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Collapse D231 - Okeover family of Okeover - [12th-20th cent]D231 - Okeover family of Okeover - [12th-20th cent]
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1 - General pardon granted to Humfrey Okeover - 10 Feb [1626]
2 - Order from Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury to the clergy of his province to issue a citation to Katherine Leighe otherwise Oker [Okeover], widow and executrix of Henry Leighe of Shawell, to appear at St Pauls before Master Walter Haddon, Doctor at law for the proving of her late husband's will - 30 Nov 1562
3 - Order from Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury, to the clergy of his province to issue a citation to Catherine Okeover widow of Ralph Okeover, esq., and Elen Taylor otherwise Okeover, Elizabeth Longforde alias Okeover, Dorothy, Faith and Isabel Okeover (all Ralph's daughters) and all others claiming title to any of his goods, to appear at St Paul's London, for the proving of the will 3 May - 1571
4 - Letters of administration by William, Archbishop of Canterbury, of the effects of William Leeke, sergeant at law, late of Wymeswold, Leicestershire 11 Nov - 1587
5 - Will of Mrs Katherine Okeover 11 Jan - 1699/1700
6-7 - Two copies of the will of Martha Hinton daughter of Thomas Okeover, one version dated 26 Mar 1714, the other dated 26 Apr 1716 - 1714-1716
8 - Instructions for making a will - 18th cent
9 - Mr Okeover's (?Leeke/Okeover) memoranda on his will - [18th cent]
10 - Draft codicil to Leeke Okeover's will - 1754
11 - Typescript copy of the will of Leeke Okeover dated 17 May 1763, with codicil, 29 Jul 1764 - [1763-1764]
12 - Another copy of the will of Leake Okeover 17 May 1763 - [1763]
13 - Copy will of Catherine Okeover late of Polesworth, now of Nuneaton, Warwickshire 22 Oct - 1774
14 - Notebook relating to the provisions of the will of Haughton Farmer Okeover - early 19th cent
15 - Marriage settlement on the marriage of Philip Okeover to Thomasin daughter of Raufe Basset, being a covenant between Thomas Okeover and Raufe Basset by which in consideration of the marriage, Thomas Okeover will deliver to the said Philip a parcel of land called the Coldwall in Okeover, a parcel of meadow in Blore Woodhouse and a pasture in Snelston called Cokshuthall: Thomas to enfeoff certain persons in this property by the assent of Raufe: if Thomasin dies before the marriage, then Philip to marry another of Raufe's daughters - 20 Sep [1439]
16 - Marriage settlement on the marriage of Robert Findern and Margaret Okeover, by which in consideration of the marriage Nicholl Findern of Findern, father of Robert, agrees that he shall grant a lawful estate to the said Robert and Margaret and their lawful heirs of lands and tenements to the yearly value of ten marks. Also Philip Okeover, Margaret's father, to pay Nicholl Findern £23 6s 8d., £10 on the day of the "esposels" [ espousals] and the remainder at diverse times. - 11 Jan 1472]
17 - Receipt by Humfrey Okeover, esq., for £40 from Thomas Babington of Dethick, esq., with £26 13s 0d to be paid "for me" to John Pole of Wakebridge, esq., in full payment of £120 for the marriage of Philip his son and heir apparent to Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Babington 8 Jan - 1509/1510
18 - Family settlement, being a gift by Ralph Okover [Okeover] of Okover to William Basset, Francis Meverell and Thomas Basset of the manor and park of Okover and a pasture in Okover called the Lees, two other pastures called the Yelley and Kendall and another pasture called Okover Medowe, a parcel of meadow adjacent to the last called the medowebed and Porrott Crofts, all of which are in Ralph's occupation: a pasture in Okeover called Overcoldwall once in the tenure of Nicholas Bammford, also a parcel of meadow in Okover called Dossehowse Yarte now in the occupation of the said Ralph and another parcel called the Burreyarte also in his occupation; a pasture in Okover called Coldwall close alias The Nether Coldwall once in the tenure of Anthony Shalcrosse and another pasture in Okover called the Cow Close and Hardynghyll, now in the tenure of the said Ralph - annual value £30 7s 4d : also all that capital messuage in Snelston with lands, tenements and hereditaments in the occupation of Thurston Lent, yielding annually £4 and a pasture in Attelowe [Atlow] called Hallfield in the occupation of Roland Babington, Esq., rendering annualy £8 : to be held to the use of Ralph, his wife Matilda and their heirs. 5 Aug - 1547
