £20 at the Feast of St John the Baptist, which the said William wishes should be levied by the Sheriff of Derby - 1278
133 - Gift in tail by Robert son of Hugh de Okeover to John his brother of two bovates of land with buildings and superstructures along with a toft, croft and meadow and all appurtenances in the fee of Atlow, all of which Adam son of John de Atlow once held from Hugh de Okeover: to be held by John and the lawful heirs of his body at an annual rent of 6s 8d for all services except foreign and suit of frankpledge and reserving also to the said Robert the enclosures in the Park and the Mulneclif and also suit of his mill at Atlow and a twentieth of the growing corn - [31 May 1278]
134 - Covenant by William de Hamilton that his heirs or assigns shall not make or cause to be made any waste, destruction or sale within the park of the manor of Atlow [by reason of the covenant between William de Hamilton and Robert de Okeover] concerning the manor of Atlow, if it should happen that the aforesaid manor should fall to them by his death or other means - [4 Aug 1278]
135 - Quitclaim by Lettice widow of Alexander Merchant, of Ashbourne, to Robert son of Hugh de Okeover of four bovates of land with appurtenances and 3 shillings of annual rent in Atlow, in which she was enfeoffed by the said Robert as a pledge for three sacks of wool - [3 Feb 1279]
136 - Quitclaim by Henry son of Henry de Perton to Robert son of Hugh de Okeover his heirs and assigns of all lands, tenements, buildings and superstructure which belonged to his father Henry de Perton in Atlow - [late 13th cent]
137 - Quitclaim by Roger de Wensley to Alexander Parker of Atlow of 2 shillings out of 12 shillings annual rent due from Alexander for lands and tenements which he holds in Atlow - [26 Oct 1300]
138 - Gift by Henry son of Henry de Mapleton, `manens' in the fee of Bradley, to Simon Colle de Bradbourne and Lettice his wife of two messuages and 4 bovates of land in Bradbourne with the adjacent meadow land with all appurtenances in the vill and territory of Bradbourne - [1 Sep 1303]
139 - Surrender by Henry de Kniveton to Roger son of John de Okeover]of a ploughland of land with its appurtenances in Atlow called the Rouhelowfslat relinquishing all manner of right or claim in the land - [3 Sep 1309]
140 - Gift by Henry de Kniveton to Roger son of John de Okeover of property a ploughland of land with its appurtenances in Atlow called the Rouhelowfslat - [20 Sep 1309]
141 - Grant by William de Kniveton]to Roger de Okeover that he (Roger) may put to use a "waste place" in Atlow called le Heyedewode lying between le Rugebrok and le Ouleclough and le Skoutlok and the streams which flow under the mill at Atlow, that he (Roger) may grub up, plough, sow or make a meadow in the same, whichever seems best to him, saving to William and his heirs common of pasture in that place - [7 Feb 1317]
142 - Gift by John son of Alexander de Atlow, park keeper to Lord Roger de Okeover] knight, of a messuage, one bovate of land and five acres of land with appurtenances in Atlow which he held by gift and feoffment of Roger son of Robert de Wensley - [28 Apr 1328]
143 - Gift by John de le Thokes de Ireton to Robert de le Thokes de Bradburn [Bradbourne] his brother of two bovates of land and meadow with appurtenances in Bradeburn which he held by gift and feoffment of Symon Colle de Bradeburn - [2 Mar 1328]
144 - Gift by Isolda daughter and heir of Engelard de Atlow to Christiana formerly wife of Roger de Okeover of those lands in Atlow with appurtenances which William le Parker held by lease of the said Engelard - [17 Jan 1341]
145-146 - Gift (and copy) by William son of Agnes of Little Bradbourne to William de Hoght [Hough], chaplain, living in Little Bradbourne, of a messuage and two bovates of land and a parcel of land called Wengebuttus and two other bovates of land which he held by gift and feoffment of Robert del Thokes in Little Bradbourne - [9 Feb 1361]
147 - Gift by Robert del Tokes of Little Bradbourne to William son of Agnes of Little Bradbourne of a messuage and two bovates of land which he held by gift and feoffment of Simon Colle of Bradbourne and one place and two bovates of land which he held by gift and feoffment of John del Tokes his father in Bradbourne with all appurtenances - [20 Jan 1362]
148 - Gift by William del Hough of Brassington, chaplain to William son of Robert de Tokes of Little Bradbourne of two bovates of land and meadow which he held by gift and feoffment of William son of Robert in Little Bradebourne - [22 Mar 1378]
149 - Assignment by Matilda, daughter of William son of Robert de Thokes of Bradbourne]to Robert de Thokes of her share of the remainder of one messuage and two bovates of land with all appurtenances which William de Bradbourne of Brassington, chaplain, granted to William del Hough of Brassington, chaplain, for life with remainder to Matilda and her sister Margery on his death - [6 Apr 1383]
150 - Gift by Thomas de Okeover to John de Okeover his son of 10 shillings rent, which he is accustomed to receive from Henry Bradbourne in Atlow - [20 Nov 1442]
151 - Grant by Laurence Lumhall and Lawrence Parker to Thomas Brewster and John Brewster that they may hold and occupy all the pasture lands and fences with appurtenances called Molderigge and Cardelhay in Bradbourne and Hartington which they hold by lease of the Prior of Dunstable - [1467]
152 - Gift by Philip Okeover, Lord of the manor of Okeover, Staffordshire, to Humphry Wordsworth, clerk, of the free chapel of Atlow with all lands, tenements and appurtenances which is now vacant and in the said Philip's special gift - 9 Sep 1595
153 - Gift by Humphry Okeover of Okeover, esq., to William Prince of Marston, esq., of the manor of Atlow, with letters of attorney to Ralph Brunt and E Prince to deliver seisin of the manor of the Atlow - [17th cent]
154 - Mortgage in fee for £900 by Sir Rowland Okeover of Okeover, knight, Wolstan Adderley of Weddington, Warwickshire, esq., to Beaumont Dixie of Market Bosworth, Leicestershire, esq., and Nicholas Willimott of Grays Inn, Middlesex, esq., of a messuage in Atlow in the occupation of Henry Ellot with all buildings and land belonging - 20 Oct 1666
155 - Lease for possession by Sir Rowland Okeover of Okeover, knight, Charles Hinton, citizen and mercer of London, Thomas Ruddierd the elder of Ruddierd Staffordshire., esq., Wolstan Adderley of Weddington Warwickshire, esq., Mercy Okeover, youngest daughter of Sir Rowland Okeover, Thomas Okeover and Henry Okeover younger sons of Sir Rowland Okeover to Roland Okeover, esq., son and heirs apparent to Sir Rowland Okeover, of a messuage and land in Atlow formerly in the occupation of Thomas Latham, now John Tomlinson at a rent of £14 per annum, together with Bent Acres and Wet Furlonge now in the occupation of Thomas Smith - 31 Aug 1680
156 - Final concord between Henry Spencer and John Wood plaintiffs and Rowland Okeover, esq., and Elizabeth his wife and William Parker deforciants of 2 messuages, two barns, two gardens, 60 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 60 acres of pasture and common of pasture in Atlow and Fenny Bentley - 20 Jan [1683]
157 - Final concord between William Cooke plaintiff and James Dor and Elizabeth his wife deforciants of one messuage, 50 acres of land, 15 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, and common of pasture in Atlow and Bradbourne - 18 Nov 1699
158 - Assignment of mortgage by George Moore of Winster, shopkeeper, at the direction of Richard Hole of Ashover, yeoman, to Thomas Ley of Doveridge, yeoman, in consideration of £155 1s 0d., of a fourth part of a messuage, farm or tenement at Atlow in the possession of Henry Ligo mortgaged by Sarah wife of Richard Hole to John Odingsells Leeke of Wirksworth - 25 Apr 1763
159 - Gift by Nicholas, prior of Tutbury, to Geoffrey de Acovere [Okeover] and his heirs for homage and service of a rood of woodland in Littilwode [Littlewood] for adding to his park there, namely that which lies between the spring and the hedge: annual rent of a pound of cumin - [early 13th cent]
159-161 - Snelston Estate
160 - Gift by Matilda de Grindon to Roger de Okeover her son of all that land of her inheritance which extends in length from the croft of Ralph son of William now in his possession, to the ditch which divides two ploughlands which extend from the king's way up to the Littlewoodbroc and in width from the king's way up to Littlewoodbroc and also all the meadow pertaining to this land: annual rent of a pair of white gloves or one penny at Easter - [13th cent]
161 - Gift by Philip de Okeover to the Prior of Calwich, Thomas de Marchington and Thomas de Shene [?Sheen] of all the lands, holdings, rents and services which passed to Philip in the vill of Snelston, part of the inheritance of Robert de Stanton: also all his other lands in the vills of Stanton and Mapleton Witnesses: Nicholas de Longford, John Cokayn, knights, Robert del Hull of Snelston, John Broun of the same place, Adam Felcoke of Mapleton and others Sunday next after the Feast of St Hilary (15 Jan) 20 Richard II - 1397
162 - Quitclaim by Henry son of Roger de Mapelton to Geoffrey his son his heirs and assigns of 11 selions of land with appurtenances in Mapleton which the same Geofffrey held by gift of Petronilla who was formerly wife of Roger de Mapelton and held by her as dower after his (Roger's) death: 6 selions lie on the Croft between his (Henry's) land on the one part and the land which Roger de Wednesleye [Wensley?] held on the other and abutting on the holding of the said Petronilla: 5 selions lie on the Rudings between his (Henry's) land on each side Witnesses: Roger de Wednesleye, Robert son of Hugh de Mapelton, John de Wedinsleye of the same place, Richard Scaiward, Richard, clerk, and others Monday next after the Feast of St Mark the Evangelist (30 Apr) 13 Edward II - 1320
162-272 - Mapleton Estate
163 - Gift by Geoffrey son of Henry son of Roger de Mapelton to Rikewer his sister of all that messuage with buildings and superstructures in Mapelton [Mapleton] and all his land in the same place Witnesses: Roger de Wednisleye [Wensley ?], Lord of Mapelton, Henry son of Roger of the same place, Robert son of Hugh of the same place, Richard Meverel of the same place, John de Wednisleye of the same place and others Friday next after the Feast of St Margaret (23 Jul) 16 Edward II - 1322
164 - Gift by Roger de Acovere [Okeover] to Richard Pecard of Mapulton [Mapleton] and Rekewer his wife of all lands, tenements, rents and services he holds with appurtenances in the fee of Mapulton: to hold the same for life and for the life of whichever lives longer: rent of a peppercorn at Christmas: after the death of Richard and Rekewer to revert to Roger and his heirs Witnesses: Roger de Wedenesly [Wensley?], Lord of Mapulton, John his brother, John Aliot, Roger son of Roger de Mapulton, William Blak and others Feast of St James (25 Jul) 9 Edward III - 1335
165 - Gift by Hugh de Wednesleye [Wensley?] of Mapilton [Mapleton] to Margery de Alspade for life of all his lands and tenements, reversions and possessions with all appurtenances which he held in the fee of Mapilton: remainder to Christiana who was wife of Roger de Acovere [Okeover], knight Witnesses: Roger de Wednesleye, Lord of Mapilton, John his brother of the same place, John Alyot of the same place, William de Clifton, clerk, and others Sunday next after the Exaltation of Holy Cross (16 Sep) 14 Edward III - 1340
166 - Quitclaim by John son of Gilbert de Wensley to Margery de Alspath for her life all his lands, tenements, meadows etc., in the vill and fee of Mapleton: remainder to Christiana who was wife of Roger de Okeover (knight) Witnesses; Roger de Wensley, Lord of Mapleton, John brother of the same, John Alyot and others Thursday after the Feast of the Ascension (17 May) 15 Edward III - 1341
167 - Gift by Henry son of Roger de Mapleton to Geoffrey his son of two plots of land with buildings and superstructures and all appurtenances in Mapleton and 2½ acres of land and 14 selions of land with appurtenances in the same vill of Mapleton: which two plots lie together between the tenements which Roger de Wensley held on one part and his arable land on the other part, and of the 14 selions 3 lie next to the land of Roger de Wensley and about on the two plots and 6 selions lie above the croft between his (Henry's) land on one part and the land of Roger de Wensley on the other, and the 5 other selions lie above the Rudinges between his (Henry's) land on each part, and of the 2½ acres, ½ acre lies in Whemeneye, ½ acre above the bridge called Onysebrugge, 1 acre above Stanleye, of which acre Thomas de Leek held ½ acre and Peter Gambon ½ acre, and ½ acre lies above Schertelewe between the land which Nicholas son of Adam held on the one part and the land which Petronilla, widow, held on the other: rent of a penny for all services except foreign Witnesses: Roger de Wensley, Lord of Mapleton, John his brother of the same place, Robert Aliot of the same place, Nicholas Wither of Thorpe, Richard de Huntingdon of the same place and others Thursday next after the Feast of St Chad (7 Mar) 16 Edward III - 1343
168 - Gift by Thomas de Mapleton, `manens' in the fee of Bradleyeto Adam Bileby de Ashbourne and his assigns for the life of the said Adam of all his arable land with appurtenances in the fee of Mapleton, except for a parcel of woodland called Heywode and if the said Adam dies within 20 years of the making of this indenture then the heirs and assigns of the said Adam may hold the premises for the remainder of the 20 year term: annual rent of 6s 8d in two terms for all services except foreign: if the said Adam lives more than 20 years then he shall pay £10 per annum rent Witnesses: John Cokeyn, Thomas Adam, Henry le Avener and others Tuesday next after the Feast of St Thomas (31 Dec) 1353 - 1353
169 - Gift by John de la Pole de Hartington and Robert de Wensley to John de Okeover son of John de Okeover, knight, of all their lands and tenements with appurtenances in Mapleton, and also a parcel of meadow in Okeover called Bryggemedowe and another parcel of meadow in the same vill called Byflette and another parcel in the same vill called Ladyholme: to be held for life and to revert on his death to Alice his wife and on her death to her son Thomas de Okeover and his heirs Witnesses: William Hurt, George Cokayn, William Webster, Thomas Laurenson, John Shepherd and others 25 Jul - 1420
170 - Gift by John de la Pole de Hartington and Robert de Wensley to John de Okeover son of John de Okeover, knight, of all their lands and tenements with appurtenances in Mapleton, and also a parcel of meadow in Okeover called Bryggemedowe and another parcel of meadow in the same vill called Byflette and another parcel in the same vill called Ladyholme: to be held for life and to revert on his death to Alice his wife and on her death to her son Thomas de Okeover and his heirs Witnesses: William Hurt, George Cokayn, William Webster, Thomas Laurenson, John Shepherd and others 27 Jul - 1420
171 - Gift by Thomas Okover [Okeover], esq., to John Okover his son of all his messuages, land and tenements with appurtenances in the fees of Mapulton [Mapleton], Assheburn [Ashbourne] and Snelston, which messuages, lands and tenements John Okover his brother held for life, and also a pasture called Heywodfeld lying in the fee of Mapulton: to hold for life Witnesses: John Waren, Richard Welbeck, Richard Wirley, Thomas Lauronson, Henry Broun and others Thursday next after the Feast of St Edward the king (10 Jan) 17 Henry VI - 1439
172 - Gift by Thomas Okeover, esq., to Richard Boys and Cecily his wife of a pasture called Hewodfeld lying in the fee of Mapleton between the land of John Cokayn on the one part and the pasture of John Alsope on the other and extending in length from the waste of Mapleton towards the meadow of Ashbourne. 20 Sep - 1456
173 - Assignment by Timothy Levinge of the Inner Temple, gent., to Simon Hanson of Ashbourne, gent., in consideration of £11, of four beast gates upon Mapleton Callow for the remainder of a 30 year term in a lease of 25 Dec 1616 by Aden Sellars of Bunny, Notts. [Nottinghamshire], to Timothy Levinge 11 Nov - 1617
174-175 - Feoffment by Aden Sellors of Bunny, Notts. [Nottinghamshire], gent., to Symon Hanson of Ashbourne, gent., in consideration of £150, of a messuage, farm or tenement in Mapleton in the occupation of Thomas Bennett or Alice Bennett his mother, widow, with all buildings, orchards, gardens, lands, meadows, pastures, feedings, arable land, horse grasses, etc., to the same belonging, reserving to Sellors a cottage or tenement in Mapleton in the occupation of Alice Mellor the elder, widow, and a parcel of meadow ground lying in close near Spende Lane called the Riddings 12 Mar 1617/8 and 20 Apr - 1618
176 - Final concord between Simon Hituson, gent., plaintiff, and Aden Sellors and Dorothy his wife deforciants of one messuage, one barn, one garden, one orchard, 12 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow and 20 acres of pasture and common of pasture for all types of cattle in Mapleton: consideration £41 1 Jun - 1618
177 - Feoffment by the Rt Hon Viscount Mansfield, son and heir of late Rt Hon Elizabeth, Countess of Newcastle, Henry Cutts of Clare, Suffolk, gent., William Clayton of Romley, Derbyshire, gent., Roger Paine of Atterton, Kent, gent., to Charles Mather of Mapleton, yeoman, in consideration of £11, of a cottage, house, farm or tenement with appurtenances in Mapleton now in the possession of Charles Mather: also appointment of John Buxton of Ashbourne, gent., as their attorney to deliver seisin and possession of the premises to Mather 10 Oct - 1654
178 - Feoffment by William Alcocks of Mapleton, yeoman, to Robert Phillips of the same place, yeoman, in consideration of £5, of two lands of arable ground in Mapleton Overfield and one land of arable ground in Nether Field, now or late in the tenure or possession of William Alcocke 20 Feb - 1665
179 - Family settlement by which Charles Mather of Mapleton, yeoman, has enfeoffed to Richard Goodwin of Chelmorton, yeoman, and William Alcocke of Mapleton, yeoman, all that cottage, house or tenement with the Nether House, the cowhouse and the backside, and all that other cottage called Pateman's House, one parcel of ground commonly called the Rickstead lying to the West of Pateman's House, with all appurtenances and all the goods and chattels of Charles Mather of whatsoever nature: to hold to uses: to the use of Charles Mather and his assigns for his natural life, then after the decease of Charles Mather the cottage house where Mather lives, the cowhouse, Nether House and backside to the use of Dorothy Mather his wife for her natural life, then after the decease of Dorothy Mather, together with a moiety of all the goods and chattels of Charles Mather, to the use and behoof of Ellen Mather, only daughter of Charles Mather, her heirs and assigns; the Pateman's House, garden and the Rickstead to the use of Ellen Mather for life and then after her decease, together with the other moiety of Mather's goods and chattels, to the use of Dorothy Mathers her heirs and assigns 18 Aug - 1666
180 - Counterpart of Family settlement by which Charles Mather of Mapleton, yeoman, has enfeoffed to Richard Goodwin of Chelmorton, yeoman, and William Alcocke of Mapleton, yeoman, all that cottage, house or tenement with the Nether House, the cowhouse and the backside, and all that other cottage called Pateman's House, one parcel of ground commonly called the Rickstead lying to the West of Pateman's House, with all appurtenances and all the goods and chattels of Charles Mather of whatsoever nature: to hold to uses: to the use of Charles Mather and his assigns for his natural life, then after the decease of Charles Mather the cottage house where Mather lives, the cowhouse, Nether House and backside to the use of Dorothy Mather his wife for her natural life, then after the decease of Dorothy Mather, together with a moiety of all the goods and chattels of Charles Mather, to the use and behoof of Ellen Mather, only daughter of Charles Mather, her heirs and assigns; the Pateman's House, garden and the Rickstead to the use of Ellen Mather for life and then after her decease, together with the other moiety of Mather's goods and chattels, to the use of Dorothy Mathers her heirs and assigns 18 Aug - 1666
181 - Feoffment by William Alcocke of Mapleton, yeoman, to Robert Phillips of Mapleton, yeoman, in consideration of £5 5s 0d., of two lands of arable ground lying in Mapleton Nether Field, 2 other lands in the same field and one other land: also one beast gate through the Nether Field and Dovefield for winter pasture from the time that the corn is gotten until 25 Mar, after: also one land in the Overfield being the Leasow 20 Jan - 1671
182 - Feoffment by George Ferne of Bradbourne, webster, and Ellen his wife, daughter of Charles Mather of Bradbourne deceased, to George Timberhill of Draycott-in-the-Clay, Staffordshire. [Staffordshire], yeoman, in consideration of £11, of all that cottage, house or tenement with the Nether House, cowhouse and backside and also all that cottage or tenement commonly called Pateman's House with garden and the Rickstead, all in Mapleton 20 Dec - 1671
183 - Deed of exchange between Josiah Trott of Mapleton, esq., and Robert Phillips of Mapleton, yeoman, by which Josiah Trott, in consideration of £14, he exchanged a cottage or tenement with backside or yard in Mapleton for a little croft of Phillips' in Mapleton adjoining Trott's land 2 May - 1672
184 - Feoffment by Edward Pegge of Beauchief, esq., to Robert Phillips of Mapleton, yeoman, in consideration of £16, of two beast gates upon the Calloe [Callow] in Mappleton, also eight sheep gates from 18 October to 25 March upon the Calloe. 1 Apr - 1673
185 - Final concord between John Marryot, William Woodcocke and George Timberhuill plaintiffs and John Tonycliffe and Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Barker and Anna his wife deforciants of 20 acres of pasture and common of pasture for all cattle and common of turbary in Norbury, Roston, Rodsley, Longford and Mapleton: consideration £100 29 Sep - 1682
186 - Feoffment by John Maddocks of Mapleton, yeoman, and Hannah his wife to Richard Austin of Mapleton, yeoman, in consideration of 40s., of all that piece or parcel of meadow lying in a field called Tibdale in Mapleton now in the tenure of John Maddocks. 26 Apr - 1690
187 - Release by John Jackson the younger of Baxterfields in the parish of Ashbourne husbandman and Frances his wife to Richard Austin of Mapleton, yeoman, in consideration of £30, of a moiety of all that dwelling house or tenement in Mapleton with all buildings, barns, stables, orchards, gardens, yards, backsides, closes, lands, meadows, pastures, feedings, horse grasses, beast grasses, and sheep grasses, which were the inheritance of Robert Phillips late of Mapleton father of the said Frances. 16 Dec - 1691
188 - Quitclaim by John Maddocke of Mapleton, yeoman, to Katherine Maddocke of Mapleton, his sister, of all that moiety of land in Mapleton Dovefield, given to Katherine by her father. 28 Apr - 1692
189 - Lease for possession by Matthew Hawkesworth of Mapleton Callow, yeoman, to Rowland Okeover of Okeover, Staffs. [Staffordshire], of two beast gates in the Callow at all times of the year together with the soil of the two beast gates and also 8 sheep gates in the Callow in winter. 10 Dec - 1698
190 - Release by John Maddock of Ashbourne, baker, to George Adamson of Ashbourne, blacksmith, in consideration of £30, of several parcels of land in Mapleton fields namely, a piece or parcel of land called the Farthings in Mapleton Ryefield, 1 acre by estimation; another piece in the Middle Field, also a piece of land in the Nether Field in a place called Goodwins Sitch, also another land in the Nether Field and a further land in the Nether Field, 1 acre by estimation; in all 3 acres by estimation. 21 Mar - 1708
191 - Final concord between Rowland Okeover and John Walker, plaintiffs, and James Walker deforciants of 10 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow and 5 acres of pasture with appurtenances in Mapleton: consideeration £70 30 May - 1712
192-193 - Lease and release by John Walker of Ashbourne, tanner to Rowland Okeover of Okeover, esq., in consideration of £514, of all that parcel of ground in Mappleton, [Mapleton] commonly called the Piece lying on both sides of the River Dove, heretofore distinguished by the names of the Oliver Meadow, Horse Piece, now in the tenure of Thomas Carter alias Williamson; also all those three butts or parcels of land situate in Mapleton in a close called Little Goat Nook, now or late in the possession of John Alcock. Dated 10 & 11 Apr - 1723
194 - Marriage settlement between Richard Williamson of Mapleton, yeoman, Richard Williamson his son and heir and Elizabeth his wife, Philip Okeden of Caldon, Staffs. [Staffordshire], yeoman, father of the said Elizabeth, Ralph Okeden of Brookgate, Waterfall, yeoman, Thomas Hurd of Stanton, Ellaston, yeoman, and Joseph Williamson of Ashbourne, hatmaker, by which, in consideration of £100 paid by Philip Okeden to Richard Williamson as marriage portion and the marriage of Richard Williamson, the son, to Elizabeth Okeden, the Williamsons have enfeoffed to the Okedens, Hurd and Joseph Williamson, all that messuage in Mapleton, where Richard Williamson the father resides, a close called Williamson's Croft, the New Close, the White Land, 6 acres of arable in the Nether Field and a close called Copcliffe Close in Offcote and Underwood: to be held in trust to the use of Richard Williamson the son for life then after his decease the two closes, the New Close and White Lands to the use of Elizabeth for life; after the decease of Richard and Elizabeth to the use of their heirs lawfully begotten and in default of issue to the right heirs of Richard Williamson: also Richard Williamson the father receives an annuity of £5 issuing from the rents and profits of the premises for a 99 year term. 12 Mar - 1723
195 - Family settlement between Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne, gent, and Sarah his wife, Benjamin Wigley of Nottingham, gent, and William Wardle of Boosley, Staffs [Staffordshire], gent by which Goodwin has released to Wigley and Wardle all those three closes, pieces of parcels of meadow ground lying together in Mapleton between Mapleton Ryefield and Bradbourne Brook, called the Oxerings, 6 acres, and a barn standing in one of the closes adjacent to the Ryefield, and all those lands of arable ground lying together on the upper side of the Ryefield, 2 acres, lately purchased by Richard Goodwin of Phillip Maddocks of Ashbourne, baker; also all that close or parcel of land lying between Ryefield and Bradbourne brook adjacent to the Oxerings, now or late in the possession of John Alcocke, lately purchased from John Newham, gent., to the use of Goodwin for his natural life and after the determination of that estate the use of Wigley and Wardle during the natural life of Goodwin in trust to support the contingent uses and estates, namely after his decease to the use of Sarah his wife for her natural life, then their lawful male heirs, and in default of issue to the use of Richard Goodwin his heirs and assigns. 27 Mar - 1723
196 - Lease for possession by Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne, gent., to Benjamin Wigley of Nottingham, gent., and William Wardle of Boosley, Staffs. [Staffordshire], gent., of property in Mapleton between Mapleton Ryefield and Bradbourne Brook, called the Oxerings, 6 acres, and a barn standing in one of the closes adjacent to the Ryefield, and all those lands of arable ground lying together on the upper side of the Ryefield, 2 acres, lately purchased by Richard Goodwin of Phillip Maddocks of Ashbourne, baker; also all that close or parcel of land lying between Ryefield and Bradbourne brook adjacent to the Oxerings, now or late in the possession of John Alcocke, lately purchased from John Newham, gent., to the use of Goodwin for his natural life and after the determination of that estate the use of Wigley and Wardle during the natural life of Goodwin in trust to support the contingent uses and estates, namely after his decease to the use of Sarah his wife for her natural life, then their lawful male heirs, and in default of issue to the use of Richard Goodwin his heirs and assigns. 26 May - 1723
197 - Release by Philip Maddock of Ashbourne, baker, to Joseph Lees of Ashbourne, ironmonger in consideration of £15, of a messuage or dwelling house in Mapleton where John Tim resides. 3 Dec - 1726
198-199 - Lease and release by John Spalden of Ashbourne, gent., to Thomas Barnes, gent., of Ashbourne, in consideration of £24, of two beast gates or beast grasses upon a common pasture called Mapleton Callow together with a proportionable part of the soil and ground. 14 & 15 May - 1727
200 - Mortgage by way of lease for 1000 years for £13, by Joseph Lees of Ashbourne, ironmonger, to Joseph Henshaw of Ashbourne, tailor, of a messuage in Mapleton where John Tim resides: redeemable on the payment of £13 before 15 Nov 1727. - 1727
201 - Lease for possession by Richard Taylor of Blore, Staffs. [Staffordshire], gent., and John Blackwall of Ashbourne, gent., to Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., of a close or parcel of land lying at the Moor heretofore part of Mapleton Callow, lately enclosed, 5acre 3roods 09perches., also all that pingle or meadow in Mapleton Dovefield lately enclosed commonly called Flaxpiece: also a moiety of a mean piece of land lying upon the River Dove, and a sedgey piece of land in the Oldwaters in Mapleton adjoining to the Holes, 1½ acres and a part of a headland in Mapleton Dovefield now in the tenure of George Carter. - 1730
202 - Deed of exchange between Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., and Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne, gent., by which Okeover has enfeoffed to Goodwin, several lands and pieces of land in Mapleton open fields namely in the Dryfield alias Ryefield, 5 lands 1acre. 0roods 08½ perches., 4 lands 1acre. 0roods. 13½perches., 1 land 0acre. 2roods. 12perches., 4 lands 0acre. 3roods. 18¼ perches., 1 land 0acre. 0roods. 34½ perches., 1 land 0acre. 0roods. 22¼ perches., 2 lands 0acre. 2roods. 05perches., 1 land 0acre. 0roods. 30½ perches., in the Tibdale Field 1 land 0acre. 0roods. 19½ perches. 2 lands 0acre. 1roods. 31perches., 1 land 0acre. 1roods. 08perches., 1 land 0acre. 1roods. 16¾perches., in the Acresall Field 1 land 0acre. 0roods. 20¼ perches., a pike land, 2 lands 0acre. 1roods. 10perches., 3 lands 0acre. 1roods. 28perches., 5 lands 0acre. 2roods. 06¾ perches., 0acre. 0roods. 15perches., at the North end of a land, 0acre. 0roods. 04¼perches., the end of a headland, in exchange for other lands in Mapleton open fields namely, in the Middle alias Nether Field, 11 lands with a small balk adjoining 1acre. 0roods. 15¾perches., 2 lands 0acre. 1roods. 28½perches., 1 land in the Sitch and half of the balk there 0acre, 0roods, 16perches., a headland called Creswell headland 0acre. 0roods. 24½ perches., 1 land 0acre. 1roods. 05½perches., 1 land 0acre. 1roods. 07perches., 1 land 0acre. 1roods. 19perches., 3 lands 0acre. 0roods. 31¾perches., 1 land 0acre. 0roods. 26½ perches., 1 land 0acre. 1roods. 19perches., 1 land 0acre. 0roods. 29½perches., 1 land 0acre. 1roods. 23½perches., 3 lands 0acre. 3roods. 15½ perches., 2 lands 0acre. 2roods. 13perches.; in the Church Field 4 lands 0acre. 1roods. 15perches., lying next to the hedge; in the Acresall Field 4 lands 0acre. 3roods. 00¾perches., 3 lands 0acre. 3roods. 32¾perches. 16 Jan - 1730/1731
203 - Deed of exchange between George Adamson of Ashbourne, blacksmith, and Leek Okeover of Okeover, esq., by which Adamson has enfeoffed to Okeover serveral parcels of land in the Mapleton Neather Field, namely 1 land 0acre. 0roods. 25¾ perches., 3 land 0acre, 1roods. 10¼perches., 1 land 0acre. 0roods. 06¾perches., in exchange for 1 piece of land in the Dryfield 0acre. 1roods. 15perches., and 1 land in the corner of Neather Field 0acre. 0roods. 31¾perches. 18 Jan - 1730/1731
204 - Deed of exchange between Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., and Richard Williamson of Cheadle, yeoman, by which Okeover has enfeoffed to Williamson several parcels of land in Mapleton Acresall Field, namely the South end of a land 0acre. 0roods. 24½perches., 1 land 0acre, 1roods, 21¼perches., 4 lands 0acre. 3roods. 00¾perches., 3 lands 0acre, 3roods, 32¾perches., in exchange for several parcels of land in the Middle alias Neather Field namely 2 lands 0acre. 2roods. 03¼perches. 1 land 0acre. 1roods. 02perches., 1 land 0acre. 0roods. 39perches., 1 pike land 0acre. 0roods. 26½perches., 1 pike land 0acre. 1roods. 13½perches., 7 lands and 2 butts 0acre. 1roods. 34½p; also 1 land in Tibdale Field 0acre. 1roods. 04½perches. 18 Jan - 1730/1731
205 - Deed of exchange between Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., and Richard Williamson of Cheadle, yeoman, by which Okeover has enfeoffed to Williamson 5 lands in Mapleton Neather Field 1 acre, 1 rood, 14½ perches, in exchange for 5 other lands in the Neather Field (dispersed) 1acre, 1rood, 10 perches - 2 Feb 1730/1731
206 - Feoffment by Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne, gent., to Ellen Peach of Fenny Bentley, widow, in consideration of £22, of all that piece of land now marked and staked out, 1acre, 1roods, 21perches., in a parcel of land in Mapleton called the Breck next the Callow. 16 Mar - 1730/1731
207 - Feoffment by Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne gent., to George Adamson of Ashbourne, innkeeper, in consideration of £7, of several parcels of land in Mapleton Ryefield namely 2 lands 0acre 0roods 34¼perches., and part of a land 0acre. 0roods. 18¾perches., now enclosed out of the said field by George Adamson and were lately had in exchange by Richard Goodwin from Rev. John Boydell, Rector of Mapleton for other lands in Mapleton. 25 Mar - 1731
208-212 - Lease and release (with one counterpart lease and two counterpart releases) by Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., George Milnes of Dunston, gent., Susannah Austin of Ashchurch Lane, London, widow, Richard Williamson the elder of Caldon, [Staffordshire], yeoman, and Richard Williamson the younger, of Cheadle, yeoman, to John Nicoll of Coney Hatch, Middlesex, esq., Robert Blackwall of Whittington, Derbyshire, esq Thomas Austen of Gratiens Street, London, vintner, and Philip Ockden of Caldon yeoman, in consideration of 5 shillings of all their lands in Mapleton Nether Field upon various trusts namely, 4acre. 3roods. 15perches., staked out in the field to the use of George Milnes, 1acre 2roods 00¾p staked out to the use of Susannah Austin, 3acre 3roods 34perches., staked out to the use of Richard Williamson the elder or younger and the remainder of the field, apart from land belonging to Baptist Trott and John Osborne to the use of Leeke Okeover: reciting the desirability of enclosing Mapleton open fields and the agreement prior to this release 3 & 4 May
213 - Deed of exchange between Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., and Richard Williamson of Cheadle Park, Staffs [Staffordshire], yeoman, by which Okeover has enfeoffed to Williamson several lands in Acresall Field namely 1 short butt of land in the mean piece 0acre 0roods 16½p 1 other piece of land there 0acre 0roods 25¾p and 2 lands 0acre 1roods 24perches., in exchange for £4 15s 0d and several pieces of land in the Nether Field namely a piece of land 0acre 0roods 17½ perches., 1 land 0acre 1roods 09¼perches., 1 headland 0acre 1roods 06¼perches., 2 butts in the Oldwaters 0acre 0roods 33perches., with all appurtenances 4 May - 1731
214 - Deed of exchange between the Rev John Boydell, Vicar of Ashbourne and Rector of Mapleton and Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., by which Boydell has enfeoffed to Okeover 1 land in Mapleton Nether Field part of Mapleton glebe in exchange for 1 land 0acre 0roods 28¼perches., in the Dovefield and 0acre 0roods 03½p adjoining the West end of a flatt of land in the Dovefield 4 May - 1731
215 - Deed of exchange between Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., and George Milnes of Dunston, by which Okeover has enfeoffed to Milnes several lands in Mapleton Church Field, namely 1 land 0acre 0roods 24½perches., 1 land 0acre 0roods 35perches., 1 land 0acre 1roods 23¾perches., 4 land 0acre 3roods 19perches., in exchange for several lands in Nether Fields, namely 1 land 0acre 0roods 10¼perches., 5 lands 1acre 0roods 14perches., 1 land 0acre 1roods 11¼perches., a headland 0acre 0roods 11¾perches., and 1 land 0acre 0roods 12perches 4 May - 1731
216 - Deed of exchange between Honour Alcocke of Mapleton, spinster, and Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., by which Alcocke has enfeoffed to Okeover several lands in Mapleton Nether Field namely 1 land 0acre 1roods 30¾perches., and 1 land 0acre 0roods 37¾perches., in exchange for one close called Brownhay, 0acre 3roods 06perches 4 May - 1731
217 - Deed of exchange between Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., and Robert Solden of Pinxton, gent., by which Okeover has enfeoffed to Solden 1 land in Tibdale Field 0acre 1roods 04½perches., several lands in the Church Field namely 2 lands 0acre 1roods 15perches., 2 lands 0acre 1roods 19½perches., and 1 land 0acre 0roods 31¾perches., also 2 leys in the Dovefield 0acre 1roods 36½perches., and a piece of meadow land called the Flax Piece shooting over the River Dove, 1acre 1roods 04¼perches., in exchange of £3 5s 0½d and several parcels of land in the Nether Field namely 3 lands butting the Bromhay 0acre 1roods 00perches., 1 land butting Bromley 0acre 0roods 33¾perches., 1 land 0acre 0roods 29¾perches., 1 land 0acre 0roods 36½perches., 1 pike land 0acre 0roods 035perches. 1 land 0acre 1roods27perches., 1 land 0acre 1roods20perches., 2 lands 0acre 1roods 39., 3 lands 0acre 2roods 20¾p 4 May - 1731
218 - Deed of exchange between John Osborne of Coneyhatch, Middlesex, gent., and Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., by which Osborne has enfeoffed to Okeover several lands in the Nether Field namely 1 land 0acre 1roods 13¾ perches., and 3 lands 0acre 1roods 21¾perches., in exchange for 1 land in the Dovefield 0acre 0roods 21¾perches., and 2 pieces of land in the Gravelbeds 0acre 1roods 21 perches., ad 0acre 0roods 32¾p 10 Jun - 1731
219 - Deed of exchange between Thomas Longman of London, stationer, and Mary his wife, devisee of Elizabeth Barrett deceased and Robert Solden of Pinxton, gent., by which Longman has enfeoffed to Solden part of a headland in Mapleton Dovefield 0acre 1roods 08½perches., in exchange for a piece of land in the Flaxpiece 0acre 1roods 08½p 10 Jun - 1731
220-221 - Deed of exchange and counterpart between Thomas Longman of London, stationer, and Mary his wife, and Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., by which Longman has enfeoffed to Okeover one pike land in a piece of ground in Mapleton called the Holes and part of a mean piece of land in Mapleton called the Gravel Beds 0acre 3roods 16½perches., in exchange for one pike land in the Dovefield and the other part of the mean piece in Gravel Beds, now staked out, 0acre 3roods 16½p 10 Jun - 1731
222-223 - Lease and release by John Beresford of Ashbourne, esq., William Hardestie of Ashbourne, gent., Alexander Taylor of Buxton, gent., John Alsopp of Ashbourne, gent., (trustees and devisees under the will of Baptist Trott of Mapleton deceased and Miss Margaret Trott of Mapleton, spinster) to Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., in consideration of £30, of 3 lands of arable ground and 2 butts lying dispersedly in Mapleton Nether Field 0acre 3roods 14perches., (intermixed with lands recently enclosed by Leeke Okeover) and also a moiety of a dole or parcel of land in a field or meadow called Dovefield 1acre 0roods 00perches. now or land occupied by Thomas Carter alias Williamson 24/25 Dec - 1731
224 - Assignment of a mortgage by William Okeover of the Middle Temple, esq., and Rowland Okeover of Okeover, Warwickshire, esq., to Thomas Hollinshead of Ashenhurst, Staffs [Staffordshire]., esq., at the direction of Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne, gent., of a close of land in the Dovefield. Mapleton, in a place called the Mean Piece and a mean piece of land purchased from the trustee of Baptist Trott, lately enclosed out of the Dovefield, 6acre., by estimation, and also 0acre 0roods 04perches., of land marked out on the bank of the Dove, for the remainder of the 500 year term in a mortgage for £400 of 18 Aug 1724 by Goodwin to Rowland Okeover: to be held in trust for Leeke Okeover 8 Feb - 1731/1732
225-226 - Lease and release by Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne, gent., to Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., in consideration of £160, of property in Mapleton, in a place called the Mean Piece and a mean piece of land purchased from the trustee of Baptist Trott, lately enclosed out of the Dovefield, 6acre., by estimation, and also 0acre 0roods 04perches., of land marked out on the bank of the Dove, for the remainder of the 500 year term in a mortgage for £400 of 18 Aug 1724 by Goodwin to Rowland Okeover: to be held in trust for Leeke Okeover 16/18 Mar - 1731/1732
227 - Release by Rev Robert Solden the elder of Pinxton, clerk, and Elizabeth his wife one of the daughters and co-heirs of John Jackson late of Etwall, Derbyshire clerk, and Robert Solden the younger of Pinxton, gent., his son and heir apparent, to Richard Raylor of Blore, gent., and John Blackwall of Ashbourne, in consideration of £700 (£400 to Rev Inge, Rector of Seal, for a mortgage by Solden), of a messuage, house or tenement in Mapleton, with garden and backside, two closes called the Goates enclosed out of a field called the Goats Nook (one land part of the glebe 0acre 1roods 10perches.), also a close at the South side of the Church Field (glebe excepted), a narrow piece of land between there and the Callow, a pingle or meadow in the Dovefield called the Flaxpiece, a moiety of a mean piece, the other moiety of which belonged to Mr Trott, a sedgey piece of land in Oldwaters ½ acres, 1 headland in Dovefield butting on the Dove in the tenure of Thomas Carter alias Williamson, a tongue of land in the Dovefield butting on the glebe 1acre 1roods 38perches., a pingle at the bottom of Hinchley Wood, a pingle lately enclosed out of Tibdale Field 1½ acres, piece of land enclosed out of Mapleton Callow 13acre 1roods 15perches., one piece of land at the Moor End part thereof, 15acre 3roods 09perches., (allotted to the Soldens in lieu of 13½ beast gates), 1 piece of land butting on the Over Hills or Over Callow, lately enclosed 7acre 3roods 09perches., (allotted to the Soldens in respect of 5 beast gates), and a piece of land called the Lessowside lately had in exchange for other lands from Mr Richard Goodwin 1acre 3roods 17perches., now or late in the holding of Thomas Salt 30 Mar - 1732
228 - Release by Richard Taylor of Blore, gent., and John Blackwell of Ashbourne, gent., to Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., in consideration of £220, of a piece of land laying at the Moor formerly part of a Mapleton Callow, lately enclosed, 5acre 3roods 09perches., a pingle or meadow in the Dovefield commonly called Flaxpiece, moiety of a mean piece lying on the Dove, also a sedgey piece of land lying in the Oldwaters 1½ acres and part of a headland in Dovefield now in the tenure of George Carter alias Williamson 1 Apr - 1732
229-230 - Lease and feoffment by Richard Williamson of Cheadle, yeoman, and John Williamson his son and heir apparent, to Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq in consideration of £165 16s 3d., of a parcel of land meadow and pasture in the corner of the Dovefield, 0acre 0roods 02perches., another land in the Dovefield 0acre 0roods 20perches., a parcel of land lately enclosed in the Dovefield 1acre 0roods 16perches., now in the occupation of George Carter, a parcel of land meadow or pasture in Mapleton called the Roundabouts 2acre 1roods 36perches., and a moiety of a parcel of land meadow or pasture called the Mean Piece 1acre 1roods 13perches., now or late in the tenure of George Tonycliffe 30 Jun & 1 Jul - 1732
231-232 - Lease and release by Ellen Peach of Fenny Bentley, widow, to Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., in consideration of £23, of a parcel of land, meadow or pasture in Mapleton, 0acre 2roods 28perches., being part of the Moore 18 & 19 Aug - 1732
233-234 - Lease and release by Susanna Austin of Alchurch Lane, London, widow and relict of Philip Austin late of Alchurch Lane, vintner, to Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., in consideration of £157 10s 0d., of a cottage, messuage or tenement in Mapleton, Pateman's House, now in the occupation of Widow Carter, a piece of land on the common or moor containing 1acre 1roods 16perches and a parcel of land in the Nether Field, 1 acre with a balk to the South, now or late in the occupation of Richard Williamson 20 & 21 Sep - 1732
235 - Lease for possession by John Beresford of Ashbourne, esq., Alexander Taylor of Buxton, gent., and John Alsopp of Ashbourne, gent., (trustees of the will of Baptist Trott of Mapleton, esq., deceased) to Margaret Trott of Mapleton, spinster, sister and residuary devisee of Baptist Trott, of capital messuage or mansion house in Mapleton where Margaret Trott resides, and several closes in Mapleton namely Hall Croft, the Paddocks, the New Close, the Little Piece (lately enclosed out of Atterfall Field), Cowpasture, the Lamberlands, the Thornly, the Skinner Flatt, new enclosure on the Upper Hill, three new enclosures on the Callow, new enclosure called Goates Nook, the pingle adjoining the path and the pingle adjoining Rust Close 24 Nov - 1732
236-237 - Lease and release by Francis Sleigh of Ashbourne, gent., to Leek Okeover of Okeover esq., in consideration of £40, of a parcel of land, meadow and pasture in Mapleton, part of a piece of ground called the Moor allotted to Sleigh for his two beast gates on the Callow 3 & 4 Apr - 1733
238 - Release by Richard Taylor of Blore, Staffordshire., gent., and John Blackwell of Callow, gent., to Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., in consideration of £460, of a messuage, house or tenement in Mapleton where Thomas Salt resides, a close at the South end of Church Field with a narrow piece of land at the upper part, a parcel of land enclosed out of the Callow 13acre., two closes or crofts called the Hullan Crofts or the Long Crofts abutting on the east end of the Callow Piece, a parcel of land enclosed out of a field called Goats Nook, a piece of land lying thereto called Little Goatses and a meadow adjoining called the Goatses 27 Mar - 1733
239-240 - Final concord (and counterpart) between Leeke Okeover, esq., plaintiff and Thomas Longman and Mary his wife, deforciants of 1acre of land, 7acre of meadow and 1acre of pasture in Mapleton: consideration £60 - 1734
241-242 - Lease and release by Thomas Longman of London, stationer, and Mary his wife to Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., in consideration of £60, of a pike land in the Dovefield, Mapleton, a piece of land in the Dovefield 0acre 1roods 30½perches., a mean piece in Mapleton called the Gravel Beds 0acre 3roods 16½perches., and a parcel of land called the Flaxpiece 0acre 1roods 08½p 29 & 30 May - 1734
243-244 - Lease and release by George Peach of Stanton Staffordshire, maltster, and Philip Maddock of Ashbourne, husbandman, to Leake Okeover of Okeover, esq., in consideration of £5, of a messuage, dwelling house or tenement in Mapleton where Joseph Tim resides 8 & 9 Aug - 1735
245 - Deed of exchange between Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., and Richard Williamson of Cauldon, Staffordshire., yeoman, by which Okeover has enfeoffed to Williamson, a parcel of lately enclosed ground on Upper Hill, Mapleton 7acre 3roods 00perches., in exchange for a parcel of ground lately enclosed from the Nether Field, 3acre 3roods 34¼p 5 Feb - 1736/1737
246 - Deed of exchange between Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., and Richard Williamson: of Cauldon, Staffordshire., yeoman, by which Okeover has enfeoffed to Williamson, a parcel of lately enclosed ground on Upper Hill, Mapleton 7acre 3roods 00perches., in exchange for a parcel of ground lately enclosed from the Nether Field, 3acre 3roods 34¼p 5 Mar - 1736/1737