19 - Articles of agreement between Rowland Okeover of Okeover, Staffs, esq., Anne his wife, and Walter Bagot of Bliffield [Blithfield], Staffs, by which Humfrey his sone and heir apparent shall within one year of this agreement marry Lettyce Bagot, one of Walter's daughters 3 Feb - 1609/1610
20 - Deed to levy a fine on part of the jointure lands of Elizabeth, wife of Rowland Okeover, by which Rowland Okeover of Okeover, esq., and Elizabeth his wife agree to acknowledge to Wolston Adderley of Weddington, Warwickshire, esq., and Thomas Ruddierd the younger of Ruddierd, Staffs, esq., two fines of the manors of Okeover Woodhouse, Swinscoe and Atlow, as it was doubtful whether Rowland was seised of an estate in fee tail or any other estate in these manors at the time of his marriage 3 Aug - 1680
21 - Settlement, being a lease for possession by John Buxton of Ashbourne Park, gent; and Madame Mercy Okeover of Ashbourne to Alexander Taylor of Ashbourne, gent., and Robert Langdon of Ashbourne, ironmonger, of the manor of Clifton and Ashbourne Park in Clifton and all the messuages, cottages, mills, lands, etc., of John Buxton in Ashbourne, Clifton and Compton and all the messuages, cottages, lands and hereditaments in Atlow being the inheritance of Mercy Okeover - 9 Nov 1696
22 - Proposals by Sir William Yorke for his settlement with Mrs Okeover - circa 1699
23 - Marriage settlement on the marriage of Katherine Leeke to Thomas Okeover, between Katherine Leeke, daughter and sole heir of William Leeke, Dame Katherine Yorke, widow of William Leeke, John Thornhagh of Fenton, Nottinghamshire, gent., William Cooke of Wymeswold, gent., Rowland Okeover of Okeover, esq., Thomas Okeover his son and heir, Henry Bainbrigge of London and John Orme of Wymeswold 20 Nov - 1699
24 - Declaration of Katherine Leeke that if she survives Thomas Okeover she will, during the continuation of her estate in her jointure lands, permit and suffer Rowland Okeover in his life and after his death such person to whom the manor house of Okeover shall appertain to have, take and enjoy the boons and services performed by the tenants of the estate 6 Jan - 1699/1700
25 - Declaration by Katherine Leeke that she will not dispose of £500 issuing from the lease of Wymeswold Rectory from Trinity College Cambridge, if any issue male or female of her marriage to Thomas Okeover shall be living at the time of the death of the survivor of them 9 Jan - 1699/1700
26 - Assignment pursuant to Marriage settlement on the marriage of Katherine Leeke to Thomas Okeover, reciting that by this marriage settlement land in Staffs., and Derbyshire, to the value of £400 15s 0d were limited to the use of Thomas Okeover for the life with remainder to trustees to preserve contingenet reminders with the proviso that should Rowland Okeover wish during the joint lives of him and Thomas to hold any of the lands so limited, then he would, in recompense, lease to Thomas lands and tenements in Norfolk, by which Rowland Okeover has assigned to Thomas Okeover, his won, a messuage or tenement and farm in Hardwick, Norfolk, now or late in the tenure of Jeremy Wade, 147 acres, and the Sheepwalk in Hardwick and North Runton let with the farm, a messuage or tenement and farm in the occupation of Nicholas Righthouse in Hardwick, 90 acres, all that ground in Hardwick 4 acres in the occupation of John Dan, all that ground in Middleton, Norfolk, 11 acres, lying intermixed with the land of the heirs of Richard Berney, all those pieces or parcels of ground in Ashley Fields, Hardwick, 11 acres, now or late in the tenure of Harry Towers, a messuage or tenement in West Winch now or late in the tenure of Mr Bagg, 45 acres, also several pieces of ground in Sechee alias Sech 25 acres lying in three parts of the marsh by West Winch Common in the tenure of John Williamson, two parcels of ground next the brook in the occupation of John Hull 4½ acres, a parcel of ground 1 acres butting the Common now or late in the tenure of Edward Woodhouse, a messuage or tenement and farm in Tilney, 149 acres, in the occupation of John Wantland, a messuage or tenement and farm in Tilney in the occupation of Edward Brook, a tenement at Poynfield, 15½ acres in Tilney in the tenure of Mr Clarke and all that ground near Bury Manor, Tilney, 15 acres, in the occupation of Henry Woods : for 99 years at a peppercorn rental : schedule attached for all the lands originally limited in the marriage settlement to Thomas Okeover - Atlow, Mapleton, Okeover and Okeover Woodhouse, 11 Jan - 1699/1700
27 - Family settlement consequent upon Marriage settlement on the marriage of Katherine Leeke to Thomas Okeover, between Thomas Okeover of Tilney, Norfolk, gent., Rowland Okeover of Okeover, esq., and Christopher Ley of Mayfield, by which in order to avoid all disputes and controversies between Rowland and Thomas Okeover [Thomas Okeover his brother, not his son who married Katherine Leeke] regarding the use of the jointure lands should both Thomas, the sone and Katherine die in Rowland Okeover's lifetime, Thomas Okeover the brother has bargained and sold to Christopher Ley all the jointure lands etc., limited to Katherine Leeke for life for the term of 60 years after the decease of the survivor of Thomas Okeover, the son, and Katherine Leeke and their lawful make issue and the male issue of Rowland Okeover 29 Apr - 1700
28 - Account of the principal sum owing to Sir William Yorke, relating to his marriage to Katherine Leeke, widow of William Leeke and mother of Katherine Okeover - 1698-1700
29 - Copy of Leeke Okeover's marriage settlement between Leeke Okeover of Okeover, esq., Francis Keck, John Gilbert Gilbert, Francis Lewis, John Keck, William Busby, John Nicoll, juncior, John Nicoll, senior and Mary Nicoll spinster, by which in consideration of the marriage between him and Mary Nicoll and £6000 Leeke Okeover has granted to Francis Keck and John Gilbert the manors of Wymeswold and Crackhole alias Crowhole, messuages, farms and lands in Thorpe Nottinghamshire, and several other messuages, farms and lands of a yearly rent of £620 8s 0d : to the use of Keck and Gilbert during the life of Leeke Okeover to preserve the contingent remainders, and after the decease of Leeke the property in Leicestershire, and Nottinghamshire, to the use of Mary as part of her jointure and the property in Staffs., and Derbyshire, to the use that Mary should receive an annuity of £400 : at the expiration of these uses to the use of Francis Lewis and John Keck for 300 years upon trust to raise portions for the younger children of the marriage with remainder to the first and other sons in tail male; remainder to Busby and John Nicoll the younger for 500 years to raise portions for the daughters in the event of no male issue 21 & 22 Jul 1724 And Copy revocation of uses between Leeke Okeover, esq., and Mary his wife, Row Port, esq., Richard Reeve, merchant, Francis Lewis, esq., Farmer Baker, John Nicoll the younger, esq., and Rowland Okeover by which it is agreed that in order to increase the value of her jointure, Mary Okeover should receive as her jointure the manors in Staffs., and Derbyshire in lieu of the manors and lands in Leicestershire, and Nottinghamshire 9 & 10 Jul 1731 - 1724-1731
30-31 - Deed to lead to recovery by which Leeke Okeover of Wymeswold, Leicestershire, esq., son and heir of Thomas Okeover, has released to John Wakelin of the Inner Temple, gent., the manors or lordships of Okeover, Woodhouses and Swinscoe, a capital messuage in Hardwick, Norfolk, lately in the tenure of Rowland Okeover with all lands etc., belonging, a farm in Hardwick in the occupation of Jeremy Wade, 147 a., and the sheepwalk in Hardwick and North Runton let with it, a messuage and farm in Hardwick in the occupation of Nicholas Righthouse, 90 a., all that ground in Hardwick 4 acres, now or late in the occuapation of John Dan, all that land or ground of Leeke Okeover's in Middleton, Norfolk, 11 acres, several parcels of land in Ashley Fields, Hardwick, 11 acres, all those parcels of ground in Sechee 25 acres lying in three parts of the Marsh and two pieces or parcels of land next the brook 1 acre, butting on the Common waste, and all other lands etc. of Leeke Okeover in Hardwick, North Runton, Middleton, South Lynn, Saddlebow, Westwick, Sechey and Kings Lynn; to make Wakelin a perfect tenant to the free hold to suffer a common recovery 3 & 4 Feb - 1729/1730