247 - Quitclaim by Hugh Bateman of Derby gent., and Joseph Prime of Harthill Hall, Bakewell, gent., (executors of the will of Richard Bateman late of Hartington, gent.) to George Adamson of Ashbourne, blacksmith, in consideration of £60, of a parcel of land, The Farthings, 1 acre, in the Ryefield, a parcel of land in the Upper Field of Mapleton called Church Flatt, 1 acre, a parcel of land in the Middle Field, a parcel of land in the Nether Field at a place called Goodwins Sitch, on other land in the same field and another land in the same field 17 Mar - 1738/1739
248-249 - Lease and release by George Adamson the elder of Ashbourne, blacksmith, to Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., in consideration of £80, of a parcel of ground in Mapleton Ryefield 2 acres by estimation, purchased by Adamson in part from John Maddock of Ashbourne, baker, and in part from Richard Goodwin (who had it in exchange from Rev John Boydell, late Rector of Mapleton) Dated 19 & 20 Mar - 1738/1739
250 - Lease for possession by Leake Okeover of Okeover, esq., grandson and heir of Rowland Okeover, deceased, to William Okeover, younger brother of Leake Okeover, of Oldbury, Warwickshire, of a messuage or dwelling house in Mapleton in the tenure of Widow Ryley, and a garden and orchard 110 feet in length and 98 feet in breadth 8 Jun - 1739
251 - Mortgage in fee for £62 by Thomas Williamson alias Carter of Mapleton, weaver, to Leake Okeover of Okeover, esq., of all that messuage or dwelling house in Mapleton in which the said Thomas Williamson resides: redeemable on the payment of £62 with interest on 23 Feb 1739/1740 23 Aug - 1739
252-253 - Lease and release by John Tunnycliffe of Throwley, Staffs [Staffordshire], yeoman, to Leake Okeover of Okeover, esq, in consideration of £7, of a parcel of ground in Mapleton near a barn erected by Leake Okeover on the Callow, by estimation 0acre 1roods 00perches 8/9 Oct - 1739
254-255 - Lease and release by Thomas Williamson alias Carter of Mapleton, weaver, to Leake Okeover of Okeover, esq, in consideration of £62, of all that messuage or dwelling house in Mapleton in which the said Thomas Williamson resides 12/13 Oct
256 - Release by Thomas Gisborne of Derby at the direction of Richard Carter alias Williamson of Cheadle Brook, yeoman, to Leake Okeover of Okeover, esq, in consideration of £364.3s 0d and £75 17s 0d, of messuage, farm or tenement in Mapleton and the Old Croft, three lands thereto adjoining, the New Close, the Lawn and piece of land enclosed from the Upper Hill 7acre 3roods 00perches, by estimation. 28 Dec - 1743
257-258 - Lease and mortgage in fee by Leake Okeover of Okeover, esq, to Mary Lowe of Heanor, spinster, for £300, of messuage, farm or tenement in Mapleton and the Old Croft, three lands thereto adjoining, the New Close, the Lawn and piece of land enclosed from the Upper Hill 7acre 3roods 00perches, by estimation: redeemable on the payment of £300 and 4% interest per annum by 20 May 1747. 19/20 Nov - 1746
259 - Assignment by John Heath of Derby, gent., at the request and appointment of Thomas Gisborne of Derby, esq., Leake Okeover of Okeover, esq., and Mary Lowe of Heanor, spinster, to John Else of Nottingham, gent., (trustee of Mary Lowe) in consideration of £150 paid by Gisborne to Mary Lowe, of the remainder of a 500 year term originally granted in a mortgage of 16 Sep 1693 by Richard Carter alias Williamson to Thomas Rawlinson of Ashbourne, cordwainer, of messuage, farm or tenement in Mapleton and the Old Croft, three lands thereto adjoining, the New Close, the Lawn and piece of land enclosed from the Upper Hill 7acre 3roods 00perches, by estimation: the mortgage subsequently assigned to Edward Beresford of Ashbourne, gent, then to John Heath in trust for Gisborne and property subsequently sold by Gisborne to Okeover. 20 Nov - 1746
260-261 - Lease and feoffment by Joseph Smith of Loughborough, Leicestershire, sadler and Elizabeth his wife to Leak Okeover of Okeover, esq, in consideration of £48, of a parcel of inclosed ground in Mapleton formerly in the tenure of Samuel Smith, called the Overhills, 3 acres by estimation: allotted to Ellen Peach in lieu of a beast gate and devised in her will to Joseph Smith. 3/4 Jun - 1747
262-263 - Lease and assignment of mortgage by Mary Lowe of Heanor, spinster, Leake Okeover of Okeover, esq, Wrightson Mundy of Osbaston, Leicestershire, esq, and John Eardley Wilmot of the Inner Temple, esq, to John Bainbrigge of Walton-upon-the-Wolds, Leicestershire, clerk in consideration of £300, of messuage, farm or tenement in Mapleton and the Old Croft, three lands thereto adjoining, the New Close, the Lawn and piece of land enclosed from the Upper Hill 7acre 3roods 00perches, by estimation, redeemable in payment of £300 and interest at 4% per annum by Okeover and trustees to Bainbrigge. 1/2 Dec - 1752
264 - Feoffment by John Pearson otherwise Timm of Mapleton, blacksmith, to John Halsworth of Osmaston next Ashbourne, tailor, in consideration of £6 10s 0d, of a piece of land in Mapleton now fenced out and wherein many gooseberry trees are standing and made use of as a garden, containing about 18 yards in length and 16 yards in breadth: to the use of Halsworth for his natural life, and, if determination of this estate in his life, to the use of William Peak in trust for Halsworth. 27 Mar - 18th cent
265 - [Number not used]
266 - Deed to levy a fine by Francis Goodwin, esq, Captain in the Derbyshire Militia and Frances his wife to Fairfax Northcliffe of Ashborne, clerk, of all that messuage and farm in Mapleton, Goodwin's farm, late in the possession of James Williamson, and several closes namely the Church Flatt, the Croft, Little Town Meadow, Moor Close, Green Croft, Flatt Close, Ellen Holes, Two Upper Ellens, pasture at the back of the town, the two Callow Fields, the Hill Closes and the six closes called Upper Grounds, together 55acre 3roods 15perches, also all that other messuage in Mapleton in the possession of Mary Webster widow and closes called the Acresall, the Blackenhole, Hinchley Bank End, Wood Hinchley, Top Leasow Sides, Little Tibdale, Tibdale at the House, Overhill, Other Overhill, 40 acres by estimation, also Well Close, Manley Nook, the Callow and Ryefield, 29acre 2roods 26perches, also Bridge Close, two Pingles, Garden Close, Little Garden Close, the Obbornes Close and the Oxenings 21 acres by estimation, also a moiety of six closes in Hognaston, lately enclosed out of Hognaston Oldfield, called Chew Bents, 5 acres, now or late in possession of John Alsop, three other closes 12 acres contiguous to Chew Bents and another close Nether Greave 8 acres in the tenure of John Jackson: fine to be levied in Easter or some ensuing term to such uses as Goodwin shall appoint. 29 Mar - 1802
267-268 - Lease and release by Francis Goodwin, esq, Captain in the Derbyshire Militia, to Haughton Farmer Okeover of Okeover, in consideration of £2000, of a messuage, dwelling house or tenement with barns and outbuildings in Mapleton with several closes together 31acre 1roods 10perches, namely Two Callow Fields, the Pasture, Upper Ellens, Ellen Closes, now in the holding of George Green. 4/5 Apr - 1802
269-270 - Lease and release by John Halsworth of Osmaston near Ashbourne, tailor, and William Peak of Okeover, farmer, (trustee), to Haughton Farmer Okeover of Oldbury, Warwickshire esq, in consideration of £100, of newly erected messuage or tenement with garden in Mapleton - 18 yards in length, 16 yards in breadth, erected by Halnsworth 3/4 Apr - 1805
271 - Conveyance by Thomas Lees of Coldwall [Caldwell], Okeover, yeoman, to Charles Haughton Okeover of Okeover, esq, in consideration of £6000, of a capital messuage or mansion house in Mapleton in the successive occupations of Margaret Trott, John Woodhouse, Joseph Woodhouse, Francis Hayne and Thomas Lees, part pulled down and rebuilt by Thomas Lees, also several closes namely Orchard and Calf Croft 4acre 1roods 19perches, New Close 7acre 1roods 32perches, Hall Croft 5acre 0roods 36perches, Upper Hills 8acre 3roods 10perches, Garden 250 sq yds, Cote Close 4acre 3roods 04perches, (all in the occupation of Thomas Lees): also a messuage, dwelling house or tenement in the occupation of William Hodgkinon and a garden lying next to it 0acre 1roods 00perches. 25 Mar - 1846
272 - Order of exchange between Haughton Charles Okeover of Okeover and Rev John Richard Errington, Rector of Mapleton, by which Okeover exchanges two closes in Sturston namely Henmoor 5acre 1roods 04perches, and Shoulder of Mutton Close 5acre 3roods 09perches, in return for 5 closes in Mapleton, namely Bottom Church Acres 2acre 0roods 35perches, Middle Church Acre 1acre 3roods 00perches The Moor 2acre 1roods 10perches, Dove Head 5acre 1roods 38perches 13 Jul - 1857
273 - 294 - Snelsdale and Mayfield Estate
273 - Gift by Hugh de Okeover to William de Venables his heirs and assigns except monks, burgesses and Jews of two bovates of land with appurtenances in the vill of Snelsdale namely those which Matilda formerly wife of Robert de Snelsdale held except for the Oldeflat and the park of Okeover: rent of a penny payable at the feast of St Martin Witnesses: Thomas, Jordan de Snitterton, Hugh de Henil, Serlo de Mountjoy, Robert de ?Audew, Roger de Woodhouses, Robert de Wensley and others - [late 13th cent]
274 - Gift by Lord Robert de Okeover, knight, to Hugh, son of Hugh Bere of Woodhouses of three plots of land in the fee of Masilfelt (Mayfield) with buildings and structures in the vill of Woodhouses and with its courtyard: also a plot of land above Bettehul and another plot of land called Hue-ridings and another plot called the Wysiebeddes and that toft with courtyard, buildings and structures which Roger son of Bertain [?Bertram] sometime held in the vill of Woodhouses: annual rent of 6 silver pennies at the Feast of St Martin for all services except foreign service and the annual ploughing and harvest service due to the Prior of Tutbury, namely at the harvest of his carucate to supply a man, and also suit of Robert de Okeover's mill Witnesses: Geoffrey Martel, Robert de la Woodhouses,, Thomas son of Richard, Roger son of Hugh Bere, Ralph de Swinscoe, Henry son of Yvelot and others - [late 13th-early 14th cent]
275 - Gift by Robert son of Roger de Woodhouses to William Wyther of two parts of the whole land he holds by gift and feoffment of Adam son of Richard de Snelsdale in the fee of Snelsdale and two parts of a toft with two parts of a hedge and two parts of a garden with buildings and two parts of four bovates of land in the territory in Mathelfeld [Mayfield], with two parts of assarts in the same vill in which Adam de Snelsdale enfeoffed the said Robert in exchange for land near Woodhouses - [late 13th cent]
276 - Gift by William de Wilbraham, heir of William de Venables, knight, to Roger son and heir of John de Okeover of all right and claim which he has in the homages, services, rents, wards, reliefs and escheats of Lord William Wyther, which the latter is accustomed to pay for tenements he held of William de Venables in Snelsdale Witnesses: William de Stafford, Philip de Barrington, Richard de Draycott, knights, John de Castern, Walter Wyther, Thomas de Combridge Friday next after the Feast of St James 31 Jul 28 Edward I - 1300
277 - Quitclaim by William Hastings, knight, Lord of Hastings, Richard Hastings, Lord of Wells, John Stanley, knight, and John Gresley, knight, to Philip Okeover, esq., his heirs and assigns of a moiety of a close with appurtenances formerly of John Cokayne lying between the Meresieche in the parish of Mayfield and the park of Okeovdr, and between the water of Dove [River Dove] and an enclosure of the said Philip and a parcel of a close lying between "le mote de Snellesdale" [Snelsdale] and Okoveremethende, which parcel extends from the corner of the "mote de Snellesdale" as far as the corner of Snelsdale Park as appears by a ditch made there 5 Dec - 1475
278 - Deed of exchange between William Basset and Nicoll Basset his son and heir and Rauff Okeover, esq., and Humphry Okeover, his son and heir apparent, by which Okeover receives from Basset two pastures lying in the fee of Mayfield called the Oldehousyerd and a parcel called a sprong of a pasture lying in Mayfield called Nettilhale with all the wood being and growing upon the said parcels, and which can be enclosed and taken into Rauff Okever's park at Okeover, in exchange for two parcels of pasture lying in the fee of Okeover called the Coldewale with all the wood being and growing upon the said parcels now enclosed and paled into William Basset's park of Blore. 31 Mar - 1490
279 - Release by Thomas Conyers of Elles Mere Hall, Durham, esq., Thomas Blakiston of the City of Durham, gent., John Cuthbert of the same city, gent., - trustees of the will of Gilbert Mathon late of the parish of the South Bailey in the City of Durham - and Anne Mathon, widow, of the said Gilbert to Rowland Okeover of Okeover, esq., and William Cooke of Wymeswold, Leicestershire, esq., with the consent of Anthony Salvyn of New Elvot in the City of Durham, in consideration of £630, of several closes in Over or Upper Mathfield (not specified) and a close of ground in the Ryefield in Mayfield with all appurtenances in the tenure of Richard Milward - 18 Sep 1704
280 - Mortgage for £300 for 1000 years by Richard Lisett alias Bruckshaw of Winster, hosier, to John Wall the elder of Wensley, gent., of a messuage, farm-house or tenement in Church Mayfield and several closes namely the Narr Croft, Croft next the House, Church Town Croft, the Lynch, Upper Conigree, Lower Conigree, Conigree Bottom, Bridge Close, Over Close, New Close Pingle and the Piece, together with tithes issuing from them: also a piece of ground on which a cottage formerly stood belonging to Thomas Hind deceased, also a close in Church Mayfield divided into two, the New Close in the occupation of Samuel Maskery: also all that messuage or tenement formerly converted into two tenements in Swinscoe Woodhouse [see Swinscoe deeds D231M/T34 - 130] in the occupation of Philip Peach with all land belonging: also three closes in Ellison [Ellastone?) called the Law Flatts, 12 acres: redeemable on the payment of £300 with interest at 4½% on 23 Jun next ensuing 23 Dec - 1766
281 - Additional security for £100: Richard Lisett alias Bruckshaw of Winster, hosier, to John Wall the elder of Wensley, gent., of a messuage, farm-house or tenement in Church Mayfield and several closes namely the Narr Croft, Croft next the House, Church Town Croft, the Lynch, Upper Conigree, Lower Conigree, Conigree Bottom, Bridge Close, Over Close, New Close Pingle and the Piece, together with tithes issuing from them: also a piece of ground on which a cottage formerly stood belonging to Thomas Hind deceased, also a close in Church Mayfield divided into two, the New Close in the occupation of Samuel Maskery: also all that messuage or tenement formerly converted into two tenements in Swinscoe Woodhouse [see Swinscoe deeds D231M/T34 - 130] in the occupation of Philip Peach with all land belonging: also three closes in Ellison [Ellastone?) called the Law Flatts, 12 acres - 1767
282 - Covenant to produce title deeds by Richard Lisett Bruckshaw of Winster, hosier, to Thomas Hodgkinson of Woodhouses husbandman, for messuage and tenement and 30 acres of closes in Woodhouses, namely the Croft, Hill Meadow, Big Nether, Nether Pingle, Pools, Barn Flatt, Barn Flatt Pingle, Little Nether, Wet Close, Wet Close Pingle, Pool Pingle, Hill Meadow Pingle and Long Croft 1 Dec - 1768
283 - Recovery by Robert Baxter, gent., against Squire Baxter, gent., of 4 messuages, four gardens, 20 acres of land, 30 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 10 acres of wood, common of pasture for all manner of cattle in Mayfield 28 Nov - 1774
284 - Mortgage for £600 by way of lease for 500 years by John Greensmith of Mammerton, Longford, gent., to Elizabeth Baxter of Compton, spinster, of Corn Park Farm, Mayfield: redeemable on payment of £600 on 15 Feb 1787 15 Aug - 1786
285-286 - Lease and release by Francis Greensmith of Thorpe, gent., and Richard Buxton of Compton, tanner, (devisees in trust named in the will of John Greensmith late of Mammerton, Longford, gent.) to John Gallimore of Mayfield, farmer, in consideration of £1260, of Corn, Park Farm, Mayfield 24 & 25 May - 1793
287 - Assignment by Elizabeth Buxton of Compton, Ashbourne, spinster, Francis Greensmith of Thorpe, gent., and Richard Buxton of Compton, tanner, (devisees in trust named in the will of John Greensmith late of Mammerton, Longford, gent.) to John Alsopp of Ashbourne, esq., in trust for John Gallimore of Mayfield, farmer, in consideration of £653 8s 0d., of a mortgage for £600 for 500 years by John Greensmith to Elizabeth Buxton of Corn Park Farm, Mayfield, dated 15 Aug 1786 in which Greensmith defaulted 25 May - 1793
288 - Mortgage by way of lease for 500 years by John Gallimore of Mayfield, farmer, to Thomas Ley of Mayfield, esq., in consideration of £660, of Corn Park Farm, Mayfield: redeemable on the payment of 27 Nov 1793 27 May - 1793
289 - Feoffment by John Gallimore the elder of Mayfield, yeoman, and John Gallimore of Mayfield, yeoman, his son and heir to William Jackson of Morton Hill, Staffs., [Staffordshire] yeoman, in consideration of £400 (a mortgage debt), of a messuage or tenement in Upper or Over Mayfield lately in the holding of Thomas Marshall and several closes namely Corn Park, Corn Park Meadow, Woodygate Close, Yields or Healds Piece and all other land purchased from Greensmith and Buxton (see D231M/T285-286): to be held for 1000 years to such uses as John Gallimore the elder shall appoint, in trust that Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne, gent., shall from the rents or by mortgage or sale of the 1000 year term raise £550 to pay off a mortgage for £400 by John Gallimore the elder to Thomas Ley deceased (See D231M/T 288) 9 Jun - 1798
290 - Assignment by Robert Charles Greaves of Ingleby, esq., (sole executor of the will of Susannah Ley late of Mayfield, widow) to William Ackroyd of Mayfield, esq., at the direction of John Gallimore of Mayfield, yeoman, of a mortgage for £660 for 500 years by John Gallimore the elder to Thomas Ley of Corn Park Farm, Mayfield, dated 27 May 1793 (See also D231M/T288) 2 Sep - 1805
291-292 - Lease and release by William Gallimore of Kedleston, innkeeper, to James Haughton Longston of Sarsden House, Oxon., [Oxfordshire] esq., and William Stratford Dugdale of Merevale Hall, Warwickshire, in consideration of £1300, of a messuage in Woodhouse [woodhouses], formerly in the occupation of Philip Peach then of Thomas Hodgkinson and lately of David Gerrard, and several closes 29acre 0roods 31perches., in the parishes of Mayfield and Blore namely Close before the House, Over Wheat Field, Lower Wheat Field, Little Barn Piece, Salts Piece, the Meadow, Back of the House, the Croft above the House and Long Croft Dated 26 & 27 Mar [See Swinscoe deeds D231M/T34 - 130 for previous deeds relating to this property] - 1839
293 - Lease and release by John Halsworth of Mayfield, tailor, to James Haughton Longston of Sarsden House, Oxford, esq., and William Stratford Dugdale of Merevale Hall, Warwickshire, esq., in consideration of £520 of a messuage, tenement or dwelling house where John Allen resides, and a close, 3 acres, at a place called Cockshutts, Mayfield - 25 Mar 1841
294 - Grant and release by Stanley Pipe Wolferstan of Statfold [Staffordshire] esq., Rev George Paul Belcher of Heather, Lancashire, Richard Beaumont Child of Ingleby Hall, esq., in consideration of £15, of all the chief and quit rents payable to the Lord of the Manor of Mayfield 29 Dec - 1848
295 - 298 - Stretton Estate near Burton on Trent
295 - Confirmation by Robert, Abbot of Burton of a gift by Geoffrey, his predecessor, to Ralph son of Orm of five bovates of land in Stretton: Orm held the land in fee farm for 6 shillings annually and the same customs and services are to appertain as when Orm held it - [c1150-1159]
296 - Gift by Roger, Abbot of Burton, and the whole convent of the same place to Hugh son of Ralph de Okeover and his heirs of six bovates of land in Stretton with all appurtenances which his sister, Alice, held: to be held by Hugh and his heirs at an annual rent of 6 shillings., to be paid in two terms at the Feast of St John the Baptist and the Feast of St Martin Witnesses: Bartholomew, prior of Tutbury, Herbert, canon of Lichfield, William de Vernon, Geoffrey de Okeover, Robert de Touke, William Burgenun, Nicholas de Hulton, Ralph de Fel, Thomas Fitton, Ralph de Withen,, Henry Tison, Robert de Shipley, and many others - 1215-1216
297 - Gift by William de Okeover of Prestwood to Alexander Merchant of Ashbourne that neither he nor his heirs, nor anyone in his name will exact or claim any repair or restoration of any of his lands or buildings which Alexander held from him for a time in Stretton Witnesses: Henry de Mapleton, Roger Payn, Henry son of Elias, merchant, Adam, brother of the said Alexander, Richard the clerk, and others - [c1272-1307]
298 - Gift by William de Okeover to Roger Bullock of Stretton of ten acres of arable land in Stretton fields which he purchased of Hugh Bullock whose father named two acres and three roods in Caldewellehul along with the hedge and a rood at Cornhullgreve next to the land of Reginald Bernehond, and half an acre which abutts the slade next to the land of Elias and a rood which abutts on Cromberodes next to the land of John le Halsweyn and half an acre on the Ledefurlong between the land of Elias and the land of William son of Sibyl and a rood on the Brenefurlong between the land of Reginald Bernehond and the land of Roger son of Cecily and a rood which abutts on the headland of the said Roger in the corner towards the Midlesteweye and a rood at Dunningesthornes between the land of Elias and the land of the said Reginald Bernehond and a rood in the same ploughland which abutts on the ploughland of William Haynie next to the land of Reginald "super viride" [on the green] and a rood beyond the Hathewaye between the land of Reginald Cane and the land of William son of Sibyl and a rood on Museganefurlong next to the land of Reginald "super viride" and a rood on the Heyelondes between the land of Stephen son of Reginald and the land of the said Roger Bullock and a rood in the Elyneslade next to the Mulnewaye and a rood on Littleheld between the land of John le Hallesweyne and the land of Richard "ad finem pontis" [at the bridge end] and a rood at the boundary of Adcroft between the land of Robert son of Alde and the land of Roger Bullock himself, and a half-acre next to the Mulneweye between the land of Elias and the Mulneweye and a rood towards Omberlondes between the lands of Richard "ad finem pontis" [at the bridge end] and the land of Richard son of Charles, and rood in Wynardeshaln between the land of John de Stapenhill and the land of Richard son of Reginald, and a rood on Asterlowe next to the land of Reginald Bernehond, and a half-acre which abutts on the Heyesiche between the land of John de Stapenhill and the land of the said Roger Bullock, and a rood in the Honguiderodes between the land of Gilbert, a man of Elias's, and the land of Agnes, widow, and a rood which abutts the Medweweye between the land of Reginald Kane and the land of Reginald Bernehond, and a rood which abutts on the knopwalle next to the land of Robert Bernehond, and a rood on Brakenhurst between the land of Adam Coc and the land of John de Stapenhil land a half-acre towards the Churcheweye next to the land of Roger Bullock: annual rent of one penny Witnesses: Elias de Stretton, Simon de Wythine, John Gilbert of Horninglow, John "ad finem ville de Horninglow", Geoffrey son of Swain de Durton and others - [c1272-1307]
299 - 308 - Ashbourne Estate
299 - Quitclaim by John de Lea and Idona his wife to Hugh de Okeover and his heirs, assigns and their heirs, in consideration of two silver marks, of a toft with appurtenances which they hold of Hugh de Okeover in the vill of Ashbourne, between the tofts of Richard Perie and Richard Lesolur - [c1250-1272]
300 - Quitclaim by Robert, son of Philip de Ashbourne, to Nicholas de Clifton and his heirs of an acre and a half of land with appurtenances in Meyole in the territory of Ashbourne, namely that land which the said Robert obtained from Henry Fenekelspire before the justices of our Lord the King at Westminster Witnesses: Thomas de Tideswell, William de Buxton, Simon de Tutbury, Robert de Tissington, John Luke and others - [c1272-1307]
301 - Gift by John son of Roger de Bradbourne, knight, to Margery daughter of Matthew de Kniveton of Bradley of one messuage with buildings and superstructures and a courtyard with all appurtenances in Ashbourne, lying between the holding of Lettice de Clifton and the highway, and which extends in length from the holding of Lord Nicholas de Marchington towards the highway: the courtyard lies between the holding of Lord Nicholas de Marchington and the land which Roger [Wheeler], once held, and extends to length from the holding of Lord Nicholas de Marchington up to the holding of Richard de Caewich Witnesses: William Cokayn de Ashbourne, Thomas son of Adam of the same place, William de Kniveton, Roger de Marchington, Robert le Clowar, Henry de Clifton, Richard, clerk, and others Wednesday the Feast of St Peter ad vincula (1 Aug) 1319 - 1319
302 - Gift by Henry de Clifton of Ashbourne to Thomas de la Pole of Ashbourne of a toft with appurtenances in Ashbourne which lies at the head of the town between the highway and the land which Roger de Bradbourne holds, and extends in length from the highway which leads to Offcote to the courtyards in Motterlowe Witnesses: William Cockayn, bailiff of the town of Ashbourne, William de Kniveton of Ashbourne, Robert le Clowar, Richard Hervi, Henry de Mapleton, Hugh son of Robert de Ashbourne, Richard de Darley, clerk, and others Monday after the Feast of St Paul (26 Jan) 1327 - 1327
303 - Gift by John de Hulland of Ashbourne to Henry Ailmer of Osmaston and Alice his daughter their heirs and assigns of 100 shillings of rent arising from property in Ashbourne which belonged to Hugh son of Robert son of Hugh: to be paid in two annual payments at the Feast of St Michael and at Easter, to the payment of which the said John binds himself, his heirs, executors and all his tenants in Ashbourne Witnesses: William de Kniveton, John Coken [Cokayne], John de Lymestre, Robert de Clifton, Thomas Adam and others Monday next after the Feast of St Barnabas (13 Jun) 8 Edward III - 1334
304 - Gift by John son of Hugh de Ashbourne to William Storre of the same place, his heirs and assigns, of a plot of land in the town of Ashbourne with buildings, structures and other appurtenances, between a plot of land which Thomas le Locksmith holds of Hugh de Ashbourne and a plot which Emma le Cok holds of Hugh de Ashbourne on the other side: annual rent of 6 shillings to be paid at the Feast of St Mary and St Michael: if he fails to pay the rent on the appointed days in whole or in part then John de Ashbourne has licence to enter and hold the said plot and its appurtenances, and if he (William) makes any damage, then he (John) is likewise permitted to enter and take over the property Witnesses: John Cokayn of Ashbourne, Thomas Adam of the same place, Adam de Byllery of the same place and others Monday next after the Feast of St Luke (22 Oct) 26 Edward III - 1352
305 - Quitclaim by Henry le Walno[r] and Alice his wife to Edmund Cokayn of Ashbourne and his heirs of one messuage with appurtenances in Ashbourne lying in the Brugestrete between the water of Skolebrok [ Scow Brook] and the holding of the said Edmund, and also a meadow with appurtenances called Paradise in Clifton Thursday next after the feast of St Michael (30 Apr) 2 Richard II - 1378
306 - Gift by John Cokayn of Ashbourne to Philip de Okeover, knight, Henry Wallor and William Hayward, chaplain, of all his goods and chattels, movable and immovable in Derbyshire, Staffordshire and elsewhere Witnesses: Nicholas de Stafford, John Basset, knights, Roger de Bradbourne, John de Bentley, Thomas Lymester and others Sunday next after the feast of St Hilary (8 Jan) 5 Richard II - 1382
307 - Gift by William de Kniveton of Bradley to Thomas de Kniveton of Ashbourne of a messuage with appurtenances in Ashbourne lying between the messuage which John Pees holds of John Cokayne, knight, and the messuage which William Barbo[ur] holds from the Lord of Underwood Witnesses: John Cokayne of Ashbourne, knight, Thomas Lymester of Ashbourne, Thomas Glover, bailiff of Ashbourne, William Butterton of Ashbourne, John Eyton and others Feast of St Laurence (10 Aug) 5 Henry IV - 1404
308 - Gift by William Avener, chaplain, to John de Okeover son of Philip de Okeover, knight, of a messuage with appurtenances in Ashbourne which John de Derby held. After the death of John, the remainder to his brother Thomas de Okoever his heirs and assigns Witnesses: John Cokayne, knight, John Cokayne his son, Thomas de Kniveton, Nicholas de Lymestre, William de Butterton, John de Elton and others 20 Jul 2 Henry V - 1414
309 - Gift by John le Marshal in Stanton to Henry son of Alote of all that land with toft and croft which William de Belcher once held in the same vill from Cecily, widow of John le Marshal, which toft and croft lies between the land of the Abbot of Rocester and the land of Ralph Wyther and one plot of land lies at Greof and the other at Wottonehay and another plot lies next to Hellecombe and another at Aldeleye and another at Pontegreves: to hold the same from Lord Theobald de Verdun at a yearly rent of 3 silver pennies: 1 penny at Easter, 1 penny at the feast of St James, of which 2 pennies will be allotted to the rent of the said John for all services except foreign Witnesses: Ralph Wyther, William Marshall, Laurence Marshall, William, clerk, of Wootton, John Huring, Walter, clerk, and others - [late 13th-early 14th cent]
309-316 - Stanton (Near Mayfield) Estate
310 - Gift by Henry Marshal de Stanton to Alice daughter of William his son of a toft with appurtenances, buildings and structure in the vill of Stanton, which toft Isolda de Stanton once held, lying between the Rigewalle and the Hallelone: rent of 6 silver pennies a year in two annual payments at Easter and Michaelmas - [late 13th cent]
311 - Gift by Robert de Payneslow to Ralph, parson, of all his lands and holdings in Stanton next to Swinscoe, which formerly were in the possession of Simon son of John, lord of Calton Witnesses: John Bataill of Stanton, Robert le Morrel, John Stodyan, Henry Asser and others Monday next after the feast of St Augustine (31 Aug) 40 Edward III - 1366
312 - Gift by Richard Parker of Stanton to Lord Ralph Hitchcock, rector of Blore, of all his lands and tenements with buildings and structures in Stanton which he held as heir of his brother Geoffrey, the chaplain Witnesses: John de Prestwood, William Batel of Stanton, Henry Snow of Wootton, Geoffrey del Stone of the same place, Henry Asser of Swinscoe and others Thursday the feast of St Mary Magdalene (22 Jul) 41 Edward III - 1367
313 - Gift by Ralph Hitchcock, rector of Blore to William Alen of Mayfield of all his lands, holdings and buildings in Stanton which he holds by gift and feoffment of Richard Parker of Stanton - [2 Feb 1368]
314 - Gift by Ralph Hitchcock, rector, of Blore, to William Alen of Mathefeld of all his lands and tenements with appurtenances in Stanton which he holds by gift and feoffment of Robert de Payneslow of Cotton - [2 Feb 1368]
315 - Gift by John Atlow of Edlaston, Nicholas le Meleward of the same place and Thomas Snow of Stanton, to Philip de Okeover of the reversion of the lands and tenements in Stanton which were formerly in the possession of William Aleyn, whose widow Matilda now holds these lands for life by the demise of Atlow, Meleward and Snow Witnesses: Richard Plugen, Henry Hoggeson of Wetton, Robert de Ravenesdale of Cauldon and others Sunday next after the feast of St Nicholas (7 Dec) 17 Richard III - 1393
316 - Covenant between Philip de Okeover, knight, Henry le Baily of Cauldon, the younger, and Matilda his wife (formerly the wife of William Aleyn) by which Philip grants to Henry and Matilda an annuity of 4s 6d during the life of the said Matilda, paid at the feast of St John the Baptist, and the feast of St Martin, arising from the rent of lands which were formerly in the possession of William Aleyn, and the reversion of which had been granted to Philip by John Atlow of Edlaston, Nicholas le Meleward of the same place and Thomas Snow of Stanton: the annuity is paid in return for Henry and Matilda's surrender of the land to Philip, Henry and Matilda holding the land during the life of Matilda Witnesses: Richard Wynd, William de Sheinton, Roger Belcher and Henry Bate Saturday the feast of St Lucy (13 Dec) 17 Richard II - 1393
317 - 318 - Broadlow Ash Estate
317 - Gift by William de Grendon to Robert `Textor' of the lands which James `Textor' held in Campeden [?Compton] in the fee of Broadlow , annual rent of 2s Witnesses: Leonard Smith, Henry de Cruce, William son of Luce, Nicholas de Derby, Robert and Henry son of Leonard, William Spendlove and others - late [14th cent]
318 - Gift by William son of Henry de Fenny Bentley to John de la Pole of Ashbourne]of a certain meadow called Gamelesley in Broadlow: after twenty years at an annual rent of 20s Witnesses: John son of John de Bentley, Henry le Bailiff of the same place and John his son 22 Oct 38 Edward III - 1364
319 - 325 - Calton Estate
319 - Gift (and transcript) by Philip, Lord of Draycott to Lady Orabilie [Orable] once wife of Lord Richard his father, of all his land with all appurtenances in the vill of Calton for homage and service, and two oaks of his wood of Wyaston "in the view (visum) of his forester": to be held by Lady Orabilie her heirs and assigns except for monks and Jews, paying annually a pair of white gloves for all services and suit of court: for this gift the Lady Orabilie will marry her daughter Lettice to Philip's eldest son Richard Witnesses: Lord William de Caverswall,,then Sheriff of Stafford and Salop, Philip de Leigh, William de Cheddleton, Richard Basset, William de Ipstones, Ralph Basset, Roger de Verney, Thomas de Caverswall, Henry de Bradbourne, Richard de Fowall and others - [early 13th cent]
320 - Gift by Henry son of Henry de Ilam to Richard de Draycott, knight, his heirs and assigns for homage and service of all that land which he held in the vill of Calton, with all services and four shillings rent arising from land of his mother which she holds as dower in Calton: to have and to hold with all liberties, easements, rights of common pertaining to the said land and all bondmen with their chattels and their following and to hold his mother's dower land, of which Henry holds the reversion, after her death, paying annually for the dower land two barbed arrows at Pentecost and 6 shillings rent to William de Butterton at the feast of St Martin and to Lord Hugh [Despenser] 12 pence at the same time, and to perform suit of court two times a year at the court of the Abbot of Rocester, but not (to perform suit of court) at his court at Ilam, his tenants, however, to perform suit of court at Ilam and also suit of his mill at Ilam, milled at one sixteenth of the grain, as they are accustomed to do: for this gift the said Richard has also paid 60 marks Witnesses: Lord Hugh de Okeover, Nigel de Longford, Robert de Bek, William Meverel, William, Lord of Caverswall, William de Ipstones, Richard de Sheen, Nicholas de Calton, Thomas de Caverswall, Benedict de Coudrai, William de ?Caverswood and others - [c1250-1272]
321 - Quitclaim by Henry de Ilam to Richard de Draycott in consideration of ½ mark of silver of a toft in the vill of Calton with appurtenances which Geoffrey Turner once held Witnesses: William de Alditheleg [Atherley/Audley], William Meverel of Throwley, Richard, parson of Kingsley, William de Ipstones, William de Cheddleton,Nicholas de Calton, Richard de Tean and many others - [c1250-1272]
322 - Gift by Hugh de Okeover to Richard de Draycott for homage and service of all the land he holds in Calton with the men there and their following and all appurtenances within and without the vill: rent of one penny at Pentecost for all services except foreign and suit of court at Okeover by reason of the said land: for this gift the said Richard paid to Hugh 80 marks of silver Witnesses: Walter de London, Abbot of Croxden, William de Alderley/Audley, Robert de Leigh, William de Venables, Robert de Bek, parson of Chatcull, Thomas de Bradford, parson of Thorpe, Richard, parson of Kingsley, William de Cheddleton, William de Ipstones, Richard de Sheen, Robert de Thorpe and others - [c1250-1272]
323 - Quitclaim by William de Wyaston to Adam son of Robert de Deye of seven shillings annual rent which the said Adam paid to him for tenant services in Calton Witnesses: John de Prestwood, Henry de Lockwood, John Galpyn and others. Sunday next after the feast of the purification of the Blessed Mary (7 Feb) 41 Edward III - 1367
324 - Gift by John Heryson, late of Calton, to James Lancaster, chaplain of Calton, Master Hugh Adurley, Rector of the church of Kingsley and Humphrey Heryson, vicar of Alstonefield, of all their tenements in Calton called the Churche Londe with all appurtenances Witnesses: Thomas Madley of Denstone, John Wathin de Alton, William Ley de Mayfield, William Wodkok, Hugh Barlowe then bailiff of Alton and others. Monday after the feast of St Bartholomew 26 Aug 11 Edward IV - 1471
325 - Deed certifying Gift by John Heryson, late of Calton, to James Lonkaster [Lancaster] chaplain of Calton, Master Hugh Adurley, Rector of the church of Kynksley and Humphrey Heryson, vicar of Austanfield [Alstonefield], of all their tenements in Calton called the Churche Londe with all appurtenances Witnesses: Thomas Madley of Denston, John Wathin de Alton, William Ley de Malefeld, [Mayfield], William Wodkok, Hugh Barlowe then bailiff of Alton and others. Monday after the feast of St Bartholomew Adds that the rent and all manner of profits "goten to go" to the chapel of Calton. Dated (26 Aug) - 1471
326 - Denstone Estate
326 - Gift by Margery formerly wife of Robert de la Chamber, Lord of certain parts of the vill of Denstone, now in widowhood, to Robert de Okeover of 12 pence rent in Denstone with appurtenances, issuing from holdings which Alot de Foxt and Margery his daughter held in that vill: to be held by Robert his heirs and assigns except Jews and churchmen Witnesses: John de Wheathampstead, then Seneschal of Lord John de Verdun of Alton, Robert de Loughborough, William de Warr, Henry son of Walter de Denstone, and others - [c1272-1307]
327 - 329 - Sheen Estate
327 - Gift by Hugh son of Robert de Okeover to Robert Russo de Throwley and his heirs of a bovate of land with appurtenances in the territory of the vill of Sheen, namely that which Robert de Thorpe at some time held from him (Hugh) and a whole croft with its ditch, and a plot of land in the same vill of Sheen: to be held by Robert his heirs and assigns except for monks, burgesses and Jews: annual rent of six pence for all services except foreign and suit of mill at his court at Sheen and suit of his mill at one twentieth of the grain Witnesses: William de Ipstones, William Meverel de Throwley, Henry de Ilam, Hugh de Beresford, William de Butterton, William de Gouleword, Robert Puterel, Henry de Hyddelesdal, Gilbert de Longnor, Robert, clerk, and others - [c1216-1272]
328 - Quitclaim by William de Leigh to Robert de Okeover and his heirs of all his land in Sheen which he holds of Robert with all appurtenances Witnesses: Lord Robert de Ashbourne then Seneschal, Roger de Wensley, Robert son of Lord Henry de Alsop, Robert de Thorpe, Henry de Mapleton, Henry de Ilam, and others - [c1272-1307]
329 - Quitclaim by Peter son of Robert de Whitehill to Robert de Okeover of a bovate of land in the vill of Sheen with all appurtenances: in consideration of two marks of silver Witnesses: Henry de Denstone, Richard de Draycott, Henry de Ilam, William de Ipstones, William Meverel, John de Beresford, Robert de Castern, Adam le Rust, Roger de Woodhouses and others - [1272-1307]
330 - 344 - Musden Grange Estate (Ilam and Calton)
330-333 - Lease and release (and counterpart) by Edward Wilmot of Spondon, esq., Rev John Warde, Rector of Hickling, Notts. [Nottinghamshire], to Ralph Tunnicliffe of Throwley, yeoman, and John Wheldon of Caldon, yeoman, at the direction of Richard Coke, grandson and heir of Elizabeth Coke late of Duffield, widow and relict of Richard Coke late of Duffield, gent., both deceased, Francis Coke of Derby, mercer, son of Elizabeth Coke, Thomas Coke of Derby, woollen draper, also son of Elizabeth Coke, Elizabeth Gravenor of Messingham, Lincolnshire, widow, daughter of Elizabeth Coke and Ann Coke, spinster, granddaughter of Elizabeth Coke, in consideration of £1300, of all that undivided quarter part of all that messuage or tenement, farm, lands, closes, and hereditaments situate in Musden commonly called by the name of Musden Grange now or late in the tenure of Samuel Goodwin 2 & 3 Apr - 1747
334-335 - Lease and release by Ralph Tunnicliffe of Throwley, yeoman, and Hannah his wife and John Wheildon of Caldon, Staffs. [Staffordshire], yeoman, and Anne his wife to George Port of Ilam, esq., in consideration of £2080, of an undivided fourth part of Musden Grange (as D231M/T330-333) 5 & 6 Jun - 1758
336-337 - Final concord between George Port, plaintiff, and Ralph Tunnicliffe and Hannah his wife, John Wheeldon and Anne his wife deforciants of a quarter part of one messuage, one cottage, one barn, 500 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 60 acres of pasture, 50 acres of wood and common of pasture with appurtenances in the parishes of Croxton and Calton: £160 consideration 3 Nov - 1759
338-339 - Lease and release by John Port of Ilam, esq., and Richard Arkwright of Willersley Castle, esq., to John Borrow of Derby, esq., in consideration of £3000, of all right, title, share and interest in the manor of Musden and several closes of ground namely Bridge End, 14acre. 1roods. 20perches., Hunters Wood, 18acre. 1roods. 24., Nether Bank 18acre, 0roods. 39perches., Barn Close and buildings 16acre. 0roods. 37perches., Nether Stubble 1acre. 1roods. 19perches., Musden Lowe 27acre., Musden Moor 36acre. - all in Musden and now or late in the tenure or Richard Howard, and allotted many years ago to George Port, deceased, in lieu of his quarter part of a messuage or tenement situate in Musden called Musden Grange 8 & 9 Feb - 1809
340 - Deed for production of title deeds: John Port of Ilam, esq., and Richard Arkwright of Willersley Castle, esq., to John Borrow of Derby, esq., in consideration of £3000, of all right, title, share and interest in the manor of Musden and several closes of ground namely Bridge End, 14acre. 1roods. 20perches., Hunters Wood, 18acre. 1roods. 24., Nether Bank 18acre, 0roods. 39perches., Barn Close and buildings 16acre. 0roods. 37perches., Nether Stubble 1acre. 1roods. 19perches., Musden Lowe 27acre., Musden Moor 36acre. - all in Musden and now or late in the tenure or Richard Howard, and allotted many years ago to George Port, deceased, in lieu of his quarter part of a messuage or tenement situate in Musden called Musden Grange 9 Feb - 1809
341-342 - Lease and release by Sir Hugh Bateman of Hartington Hall, Baronet, Richard Bateman of Foston House, esq., Ann Flewitt of Nottingham, widow of Joseph Flewitt, late of Nottingham, surgeon, deceased, Richard Arkwright of Willersley Castle, esq., John Port of Lyndhurst, Hampshire., esq., and John Borrow of Derby, gent., to Gregory Winrow of Derby, gent., in consideration of 5 shillings, of several closes in Musden Grange namely Bridge End Meadow 11acre. 2roods. 36., Meghole Meadow 12acre. 1roods. 39perches., Roberts Meadow 6acre. 3roods. 13perches., messuages, tenement, outbuildings and homestead 0acre. 2roods. 24perches., Paddock at House 0acre. 2. 06perches., West Piece 0acre. 1roods. 12perches., Nethr Holles 9acre. 3roods. 20perches., 31acre. 3roods. 33perches., part or parcel of the lands called Nether Banks, Upper Banks 53acre. 1roods. 15perches., Paddock and Barn 2acre. 3roods. 36perches., 17acre. 0roods. 37perches., being part of a close called Nether Stubble, Calton Stubble 23acre. 2roods. 18perches., Middle Stubble 23acre. 1roods. 16perches., Upper Holles 18acre. 0roods. 20perches., 23acre. 2roods. 02perches., part of Musden Moor, messuage situate in the closes called Smiths and Shaws Rough Closes and the closes 27acre. 1roods. 05perches., also 14acre. 1roods. 20perches., being part of the close called Bridge End, Hunters Wood 18acre. 1roods. 24perches., 18acre. 0roods. 39perches., being part of Nether Banks, Barn Croft with buildings 16acre. 0roods. 37perches., 1acre. 1roods. 19perches., being part of a close called Nether Stubble, 27acre. being part of Musden Low, 36acre being part of Musden Moor: to the use of John Burrow 27 & 28 Sep - 1811
343 - Merger of tithes of Musden Grange by J.C.B Borough of Chetwynd, Shropshire, esq 17 Aug - 1850
344 - Confirmation of a conveyance of 25 Mar 1873 by John Charles Buxton Borough of Chetwynd Park, Shropshire, esq., to Haughton Charles Okeover of Okeover, esq., for the consideration therein mentioned of Lower Musden Grange 24 Nov - 1873
345 - 367 - Deeds and associated papers relating to the Blore family estates, mainly the Blore Park estate, and also in Bedfordshire, Essex, Hertford, Norwich Sussex, Suffolk and Yorkshire - 1768-1856
345-350 - Family settlement between Samuel Shore of Norton Hall, esq., and his wife, Urith, formerly Urith Offley, Samuel Shore of Broadfeld, Sheffield, merchant, and John Milnes of Wakefield, merchant, by which Shore senior has released to Shore, junior, in consideration of 10 shillings, a moiety of messuages and lands (recited in detail) in Wilstead, Bedfordshire, Dunmow and Great Canfield, Essex, Hertford, Snaylham, Sussex, Ittleston, Sussex, Ipswich and Metfield, Suffolk and Norwich: to the use of Samuel Shore and father: also Shore senior surrenders to Shore, junior, various copyhold lands (recited in detail) in the manors of Clattering, Essex, High Weston, Essex, Henham, Essex, Kentish Town (manor of Tottenham Court), and Gestling, Sussex: to the use of Samuel Shore the father: also, in consideration of £4885, Samuel Shore the son has conveyed to John Milnes, the manor or royalty of Blore with all rights, royalties, quit rents, members and appurtenances, also Blore Park and the perpetual advowson, right of patronage, nomination to rectory and church of Blore, also capital messuage and all other messuages and all granges, cottages, tofts, edifices, buildings, barns, stables, yards, gardens, orchards, backsides, lands, tenements, meadows, leasows, pastures, feedings, commons, mines, quarries, courts, profits, perquisites, etc., belonging all in Staffordshire: to the use of Samuel Shore the son for his natural life, then to the use of Milnes in trust to preserve the contingent remainders: after the decease of Samuel Shore the son to the use of Urith his wife then to the use of their lawful male and female issue successively in order of seniority: in default of issue to the use of Samuel Shore the son his heirs and assigns 11 & 12 May - 1768
351 - Faculty for exchange of tithes to George Gretton, Rector of Blore by which it is agreed between the Rector and Samuel Shore the younger that a right of agistment belonging to the Rector - an agistment for 52 sheep for the whole year, a horse and a twinter from Lady Day to Michaelmas upon certain land in Blore the property of Samuel Shore - and the tithes of corn and hay on two closes in Blore the property of Samuel Shore (valued at £20 by the Commissioners), should be extinguished and replaced by an allotment of land by Samuel Shore to the Rector, namely a small croft, Grimley Gap, 0acre. 0roods. 36perches., and 17 acres of Blore Dale Pasture adjacent to the Glebe land 26 Aug - 1769
352 - Deed of exchange between the Rector of Blore and Samuel Shore: certain land in Blore the property of Samuel Shore - and the tithes of corn and hay on two closes in Blore the property of Samuel Shore 23 Sep - 1769