32 - Marriage settlement on the marriage of Edward Wilson to Katherine Okeover between Edward Wilson of Cannock, esq., Katherine Okeover, one of the daughters of Thomas Okeover late of Wymeswold deceased, William Okeover of the Middle Temple, Esq., Thomas Whitby of Heywood, Staffs., Esq., Rowland Okeover of Oldbury, Esq., and Humphrey Hedgetts of the Borough of Stafford, by which in consideration of the marriage and £2000, Wilson has released William Okeover and Whitby, a messuage or tenement in Cannock wherein John Stretton did lately inhabit called Long House Farm with all lands etc., belonging, eight closes of land in Cannock in the occupation of Ann Woowich, widow, 35 acres, a parcel of meadow in the occupation of Charles Berkin called Moor Meadow, 7 acres, a messuage, farm or tenement in the hamlet or Worley in the occupation of T Brown with all land etc belonging, closes in Worley 15 acres, in the occuaption of Joshua Stevenson, two water corn mills late in the tenure of Thomas Barton with all appurtenances, a parcel of meadow 11 acres, in the occupation of Thomas Barton, a parcel of meadow called Butlers Meadow 12 acres, in the occupation of William Wolley, 2 parcels of pasture 12 acres in the occuaption of Aaron Bagott and a parcel of meadow 5 acres in the occuaption of John Silvester, all in Cannock and Worley in the manor of Cannock: to the use of Wilson until the marriage then to the use of Okeover and Whitby during the natural life of Wilson to preserve the contingent uses, then the Long Farm, the Closes in the occupation of Ann Woowich and Charles Berkin and the messuage and land in Worley in the occupation of T Brown, Esq., to the use of Katherine Okeover in the case she survives Wilson and in lieu of dower; after the decease of Wilson and Katherine, to the use of Rowland Okeover and Humphrey Hedgetts for 1000 years upon trust for the sons and daughters of the marriage in due order of succession: the water mills and other lands to be held to the use of Rowland Okeover and Hedgetts for 500 years for uses to be declared. Further, Wilson is to surrender at the Manor Court of Cannock and Worley to William Okeover and Whitby, a capital messuage in Cannock with all appurtenances, closes 10 acres, and Hatherton Sitches 16 acres, also a customary messuage, farm, or tenement with customary lands belonging 80 acres, in the occupation of Charles Berkin, also a messuage farm or tenement called Rumore Hill Farm and copy-hold lands 150 acres, in the occupation of William Wolley, 15 acres, of copyhold land in Worley in the occupation of Thomas Brown and copyhold land 14 acres, in the occupation of John Lighwood, all in the manors of Cannock and Worley; also Wilson to surrender at the Manor Court of Haywood, a messuage and farm at Walton in the late Manor of Haywood with closes belonging, a messuage and croft in the occupation of Dorothy Salisbury, a dwelling house or tenement in the occupation of Grace Hodson and a parcel of meadow, 3 acres, in the occuaption of John Dorrington, to the use of Wilson until the marriage and then to the use of Wilson for life, then after his decease, the capital messuage and other copyhold land in Cannock and Worley to the use of Katherine Okeover in the case she survives Wilson; after the decease of Katherine to the use of Rowland Okeover and Hedetts for 1000 years upon trust as before; the messuage in the manor of Heywood, after the decease of Wilson to the use of Rowland Okeover and Hedgetts for 500 years (uses to be declared) and at the expiration of the term to the use of the right heirs of Wilson for ever: and for and concerning the terms of 1000 years and 500 years, if there are more than one son and daughter then Rowland Okeover and Hedgetts to raise the sum of £1000 on the property in the 1000 year term and £1400 on the property in the 500 year term and to pay the sums to such sons and daughters as Wilson shall appoint by his will; if only one son then he receives £2000 and if only one daughter then she receives £1500; the interest at 4½% to be used for maintenance 2 May - 1730