353 - Deed to make a tenant to the precipe by which Samuel Shore of Meersbrook, Derbyshire, esq., and Samuel Shore, the younger, of Norton Hall, esq., has bargained and sold to Thomas Smith of Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex, the manor of Blore, Blore Park, capital messuage and advowson of Blore rectory, also a messuage, dwelling house or tenement at Kilnhurst, Yorkshire, together with a corn mill, messuages, farm, iron mills, and slitting mills and workmen's houses at Kilnhurst, a tilt forge with chambers at Kilnhurst: messuage and land at Eccleshall 27acre. 0roods. 34perches: Smith to be tenant to the freehold and Sir Thomas Bernard of Wimpole Street, Baronet, to serve a writ of entry sur disseisin en le post at the Court of Common Pleas at demand against Thomas Smith 30 Apr - 1812
354 - Recovery by Sir Thomas Bernard, Baronet, against Thomas Smith, esq., of the manor of Blore with appurtenances, Blore Park, 4 messuages, 8 gardens, 800 acres of land, 400 acres of meadow, 400 acres of pasture, 100 acres of wood and common of pasture in Blore 11 May - 1812
355-356 - Lease and mortgage by way of release for £15000 by Samuel Shore the elder of Meresbrook, Derbyshire, esq., Samuel Shore the younger of Norton Hall, esq., and Sir Thomas Bernard of Wimpole Street, Middlesex, baronet, to John Toplis of Wirksworth, Thomas Saxton of Lea Wood, Ashover, hat manufacturer and John Alsop of Lea Bridge, Matlock, gent., executors of the will of Peter Nightingale late of Wood End, deceased, of the manor of Blore, Blore Park, capital messuage and advowson of Blore rectory, also a messuage, dwelling house or tenement at Kilnhurst, Yorkshire, together with a corn mill, messuages, farm, iron mills, and slitting mills and workmen's houses at Kilnhurst, a tilt forge with chambers at Kilnhurst: messuage and land at Eccleshall 27 acres 0 roods 34 perches - 26-27 Apr 1815
357-358 - Lease and transfer of Mortgage by John Alsop the elder of Lea Bridge, gent., (surviving executor of the will of Peter Nightingale), Samuel Shore the elder of Meresbrook, esq., Samuel Shore the younger of Norton Hall, esq., and Sir Scrope Bernard Morland of Nether Winchenton, Buckinghamshire, baronet, (brother and heir of Sir Thomas Bernard deceased) to Mary Shore of Tapton, Yorkshire, widow: Blore Park, capital messuage and advowson of Blore rectory, also a messuage, dwelling house or tenement at Kilnhurst, Yorkshire, together with a corn mill, messuages, farm, iron mills, and slitting mills and workmen's houses at Kilnhurst, a tilt forge with chambers at Kilnhurst: messuage and land at Eccleshall 27 acres 0 rood 34 perches: redeemable on the payment of £15000 and 5% interest 20 & 21 Oct - 1826
359 - Declaration by Mary Shore of Tapton, Yorkshire, widow, that Elizabeth Evans of Cromford Bridge, Matlock, spinster, is entitled to £3000 of the £15000 advanced to Samuel Shore 23 Oct - 1826
360-361 - Lease and mortgage by way of release for £13000 by Samuel Shore of Norton Hall, esq., to Thomas Walker of Killingbeck, Yorkshire, esq., and Samuel Walker of Dover, Kent, esq., of the manor of Blore, Blore Park, the advowson of Blore church, capital messuage at Blore, all in Staffordshire the manor of Kilnhurst and corn mill, an iron forge, slitting mill, workers houses, a close called Brockwells, all in Kilnhurst, 60 acres 0 rood 26 perches, on Kilnhurst Common allotted by the enclosure commissioners, 6 acres 1 rood 00 perche, formerly part of a common of the manor of Wheatcroft (in lieu of tithes of his estate at Kilnhurst) and two parcels of land 1 acre and 12 acres 1 rood 24 perches, received under the Swinton enclosure award all in Yorkshire: redeemable on the payment of £13000 and 5% interest by 7 May 1833 6 & 7 Nov - 1832
362 - Assignment by John Brewin of Sheffield esq., to Thomas Walker of Killingbeck, Yorkshire, and Samuel Walker of Dover, esq., at the nomination of Samuel Shore of Norton Hall, esq., and Mary Shore of Tapton, Yorkshire, widow, of the term of 500 years in a mortgage of 11 Feb 1743 by Thomas Rivett, esq., to Samuel Crompton of the manor of Blore for £1500: to be held in trust for Mary Shore for the remainder of the 500 year year term for better securing the sum of £15000 25 Mar - 1833
363 - Reconveyance (pursuant to an order of the High Court of Chancery in the cause of Shore v Shore), by Elizabeth Walker of Silton, Yorkshire, widow, Edmund Walker of Gospel Oak, Staffordshire, esq, Margaret Walker of Wilsick, Yorkshire, widow, William Walker of the same place, esq., and Thomas Walker of Hamsworth, Yorkshire, esq., to Offley Shore of Weston Green, Thames Ditton, Surrey, esq., in consideration of 10 shillings, of all the manors, etc., conveyed in the mortgage of 7 Nov 1832 23 Mar - 1852
364 - Reconveyance (pursuant to Order in Chancery on 25 May 1853) by William Edmund Nightingale of Embley near Romsey, Hampshire, John Parker of Lincolns Inn, esq., (sole acting trustees and executors of the will of Mary Shore, widow, deceased), Samuel Smith of Whitehall, Westminster, and Mary his wife, William Evans of Allestree, Derby, esq., Samuel Evans of Darley Abbey, esq., (executors of the will of Elizabeth Evans deceased) to Offley Shore, Ashdale, Derbyshire (surviving trustee of Samuel Shore the younger deceased), of the manor or lordship of Blore, Blore Park, advowson of the rectory and church of Blore, capital messuage and all other messuages, granges, cottages, etc: by the Order in Chancery of 25 May 1853, it was ordered that £10245 15s 4d be paid to Nightingale and Parker as executors of the will of Mary Shore (part of £15000 mortgage debt from £357-358) and £2049 9s 3d to Nightingale and Parker as personal representatives of Mrs Mary Shore deceased) 31 May - 1853
365 - Assignment by William Smith of Sheffield, Yorkshire, esq., and Thomas Dunn of Sheffield coal-owner and John Fowlerton Leather of Linthorpe Hall, Leeds, civil engineer, and George Young of Leeds Official assignee (assignees in bankruptcy of Offley Shore, esq.) to Offley Shore Churchdale, Ashford, esq., in consideration of £7295, of the manor of Blore and Blore Park (now divided into two farms) and the perpetual advowson of rectory and church and all other hereditaments in Blore vested in the assignees: to enable Shore to sell to Samuel Brewin of Wortley, Leeds, esq., all the timber on the Blore Estate 3 Oct - 1856
366 - Appointment by Offley Shore that the manor of Blore, Blore Park and the perpetual advowson of Blore church shall after his decease descend to Harrington Offley Shore (his son) 4 Oct - 1859
367 - Mortgage in fee for £11415 by Offley Shore of Churchdale, Ashford, esq., Eliza Shore his wife, and Harrington Offley Shore of Churchdale, Ashford, his son, to John Brewin of Wortley, Yorkshire, esq., and Samuel Brewin of the same place, esq., of the manor of Blore, Blore Park (743 acres 1 rood 05 perche) and the advowson of Blore church 4 Oct - 1856
368 - Gift by Ralph son of Peter son of Aylward de Parwich to Robert de Okeover]and his heirs, one bovate of land in Parwich with all appurtenances which Peter his father held of Henry son of Roger de Parwich: rent of 2 pennies per annum at the feast of St James for all services except foreign service - [1272-1307]
368-376 - Various Small Estates in Staffordshire and Derbyshire
369 - Gift by Henry son of Geoffrey de Parwich to Robert de Okeover, his heirs and assigns of all his toft on the Halleclif in which there is a spring before the gate nearest to the toft of Roger son of Joyce: annual rent of one penny to be paid at the feast of St James: in consideration of this gift Robert de Okeover pays half a mark of silver to Henry Witnesses: Robert de Ashbourne, Jordan de Snitterton, Roger de Wensley, Henry de Alsop, Robert de Thorpe, Robert de Wensley, William de Leya [Lea] and others - [c1272-1307]
370 - Exemplification of a recovery in a writ of right for Ralph Okeover against John son and heir of Robert Ireland, for two messuages, 28 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 104 acres of pasture, 140 acres of moor in Yeldersley 11 Nov - 1489
371 - Gift by John, son and heir of Robert Ireland of Yeldersley to Ralph Okeover his heirs and assigns of sufficient wood for housebote and heybote (i.e fences and repairs) from all his woods and holdings in Yeldersley for two messuages, 28 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 104 acres of pasture, 140 acres of moorland in Yeldersley 2 Sep - 1491
372 - Lease for life and gift by Philip Oker [Okeover] of Oker, Rowland Oker of London, gent., his brother and Ralph Oker, gent., son of Rowland to John Hallidale, clerk, of Okeover, of a close of pasture in Yeldersley called Thomas Moore Adam late in the tenure of Thomas Dravole of Sturston and now of Thomas Bradley of Yeldersley (for the life of the said John) at an annual rent of 5d., and also (a gift of) an annuity of 40s. issuing from two closes called Gorse Close in Okeover: if at any time he leaves the service of Philip during his natural life then this indenture null and void 17 Feb - 1586/1587
373 - Gift by Isabel Sacheverell to Philip de Okeover, knight, and her son Thomas de Hopwell, of all her goods and chattels, moveable and immoveable wherever they may be found in the kingdom of England Sunday nearest before the feast of St Edward, King and Confessor (8 Oct) 7 Richard II - 1383
374 - Family settlement by indenture by which Thomas Fraunceys, Robert de Bingley and Geoffrey Walker grant to John Sacheverell and Christofora, his wife, the manor of Hopwell, with wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats and all other appurtenances, which they held in gift and feoffment of the said John Sacheverell (as trustees until his marriage): to be held by John or Christofora, whichever lives longer, and if they die without legitimate heirs of their bodies, then remainder in fee tail to Robert their son and his legitimate heirs, except for the land and tenements purchased of Robert Spencer, Nicholas Patrick and William Alwyn which they wish to grant to William Sacheverell, son of John Sacheverell after the death of John and Christofora: if Robert dies without heirs, then remainder to William his brother: if William dies without heirs then remainder to the heirs of John Sacheverelll: if John dies without heirs then remainder to Philip de Okeover and his lawful heirs: if he dies without issue then to revert to the heirs of John Sacheverell Witnesses: Hugh de Willoughby, Lord of Risley, William de Sawley of Stanton, Ralph Makerelle de Breaston, Robert Morteyn of the same place and others Monday the feast of St Hilary (13 Jan) 16 Richard II - 1393
375 - Gift by William de Ferrers, Earl of Derby, to Geoffrey de Okeover of Great and Little Hayfield with common of pasture between the stream of Kinderwodebroc and Kinderwodebrocheshevet and from Holmewodebrok as far as Holmewodebrocheshevet: and heybote and housebote within these divisions through the `view' of his forests; also the wood between the two Hayfields in which he may make a park at will: to be held by performing the fifteenth part of the sevices of a knight's fee Witnesses: Ralph, son of Nicholas, seneschal, Anselm de Tichemers, Robert de Campaire [?Qimper], Roger de Ridware, Walter de Ridware, Henry son of Nicholas, Geoffrey Salvin and many others - [c1250]
376 - Declaration of trust by Rowland Okeover of Okeover, esq., and William Cooke of Wymeswold, gent., reciting articles of agreement of 2 Feb 1698 between Rowland Okeover, Thomas Okeover, his son and heir, Dame Katherine Yorke, wife of Sir William Yorke, knight, formerly wife of William Leeke, Katherine Leeke an infant daughter of William Leeke, John Thornhagh of Fenton and William Leeke (guardians of Katherine Leeke), in consideration of a marriage between Thomas Okeover and Katherine Leeke, by which it was agreed that the sum of £4000 (part of a fortune of Katherine Leeke) should be laid out in the purchase of lands, hereditaments and tenements, that the sum of £1020 used to purchase several closes in Fenny Bentley namely Ranycliffe or Rancliffe Meadow, the two Coopers Patches, the Hullocks Ridding and the Hobbridge from George Parker of Park Hall, Staffs. [Staffordshire], was not their own money but was part of the £4000 raised for the fortune of the said Katherine Leeke - 23 Sep 1701
377 - Gift by Thomas de Okeover, knight, to Philip, parson of Legh, Roger, vicar of Mathefeld (Mayfield) and John Wade, chaplain, of all his goods, movable and immovable in the counties of Derby and Stafford 11 Jun - 1361
377-385 - Staffordshire and Derbyshire Estates Combined
378 - Family settlement by which John Pole of Hartington, and John Okeover, feoffees of Thomas Okeover, have conveyed to William Hondford, senior, Robert Hondford and Thomas Alvynton, chaplain, all their manors, lands, tenements, etc. in Okeover, Castern, Ilam, Woodhouse, Coldwall, Atlow, Snelston (and park), Ashbourne,Mapleton and Hayfield with all their appurtenances in Staffordshire and Derbyshire Witnesses: Christopher Davenport, Robert Smyth, Thomas Laurenson, William Ithering, William Rowe and many others 1 Nov - 1428
379 - Gift by John de Pole of Hartington and John de Okeover, senior, to Thomas de Okeover, senior, of the manor of Okeover with all messuages, tenements, lands, rents and services in the vills of Castern, Ilam, Woodhous] and Coldwall, in the county of Staffordshire, and the manor of Atlow, and all their messuages, lands, tenements, rents and services in Snelston and elsewhere in Derbyshire: also the reversion of the lands held for life by feoffment of Thomas de Okeoverr in Mapleton, Snelston and Ashbourne Witnesses: Edmund Basset, William de Herford, John Meverell, Thomas de Lymester, William Lymester, Henry Kniveton, John de Bradbourne and others Thursday next after the feast of the purification of the Blessed Mary (4 Jan) 7 Henry VI - 1429
380 - Feoffment by Thomas de Okovere [Okeover] to Ralph Basset, esq. and John Dalton of Oker, clerk, of all his manors, lands, tenements, rents and services in Derbyshire and Staffordshire on the condition that the said Ralph and John pay their debts to the said Thomas and pay £40 towards the `marriage' of his daughter Isabel: if these are not paid before his death then he will enfeoff Philip grandson of Thomas and Thomasia of the said manors: in default of heirs, the next in succession to be John son of Thomas, and John son of John 25 Mar - 1444
381 - Quitclaim by John Browne of Snelston, clerk, to Thomas de Oker [Okeover] esq., of all his manors, lands, tenements, rents and services with appurtenances which he held jointly with Ralph Bassett, esq., deceased by gift and feoffment of Thomas de Oker in the counties of Staffordshire and Derbyshire 28 Nov - 1455
382 - Gift in tail by Thomas Lockwood to Philip Okeover of Okoever, esq., and Thomasin his wife, of all his lands, tenements, rents and reversions in a certain place called Coldwell and a close called Brendwode and a parcel of land in Woodhouses next to Blore once in the possession of Thomas Serle and Robert Lont and also 20s of annual rent arising from diverse lands and tenements in Woodhouses and a parcel of land lying in Hyllemedowe within the vill of Wodehouses in the county of Staffordshire: also a pasture called Cokshuthill in the vill of Snelston, Derbyshire, which he held along with Henry Smyth, the abbot of Rocester and Richard Falkehurste, Rector of the church of Kingsley, now deceased, by gift and feoffment of Thomas Okeover of Okeover, esq.; if Philip de Okover and Thomasin die without lawful issue, then the remainder to the right heirs of Philip forever 20 Dec - 1455
383 - Gift by Thomas Okeover, knight, to Philip Okeover, his kinsman and heir, of all his lands and tenements, rents and service with appurtenances in the vill and territory of Mapleton except for a messuage with appurtenances which William Laurenson lately held at will and a close called Haywodfeld: also a house with appurtenances in Ashbourne which Robert Goldsmyth once held at will and a messuage in Snelston which John Browne, chaplain, holds at will and 10 shillings rent in Atlow received by John Okeover his son from various tenements there, with all woods and underwoods in his demesnes of Okeover, Atlow and Snelston - 12 Mar [1458]
384 - Gift by Humphry Okeover, esq., to John Aston, knight, Thomas Cockayn, Humphry Bradburne, esqs., John Blount, Thomas Blount, and William Kyte, chaplain, of the manor of Okeover with all its appurtenances in Staffordshire, with all lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services and hereditaments in Okeover, Woodhouses, Ilam and Castern, and also the manors of Snelston and Atlow in Derbyshire, with all lands, etc. in Snelston, Atlow, Mapleton and Yeldersley: also power of attorney to Thurston Lance and William Trubshaw to enter and peacefully deliver seisin of the above to Aston, Cockayn, etc - 23 Jun 1508
385 - Recovery by Robert Baxter, gent., against Squire Baxter, gent., of the manors of Okeover Woodhouse [Woodhouses] and Swinscoe with appurtenances and 10 messuages, one water mill, one dovehouse, 10 gardens, 600 acres of land, 500 acres of meadow, 600 acres of pasture, 100 acres of wood, 300 acres of furze and heath, annual rents of 12s 4d and 19s., common of pasture for all cattle, fishing in the Dove, courts leet and baron, view of frankpledge in Okeover Woodhouse, Swinscoe, Mayfield, Ilam and Castern [Calton] and all tithes in Okeover Woodhouse and Swinscoe 28 Nov - 1797
386 - Quitclaim by Matilda formerly wife of John de Sinaleberg to Roger son of William de Rackheath, for ten marks of silver, of all that tenement in the vill of Rackheath with messuage, buildings, lands arable, meadows, woods and pastures and pasturage, services, homages, rents, wards and reliefs: annual rent of a rose at the feast of St John the Baptist and also 10d per annum to Alice de Rackheath for all services and suit of court - [c1200]
386-416 - Harwick Estate (Hardwick, North Runcton, Rackheath, etc.)
386-519 - Title deeds relating to the Norfolk and Suffolk Estates of the Okeover family
387 - Gift by Reginald son of Simon de Lenn [Lynn] to Alan le Newman and all his heirs and assigns except monks, of a toft in Herdwic [Hardwick] in length from the highway 8½ perches and 8 perches 3 feet in width, between the land of Buriti le Erl towards the north and the lands of Albert son of Reginald Prodoure towards the south - [early 13th cent]
388 - Quitclaim by Agnes daughter of Roger de Parva Rakheythe [Rackheath], formerly wife of Robert de Bacsterley to Thomas de Heyham, rector of the church of Little Rakheythe and Robert, son of Nicholas de Heyham, of 3 acres of arable land and 1½ acres of heath with appurtenances, and certain buildings, curtilages, barns, ditches, etc., in the said tenement and also a certain dower chamber, which she holds for life of the said Thomas Witnesses: William de Sutton, Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, Nicholas Bidel, Reginald de Sprouston, Andrew de Yelverton, Alexander de Northwyro (Norwich), William de Rakheythe and others Day of the passion of St Peter and Paul (29 Jun) 28 Edward I - 1300
389 - Gift by Thomas de Byrstone to William his son of a croft with appurtenances in South Lenn, namely all that parcel recovered in the court of the king before Lord John de Stenhore, Justice of the Bench, at York against John son of Andrew de Selekyrke: annual rent of 10s with the reversion to Thomas de Byrstone if the said William dies without legitimate issue: Thomas also grants to William as much timber as he can carry away for building houses there and bears also the costs involved in their construction Witnesses: Matthew Herlwyn, Peter Coshlam, Henry de Brok, Thomas le Seriamiet, Geoffrey de Scope, Alan son of Richard le Winyche and others Feast of St Peter the Apostle (29 Jun) 13 Edward III - 1339
390 - Gift by Robert de Scales, knight, to John Costyn of all that part of his parcel of land called Heywardes Plottes lying in Herdwyk [Hardwick], between the lands of the said John on the East, West, South and North - [30 Apr 1356]
391 - Gift by Francis Spylman of London, esq., to Sir Thomas Raglond and Dame Anne his wife of all the revenues and emoluments arising from the manor and various lands, tenements and hereditaments in Hardwick, which were bargained and sold by Sir Thomas to Spylman by deed of 17 Sep 1555 and given to Dame Anne by Christopher Conyngsbye, esq., her late husband, and to be held by her until her three daughters attained the age of 21: to hold for four years - 20 Sep 1555
392 - Bargain and sale by Sir Francis Barrington of Hatfield Broadoke, Essex, knight and baronet, Sir John Rous of Much Waltham, Essex, knight, and Robert Riche of Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex, esq., to Henry Barton of Kings Lynn, yeoman, in consideration of £100, of a messuage or tenement with a barn and a croft of land or pasture, 4½ acres, in Hardwick, now or late parcel of the manor of North Runton and now or late held by Barton of Sir Francis Barrington, etc by copy of courtroll: also one close or parcel of land lying in Hardwick called Hollandes Yarde 20 Jun - 1612
393 - Confirmation of bargain and sale by Sir Francis Barrington of Hatfield Broadoke, Essex, knight and baronet, Sir John Rous of Much Waltham, Essex, knight, and Robert Riche of Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex, esq., to Henry Barton of Kings Lynn, yeoman, in consideration of £100, of a messuage or tenement with a barn and a croft of land or pasture, 4½ acres, in Hardwick, now or late parcel of the manor of North Runton and now or late held by Barton of Sir Francis Barrington, etc by copy of courtroll: also one close or parcel of land lying in Hardwick called Hollandes Yarde 30 Jun - 1612
394 - Lease by Sir John Pettus, knight, of Norwich to Thomas Aynsworth of Hardwick, Norfolk, yeoman, of all that manor house late of Mrs Grave, with orchard, garden, barn, stable, dovehouse, and all lands, grounds, meadows, pastures, feedings and hereditaments with appurtenances in Hardwick and South Lynne, now in the possession of Thomas Aynsworth and lately demised to Aynsworth by Sir Augustine Pettus, knight, deceased; reserving to Sir John all manner of wood, timber, trees and thorns: for 12 years for freehold part at an annual rent of £110: part copyhold held at the will and pleasure of Sir John: not to plough any land except that in tilth at the commencement of the term, except for a piece of ground called Seven Acres adjacent to the Hill Close; remainder to be kept for pasture or hay: also to keep the drains scoured 1 Jan - 1613/1614
395 - Final concord between Martin Sedley plaintiff and George Cremer alias Styme and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants of 22 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow, 8 acres of pasture and 6s 8d annual rent in Hardwick and North Runton: consideration £60 11 May - 1621
396 - Bargain and sale by George Cremer alias Stryme of Sechey, Norfolk, gent., and Elizabeth his wife to Martin Sedley of Morley, Norfolk, esq., in consideration of £165, of all those lands and pastures, 12 acres by estimation lately enclosed in North Runton between the land of Thomas Baxter and the land of the late Sir John Pettus, knight, on the East, and part of the field lands called Ashly Fyld on the West and abutting on the lands late of the said Sir John Pettus towards the North along with the said lands and pastures now in the occupation of Thomas Baxter, being a parcel of the lands in North Runton commonly called North Runton Shepescourse: also all that shepescourse, fold course, liberty of foldage, shack and feed for sheep in the fields and grounds called Ashley Field, sometime in the tenure of Thomas Buckley and John Feltwell and also a piece of meadow, 2 acres in Hardwick in Broade Meadows, between the lands late of Thomas Overend, gent., afterwards of Francis Gawdy, serjeant [Sergeant]-at-law, and also one other piece of meadow in Hardwick lying between the lands late John Sympson's, now or late John Feltwell's on the South, the land late of the heirs of John Elwyn on the North, the west end butting on the lands late of Nicholas Brooke now or late John Pell and the east end butting on the land of the late Sir John Pettus 1 Jan - 1621/1622
397 - Feoffment: of all those lands and pastures, 12 acres by estimation lately enclosed in North Runton between the land of Thomas Baxter and the land of the late Sir John Pettus, knight, on the East, and part of the field lands called Ashly Fyld on the West and abutting on the lands late of the said Sir John Pettus towards the North along with the said lands and pastures now in the occupation of Thomas Baxter, being a parcel of the lands in North Runton commonly called North Runton Shepescourse: also all that shepescourse, fold course, liberty of foldage, shack and feed for sheep in the fields and grounds called Ashley Field, sometime in the tenure of Thomas Buckley and John Feltwell and also a piece of meadow, 2 acres in Hardwick in Broade Meadows, between the lands late of Thomas Overend, gent., afterwards of Francis Gawdy, serjeant [Sergeant]-at-law, and also one other piece of meadow in Hardwick lying between the lands late John Sympson's, now or late John Feltwell's on the South, the land late of the heirs of John Elwyn on the North, the west end butting on the lands late of Nicholas Brooke now or late John Pell and the east end butting on the land of the late Sir John Pettus: no consideration 6 Mar - 1621/1622
398 - Feoffment by Martin Sedley, esq., of Morley, Norfolk, to Thomas Pettus of Morley, esq., and John Purte of Morley, yeoman, for an unspecified consideration, of all those lands and pastures, 12 acres by estimation lately enclosed in North Runton between the land of Thomas Baxter and the land of the late Sir John Pettus, knight, on the East, and part of the field lands called Ashly Fyld on the West and abutting on the lands late of the said Sir John Pettus towards the North along with the said lands and pastures now in the occupation of Thomas Baxter, being a parcel of the lands in North Runton commonly called North Runton Shepescourse: also all that shepescourse, fold course, liberty of foldage, shack and feed for sheep in the fields and grounds called Ashley Field, sometime in the tenure of Thomas Buckley and John Feltwell and also a piece of meadow, 2 acres in Hardwick in Broade Meadows, between the lands late of Thomas Overend, gent., afterwards of Francis Gawdy, serjeant [Sergeant]-at-law, and also one other piece of meadow in Hardwick lying between the lands late John Sympson's, now or late John Feltwell's on the South, the land late of the heirs of John Elwyn on the North, the west end butting on the lands late of Nicholas Brooke now or late John Pell and the east end butting on the land of the late Sir John Pettus 19 Mar - 1626/1627
399 - Grant of special livery of land, etc., descended to Thomas Pettus on his coming of age on 22 Feb 1626/7, by the Master of the King's Court of Wards and Sir Benjamin Rudyard, knight, surveyor of the liveries with extent: in Norfolk - the manor of Caister Marketshall alias Markshall with land in Markshall, Swardeston, Hardwick, Ambinghall and Stoke; the manor of Rackheath with land in Reckheath, Wroxham, Sprowston, Beeston, Salhouse and Burwood; the manor of Caister St Edmunds with land in Caister, Stoke, Ambringhamhall and Poringland, also advowson of the church of Caister St. Edmunds; the manor of Mildenhall; Barson Hall and land in Barson and Tibenham; land in Withingham; the manor of Hardwick and Wilton with land in Hardwick, South Lynn, Sechey, Saddlebow, West Winch, North Runton and Middleton; houses, lands and closes in Norwich; 5 acres in Tilney; in Suffolk - house and lands in Huntingfield and Linstead; the manor of Cheston with land in Cheston and South Lineham; messuage and land in the parish of St Peter Flixton; messuage and land in Bardwell; the manor of Cookley Grange 22 Feb 1626/1627 - [1627]
400 - Final concord between Martin Sedley, esq., and John Mason, esq., plaintiffs, and Bridget Pettus, widow, and Thomas Pettus, deforciants of the manors of Caister St Edmunds, Markshall, Rackheath, Ellingham Parva, Hardwick, Wilton, Salhouse, and 28 messuages, 10 cottages, 13 tofts, 3 dovecots, 27 gardens, 6 orchards, 1505 acres of land, 445 acres of meadow, 896 acres of pasture, 236 acres of wood, 10 acres of furze and heath, 20 acres of marsh, 40 acres of alder wood, and £4 10s. 0d. rent, reliefs, liberties of three foldages, views of frankpledge with appurtenances in Caister, Stoke, Ameringhall, Poringland, Markshall, Wardeston, Keswick, Rackheath, Wroxham, Salhouse, Beeston, Crostwick, Spixworth, Burlingham, Little Ellingham, Great Ellingham, Kingham, Scoulton, Rockland Tofts, Stowe, Beckerton, Kings Lynn, Hardwick, South Lynn, Middleton, North Runton, West Winch, Tilney, Terrington, Clenchwharton, Sechey alias Seche, Cadlehouse and Whinipling, and the advowsons of the churches of Caister, Rackheath and Ellingham Parva: consideration £2000 4 May - 1627
401 - Final concord between Thomas Pettus, knight, Henry Norfolk, clerk, and Miles Fordelee, gent., plaintiffs, and Thomas Ward and Penelope his wife, William Doughty and Frances his wife, deforciants of 7 acres of land, 9 acres of meadow, with appurtenances in Caister St Edmunds: £60 consideration 13 Jan - 1637
402 - Feoffment by Clement Paston of Thorpe near Norwich, esq., and Edmund Britiffe of Bardthorpe, gent., to Nathaniel Knyvet of Rackheath, esq., and Edward Shepley of Rackheath, gent., in consideration of £145, of a parcel of meadow ground 5 acres, called Lords Meadow in Thorpe, now in the use or occupation of Agnes Pells, widow 10 Oct - 1653
403 - Feoffment by Nathaniel Knyvett of Rackheath, esq., and Edward Shepley of Rackheath, gent., to Sir Thomas Pettus, baronet, of Rackheath and Lionel Gurling of the City of Norwich, gent., in consideration of 20s of Lords Meadow in Thorpe 29 Jul - 1654
404 - Family settlement between Sir Thomas Pettus of Rackheath, baronet, and Lady Elizabeth Pettus, his wife, Lady Anne Pettus of Caister, mother of Sir Thomas Pettus, William Heveningham of Heveningham, Suffolk, esq., Charles Everard of London gent., William Watts of the City of Norwich, esq., and Edward Shepley of Rackheath, gent., in performance of the will of Sir Thomas Pettus' father and to bar the jointure and dower of the Lady Anne Pettus, by which Sir Thomas Pettus, his wife and Heveningham and Everard, agree that they will before 10 May levy a fine conveying to Heveringham and Everard the manor of Little Ellingham, the advowson of the church of Little Ellingham, the manor of Caister St Edmunds and advowson of the church, the manor of Caister Marketshall alias Markshall, the manor of Hardwick and Wilton with all lands and appurtenances, rights and members in Caister St Edmunds, Markshall, Stoke, Poringland, Amringhall, Dunston, Swardeston, Hardwick, North Runton, South Lynn, West Winch, Setchley and Saddlebow, and all messuages, lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, feedings, marsh grounds and hereditaments of Sir Thomas Pettus in Kings Lynn, Tilney, Islington, Terrington and Clenchwharton, and also all the messuages, farms, lands, foldage, etc., belonging to the manor of Hardwick, with all rights, members and appurtenances in Great and Little Ellingham, Islington, Scoulton, Stow, Beckerton, Rockland Tofts, Caister, Stoke, Ambringhall, Portingland, Markshall, Dunston, Swardeston, Keswick, North Runton, Middleton, South Lynn, West Winch, Setchey, Kings Lynn, Terrington and Clenchwharton: after Heveningham and Everard have become tenants to the freehold it shall be lawful for Watt and Shepley to serve a writ of Entry sur disseisin en le post in the High Court to recover the premises and `dock' all entails: the manor of Caister St Edmunds, the advowson of the church, a messuage called Homestalls, and a farm leased to Matthew Barnes on 13 Jan 1647, to be held to the use of Lady Anne Pettus for life in lieu of the dower, and after her decease to the use of Sir Thomas Pettus and his heirs 14 Apr - 1656
405 - Exemplification of a recovery by William Watts, esq., and Edward Shepley against William Heveringham and Charles Everard of the manors of Caister St Edmunds, Markshall, Little Ellingham, Hardwick and Wilton, 20 messuages, 10 cottages, 3 dovehouses, 20 gardens, 1200 acres of land, 500 acres of meadow, 800 acres of pasture, 180 acres of wood, 400 acres of furze and heath, 200 acres of marsh, 34 acres of alder carr, 80s rent and liberty of three foldages and view of frankpledge with appurtenances in Caister, Stoke, Ambringhall, Poringland, Markshall, Dunston, Swardeston, Keswick, Stoke, Holycross, Hardwick, Great and Little Ellingham, Scoulton, Stowe, Beckerton, Rockland Tofts, North Runton, South Lynn, West Winch, Setchey, Saddlebow, Kings Lynn, Tilney, Islington, Terrington and Clenchwharton and the advowsons of the churches of Little Ellingham and Caister Easter 1656 - 1656
406 - Marriage settlement between Sir Thomas Pettus of Rackheath, baronet, son and heir of Sir Thomas Pettus late of Rackheath, baronet, deceased, Lady Elizabeth Pettus wife of the said Sir Thomas Pettus, one of the daughters of Sir Walter Overbury of Barton on the Heath, Warwickshire, esq., deceased, Edward Shepley of Rackheath, gent., Lionel Girling of the City of Norwich, Thomas le Crosse of Crostwicke, esq., John Knivett of Ashwell Thorpe, Norfolk and John Marsham of Euxton, Kent, by which, in consideration of the marriage of Sir Thomas and Lady Elizabeth Pettus and in full satisfaction of her dower, Sir Thomas has enfeoffed to Shepley and Girling (trustees), the capital messuage and chief mansion house in Rackheath with its appurtenances and the manors of Rackheath, Dakenham Hall, Burwood alias Burwells, Salhouse, Caister St Edmunds, Little Ellingham (with advowson of the churches at Caister and Little Ellingham), Marketshall and Wilton, with all rights, members, appurtenances, lands, tenements, meadows, pasture, feedings, woods, underwood, foldage, shack, heath, in Rackheath, Sprowston, Salhouse, Beeston, Crostwick, Wroxham, Little and Great Ellingham, Kingham, Scoulton, Stowe, Beckerton, Rockland, Caister, Stoke, Ambringhall, Poringhland, Markshall, Dunston, Swardeston, Keswick, Holy Cross and Thorpe: to various uses: the manor of Caister St Edmunds and the advowson of the church there, the capital messuage called Overhall now or late in the tenure of Matthew Barnes and all lands being in a lease to Barnes dated 30 Jan 1647 in Caister and Markshall and also a messuage with barns and stables in the occupation of John Sporle in Caister with all lands belonging, also a messuage now or late in the tenure of John Piper (6 acres), excepting all demesne lands of the manor of Caister St Edmunds other than that now in the farm of Matthew Barnes - to the use of Dame Anne Pettus for life, having been settled on her by the late Sir Thomas Pettus, remainder to the use of Sir Thomas Pettus for 99 years and at the expiration of this term to the use of Shepley and Girling on trust to preserve the contingent uses; the messuage and farm in Caister now or late in the tenure of William Brierton, the messuage or farm in Caister in the occupation of Henry Sporle in Caister, the messuage and land in the tenure of Widow Marten, a parcel of the premises in the occupation of John Roper and a messuage and farm in Caister in the occupation of Thomas Risling - to the use of Lady Elizabeth Pettus for her natural life for her jointure; a farm in Rackheath and Croswick in the occupation of William Alexander, messuage and farm in Rackheath in the occupation of John Messant, messuage and farm in Rackheath in the occupation of Francis Budding, messuage and farm in Rackheath in the occupation of Miles Campe, messuage and farm in Rackheath in the occupation of Joseph Middle, messuage or farm in Rackheath in the occupation of Henry Fiske, messuage and farm in Rackheath in the occupation of William Goldsmith, messuage and farm in Rackheath in the occupation of Henry Slipper and a messuage and farm in Salhouse, Wroxham and Rackheath now or late in the occupation of John Purtt - to the use of Lady Elizabeth Pettus for life if the Dame Anne Pettus shall live so long; the manor of Caister St Edmunds and the advowson of the church settled on Dame Anne Pettus - after her decease and that of Sir Thomas Pettus, to the use of Lady Elizabeth Pettus for life, for augmentation of her jointure; the manor of Little Ellingham, a messuage and farm in Little and Great Ellingham now or late in the tenure of Henry Prentice and a messuage and farm in Little and Great Ellingham now or late in the tenure of Andrew Beales - after the death of Sir Thomas Pettus to the use of le Crosse, Knivett and Marsham for 80 years; messuages and farms in Caister in the occupations of Matthew Barnes, John Roper and John Sporle (mentioned earlier) - after the death of Dame Anne Pettus to the use of le Crosse, Knivett and Marsham for 80 years; after the determination of all the uses and estates mentioned above, all the manors and premises mentioned above, to the use of the lawful male heirs of Sir Thomas and Lady Elizabeth Pettus in order of seniority; in default of issue, if Elizabeth is bearing a child at the time of the death of Sir Thomas, then to the use of Robert Houghton, esq., Jacob Preston, esq., and John Jeremy, clerk, until he shall be delivered or die; if a son then to the use of such son; in default of such issue to the use of any first son of any subsequent marriage by Sir Thomas and the lawful male heirs successively in tail of such first son; in default of such issue to the use of Augustine Pettus second brother of Sir Thomas Pettus for 99 years, and from the expiration of that term to the use of Shepley and Girling to preserve the contingent uses; after the decease of Augustine Pettus to the use of his lawful male heirs successively in tail; in default of such issue to the use of John Pettus third brother of Sir Thomas for 99 years, then to the use of Shepley and Girling to preserve the contingent uses and after the decease of John Pettus to the use of his lawful male heirs successively in tail; in default of such issue to the use of Sir John Pettus uncle of Sir Thomas Pettus for 99 years and then to the use of his lawful male heirs successively in tail; in default of such issue to the use of the right heirs of Sir Thomas Pettus for ever: with regard to the terms of 80 years, it is intended that all the daughters and younger sons of Sir Thomas and Lady Elizabeth Pettus should receive £100 annually for their maintenance and £5000 for his or her portion (if there is only one younger son or daughter): if there is more than one younger son or daughter then to the eldest daughter £60 annually and £2500 for her portion, to the second daughter £50 annally and £2000 for her portion, to the first younger son £60 annually and £2000 for his portion, and all other younger sons £40 annually and £1500 for their portion: once the money has been paid from the rents and profits of the various estates then the terms of 80 years to cease; the terms also cease if there are no younger sons or daughters 23 Jun - 1656
407 - Release by Sir Thomas Pettus of Rackheath, Norfolk, baronet, and Dame Elizabeth his wife to Robert Houghton of Raworth, Norfolk, esq., Thomas Browne of the City of Norwich, Doctor of Physicke and William Stratford of Barton-in-the-Heath, Warwickshire, esq., in consideration of £300, of premises in Rackheath purchased by Sir Thomas Pettus late father of Sir Thomas Pettus of George Lockwood Clarke and Anne his wife and also a freehold messuage or tenement with barns, stable, etc in Rackheath purchased by the late Sir Thomas Pettus of Robert Mitcher and Mary his wife: also a freehold meadow in Thorpe next Norwich 5 acres by estimation: to the use of Sir Thomas Pettus for life then to the use of Dame Elizabeth Pettus her heirs and assigns for ever 29 Sep - 1670
408 - Mortgage by way of lease for 1000 years for £500 by Sir Thomas Pettus, baronet, of Rackheath to Richard Clarke of the City of Norfolk, apothecary, of the capital messuage in Hardwick late in the occupation of Robert Rudd and now in the occupation of Thomas Clifton, with barns, stables, buildings, gardens, lands, meadows, pastures, marsh, grounds, feedings, etc., belonging and all the grounds adjoining called Homestalls 12 acres, Pit Close 6 acres, Harding Close 14 acres, Hanging Close 20 acres, the Fenn 19 acres, Calves Close 6 acres, Longe Close 20 acres, Hardwick Stone 20 acres, Brakey Close 12 acres, Plowed Close 20 acres, Brook Close 19 acres, 16 acres of meadow ground in Witthorne Meadow 29 acres of marsh ground, Drye Close 6 acres and the Sheepwalk 60 acres in Hardwick, South Lynn, Middleton and North Runton: redeemable on the payment of £15 on 2 Jan 1670/1, £15 2 May 1671, £15 on 1 Nov 1671 and £515 on 2 May 1672 1 Nov - 1670
409 - Discharge by Samuel Hinton, Rowland Okeover and Elizabeth Okeover to Sir John Pettus, reciting the will of Austin Pettus deceased of 20 Jun 1659 by which he bequeathed £1000 to Sir Thomas Pettus his brother deceased and reciting that Elizabeth Okeover wife of Rowland Okeover is the only daughter of the late Sir Thomas Pettus, in consideration of £450, and the conveyance to Okeover of two farms in Rackheath in the occupation of Richard Pope and Thomas Phillips and a meadow in Thorpe next Norwich and Thurlow Marsh, Norfolk, of the legacy of £1000 (Sir John is the executor of the will) and all suits and controversies regarding the legacy - 2 Jan [1677]
410 - Assignment by Sir Robert Kempe of Ubbeston alias Upton, Suffolk, baronet, John Ayde of Horstead, Norfolk, gent., at the direction of Sir John Pettus of Rackheath, baronet, to Rowland Okeover of Okeover, esq., and release of certain farms, etc. in Caister and Rackheath to Shepley and Girling to the use of Marshall, le Crosse and Kniveton - 19 Feb [1678]
411 - Deed to levy a fine by which Rowland Okeover of Okeover, esq., and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Sir Thomas Pettus late of Rackheath, baronet, deceased, agree with Wolfstan Adderley of Weddington, Warwickshire, esq., and Thomas Ruddierd the younger of Rudyard, Staffs. [Staffordshire], esq., that they shall, before Hilary Term, levy a fine to Adderley and Ruddierd of the manor of Hardwick Wilton and also all the messuages, building, farms, lands, meadows, pastures, feedings, etc., in Hardwick, North Runton, Middleton, South Lynn, West Winch, Setchey, Saddlebow, and Kings Lynn now in the tenure of William Barker or Thomas Clifton, and one other messuage, farm, etc in Tilney, Islington, Tilney All Saints, Tilney St Lawrence, Tilney Farm, Terrington and Clenchwharton now or late in the tenure of Richard Chaplain, also of two messuages and farms in Rackheath now or late in the occupation of Hugh Lawrence and Thomas Phillips, and also a parcel of meadow in Thorpe in the occupation of Hugh Lawrence, also of a messuage and farm in Little Ellingham now or late in the tenure of William Heaward, also of the manor of Rushall, Norfolk and the manor of Boylands in Suffolk and a messuage and farm in Little Lynstead, Suffolk in the occupation of Samuel Richardson (in all which premises the said Elizabeth is seised in her own right) - 23 Aug 1680
412-413 - Lease and release by Rowland Okeover esq., and Elizabeth his wife, to Charles Hymingham of Thorpe next Norwich, yeoman, in consideration of £426 12s 0d of all that messuage or tenement with barns, stables and outhouses, yards, gardens and orchards in Rackheath, now or late in the occupation of Thomas Phillips, with one piece of land 2 acres, Chappel Close 5 acres, Rackheath Stone Close 4 acres, piece of land 1 rood called the Patch, piece of land 2 acres and another piece of land 1 acre and one other messuage or tenement in Rackheath now or late in the occupation of Hugh Lawrence with Parlour Pightle 3 acres, Wood Close 3 acres, a Grove 3 acres, Lower Six Acres 6 acres, and meadow in Thorpe by Norwich 5 acres - 10-11 Nov 1680
414 - Assignment of a mortgage by way of lease for 1000 years for £500 by Richard Clarke of the City of Norwich, apothecary to Thomas Okeover of Okeover Hall, Staffordshire, esq., in consideration of £530, of capital messuage in Hardwick and the capital messuage in Hardwick late in the occupation of Robert Rudd and now in the occupation of Thomas Clifton, with barns, stables, buildings, gardens, lands, meadows, pastures, marsh, grounds, feedings, etc., belonging and all the grounds adjoining called Homestalls 12 acres, Pit Close 6 acres, Harding Close 14 acres, Hanging Close 20 acres, the Fenn 19 acres, Calves Close 6 acres, Longe Close 20 acres, Hardwick Stone 20 acres, Brakey Close 12 acres, Plowed Close 20 acres, Brook Close 19 acres, 16 acres of meadow ground in Witthorne Meadow 29 acres of marsh ground, Drye Close 6 acres and the Sheepwalk 60 acres in Hardwick, South Lynn, Middleton and North Runton: for the remainder of the 1000 year term to the use of Rowland Okeover his heirs and assigns - 5 May 1682
415-416 - Lease and release by Henry Smith of Dukes Place, London, vintner and Sarah Smith of the parish of St George's London, spinster, to Rowland Okeover of Okeover, esq., in consideration of £166, of a messuage with a barn and croft of land 4 acres in Hardwick, formerly held by Henry Barton of Lynn, yeoman, of the late Sir Francis Barrington, Sir John Rous and Robert Riche, and also a parcel of land called Holland Yard in Hardwick - 24-25 Mar 1692
417 - Gift by John Buttetur to William atte Wode of all that ground along with the wood growing there in the common of the lordship of Elyingham Parva [Little Ellingham] with the stream called Watirren to the East, which Robert son of Reginald quitclaimed by a certain writing to Robert son of Gilbert Witnesses: Thomas Carbonil, William Wodeland, Ralph atte Wode, Robert Joye, Robert `Mercator' [merchants] and others Tuesday next after the feast of St Edmund 11 Edward II - [22 Nov 1317]
417-460 - Little Ellingham Estate
418 - Gift by John Wysham, knight, to William of the Wood of Little Ellingham of that piece of ground with the wood growing thereon called Outwode in the common and waste of the vill of Little Ellingham [Norfolk], adjacent to the messuage called Woodhouse and with a stream called Watirren to the East, which piece of ground with the wood, Robert son of Reginald of Little Ellingham quitclaimed to Robert son of Gilbert grandfather of the said William Witnesses: John Merchant],William Rodland, Ralph atte Wode, John Little, Robert Joye and others Thursday after the feast of St Faith 11 Edward III - [9 Oct 1337]
419 - Gift by William Wysham, knight, to Robert Bradefeld of Little Ellingham] of the right to cut wood and underwood growing in the common waste of the vill of Little Ellingham [Norfolk] in the place called Outwode adjacent to the messuage called Wodehous as his ancestors have always had, as was declared in the court of the manor of Little Ellingham, lying between the said messuage and a close of Wysham's called Inham and a stream called Watirren to the East Witnesses: John atte Grene, Thomas atte Grene, Thomas Gerard, John atte Style, John Maupas and others Monday next after the feast of St Tiburtius and Valerianus 11 Richard II - [15 Apr 1388]
420 - Gift by Thomas Gerrarde senior of Elyngham Parva [Little Ellingham] to Thomas Cokke, John atte Wode, John Beile and William Martune of the same place, of a plot of land with buildings and appurtenances lying in Elyngham Parva between the copyhold land formerly of Thomas Browne's to the East, the lands of the rectory to the West, butting the lands of Thomas atte Grene towards the North and above the common way to the South Witnesses: Robert Bradefylde of Elyngham Parva, John atte Grene, Thomas Martune, William Bewemonde, Reginald Pope of the same place and others - 8 Sep 1413
421 - Gift by Robert Bradefeld formerly of Parva Elyngham [Little Ellingham] to Thomas Elyngham of Griston, Phenne his wife, Thomas his son, Robert Syred, `master' of the chapel of the church of the Holy Cross at Attilburgh, Richard, rector of the church of Rokelond Tofts, Thomas Crosse of the same place and Simon Bolour of Griston of 50 acres 1 rood of land and wood with messuages, buildings and gardens adjacent with appurtenances in Parva Elyngham called Woodhouse, namely 20 acres in the messuage, garden, woods and closes, 30 acres 1 rood of arable land in the various fields of Parva Elyngham, along with a piece of ground in the commons and waste with the timber and trees growing there called Outwode adjacent to the messuage and the wood, all of which he (Robert) inherited on the death of Cecilia his mother: the 20 acres of the messuage, garden and inclosure lie between the tenements of John Sawere and the piece of ground called Outwode to the South, and the common of Parva Elyngham to the North and East and the highway to the West; and the piece of ground called Outwode is situated adjacent to the garden and wood between the garden and wood to the North and a close called Inham to the South, and a tenement of the said John Sawere on the West, and a stream called Watirren on the East: and the said 30 acres 1 rood of arable land, 14 acres in the Redyng Field of which 4 acres lie between the land of William Crowe of Hengham on the East, and the land of John Sawere on the West, and 2 acres more lie to the south of the said 4 acres next to the common of Parva Elyngham on the South, and 8 acres in a close called Cloeredyng lying between th headland of the above two acres and the lands of John Sawere the East, and the common to the West; 8½ acres of arable land in the Westfeld alias Millefeld of which 1 acre lies between the land of a certain Thomas Carbonell to the North and the land of Robert Cuccock to the South with the highway to the East, one acre lies between a close called Fyssheles and the land of Robert Cuccock to the North, another acre lies in the next furlong namely next to the pasture of Robert Cuccock that lies adjacent to a close of the manor of Parva Elyngham called Le Ker and lying above Nottehil Furlong to the South, a further 1½ acres lies above the said Nottehil Furlong of which 1 acre lies next to the land of William Partty and ½ acre lies next to the land of Robert Cuccock and butting above the common way called Milleweye to the South, and 1 acre next to Howysnere between the land of John atte Wode to the East and John atte Grene to the West, and butting above the Milleweye to the North, ½ acre lying above Grillong Furlong between the land of Robert Cuccock on one side and the land of John atte Moor on the other and butting above the land of Thomas Marton the East, 1½ acres above Goethorn Furlong of which 1 acre lies between land belonging to the manor of Elyngham Parva to the South and the land of John atte Grene to the North, and ½ acre lies from another part of the lands of the said John atte Grene between his land to the South and the land of John Bele to the North and abutting above the land of the church of Elyngham to the East and 1½ acres lying above kerlondfurlong of which the said acre called Fyversdeaky? lies between the land of the manor of Elyngham and the land of William Partty the East, and the said ½ acre lies from another part of the lands of William Partty namely between the same land on the West and the land of Robert atte Grene to the East, and butting a demesne close called le ker to the North; and 7 acres 1 rood 00 perche, in the Estfeld of which ½ acre lies from the boundary of a croft of the church of Elyngham called Churchecroft namely between the land of Robert Cuccock, (a further) three roods lie above Strypeshill between the land of John atte Wode to the North and the headland of a furlong called Upsty to the South, 1 acre lies in the same furlong of Upsty between the land of Thomas Gerard on one side and the land of William Wright on the other, and butting above the said three roods to the North, also 3 acres lying on a furlong called Benethestye namely between the land called Lammpehalfacre on one part and the land of William Marton on the other, and abutts above Upstyhevedes to the North, and 2 acres in the same furlong between his own land to the East and abutting above Upstyhevedes to the North and ½ acre lying in another furlong to the West, namely near Severode next to the land of the church of Elyngham and abutting above the land formerly Thomas Brown's Witnesses: John Fitzrauff, Henry Pakenham, William Parity, Robert Cucook, Thomas his son, John atte Wode, John Bele, John Grene and others Dated Friday the vigil of St Andrew 3 Henry V - [29 Nov 1415]
422 - Gift by Thomas Cukhook of Elyngham Parva [Little Ellingham] to John Neve of Brigham and John Bele of Elyngham of all that his messuage with buildings, gardens, hedges, ditches and 3 acres of land in a croft in Elyngham which he lately acquired of Thomas Gerard senior of Elyngham Witnesses: Robert Bradfild, John atte Wode, William Parys, William Martyn, John atte Grene and others Feast of St Barnabas 4 Henry V - [11 Jun 1416]
423 - Feoffment by John FitzRauff son and heir of John Fitz Rauff, knight, of the county of Norfolk to John Gerdevyle senior of Berdefeldsalyng, John Grene of Wydyton, Thomas Grene of Stebyng, William Gerdevyle, William Warde and William Ponde of Great Dunmow, Essex, of an annual rent of £4 arising from the manor of Little Ellingham [Norfolk] and from all lands, meadows and pastures appurtenant to the said manor: (however) if the said Gerdevyles, Grenes, Warde and Ponde remain in undisturbed possession of the manor called Warsoyles in the vill of Berdefeldsalyng, Essex, which manor they hold by feoffment of John Fitz Rauff, the grant of the annual rent of £4 to be void 10 Mar 5 Henry V - 10 Mar [1418]
424 - Feoffment by John Neve of Little Ellingham]and John Beele to William Wells of Norwich, brazier, and Katerne his wife, his heirs and assigns, of all that messuage with buildings, gardens, hedges, ditches and three acres of land in a croft lying in the vill of Ellingham, between the tenement formerly of Thomas Brown on the East and the land of the rectory on the West, and abutting above the land of John atte Grene towards the North and above the road towards the South Witnesses: Robert Mowinter, William Bele, Thomas Gerard, Thomas Martyn, Wiliam Gerard and others - 14 Nov 1439
425 - Quitclaim by Thomas Elyngham, esq., to Thomas Pecke, clerk, William Warner and John Holdernesse of all those lands, tenements, rents and services with appurtenances in Parva Elyngham [Little Ellingham], and in adjacent vills which the said Thomas Pecke, William Warner, John Holdernesse jointly with Philip FitzRauff, esq., William Poole, Earl of Suffolk and Thomas Tudenham, knight, held by feoffment by John Clifton, Simon Felbrygge, William Yelverton, serjeant-at-law, Oliver Groos, esq., and Michael Booking, and which the said John Fitz Rauff, esq., William Poole, Earl of Suffolk and Thomas Tudenham lately released to William Warner, Thomas Pecke and John Holdernesse - 25 Aug 1444
426 - Conveyance by Robert Watler of Wylton, clerk, to John Bylton of Wylton, gent, John atte Hyll of Estendenham, smith, John Walter of Depham and John Carter of Elyngham [Ellingham], of a messuage and buildings with a croft, ditches and close adjacent to the said messuage on the North side, with free ingress and egress into the field on the West side, and in front of Little Elyngham on the South side and the said messuages and croft and 3 acres of land are situated in Elyngham between the messuage and croft of William Crow on the West and the highway on the East and abutting on the common pasture of Little Elyngham and above a certain close of John Martyn called Ffysthies in the North: the premises descended to Robert Watler on the death of John Watler his father of Elyngham by a deed of 17 Sep 1409 - 1465-1466
427 - Feoffment by William Wellys of Norwich, formerly of Elyngham Parva [Little Ellingham], to Thomas Melton of Elyngham, clerk, John Carter and Thomas Child of Bakonesthorpe of a messuage with buildings, gardens, hedges, ditches and 3 acres of land lying between the tenements formerly of Thomas Brown on the East, the land of the rectory of Elyngham on the West, abutting on the land of John Grene towards the North and the highway to the South, which premises Catherine late wife of William Wellys held by feoffment of John Neve formerly of Elyngham and John Bele late of the same place by deed of 14 Nov 1439 - 12 Apr 1474
428 - Quitclaim by John Carter of Elyngham Parva [Little Ellingham] to Thomas Weston of Elyngham, clerk, and Thomas Chylde of Bakonesthorpe, brasyer, of all that messuage with buildings, gardens, hedges, ditches and three acres of land in a croft with appurtenances, held by demise and feoffment of William Wellys formerly of Norwich and afterwards of Elyngham - 8 Jul 1474
429 - Gift by Robert Carter ofLittle Ellingha] son and nearest heir of the late John Carter of the same place, to John Goodland of Ellinghamand John Alysaunder of Attilbingby their heirs and assigns, of all that messuage with gardens, hedges, ditches and three acres of land in a croft lying in Ellingham between the tenements of Thomas Brown of the same vill at the East, the rectory of Ellingham to the West, abutting on the land once John Grene's towards the North and the highway towards the South, which premises the said John Carter (the father) held for life along with Thomas A Moore of Hengham by feoffment of Thomas Metton of Ellingham clerk, and Thomas Childe of Bakonesthorpe, brazier by deed of 10 Aug 1474 - 3 Apr 1497
430 - Gift by John Goodland and John Alysaunder to James Ashton of Elyngham Parva, Richard Ashton of the same place and Richard Grome his heirs and assigns of property all that messuage with buildings, gardens, hedges, ditches and three acres of land in a croft with appurtenances which premises were formerly held by gift and feoffment of Robert Carter of Elyngham - 20 Nov 1503
431 - Gift by Richard Ashton son and heir of James Ashton of Elyngham Parva [Little Ellingham], executor of the will of James Ashton deceased to William Bele of Elyngham Parva, Henry Bele of the same place and Thomas Downey of Woodrysyngs of all that messuage, with buildings, garden, hedges, ditches and three acres of land in a croft in Elyngham 7 Feb - 7 Feb 1524/1525
432 - Bargain and sale by Thomas Bele the younger to Henry Bele his brother, in consideration of £10; of a messuage, garden and 3 acres of land with appurtenances in Elyngham Parva [Little Ellingham], lately purchased of William Bele his father, which structure belonged to John and Robert Carter and after that Richard Assheton - 10 Dec 1530
433 - Gift by Wiliam Bele of Elyngham Parva [Little Ellingham], husbandman, senior, Henry Bele of the same place and Thomas Downy of Wood Rysyng to John Gewell of Gryston, William Bele of Elyngham Parva, junior, and Thomas Bele of the same place, son of William Bele, senior, of all that messuage with buildings, gardens, ditches and 3 acres of land in Elyngham Parva which they held by gift and feoffment of Richard Ashton, son and heir of James Ashton deceased by deed of 7 Feb 1524/5 20 Feb - 20 Feb 1532/1533
434 - Quitclaim by Robert Darby son and heir of John Darby deceased, for a certain sum of money, to John Jowell along with William Bele and Thomas Bele junior son of William Bele, senior, of a messuage and 3 acres of land in Elyngham [Ellingham] - 7 May 1535
435 - Quitclaim by Robert Darby of Barnham Broom, Norfolk, son and heir of John Darby late of Elyngham [Ellingham] to John Jowell of Gryston, Norfolk, of a messuage and 3 acres of land in a croft in Elyngham Parva - 7 May 1535
436 - Gift by John Gewell of Gryston and William Bele of Elyngham Parva [Little Ellingham] to Robert Entusyll of Elyngham Parva of a messuage and 3 acres of land in a croft in Elyngham Parva - 27 May 1540
437 - Gift by Robert Entwesyll of Elyngham Magna [Great Ellingham], Norfolk, for £20, to William Lawse of Elyngham, of a messuage and 3 acres of land in a croft in Elyngham Parva - 31 Jan 1555/1556
438 - Feoffment by John Chamberleyn of Melton Magna [Great Melton], Norfolk, son and heir of Leonard Chamberleyn formerly of Elyngham Parva [Little Ellingham], gent., in consideration of £22, to Robert Jamys his heirs and assigns of a close of pasture containing 7 acres in Elyngham Parva of which 6 acres lie between a close of Robert Jamys on the North and the common pasture to the South and abutting above the same common pasture to the East, and 1 acre of pasture lying between the head of the 6 acres of pasture on the East and a close in the tenure of Richard Bonnell to the West and abutting on the land once James Beele's on the North; annual rent of 4d - 20 Sep 1565
439 - Gift and quitclaim by Robert Gray of Marten, Norfolk esq., brother and heir of Thomas Gray of Marten, esq., to John Chamberleyn of Elingham Parva [Little Ellingham], in performance of certain agreements made between Gray and Chamberleyn, of all that annual pension or rent of 5s 8d arising from tenements in Little Ellingham late and property of the now dissolved monastery of Thetford and acquired by Thomas Gray of Thomas Duke of Norfolk - 3 Aug 1573
440 - Feoffment by Robert Flynt of Ellingham Parva [Little Ellingham], gent., Edward Chamberlyne of Barnham Broom, gent., and George Nonne of North Pykenham to William Lowse of the parish of St Peter in Rokelondtofte in consideration of £88, of one of the closes called Lez Lays in Ellingham Parva, 15 acres of pasture by estimation, lying between a close lately Robert Entusyll's to the North, another close lately in the occupation of Thomas Jamys, once let of Richard Dawes and a close of William Ederysche's to the South, abutting on the common pasture to the West and a close now or late Thomas Jamys' to the East; being part of lands recovered by Edward Chamberleyn, Robert Flynt and George Nonne against FitzRalph Chamberleyn, esq,. John Chamberleyn, gent., and Katherine his wife in Trinity Term last: annual rent of 15d - 26 Sep 1579
441 - Feoffment by Robert Flynt of Ellingham Parva [Little Ellingham], gent., Edward Chamberleyn of Barnham Brook, gent., and George Nonne of North Pykenham to William Ederyche of the parish of St Peters in Rokelondtofte, in consideration of £62, of two closes called Lez Laye Closes in Ellingham Parva, one by estimation 6 acres of pasture lying between the close aliened to Thomas Jamys to the West, a close aliened to Robert Jenypye to the East, abutting on the common pasture to the North and a close aliened to Edward Askerne to the South; the other close, 6 acres of pasture by estimation, lying between a close once in the occupation of Robert Duffyld to the East, another close in the occupation of Thomas Jamys to the west abutting on the common pasture to the South and abutting on a close lately in the occupation of Robert Jenypye to the North: again part of land recovered by Flynt and others against Chamberleyn and others in Trinity Term last: annual rent of 12d - 26 Sep 1579
442 - Feoffment by Robert Flynt of Ellingham Parva [Little Ellingham], gent., Edward Chamberleyn of Barnham Broom, gent., and George Nonne of North Pykenham to George Godfrey of Ellingham Parva, yeoman, in consideration of £50, of a tenement with buildings and diverse parcels of land, pasture and wood in Ellingham Parva, 8 acres by estimation, lying between the toft and croft of the demesne of the manor of Elyngham Parva and the copyhold land of William Sheppard on the South, a headland to the North, the land of Robert Jamys to the West and abutting on the highway to the East, again part of the property recovered by Flynt and others against Chamberleyn et al. [and others] in Trinity Term last: annual rent of 12d - 26 Sep 1579
443 - Feoffment by Robert Flynt of Ellingham Parva [Little Ellingham], gent., Edward Chamberleyn of Barnham Broom, gent., and George Nonne of North Pykenham, to Robert Entwesyll of the parish of St Peters in Rokelondtofte, in consideration of £65, of one of the closes called Lez Laye Closes in Ellingham Parva, by estimation 12 acres of pasture, lying between the common pasture to the North, a close in the occupation of Robert Jenypye on the South, abutting on the common pasture to the West and a close of Thomas Jamys to the East; again part of the property recovered by Flynt and others against Chamberleyn and others in Trinity Term last: annual rent of 12d. - 26 Sep 1579
444 - Feoffment by Robert Flynt of Ellingham Parva [Little Ellingham], gent., Edward Chamberleyn of Barnham Broom, gent., and George Nonne of North Pykenham to Robert Jenypye of Ellingham Parva, in consideration of £34, of 6 acres of pasture, more or less, lying between one close once aliened to William Ederyche on the West and a close once Leonard Jamys' on the East, and abutting on the common pasture towards the North and on the enclosure once of Edward Askerne to the South: again part of property recovered by Flynt and others against Chamberleyn and others in Trinity Term last: annual rent of 6d - 26 Sep 1579
445 - Feoffment by Robert Flynt of Ellingham Parva [Little Ellingham], gent., Edward Chamberleyn of Barnham Broom, gent., and George Nonne of North Pykenham to Robert Jenype of Ellingham Parva, in consideration of £51, of one of the closes called Lez Leyes in Ellingham Parva, 11 acres of pasture by estimation: again part of the property recovered by Flynt and others against Chamberleyn and others in Trinity Term last: annual rent of 11d - 26 Sep 1579
446 - Feoffment by Robert Flynt of Ellingham Parva [Little Ellingham], gent., Edward Chamberleyn of Barnham Broom, gent., and George Nonne of North Pykenham to John Cady and Richard Cady of Ellingham Magna [Great Ellingham], in consideration of £125, of all those four closes called Brodmarsche Closes, formerly in the occupation of George Godfrey, by estimation 20 acres of meadow, pasture and wood with all appurtenances in Ellingham Parva: the first close, 4 acres of pasture by estimation, lies between the common pasture of Ellingham Parva to the South, a close late Thomas Porter's to the North, and abutting above a glebe close to the East; the second close, 8 acres of meadow and pasture, lies next to the first and another close of Thomas Porter's, the common pasture to the South and another of the closes to the North; the third close, 3 acres of pasture, lies next to the 8 acres close to the South and another close called Le Syke and another parcel of the four closes to the North, the meadow of the rectory to the East and the headland of the demesne to the West; the fourth close 5 acres of meadow and pasture, lies next to the close called Le Syke, the third close to the East, the common pasture to the West, the closes containing 8 acres and 3 acres to the South and a close in the occupation of Robert Flynt to the North called Gromes Close: annual rent of 4d - 26 Sep 1579
447 - Feoffment by Robert Flynt of Ellingham Parva [Little Ellingham], gent., Edward Chamberleyn of Barnham Broom, gent., and George Nonne of North Pykenham to Thomas James of the parish of St Peters in Rokelondtofte, in consideration of £44, of one of the Lez Leye closes in Ellingham Parva, 9 acres of pasture: again part of the land recovered by Flynt et al. [and others] against Chamberleyn and others in Trinity Term last: annual rent of 9d - 14 Oct 1579
448 - Feoffment by Robert Flynt of Ellingham Parva [Little Ellingham], gent., Edward Chamberleyn of Barnham Broom, gent., and George Nonne of North Pykenham, to John Crowe, for diverse causes and considerations, of certain tenements and buildings, 10 acres by estimation in Ellingham Parva, now or late in the occupation of Richard Rode, lying between the common pasture of Ellingham Parva to the West, a close of Widow Duffyld to the East, a close of William Sheppard's to the North and the common pasture to the South: again part of the land recovered by Flynt et al. [and others] against Chamberleyn and others in Trinity Term last - 14 Oct 1579
449 - Gift by Edmund Lawes of Ellingham Magna [Great Ellingham], Norfolk, husbandman, to Thomas Woodhouse Parva, gent., in consideration of £40, of a messuage and buildings with garden, ditches and 3 acres of land in a croft adjacent in Ellingham Parva, lying between the copyhold land on the East, the rectory land on the West and abutting on the highway to the South, which premises were held by James Lawes formerly of the parish of St Andrew in Rockland Tofts by gift and feoffment by deed of 24 Dec 25 May 1588 - 1594
450 - Lease for 1000 years for £110 by Thomas Woodhouse of Little Ellingham, Norfolk, gent., and Suzanne his wife, late wife of Robert Flynt late of Little Ellingham, gent., deceased, and Robert Flynt of Ellingham, son and heir of Robert Flynt deceased to Thomas James of Rockland St. Peter, yeoman, in consideration of £110, of a close in Little Ellingham called Mere Close, 18 acres: annual rent of 12d - 20 Mar [1599]
451 - Lease for 1000 years by Thomas Woodhouse, Susan his wife and Robert Flint to Samuel James, yeoman, in consideration of £30, of 4 acres 3 roods of arable land in the Lytle Field of Little Ellingham in five pieces namely 1 acre 1 rood. Long Tulland Furlong, 3 roods in the same furlong, 1 acre in the same furlong, 1 acre 1 rood in North Tulland Furlong, ½ acre in the same furlong: annual rent of two hens - 24 Mar [1599]
452 - Feoffment by Thomas Woodhouse and Susan his wife and Robert Flynte, gent., to Samuel James, yeoman, of Little Ellingham, in consideration of £60, of a close of pasture called Connyger, 14 acres, with a little cottage lately built upon it, and 4 acres 3 roods of arable land in the Little Field of Little Ellingham 17 Jan - 1605/1606
453 - Assignment by Robert Flynte of Little Ellingham, gent., to Richard Cadye of all his claim and interest in the right of presentation to the rectory of Little Ellingham, formerly in the possession of Thomas Woodhouse, Susanna his wife and Robert Flynte and by them granted to James Poyser and Robert Wolfreston, gent., by deed of 8 Nov 1600: Wolfreston quitclaimed all his interest to James Poyser by deed of 25 Jul 1602 who in turn assigned his interest to James Pytten by deed of 8 Nov 1602: Pytten granted his interest to Flynte by deed of 23 Sep 1608 - 1610
454 - Feoffment by Robert Flynte of Little Ellingham, gent., to Jane Beale, widow, of Little Ellingham, in consideration of £49, of six pieces of arable land in Little Ellingham namely one piece on Seeke Croft Furlong 1½ roods, on piece 2½ acres, one piece 1 acre, one piece 3 roods, one piece 1 acre and one piece ½ acre: annual rent of 6½d (chief rent) 7 Oct - 1610
455 - Bargain and sale by Robert Flynt of Little Ellingham, gent., to Robert Jennepye the younger of Little Ellingham, in consideration of £44, of two pieces of arable land, 5½ acres, in Little Ellingham the first piece 5 acres in a furlong called Nether Furlong, and the second piece ½ acre: annual rent of 5½d (chief rent) 7 Oct - 1614
456 - Feoffment by Robert Flynte of Little Ellingham, gent, to John Dover of Great Ellingham and Mary his wife, in consideration of £60, of a capital messuage in Little Ellingham, with planting upon the common pasture belonging, yards, hempland and grounds enclosed together at Starke Gate, and also one piece of pasture ground in a pightell adjacent to the messuage: annual rent of 4d (chief rent) 1 Nov - 1614
457-458 - Bargain and sale (and counterpart) by Robert Flynte of Little Ellingham, gent., and Mary his wife to Thomas Pettus of Caister by Norwich, in consideration of £2000, of the manor or lordship of Little Ellingham and the advowson, donation and patronage of the church of Little Ellingham, together with a capital messuage with edifices, yards, gardens, and orchards, now in the occupation of Robert Flynte, 4 acres, a close of pasture 10 acres, close of pasture called the Carmyn 26 acres, Listers Wood 14 acres, Clerks Close and Sallowe Close 31 acres, a meadow in Little Ellingham 140 acres, several pieces of meadow (1½ acre, 1 acre, ½ acre, 1 rood, 3 acres), 2 closes of pasture in Marlepitt Furlong 30 acres, close of pasture, 14 acres, called Clampe Close, a close of wood called Halled Wood 10 acres: messuage and close (divided) 35 acres, Moteyard 4 acres, Littlewood 6 acres, Nether Furlong Close 15 acres, Foxborough Close 8 acres, Wellhill Furlong Close 20 acres, Nether Furlong Close, 12 acres of arable land, several pieces of (arable) land (1½ acres, 1½., 1 acre, 1 acre, ½ acre, ½ acre, ½ acre, 1 acre); a cottage and piece of land 2½ acres within a new enclosure, and a yearly rent of 12s. 8½d., and all other messuages, hereditaments etc., of Robert Flynte in Little Ellingham apart from a messuage of tenement formerly in the occupation of Thomas Baxter deceased and 3 acres of ground belonging and a close called Conyger, 14 acres, and 4 acres 3 roods of arable land (sold to Samuel James and his heirs), a piece of ground 3 acres (sold to Samuel More), a piece of ground 20 acres (sold to Thomas Caddy), parcel of ground 12 acres (sold to Philip Turner), close of pasture 13 acres (sold to Edward Asterne), piece of land 15 acres (sold to William Howse), close of pasture 6 acres (sold to Christopher Howse), close of pasture 12 acres (sold to Robert Benters), close of pasture 17 acres (sold to Robert James), three closes 21 acres (sold to Thomas James), 6 pieces of arable land 6 acres O rood 20 perches (sold to James Beale), 9 parcels of arable land 13 acres 3 roods (sold to Robert James), a messuage with plantings on Ellingham Common, 3½ acres and ½ acre of pasture ground (sold to John Dover), close of pasture called Weare Close, 18 acres (sold to Thomas James) and an annual rent of 5s.: issuing from diverse lands once part of the lands of the dissolved priory of Thetford 8 Sep - 1615
459 - Family settlement by which Robert Beales of Little Ellingham, yeoman, son of Robert Beales deceased has enfeoffed to Richard Lyncolne of Thetford, yeoman, and William Lyncolne of Ringham, Norfolk, of a close of piece of ground, arable and pasture, 7 acres 1 rood 00 perche, in Little Ellingham: to the use of Robert Beales and Ann his wife, their heirs and assigns and in default of issue to the use of the heirs of Robert Beales 1 Oct - 1664
460 - Mortgage by way of lease for 450 years for £350 by Sir Thomas Pettus of Rackheath to John Church of Norwich. esq., of all his property in Little Ellingham: redeemable on payment of £360 10s Od. at Michaelmas next at the Guildhall porch, Norwich 27 Mar - 1668
461 - Deed of exchange between the Master and the Brethren of the hospital of St John the Baptist at Lenn (Lynn) and John Costin, burgess of Lenn, by which the Master and Brethren have granted to Costin all those lands in the fields of Hardwic in Northfen between the land of Symon son of Reginald Fordwan and land which was of Symon de Ridini (Riddington) - [21 Sep 1285]
461-517 - Kings Lynn Estate
462 - Gift by Ralph, Bishop of Norwich, to Reginald Sapher of Lenn, of a piece of waste land with a wharf lying in the town of Lenn next to the Meyresflet between the land of Edward de Marisco [Marsh] on the north and the land of Richard de Herneston on the south; and extending in length from the king's highway towards the east and towards the great stream of Lenn towards the west: with licence to Reginald to construct all necessary buildings on the piece - annual rent of 4 pennies Witnesses: James de Belvaco, knight Hugh de Massingham now mayor of Lenn, Peter de Thornden, Richard de Herneston, John Lambton, John Ode, Richard his brother, Robert de Braham, Peter de Folesham et al - 6 Apr 1298
463 - Feoffment by Thomas Wat[er]den, merchant, of Kings Lynn [Lenn Regis] and William Massingham of Lynn, merchant, executors of the will of Emma Gala of Lynn lately deceased, to Hugh de Elyngham. John Lokke, William de Bilneye, burgesses of the same town, Alan Richardson of South Lynn, John Hore and Walter Urry, burgesses of Lynn, of a tenement with appurtenances in Lynn in a street called Helmyngeslane between the tenement of the Bishop of Norwich on the West, the tenement of Robert Pelt to the east, and extending from the tenement of John Faldgate, burgess of Lynn towards the south and the common way Helmyngeslane to the north Witnesses: Thomas Curson now mayor of Lynn, Thomas de Botekesham, alderman of the same town, Henry de Beteleye, Thomas Crewe, John Bything, burgess of Lynn, William Asshebone, clerk of the same town and others Christmas Day, 7 Richard II - [25 Dec 1383]
464 - Feoffment by Edmund Faukys to Richard de Thorp, John Thorisby, Bartholomew Sidesterne, burgesses of Bishops Lynn [Lean Episcopi] of all that tenement with a wharf and all buildings and appurtenances lying in the town of Bishops Lynn, in width between the tenement of Edmund Seefoughel on the south, and the tenement of Matthew de Tilneye on the north, and extending in length from the street called Stowgate towards the east, towards the common way in the west; and the said wharf lies in width between the tenement of Henry Elys on the north part and the common fleet called Marresflete on the south and extends in length from the common way towards the east and the great river of Lynn in the west; which premises were formerly held for life by Elena Lomb wife of John Lomb formerly burgess of Bishop Lynn, and after the death of the said Elena, the said tenement and wharf descended to Thomas de Botekesham, Geoffrey Tolboth, Robert Attelath, John de Penteneye, Thomas de Boloham, Adam Clerk, Richard Faukys and John de Grantham, burgesses of Lynn, Nicholas de Massingham deceased and Edmund Faukys, as appears in a deed by Geoffrey de Froneham burgess of Lynn and Adam, son of Richard Smyth of South Lynn to the said Elena 8 Mar 9 Henry IV - [8 Mar 1408]
465 - Inspeximus of John Bishop of Norwich of letters patent of Ralph, Bishop of Norwich, his predecessor, by which he granted to Reginald Saphyr of Lynn a piece of waste land with a wharf - 27 Jul 1424
466 - Gift by Joan, formerly wife of Richard Thorpp senior, deceased, burgess of Lynn, daughter of John Lombe and Elene his wife, and executor of the will of Alice her sister, formerly wife of Thomas Faukys, burgess of Lynn, deceased, to William Stalham alias Loksmyth, burgess of Lynn and Elene his wife, daughter of the said Alice, William Porter, knight, William Priston, Thomas Faukys, clerk, Thomas Harley, esq., John Byllyng, Alexander Smyth, chaplain, John Waryn, burgesses of Lynn and Hugh Coke, merchant, of all that wharf with buildings and appurtenances in Lathestrete between the tenement once of William Elys, afterwards John Bukworth and lately William Stalham to the north, the tenement once of John Smeve lately John Thursby and the common fleet called Maursflete to the south, and extending in length from the common way and towards the great river of Lynn to the west - 14 Apr 1432
467 - Quitclaim by William Stalham alias Loksmyth burgess of Lynn, Ellen his wife, William Porter, knight, William Priston, Thomas Faukys, clerk, Thomas Harley, esq., John Byllyng, Alexander Smyth, chaplain, John Waryn, burgesses of Lynn and Hugh Coke, merchant, to Thomas Salesbury, burgess of Lynn of all that wharf with buildings and appurtenances in Lathestrete between the tenement once of William Elys, afterwards John Bukworth and lately William Stalham to the north, the tenement once of John Smeve lately John Thursby and the common fleet called Maursflete to the south, and extending in length from the common way and towards the great river of Lynn to the west - 12 Feb [1433]
468 - Gift by William Stalham alias Loksmyth of Bishops Lynn and Ellen his wife to Thomas Calbott, John Brekerope, Thomas Lok, John Pygot, John Syff(?) and Thomas Baker, burgesses of Lynn, of a tenement with appurtenances in the town of Lynn in a street called Lathestrete between a tenement formerly of Thomas Faukys once of John Lombe and a common fleet called Swynolflete on the south part and the tenement formerly of Thomas Ploker and and lately of Roger Paxman to the north and extending in length from the common way in the east to the great river of Lynn in the west, which premises they held by gift of William Porter, knight, and Thomas Faukys, clerk - 25 Oct 1436
469 - Feoffment by Thomas Salysbury, executor of the will of John Bukewurth formerly burgess of Bishops Lynn, deceased, to William Kellow, Robert Hunte, William Kirketon and John Style, burgesses of Lynn and John Cade, citizen of London, Richard Cosyn and John Karle, burgesses of Lynn of all those new tenements with buildings of the said John Bukewurth in Lathestrete, Bishops Lynn, between the tenement of William Stalham allas Loksmyth and Elene his wife lately Thomas Calbott on the north part and a tenement formerly of John Thoresby lately John Pygots and the Meyresflete on the south and extending in length from the common way of the east, towards the great stream of Lynn towards the west - 19 Jun 1443
470 - Gift by William Kellowe, Robert Hunte and John Style, burgesses of Bishops Lynn, John Cade citizen of London and John Karle burgess of Lynn, to Simon Pygot, Richard Cosyn, burgesses of Lynn, Richard Brown, citizen of Norwich, William Pylton and William Alkas, burgesses of Lynn, of all those new tenements with buildings between the tenement of William Stalham allas Loksmyth and Elene his wife lately Thomas Calbott on the north part and a tenement formerly of John Thoresby lately John Pygots and the Meyresflete on the south and extending in length from the common way of the east, towards the great stream of Lynn towards the west: with premises were held jointly with Richard Cosyn and William Kirketon, deceased, by feoffment of Thomas Salisbury, executor of the will of John Buckworth - 10 Nov 1455
471 - Gift by Simon Pygot and Richard Cosyn, burgesses of Bishops Lynn, Richard Brown, citizen of Norwich, William Pilton and William Alkas, burgesses of Lynn to Geoffrey Norys of Westbylneye, John Keche of Estwynch, John Norys, clerk, Walter Cony, Simon Baxter, burgess of Lynn, William Aleyn of Witchyngham Parva and Thomas Sampson of Bishops Lynn, of all those new tenements with buildings between the tenement of William Stalham allas Loksmyth and Elene his wife lately Thomas Calbott on the north part and a tenement formerly of John Thoresby lately John Pygots and the Meyresflete on the south and extending in length from the common way of the east, towards the great stream of Lynn towards the west - 16 Jan [1457]
472 - Gift by John Norys, clerk, and John Norys of Westbilney to Margert Norys of Bishops Lynn, formerly wife of Geoffrey Norys of all those new tenements with buildings between the tenement of William Stalham allas Loksmyth and Elene his wife lately Thomas Calbott on the north part and a tenement formerly of John Thoresby lately John Pygots and the Meyresflete on the south and extending in length from the common way of the east, towards the great stream of Lynn towards the west - 7 Jan [1457]
473 - Feoffment by Nicholas Emmeth, clerk, to John Norys, clerk, and John Norys of Westbilney, of all those new tenements with buildings between the tenement of William Stalham allas Loksmyth and Elene his wife lately Thomas Calbott on the north part and a tenement formerly of John Thoresby lately John Pygots and the Meyresflete on the south and extending in length from the common way of the east, towards the great stream of Lynn towards the west - 12 Jan [1457]
474 - Gift by Simon Pygot, burgess, of the town of Bishops Lynn, to Richard Symkynson of Tethilthorpe, Lincolnshire, merchant, William Lucas of Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire, gent., and Robert Telford of Lowthe [Louth] Lincolnshire, yeoman, of two tenements with buildings and all appurtenances in Bishops Lynn in the street called Lathestrete in width between the tenement formerly of Thomas Salebury's on the north and the tenements of Thomas Calbot's on the south, and extending in length from the street towards the east to the great river of Lynn towards the west - 10 Dec 1470
475 - Feoffment by Thomas Marford, burgess, of Lynn mariner, Thomas Wright, dyer, Andrew Wolsy, mercer, Robert Waryn, grocer, burgesses of Lynn, Robert Katelyne of Shiryngham and William Browe of the same place, of all that tenement with buildings and appurtenances in Lynn in a street called Lathestrete, in width between the tenement formerly of Geoffrey Norys and one of Master John Norys, clerk, to the north, and the land once of Thomas Calbott lately John Nycoll to the south, and extending in length from the street to the east and the great stream of Lynn to the west: which premises were held jointly with Simon Miller formerly of Lynn, mariner, and also Richard Scoule and William Yates, burgesses - 19 Apr 1485
476 - Feoffment by John Norys, clerk, and Richard Wilgrice, gent., to Thomas Bokenham, chaplain, of all those tenements with buildings and appurtenances which were once John Buckworth's lying in a street in Bishops Lynn called Lathestrete, in width between the tenement of Thomas Calbot on the north and the tenement of John Thoresby formerly John Pycott and Richard Blogge and a certain common fleet called the Mayresflete to the south: and extending in length from the said street to the east towards the great river of Lynn to the west: which premises they formerly held jointly with William Marche, Thomas Wright and Robert Umfray, formerly burgesses of the town of Lynn: also power of attorney to Robert Householde, burgess of Lynn, to enter the premises and deliver seisin to Thomas Bokenham - 17 Jan [1496]
477 - Quitclaim by Robert Norys, gent., and John Norys, chaplain, to Master John Norys, Ralph Salter of North Wotton, Robert Trewe, draper, Andrew Wolsy, mercer, William Trewe, draper, burgesses of the town of Lynn, William Hode, chaplain, and John Cathard of South Lynn, of all those tenements with buildings which were once held by John Buckworth, lately Geoffrey Norys of Bylney, lying in the town of Lynn in a street called Lathestrete, in length between a tenement late of Thomas Calbott and lately Thomas Symkynson on the north, a tenement of John Pygott's lately of Richard Blogge and a common fleet called Mayresflete to the south, and extending in length from the street in the east and towards the great stream in the west: which premises the said Robert and John held jointly with Master John Norys, Ralph Salter, Robert Trewe, Andrew Wolsy, William Trewe, William Hode and John Cartland and also William Bullewer formerly burgess and draper, deceased, by demise and feoffment of Thomas Bokenham - 11 Oct 1498
478 - Feoffment: Robert Norys, gent., and John Norys, chaplain, to Master John Norys, Ralph Salter of North Wotton, Robert Trewe, draper, Andrew Wolsy, mercer, William Trewe, draper, burgesses of the town of Lynn, William Hode, chaplain, and John Cathard of South Lynn, of all those tenements with buildings which were once held by John Buckworth, lately Geoffrey Norys of Bylney, lying in the town of Lynn in a street called Lathestrete, in length between a tenement late of Thomas Calbott and lately Thomas Symkynson on the north, a tenement of John Pygott's lately of Richard Blogge and a common fleet called Mayresflete to the south, and extending in length from the street in the east and towards the great stream in the west: which premises the said Robert and John held jointly with Master John Norys, Ralph Salter, Robert Trewe, Andrew Wolsy, William Trewe, William Hode and John Cartland and also William Bullewer formerly burgess and draper, deceased, by demise and feoffment of Thomas Bokenham - 7 Nov 1498
479 - Bargain and sale by Robert Scoule of Bishops Lynn, mariner, to William Trewe, merchant, of Bishops Lynn, in consideration of £12, of all that messuage with tenement adjoining, together with one entry and one parcel of land, "paylled", and with all buildings and appurtenances in Lathestrete: the messuage lies on the west part of the Kings Strete between the messuage late of John Nycholl afterwards Robert Scoule on the north, and the messuage late of John Nycholl now of Thomas Trunche to the west: the west head butts on the said street and the east head on the land of Robert Amseles: the said entry and piece of land were lately "paylled" between the land of Thomas Trunche to the south, the land of John Palmer to the north, in length from the street westward, 24 yards of the king's measure, and in breadth 10 feet of the same measure and from thence contains more in length westwards 13 yards in breadth at the west end, the same from the land of the aforesaid John Palmer against the north, into the fleet of Old Lynn called Swynold Flete, now Mayresflete against the south, 9 yards of the same measure - 1 Aug 1506
480 - Bargain and sale by William Trewe of Bishops Lynn, merchant, to John Scales of Bishops Lynn, mariner, in consideration of £18, of a messuage with two tenements to the same adjoining together with one entry and one parcel of land lying in Lynn in a street called Lathestrete; on the west part of the king's highway between the messuage late of John Nycholl afterwards Robert Scoule now John Palmer on the north, and the messuage late John Nycholl now Thomas Trunche to the south; the west head butts on the street, and the said entry with the said parcel of land lately "paylled" there between the land of Thomas Trunche to the south and the land of John Palmer to the north - 16 Jun 1510
481 - Bargain and sale by Master Peter Foston, clerk, and William Symkynson son and heir of Thomas Symkynson late of Bishops Lynn to Thomas Palmer of Lynn, merchant, in consideration of £30 13s 4d of a messuage with tenements situate and being in Lynn with the buildings there, which was sometime the said Thomas Symkynson's, in a street called Lathestrete: abutting on the tenement late of John Palmer merchant on the one part and the tenement of Thomas Rolff of Reche on the other part; and the east head abutting upon the haven of Lynn - 18 Jan [1513]
482 - Quitclaim by William Symkynson son and heir of Thomas Symkynson formerly burgess and merchant of Bishops Lynn, deceased, to Thomas Palmer, burgess and merchant of Lynn, Thomas Wyth of the same place, gent., Adam Palmer, burgess and merchant of Lynn, John Palmer, clerk, Robert Palmer, merchant, Edward Newton, burgess and merchant, Robert Newton alias Daker, burgess and merchant of the same place, Roger Bawtry, burgess and brewer of the same place and John Laystofte burgess and fisherman of the town of Lynn, to the use and behoof of Thomas Palmer of a messuage or tenement with buildings in Lynn in a street called Lathestrete in width between a messuage or tenement formerly of Simon Pygott and afterwards John Palmer on the north and a tenement of the said Thomas Parker afterwards John Norys clerk and lately Thomas Rolfe of Reeche, and a certain fleet anciently called Swynolflete now called Mayresflete on the south and extending in length from the street to the east, and the great river to the west - 28 Oct 1513
483 - Feoffment by Thomas Rolf of Reche, John Heynes of Myldenhale, Simon Baxter, brewer, Robert Soome, mercer, William Blower, mercer, burgesses of Lynn, John and Thomas Gybon of Reche to Thomas Myller, merchant, Edward Kyme, merchant, Edward Baker, merchant, William Gerves, junior, merchant and Gerard Kerver, merchant, burgesses of the borough of Lynn, of all that tenement with buildings which once belonged to Geoffrey Nores situate in Lynn in a street called Lathstrete in length between the messuage and tenement once Thomas Calbott's afterwards Thomas Symkynson's and lately Thomas Palmer's to the north, the tenement once Richard Blogge's and once Henry Bentley's, tiler, and a certain common fleet calle Mayresflete to the south, and in length from the street to the east to the great stream of Lynn in the west - which tenement was held jointly with Henry Gardyner, draper, William Olyett, roper, Robert Scowle, mariner, Robert Hewalde, beerbrewer and Thomas Lyllour of Reche, now deceased, by demise and feoffment of Master John Norys, clerk, Ralph Salter of South Wotton, Andrew Wolsy, mercer, Robert Trewe, William Trewe, draper, William Good, chaplain and John Calthar of South Lynn - 25 Nov 1516
484 - Feoffment by John Drake of Kings Lynn, yeoman, to Robert Ladyman of Kings Lynn, mariner, for an unspecified consideration of a messuage with two tenements, an entry and a parcel of land situated in Lathestrete, which said premises he formerly held by deed of gift of John Scales, merchant, of Kings Lynn - 6 Jul 1549
485 - Gift by John Waters of Kings Lynn, merchant, to William Overend of Kings Lynn, merchant, for an unspecified consideration, of a parcel of land called the Coleyarde with appurtenances in Lathestrete, Kings Lynn; the tenement of Geoffrey Stile to the north and a certain fleet called the Mayresflete and the land of John Drake to the south, and butting on the great river of Lynn called Lynn Haven to the west and the said street to the east - 27 Sep 1549
486-487 - Final concord between William Overend, plaintiff, and Geoffrey Style and Margery his wife deforciants of a messuage and garden with appurtenances in Lathestrete in Kings Lynn: consideration £30 - 29 Sep 1550
488 - Gift by Simon Miller of Kings Lynn to Robert Miller and Robert Houghton, of a tenement with buildings and appurtenances which were Thomas Miller's, now deceased, situated in Kings Lynn in a street called Lathestrete in width between the messuage formerly of John Fisher once Abraham Fisher to the north and the messuage of William Overend to the south, and extending in length from the street to the east and the great stream called Lynn Haven to the west - 20 Apr 1555
489 - Quitclaim by Robert Miller, gent., and Robert Houghton to Simon Miller of a tenement with buildings and appurtenances which were Thomas Miller's, now deceased, situated in Kings Lynn in a street called Lathestrete in width between the messuage formerly of John Fisher once Abraham Fisher to the north and the messuage of William Overend to the south, and extending in length from the street to the east and the great stream called Lynn Haven to the west - 20 Jul 1555
490 - Gift by Simon Miller of Kings Lynn, merchant, to John Lynder of Cambridge, burgess and `inneholder', of all that tenement and mill called the `Oyle Mill' situated in Lathestrete in Kings Lynn; the messuage of Abraham Fisher to the north, the messuage of William Overend to the south, the street to the east, and Lynn Haven to the west - 20 Jul 1555
491 - Bargain and sale by Simon Miller of Kings Lynn, merchant, to John Lynde, burgess and innkeeper of Cambridge, in consideration of £100, of all that tenement and mill called the `Oyle Mill' situated in Lathestrete in Kings Lynn; the messuage of Abraham Fisher to the north, the messuage of William Overend to the south, the street to the east, and Lynn Haven to the west - 24 Jul 1555
492-493 - Final concord between John Lynde plaintiff, and Simon Miller and Beatrice his wife, deforciants of six messuages and a mill called the Oyle Mill with appurtenances in Kings Lynn, in a certain street called Lathestrete: consideration £40 - 5 Apr 1557
494 - Quitclaim by Katherine Overend of Kings Lynn, widow, formerly wife of William Overend, merchant, of Kings Lynn, for a certain sum of money, to Thomas Overend her son of all that messuage, tenement and the warehouse formerly called Bentleys lying in Kings Lynn in a street called Lathestrete between the tenement formerly Simon Myller's called the Oyle Mill or Ralffe entrie on the north and a parcel of land formerly John Waters' to the south, and butting on the street to the east and the great river of Kings Lynn to the west, and also the parcel of land formerly John Waters' in Kings Lynn, lying between the said messuage to the north and a fleet called the Mayorsflete to the south, butting the street to the east and the great river of Kings Lynn to the west - 25 Aug 1561
495 - Bargain and sale by William Lyne to John Heth, in consideration of £60, of the Oyle Mill in Kings Lynn - 1 Feb [1567]
496 - Gift by William Lyne of Cambridge, gent., to John Heth, of all that messuage, tenement and mill called the Oyle Mill and the warehouse and other hereditaments with all buildings and appurtenances called Rolffe Entrie or Myllers Entrie in Lathe Strete, Kings Lynn, between the messuage of John Pell to the south, the messuage of Thomas Dawson once Ffyshers to the north and extending from the street in the east to the great river of Kings Lynn in the west, which premises his late father John Lyne formerly held - 10 Feb [1567]
497-498 - Gift by John Heth to John Pell for an unspecified sum of money, of a messuage or tenement with buildings and appurtenances in Kings Lynn in Lathe Strete; on the south a certain entry called Rolffe Entrie alias Millers Entrie, between the messuage or tenement of John Pell to the south and the said entrie to the north and extending in length from the street called Lathe Strete in the east and the warehouse of the said John Pell formerly William Overend's to the west: and the said messuage or tenement contains in width on the front next to the street 22 feet of the kings measure, and at the western boundary 15 feet: which said premises John Heth formerly held by gift of William Lyne by deed of 19 Feb 1566/7 - 4 Mar [1567]
499-500 - Feoffment by John Heth, esq., of Kings Lynn to Robert Page of Kings Lynn, merchant, in consideration of £113 6s 8d., of Rolffe Entrie and Millers Entrie: money to be paid as follows (£12 6s 8d. already paid) - £10 on 14 Dec 1570, £10 on 14 Sep 1572, then £10 on each 14 Sep until the £100 paid - 12 Nov 1570