33 - Copyhold marriage settement: Court Baron of Henry, Earl of Uxbridge - Manor of Haywood held at Shugborough settlement by Charles Wilson of his estates in the Manor of Haywood, namely Walton Farm, 150 acres, on his intended marriage with Catherine one of the daughters of Thomas Okeover of Wymeswold, Leicestershire 4 May - 1730
34 - Copyhold marriage settlement in Court Baron of the Manor of Cannock and Rugeley held at Cannock on behalf of Henry, Earl of Uxbridge - being part of the settlement on the marriage of Edward Wilson to Katherine Okeover, by which Wilson has surrendered to the use of William Okeover and Thomas Whitby, copyhold property in Cannock 4 May - 1730
35 - `An account of what estates belonging to R F Okeover, Esq., previous to his marriage were conveyed to trustees for securing Mrs Okeover a jointure of £800 per annum 20 Oct - 1784
36 - Copy marriage settlement on the marriage of Rev Charles Gregory Okeover to Miss Mary Ann Anson between Rev C G Okeover of Chapel House in the parish of Atherstone, Warwickshire, Clerk, Sir George Anson of Shugborough, Staffs., Lieutenant General in His Majesty's Army, Mary Ann Anson eldest daughter of Sir George, Rt. Hon [Right Honourable] Thomas William Viscount Anson of Shuborough and William Stretford Dugdale of Meirvale, Warwickshire, by which Rev C G Okeover has assigned to Rt Hon T W V Anson and W S Dugdale the principal sum of £8000 owed to him by Haughton Farmer Okeover together with the bond wherein the same is invested, in trust for C G Okeover until the marriage, and then either to permit the same to remain in the present state of investment of compel payment thereof and lay out and invest the monies, in the purchase of a competent share of the parliamentary stocks or public funds of Great Britain, upon trust that any interest is received by C G Okeover and his assigns for life and after his decease by his wife if she survives him, after her decease or second marriage the principal sum should be divided among all the children in equal parts at the age of 21 13 Sep - 1823
37 - Release by J H Langston of Sarsden House, Oxford, surviving trustee of the will of H F Okeover, to William Haines of Birmingham, gent., of the personal estate of H F Okeover, deceased 10 & 11 Jul - 1838
38 - Document certifying that the death of Roger Okeover, knight, took place in Scotland on 8 May 1329 - [2 Feb 1385]
39 - Royal writ directing Philip de Oker [Okeover] to present himself at Westminster within a month of Easter to explain certain articles touching the Queen's interest 12 Feb - 1596/1597
40-41 - Case paper and pedigree relating to the wardship of Humfrey Okeover - circa 1610
42-47 - Small bundle of bills relating to a Chancery case - "In the matter of William Okeover". - 1745
48 - Quitclaim by William Monk of Cliffords Inn, London, surviving executor of the will of William Okeover, deceased and Moreton Walhouse of Hatherton, Staffs., Esq., and Catherine his wife to Leak Okeover, of all cause and causes of action or actions, suits etc., in law or equity against him - circa 1745
49-58 - Small bundle of case papers, chiefly affadavits, relating to a case in Chancery between Margaret Nicoll an infant by her next best friend, plaintiff, and Joshua Harrison, clerk, Leake Okeover and Mary his wife, defendants : Margaret Nicoll alleges that she has received harsh treatment from Leake Okeover and Mary his wife, her aunt and uncle - 1751
59 - Record of the court proceedings in a case between Margaret Nicoll, Joshua Harrison, Leake and Mary Okeover and others, regarding the payment of rents and profits issuing from the estate of John Nicoll, deceased 11 Nov - 1752
60 - Case paper relating to a Chancery case between the Marquess of Caernarvon and Joshua Harrison and others, regarding the payment of rents issuing from the estates of Margaret Nicoll (now Marchioness of Caernarvon) 16 Mar - 1754
61 - The humble answer of Rowland Okeover Esq and Elizabeth his wife, a minor, to the petition and appeal of Sir Henry Poole, baronet, and Elizabeth his wife, exhibited in Parliament - circa 1765
62 - Appointment by Haughton Farmer Okeover of Oldbury, Warwickshire, an infant of the age of 16 years, of James Haughton Langston of Sarsden, Oxford and John Langston of Clifford Street, in the parish of St James, Westminster, to be guardians of his personal estate until the age of 21 15 Jan - 1793