501 - Bargain and sale by John Pell of Kings Lynn, merchant, to John Wadeson of Kings Lynn, merchant, for an unspecified consideration, of all those messuages, tenements, warehouses, yards, gardens, `coleyardes', quays or `staths' for ships in Lathe Streate on the south side of an entry late of John Heth, esq., now of Robert Page, called Rolffe Entrie otherwise Millers Entrie, between the said entry and a parcel of ground on the north, and a certain parcel of ground on the north late of John Drake, deceased, now Robert Ladyman's, and the fleet called Mayors Fleet on the south, and extending in length from the street in the east to the great river of Kings Lynn in the west 26 Mar - 1573
502-503 - Final concord between John Wadeson, plaintiff, and John Pell and Margaret his wife, deforciants, of two messuages and two gardens in Kings Lynn: consideration £40 11 Apr - 1575
504 - Bargain and sale by Robert Page of Kings Lynn, merchant, to Robert Sisson of St Ives, Huntingdonshire, yeoman, in consideration of a certain sum of money, of Rolffe Entrie or Millers Entrie together with the "collers" and edifices built over the gate of the Kings Lynn Estate 12 Aug - 1575
505 - Feoffment by Robert Page of Kings Lynn merchant, to Robert Sisson of "collers" and edifices built over the gate of the Kings Lynn Estate 16 Dec - 1575
506 - Quitclaim by John Heth of Kepton Co. Durham to Robert Sisson of St Ives, Huntingdonshire, in consideration of £40, of all those messuages, tenements, and warehouses and other hereditaments called reputed and known as Rolffe Entrie or Millers Entrie and also the `collar' built over the gate leading to the entry 8 Jun - 1577
507 - Quitclaim by Thomas Averinge of Kings Lynn, merchant, to Robert Wadeson of Sedber, Yorkshire, his uncle, merchant, of all that messuage, tenement or warehouse called Bentleys lying in Kings Lynn in a street called Lathestreate between the tenement of Simon Miller lately of the said Robert called Rolffe Entrie or Millers Entrie on the north, and a piece of land formerly John Waters to the south, butting on the street to the east and the great river of Kings Lynn to the west 31 Mar - 1578
508 - Feoffment by William Pynder of Kings Lynn, cordwainer, son and heir of William Pynder late of Kings Lynn, shipwright, deceased, to Katherine Grave, widow, of Kings Lynn, in consideration of £186, of all those messuages or tenements together with orchards, gardens, buildings, yards, `coleyards' and `kayes' situated in Lathe Street, Kings Lynn, in breadth between a messuage sometime Palmers afterwards Thomas Day afterwards John Tittley, esq., to the north, a tenement and warehouses sometime Thomas Whyller's after John Lynde after John Heath, esq., after Robert Page and Robert Sisson and now the said Katherine Grave and a certain fleet called the Mayors Fleet to the south, and extending in length from Lathe Street in the east to Lynn Haven in the west 7 Jul - 1600
509 - Assignment by William Pinder of Kings Lynn, cordwainer, son and heir of William Pinder, late of Kings Lynn, shipwright, at the request of Katherine Grave, widow, to Henry Ulyett, gent., of the residue of the lease or term of 60 years yet to come of or in all that part of a messuage, garden, orchard, and grounds that were demised to William Pinder by Amy late wife of William Pinder his father for 60 years: to the use of Katherine Grave 16 Jul - 1600
510-511 - Final concord between Katherine Grave, plaintiff, and William Pinder, Agnes his wife and William Allen deforciants of two messuages and a garden in Kings Lynn: consideration £40 29 Sep - 1600
512 - Feoffment by Thomas Pettus of Rackheath, Norfolk, esq., and Elizabeth his wife, to William Taylor the elder of Burnham Debdale, Norfolk, merchant, and John Taylor of Kings Lynn, merchant, in consideration of £400, of a messuage and malthouse in Kings Lynn lying next to Millers Entry on the north and another little entry and parcel of a yard bargained and sold by Sir Thomas Pettus to John Dorman, mariner, and the Mayors Fleet on the south; together with all premises built over the west side of Millers Entry 28 Sep - 1627
513 - Feoffment by Thomas Pettus of Rackheath, esq., and Elizabeth his wife to Edward Robinson of Kings Lynn, shipmaker, in consideration of £300, of all those messuages or tenements, houses, warehouses, gardens, `kayes' of the said Thomas Pettus in Kings Lynn next to the messuage and grounds late of Thomas Oxburrough, esq., deceased on the north, and the entry called Millers Entry or Rolfe Entry and Lynn Haven on the south, together with the buildings over the east part of Millers Entry 20 Sep - 1628
514 - Feoffment by Thomas Pettus of Rackheath, esq., and Elizabeth his wife to John Dorman of Kings Lynn, shipmaster, in consideration of £160, of a messuage, two tenements with yards, easements and hereditaments lying in Kings Lynn on the east side of a street called Lathe Street between the messuage late of Helen Stallon widow, deceased, on the north, and the messuage of Thomas Leighton afterwards of Thomas Pearson deceased and the messuage late of Richard Waters deceased to the south, and all that entry on part of Lathe Street in Kings Lynn lying next to the south part of the garden wall of the messuage sold by Thomas Pettus to William and John Taylor and all that other little yard extending from the west end of the entry to the corner of the said garden, butting on the Mayor's Fleet to the south and which said entry and little yard contain in length on the north part thereof from the street aforesaid to the said corner of the garden wall, 7½ yards by kings measure 28 Sep - 1628
515 - Assignment by William Richardson, millwright, of Kings Lynn to George Inkson of Kings Lynn, butcher, of a piece of meadow or pasture containing ..... acres in Kings Lynn, the lands of Charles Prast to the west, the common fleet to the east, a fleet called Dowshill to the north and Coldham Street to the south, to the intent that Inkson, Richardson's son in law may hold and enjoy the piece of land for life after Richardson's death provided that Lucy Inkson, George's wife does not die without issue during Richardson's lifetime 1 May - 1730
516 - Lease for possession by Thomas Wrathall of Hardwick in the parish of North Runcton, yeoman, to Leake Okeover of Okeover, esq., of a messuage or tenement in Bridge Gate Street, otherwise High Street, Kings Lynn, between the messuage or tenement of Charles Harwick to the south and the messuage or common inn called the George to the south, also a capital messuage known by the name of the Catherine Wheel and all those tenements, yards, gardens and hereditaments in Lister Gate or Dampgate, also all that stable or little yard with the necessary house belonging to Mad Lane, Kings Lynn, all of which are now in the several tenures of Matthew Woodward, Thomas Alldridge, William Bunting, Robert Howard, Leachiah Ogle, John Allen, Bridgett Patrick, James Oldman, John Hollingsworth, William Johnson, Martin Farmer and John Denn 10 Apr - 1735
517 - Mortgage (by way of lease?) by George Inkson of Kings Lynn, butcher, to Leake Okeover of Okeover, esq., in consideration of £99, of a piece of meadow or pasture land in Kings Lynn 31 Mar - 1738
518-519 - Huntingfield (Suffolk) Estate
518-519 - Lease and release by Rowland Okeover of Okeover, esq., to Thomas Bagshawe of Bakewell, gent., in consideration of £600, of a messuage, farm or tenement in Huntingfield, Suffolk, now in the tenure of John Fisher at a rent of £48, also a messuage or tenement at Lynstead in Huntingfield in the tenure of Samuel Richardson at an annual rent of £15 10s 0d., with all lands, hereditaments, reversions, etc. belonging 5 & 6 May - 1689
520 - Bargain and sale by Laurence Skylman of Combye, Suffolk, and Anne his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of Thomas Anndeby, late of London, stockfishmonger, deceased, to Thomas Paley, in consideration of £52, of the reversion of the part and purpartie of the said Anne of the manor of Wymeswold, with appurtenances in Wymeswold, Prestwold, Burton and Hoton, in the tenure of Edward Ballard and Katherine his wife; with covenant (by Paley) to convey the premises after the death of Katherine Ballard 10 Sep - 1536
520-660 - Title deeds relating to Wymeswold (Leicestershire) Estate of the Okeover family
520-678 - Title deeds relating to the Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire Estates of the Okeover family
521 - Bargain and sale by Thomas Palley of London, stockfishmonger, to Edward Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., in consideration of £63 6s 8d., of the reversion of part and purpartie of the manor of Wymeswold 2 May - 1537
522 - Final concord between Edward Ballard, plaintiff, and Lawrence Skylman and Anne his wife and Thomas Anndeby deforciants of one sixth part of the manor of Wymeswold, 3 messuages, 5 cottages, 400 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 10 acres of wood, 60 acres of furze and heath and 30s rent with appurtenances in Wymeswold, Prestwold, Girton, Hawton, Cotes and Reniston: consideration 100 marks 20 Apr - 1540
523 - Exemplification of the fine and final concord between Edward Ballard, plaintiff, and Andrew Salmon and Anne his wife, a daughter of Thomas Anndeby, deforciants of a third part of the manor of Wymeswold, 3 messuages, 5 cottages, 400 acres of land, 40 acres of meadows, 100 acres of pasture, 10 acres of wood, 60 acres of furze and heath and 30s rent in Wymeswold, Prestwold, Hawton, Cotes and Rainstone 22 Apr - 1545
524 - Gift by Edward Bylande of London to William Ballard, in consideration of 13s 4d., of a parcel of land of 8d. rent per annum, lying and being in an enclosure in Wymeswold called the Old Yard 9 Sep - 1553
525 - Marriage settlement between William Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., and John Gelsthorpe of Aslockton, Nottinghamshire, gent., reciting that Ballard has married Isabel sister of John Gelsthorpe, by which Ballard agrees to convey to trustees (Andrew Oglethorpe, gent., Robert Gelsthorpe, yeoman, and Henry Gasken, clerk) the manor of Wymeswold with all appurtenances and all his other lands in Wymeswold and Radcliffe on Trent and Lamcote (Nottinghamshire): trustees to hold the manor etc., in trust for the said Isabel and after her decease to the use of William Ballard for life, then to use of Edward Ballard his son and the lawful heirs of his body, and in default of issue to the use of Thomas Ballard, younger son of William Ballard, then in default of issue to the heirs of Edward Ballard: if Isabel dies and William Ballard remarries then to remain to the use of William and whoever he marries for life and then to the use of Edward Ballard and his lawful heirs 20 Sep - 1557
526 - Deed to levy a fine between John Kyrke of Burton on the Wolds, yeoman, and William Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., Robert Blount of Walton on the Wolds, parson, and Edward Blunt of Wymeswold, yeoman, by which Kyrke agrees to levy a fine to Ballard, Blount and Blunt, of all that messuage in Burton on the Wolds called Jordans Moor with all lands, etc., belonging, together with a third part of another messuage and lands in Burton on the Wolds and Wymeswold called `Mallories Lane'; also a cottage in Burton late in the occupation of James Pratte now of Robert Brett; also a moiety of a close in Burton called Wolleyes Close; also all that messuage or tenement in Burton with lands, etc., belonging, late in the tenure of Robert Swann, husbandman, purchased of William Stoke of Colshill, Warwickshire, esq., deceased; also a messuage or tenement in Burton in the tenure of John Meason; also one third part of a cottage and croft in Burton late in the tenure of James Brown with all lands, etc., belonging in Burton, Prestwold and Wymeswold, purchased of Thomas Smith of Colshill, gent., and Margerie his wife; also all those lands and tenements now in the tenure of John Kyrke and John Meason which heretofore were given for the perpetual maintenance and sustenance of a priest to celebrate and sing mass and dirge in the church of Prestwold, reputed to be taken as charity lands, purchased of William Shipman of London, gent., and Richard Simkin of Leicester, yeoman: to the use of Kyrke for his natural life, then after his decease, apart from the tenements and lands in the possession of Swan and Meason, to the use of John Kyrke his son and his lawful male heirs his third son and his lawful male heirs; and in default of issue to the use of his eldest son Hugh Kyrke and his lawful male heirs: the holdings in the occupation of Swann and Meason after the death of John Kyrke senior, to be held to the use of Joshua Kyrke, the third son, and his lawful male heirs; and in default of issue to the use of John Kyrke, the second son, and his lawful male heirs; and in default of issue to the use of Hugh Kyrke, the eldest son, and his lawful male heirs 10 Apr - 1580
527 - Gift by Margaret Hudson of Beeston, Nottinghamshire, daughter and heir of Julian Hudson of Beeston deceased, to Edward Ballard and Richard Neale, all that part or purpartie of two messuages with appurtenances in Wymeswold in the occupations of Thomas Ballard, Thomas Shuttlewood and Richard Fox, and all that part and purpartie of one cottage in Wymeswold with all land, etc., belonging - 20 Jul 1581
528 - Derbyshire Record Office: Okeover of Okeover, and Edward Blunt of Wymeswold, yeoman, by which, in consideration of the marriage between William Blunt and Elizabeth his wife, Blunt has enfeoffed to trustees (Chamberlain and Blunt) a messuage or tenement in Wymeswold in the tenure or occupation of Edward Leak, with all lands, etc., belonging, also 7 acres of meadow in Quorn, Leicestershire, now in the occupation of William Blunt: for one day to the sole use of William Leake, then to the use of William Blunt his heirs and assigns for his natural life and after his death to his wife Elizabeth for her natural life, then after the death of both to use of their lawful male issue and in default to the use of their lawful female issue 20 Aug - 1581
529-530 - Final concord between William Parkyns, plaintiff and John Wright and Agnes his wife, deforciants of one third part of two messuages, one cottage, three gardens, 100 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture with appurtenances in Wymeswold: consideration £40 29 Sep - 1581
531 - Bargain and sale by John Wright of London, son of Richard Wright, late of Beeston, Nottinghamshire, and Elizabeth Wright, wife of Richard Wright, one of the sisters of John Tomlynson of Wymeswold, yeoman, deceased, to William Parkyns of Barton in the Beanes, Nottinghamshire, husbandman, in consideration of £60, of all messuages, tenements, barns, stables, gardens, lands, meadows, feedings, etc., etc., in Wymeswold which reverted or remained to Elizabeth his mother on the death of John Tomlynson her brother 6 Oct - 1581
532 - Bargain and sale by Robert and Edward Calton of Wymeswold, yeomen, to William Barret of Wymeswold, yeoman, in consideration of £72, of all those parcels of land, arable and meadow, in the fields of Wymeswold as specified in schedule (in the Hardacre Field on the furlong shooting into Whadale and the furlong butting Inwell Gate; in the Arrowe Field in the furlong shooting into Peace Burrow Sicke; in the West Field in Barrlands Furlong, Wyndehedges and the furlong butting Partwell Hades; in the Burton Field in Coxall Furlong and Waterlandes; in the Thorpe Field in the furlong butting Barrett Hades; meadow on Cliff Hill and Longe More) and all those hades and balks belonging and sufficient common pasture for five great beasts and 25 sheep - 1 Mar [1582]
533 - Bargain and sale by Thomas Stanhope of Shelford knight, and Lawrence Wright, his servant, to William Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., in consideration of £90, of all that moiety of the messuages, lands, tenements, etc., in Wymeswold purchased from Thomas Perkyns of London, late in the possession of J Tomlynson deceased: £90 to be paid on 8 Nov 1583 at the dwelling house in London of Thomas Starkye, citizen and alderman 16 Sep - 1583
534 - Feoffment by Sir Thomas Stanhope of Shelford, knight, and Lawrence Wright, his servant, to William Ballard of Wymeswold, in consideration of £100 of all that moiety of the messuages, lands, tenements, etc., in Wymeswold purchased from Thomas Perkynes of London, late in the possession of J Tomlynson deceased 9 Nov - 1583
535-536 - Final concord between William Ballard plaintiff and Edward Calton and Margaret his wife, deforciants of a messuage, 2 acres 1 rood 00 perche of pasture and one third part of two messuages, one cottage, 80 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture with appurtenances in Wymeswold: consideration £40 6 Oct - 1584
537 - Quitclaim by Edward Calton of Wymeswold, Leicestershire, yeoman, to William Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., of all those three leys called Draper Leys now in the occupation of William Ballard lying and abutting upon the croft of Robert Leake and the croft of John Franke 3 Feb - 1585/1586
538 - Quitclaim by William Reynor of Kinoulton, Nottinghamshire, to William Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., and Edward Ballard his son and heir, in consideration of £230, of a bond or recognisance made to him 8 Nov - 1589
539 - Application for general livery on termination of wardship between Sir William Cecyll, knight, Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer of England and Richard Kingsmyll, esq., Surveyor of the Lyveryes - in the name of the Queen - and William Blount, yeoman, son of Godfrey Blount deceased, of all the lands, etc., which came into the use and possession of William Blount from his father: `valor' and `extent' annexed of the lands, etc., and an auditor appointed to value the premises: property concerned - one messuage, two gardens, two orchards, 60 acres of land, 8 acres of meadow, ½ acre of pasture with appurtenances in Wymeswold in the tenures of Thomas Hickling and William Francke; a messuage in Wymeswold in the occupation of Edward Courte; a messuage, one garden, two tofts, 24 acres of land, 8 acres of meadow with appurtenances in Montsorrel, Rothley and Quorn in the tenure of Robert Jerrett; a moiety of a messuage, 30 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow and ½ acre of pasture in Burton on the Wolds, in the occupation of Thomas Ryder and another messuage in Wymeswold in the tenure of William Francke 18 May - 1590
540 - Feoffment by Edward Calton of Wymeswold, gent., Margaret his wife and Richard Calton his son and heir, to William Barrett of Wymeswold, gent, in consideration of £151 5s 8d., of a close of pasture in Wymeswold called Newe Close, 3 acres, also 3 acres of meadow on the Wouldes at Stelbeye, also 5 lands in Burton Field called Lanborste Hill, 3½ acres, 8 lands in the Thorpe Field forming a wong called Stubbs Wong, 3 acres, 4 lands in Hurdacre Field in Cumberdale, 2 acres 3 roods, and in the Arrowe Field, 1 land on Bulburrowe Hill, ½ acre, 1 land on Brook Furlong, ½ acre, another land on Brooke Furlong ½ acre, 1 land on Arrowe Hill, ½ acre, 2 lands under Flaxland Hades, 0 acre 3 roods, and an annual rent of 5s. 8d issuing from a messuage in which William Barrett dwells, heretofore paid to Calton and finally 13d rent issuing annually from another cottage in Wymeswold in which Jacob Wright lives 20 Jan - 1590/1591
541 - Feoffment by Sir Francis Willoughby and Elizabeth his wife to William and Edward Ballard of Wymeswold of the manor of Wymeswold with all members and appurtenances 10 Jan - 1591/1592
542-543 - Final concord between William Ballard, plaintiff, and Sir Francis Willoughby and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants of the manor of Wymeswold with its members and appurtenances and 7 messuages, two tofts, one dovecote, 7 gardens, 250 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 60 acres of pasture, 8 acres of wood, 200 acres of furze and heath and common of pasture for all types of cattle in Wymeswold: consideration £180 18 Apr - 1592
544 - Marriage settlement between William Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., Edward Ballard, his son and heir, Lancelot Rolleston of Watnall, Nottinghamshire, gent., and Richard Parkynes of Bunny, Nottinghamshire, gent., John Bowne of Nottingham, gent., John Noble of Bearsbye, Leicestershire, gent., Edward Rolleston of Rolleston, Staffordshire, clerk and Henry Hall of Costock, Nottinghamshire, gent., (trustees), by which, in consideration of a marriage between Edward Ballard and Valyntyne Rolleston, William Ballard agrees to convey to Rolleston and trustees, the manor of Wymeswold [Wymeswold Crowhole] and the (other) manor of Wymeswold purchased (of Sir Francis Willoughby); also all the messuages, lands, etc., belonging to William and Edward Ballard in Burton on the Wolds, Wymeswold and Hoton: to various uses: Crowhole manor to the use of Miles Burden of Holme, Leicestershire, yeoman, for one day, then to the use of William Ballard for his natural life, then to the use of Edward Ballard and his lawful male issue by Valyntyne; in default of issue to the use of Thomas Ballard second son and his lawful male issue; in default to the successive uses of George, William, Adrian and Daniel Ballard, third, fourth, fifth and sixth sons and their lawful male issue and in default to the use of the lawful heirs of William Ballard: the manor of Wymeswold (purchased from Willoughby) and premises in Burton and Hoton, to the use of Edward Ballard the son and Valyntyne Rolleston and their lawful male issue, and in default of issue to the successive uses of Thomas, George, William, Adrian and Daniel Ballard and their lawful male issue, and in default to the use of the rightful heirs of William Ballard: the other lands in Wymeswold to the use of William Ballard for life, then to the use of Edward Ballard and his lawful male issue and in default to the use of his brothers successively and their lawful male issue, and in default to the use of the rightful heirs of William Ballard: if Edward Ballard should die without male issue but with daughter(s), then the person(s) to whom the estates limited as above to pay £1000 to such daughter(s) within 5 years of the death of Edward Ballard; also the lands settled as the jointure of the said Valyntyne on the occasion of her death to be held by trustees to the use of the daughters of Edward Ballard until such time as the £1000 shall be paid: also as William Ballard has settled all his estates on Edward Ballard and his male issue, then within four years of his death, Edward to pay 100 marks each to George, Adrian and Daniel Ballard, three of the younger sons 10 Jul - 1592
545 - Counterpart of Marriage settlement between William Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., Edward Ballard, his son and heir, Lancelot Rolleston of Watnall, Nottinghamshire, gent., and Richard Parkynes of Bunny, Nottinghamshire, gent., John Bowne of Nottingham, gent., John Noble of Bearsbye, Leicestershire, gent., Edward Rolleston of Rolleston, Staffordshire, clerk and Henry Hall of Costock, Nottinghamshire, gent., (trustees), by which, in consideration of a marriage between Edward Ballard and Valyntyne Rolleston, William Ballard agrees to convey to Rolleston and trustees, the manor of Wymeswold [Wymeswold Crowhole] and the (other) manor of Wymeswold purchased (of Sir Francis Willoughby); also all the messuages, lands, etc., belonging to William and Edward Ballard in Burton on the Wolds, Wymeswold and Hoton: to various uses: Crowhole manor to the use of Miles Burden of Holme, Leicestershire, yeoman, for one day, then to the use of William Ballard for his natural life, then to the use of Edward Ballard and his lawful male issue by Valyntyne; in default of issue to the use of Thomas Ballard second son and his lawful male issue; in default to the successive uses of George, William, Adrian and Daniel Ballard, third, fourth, fifth and sixth sons and their lawful male issue and in default to the use of the lawful heirs of William Ballard: the manor of Wymeswold (purchased from Willoughby) and premises in Burton and Hoton, to the use of Edward Ballard the son and Valyntyne Rolleston and their lawful male issue, and in default of issue to the successive uses of Thomas, George, William, Adrian and Daniel Ballard and their lawful male issue, and in default to the use of the rightful heirs of William Ballard: the other lands in Wymeswold to the use of William Ballard for life, then to the use of Edward Ballard and his lawful male issue and in default to the use of his brothers successively and their lawful male issue, and in default to the use of the rightful heirs of William Ballard: if Edward Ballard should die without male issue but with daughter(s), then the person(s) to whom the estates limited as above to pay £1000 to such daughter(s) within 5 years of the death of Edward Ballard; also the lands settled as the jointure of the said Valyntyne on the occasion of her death to be held by trustees to the use of the daughters of Edward Ballard until such time as the £1000 shall be paid: also as William Ballard has settled all his estates on Edward Ballard and his male issue, then within four years of his death, Edward to pay 100 marks each to George, Adrian and Daniel Ballard, three of the younger sons 10 Jul - 1592
546 - Discharge by William Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., to Lancelot Rolleston of Watnall, gent., from a bond in £1000 and from all other sales, gifts, grants., etc., made or committed before by him except for a lease for 21 years of houses and land 17 Jul - 1592
547 - Deed of exchange between William and Edward Ballard of Wymeswold, gents., and Thomas and Robert Franke of Wymeswold, yeoman, by which the Ballards have conveyed to the Frankes a cottage, moiety of a ley of ley ground in Dray Leyes and one arable land in the Burton Field, all in Wymeswold, in exchange for a cottage and croft and moiety of two leys of ground in "Dray Leyes", and one land of arable in the Thorpe Field, for which the Frankes paid Ballard 2s per annum 29 Oct - 1593
548 - Letters patent of Elizabeth I being an exemplification of a recovery by Lancelot Rolleston, esq., and Henry Halle, gent., against Edward Ballard, gent., of the manor of Wymeswold, etc., except for 30s rent in Wymeswold 28 Nov - 1593
549 - Feoffment by William Fox of Wymeswold, yeoman, to William Barrett of Wymeswold, yeoman, in consideration of £65, of 20 acres of arable and meadow ground in Wymeswold as specified in schedule; includes land in the Crackhole and Lamrott Furlongs of Burton Field, Barrett Hades, Bardlande Leys, Muswell Furlong and Comberdale in the Thorpe Field, Deademanes Grave, Comberdale, Croft Hades, Linger Lands and Clarke Lands in the Hardacre Field, Bulbarrowe Hill, Upper End and Hither Sycke in the Arrowe Field (16 acres of arable) and 4 acres of meadow on the Wolds at Whisemor Hill 25 Sep - 1594
550 - Assignment by Edward Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., to Lancelot Rolleston of Watnall, Nottinghamshire, esq., of a bond in £250 by which Thomas Flower is bound to Valentine wife of Edward Ballard and daughter of Rolleston, reciting bonds between Edward Ballard and Henry Hall and William Assheby of Willoughby, Nottinghamshire, in £200, between Edward Ballard and Lancelot Rolleston and Henry Hall in £200 and between Thomas Flower of Hucknall and Valentine Ballard in £250 1 Jul - 1596
551 - Letters patent of Elizabeth I, being an exemplification of court proceedings concerning Edward Ballard's possession of the manor of Willoughby, Wymeswold, purchased of Sir Francis Willoughby by William Ballard his father - 12 Feb [1599]
552 - Deed of exchange between Edward Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., and Robert Fox of Wymeswold, yeoman, by which Ballard has conveyed to Fox a cottage and croft in the occupation of John Parr in exchange for a moiety of a cottage and croft in Wymeswold in the tenure of Mary or John Strynger their heirs or assigns 29 Sep - 1602
553 - Feoffment by William Barrett of Wymeswold, yeoman, to Edward Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., in consideration of £14, of a moiety of a cottage and croft in Wymeswold in the tenure of Mary or John Strynger 29 Sep - 1602
554 - Deed to levy a fine between Edward Calton of Wymeswold, gent., and Margaret his wife, Gabriel Armstrong of Thorpe, Nottinghamshire, esq., and Gilbert and Jarvase Armstrong, by which in consideration of £566 13s. 4d., Calton agrees to levy a fine to Gilbert and Jarvase Armstrong, of all the capital messuage being parcel of the manor of Wymeswold now in the tenure of Edward Calton and now divided from the houses and backsides of Edward Ballard, and also several messuages, cottages or tenements in the occupations of Anthony Hawley, William Barlowe and widow Williamette with all house, buildings, yards, gardens, lands, etc., belonging; also a moiety of the manor of Wymeswold belonging to Edward Calton: all the premises, except the rents and services, to be held to the use of Edward Calton and Margaret his wife for the term of 100 years if they live so long; the rents and services to be held to the use of Gabriel Armstrong, and after 101 years (or the death of Edward and Margaret the whole of the premises to be held to the use of Gabriel Armstrong his heirs and assigns 30 Aug - 1603
555 - Feoffment by Edward Calton of Wymeswold, gent., to Gabriel Armstrong of Thorpe in the Glebe, esq., and Gilbert and Jarvase Armstrong, also of Thorpe in the Glebe, in consideration of £566 13s 4d., of the capital messuage in Wymeswold reputed to be half the "scite" of the manor of Wymeswold (Crowhole) and all that capital messuage being parcel of the manor of Wymeswold now in the tenure of Edward Calton and now divided from the houses and backsides of Edward Ballard, and also several messuages, cottages or tenements in the occupations of Anthony Hawley, William Barlowe and widow Williamette with all house, buildings, yards, gardens, lands, etc. 30 Aug - 1603
556-557 - Final concord between William Barrett of Wymeswold, plaintiff, and Edward Ballard deforciant of one messuage, two cottages, two orchards, 60 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 4 acres of pasture and common of pasture for all manner of cattle in Wymeswold: consideration £80 7 Oct - 1604
558 - Marriage settlement between Gabriel Armstrong of Thorpe in the Glebe esq., and Margaret his wife, James Hubbard of Harby, Leicestershire, gent., and Katherine his wife, and Thomas Ellys of Grantham, Lincs.[Lincolnshire], Henry Kandall of Smithebye, [Smisby] Derbyshire, William Roberts of Sutton Cheyney, Leics. [Leicestershire], (trustees), Thomas Armstrong of Thorpe in the Glebe, son of Gabriel Armstrong and Katherine Hubbard, daughter of James Hubbard, by which in consideration of a marriage between Thomas Armstrong and Katherine Hubbard, Gabriel Armstrong agrees to convey to the trustees all his manors, messuages, tenements and land in Wymeswold and also all his lands in Hartington, Derbyshire: the premises in Wymeswold to be held to the use of Thomas Armstrong and Katherine his wife for their natural lives, then to the use of their lawful male issue, in default to their lawful heirs, in default to the heirs of Thomas Armstrong and in default to the heirs of Gabriel Armstrong: the lands in Hartington to be held to the use of Thomas Armstrong and his lawful male issue by Katherine, in default to the use of the lawful heirs of Thomas and Katherine, in default to the use of the lawful male issue of Thomas and in default to the use of the heirs of Gabriel Armstrong: further, Gabriel Armstrong agrees that within the space of 5 years or within one year of the death of Edward Calton, he will convey to the trustees certain messuages, tenements and lands in Wymeswold of the yearly value of £18, to be held to uses as above: further Gabriel Armstrong grants to Katherine an annuity of £18 issuing from his land in Rempstone (Nottinghamshire), if Thomas should die without lawful issue: further, James Hubbard and his wife, Katherine, agree that before 1 Dec, they will convey to the trustees all that capital mansion house in Harby and lands belonging; to the use of James and Katherine for their natural lives, then to the successive uses of his lawful male issue by Katherine and in default of issue, to the use of Thomas Armstrong and Katherine and their lawful issue, and in default to the use of the heirs of James Hubbard: finally James Hubbard promises to pay £150 to Thomas Armstrong - £100 at the time of his marriage to Katherine and £50 at the birth of the first child and also a further £50 when they begin to keep house 11 Jul - 1610
559 - Deed of exchange between Edward Blunte the younger of Wymeswold, yeoman, and William Blunte of Wymeswold, yeoman, by which Edward has conveyed to William two selions of arable land in the Horsleys Furlong of Wymeswold Barley Field, 1 acre, in exchange for a selion or ley of ley ground and a section of arable in Wymeswold West Field 6 Oct - 1612
560 - Deed of exchange between Thomas Hickling of Wymeswold, yeoman, and William Blunte of Wymeswold, yeoman, by which Hickling has conveyed to Blunte 2 selions or leys on Horsleys in Wymeswold Burton Field, 1 acre, and three selions or leys on the same furlong, 1½ acres, in exchange for 3 selions or lands on Bishopp Crofte Furlong in the Hardacre Field, 3 roods, 1 selion or land on Mylhill Furlong in the Thorpe Field, 1 rood, 1 selion or ley at the end of Archome Leys in the Thorpe Field, 1 rood, 1 selion at the end of Thorpe Sick and one selion in Cumerdale, 1 rood - 16 Feb 1612/1613
561 - Marriage settlement between Edward Ballard of Wymeswold, esq., Thomas Ballard his son and heir, Katherine Stanford, daughter of John Stanford of Barkby, Leics. [Leicestershire], esq., John Rol[le]ston of Watnall, Notts. [Nottinghamshire], gent., Robert Tyrningham of Barkley, Leics. [Leicestershire], esq., and William Baynebrigge of Lockington, Leics. [Leicestershire], gent., (trustees), by which, in consideration of a marriage between Thomas Ballard and Katherine Stanford, Edward Ballard has enfeoffed to trustees the manor of Wymeswold Crockhole alias Crowhole and the messuage and land known as Tomlinson's land in Wymeswold and Burton on the Wolds: to be held to the use of Edward until his death, except for a close called Lyllecroft 14 acres; after his death to the use of Thomas Ballard and his lawful male issue by Katherine, in default to the use of Thomas Ballard's lawful male heirs, in default to the use of Samuel Ballard and his lawful male heirs (youngest son of Edward Ballard) and in default of issue to the use of the right heirs of Edward Ballard: the close called Lyllecroft to be held to the use of Thomas and Katherine and their lawful male issue then to the same uses as above: if there are no male heirs at the time of Thomas' death but daughter(s) then the trustees to stand seised of the premises to the use of Katherine and daughter(s) until the sum of £1000 has been raised from the rents and profits for the use of the daughter(s) - on payment the premises pass to the next male heir 6 Dec - 1614
562 - Grant by James I to Gabriel Armstrong of Rampstone, Notts. [Nottinghamshire], esq., to hold a view of frankpledge in the manors of Wymeswold, Norton iuxta [next to] Twycross and Twycross: consideration 20s 1 May - 1615
563 - Grant by Thomas Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., to Thomas Banister of Upton, Leics. [Leicestershire], of a yearly rent of £57 13s 0d., issuing from manors, lands, tenements and hereditaments and a close of pasture in Wymeswold called Blounte Close, pursuant to an earlier agreement between Ballard and Banister 20 Sep - 1615
564 - Feoffment by Edward Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., to Thomas Ballard of Wymeswold, gent., his son, in consideration of £400, of all his manors, messuages, cottages, lands, tenements and hereditaments in Wymeswold 12 May - 1617
565 - Feoffment by Edward Milner of Wymeswold labourer, to William Barrett of Stanford, Notts.. [Nottinghamshire], gent., in consideration of £20, of a cottage and croft adjacent in Wymeswold in the occupation of Edward Milner 4 Jul - 1618
566 - Grant of wardship and marriage of Samuel Ballard (12 years old) heir of Thomas Ballard, gent., deceased, by the Master and Council of the Court of Wards to Adrian Ballard of London, skinner, and Daniel Ballard of the parish of St Clements Danes, draper; with extent and yearly value of property, namely one manor or capital messuage, one other messuage and three cottages - Willoughby manor, with all lands, etc - 30s.; a moiety of one other capital messuage and four cottages, the manor of Crackhole alias Crowhole, with all lands, etc., 8s. 4d., `Tomlinson's Land' one messuage and three cottages 6s. 8d 10 Oct - 1623
567 - Deed to levy fine between Samuel Ballard of Wymeswold, Nathaniel Heaton of London, gent., William Gee of Wymeswold, yeoman, and Christopher Cragge of London, gent., by which Ballard agrees to levy to Heaton and Gee a fine of the manor of Crackhole alias Crowhole and 4 cottages in Wymeswold and the manor of Willoughby, a messuage and 3 cottages in Wymeswold, also all that messuage or tenement called Tomlinsons Land, now or late in the tenure of Edward Francke, and 3 cottages in Wymeswold, and also a close of pasture and a close of meadow in Burton on the Wolds 1 May - 1627
568 - Counterpart of Deed to levy fine between Samuel Ballard of Wymeswold, Nathaniel Heaton of London, gent., William Gee of Wymeswold, yeoman, and Christopher Cragge of London, gent., by which Ballard agrees to levy to Heaton and Gee a fine of the manor of Crackhole alias Crowhole and 4 cottages in Wymeswold and the manor of Willoughby, a messuage and 3 cottages in Wymeswold, also all that messuage or tenement called Tomlinsons Land, now or late in the tenure of Edward Francke, and 3 cottages in Wymeswold, and also a close of pasture and a close of meadow in Burton on the Wolds 1 May - 1627
569 - Final concord between Nathaniel Horton and William Gee, plaintiff, and Samuel Ballard deforciant of the manors of Crackhole alias Crowhole and Willoughby with appurtenances and 4 messuages, 4 gardens, 3 orchards, 200 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 60 acres of pasture, 10s rent and common of pasture for all manner of cattle in Wymeswold and Burton: consideration £320 19 May - 1627
570 - Mortgage by way of lease for 2000 years for £1700 by Samuel Ballard of Wymeswold, esq., to Phillip Ralston of Wymeswold, esq., of the manors of Crackhole alias Crowhole and Willoughby Wymeswold and all his lands in Burton on the Wolds, also the messuage in Wymeswold called Tomlinson's Land, late in the tenure of Edward Francke: annual rent of £10 1 Aug - 1627
571 - Mortgage by way of demise for 2000 years for £3000 by Samuel Ballard of Wymeswold, esq., to Philip Ralston of Wymeswold, esq., of the manors of Crackhole alias Crowhole and Willoughby Wymeswold and all his lands in Burton on the Wolds, also the messuage in Wymeswold called Tomlinson's Land, late in the tenure of Edward Francke 22 Aug - 1627
572 - Marriage settlement between Edward Blunt the younger of Wymeswold, yeoman, and Nicholas Fisher of Wymeswold, yeoman, and Nicholas Fisher of Wymeswold, clerk, Edward Cowen of Thrussington, clerk, and John Burbidge of Ratcliffe on the Wreake, yeoman, (trustees) by which, in consideration of a marriage between Blunt and Ellyn Burbidge youngest daughter of Henry Burbidge of Ratcliffe on the Wreake, yeoman, Blunt has enfeoffed to trustees, all his messuages and tenements in Wymeswold with land etc., belonging to the use of Blunt until the marriage, then to the use of Blunt for his natural life, then after his death a moiety to the use of Ellyn for her natural life, and the other moiety to the use of their lawful male issue; after the death of both the whole to the use of the lawful male issue, and in default to the use of the heirs male of Blunt, in default to the use of the lawful heirs of Blunt and in default to the use of the rights heirs of Blunt: if Ellyn dies without male issue but with daughter(s) and Edward dies with lawful male issue then the trustees are to hold the premises above until they have received from the male heir the sum of £120, to be paid to the daughter(s) on her twenty-first birthday or at the time of her marriage 29 Sep - 1629
573 - Counterpart of marriage settlement between Edward Blunt the younger of Wymeswold, yeoman, and Nicholas Fisher of Wymeswold, yeoman, and Nicholas Fisher of Wymeswold, clerk, Edward Cowen of Thrussington, clerk, and John Burbidge of Ratcliffe on the Wreake, yeoman, (trustees) by which, in consideration of a marriage between Blunt and Ellyn Burbidge youngest daughter of Henry Burbidge of Ratcliffe on the Wreake, yeoman, Blunt has enfeoffed to trustees, all his messuages and tenements in Wymeswold with land etc., belonging to the use of Blunt until the marriage, then to the use of Blunt for his natural life, then after his death a moiety to the use of Ellyn for her natural life, and the other moiety to the use of their lawful male issue; after the death of both the whole to the use of the lawful male issue, and in default to the use of the heirs male of Blunt, in default to the use of the lawful heirs of Blunt and in default to the use of the rights heirs of Blunt: if Ellyn dies without male issue but with daughter(s) and Edward dies with lawful male issue then the trustees are to hold the premises above until they have received from the male heir the sum of £120, to be paid to the daughter(s) on her twenty-first birthday or at the time of her marriage 29 Sep - 1629
574 - Mortgage by way of lease for 2000 years for £3000, by Samuel Ballard of Wymeswold, esq., to Dorothy Rolston, spinster, of the manors of Crackhole alias Crowhole and Willoughby Wymeswold and all his lands in Burton on the Wolds, also the messuage in Wymeswold called Tomlinson's Land, late in the tenure of Edward Francke 22 Aug - 1631
575 - Assignment by Philip Rolston, of Wymeswold, esq., and Samuel Ballard of Wymeswold, esq., to William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., and William Streete of Halloughton, yeoman, in consideration of £3000, of the remainder of the 2000 year term in the mortgage by way of demise of the manors of Wymeswold of 22 Aug 1627 - 1632
576 - Final concord between William Leeke, plaintiff, and Samuel Ballard, deforciant of the manors of Crowhole and Willoughby, 6 messuages, 7 cottages, 2 windmills, 13 gardens, 13 orchards, 500 acres of land, 60 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 200 acres of heath and furze and common of pasture with appurtenances in Wymeswold, Burton and Hoton: in consideration of £600 29 Sep - 1632
577 - Feoffment by Philip Rolston of Wymeswold, esq., and Samuel Ballard of Wymeswold, esq., to William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., in consideration of £3000, of the manors of Crowhole and Willoughby in Wymeswold and the manors of Crackhole alias Crowhole and Willoughby Wymeswold and all his lands in Burton on the Wolds, also the messuage in Wymeswold called Tomlinson's Land, late in the tenure of Edward Francke 4 Oct - 1632
578 - Exemplification of a recovery by Thomas Farrington, gent., and Nicholas Fisher, clerk, against William Leeke, of the manors of Crowhole otherwise Crackhole and Wymeswold otherwise Willoughby and appurtenances and 13 messuages, 1 windmill, 2 dovecotes, 26 gardens, 500 acres of land, 60 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 200 acres of furze and heath, 60s rent and common of pasture in Wymeswold, Burton and Hoton 28 Nov - 1632
579 - Quitclaim by Margaret Rolston of Reedings, Derbyshire, widow (formerly wife of Philip Rolston deceased) to William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., of the manors of Crackhole alias Crowhole and Willoughby Wymeswold and all his lands in Burton on the Wolds, also the messuage in Wymeswold called Tomlinson's Land, late in the tenure of Edward Francke 14 Dec - 1632
580 - Letters patent of Charles I granting pardon to William Leeke for £10 for alienating the manors of Crackhole otherwise Crowhole and Wymeswold otherwise Willoughby without royal licence Jan - 1633/1634
581 - Quitclaim by Edward Rolston of Heath Derbyshire, gent., to William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., of any interest in the manors of Wymeswold and Crackhole, etc. by virtue of any demise, lease or grant made to Dorothy his wife by Samuel Ballard, esq 26 Apr - 1634
582 - Decree by Court of Wards and Marriages admitting Samuel Ballard, next heir of Thomas Ballard his brother deceased, to the manors of Wymeswold otherwise Willoughby, held by knights service of the Crown, and a moiety of the manor of Crackhole otherwise Crowhole held by knight's service of the Duchy of Lancaster: by an inquisition taken at Leicester 7 Mar 1620/1621 it was found that at the time of his death Thomas Ballard was seised in his demesne as of fee in one manor and a moiety of the other, at which time Samuel Ballard, his next heir, was twelve years of age 29 May - 1634
583 - Ousterlemaine upon a travers granted to Samuel Ballard reciting that Thomas Ballard who died without issue was seised of the manor of Wymeswold otherwise Willoughby, a capital messuage and three cottages, and a moiety of the manor of Crackhole otherwise Crowhole, a capital messuage, four cottages and Tomlinson's land, and further that Samuel Ballard was 12 years old at the time of his brother's death; under an inquisition by the Escheator of Leicestershire of 7 Mar 1620/1, the manors were taken into the hands of the king, but Samuel Ballard being of full age then came before Chancery and complained that he had been unjustly deprived of the manors and premises on 21 Jun last past then on 10 Jul the judgment was delivered in favour of Samuel Ballard and the Escheator of the county was ordered to restore the same to him 10 Jul - 1634
584 - Bargain and sale by John Hall of Wymeswold, yeoman, to William Blunt the younger of Wymeswold, yeoman in consideration of £250, of a messuage or tenement in Wymeswold in the occupation of J Hall his heirs and assigns with barns, stables, orchards, gardens, crofts, lands arable, meadow and pasture 2 Apr - 1636
585 - Feoffment: by John Hall of Wymeswold, yeoman, to William Blunt the younger of Wymeswold, yeoman in consideration of £250, of a messuage or tenement in Wymeswold in the occupation of J Hall his heirs and assigns with barns, stables, orchards, gardens, crofts, lands arable, meadow and pasture 2 Apr - 1636
586 - Feoffment by William Blunt the younger of Wymeswold, yeoman, to John Hall of Wymeswold, yeoman, in consideration of £120, of a messuage or tenement in Wymeswold in the occupation of John Hall with all lands, etc., belonging 4 Apr - 1636
587-588 - Quitclaim by Katherine Streete, widow, executor of the will of William Streete, at the request of William Leeke, to Jane Smith daughter of Sir Roger Smith of Edmonsthorpe and Edward Smith, grandchild of Sir Roger Smith, of all interest in a messuage, cottage closes, meadow and pasture land in Wymeswold, leased by William Leeke to Sir Roger Smith, Jane Smith and Edward Smith by indenture of 20 Aug 1644 - circa 1644
589 - Bargain and sale by Edward Blunte the younger of Wymeswold, yeoman, to William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., in consideration of £360, of all that messuage and tenement in Wymeswold late in the occupation of the said Edward Blunt with all houses, edifices, buildings, barns, stables, arable lands, meadows, pastures, etc 26 Dec - 1648
590-591 - Final concord between William Leeke, plaintiff, and Edward Blunt and Helen his wife, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 65 acres of land, 8 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture, 20 acres of heath and moor and common of pasture for all cattle in Wymeswold: consideration £100 9 Feb - 1648/1649
592 - Deed of exchange between William Barratt of Wymeswold, esq., and William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., by which Barratt has conveyed to Leeke 2 arable lands on Stonepitts Furlong, ½ acre by estimation, in exchange for 3 arable lands in the Thorpe Field, 1 acre 1 Oct - 1651
593-594 - Deed to levy a fine between William Barrett the elder of Wymeswold, gent., William Barrett the younger of Wymeswold, gent., and Margaret his wife, Anthony Major of the borough of Leicester, Edward Cholmeley, John Major, John Wasland, Thomas Savile of Lanton Grange, Oxton, Notts. [Nottinghamshire], and Nathanial Sulley of Nottingham, by which the Barretts agree to levy a fine to Major and Cholmeley of the capital messuage in Wymeswold in the occupation of the Barretts and 120 acres of arable, meadow and pasture land, also a messuage or tenement now or late in the tenure of Henry Defreyne and 60 acres of arable, meadow and pasture, also several parcels of arable, meadow and pasture, 40 acres, purchased of Edward Calton by William Barrett late father of William Barrett the elder, also 20 acres of arable, meadow and pasture purchased by the same William Barrett of William Fox, also Buttes Close purchased by the same William Barrett of Edward Calton, also 10 cottages in Wymeswold, a windmill and all reversions and remainders: William Barrett the younger to institute a writ of recovery against Major and Cholmeley 18 Apr - 1652
595-596 - Final concord between Anthony Major and Edward Cholmeley, gents., plaintiffs, and William Barrett the elder, gent., William Barrett the younger, gent, and Margaret his wife deforciants of 3 messuages, 9 cottages, 1 windmill, 1 dovehouse, 11 gardens, 6 orchards, 210 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow, 90 acres of pasture 20 acres of furze and heath and common of pasture for all manner of cattle in Wymeswold One month from Easter - 1652
597 - Mortgage by way of lease for 99 years for £800, by Elizabeth Armstrong the younger, Alice Armstrong and Katherine Armstrong all of Rempstone, Notts. [Nottinghamshire], spinsters, three of the daughters of Gabriel Armstrong, esq., deceased, to John Major of Leicester, gent., with the consent of William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., of a capital messuage in the tenure of J Fox reputed to be a moiety of the site of the manor of Crackhole otherwise Crowhole, and 120 acres of arable, meadow and pasture, Hall Close, Bennetts Close, three Lammas Closes, Mussel Close, Arnald Leys and Bennett Wonge, a moiety of a lammas close called Marsh Close, a cottage, 3 acres of arable, meadow and pasture in the tenure of Thomas Draper, three other cottages in the tenures of James Willmott, Henry Willmott and Richard Rodely and a moiety of the manor of Crackhole otherwise Crowhole with right, members and appurtenances: the lease is void on the payment of £800 by William Leeke on 18 Nov 1652 at the dwelling house of Gabriel Armstrong at Rempstone 13 May - 1652
598 - Exemplification of a recovery by John Major and John wadland against Anthony Major and Edward Cholmeley on 12 messuages, 1 windmill, 1 dovehouse, 17 gardens, 210 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 90 acres of pasture, 20 acres of furze and heath and common of pasture for all manner of cattle in Wymeswold Burton and Hoton 31 May - 1652
599 - Feoffment by William Barrett the younger of Wymeswold, gent., Thomas Savile of Lanton Grange, Oxton, Nottinghamshire, gent., and Daniel Sully of Nottingham, gent., to Daniel Dun of London, gent., and Samuel Thornton of London, gent., Dun's trustee, in consideration of £1000, of a messuage or tenement in the occupation of Henry Defrayne and other property in Wymeswold 12 Aug - 1652
600 - Release enrolled in Chancery for the better assuring of the property to Dun and Thornton 23 Nov - 1652
601 - Quitclaim by Elizabeth Armstrong of Rempstone, Notts. [Nottinghamshire], one of the daughters of Gabriel Armstrong, to William Leeke the elder and William Leeke the younger of Wymeswold, gents., in consideration of £400, of all that messuage or tenement in Wymeswold now or late in the tenure of Robert Francke, 76 acres of arable, meadow and pasture, also a messuage or tenement now or late in the tenure of Elias Soares and 76 acres of arable, meadow and pasture 2 Jun - 1654
602 - Mortgage by William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., to Joane Street of Halloughton, spinster, for £650, of all that messuage or tenement in the occupation of Robert Franke, and all that messuage or tenement in the occupation of Elias Soare, with all appurtenances: for 99 years: redeemable on the payment £39 on 29 Sep 1655, and £689 on 29 Sep 1655 20 Nov - 1654
603 - Marriage settlement between William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., and John Foster, citizen and apothecary of London, by which, in consideration of a marriage between John Foster and Ann Mary Leeke, William's daughter, Leeke has enfeoffed to Foster all that farm commonly called or known by the name of Bosses Farm now in the tenure of Elias Soares, and an estimated 60 acres of arable, ley and pasture belonging 26 Jun - 1656
604 - Family settlement between William Ironmonger of Burton on the Wolds, gent., and Katherine his wife, Ralph Edge of Nottingham, gent., Arthur Richards of Nottingham gent., John Coates of Callow Hill, Staffordshire, gent., and John Allen of Loughborough, gent., by which, in order to settle certain property on Thomas Ironmonger his son and heir, Ironmonger has levied a fine to Edge and Richards of all that capital messuage in Burton on the Wolds in the tenure of William Ironmonger, close or backside adjoining called Barne Close, and several closes called Ley Close, Flax Leys Close, Shields Close, Chapel Close, Hawcroft Leys Close, Wands Close, Shrobbs Close, Rayle Close, Cowe Plott, Plowed Plott and Sheepe Leys, also a messuage, cottage or tenement in the occupation of Dorothy Hamsley with a parcel of the Wands Close in Burton, and several other closes, Mealhams Close, Hunterdale Close and Grannye Close, and several arable lands on Plaster Pit Furlong, also a dovecote next to the capital messuage and cottages in the occupations of Everrard Gray and Hugh Higgins; further a close called Davie Wong in Hooton fields and Fenton's Close Hooton and all his arable land in Wymeswold fields (described in the fine as 2 messuages, 5 cottages, 1 dovehouse, 7 gardens, 7 orchards, 200 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow 20 acres of pasture, 40 acres of furze and heath and common of pasture for all cattle in Wymeswold, Hooton and Burton): Edge and Richards to be tenants of the freehold so that Coates and Allen could sue a writ of "entrie sur disseisin in le post" against them and suffer a common recovery: if the recovery is not made within two years then the premises to be held by Edge and Richards to several uses; to the use of William Iremonger and Katherine his wife until their death, then to the use of Edge and Richards for 21 years in trust for Katherine Iremonger daughter of William Ironmonger and such other daughters, provided that if Thomas Ironmonger within 12 months of the decease of the longest liver of William and Katherine pays to Katherine (the daughter) £600, and £400 to such other daughter(s) within 3 years of the deceased, then the 21 year term becomes void: after the expiration of the term of 21 years then the capital messuages and accompanying closes to be held to theuse of behoof of Thomas Ironmonger and his lawful issue by Katherine, in default of issue to the use of the other sons of William Ironmonger and in default to the heirs of William Ironmonger: the remainder of the property to be held to the use of William Ironmonger only for his natural life, then to the use of Thomas Ironmonger and his lawful male issue, in default to the use of the other son of William Ironmonger and in default to the right heirs of William Ironmonger - 20 Feb 1656/1657
605 - Surrender by Elizabeth Armstrong the younger and Alice Armstrong, two of the daughters of Gabriel Armstrong of Rempstone, deceased, John Herrycke of Leicester, esq., Katherine his wife one of the daughters of Gabriel Armstrong, John and Anthony Major of Leicester, gents., to William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., of half of the manor of Crackhole otherwise Crowhole, capital messuage in Wymeswold reputed to be half the site of the manor of Wymeswold, 120 acres of arable, meadow and pasture land belonging, Hall Close, Bennett Close, Mussel Close, Auld Leyes Close, Bennett Wong (Lammas Closes) and a moiety of Marsh Close; also a cottage and three acres in the occupation of T Draper and three cottages in the occupations of H and J Willimott and R Rodley: reciting that William Leeke has repaid the £800 mentioned in the mortgage of 13 May 1652 and the indenture of feoffment of 14 May 1652 by which Gabriel Armstrong the younger his wife and sisters conveyed the property to William Leeke 30 Apr - 1658
606 - Feoffment by William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., to Edward Belton of Wymeswold, yeoman, in consideration of £99, of several pieces of arable, meadow, pasture and ley ground in Wymeswold fields - schedule attached: in summary - in the Hardacre Field - 7 arable lands on Chadale and Cumberdale, 4 leys on Rushy Sike; in the Thorpe Field - 4 arable lands on Cumberdale and Sawstreete; in the Burton Field - 7 arable land butting Burton Hedge by the Broad Balke and 1 ley in Arnold Leys; in the West Field - 5 arable lands in Langley Wong, in the Marsh and at Strawgate; in the Arrowe Field - 8 arable lands in Little Dagate, Guldgate and by Blounts close; 2½ acres of meadow by Willoughby Wolds 17 Sep - 1658
607 - Feoffment by William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., to Archibald Dickman of Wymeswold, yeoman, in consideration of £99, of 17 acres of arable, meadow, pasture and ley ground in Wymeswold fields now or late in the tenure of Robert Langley: schedule attached: in summary - 6 lands in Thorpe Field; 16 lands in Hardacre Field; 6 lands and 1 ley in the Burton Field; 3 lands and 1 ley in the West Field; 8 lands in the Arrowe Field 17 Sep - 1658
608 - Feoffment by William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., to Edward Blount of Wymeswold, yeoman, in consideration of £99, of 17 acres of arable, meadow, pasture and ley ground in Wymeswold fields now or late in the tenure of Robert Langley: schedule attached: in summary - in the Hardacre Field - 14 lands on Whadale, Cumberdale, Deadmans Grave and Rushie Sicke; in the Thorpe Field - 3 lands at the Milne and 1 ley at the Mussell - in the Burton Field - 8 lands in Arnold Leys and Little Caygate; in the West Field - 6 lands and 1 ley on Cowe Wong, Rempston Way, Damasine Headland, Nottingham Way and Hemplands Furlong; in the Arrowe Field - 11 lands on the Greeves, the Styes and Under Flaxlands Furlong; 2 pieces of meadow on Longe Moore and 1 ley of meadow shooting into Willoughby Brooke 17 Sep - 1658
609 - Assignment by William Fox of Wymeswold the younger, yeoman, executor of the will of Thomas Fox late of Wymeswold, deceased, to Daniel Dun of Kings Norton, Worcestershire, esq., in consideration of £169, of a messuage or tenement in Wymeswold in the tenure of Ann Defrayne, widow, Francis Thruchley and Thomas Turner, of clear annual value of 10s., and a moiety of the arable, meadow and pasture ground belonging, of £10 clear annual value, and a close of pasture Bull Close 1½ acres; also two messuages and 100 acres of arable, meadow and pasture land in the occupation of William Kirkman and Edward and Elizabeth Milner, of £10 clear annual value, also a cottage, tenement and home close, of clear annual value of 5 shillings, for four other cottages in the occupation of William Phipps, William Baxter, William Marshall and Edward Grundy, also one other cottage or tenement in the occupation of Ralph Dudley, one windmill in the tenure of William Barrett, of clear annual value of 20 shillings and a little close called Clea Close, 1 acre in the occupation of Thomas Wakelove: to be held until a debt of £240 owed to Thomas Fox by William Barrett, acknowledged in a Statue Merchant of 15 Apr 1648 is settled (property conveyed to Daniel Dun by Barrett by feoffment of 12 Aug 1652) 22 Sep - 1658
610 - Quitclaim ? by Elizabeth Armstrong to William Leeke of Wymeswold in consideration of £400 of all that messuage or tenement in the occupation of Robert Franke, and all that messuage or tenement in the occupation of Elias Soare, with all appurtenances 23 Sep - 1658
611 - Mortgage by way of lease for 500 years for £500 by William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., to Humphrey Bedingfield of Wighton, Norfolk, esq., of the capital messuage in Wymeswold in the occupation of William Leeke (reputed to be a moiety of the site of the manor of Wymeswold Crowhole), several parcels of arable, meadow and pasture land belonging, 120 acres, and Hales Close, Bennett's Close, three Lammas Closes and a moiety of the Marsh Close, also a cottage and 3 acres of arable, pasture and meadow in the occupation of Thomas Draper, and three other cottages in the occupation of Henry Willimott, James Willimott and Richard Rodsley, a moiety of the manor of Crowhole, and a messuage and tenement in the occupation of John Hall (formerly Edward Blunt) with all buildings and land belonging: redeemable on the payment of £30 before 23 Dec 1660, a further £30 before 23 Dec 1661 and £530 before 23 Dec 1662: to be paid at the dwelling house of William Hall, goldsmith, Cheapside, London 13 Sep - 1659
612-613 - Mortgage by way of lease for 500 years for £500 by William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., to Humphrey Bedingfield of Wighton, Norfolk, esq., of the capital messuage in Wymeswold in the occupation of William Leeke (reputed to be a moiety of the site of the manor of Wymeswold Crowhole), several parcels of arable, meadow and pasture land belonging, 120 acres, and Hales Close, Bennett's Close, three Lammas Closes and a moiety of the Marsh Close, also a cottage and 3 acres of arable, pasture and meadow in the occupation of Thomas Draper, and three other cottages in the occupation of Henry Willimott, James Willimott and Richard Rodsley, a moiety of the manor of Crowhole, and a messuage and tenement in the occupation of John Hall (formerly Edward Blunt) with all buildings and land belonging: redeemable on the payment of £30 before 23 Dec 1660, a further £30 before 23 Dec 1661 and £530 before 23 Dec 1662: to be paid at the dwelling house of William Hall, goldsmith, Cheapside, London 13 Dec - 1659
614 - Licence by the Masters, Fellows and Scholars of Trinity College, Cambridge, to William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., to alienate the lease of the rectory of Wymeswold 21 Apr - 1660
615-616 - Lease for possession (and counterpart) by William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., to William Bainbridge of Lockington, Leicestershire, esq., of the manors of Wymeswold and Crackhole otherwise Crowhole 30 Sep - 1670
617-618 - Marriage settlement between William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., William Bainbrigge of Lockington, esq., Henry Bainbridge of Alvaston, esq., and Katherine Brainbrigge sister of William Bainbrigge, by which in consideration of a marriage between William Leeke and Katherine Bainbrigge and £2000, Leeke has released to William Bainbrigge the manors of Wymeswold and Crowhole, capital messuage in the occupation of William Leeke, and all other manors, messuages, tenements, etc., of his in Wymeswold: to the use of William Leeke until the marriage, then to the use of William Leeke for his natural life, then to the use of Katherine for her natural life, and then to the use of their successive lawful male heirs: if no male issue but two or more daughters then to the use of Henry Bainbrigge for 99 years in order to levy from the rents and profits £2000 for the daughters at the age of eighteen or the time of their marriage: also before Hilary Term Leeke is to levy a fine of the premises to William Bainbrigge 1 Oct - 1670
619-620 - Additional marriage settlement between William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., and William Bainbrigge of Lockington, Leicestershire, esq., by which the lease of the Rectory of Wymeswold by Trinity College, Cambridge, to William Leeke (10 Apr 1665) is settled on his eldest male heir by Katherine Bainbrigge 1 Oct - 1670
621 - Final concord between William Bainbrigge, esq., plaintiff, and William Leeke, esq., deforciant, of the manors of Crackhole and Willoughby, 6 messuages, 20 cottages, 1 windmill, 2 dovecotes, 26 gardens, 26 orchards, 600 acres of land, 50 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 300 acres of furze and heath and common of pasture for all types of cattle with appurtenances in Wymeswold: consideration £700 6 Oct - 1670
622-623 - Lease and release by John Foster, citizen and apothecary of London, to William Leeke of Wymeswold, esq., in consideration of £410, of a messuage, tenement and farm in Wymeswold called Bosses Farm with all land belonging formerly in the possession of Elias Soares, but now of Widow Deffrayne and her son 26 & 27 May - 1671
624 - Assignment by Arthur Richards of Nottingham, esq., to William Leeke of Wymeswold, esq., and William Fox the younger of Wymeswold, yeoman, in consideration of £61 1s 0d of a moiety of the arable, meadow and pasture ground and also the judgment of an inquisition of 2 Feb 1667/8 by which the Sheriff of Leicester delivered to James Dring of Westthorpe, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, yeoman, the moiety mentioned above, reciting a judgment in favour of James Dring against William Barrett of Wymeswold in the Court of the Kings Bench in Hilary Term 1649 and the subsequent assignment of the premises and the judgment by Dring's widow to Arthur Richards - 17 Feb 1671/1672
625 - Assignment by Elizabeth Sherbrooke of Oxton widow (executrix of the will of Thomas Sherbrooke) and Robert Sherbrooke of Oxton, Nottinghamshire, gent., son and heir of Thomas, to William Leeke of Wymeswold, esq., and William Fox the younger of Wymeswold, yeoman, in consideration of £250, of a judgment in the Court of King's Bench in Hilary Term 1649 obtained by Thomas Sherbrooke against William Barrett (then of Oxton, since of Wymeswold, deceased) for £340 debts and 21s damages 4 Apr - 1672
626 - Assignment by William Barrett of Wymeswold, gent., to William Barrett the younger of Wymeswold his son and heir and Peter Herald, citizen and tallow-chandler of London of all such right title or interest in law or in equity he may have or claim in premises in Wymeswold sold to Daniel Dun, reciting an agreement by which Daniel Dun was to reconvey the premises to Barrett and the subsequent exhibition by William Barrett of a bill of complaint against Dun in the Court of Chancery: further William Barrett the elder appoints that Dun should convey to Barrett the younger and Herald the said premises upon the trust that, if the estate is sold, the money should be used both to satisfy Dun (to re-convey the estate), to pay for their own expenses and to pay off Barrett the elder's debts: schedule of Barrett's debts attached 8 Aug - 1672
627-628 - Release by William Barrett of Wymeswold son and heir of William Barrett of Wymeswold, deceased, and Peter Herald, citizen and tallow chandler of London, to Daniel Dun of Kings Norton, Worcestershire, esq., in consideration of £600, of all the premises intended to be conveyed to him (Dun) by the feoffment of 12 Aug 1652 together with all right, claim and interest and equity of redemption 12 Dec - 1672
629 - Assignment by Daniel Dun of Kings Norton, Worcestershire, gent., to William Leeke of Wymeswold, esq., and Robert Langley of Wymeswold, yeoman, of the premises and Statute Merchant in Wymeswold, assigned by William Fox to Daniel Dun 30 Mar - 1673
630-631 - Lease and release by Daniel Dun of Kings Norton, Worcestershire, gent., and Samuel Thornton of London, merchant, to William Leeke of Wymesmold, esq., in consideration of £990, of all that capital messuage and close adjacent in the occupation of John Cliffe, close of pasture or meadow called Townsend Close, 4 acres, close of meadow or pasture called Thorpesicke Close 2 acres, a messuage or tenement in the occupation of William Lovett, yeoman, Butts Close 4 acres, and a windmill in the occupation of Edward Coope, also cottages in the occupation of William Phipps, also several parcels of arable, meadow and pasture in the fields (West, Arrowe, Thorpe, Burton and Hardacre Field) 30 Mar & 1 Apr - 1673
632 - Feoffment: Daniel Dun of Kings Norton, Worcestershire, gent., and Samuel Thornton of London, merchant, to William Leeke of Wymesmold, esq., in consideration of £990, of all that capital messuage and close adjacent in the occupation of John Cliffe, close of pasture or meadow called Townsend Close, 4 acres, close of meadow or pasture called Thorpesicke Close 2 acres., a messuage or tenement in the occupation of William Lovett, yeoman, Butts Close 4 acres, and a windmill in the occupation of Edward Coope, also cottages in the occupation of William Phipps, also several parcels of arable, meadow and pasture in the fields (West, Arrowe, Thorpe, Burton and Hardacre Field) 30 Mar & 1 Apr - 1673
633 - Feoffment by Daniel Dun of Kings Norton, Worcestershire, gent., and Samuel Thornton of London, merchant, to William Leeke of Wymeswold, esq., in consideration of £47, of a cottage and little close in Wymeswold and 1 rood of arable in the West Field now in the tenure of William Baxter 2 Apr - 1673
634 - Assignment by Thomas Parker of London, gent., William Blunt of Wapping, Middlesex, shipbuilder (executor of the will of Thomas Franke deceased late of Wymeswold, yeoman) and Peter Herald, citizen and draper of London to William Leeke of Wymeswold, esq., and Robert Langley of Wymeswold, yeoman, in consideration of £90, of the debt £87 10s) due on a judgment against William Barrett (Barrett had defaulted on a bond to John Franke father of Thomas Franke) 25 Jun - 1673
635 - Feoffment by Matthias Walls of Thrussington, Leicestershire, gent., Katherine his wife and Matthias Wells his son to William Leeke of Wymeswold, esq., in consideration of £50, of a cottage in Wymeswold with buildings, stables, barns, etc., late in the occupation of Robert Long 17 Feb - 1673/1674
636 - Surrender by William Iremonger of Sambourn, Worcestershire, gent., and Katherine his wife, Thomas Iremonger his son and heir and Thomas Burlton of Sambourn Worcestershire, gent., and Katherine his wife only daughter of William Iremonger to William Palmer of Onleape, Leicestershire, gent., of the estate and term of 21 years granted to Ralph Edge of Nottingham, gent., and Arthur Richards of Nottingham, gent., in the deed of settlement of 20 Feb 1656/7 24 Jun - 1680
637 - Feoffment by John Blunt of Wymeswold, yeoman, to William Leeke of Wymeswold, serjeant at law, in consideration of £230, of a close in the Arrowe Field, Wymeswold, and several pieces or parcels or arable, meadow and pasture land in Wymeswold fields in the occupation of Hugh Blunt, Richard Groves, Thomas Stubbs, Thomas Lacey and John Blunt, 33 acres in all 31 Oct - 1681
638 - Quitclaim by John Blunt of London, ship carpenter, son and heir apparent of John Blunt of Wymeswold, yeoman, to William Leeke of Wymeswold, serjeant at law, of a close in the Arrowe Field, Wymeswold, and several pieces or parcels or arable, meadow and pasture land in Wymeswold fields in the occupation of Hugh, Blunt, Richard Groves, Thomas Stubbs, Thomas Lacey and John Blunt, 33 acres in all 5 Jan - 1681/1682
639 - Quitclaim by Edward Blunt, yeoman, son and heir of William Blunt late of Wymeswold, yeoman, deceased, to William Leeke of Wymeswold, serjeant at law, of a close in the Arrowe Field, Wymeswold and several pieces or parcels or arable, meadow and pasture land in Wymeswold fields in the occupation of Hugh Blunt, Richard Groves, Thomas Stubbs, Thomas Lacey and John Blunt, 33 acres in all 14 Jan - 1681/1682
640-641 - Lease and release by Gabriel Armstrong of East Leake, esq., to William Leeke, serjeant at law, in consideration of 40 guineas of the court leet and view of frankpledge at Wymeswold 30 & 31 Mar - 1684
642-643 - Lease and release by Francis Leake of East Leake, yeoman, to William Leeke of Wymeswold, serjeant at law, in consideration of £6 7s 6d., of two parcels of arable land in Wymeswold Thorpe Field, namely 1 land butting on the Highway, 1 rood and 1 land butting on Thorpe Sicke, ½ acre 15 & 16 Oct - 1686
644 - Final concord between William Cooke, plaintiff, and Robert Langley, deforciant, of 1 messuage, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 40 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, 5 acres of pasture, 10 acres of furze and heath and common of pasture for all manner of cattle in Wymeswold: consideration £60 21 Apr - 1689
645-646 - Final concord between William Francke and Josephine Wright, plaintiffs, and Henry Lacey, deforciant, of 1 messuage, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 60 acres of land, 60 acres of meadow, 10 acres of pasure, 10 acres of furze and heath and common of pasture for all manner of cattle in Wymeswold and Hoton: consideration £120 28 Apr - 1689
647 - Marriage settlement between Katherine Leeke, widow and administrator of the goods and chattels of William Leeke, serjeant at law, deceased, and Katherine Leeke only child of William Leeke by the said Katherine, William Sacheverell of Barton, Nottinghamshire, gent., John Thornhagh of Fenton, Nottinghamshire, gent., Charles Hutchinson of Owthorpe, Nottinghamshire, gent., and Sir William Yorke, knight, of Lessingham, Lincs., by which in consideration of a marriage between Katherine Leeke and Sir William Yorke, Katherine Leeke has assigned to Sacheverell, Thornhagh and Hutchinson (trustees), all her jewels, plate, rings, household goods, implements, arrears of rent, bonds, securities, mortgages and leases and all goods whatsoever upon trust to pay and discharge all sums of money owing out of the estate of William Leeke, deceased: also to raise the sum of £1300 (and interest) to discharge two mortgages on land in South Rauceby and Lessingham, Lincs., being part of the lands intended to be settled by Sir William on Katherine as part of the marriage settlement; further, if Katherine survives Sir William, then upon trust that they pay and dispose all the residue and surplus of Katherine Leeke to such persons and to such uses as she shall indicate by her last will and testament: schedule of mortgages, bonds and securities attached 3 May - 1690
648 - Lease for possession by Katherine Leake, spinster, heir of William Leake, deceased, Dame Katherine Yorke, wife of Sir William Yorke, knight, formerly wife of William Leake, John Thornhagh of Fenton, Nottinghamshire, gent., and William Cooke of Wymeswold, gent., (guardians of Katherine Leeke) to Henry Bainsbrigge of London, gent., and John Orme of Wymeswold, clerk, of the manors of Wymeswold, clerk, of the manors of Wymeswold and Crockhole with rights, members and appurtenances, Tomlin's land, a close called Over Mussells, 12 acres in Thorpe in the Clotts and part of Hebes Close, 22 acres or 18 perches, also in Thorpe 19 Nov - 1699
649-650 - Appointment by Katherine Okeover, wife of Thomas Okeover, gent., sole daughter and heir of William Leeke of Wymeswold, serjeant at law, deceased, that all the manors, lands, tenements, etc., recited in the marriage settlement of 18 Nov 1699 (marriage of Katherine Leeke and Thomas Okeover), shall after the death of Katherine and Thomas Okeover remain to the use of Rowland Okeover for the term of 500 years so that he may levy out of the rents, issues and profits £400, in case £400 owed to him by Thomas Okeover (paid by Rowland Okeover to obtain the Act of Parliament permitting Katherine Leeke, an infant, to settle and dispose of her estate on marriage) shall not be paid: after the sum has been raised then the estate is to be surrendered by Rowland Okeover to the person entitled in the immediate reversion or remainder 10 Jan - 1699/1700
651 - Release by Hugh Blunt of Wymeswold, wheel-wright, and Edward Blunt, his son and heir, to William Charles of Wymeswold, miller, in consideration of £6, of all those three butts of land in Wymeswold, Thorpe Field where the windmill stands 29 Apr - 1703
652 - Lease by Dame Katherine Yorke, widow, of Wymeswold and Thomas Okeover, esq., and Katherine his wife, to John Dalby of Wymeswold, miller, of a piece of ground in Wymeswold where a windmill formerly stood, with all the timber, millstones, etc, belonging to the former windmill which was burnt down: to be held for 21 years at a rent of 32s for the first 11 years and 10s for the last 10: mill to be re-erected 24 Apr - 1704
653-654 - Lease and release by William Charles of Wymeswold, miller, George Waldram of Barrow on Soar, yeoman, and Hugh Blunt of Wymeswold, wheelwright, son and heir of Edward Blunt of Wymeswold, yeoman, to William Johnson of Wymeswold, wheelwright, and Robert Ward of Thurkinson, miller in consideration of £90, of a parcel of ground in Wymeswold Thorpe Field with the windmill thereon 28 & 29 Sep - 1713
655 - Release by William Johnson of Wymeswold, wheelwright, and Robert Ward of Thurkinson, miller, to William Raven of Desford, mercer, and Richard Marshall of Prestall, yeoman, in consideration of £15, of a windmill in Wymeswold Thorpe Field 8 Apr - 1715
656-657 - Lease and release by William Johnson of Wymeswold, wheelwright, Robert Ward of Little Thorpe, framework knitter, William Raven of Desford, mercer, and Richard Marshall of Prestall, yeoman, in consideration of £70, of a windmill in Wymeswold Thorpe Field 25 & 26 Jun - 1718
658 - Lease for possession by Richard Leake of Wymeswold to Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., of a cottage, tenement and dovecote in Wymeswold and several parcels or arable, meadow and pasture land in the Arrowe, Hardacre and Thorpe Fields 22 Mar - 1727/1728
659 - Surrender by Arthur Alcock of Tamworth, gent., to Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., of the lease of the rectory of Wymeswold from Trinity College, Cambridge on the condition that Okeover leases the rectory to Alcock for 19 years to secure the sum of £1000 22 Nov - 1734
660 - Assignment of a mortgage by way of lease (by Leake Okeover to Joseph Greaves of Ingleby, gent., of the lease of Wymeswold rectory for £2000) by Joseph Greaves to Foot Cragg of Chancery Lane, Middlesex, and mortgage by way of lease for 15 years for £2000 by Leake Okeover to Foot Cragg of the rectory of Wymeswold 19 Jul - 1739
661 - Bradmore: Mortgage by way of lease for 500 years for £200, by Thomas Parkyns of Bunny, esq., to Thomas Babington of Rothley Temple, Leicestershire, esq., William Leeke of Wymeswold, serjeant at law, and Robert Barnard of Sileby, Leicestershire, esq., (executors of the will of John Morton) of a messuage or tenement with the arable, meadow and pasture land belonging in Bradmore now or late in the tenure of George Archer, also a cottage in Bradmore in the tenure of Mary Archer: redeemable on the payment of £212 by 26 Aug 1678 25 Aug - 1677
661-669 - Nottinghamshire Estate
662 - Costock: Mortgage by way of lease for 30 years for £2200, by William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., and Katherine his wife to Roger Smith of Edmonsthorpe, gent., of a capital messuages in Costock, now or late in the tenure of William Leeke and five yardlands with appurtenances, and several closes namely Brooke Close, the Holme, the Well Close, Close adjoining the Rectory, the Holly Close, the Pipers Close, Sandy Lane Close, Colepitt Hill, Lea Close, Thorney Close and a little close adjoining it, 193 acres in all in the several tenure of William Howson, Thomas Hunt, William Eastwood and George Warring: redeemable on the payment on £2200 with interest by 1 May 1632 16 Apr - 1629
663 - Costock: Family settlement between Thomas Parkynes of Bunny, esq., William Leeke of Wymeswold, serjeant at law, and Henry Cropper of Bunny, gent., by which, in order to raise the portions for his daughters and provide maintenance for his two younger sons, Parkyns has released to Leeke and Cropper, a messuage with appurtenances situate in a close called the Highfield in Costock, and several closes called the Highfield Ground, Middlefield and Lowfield Ground, the Pingle, Hunts Close, Blunts Close, Grange Leys and Barsons Close, all in Costock; also a messuage and tenement lying and being in the Townfield of Costock, purchased from the Marquis of Dorchester: to the use of Parkyns for his natural life, then after his decease to the use of Leeke and Cropper on trust that the rents and profits in the lifetime of his wife Anne be disposed to Thomas and Beaumont his two younger sons and Katherine and Anne his two daughters, to be shared equally among them for their maintenance: after the death of Anne, Leeke and Cropper to sell the premises for the best price, to be shared between Katherine and Anne, with Katherine receiving £500 more than Anne - to be paid at the age of eighteen or the day of marriage: but if Cressy Parkyns, Thomas's son and heir shall within six months of the decease of the survivor of Thomas and Anne, pay to Katherine and Anne £2000 each, then Leeke and Cropper are to convey the property to him until the £4000 is paid 17 Jan - 1678/1679
664 - Gedling, Carlton and Stoke Bardolph: Release by Timothy Truman of Nottingham, woollen draper, Thomas Babington of Rothley Temple, Leicestershire and William Leeke of Wymeswold, serjeant at law (executors of the will of John Morton, late of Sileby), to Thomas Ousley of Clifton, Nottinghamshire, clerk and Bridget his wife, in consideration of £424, of a messuage and tenement in Gedling in the occupation of Mary Truman, widow, with all lands belonging in Gedling, Carlton and Stoke Bardolph, and also all other premises which were conveyed to John Thornhagh by Timothy Truman by a lease/release of 31 Apr/1 May 19 Jan - 1680/1681
665 - Gotham: Assignment by William Leeke of Wymeswold serjeant at law to John Cole of Melbourne, Derbyshire, esq., at the appointment of Gervase Pigot of Thrumpton, Nottinghamshire, esq., Robert of Bramcote, Warwickshire, and Henry Hemsley of Thrumpton, yeoman, of a judgment obtained in Easter Term 1678 by Joan Templar, William Leeke's sister, against Gervase Pigot, by which Pigot paid to Templar £106, relating to a messuage and tenement in Gotham called the West Hall and a messuage and tenement in Gotham in the occupation of J Welton 8 Jul - 1679
666 - Ruddington: Release by Sir William Yorke of Lesingham, Lines., and Dame Katherine Yorke to Samuel Hallows of Nottingham esq., in consideration of £253 15s 0d., of a capital messuage and farm in Ruddington with three oxgangs of land, meadow and pasture in Riddington in the Moorfield, Collicross Field, Mittleborow Field and Mill Field, late in the tenure of William Chamberlain 28 Mar - 1695
667-669 - Thorpe in the Glebe and Wysall: Lease, release and feoffment by Samuel Tryst of Cullworth, Northamptonshire, esq., and Samuel Tryst his son and heir, to William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., in consideration of £390, of a close in Thorpe called Over Mussels Close, 12 acres, adjacent to Wymeswold Fields, also 22 acres 0 rood 18 perches of a close called Hebes Close (known as Tryst's Quarter) in Thorpe and Wysall 20 & 21 Aug - 1677
670 - Misterton: Quitclaim by Master Henry Lovel, Master Ralph de Brassington, Robert de Moretintoun and William Maunsel, executors of the will of Philip Lovel deceased, to Hugh de Okeover of £10 of the forty marks in which the said Hugh was bound to them for a moiety of the manor of Munstreton [Misterton, Leicestershire], in return for £20 in which the said Philip was bound to Hugh, which payment they will allot to Hugh on the Octave of St Michael - 1259
670-678 - Small Leicestershire Estates
671 - Misterton: Quitclaim by Remigius de Arundel to Hugh de Okeover of all his demesne land in Munstreton [Misterton] except the tenements which Robert, son of Adam, William, clerk, William Purfrey, Robert Curteys, Edith, widow, Henry Bercarius, [Shepherd], Alice Nalle, Roger Curteys, Emma de Ferreys, Margery, widow, Robert Taylor and Isabel widow, held, with rents, services and customary dues, except also for 10 shillings annual rent from Berhanger and 20 shillings arising annually from two virgates of land which Thomas de Swyneford held from the said Hugh, which said rents, tenements, services and customary dues remain to the said Remigius for 19 years: in return for this quitclaim, Hugh has released to Remigius and his heirs £6 8s 3½d annual rent due from him yearly in part payment for the Manor of Munstreton; if any of the tenants die, then the fines and escheats shall be divided between the said Hugh and Remigius Witnesses: William Purfrey, Robert son of Adam de Misterton, Thomas le Franc, Richard Parent, Philip, clerk, and others Saturday next before the feast of St Denis (8 Oct) 46 Henry II - 1262
672 - Halloughton: Feoffment by William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., to Thomas Swann of Leddington, Leicestershire, yeoman, in consideration of £200, of 30 acres of arable, meadow and pasture, leys, lott grass and parting grass in Halloughton fields, namely in the Barley Hill Field, 5 lands, 18½ roods, 4 half acres and a piece; in the Small Wood Field, 15 roods, 10 half acres, 12½ roods of ley grass; in the Ferne Field, 8 half acres, 19 roods and 2 roods of ley: also common of pasture for 7 neat beasts and a half, cows or bullocks and 50 sheep in the common pasture, open fields and commonable places in Halloughton 9 Nov - 1657
673 - Quorn: Lease and release by William Leeke of Wymeswold, gent., to Samuel Jebb of Outwoods Park, Loughborough, gent., and William Page of Quorn, Leicestershire, tanner, in consideration of £24, of a close of pasture, 1 acre, lying on the left of the road leading from Quorn to Leicester, now in the occupation of William Page 16 & 17 Apr - 1669
674 - Quorn: Security by George Morton of Quorn, Leicestershire, to Thomas Babington of Rothley Temple, Leicestershire, esq., William Leeke of Wymeswold, esq., and Theophilus Barnard of Sileby, gent., for indemnifying them from the debts of John Morton his father, by which he has let to Babington, Leeke and Barnard for 200 years a messuage, farm and tenement with all lands belonging at Walton on the Wolds in the occupation of Bonsall; for 100 years, several pieces of ground in Quorn called the Wellezons and all his other messuages, tenements, lands, etc., in Quorn, Sileby, Mountsorrel, Legrave and elsewhere in Leicestershire: if George Morton attains the age of 24, or dies before the age of 24 leaving lawful male issue, then the term of 100 years to be void 30 Apr - 1685
675 - Quorn: Release by Sir William Yorke of Lessingham Lincs., Dame Katherine Yorke, his wife, relict and administrator of the goods and chattels of William Leeke serjeant at law, deceased, William Sacheveral of Barton, Nottinghamshire, esq., Charles Hutchingson of Owthorpe, Nottinghamshire, esq., and William Cooke of Wymeswold, gent., to George Morton of Quorn, esq., in consideration of £589 15s 8d., of a capital messuage in Quorn known as the Nether Hall late in the occupation of Henry Farnham, gent., now of George Morton, and land adjoining, also Coney Grey Close, 9 acres, a water mill and fulling mill, and two parcels of ground called the Millbrook and the Reedbedd in Quorn, also 6 acres of meadow called Mill Holme or Barrow Holme in Barrow on Soar, and all other premises in Quorn and Barrow on Soar, and all other premises in Quorn and Barrow on Soar purchased by George Morton of Henry Farnham by conveyance dated 25 Aug 1687; also several parcels of arable, lea, meadow and pasture in Walton on the Wolds, Leicestershire, - 1 yard land - late in the tenure of Timothy Hamsley (purchased of J Hemsley): all the premises were subsequently mortgaged by George Morton to William Cooke in trust for William Leeke 30 Sep - 1690
676 - Woodhouse (Barrow on Soar): Release by Thomas Okeover of Wymeswold, gent., son and heir apparent of Rowland Okeover and Katherine his wife (daughter of William Leeke), Rowland Okeover of Okeover, gent., John Thornhagh of Fenton, Nottinghamshire, esq., and William Cooke of Wymeswold, gent., to John Thompson of Longwhatton, Leicestershire, gent., William Bowley of Longstretton, gent., and Thomas Bywater of Rothley, Leicestershire, gent., pursuant to an Act of Parliament enabling Katherine Leeke to settle and dispose of her estates while under the age of 21, in consideration of £900, of a close and coppice of wood in Barrow on Soar, in a hamlet called Woodhouse, called Pages Spring, with two ways or passages to a piece of common called Pepper Street and from the highway to the wood 2 Apr - 1701
677 - Norton near Gaulbie: Assignment by Katherine Howell of the City of Westminster, widow (sole executor of Philippa Denham widow deceased) to Thomas Okeover of Wymeswold, gent., and William Cooke of Wymeswold, gent., with the consent of William Walley of Norton near Gaulbie, Leicestershire, esq., and Bernard Walkey his son and heir of Billesley, Warwickshire, in consideration of £700 of a mortgage for £1298 by William Walley to Philippa Denham dated 15 May 1689 of two closes of pasture ground in Norton, Kennengleys Fair Ground 75 acres 0 rood 23 perches and Cloister Ground, 110 acres 3 roods 00 perche, earlier mortgaged by Walley to Robert Aske (3 Apr 1667): to be held for the residue of a 500 year term, redeemable on the payment of £700 plus interest by 22 Oct 1709 22 Oct - 1708
678 - Higham on the Hill, Ratcliffe Culey: Recovery by Robert Baxter, gent., against Squire Baxter, gent., of 4 messuages, 4 gardens, 160 acres of land, 50 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture and common of pasture for all manner of cattle in Higham on the Hill, Ratcliffe Culey and Sibsdon otherwise Sibston 28 Nov - 1774
679-680 - Mancetter: Lease for possession and marriage settlement between Rowland Farmer Okeover of Weddington, Warwickshire, esq., only son and heir of Rowland Farmer Okeover of Oldbury, esq., deceased Harry Haughton of Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, Middlesex, esq., Thomas Maitland of Ongar, Essex., esq., Richard Geast of Blythe Hall, Warwickshire, and Arthur Miller of Mancetter, clerk - 12-13 Dec 1775
679-686 - Title deeds relating to the Warwickshire Estates of the Okeover family based on Oldbury and Mancetter
681 - Final concord between Nicholas Rolfe, plaintiff and Garth Laxton, John Swift, Katherine his wife and John Parkyns deforciants of the great tithes of the manor of Oldbury and all ecclesiastical dues: consideration £41 30 Apr - 1609
681-683 - Oldbury
682 - Deed to covenant to produce title deeds between Eli Green of Coventry, Warwickshire, esq., Rt. Hon. [Right Honourable] Augustus Henry Vernon, Lord Vernon and Samuel William Clowes of Woodhouse Eaves; reciting an indenture of the same date by which Lord Vernon, Sir William Clowes and Haughton Charles Okeover conveyed to Green the manor of Oldbury 2 Jul - 1869
683 - Declaration of trust between Thomas William Budd of 33 Bedford Row, Middlesex, esq., John Charles Cumming of Queens Road, St Johns Wood, Middlesex, esq., Thomas William Budd and Francis Alfred Bedwell of 3 Old Square, Lincolns Inn and Thomas Hayward Budd of Bedford Row, gent., reciting a mortgage of the same date of the manor of Oldbury by Eli Green to Thomas William Budd, stating that they will hold £25.000 (plus interest) to the uses and intents declared in the mortage 22 Jul - 1869
684 - Marriage settlement between Wolfstan Adderley of Weddington, Warwickshire, esq., Jane Adderley mother of Wolfstan Adderley, Elizabeth Okeover one of the daughters of Sir Rowland Okeover of Okeover, Staffordshire, Thomas Corbin of Hall End, Warwickshire, esq., Thomas Brown, Vicar of Wirksworth, clerk, and Rowland Okeover son and heir apparent of Sir Rowland Okeover - 19 Oct 1666
684-686 - Weddington
685 - Release (in trust) by Wolston Adderley of Weddington, Warwickshire, esq., to Rowland Okeover of Okeover, Staffordshire, esq., and Thomas Ruddierd, of Rudyard Staffordshire, esq., for 99 years, of several closes in Weddington namely the Great Churchfields, the Two Churchfield Meadows and the Highfield all now in the possession of Richard Sheppard at an annual rent of £40, upon trust to apply the rents and profits for the education and bringing up of Gilbert Adderley son and heir apparent of Wolston Adderley until the age of 25 20 Jan - 1683/1684
686 - Deed to levy a fine between Thomas Adderley of Weddington, Warwickshire, esq., and Rowland Okeover of Oldbury, esq., by which Adderley agrees to levy to Okeover a fine of the manor of Weddington with all rights, members and appurtenances, the advowson of the parish church of Weddington, and 10 acres of meadow ground in Nuneaton, by the following descriptions: 4 messuages, 8 gardens, 100 acres of land, 15 acres of meadow, 650 acres of pasture, 100 acres of wood and common of pasture for all cattle with appurtenances in Weddington and Nuneaton 18 May - 1738
687-688 - Assignment of a mortgage for £1450 for the remainder of a 500 year term (granted in 1702) by Margaret Keck of the parish of St. George the Martyr, Middlesex, widow and relict, and also executor of the will of John Keck late of Great Tew, Oxford, esq., who was executor of the will of Francis Keck late of Great Tew, and John Nicholl of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex, esq., to Sir Thomas Lowther of Holker, Lancashire, baronet, John Nicoll of Hatton Garden in the parish of St Andrew, Holborn, Middlesex, esq., John Trotter, citizen and grocer of London, John Lowther of Maske, Yorkshire, Leek Okeover of Okeover, esq., and Anthony Keck of Southampton Street in the parish of St Giles in the Field, Middlesex, of two messuages at the lower end of Coventry Court fronting the Haymarket in the parish of St Martin in the Fields, Middlesex, then in the tenure of Hobblesworth and Peter Sayer, also a messuage at the lower end of Coventry Court in the occupation of Rupert Taylor and Jarrott, shoemaker, and another messuage at the lower end of Coventry Court then in occupation of Mr Stephenson, gent: to be held in trust for Margaret Keck: reciting the initial mortgage of 24 Dec 1702 by Elizabeth Campion to Benjamin Poole and subsequent assignment to Francis Keck of 29 Apr 1727 21 Oct - 1730
687-695 - Title deeds of the Okeover family relating to their London property
689 - Assignment by Margaret Keck of the parish of St. George the Martyr, Middlesex, to trustees, in consideration of the marriage between Margaret Keck and John Nicoll, of a lease for 60 years at £10 per annum dated 16 May 1689 by Sir Richard Fisher, baronet, Sir Thomas Halton, baronet, Richard Halton, gent., George Brabury, esq., and Nicholas Barbune, Doctor of Physick, to Richard Ingram, of a piece or parcel of ground late part of Redlyon Fields near Holborn in the parish of St Andrew and St Giles in the Field, Middlesex, on the north side of Fishers Walks in breadth 23 feet, 9 inches (East-West) and in length 160 feet (North-South), subsequently assigned on 29 Apr 1727 to the late Francis Keck 21 Oct - 1730
690-691 - Final concord between Rowland Okeover plaintiff and James Gisborne clerk and Anne his wife, deforciants, of two messuages with appurtenances in the parish of St George, Hanover Square: consideration £400 9 Feb - 1757
692-693 - Lease and release by James Gisborne of Staley, Derbyshire, clerk, and Anne his wife, to Rowland Okeover of Oldbury, esq., in consideration of £380, of all that messuage or tenement in St James Street in the parish of St George, Hanover Square, Middlesex, formerly in the occupation of Francis Fox, upholder, and now of Thomas Turner, chinaman, containing in front towards St James Street, 25 feet; also another messuage in the parish of St Martins in the Field in the occupation of John Laborde, being the house next adjoining to the corner house of a certain street now called Portugal Street a plott or parcel of ground belonging, containing in front towards St James Street, 25 feet in breadth E-W 36 feet, on the south side 48 feet, and on the west side 17 feet: together with a yard 18 & 19 Feb - 1757
694 - Recovery by Robert Baxter, gent., against Squire Baxter, gent., of two messuages in St. James Street and in St. Martins in the Field in the liberty of Westminster 20 Nov - 1798
695 - Conveyance by Coutts Trotter of the Strand Middlesex, esq., and Edward Marjoriebanks of the same place, esq., to Robert Blake of Essex Street, in the parish of St Clements Danes, Middlesex, gent., (in trust for Haughton Farmer Okeover of Okeover, esq.), in consideration of £900, of a set of chambers or apartments in the gardens of Melbourne House built by Alexander Copland of St Martins Lane, Middlesex, builder, who had purchased Melbourne House and its environs from the Duke of York for £37,000 14 Nov - 1804
696 - Hollinshead family: Gift by Thomas Clyff and Anne his wife to Lord Robert Greves and John Ashenhurst junior of a tenement in the territory of Bradnop called Longschawe 11 Jun - 1511
696-706 - Miscellaneous Staffordshire deeds
696-877 - Miscellaneous title deeds.