63 - Case paper regarding the marriage settlement of Rev C G Okeover and Mary Ann Anson - circa 1825
64 - Letter from "A.D." in Paris to Leeke Okeover at Grays Inn 14 May - 1722
65 - Leeke Okeover's notebook when in exile on the continent under the name of Mr Scripshaw having fled the country to escape his creditors : the notebook gives descriptions of churches and other places of interest beginning at Ypres on 15 May 1751 then moving successively to Lille, Cambrai, St Quentin Valeces, [?Valenciennes] Dunkirk, Aix-la-Chapelle, Liere and Maastricht - 1751-1752
66-148 - Correspondence between Leeke Okeover in exile and his wife Mary most of it regarding purely personal matters - 1751-1752
149-171 - Correspondence between Wrighson Mundy and Leeke Okeover following his return from exile, and between Wrightson and A. Mundy (Wrightson's wife) and Mary Okeover, largely regarding purely personal matters particularly health : 5 March 1761 - Mundy to Leeke Okeover - Wednesday next there will be a general meeting of the Derbyshire gentry for the choice of candidates for the General Election. Sir Henry Harpur cannot fail. - 1752-1762
172-216 - Miscellaneous correspondence - 1748-1763
217-274 - Correspondence involving Mrs Barnes of Atherstone (referred to as "Nanny Barnes") a friend of R F Okeover's wife Bridget, and probably nanny to Bridget's children - 1768-1786
275-303 - Letter from Haughton Charles Okeover at Eton to his mother and sister at Okeover relating to personal and general family matters - 1833-1840
304-306 - Correspondence concerning the trusteeship for the personal fund of Mrs P Ward's (H C Okeover's mother, who remarried) children - 1842
307 - Part of a release by Leeke Okeover to William and Rowland Okeover of a messuage or dwellinghouse in the tenure of Widow Ryley and a measured part of garden or orchard, in Mapleton : to be held in trust to the intent and purpose that houses or habitations for three clergyman's widows and gardens to the same may be erected upon this parcel of land - [18th cent]
308 - Lease for possession by Rowland Okeover the elder of Okeover to Leeke Okeover, son and heir of Thoms Okeover deceased, Gilbert Adderley of Weddington Esq., and Rowland Okeover the younger, son and heir of Thomas Okeover of Hardwick, deceased, of all the closes and parcels of land, meadow and pasture in Atlow purchased by Rowland Okeover of Charles Hinton, Esq., and Mercy Okeover brother-in-law and sister of Rowland Okeover the elder - 5 Jun 1719
309 - Lease for possession by Rowland Okeover the elder of Okeover, Esq., to Leeke and William Okeover his grandchildren, Rowland Okeover of Oldbury his nephew and Gilbert Adderley of Weddington, Warwickshire, Esq., of property in Atlow as in F308 23 Oct - 1727
310 - Copy release reciting that the trustees (Leeke, William and Rowland Oakeover and Gilbert Adderley) shall dispose and pay £60 yearly of the profits of the Atlow property for the support of an able, fit and discreet man to be organist in Okeover parish church, and also 12 fit boys and girls to be the sons and daughters of residents of Okeover, Woodhouses, Swincoe, Mapleton and Atlow, and, if not enough from these villages, then residents of Church, Over and Middle Mayfield also : also, out of the remaining income of the property, immediately after the death of Rowland Okeover the elder the trustees are to erect, build and finish at the place where the messuage or dwelling - house in the possession of Widow Ryley now stands, one neat, convenient house divided into three dwellings or apartments from three widows of clergymen of the Church of England as the trustees shall think to be most proper for such charity; each apartment to have a garden and an annuity £10 to be provided for each widow 24 Oct - 1727
311 - Memorandum regarding the Mapleton almshouses - [18th cent]
312 - An account of the money paid by Mr Hopkinson upon account of the Charity - 1730-1745
313 - Lease for possession by Moreton Walhouse the elder of Hatherton, Staffs., Esq., to James Haughton Langston, John Langston of Clifford Street, Hanover Square, Esq., Moreton Walhouse the younger of Grays Inn, Esq., Haughton Farmer Okeover and Charles Gregory Okeover (new trustees of the Charity), of property in Atlow 3 Dec - 1794