697 - Hollinshead family: Release by Sir Henry Bagnall, knight, to Ralph Ashenhurst of Beard of all manner of tithes arising from several messuages and tenements in Bradnop namely Ashenhurst, Revidge and the Middle Cliff with all lands belonging, and all those lands called Carleton Layes - 2 Sep 1596
698 - Hollinshead family: Deed of exchange between Ralph Ashenhurst esq and John Ashenhurst of Shenhurst esq, his son and heir, and Thomas Smyth of Bradnop yeoman, by which the Ashenhursts have exchanged a parcel of land called Barn Flatt, 3 acres of arable and meadow in Nether Heigh Field, parcel of land called Little Meadow, a parcel of land taken out of a close called the Ouldhouse and tithes arising from them all in Bradnop, for a parcel of land called Blacke Dale, 4 acres by estimation lying at the Nether End of a meadow called the Wall Meadow, a parcel of land called the Fearnes with a convenient way and passage, 1 Nov - 1644
699 - Hollinshead family: Feoffment by John Horsley of Alpesford, Staffordshire, to Richard Horsley of Alpesford, Staffordshire, his father, yeoman, in consideration of £200, of two closes of pasture in Bradnop called Garston and Hobbins now in the holding of John Horsley and also a house and tenement in Alpesford in the tenure of Richard Horsley with a great barn and stable and several closes called Stagdale, the Plant, the Little Lee, Littlewood, the Sprink, Riln Croft, Stony Croft, Great Sangcrosse, Little Sangcrosse, Lower Meadow and the Wood adjoining, Rushy Flatt and two Danycrofts all in Alpesford and Bradnop 20 Mar - 1656/1657
700 - Hollinshead family: Feoffment by William Gould of Ford, Staffordshire, tailor, to John Oliver of Ford, yeoman and Nicholas Bagnold of Crowgutter, Staffordshire, yeoman, of all his interest in a parcel of ground now meared forth and inclosed out of the waste or common called Morridge in the parish of Bradnop: consideration £12: several uses; moiety of the ground to the use of William Gould for life, then after his decease to allow Joan wife of William Gould to peaceably occupy the same; after her decease or second marriage to allow Anne daughter of William Gould to peaceably occupy the property and receive the rents for life; the other moiety to the use of William Gould for life and then to his daughter for life 20 May - 1668
701 - Hollinshead family: Assignment by Elizabeth Mayott of Witherwood, Bradnop, administrator of the goods and chattels of John Mayott of Lane End, Bradnop, to Lawrence Mayott her son of a parcel of common formerly part of the Morridge Common, by estimation 2 acres, now known as Gorstie Knoll, lately purchased for lives from Walter, Lord Aston; to hold for life at 2s per annum 21 Mar - 1676/1677
702 - Hollinshead family: Assignment by Isaac Sherratt of Checkley, Staffordshire, yeoman, to John Johnson of Crowgutter, Ipstones, in consideration of 10s., of a moiety of a parcel of common meared out and ditched from the Morrage common of Bradnop and a close called Brunts Croft, 7 acres., leased by Rt. Hon. [Right Honourable] Walter Lord Aston, Baron of Fairfar and others to William Salt of Ford by an indenture of 19 Apr 1662 for 99 years at 7s per annum and subsequently assigned by Salt to Sherratt 23 Feb - 1677/1678
703 - Hollinshead family: Assignment by Lawrence Mayott of Warington, [?Werrington] yeoman, to John Standley of Bradnop, yeoman, in consideration of £5, of a piece of ground called Gorsey Knowles otherwise the Blubbs, now called Mayotts Intack in Bradnop, together with a cottage built thereon, for the remainder of the 99 years term of Lord Walter Aston's lease of 1662 6 Aug - 1685
704 - Hollinshead family: Mortgage by way of lease for 1000 years for £200 by Sampson Bulkeley of Bradnop, gent., and James Bulkeley his son and heir to John Webb of Heaton, Staffordshire, gent., of a messuage or tenement with appurtenances in Bradnop and closes called the Croft Head, the Paddock, Treillow (with cottage built thereon), Treillow Meadow, Over Broad Dale, the Peak Dale, the Intake and Broad Meadow Dale: redeemable on payment of £5 on 13 Sep 1695 and £205 on 13 Mar 1695/6 13 Mar - 1694/1695
705 - Hollinshead family: Copy marriage settlement on the marriage of Thomas Hollinshead and Elizabeth Okeover between Thomas Hollinshead of Ashenhurst, Staffordshire, esq., Elizabeth Okeover one of the daughters of Thomas Okeover of Wymeswold deceased, Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., and William Gore of Tring, Hertfordshire, esq., by which Hollinshead released to Okeover and Gore a capital messuage called Ashenhurst in the manor of Bradnop and closes belonging, a messuage in Bradnop wherein William Serjeant now inhabits with closes called Finney Field, Mowing Bank, Pasture Bank, Nabb Sprink Meadow, Day Work, Tansy Flatt, Upper Rushey Flatt, Two Whittle Meadows, the Langott, the Long Meadow, Field before the Door and Calf Croft (£30 rent per annum): a messuage called Revidge in the occupation of Samuel Rowley with closes called Stoney Hay, Little Stoney Hay, the Rough Calf Hay, Lower Meadow, the Coat Croft, the Hill Side, the Barn Flatt, the Sellar Flatt, Upper Marsh, the Meadow, Lower Marsh Meadow, Hay Head and Birchen Flatt (£37 per annum rent): two messuages or tenements called Upper Titisworth, Leek, in the occupations of Sarah Hall and William Salt, with closes called Upper Field, Middle Field, Lower Field, Horse Close, Lower Meadow, Rye Croft, Throske Nest Wood, Buttfield, Upper Shutt, Nether Shutt, Croft Head, Crabtree Hill, Plants Croft, Cross Hay, Little Meadow, Upper Great Meadow, Lower Great Medaow, Great Meadow Wood, Oxhay, Ox Hay Wood, Ox Hay Bottom, Gayes Meadow, Sprink Field, Sprink Field Wood, Lower Holts Bank, Upper Holts Bank, Holts Bank Wood, Lower Cow Hay, Upper Cow Hay, Cow Hay Wood, Horse Croft, Nether Field, Meadow, Lower Horse Close and Upper House Close (£100 per annum rent): a capital messuage called Winkle Grange in the manor of the Forest of Macclesfield, Cheshire, together with closes called the Paddock, Great Flayle, Little Flayle, Cooks Croft, Upper Macclesfield Field, Lower Macclesfield Field, Kitchen Meadow, Middle Meadow, Long Meadow, Lower Meadow, Hallum Field, the Sprink, Oxhay, Stony Hay, Horse Field and Barn Field (£82 per annum annual rent): to the use of Thomas Hollinshead until the marriage, then to the use Okeover and Gore for Hollinshead's natural life, then after his decease to the use of Elizabeth Okeover for her jointure and after her decease to the use of their successive lawful male issue; in default to the use of their daughters and in default to the use of the right heirs to Thomas Hollinshead 22 Feb - 1725/1726
706 - Hollinshead family: Second copy of marriage settlement on the marriage of Thomas Hollinshead and Elizabeth Okeover - 22 Feb [1726]
707 - Wincle: Mortgage by way of lease for £30 per annum by Francis Hollinshead of Gawsworth, Cheshire, esq., to Peter Leigh of Wincle Grange, Cheshire, esq., of Wincle of Wincle Grange and a messuage or tenement in Wincle called Nettlebedds in the tenure of John Armett and also a cottage built on part of the Nettlebedds in the tenure of Thomas Leeke: to be held for 80 years 13 May - 1667
707-709 - Miscellaneous Cheshire deeds
708 - Wincle: Quitclaim by Peter Leigh of Wincle Grange esq., to Francis Hollinshead of Gawsworth, Cheshire, esq., in consideration of £40, of Wincle of Wincle Grange and a messuage or tenement in Wincle called Nettlebedds in the tenure of John Armett and also a cottage built on part of the Nettlebedds in the tenure of Thomas Leeke for the residence of the 80 year term 20 May - 1670
709 - Bosley: Assignment by Dorothy Hollinshead of Congleton, Cheshire, to Francis Hollinshead of Ashenhurst, Staffordshire, gent., in consideration of £104. 13s 8d. and £25 per annum rent for 6 years, of a messuage and tenement called Key Green in Bosley with all the land normally belonging and 25 acres of common part of parcel of Bosley commons, commonly called Stylore and Coven Pitts, let by Thomas Trevor of Enfield and William and Edward Fytton to Raphael Hollinshead by an indenture of 2 Feb 1655 and subsequently assigned to Richard Broster and others for a term of years since expired - 16 Jun 1684
710-711 - Abram, Lancashire (and other places): Lease for possession and marriage settlement on the marriage of Richard Crooke to Martha Hollinshead between Richard Crooke of Abram, Lancashire, Charles Dukenfield of Macclesfield, Cheshire, esq., Francis Hollinshead of Ashenhurst, Staffordshire, esq., Thomas Yates of Danford, Salop, esq., John Percival of Liverpool, merchant and Jane Hollinshead of Macclesfield, widow, by which Crooke has released to Dukenfield, Hollinshead Yates and Percival (trustees) of a capital messuage called Abram Hall with all its demesne land now in the tenure of Thomas Richardson, a messuage and tenement in Abram called Ouleshawes now in possession of John Whittle, a messuage and tenement in Abram in the occupation of Thomas Pickering, a messuage and tenement in Westleigh, Lancashire, called Mathers tenement, now in the tenure or possession of John Battersby, a messuage and tenement in Ashton in Makerfield called Epbridge in the tenure of Roger Andeton, a messuage and tenement in Leyland called Leyland Hall in the occupation of Margaret Riding, a capital messuage in Farrington, Lancashire, called Farrington (otherwise Garners) Hall, now in tenure of William Markerl, a capital messuage called the Carhouse in Muchhoole and Bratherton Lancashire in the occupation of Richard Brooke, a messuage and tenement in Bratherton and Muchhoole in the occupation of James Morris, a messuage and tenement in Bratherton and Muchhoole now in the tenure of Jeffery Martindale, a messuage and tenement in Bratherton and Muchhoole in the tenure of Widow Marsh, a messuage and tenement at Walton Lancashire, called Albinson's House in the tenure of Thomas Batshawe, a messuage and tenement in Walton called the Mosnors in the tenure or occupation of Henry Simpson, a messuage and tenement in Walton in le Dale in the tenure of John Troutback, a messuage and tenement in Billing Lancashire in the occupation of James Billing, a messuage and tenement in Billing in the occupation of Nathaniel Martindale and a messuage and tenement in Over Whitley, Cheshire, in the occupation of John Hobson: to the use of Crooke for life and then to the use of the trustees on trust for preserving the contingent uses: if Martha Hollinshead survives Crooke then Farrington Hall, the Carhouse, Mosnors, Troutback's tenement in Walton and Leyland Hall to her use as her jointure: the residue of the estate to the use of their successive lawful male issue: if Crooke dies without male issue but has one or more daughters then the trustees are to raise from the premises £3000 if one daughter and £5000 (to be divided equally) if more than one: it is also lawful for Crooke to provide for any younger son or daughter in his will with any sum of money not exceeding £2000 arising from the estate (except for Martha's jointure): if Martha pre-deceases Richard without issue then he is to repay to Jane Hollinshead £300, being part of Martha's marriage portion 18 & 19 Nov - 1706
710-711 - Miscellaneous Lancashire deeds
712 - Mellor Family estates in Staffordshire: Feoffment by Rt. Hon. Wingfield, Lord Cromwell, Earl of Ardglasse to Robert Mellors of Waterhouses, in the parish of Waterfall, in consideration of £18, of all that messuage called Hopedale in the parish of Austenfield (Alstonefield), 1 acre by estimation, now or late in the tenure of Robert Mellors, and all that rent of 12d issuing out of the lands of Philip Jackson in Stanshope 26 Apr - 1657
712-774 - Miscellaneous Staffordshire deeds
713 - Feoffment by Sir Roger Burgoyne of Wroxall, Warwickshire, knight and baronet, to Robert Mellor of the Whitehaugh in the parish of Ipstones, yeoman, in consideration of £152, of a close called the Compe End in Ecton now in the occupation of Jeremiah Rhode with all manner of tithes arising therefrom 5 Dec 1666 - 1666
714 - Feoffment by John Johnson of Ipstones yeoman and John Sherwin of Ipstones yeoman to Robert Mellor of the Whitehaugh, Ipstones, yeoman, of 16 acres of waste common set forth for the said John Sherwin in Ipstones and 2½ acres further of common 1 Mar - 1667/1668
715 - Feoffment, John Johnson of Ipstones yeoman and John Sherwin of Ipstones yeoman to Robert Mellor of the Whitehaugh, Ipstones, yeoman, in consideration of £35, of 16 acres of waste common in Ipstones, reciting an agreement between the proprietors to enclose 1500 acres of the waste ground belonging to the manor of Ipstones 1 Jun - 1668
716 - Feoffment by John Johnson the younger of Ipstones, Staffordshire, yeoman, Richard Sherwyn of Hayhouse, Ipstones, yeoman and Philip Sherwyn his son and heir apparent to John Mellor, son and heir apparent of Robert Mellor of Whylehalgh, yeoman, in consideration of £38. 5s., of a parcel of waste containing 18 acres 1 rood 00 perch being part of the great common or waste called Morrage 5 Nov - 1669
717 - Marriage settlement on the marriage of John Shawe and Elizabeth Mellor daughter of Thomas Mellor, senior, between Dorothy Shawe of Foxt, Ipstones, widow, Robert and John Shawe, her sons, Thomas Mellor of Butterton, yeoman, Thomas Mellor his son and William Shawe son of Dorothy Shawe, by which Dorothy, Robert and John Shawe have enfeoffed to Thomas Mellor, junior, and William Shawe (trustees), in consideration of £100, a messuage in the manor of Ipstones with closes called the Fornefield, Over Ridding, Lower Ridding, Ridding Sprinke, Little Piece, Lunn Flatt, the While Lands, the Croft at the Door, the Little Hempyard, the Croft below the Field, the meadow at the Coates, the Little Foxt Wood, the Great Foxt Wood, the Laughton, the Intakes and the Lane: the premises, apart from the over end of the house, the Little and Great Foxt Woods and the meadow at the Coates, to be held by trustees to the use of Dorothy and Robert Shawe for life: if Robert survives Dorothy then John Shawe to pay to Robert £7 per annum: after the death of Dorothy and Robert to the use of John Shawe for life then to his lawful issue by Elizabeth Mellor and in default to the use of his right heirs: the remainder to be held to the use of John Shawe for life, then to the use of Elizabeth his wife for her jointure, then from her decease to the use of their lawful issue and in default to the use of the right heirs of John Shawe 20 Apr - 1681
718 - Counterpart of Marriage settlement on the marriage of John Shawe and Elizabeth Mellor daughter of Thomas Mellor, senior, between Dorothy Shawe of Foxt, Ipstones, widow, Robert and John Shawe, her sons, Thomas Mellor of Butterton, yeoman, Thomas Mellor his son and William Shawe son of Dorothy Shawe, by which Dorothy, Robert and John Shawe have enfeoffed to Thomas Mellor, junior, and William Shawe (trustees), in consideration of £100, a messuage in the manor of Ipstones with closes called the Fornefield, Over Ridding, Lower Ridding, Ridding Sprinke, Little Piece, Lunn Flatt, the While Lands, the Croft at the Door, the Little Hempyard, the Croft below the Field, the meadow at the Coates, the Little Foxt Wood, the Great Foxt Wood, the Laughton, the Intakes and the Lane: the premises, apart from the over end of the house, the Little and Great Foxt Woods and the meadow at the Coates, to be held by trustees to the use of Dorothy and Robert Shawe for life: if Robert survives Dorothy then John Shawe to pay to Robert £7 per annum: after the death of Dorothy and Robert to the use of John Shawe for life then to his lawful issue by Elizabeth Mellor and in default to the use of his right heirs: the remainder to be held to the use of John Shawe for life, then to the use of Elizabeth his wife for her jointure, then from her decease to the use of their lawful issue and in default to the use of the right heirs of John Shawe 20 Apr - 1681
719 - Lees family estates in Staffordshire, etc: Feoffment by Edward Kendall of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex, to William Aston of Parke Hall, Staffordshire, esq., in consideration of £30, of a messuage or tenement at Bucknall, Staffordshire, in the tenure of Willyam Pott with all appurtenances 8 Aug - 1612
720 - Lees family estates in Staffordshire, etc: Feoffment by William Aston of Parke Hall, Staffordshire, gent., to Richard Lees of Bucknall, Staffordshire, yeoman (formerly of Admaston), in consideration of £190, of a messuage or tenement at Bucknall, Staffordshire, in the tenure of William Pott, with all lands belonging 10 Apr - 1616
721 - Lees family estates in Staffordshire, etc: Marriage settlement on the marriage of Richard Lees to Sibley Whitbie daughter of Hugh Whitbie of Rickerscote, Staffordshire, deceased, between Richard Lees of Admerston [Admaston], yeoman, and John Whitbie of the Lea, Staffordshire, by which Lees has enfeoffed to Whitbie the messuage in Bucknall to the use of Lees and his wife for their natural lives, then to their lawful issue 21 Oct - 1617
722 - Lees family estates in Staffordshire, etc: Bargain and sale by Richard Lees of Admaston yeoman to John Whitbie of Ricarscote, Staffordshire, yeoman, in consideration of £40, of a messuage called Bate House in Stoke upon Trent with all appurtenances now or late in the occupation of Richard Lees 10 May - 1622
723-725 - Lees family estates in Staffordshire, etc: Lease for possession, feoffment and copy feoffment by Edward Sanderson of the sign of the Peele in the parish of St Catherine, London, whipmaker, Deborah his wife, Joseph Hunlocke of Walls Street in the parish of St Johns Hackney, yeoman, and Rachell his wife and Thomas Lees yeoman, brother of Deborah and Rachell to Joseph Allen of the Brookhouse, Stoke upon Trent, in consideration of £260, of a messuage or tenement called the Batehouse (otherwise the Lower Brook-house), a messuage called the Lees of the Bate-house in the occupation of Henry Clarke, in the lordship of Bucknall and Eaves, and several closes called the Fords Field, Way Field, High Field, the Acres, the Salterley, the Barn, the Croft, Calf Croft, Little Meadow, and the Botham 25 & 26 Sep - 1702
726 - Lees family estates in Staffordshire, etc: Final concord between Joseph Allen, gent., John Higginson and John Dawes, plaintiffs, and Edward Sanderson and Deborah his wife, Joseph Hunlock and Rachel his wife, Thomas Wagstaff and Elizabeth his wife and Anne Jesson, deforciants, of 2 messuages, 20 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, 16 acres of pasture, 5 acres of wood and common of pasture with all appurtenances in Bucknall Eaves, Staffordshire: consideration of £120 - 9 Feb 1702/1703
727-728 - Lees family estates in Staffordshire, etc: Lease for possession and marriage settlement on the marriage of John Allen to Hampton Bulkeley, between John Allen of Brookhouse, Stoke on Trent and Samson Bulkeley of Bradnop, gent., by which Allen has released to Bulkeley a messuage, farm or tenement in Eaves wherein Richard Yates dwells and closes called the Croft, the Bottom, Salterlee Meadow, High Field, Banky Field, Way Field and Forge Field: to the use of John Allen for life, then after his decease to the use of Hampton Allen his wife for life, then to the use of their successive lawful male heirs, in default to the use of their daughters and in default to the use of the right heirs of John Allen 11 & 12 Apr - 1706
729 - Baylie and Bosterne families estates in Staffordshire: Marriage settlement on the marriage of Henry Baylie and Grace his wife, between Henry Baylie of Stanshope, yeoman, and Lawrence Beresforde of Alstonefield, gent., and John Hall of Stanshope, yeoman, by which Baylie agrees to convey to Beresforde and Hall, by fine or recovery before Christmas next all his messuages, tenements and hereditaments in Stanshope, Ilam and Alstonefield: one moiety to the use of Baylie and Grace his wife for her jointure, then to their successive lawful male heirs, then to the male heirs of Henry Baylie and in default to the use of his six brothers successively and their lawful male issue: the other moiety to the use of Henry Baylie and his lawful male issue (by Grace), then to his male heirs, and then to the use of his six brothers and their heirs as before 20 Oct - 1587
730 - Baylie and Bosterne families estates in Staffordshire: Feoffment by Robert Bosterne of Stanshope, yeoman, and Helen his wife to Thomas Milward of Eaton Dovedale, Derbyshire of all that messuage with appurtenances in Stanshope and all other messuages, cottages, lands, tenements and hereditaments which sometimes were or were reputed to be the inheritence of Henry Baylie deceased in Stanshope in the parish of Alstonefield: also agree between the parties that a common recovery shall be suffered against Thomas Milward by the name of 3 messuages, 30 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture and 100 acres of furze and heath and common of pasture for all cattle with appurtenances in Stanshope and Alstonefield 20 Sep - 1634
731 - Baylie and Bosterne families estates in Staffordshire: Release by Henry Baylie of Stanshope, husbandman, to Robert Bosterne of Stanshope, husbandman, in consideration of £50, of all that capital messuage or tenement in Stanshope where Robert Bosterne now dwells and also two cottages with all their lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, ways, waters etc 2 Jun - 1638
732 - Baylie and Bosterne families estates in Staffordshire: Agreement to levy recovery: Henry Baylie of Stanshope, husbandman, to Robert Bosterne of Stanshope, husbandman, in consideration of £50, of all that capital messuage or tenement in Stanshope where Robert Bosterne now dwells and also two cottages with all their lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, ways, waters etc 4 Jun - 1638
733 - Baylie and Bosterne families estates in Staffordshire: Lease for life by Robert Bosterne of Stanshope, husbandman, to Henry Baylie of Stanshope, yeoman, of all that cottage in Stanshope in the occupation of Richard Howarth, 1 rood by estimation, and another parcel called the Furlong 1½ acres by estimation, another parcel of land called the Grove Syde, 5 roods by estimation, another parcel of land called Little Parke, ½ acre by estimation, all in the fields of Stanshope: peppercorn rent 7 Jun - 1638
734 - Baylie and Bosterne families estates in Staffordshire: Exemplification of a recovery by George Parke and Richard [surname illegible] against Robert Bosterne of 3 messuages, 20 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow and 20 acres of pasture in Ilam and Stanshope 19 Jun - 1638
735 - Baylie and Bosterne families estates in Staffordshire: Exemplification of a recovery by Henry Baylie against Robert Bosterne, Helen his wife and Elizabeth Baylie, of 4 messuages 20 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow and 20 acres of pasture in Stanshope, Ilam and Alstonefield - 1638
736 - Baylie and Bosterne families estates in Staffordshire: Covenant that Robert Bosterne of Stanshope yeoman and Elizabeth Baylie daughter of Henry Baylie formerly of Stanshope yeoman deceased, have, in an indenture between Robert Bosterne, Helen his wife and Elizabeth Baylie and Roger Hurt of Castern and Richard Cantrell of Wetton, yeoman, enfeoffed to Hurt and Cantrell a messuage in Stanshope formerly in the tenure of Robert Bosterne and two messuages or cottages with appurtenances in Stanshope formerly in the several tenures of Thomas Rea and William Watton 12 Jan - 1646/1647
737 - Baylie and Bosterne families estates in Staffordshire: Deed to levy a fine on property in Stanshope between Robert Bosterne of Stanshope yeoman, Helen his wife, Elizabeth Baylie, spinster, daughter of Helen by Henry Baylie deceased, Roger Hurt of Castern and Richard Cantrell of Wetton, by which Bostern and his wife and Elizabeth Baylie agree to levy the fine to Hurt and Cantrell: one moiety to be laid to the use of Robert Bosterne for his natural life, then to the use of Helen Bosterne for life, then to the use of Elizabeth Baylie and her lawful issue, in default to the use of the lawful issue of Robert and Helen Bosterne, and in default to the use of the right heirs of Elizabeth Baylie: the other moiety to be held to the use of Elizabeth Baylie and her lawful issue, in default to the use of the lawful issue of Robert and Helen Bosterne and in default to the use of the right heir of Elizabeth Baylie 12 Jan - 1646/1647
738 - Baylie and Bosterne families estates in Staffordshire: Family settlement between Robert Bosterne, Helen his wife and other parties, agreeing to levy a fine on one moiety to be laid to the use of Robert Bosterne for his natural life, then to the use of Helen Bosterne for life, then to the use of Elizabeth Baylie and her lawful issue, in default to the use of the lawful issue of Robert and Helen Bosterne, and in default to the use of the right heirs of Elizabeth Baylie: the other moiety to be held to the use of Elizabeth Baylie and her lawful issue, in default to the use of the lawful issue of Robert and Helen Bosterne and in default to the use of the right heir of Elizabeth Baylie - 12 Jan [1647]
739 - Fernihough family estates in Staffordshire: Copy feoffment by Philip Fernihough of Middle Cliff in the Parish of Leek to William Slack of Ipstones, yeoman, in consideration of £70, of all that edifice or building called Janneys Barne part of which is lately converted into a house and a parcel of land meadow or pasture known as Cromwillies, 9 acres by estimation and two closes upon a piece of land called Josneh Marshes - all in Ipstones 6 Mar - 1709/1710
740 - Fernihough family estates in Staffordshire: Family settlement following the marriage of William Horsley and Sarah his wife, between William Horsley of Rocester, gent., Sarah his wife, Philip Fernihough gent., of the Middle Cliff in the parish of Leek and John Aston of Broome, Staffordshire, gent., by which Horsley has enfeoffed to Fernihough and Aston a messuage, farm or tenement in Rocester in the tenure of William Willet with closes called the Croft before the Door, the Two Acres, the Dale Gapp, the Two Barrow Hills, two doles in a common field of Rocester containing 3 acres by estimation also part of a close called the New Intake 2 acres by estimation, also two doles in the Common Meadow 3 acres, also one dole in a close called Nashes Nookes, 1 acre, the Coppings Holme, the Leagh, the Leagh Intack and the Westfield with all appurtenances: to the use of William Horsley for life, then to the use of Sarah his wife for her jointure, then after her decease to the use and behoof of Fernihough and Aston for 500 years, then after trusts fulfilled to the use of the lawful male issue of William and Sarah, in default to the use of their daughters and in default to the use of the right heirs of William Horsley for ever: the term of 500 years is for raising the portions of younger sons and daughters 26 Nov - 1713
741 - Fernihough family estates in Staffordshire: Lease for possession by John Bowne of Newcastle under Lyme, gent., to Leak Okeover of Okeover, esq., and Thomas Fernihough of Newcastle, gent., of a messuage in Tunstall in the parish of Wolstanton where George Book now lives and three pieces of land called Will Flatts on the land from Tunstall to Little Chell and Newfield 19 Aug - 1746
742 - Gift by Robert de Blore to Nicholas his servant of two bovates of land in Grindon,Staffordshire for his service paying yearly two pennies or a pair of spurs of the same price. Witnesses: Ranulf, prior of Calwich, Adam, priest of Alton, Herbert de Ipstones, Robert de Leigh, Henry son of Robert de Leigh, William, deacon of Mayfield, Matthew, clerk of Mayfield, Geoffrey de Leigh son of Robert de Leigh and Reginald `serviens' of Calwich - [c1154-1189]
743 - Gift and confirmation by Geoffrey de Blore son of Robert de Blore to Nicholas de Grendon [Grindon] of the two bovates of land in Grindon which Robert his father granted to the said Nicholas for his homage and service, paying annually a pair of spurs or two pennies, for which gift the said Nicholas gave to Geoffrey a white palfrey Witnesses: Henry Mansel, Alexander, chaplain, Warin the Marshal, William Mussun, Ralph de Leigh, Norman Panter, William de Helkeld and Henry son of Asser - [c1154-1189]
744 - Gift by Thomas de Wormhill to Alan son of Richard de Mayfield and his heirs for homage and service of four bovates of land in the vill of Mayfield, namely those which Ralph Stanhard held and three acres of assarts in the said vill with all appurtenances except one messuage next to the land which Robert le Scot held - [13th cent]
745 - Gift by Roger de Huntersdon of Richard and Adam, serfs, sons of Walter, son of Geoffrey de Huntersdon to Thomas de Bradford with all their following, goods and chattels Witnesses: Robert de Thorpe, John de Thorpe, Adam de Thorpe, Ralph son of Ranulf, Richard son of Maggi, Richard son of Ralph de Thorpe and others - [early 13th cent]
746 - Gift for life in consideration of twenty silver pennies by William le Fremon of Tillington [Staffordshire] to William Wyther his heirs and Mabel his wife of all his part of a meadow called Walkeriston in the fields of Tilllington with all appurtenances, lying in length between the meadow of the Lord Prior of Ware up to the field called Chaulebut: annual rent of a pair of white gloves at the feast of St John the Baptist Witnesses: William de Caverswall, Thomas de Cresswell, William his brother, William Umfrey of Foregate [Stafford], Nicholas de Ware, Herbert Smith of Foregate [Stafford], Clement the scribe and others - [c1272-1307]
747 - Gift by Thomas son of William de Tillington [Staffordshire] to Lord William Wyther, knight, of 12 pennies annual rent due from Richard son Richard de Draycott, Lord of Tillington, on the feast of the annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for a messuage and lands in Tillington which Robert de Hall held Witnesses: Thomas, Lord of Caverswall, Robert de ?Baneyhare, William Umfrey, Clement the scribe, Herbert Smith and Elias Overhill - [c1272-1307]
748 - Gift in consideration of four marks of silver by Ralph son of Philip de Rocester with the assent of Cecily his wife to Robert de Okeover and his heirs of 3 acres of meadow in the territory of Whitmore with all appurtenances which he held in free marriage with his wife Cecily at a rent of one penny at the feast of St Oswald for all services except tithe of the said meadow to the holy church - [1272-1307]
749 - Deed of sale by John Tomkinson of Swinscoe to William Basset, esq., of all his lands and tenements with their appurtenances in Waterfall and Grindon, Staffordshire; for which the said William pays 10 marks - 10 Feb [1472]
750 - Gift by John Campbell of Alton, Staffordshire, to John Tomkinson of Swinscoe of all the lands, tenements, meadows, pastures and pasturages which he held by gift and feoffment of Robert Tomkinson in Staffordshire - 20 Mar [1472]
751 - Feoffment by Hugh Harvey of Heatley, Staffordshire, to Edward Harvie, his brother, of Bromley in Staffordshire, in consideration of £8. 13s 4d. of a moiety of a close called the Adselle Leasowe in the manor of Bagots Bromley, Staffordshire, now or formerly in the occupation of John Bate with all appurtenances 3 Sep - 1593
752 - Feoffment by Edward Harrison of Dilhorne, Staffordshire, yeoman and Margaret his wife, daughter and heir of John Ford of Dilhorne, to Richard Smyth the younger of Kingsley Moor, Kingsley, yeoman in consideration of £63, of a messuage or tenement in Dilhorne wherein Edward Harrison and Margaret now or late did dwell and all that close called Further Frier Field alias Longdale 3 May - 1628
753 - Feoffment by William Sutton of Knutton, Staffordshire, yeoman, Thomas Billings of Over Elkeston, Staffordshire, yeoman and John Billings his son and heir, in consideration of £70 of the lower part of the house of Thomas Billings containing one bay of building, a close called the Coate Close with a barn in Over Elkeston, Kempe Garden, Little Garden, the Croft at the Door, the Upper Croft, the Bents, Newe Close, the Gorses, Calf Crofts, the Crofts Laughton, the Ashflatt, Old Croft, Lower Croft and a moiety of the Furlong, all in Over Elkeston 14 May - 1660
754 - Marriage settlement on the marriage of Thomas Finney and Elizabeth Meare, between John Finney of Caldon, gent., Thomas Finney his son and heir apparent, Francis Finney brother of John Finney, Hugh Meare of Norton-in-the-Moors, Staffordshire, yeoman, John Sherratt the younger of Bank End in the parish of Norton-in-the-Moors, Sampson Bulkeley son of James Bulkeley of Bank End, Leek, yeoman and Thomas Leake of Caulton, Staffordshire, yeoman, by which Sherratt, Squire, Bukleley and Leake to assure to them by fine or feoffment before Trinity Term next a messuage or tenement in which John Finney lives with all lands belonging in Caldon, a cottage in the occupation of Henry Bothern with all lands, a messuage in the occupation of Richard Mills with all lands, a messuage in the occupation of Henry Goodwin, a messuage in the occupation of Richard Ferinsall, and closes called Catholes, Kiln Croft, Gabings, the Stable Crofts, the Handort Croft, the Brooke Close, Lellands Croft, Close near Gambles, Close called Hookes, Ball Torre, Jackbarn, Little Closes, the Meadow, the Barnyard, New Barn, Barneyard, Long Middlehill Close, Further Middlehill Close, Fryers Bank, the Woodside, Halfpenny Lands, Swyne Knowles, the Whitefield, 24 acres of land in Milkhills, the Woodgrasses, Stony Butts, Mean Middlehill, Gilberts Flatt, Allenson's Great Close, Shelboard and Little Middlehill Layes with all appurtenances in Caldon, Alveton [Alton], Waterfail and Calton; also a pasture in Norton-in-the-Moors called Ball Heath, a moiety of five closes called Betterdockshill, the Owles, the Peartreefield and 20 acres in Norton-on-the-Moors with all appurtenances: the property in Norton and a moiety of other property to the use of Thomas Finney for 99 years, then to the use of Sherratt and Squire during the life of Thomas Finney, then from his decease to the use of Elizabeth Meare as her jointure, then after her decease to the use of the lawful male issue of Thomas and Elizabeth, and in default of issue to the use of Francis Finney and his male heirs and in default to the use of the right heirs of John Finney: the other moiety to the use of John Finney for 99 years, then to the use of Thomas Finney for 99 years, then to the use of Squire and Sherratt until the death of John and Thomas Finney, then to the use of the heirs male of Thomas Finney, and in default to the use of the heirs male of Francis Finney and in default to the right heirs of John Finney, if female issue at the time of the death of Thomas Finney but no male heirs, then Squire and Sherratt to stand seised of the premises until several sums of money raised: if one daughter £700, £1000 if two, £1200 if three or more, to be divided equally among them. 20 Jan. - 1664/1665
755 - Feoffment by William Wheeldon of Blakebroke, Ipstones, yeoman, and John Wardle of Birkham Sitch, Ipstones, yeoman, to John Bottam of Alpesford, Bradnop, yeoman, of a close in Ipstones called Bylnes or Billnes and a piece of meadow or close called the Lower End of the New Field also in Ipstones, 22 acres (reconveyance following a mortgage). 30 Oct. - 1678
756 - Feoffment by Isaac Sherratt of Foxt, Ipstones, yeoman, to John Johnson, junior of Crowgutter, Ipstones, in consideration of £352, of a moiety of a messuage and farm at Ford in the parish of Grindon and a moiety of the buildings and lands belonging namely Lords Field, Grindon, Innfield, Nowhay, Waterground, Flax Lee, Lyme Flatt, Middle Flatt, Little Flatt and Calf Croft in Bradnop, and a moiety of the tithes. 23 Feb. - 1679/1680
757 - Lease for possession by Thomas Brindley of Leek yeoman, to Edward Brassington of Fairfields, Staffordshire yeoman, of a close called New Close now in the occupation of John Walker. 29 Oct. - 1699
758 - Assignment by Thomas Parker of Inner Temple London, esq to Thomas Allsop of Burton-upon-Trent, gent. of all the messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments with appurtenances devised in the will of John Adderley of Derby to Thomas Parker and Ralph Adderley. 13 May - 1703
759 - Lease for possession by Ralph Adderley of Chesterfield gent., and Thomas Allsop of Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, gent., to William Sheffield of Tutbury, carpenter, of a parcel of ground called Blythes Croft in Tutbury. 13 Sep. - 1703
760 - Lease for 70 years by John Johnson of Crowgutter, Ipstones, gent., to Thomas Hood of Ashbourne, cordwainer, of a Wood called Knypewood in the parish of Ipstones, reciting a mortgage by Thomas Hood to John Johnson of a parcel of land or meadow called Lords Field, 22 acres, and a messuage in Ford. 1 Jul. - 1707
761 - Assignment of a mortgage by Katherine Okeover of Wymeswold, widow and executrix of the will of Thomas Okeover, to Ralph Newton of Toton, gent., and John Trowell of Long Eaton, gent., in consideration of £746 14s 5d, of a moiety of a messuage in Caldon, Staffordshire, where John and Elizabeth Finney formerly dwelt, also a moiety of a messuage in the occupation of Henry Botham William Salt and Richard Ferinsall, also a moiety of the Catch Holes, Kiln Croft, the Gabbing, Stable Croft, Handof Croft, the backside of Milns Barn, Brooke Close, the Lellands, the Close Gambles, Hooks Nixon, the Balltorne, the Jackbarn, Little Acres, the Meadow, the Barnyard, the new barn and barnyard, the Long Middlehill Close, Farther Middlehill Close, the Fryers Bank, the Woodside, Halfpenny lands, the Swine Knowles, the Whitefield, 24 acres in Milkhill, the Woodgrass, Stony Butts, New Middlehill, Gilbert Flatts, Allenson's Great Close, the Shelbord and Little Middle Leys, in Caldon, Alton, Waterfall and Calton, mortgaged by John Finney of Caldon, to Sir John Musters of Hornsey, Middlesex in 1688, and subsequently assigned to John Wilson of Thorpe by Loughborough (1702) and Thomas Okeover (1710). 12 May.
762 - Marriage settlement on the marriage of George Parker and Margaret Turton, between William Parker of Caverswall, esq., and Ellen his wife, George Parker his son and heir, Sir John Turton one of the barons of the Exchequer Court and Margaret his daughter, William Turton of Alrewas his son and heir apparent, Thomas Whitley of Haywood, Staffordshire, esq., William Anson of Shulborow [Shugborough] Manor, gent., and William Mills of Leek gent., by which William, Ellen and George Parker released to Anson and Mills - 1691
763 - Feoffment by Thomas Wood the elder of Upper Adderley, Caverswall, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife to George Parker of Park Hall, Caverswall, and Richard Hulme of Upper Adderley, yeoman, in consideration of £600, several messuages called Lower Adderley Green and the Syndrill House with all buildings and lands, meadow, pasture, woods and appurtenances to the use of George Wood. 25 Mar. - 1700
764 - Release by Anthony Wall of Alveton [Alton], Staffordshire, yeoman and Anne his wife, relict and executrix of the will of Robert Rowley of Denson [Denstone] deceased, Edward Rowley of Denson [Denstone] brother of Anne, Roger Hunt of Uttoxeter and David Oates of Quickhill, Staffordshire, yeoman, to Thomas Challoner of Dayryhouse in the parish of Longford, in consideration of £905, of a capital messuage called Denson [Denstone] Hall and several closes namely the Yall Yard, Yall Yard Back, Over Barley Piece, the Overholme, Nether Holme, Over Culver Croft, the Swan Pools, the Great Orchard, a footway to drive sheep from the lower end of Swan Poole through one piece of ground called the Mill Meadow through to the Nether Holme in the tenure of Edward Rowley, also all that other messuage in Denstone called Wall Croft House together with Wall Croft, Nabbs Head, the Old Hill Flatt, the Newhill Flatt, Brown Flatt and Little Rye Croft, 16 butts of arable land in Denstone (3 butts in Hillbrookfield upon the Townes End Flatt, 4 butts and one balk in Micklehill Field under Holly Ash, 1 butt and ½ butt in Hillbrookfield upon Christian Butts, 1 butt in Hillsbrookfield at the Cliff Leas, 1 butt in the Townsfeeds, 1 butt in a parcel of ground called the Hall Yate, 1 butt in the Nether Field on Rye Croft Flatt, 1 butt in Taylyoo's Forking) in the occupation of John Bowering. 15 Oct. - 1717
765-766 - Lease for possession and settlement between Gilbert Higgott of Burton-upon-Trent, feltmaker, and Dorothy his wife, Thomas Holland of Burton, yeoman, and Jane his wife one of the daughters of Edward Bulkeley late of Burton, watchmaker, and John Bradbourne of Burton, gent and Thomas Hollinshead of Ashenhurst, Staffordshire, esq by which at the special request of Thomas Holland and his wife and in consideration of £70, Gilbert Higgott and his wife have enfeoffed to Bradbourne and Hollinshead (trustees), all that burgage, messuage and dwelling house in Burton now in the occupation of Gilbert Higgott; to the use of Thomas Holland for life, then to the use of trustees in trust to the use of Jane Holland, then after her decease to the lawful male issue of Thomas and Jane; in default of male issue to the use of their daughters, and in default to the use of the right heirs of Jane. 31 Jan & 1 Feb. - 1720
767 - Marriage settlement on the marriage of William Clulowe the younger of Leek Frith, yeoman, and Anne daughter of Robert Wood of Winkle, Prestbury, Cheshire, between William Clulowe the elder and younger and Robert Wood, by which, in consideration of £200, William Clulowe the elder promises to grand to Wood all those messuages or tenements at Thornlee, Leek Frith, and another called Holley Bush at Hazelwood, Leek - 1729
768 - Foeffment by John Townsend of Cophurst, Trentham, Staffordshire, blacksmith, to Henry Townsend eldest son of said John of Grays Inn Lane in the parish of St Andrews, Holbourn, Middlesex, dealer in horses, in consideration of £32, of all that messuage or tenement by the name of Cophurst in Trentham, consisting of two dwellings and a cowhouse and barn adjoining, and 4 acres of land lying adjacent to the messuage. 15 Aug. - 1729
769 - Foeffment by John Townsend of the parish of St Andrews, Holborn, Middlesex, dealer in horses, to John Stockley of Normacott Grange, Staffordshire, carrier, in consideration of £60, of all those several messuages or tenements called by the several names of Copshurst and Cockridge Lodge in the parish of Trentham in the possession of John Stockley and John Townsend the elder, and also 45 acres of land, meadow and pasture (42 acres enclosed from a common called Cockridge [Cocknage] Bank) in Trentham. 5 Oct. - 1738
770 - Settlement between Elizabeth Willatt of Normacott Grange in the parish of Stone, widow, John Astbury of Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent, earth potter, and Richard Spence of New House, Stone, yeoman and John Stockley of Normacott Grange, yeoman, and Hannah his wife, by which Elizabeth Willatt has released to Astbury and Spence, a messuage at Spott Yate in the parish of Stone where Anne Coton now lives, two parcels of land called the Intacks, 4 acres, enclosed out of Wicknall Forest, and 6 acres of land in Wicknall Forest at Modersall Heath, and also Upper Leasow and Little Meadow purchased of Thomas Cookes: to the use of Hannah Stockley during the life of Elizabeth Willatt, then after the decease of Elizabeth Willatt to the use of Astbury and Spence for 500 years upon trust to the use of Hannah Stockley for life and after her decease to the use of the trustees for 1000 years to the use of Charles Stockley first son of Hannah Stockley and his lawful issue; in default of such issue to the use of John Stockley, Hannah's second son, and his lawful issue; in default to use of the right heirs of Hannah Stockley for ever. 15 Dec. - 1732
771-772 - Lease for possession and release by Thomas Wardle of Sheen, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife to James Wardle of Onecote in the parish of Leek, yeoman, in consideration of £84, of two parcels of land, meadow or pasture in Sheen at or near Sheen Mill, one acre by estimation late in the occupation of John Gillman, and also Thomas Wardle's share in a close called Gorsty Holme 6 acres by estimate, being all the said croft except 2 acres. 20 Jun. - 1735
773 - Quitclaim by Francis Townsend of Aymestry in the parish of Hereford, widow, relict and executrix of Henry Townsend of the parish of St Andrew, Holborn, Middlesex, to John Townsend of St Andrew, Holborn, his son, in consideration of £40, of all that messuage, tenement, lands and premises with all lands etc., belonging in Burton-on-Trent in the occupation of John Adams. 2 Oct. - 1738
774 - [Number not used]
775 - Gift by Simon son of Henry de Cromford to Joan wife of Robert son of Richard of the same place of a bovate of land with one toft in the vill and territory of Middleton, which bovate of land he acquired by gift and feoffment of Henry son of Adam de Aylesbury Witnesses: William de Cromford, Nicholas son of Simon of the same place, Henry Gamyl, John de Hall of Middleton, Alan de Bonsall of the same place and John de Bonsall of the same place. 18 Oct. - 1303
775-788 - Miscellaneous Derbyshire Deeds
776 - Gift by Walter Gonnyld of Kirk Ireton to Matilda daughter of William Reynald of the same place, of a rood of land in Kirk Ireton which abuts on Ormusrudyng between the land which Henry Proudfoot holds and that of Hugh de ?Alderley/Audley Witnesses: Henry Proudfoot of Lower Ireton, John Thoke of the same place, William de Peck of the same place, William [Smith] of the same place and William de Yong. 1 Aug. - 1320
777 - Gift in tail by Robert son of William of Little Clifton, chaplain, to Ralph de Derby of Bradley, baker, and the male heirs of his body by Lettice his wife, of a plot of meadow in Little Clifton next to the highway which leads from Ashbourne towards Clifton called Parodys [Paradise] Witnesses: John son of Ralph de Bradley baker, John de Rocester of the same place, Henry Aleynkrane of the same place, Simon de Roston of the same place, William, clerk and others - 2 Feb 1336/1337
778 - Quitclaim by Adam Cadas [Cade] of Wormhill to Richard Adam, forester of Wormhill of one messuage and l acre 1 rood of lands with appurtenances in Wormhill. Witnesses: Richard Foljamb, Alan del Hull, Ralph son of Nicholas of Tideswell Roger son of Ralph and Henry son of Ralph. 15 Aug - 1337
779 - Gift by Ralph de Shirley and Margaret his wife to Richard de la Pole of Hartington of the lands and holdings which descended to Margaret for life on the death of Walter Wadshelf her father in Agardsley (Staffordshire), and in Ashbourne, Bradley, Kniveton, Parwich, Bradbourne and La Lee [Lea Hall] near Bradbourne, except for those lands in La Lee which the said Walter held for the life of William de Hopton. Witnesses: William de Mapleton, William de Kniveton, John de Lemystre, Thomas de Mayfield of Ashbourne, Richard Henry of Ashbourne,, Henry le Avener of Ashbourne and William de la Dale of Ashbourne. 24 Jun. - 1338
780 - Family settlement between John Byram, gent., of Dalbury Lees and Dorothy his wife and William Parker of Parwich, gent., and Thomas Levinge of Stenson, Derby, gent., by which in consideration of £400 paid by Parker to Nicholas Hurt (Parker has mortgaged a farm in Tissington to Hurt) and that Byram and his wife will be party to a fine of a messuage and certain lands in Dalbury Lees, it is agreed that John Byram shall stand seised of all that capital messuage or farm called Fulwood in Hulland, lately purchased by Byram from Thomas Baynebrigge, and also all that parcel of the park reputed to belong to the farm and divided from it by a lane from Ashbourne to Hullands, containing about 55 acres [full details of bounds], lately purchased of Sir John Ferrars, and a moiety of all those closes in Ashbourne, Fenny Bentley and Kniveton called Ramscliffe, Ramscliffe Meadow, Ramscliffe Spring, Riddings, Riddings Park Spring and Riddings Park, purchased of Sir Humphry Ferrars knight: to the use of John Byram and Dorothy his wife for 70 years and after the decease of the survivor to the use of John Byram the younger his heirs and assigns. 2 Jun. - 1626
781 - Final concord between Joseph Woodhouse, gent plaintiff and William Parker, gent., deforciant of one messuage, 2 cottages, 100 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 100 acres of furze and heath and common of pasture in Fenny Bentley, Ashbourne, Kniveton, Fulwoods and Hulland - 1 Feb 1644/1645
782 - Bargain and sale by Richard Levinge of Parwich, gent., and John Byram the younger of Hulland, gent to John Ford of Kingsley, Staffordshire, in consideration of £5, of all that messuage, farm or tenement called Fullwoods in the parish of Ashebourne in the town of Hulland together with all houses, cottages, outhouses, stables, barns, buildings, orchards, gardens, lands, meadows, pastures, woods, etc.; also all that part of a park called the Houghe Parke lying against the farm called Fullwoods and only divided from it by the lane from Ashbourne to Hulland. 20 Sep. - 1652
783 - Release by William Parker of Cheadle, Staffordshire, esq., George Parker of (name of hall illegible), Staffordshire, and Margaret his wife, John Turton, knight., justice of the Kings Bench, Thomas Whitby of Haywood, Staffordshire, esq., Robert More of the City of London, linen draper, Thomas Parker of Milwich, Staffordshire, and William Anson of Shutborough, Staffordshire, to Samuel Hallows of Nottingham, esq., in consideration of £1180, of the manor of Fulwoods in the parish of Ashbourne. 17 Aug. - 1698
784 - Final concord between Samuel Hallowes, esq., Rowland Okeover, esq., and William Cooke, gent. plaintiffs, and George Parker, esq., and Margaret his wife, John Turton, knight, and Thomas Whitby, esq., deforciants, of the manor of Fulwoods with its appurtenances and 4 messuages, 10 cottages, 4 stables, 4 gardens, 4 orchards, 100 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture and common of pasture and turbary in Hulland, Ashbourne, Fenny Bentley and Kniveton - 30 May 1702
785 - Release by John Rowland of London, corn chandler, to George Alton of Idridgehay, yeoman, in consideration of £20, of a close in Idridgehay called Shirbourne Pingle. 23 Nov. - 1670
786 - Recovery by Thomas Wilson against Robert Baxter, gent., of one third part of the manor of Roslaston or Rosliston and 2 messuages, 3 gardens, 60 acres of land, 35 acres of meadow, 40 acres of pasture and common of pasture for all cattle with appurtenances in Cauldwell and Rosliston. Hilary Term. [Beginning 20 Jan] - 1761
787-788 - Lease and release by William Lisett otherwise Brickshaw of South Wingfield, gent., to Thomas Perkins of Clements Town in the parish of St. Clements Danes, Middlesex, gent., in consideration of £60 and £10 per year, of one third part of several premises in South Wingfield namely Wingfield Lodge, the Acre, Oak Close, Barn Croft, the Patch, the Croft, Slate Close, Upper and Lower Intake, Broad Close, Rye Meadow, Pease Close, Great Meadow and Flax Piece (72 acres); two closes called Under Youcliff in Wirksworth, 7 acres of pasture, also Alport Field now divided into five parts in Alderwasley and Ashleyhay, and Long Oat Hill Pingle in Wirksworth, also a close at Colls Hill Foot, Wirksworth, 1½ acres; a farmhouse in Mayfield, the Narr Croft, Church Farm Croft, the Kynch, Upper Conigree, Lower Conigree, the Conigree Bottom, Bridges Close, the Over Close, the Narr Close Pingle, and the Rice; also the site of a messuage in Church Mayfield with New Close, the Croft, close taken out of Thomas Meadow, Upper and Nether Nick Flatts and New Close; a messuage in Mayfield and Over Croft, Nether Croft, Little Meadow, the Commons and the Caldwell (10 acres of meadow in all), a messuage in Woodhouse or Swinscoe Woodhouse divided into two tenements, a little parcel of ground in Middle Mayfield on which a barn was formerly built now converted into a dwelling house, ½ acre (Saints Barn and Croft); and several closes at Elison [Ellastone] Staffordshire, namely the Low Flatts, 12 acres; to have and to hold to the intent for the docking and barring of all reversions and remainders. Dated 19 and 20 Nov. - 1765
789 - Quitclaim by William Badding of Rokeland to John de Yelverstone for a certain sum of money of all his interest (which he had by gift and feoffment of Nicholas Brian of Rokeland) in Symon Alvered of Rokeland bondman and in all his issue and all his goods and chattels movable and immovable, and in ½ acre of arable land and ½ acre of marsh, which were acquired along with the said Symon in Rokeland - 11 Jun 1290
789-793 - Miscellaneous Norfolk title deeds
790 - Gift by John de Yelverston to Andrew his son for a certain sum of money of William, Thomas, Symon, Nicholas and John sons of Richard Wade of Kirkeby, bondmen, with all their issue, tenements, goods and chattels, movable and immovable at 6 pennies per annum rent at Easter and Michaelmas - 21 Mar 1291-1292
791 - Gift by Roger de Poringland to Andrew son of John de Yelverton, for a certain sum of money, of John de Holvestona bondman of the said Roger's with all his issue, tenements, goods and chattels movable and immovable. Witnesses: John de Saliam(?), Peter Braunth, Ralph Pycot, John de Poringland, Hugh de Framelingham, Edward de Carleton, John de Yelverton, William Grimbald, John Mayer, Geoffrey de Poringland, John Pycot and Walter Guntard. 22 Apr. - 1292
792 - Gift by Robert son of Robert Bryen of Felmingham [Norfolk] and William Brid to Robert son of Andrew de Yelverton and Joan his wife and Robert son of Robert and their heirs, of Robert son of Andrew, Thomas Wade, Nicholas and John his brothers their bondmen with all their chattels and issue and all their lands and tenements they hold in villein tenure. Witnesses: Simon de Rollesby, William de Yelverton and Peter de Herford. 4 Aug. - 1324
793 - Gift by Hugh de Dunston to William Appilyerd and Thomas Monk their heirs and assigns of Thomas Baronn, Wydowe Loue, Richard Chaunterel, Adam Dunnying, Richard Hugbred and Ralph Hunter, his bondmen with all their issue, who came to the said Hugh after the death of his sister Christiana wife of John de Bonyngton, who held them jointly with William Butervyleyn, knight. Witnesses: Richard Blomvile, Thomas Vaus, John Monk, William Moregate, John Capon and others. 20 Jan. - 1399/1400
794 - Farmer family: Final concord between Peter Bakk and Bartholomew Fermour plaintiffs and Thomas Cudford and Anne his wife deforciants of 2 messuages, 3 tofts, 100 acres of land, 30 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture with appurtenances in Ratcliffe Culey: consideration 80 marks. Easter term. - 1551
794-818 - Miscellaneous Leicestershire deeds
795 - Farmer family: Gift by Bartholomew Fermour and Peter Bakk to William Purefey son and heir apparent of Michael Purefey, esq., and William Stansmore, gent., of a virgate of land with appurtenances and all lands, tenements, meadows, pastures and commons appertaining to the said virgate in Ratcliffe Culey: formerly known as Hartfel lands. 1 Jun. - 1551
796-797 - Farmer family: Lease and release by Thomas Bearde of Aylesbury gent., to John Parkyns of Wyggeston, Leicestershire, yeoman for an unspecified consideration, of a messuage with appurtenances in Ratcliffe Culey and 3½ virgates of land and meadow and an enclosure and part of a close or croft called the Hawle Croft in Ratcliffe Culey, now or late in the tenure of Thomas Weston: acquired by gift and feoffment of Ralph Lee of Horsyndon, Buckinghamshire; esq., and Frances his wife, coheir and executrix of Edward Doon, knight. 13 & 14 Dec. - 1552
798 - Farmer family: Quitclaim by Thomas Beard of Aylesbury Buckinghamshire, gent, to John Parkyns of Wyggeston, Leicestershire, yeoman, of premises in Ratcliffe Culey 20 Dec. - 1552
799 - Farmer family: Quitclaim by George Bradshawe of Orton-on-the-Hill, administrator of the goods and chattels of Ralph Purefey of Ratcliffe Culey, to William Perkyns of Ratcliffe Culey, yeoman, of premises in Ratcliffe Culey belonging to Sir Edward Dunne deceased now or late in the tenure of William Perkyns and demised by Sir Edward Dunne to Ralph Purefay. 17 Sep. - 1581
800 - Farmer family: Feoffment by John Perkyns of Anstey, yeoman, to Bartholomew Farmer of Ratcliffe Culey, yeoman, in consideration of £210 (?), of a messuage and appurtenances and 3¾ virgates of land and a close of a meadow or pasture in Ratcliffe Culey. 1 Aug. - 1601
801 - Farmer family: Feoffment by John Perkyns of Anstey, Warwickshire, yeoman to Bartholomew Farmer of Ratcliffe Culey, yeoman, in consideration of £300, of a messuage and 3¾ yardlands, three closes of pasture and 1/3 of a close of meadow in Ratcliffe Culey in the occupation of Thomas Howlatte. 20 Mar. - 1603/1604
802 - Farmer family: Quitcliam by Roger Sprott of Laycroft, Staffordshire, gent., and Nicholas Fox of Beare, Staffordshire, gent., to Bartholomew Farmer of Ratcliffe Culey., gent., of a messuage and 3 yard lands in Ratcliffe Culey in the tenure of Thomas Mason and late the inheritance of William Perkyns deceased.. 25 Jul. - 1604
803 - Farmer family: Feoffment by Pearce Berke of Ratcliffe Culey, husbandman, to Bartholomew Farmer of Ratcliffe Culey, gent., in consideration of £170, of a messuage or tenement and one yardland of arable meadow and pasture in Ratcliffe Culey. 8 Mar. - 1614/1615
804 - Farmer family: Feoffment by Bartholomew Farmer of Ratcliffe Culey, gent., to Edmond Marlow of Sibbesdon, [Sibston] Leicestershire, husbandman in consideration of £55, of a dwelling house or tenement in Ratcliffe Culey late in the tenure or occupation of Thomas Sherman with all edifices, barns and stables, also the close, backside, orchard and garden, 1½ acres, 2 arable lands in the field towards Wytherley, 2 arable lands in the Middle Field with two little lands at the foot; also common of pasture for one cow in the Moore Field (recently enclosed) and in all other commonable places in Ratcliffe Culey. 20 Aug. - 1618
805 - Farmer family: Surrender by Ralph Farmer of Ratcliffe Culey, gent., to Benjamin Farmer, woollen draper, of Daventry, in consideration of £70, four yard lands and close adjoining with all appurtenances called Randell's Lane in Ratcliffe Culey, together with the deeds of the property. 8 Apr. - 1631
806 - Farmer family: Feoffment by Benjamin Farmer of Daventry, Northamptonshire, woollen draper, to Ralph Farmer of Ratcliffe Culey, gent., in consideration of £390, of a messuage or tenement and 3¾ yardlands in Ratcliffe Culey in the occupation of Thomas Mason (the two little crofts called Nutcroft and Flaxpleace excepted), and also one other yardland of arable, pasture, meadow and common in the occupation of Ursula Farmer widow of Bartholomew Farmer deceased 8 Apr - 1631
807 - Farmer family: Release - Benjamin Farmer of Daventry, Northamptonshire, woollen draper, to Ralph Farmer of Ratcliffe Culey, gent., in consideration of £390, of a messuage or tenement and 3¾ yardlands in Ratcliffe Culey in the occupation of Thomas Mason (the two little crofts called Nutcroft and Flaxpleace excepted), and also one other yardland of arable, pasture, meadow and common in the occupation of Ursula Farmer widow of Bartholomew Farmer deceased 9 Apr - 1631
808-809 - Farmer family: Final concord between Ralph Farmer, plaintiff, and Benjamin Farmer and Margaret his wife, deforciants, of one messuage, one garden, one orchard, 100 acres of land, 15 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture, 6 acres of furze and heath and common of pasture for all cattle in Ratcliffe Culey, Leicestershire: consideration £160. Michaelmas term - 1632
810 - Farmer family: Surrender by William Purefey of Caldecote, Warwickshire esq., to Ralph Farmer of Ratcliffe Culey, gent., of all those lands, selions and butts in Ratcliffe Culey specified in an indenture of exchange of 28 Jan 1632/3 (missing) and granted in exchange to Farmer, on the condition that Francis Smith lets to Purefey other lands in Ratcliffe Culey for 9 years 29 Jan - 1632/1633
811 - Farmer family: Articles of agreement between John Farmer, gent., George Fox, gent., Thomas Richardson, yeoman, Richard Farmer, yeoman, John Farmer, yeoman, son of William Farmer, John Farmer, yeoman, son of John Farmer, Nicholas Barber, gent., John Worth, yeoman, Edward Marler, yeoman, (all of Ratcliffe Culey) Wortley Goodall of Adderston, Warwickshire, gent., John Withers of Harthill, Warwickshire, gent., and Ralph Farmer of Baddesley, Warwickshire, gent., that the plot of ground in the recently enclosed Brook Field of Ratcliffe Culey, used by the said parties as a pasture for beasts and horses, shall be occupied and enjoyed as a pasture for beasts, horses and sheep for 30 years, and that the said parties shall and may keep and depasture upon the same the numbers of beasts, horses and sheep hereinafter limited (details of stint specified): to be layed and preserved for grass yearly from 2 Feb to 4 May the beasts and horses to be admitted to the pasture until 2 Feb next ensuring: between 30 Nov and 2 Feb 5 sheep to be admitted for every beast upon the pasture - 23 Oct 1635
812 - Farmer family: Feoffment by John Farmer of Ratcliffe Culey and John Martyn, citizen and merchant taylor of London, to Ralph Farmer of Baddesley, Warwickshire, gent., in consideration of £70, of all that meadow, pasture and mowing ground in Little Sheepye (Sheepy Parva) called Goose Meadow lately in the tenure of John Farmer 20 May - 1648
813 - Farmer family: Lease for 1000 years (as a security on a debt) by John Farmer of Ratcliffe Culey, Leicestershire, gent., to Mary Farmer his youngest daughter, of 6 cottages and tenements in Ratcliffe Culey in the occupations of Richard Beck, Jane Wright, John Bull, Francis Carver, Thomas Neath and Mary Lane with all appurtenances and the Gate or Townsend Close, late in the tenure or occupation of John Farmer: Mary Farmer to pay to Lettice Ladbrooke of Coventry, £65 on 1 Oct next ensuing 27 Oct - 1658
814 - Gift by Hugh de Alveto [Alton?] and his wife Agnes de Belle monte [Beaumont] to Henry son of Marker de Sawell [Shawell, Leicestershire] of a virgate of land which Ralph [Skinner] and William his son, held as a whole: to carry out all the services except foreign and to pay annually to Hugh and Agnes ½ mark of silver, 40 pence at the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and 40 pence Witnesses: Geoffrey Cheinel, John, parson of Sawell and Richard his son, William Figuss(?) de Codesbh [Codsborough], Geoffrey de Bingum [Bingham], William son of Marker: and others - [late 12th cent]
815 - Final concord between Christopher Parke, esq., senior, plaintiff and Christopher Parke junior, William Herricke, esq., and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants of one messuage, one garden, one orchard, 40 acreas of land, 20 acres of meadow, 60 acres of pasture and 12 acres of wood with appurtenances in Woodhouse: consideration £120 - 2 Feb 1667/1668
816 - Final concord between Francis Knight, esq., plaintiff, and Christopher Parke junior, Christopher Parke senior, esq., and Simon Parke, esq., deforciants of the manor and park of Cotes or Coates, and one messuage, 2 dovecotes, 3 gardens, 3 orchards, 30 acres of meadow, 430 acres of pasture in Cotes and the great fishery of the Soar: consideration £600. Trinity Term [Ending 8 July] - 1679
818 - Lease for possession by Martha Hinton of the Close in the City of Lichfield, widow, to John Port of llam, esq., Charles Fowler of Peaford, Staffordshire, and Roger Jackson of Derby, Bachelor in Physick, of all that manor or lordship of Stapleton, Leicestershire, and all that manor house or capital messuage now or late in the tenure of Thomas Ball, and several closes called Home Close (36 acres), Cotthill Nook, Nether Ground, Middle Ground, Wood Close, Farther Highfield, the Horner Highfield, Lady Wong, Joe's Yard, the Land and the wood called Stapleton Wood adjoining to Sutton Field now or late in the tenure of Thomas Ball: a messuage tenement or homestead in the tenure of John Lawreance and two closes called the Lesser Southfield and Middle Ground: also a cottage, tenement or homestead in the occupation of Isaac Dawes and Highway Close and Iron Leys: also three closes of inclosed ground called Greater Southfield, over Goose Gap, Nether Goose Gap, late in the tenure of Edward Blankley now of John Brookes, also a close called Tompson's Heath in the occupation of J Breywood: also two closes called Cottier's Close and Shenton's Close, now or late in the tenure of R Breywood, also three closes of inclosed ground called Broud Close, Hillock Close and Lammas Close in the occupation of J Breywood: all this property in Stapleton purchased by Martha Hinton from Geoffrey Parker 16 Aug - 1711
819 - Marriage settlement on the marriage of William Moreton and Katherine Hare between John Moreton of Baddesley, Warwickshire, yeoman, Stephen Hare (father of Katherine), William Cokayn, gent., Thomas Levinge, gent., Richard Wallhouse, gent., and Henry Slany, gent., (trustees) by which John Moreton has granted to the trustees all that messuage and tenement with appurtenances in Baddesley, and all those lands, etc., belonging in Baddesley: to be held to the uses and intents specified in an indenture of 24 Nov 1562 (missing) 25 Nov - 1562
819-821 - Miscellaneous Warwickshire deeds
820 - Acknowledgement and quitclaim by Laurance Phips late of Mynworth, Warwickshire and Anne his wife, mother of William Jeakes of Arley, Warwickshire, husbandman, acknowledging receipt from Richard Whitehall of Oldbury of the sum of £5 annually ever since the time they conveyed a cottage and land in Shustoke to him for the use of William Jeakes, and quitclaiming to Richard Whitehall all manner of accounts, debts, duties, sums of money, claims, demands, whatsoever against his his heirs or assigns 10 Sep - 1636
821 - Deed to raise £5000 marriage portion on the marriage of Anna Francisca Stratford one of the two younger daughters of Francis Stratford of Merevale deceased to Joseph Cradock of Gunnley, Leicestershire, (reciting the Will of Francis Stratford dated 30 May 1757 by which he bequeathed the manor of Merevale and all his messuages, lands, hereditaments and real estate there to Wrightson Mundy of Osbaston, Leicestershire, esq., Richard Geast of Blithe Hall, esq., and Edward Farmer of Caldecote, Warwickshire, esq., upon trust to raise the portions of his four daughters), by which Anne Stratford, widow of Francis Stratford, directs that Geast and Farmer the surviving trustees should raise and pay to Joseph Cradock immediately upon the marriage taking place the sum of £5000 being part of the provision for Anna Francisca under her father's will - circa 1760
822 - Howe property around Langar: Letters patent of Edward I being a confirmation of a grant by John son of Gerard de Rodes to Robert Tybotot and Eve his wife and Pagan [Payn] his son of the manor of Langar and Barneston with all appurtenances and the advowson of the church of Langar and its chapels which pertain to the said church and manor: and also the homage and service of Gervase de Wyleford of the manor of Clifton and Wyleford; also the homage and service of Henry de Pierrepoint and his heirs of the manor of Barton; also the homage and service of Robert Luterel and his heirs of the manor of Bridgeford and Gameston; and also the homage and service of the Bishop of Carlisle and his successors of the manor or Henecastr; also the homage and service of Edmund de Eyncourt and his heirs; all of which Gerard son of Gerard brother of the said John granted to the said John 12 May - 1285
822-836 - Miscellaneous Nottinghamshire deeds
823 - Howe property around Langar: - 4 May 1290
824 - Howe property around Langar: Final concord between Nicholas Lockwood and William Bowman, gents., plaintiffs, and Henry Scrope, knight, Lord Scrope and Margaret his wife deforciants of the manors of Langer, Barneston, Stathorne, Barson and Eparston with appurtenances and 60 messuages, 40 cottages one water mill, one windmill 8 dovecotes, 30 gardens, 10 orchards, 2000 acres of land, 1000 acres of meadow, 1000 acres of pasture, 300 acres of wood, 400 acres of furze and heath with appuurtenances in Langar, Barneston, Barston [Barkstone] and Eparston [Epperstone] in Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire: consideration not given 3 Feb - 1571/1572
825 - Howe property around Langar: Exemplification of a recovery by Richard Lowther, esq., and Gerard Lowther, esq., against Henry Scrope, esq., and John Middleton, esq., of the manor of Langer and Barneston, Stathorne [Stathern], Barston and Eparston with appurtenances and 60 messuages, 2 mills, 30 gardens, 2000 acres of land, 1000 acres of meadow, 1000 acres of pasture, 300 acres of wood, 500 acres of furze and heath, 500 acres of moor and 80s rent in Langer, Barneston, Stathorne, Barston and Eparston 22 Nov - 1591
826 - Final concord between Thomas Stokes, Robert Yole, clerk, and Sir John Babington knight, plaintiffs and Thomas Samon and Cecily his wife deforciants of a messuage, 2 cottages, 3 virgates and 1 rood of land, 8s 4d rent with appurtenances in Gotham: consideration £30 11 Nov - 1493
827 - Quitclaim by Thomas Simon to John Broynton, Thomas Stokes and Robert Yole, clerk, of a messuage, croft, two virgates of land, 3 acres 1 rood of land and 8s 4d rent with appurtenances in Gotham and Great Leake - 2 Mar [1495]
828 - Lease by Thomas Samon, esq., of Chaton to John Hegayt of Gotham, clerk, of a house in Gotham of 4 bays called Pyrwych Barn with yard adjoining, with a yard 30 feet in breadth and lying between a common land on the east and the house and garden of Thomas Samon on the west, and on the south the Moor Lane and on the north the croft of the Prior of the convent of Durham, then in the holding of Robert Wryl of Gotham: for 21 years at 12d per annum 4 Oct - 1498
829 - Final concord between Henry Sacheverell, esq., plaintiff and Anthony Samon and Mary his wife deforciants of the manor of Gotham with appurtenances and 4 messuages, 10 cottages, a windmill, 10 gardens, 10 orchards, 240 acres of land, 40 acres of wood, 200 acres of furze and heath and 5s rent: consideration £220. Michaelmas term [6 Oct - 25 Nov] - 1555
830 - Gift by Robert Gervais of Snelston, chaplain, Agnes and Marjory de Briche of Hockerton to John Wildegris [?Wildgoose]of Hockerton and Cecily his wife and John, Robert and William, sons of the said Cecily, of 9 acres 1 rood 20 perches of arable land in the fields of Hockerton - 3½ acres lying in the West Field namely 1 acre on the side of Dalagate Close next to the land of the Abbot of Ronford and 2 acres lying above Dalagate Furlong next to the land of a certain John de Bella Aqua (Belle Eau) and ½ acre lying next to the land of Andrew Boteler: 3 roods in the East Field, namely one half acre lying in the place called Sydeyard next to the land of Constance daughter of Benedict and one rood lying next to the Lacedik next to the land of Henry de Walour: in the South Field, one road above Bramilands next to the land of William son of John son of Benedict, 1½ roods next to Ramwelle next to the land of William Wakeman: in the North Field, 1½ roads lying `at the cross' next to the land of Richard de Kriche, one road lying next to Hontegoney next to the land of Hokerton Church and a half acre lying in Holbecsik next to the land of William de Holbek and 1½ roads lying above the Redhille next to the land of William Wakeman and a half acre lying next to Skateripel between lands of Andrew Boteler and a half acre lying next to Holbecsik between the lands of Thomas de Stoppelay and a half acre lying next to Redehille next to the ploughland of Andrew Boteler and three selions containing one acre lying in the Holbecsik of which two lie next to the land of John King and the other selion lying next to the land of Walter Walour and a half acre lying next to Statewong next to the land of Robert Gervais Witnesses: Andrew Botelir of Hockerton, Walter Walour of the same place, Thomas de Stoppelay, William son of John de Hockerton, William son of Laurence de Newark and John son of Robert de Aylestone 18 Jun - 1310
831 - Lease by Laurence Deacovere to John son of Roger de Skerington of a bovate of arable land with appurtanences in Skerington (Scarrington) which Laurance de Bellewelle once held: to be held for 12 years at an annual rent of 16s Witnesses: Hugh de Deacovere, Roger de Whatton, Thomas de Dytene of Skerington, Roger de Stocke and John son of Reynald 11 Nov - 1312
832 - Marriage settlement on the marriage of Richard Samon the younger to Brathe Sacheverell, between Rafe Sacheverell of Ratcliffe-on-Soar, Nottinghamshire, gent., and Richard Samon of Annesley Woodhouse, gent., by which Samon agrees to convey to trustees (Henry Sacheverell, knight, Nicholas Strelley, knight, John Basington, John Constable, Richard Curzon, Roger Grenshall, Robert Drynnesiey and Alexander Meryngs, esqs.) his capital messuages in Annesley Woodhouse, Kirkby Woodhouse, Hucknall Torkard, Selston, Greasley, Underwood, Radford, Gotham, Colwick, Sutton Bonnington and Nottingham: the property of the yearly value of £10 in Nottingham and Gotham to be enjoyed by Rafe Sacheverell until Richard Samon the younger is 21 to and for the exhibition and finding of the said Richard and Brathe and their lawful issue; when Richard is 21 the property to be held by the trustees to the use of Richard and Brathe and their lawful issue and in default to the use of the right heirs of Richard Samon the younger: also Henry Sacheverell and other trustees to stand seised of property in Nottingham called the Vyne and all other premises in Nottingham in the tenure of Robert Lovet of the yearly value of £10, to use of Richard Samon the older and Elizabeth his wife for life, then after the death of the survivor to the use of Richard Samon the younger and his lawful heirs and in default to the use of his right heirs: also trustees to stand seised of premises in Kirkby Woodhouse, Selston and Underwood except for a piece of ground in the occupation of John Grannger, to the use of Richard Samon the father for life and then to the use of Richard Samon the son and his lawful issue and in default to the use of his right heirs: the trustees to stand seised of the premises in Hucknall and the parcel in the occupation of John Granger mentioned above, to the use of Richard Samon the father for life, then to the use of John Samon the younger and his lawful issue and in default to the use of the right heirs of Richard Samon the younger: the trustees to stand seised of the remaining premises in Nottingham, Colwick, Radford and Sutton Bonnington, of annual value of 5 marks, to the use of Richard Samon the father for life, then to the use of Richard Samon the son, Brathe his wife and their lawful issue, and in default to the use of the right heirs of Richard Samon the son: the remaining property to be held by the trustees to the use of Richard Samon the father and his right heirs 1 Jul - 1535
833 - Final concord between William Kynder and Richard Lane plaintiffs, and Henry Sacheverell, esq., Geoffrey Walley, yeoman, William Hydes, Robert Abbott, John Scott, senior and junior, deforciants of 4 messuages, 3 cottages, 4 tofts 200 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 10 acres of wood, 100 acres of furze and heath and 10s rent in Bradmore, Ruddington and Costock: consideration £70 Michaelmas term - 1567
834 - Letters patent of Parliament confirming seisin to John Wither, gent., and John Woodland, gent., (as against John Hough, gent.,) as to their rightful inheritance of a messuage, 80 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture and common of pasture in Willoughby on the Wolds, of which they were seised in the reign of Charles I 8 Jun - 1649
835 - Exemplification of a recovery by John Wadland, gent., and John Randolph, gent., against John Hough, gent., of one messuage, one garden, 83 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture, 40 acres of furze and heath and common of pasture for all manner of cattle with appurtenances in Willoughby on the Wolds 23 May - 1653
836 - Release by Charles Cocke of Newthorpe, Nottinghamshire, gent., to William Draper of Hemington, Leicestershire, in consideration of £390, of all that messuage in Sutton Bonnington, late in the tenure of James Hancocke, a cottage in Sutton Bonnington in the occupation of Thomas Parsons, also a messuage in Sutton Bonnington in the occupation of Aaron Hicklin, and also all those arable lands, leys, closes, meadows, pastures, feedings etc., in Sutton Bonnington being in that part of Sutton called Sutton End and two closes called the Lesser Closes; also a piece of meadow called the Leasowes, about 7 acres of arable land lying in the town fields, 3 roods of meadow in the Nether Meadow, 2 beast pastures, common for 15 sheep and 1 horse in the fields and common pastures of Sutton Bonnington 10 Apr - 1673
837 - Assignment by Christopher Cooke of Westminster to John Moore of Westminster, in consideration of £7, of a parcel of ground situate at the north end of the dwelling house of William Doddesley in St Peters Street, Westminster 29 Jul - 1633
837-841 - Miscellaneous London area deeds
838 - Attested copy of an agreement between Francis Grunwin citizen and skinner of London, son and heir of Susanna Grunwin, late wife of James Grunwin late of Hoddesdon, and William Barwell citizen and ironmonger of London and Mary his wife one of the daughters of Susanna Grunwin, by which Francis Grunwin agrees to stand seised of a freehold messuage in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, in the tenure of Thomas Nicholls and a messuage in St Lawrence Pountney's Lane near Cannon Street, London, in the tenure of John Lucas, grocer,; the messuage in Hoddesdon to be held to the use of William Barwell and Mary his wife and then to the use of Mary's heirs: the messuage in London to be held to the use of William Barwell and Mary his wife and the survivor of them, then to the use of their lawful issue, and in default to the use of the right heirs of William Barwell: will of Susanna Grunwin recited 26 Nov - 1703
839 - Gift by John King of Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, maltman to William Rystoke of Hoddesdon, yeoman, for an unspecified consideration, of all that messuage or tenement called Wellsette in Hoddesdon, situated between the cottage of Thomas Elyott, formerly a parcel of the said messuage and the tenement of Richard Redwood abutting also on the kings highway leading from London to Ware 10 Feb - 1551/1552
840 - Feoffment by William Campe of Hoddesdon in the parish of Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, to John Baylie of Hoddesdon, gent., for an unspecified consideration of two closes of pasture and wood with appurtenances lying near Haylie in the parish of Amwell, Hertfordshire, 5½ acres by estimation, abutting between the land of John Goodman, knight, to north and south; and also all that part or portion of a wood containing 2½ acres lying above his (Campe's) same wood or grove near Hoddesdon and abutting on a close of John Goodman's now in the tenure of John Reynolds on the south side 30 Jul - 1602
841 - Final concord between James Weaver and Prudence his wife plaintiffs, and Edward Somers and Rebecca his wife, deforciants, of one messuage, one cottage, 2 gardens, 2 orchards with appurtenances in Hoddesdon: consideration £100. Trinity Term [Ending 8 July] - 1660
842 - Quitclaim by John Horell, citizen and dyer of London, late of Dakynhum [Dagenham] Essex, to Hugh Brue, citizen and goldsmith of London, Elizabeth his wife and William Hastynges, knight, Lord of Hastynges, Thomas Urswyk chief baron of the Exchequer, John Crosby, knight, Richard Fowler gent., and Thomas Rigby, gent., of all those lands and tenements, meadows, pastures and all appurtenances called Brownyngefeld, Notecroft, Laycroft, Southacre and Threshers Acre, and all the lands called Collyslond lying in Berkyng [Barking], and 9 acres of arable land with hedges and balks called Fossekyns land or Kyngesbury, and a parcel of land of 2 acres called Choland and an acre of land called Chalkpitthyll lying in the Estnisshe next to Berkyng [Barking] 6 Oct - 1474
842-845 - Miscellaneous Essex deeds
843 - Gift by John Johnson of Barking, yeoman, to William Person writer of court writs of all that messuage or tenement lying in Byble in the parish of Barking and all buildings, orchards gardens, etc., and a certain parcel of land adjacent, 6 acres by estimation, one piece of new land abutting on `Le Brokes' 2 acres by estimation, a close lying above the new land 6 acres and a piece of meadow 9½ acres by estimation adjacent to the last mentioned close, also a parcel of meadow or marsh 1 acres by estimation in Charmeade in the Common Marsh, and a parcel of land 5 acres lying in a close near Charmeade, and another parcel of meadow or marsh lying in Great Normeade in the Common Marsh, 1 acre, and two parcels of land lying equally near the house, one 7 acres by estimation, the other 5 acres and, 5 ridges, 1½ acres in the common field called Byple Downe, and a parcel of land 4 acres lying in a close called Gale Street, in the parish of Barking; also a parcel of land 3 acres lying in a close called Greye Field abutting on Hemstalles 29 Sep - 1563
844 - Pardon by Elizabeth I to John Walderne for 41s for acquiring without royal consent from George Harvye and Frances his wife, 15 acres of marsh land in Barking, held in chief from the crown; and put to the use of John Walderne by an indenture of 2 Feb 1600/1 made in the Chancery Court, as recorded in the Court Roll - 8 May 1603
845 - Letters patent of James I in granting general livery of seisin to John Walderne, gent., in the land of John Walderne his father in the parish of Barking,, namely a marsh called Whiting Marsh, 7 acres, 1/2 acre of marsh land also a parcel of a marsh called Philips Marsh, 10 acres, 3 acres of marsh in Eastham; also one tenement, one barn, 1 orchard, 1 curtilage, 1 acre of land in Eastham; also one tenement, 1 barn, 1 orchard, 1 curtilage, 1 acre of land in Eastham, formerly part of the manor of Eastham, and also a lane there called Vicarage Lane, and a marsh called Neer Marshe, 7 acres, a fishing ground called Westham Fleet, in Eastham, Westham and Woolwich (Kent); also a parcel of marsh 11/2 acres called Harlestones Croft at Huddlestones Croft in Barking and a close, 1 acre, at Eastham next to Plashett in the same parish 20 Apr - 1611
846 - Gift by Nicholas Gibson citizen and grocer of London to John Baker clerk and William Elton of Ledbury, Herefordshire, yeoman, of four tenements with appurtenances in Kempley, Gloucestershire, called the Frenche House, another called Kekys, another called Powers Hende and another called Keyes Hende, and four crofts called Sheles Croft, Kempley, a parcel of meadow in Dylwathyn field and 4 acres of land arable in Dymok [Dymock] next to the holding of the Abbot of Flaxley on one side and the holding of the Prior of Acornebury on the other 30 Jun - 1533
846-858 - Miscellaneous Gloucestershire Deeds
847 - Bargain and sale by William Elton of Ledbury, yeoman and John Bryggeman of Mychell Dean Gloucestershire, in consideration of £50, of property in Kempley and Dymok [Dymock] 13 Sep - 1534
848 - Acquittance to John Walwen of Little Malvern, Worcestershire, gent., and James Rogers of Deyinte(?) Herefordshire, gent., of the sum of 14s 8d., for wood, underwood and timber from a tenement in Kempley, Gloucestershire, part of which lies in the vill and fields of Great Martley, Herefordshire 28 Nov - 1564
849 - Quitclaim by William Woodward to William Morrell of Kempley, yeoman, and Thomas Mais of Myclemarkle, Herefordshire, yeoman, of a messuage or cottage and yardland called Lynton's in Kempley and all the freeland of William Woodward in Kempley which he held by gift and grant of Thomas Morrell 16 Oct - 1576
850 - Final concord between Richard Kyrle, gent., plaintiff, and Thomas Awood and Margaret his wife and Hugh Gamond and Julia his wife, deforciants of a cottage, garden, 3 acres of pasture with appurtenances in Kempley, Gloucestershire, consideration £40. Michaelmas term - 1584
851 - Feoffment by William Morrell to Thomas Hulling of Byshopps Upton, Herefordshire, clerk and Richard Kirle of Myclemarkle, Herefordshire, clerk, of all that messuage or tenement with meadows, pastures, rents etc., in Kempley, Gloucestershire,; to the use of William Morrell and Sibbille his wife for their natural lives and after their death to the use of Thomas Mais of Kempley and Joan his wife, daughter of William and Sibbille and their lawful issue and in default of such issue to the use of the right heirs of William Morrell 20 Apr - 1587
852 - Final concord between Hentry Fyntch, gent., plaintiff, and Thomas Bridge and Katherine his wife, deforciants of one messuage, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 50 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture and 5 acres of wood with appurtenances in Kempley; consideration £40. Michaelmas term [6 Oct-25 Nov] - 1592
853 - Assignment by Thomas Frewen of Kempley, smith, to Richard Kyrle, gent., of all his right in a cottage in Kempley which Joan his wife of the said Thomas inhabits together with 3 acres of land commonly called the Hoodes, and all his goods, implements and household stuff now in the possession of the said Joan 2 Jul - 1594
854 - Final concord between Edward and John Wilse, esqs., plaintiffs and John Wilse, senior, and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants of a messuage, 2 cottages, 2 gardens, 2 orchards 70 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture with appurtenances in Kempley, Gloucestershire, consideration £100. Michaelmas term - 1611
855 - Feoffment by Thomas Woodward of the Motte in the parish of Newent, Gloucestershire, yeoman, and John Wilse the younger son and heir apparent of Guy Wilse of Dymocke, Gloucestershire, gent., to Richard Frewen of Kempley, Gloucestershire, husbandman, in consideration of 40 marks, of 9 acres of arable land and pasture in Kempley Woodfield, late the lands of John Wilse of Lynton, Herefordshire 3 Nov - 1611
856 - Final concord between Henry Fynche plaintiff, and Richard Mayes and Eleanor his wife, deforciants of a messuage, 2 cottages, 3 gardens, 3 orchards, 50 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow and 40 acres of pasture with appurtenances in Kempley. Michaelmas term - 1620
857 - [Number not used]
858 - Quitclaim by Sir Hugh Middleton of all manner of actions, causes of actions, accounts, debts, duties, covenants, agreements, in law and equity against Sir Henry Poole of Sapperton, Gloucestershire, consequent upon the payment of £300 on behalf of Sir Henry Poole in satisfaction of the money disbursed by Sir Hugh Middleton during the guardianship of Sir Henry Poole, while a minor 21 Feb - 1666/1667
859 - Gift by Adam de Bromley to Adam de Bromley his son of all his lands and tenements with buildings and super structurers in the vill of Lower Aldelegh [Alderley, Cheshire]: annual rent of 9s 6d.. Witnesses: Master Jordan de Macclesfield, Vallin de Macclesfield, Adam de Haywood, Henry de Chorley, Thomas de Falor, Thomas chaplain in Alderley and others 29 Jun - 1330
859-862 - Miscellaneous Cheshire deeds
860 - Quitclaim by John son of Adam de Bromley chaplain, to Adam de Bromley his brother of all his lands and tenements with buildings and super structurers in the vill of Lower Alderley] now described as `near the running brook to the south' Witnesses: Peter de Arden, Adam de Haywood, Robert de Chorley, Thomas de Falores and others 12 Mar - 1333/1334
861-862 - Gift and counterpart by Adam de Bromley to Margery de Revet of all his lands and tenements in le Bromley in the vill of Nether Alderley; to be held for life of the chief lord of the fee with remainder to John son of William de Smalley and Ellen his wife (daughter of said Adam) and their heirs: and if the said Ellen dies without issue then remainder to John de Bromley and his lawful issue: and if he dies without lawful issue then remainder to the heirs of Adam for ever Witnesses: Robert de Legh, Nicholas le Vernon, John Pygot, William le Walt of Haywood, Thomas de Falores and others 24 Dec - 1386
863 - Lease for possession by Sir William Yorke of Lessingham Lincs., to William Sacheverall of Barton, Nottinghamshire, esq., John Thornhegh of Fenton, Nottinghamshire, Charles Hutchinson of Owthorpe, gent., and William Cooke of Wymeswold, gent., (trustees of the marriage settlement of Sir William Yorke and Katherine Leeke widow of William Leeke of Wymeswold, mother of Katherine Leeke wife of Thomas Okeover), of messuage, tenement and Little Close, 2 acres and common of pasture for 20 beasts on the Moore, and several closes, namely Longlands, 40 acres, Hiddinghamfield, 40 acres, Flaxpitts, 16 acres, Limekilne Close, 40 acres, all in Lessingham (Leasingham), Lincs., in the occupation of John Emmission; also a close called Flaxpitts, 16 acres, and Greets in the occupation of John Tubb; also a cottage and close 6 acrs, in the occupation of Widow Day; also a messuage, tenement and Home Close, 22 acres, Rogholme 30 acres, Brack Close, 20 acres, in the tenure of William Metcalfe; also a messuage and close 8 acres, and two new enclosures in the tenure of John Copeland; also a cottage and close 5 acres, in the occupation of Joseph Martin; also a cottage and close 3 acres, in the occupation of Richard Cousins; also a close called Cadbins, in the occupation of John Gilliam and John Cousins; also a cottage, close and new enclosure in the tenure of John Robson; also a cottage in the tenure of John Aley; also a close called Stonylands 10 acres, in the occupation of Richard Blomfield, also a great close of new enclosure 105 acres, New Small Thornes 40 acres, Old Small Thornes 22 acres, and a new enclosure lying by Newark Gate late in the tenure of John Huste 1 May - 1690
863-864 - Miscellaneous Lincolnshire deeds
864 - Release by Katherine Okeover wife and relict of Thomas Okeover late of Wymeswold of John White of Cotgrove, esq., of the manor of Farforth, Lincs., with appurtenances, reciting an indenture of 21 Nov, 1682, by which Goddard Dye of Newark and William Leeke released to John White, in consideration of £250, the manor of Farforth 14 Apr - 1714
865 - Miscellaneous Northamptonshire deeds
865 - Mortgage by way of lease for 200 years for £1000 by Maurice Tresham of Pilton, Northamptonshire, to Anthony Collins of the Middle Temple, esq., of a farmhouse with appurtenances in Pilton late in the tenure of John Greene, and closes called Jarmans Pasture, 48 acres, Little Northampton Way Close, 15 acres, Fullwell Close 6 acres,; also Breendike Close 6 acres, in the occupation of Mr Tresham, and 8 acres, in the occupation of Christopher Bull, William True and Elizabeth Glead - all in Pilton: redeemable on the payment of £1030 at the dining hall of the Middle Temple on 19 Dec 1663 17 Jun - 1663
866 - Marriage settlement on the marriage of John Vaughan and Mary Vaughan, one of the natural daughters of Margaries Vaughan, between John Vaughan son and heir of John Vaughan late of Dudleston, Salop, tanner, Margaries Vaughan widow of Roger Vaughan gent., late of Dudleston deceased and John Vaughan, esq., and Richard Levinge, of Dudleston gent., by which in consideration of the marriage and £80, John Vaughan and Richard Levinge (trustee) convey several closes in Dudleston now in the tenure of John Vaughan the son commonly known as Kae Ground, Kae Evan, Kae Kewa Kause and Kae Kewnissa, with a barn lately erected in Kae Ground, and other closes in Dudleston called Wyddrd, and Gardd Ruffit, all in the tenure of John Vaughan: to the use of John Vaughan and Mary his intended wife for their natural lives, in full recompense of a jointure to the said Mary and after the death of the survivor to the use of their successive lawful male issue and in default to the use of their daughters and in default of issue to the use of the right heirs of John Vaughan 20 Jan - 1625/1626
866 - Miscellaneous Shropshire deeds
867-872 - Numbers not used
873 - Release by Robert Wagstaff of Snelston, farmer to John Goodwin Johnson of Fenny Bently, gent., in consideration of £237 9s 9d., of two closes in Woodhouse [Woodhouses] called the Croft and Hill Meadow and a close called the Hill Meadow Pingle in Blore 22 Jun - 1824
873-877 - Swinscoe and Woodhouse estate
874-875 - Lease and release by John Goodwin Johnson, gent., to Haughton Farmer Okeover of Oldbury, esq., in consideration of £245, of property as in D231M/T873 14 & 15 Apr - 1825
876-877 - Lease and release by John Philips of Ilam, farmer, to Haughton Farmer Okeover of Oldbury, Warwickshire, esq., in consideration of £84, of all that messuage or dwellinghouse at Woodhouse in which John Stubbs formerly lived with a parcel of ground belonging 23 & 24 Nov - 1827
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