314 - Power of attorney from the Trustees of the Okeover Charity to Charles Barnes Robinson of Hill Ridware to receive the rents of the Charity lands and to disburse the money 24 Sep - 1803
315 - Charity account [Okeover] - 1803
316 - Power of attorney to Rev R R Vaughton to receive the rents of the Charity lands and to disburse the money 20 Sep - 1831
317 - Letter from Susan Foster to Rev R R Vaughton regarding the Okeover Charity at Mapleton of which she was a beneficiary 24 Oct - 1831
318 - Further letter from Susan Foster to H F Okeover regarding the Charity 19 May - 1832
319 - Fire insurance policy on Mapleton almshouses and a barn at Atlow 20 Apr - 1883
320 - Schedule of Okeover Charity lands, with rents - 1775
321-334 - Okeover Charity bills and receipts relating to organ, choir boys and the clergymen's widows stipends - 1779-1780
335-346 - Further Okeover Charity bills and receipts - 1783
347-348 - Further Okeover Charity receipts - 1783-1784
349 - Power of attorney from the Trustees of the Okeover Charity to Charles Barnes Robinson of Hill Ridware to receive from the Proprietors of the Trent and Mersey Canal all interest due on a mortgage of the tolls and duties 12 Jan - 1808
350 - Grant by Brother John Daddysley, Prior of the Convent of the Friar Preachers of Newcastle-under-Lyme to Adam Godwyn and Margaret his wife of participation in all masses, preachings, fastings, prayers etc and on their death the prayers etc of the Priory as in the case of the Friars there 6 May - 1392
351 - Letter by Brother Richard, Prior of the Covent of Friar Hermits of Stafford, to Adam Goodwyne and Alice his wife, granting to them on account of their devotion to the order, participation in masses, vigils, fastings, abstinences, preachings, prayers and all other divine exercises, and when either of them die the same devotions shall be observed for them as for the brethren 17 Jan - 1415
352 - Papal pardon to Robert Tomkynson and Felicia his wife - 23 May 1440
353 - Will of Thomas Godsalve of Buckenham, Norfolk 8 Apr - 1588
354 - Copy will of Sir John Repington of Amington, Staffs 2 Dec - 1625
355 - Will of William Leeke of Wymeswold, Leicestershire 5 Oct - 1659
356 - Will of William Hancock of Mapleton 5 Jun - 1665
357 - Will of James Dring of Westhrope Southwell, Nottinghamshire 14 Mar - 1666
358 - Copy will of Isham Parkyns of Bunny, Nottinghamshire 9 Jun - 1671
359 - Letter of administration of the estate of Edward Blount of Wymeswold, Leicestershire, who died intestate, granted to his son William Blount 30 Nov - 1671
360 - Will of Richard Carter alias Williamson of Mapleton, webster 8 Aug - 1680
361 - Will of John Lees of the Batehouse in the parish of Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire 8 Oct - 1684
362 - Will of Nathanial Lees of the Parish of St. Buttolph's, Bishopgate, London 17 Sep - 1688
363 - Will of John Stanley of the Cliff, Brandnop, Staffordshire 1 Aug - 1695
364 - Will of James Ludford of Ansley, Warwickshire 29 Nov - 1699
365 - Will of John Allen of Brookhouse, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire 18 Apr - 1706
366 - Will of Sampson Bulkeley of Bradnop, Staffordshire Nov - 1706
367 - Will of John Farmer of Baddesley Ensor, Warwickshire 4 Apr - 1707
368 - Will of Mrs Hampton Allen of Coleshill, Warwickshire 19 Jul - 1708
369 - Notes on John Allen's will
370 - Will of Richard Williamson of Mapleton 18 Dec - 1715
371 - Will of Richard Locker of Kingsley, Staffs 3 Jul - 1717
372 - Letters of administration of the goods of Francis Hollinshead of Ashenhurst, Staffs., granted to Thomas Hollinshead his son 25 Feb - 1717/1718
373 - Will of John Mills of the parish of St Dunstans, London 5 Jul - 1717
374 - Will and probate of Elizabeth Barrowes of Ashbourne 3 Apr - 1722
375 - Will of Richard Bigors of Sutton in the parish of Prestbury, Cheshire 24 Apr - 1727
376 - Will of Sarah Vigers of Sutton, Cheshire widow 15 Apr - 1727
377 - Letters of administration of the goods of Richard Whywall of Stone, Staffs., yeoman, granted to John Whywall 23 Apr - 1730
378-385 - Copy will and probate of Ann Hurst of Hollwell Leicestershire, with bond by Samuel Hurst of Clayworth, Nottinghamshire, clerk, to John Courtivile of Hollwell, gent., in £200, 28 Oct 1732, and other associated papers 22 Dec 1732 - 1732-1741
386 - Will of Thomas Williamson of Mapleton 5 Aug - 1732
387 - Copy will of Richard Lisett of Wirksworth gent. 22 Oct - 1737
388 - Copy of the will and codicil of Winifred Nicoll (Leeke Okeover's mother-in-law) of Coneyhatch Barnet, Middlesex 1 Mar - 1739
389 - Copy of the will of John Nicoll of Coneyhatch, Middlesex, Esq., (Leeke Okeover's brother-in-law) 29 Nov - 1747
390 - Notes on the will of Thomas Smith - circa 1750
391 - Copy will of Richard Lowndes of Swinscoe, yeoman 14 Jan - 1759
392 - Copy will of Thomas Hodgkinson of Woodhouses, husbandman 6 Feb - 1763
393 - Will of John Greensmith of Mammerton, in the parish of Longford 13 Oct - 1792
394 - Will of Thomas Hodgkinson of the Lower Ground, Mayfield, farmer 19 Feb - 1796
395 - Copy will of John Goodwin of Ashbourne, gent 9 Aug 1773 copied 1802 - 1773
396 - Receipt by Edward Hodgkinson from Joseph Hodgkinson of Waterhouses and Thomas Hodgkinson of Mayfield, farmer, joint executors of the late Thomas Hodgkinson of Mayfield, for £60 bequeathed to him in Thomas Hodgkinson's will 9 Jul - 1803
397-400 - Stamp Office legacy receipts relating to the estate of Thomas Hodgkinson of Mayfield - 1804-1813
401 - Copy will of Thomas Mellor of Snelsdale, farmer 4 May - 1805
402 - Copy will of William Waterfall of Swinscoe, yeoman 30 Oct - 1805
403 - Letter from William Mott of Lichfield Close to Messrs Johnson and Wise of Ashbourne regarding the wills of Isobel and William Hodgkinson 14 Aug - 1815
404 - Extracts from Blore parish registers relating to the Hodgkinson family - 1791-1813
405 - Will of William Poyser of Swinscoe, yeoman 16 May - 1816
406 - Astract of the will of William Hayne 10 Sep - 1816
407 - Probate of the will of Thomas Holden of Threepwood House, Hexham, Northumberland, Esq 6 Dec - 1817
408 - Abstract of deed of appointment under the will of William Hayne - 1821
409 - Will of John Eley of Longford, yeoman 8 Mar - 1831
410 - Abstract of Will of John Eley of Longford, yeoman - 1831
411 - Copy will of John Gallimore of Upper Mayfield 13 Feb - 1839
412-416 - Probate of the will of General Sir George Anson G.C.B., together with legacy receipts and accounts 8 Dec 1849 - 1849-1852
417 - Copy will of Sir George Joseph Palmer of Wanlip Hall, Leicestershire, 11 Feb - 1861
418 - Probate inventory of Mary Smyth of Hartshill, Warwickshire, spinster, taken by Richard Goode and Michael Barefoot 20 Mar - 1646/1647
419 - Probate inventory of John Allen of Brookhouse, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire 22 May - 1706
420 - Probate inventory of Richard Whywall of Stone, Staffs. 15 Dec - 1729
421-422 - Articles of agreement between Francis Hollinshead of Ashenhurst, Staffs., and Anne his wife, George Hampton of Smima and Samuel Mellish of the City of London, Esq., and Edward Mellish, regarding the disposal of a legacy by Walter Hampton of Smima deceased of £500 to the children of Ann Hollinshead then living, namely Angel, Thomas and Francis, with counterpart 7 Feb - 1682/1683
423 - Family settlement between Sarah Mills of Warwick, widow, executrix of the will of John Mills of the Six Clerks Office, Chancery Lane, London, gent., William Parker of Salford, Lancashire Esq., and Henry Perris of Foster Lane, London, by which in consideration of the natural love and affection which Sarah Mills has for her four children now infants of tender age, Sarah Mills has assigned to Parker and Perris all the several sums of money by John Mills in his lifetime or by Sarah Mills since his decease lent or paid on the security of any parliamentary or public funds of whatever kind ; to be held subject to the trusts in John Mills' last will and for the several uses and intents following, namely that Parker and Perris pay and divide the sum of £8000 among the four children of Sarah Mills at the age of 21 or day of marriage, £2000 to John Mills, £1500 to Mary and William and £3000 to Sarah : up to this time Park and Parris are to pay to Sarah Mills the interest on the £8000 for the maintenance and education of the children: the residue of the money over and above £8000 to be held to the use of such person as Sarah Mills shall appoint in writing: until this time the interest on the residue to be paid to Sarah Mills for her own use 19 Sep - 1721
424 - Marriage settlement on the marriage of Margaret Keck, widow of John Keck, son of Francis Keck, to John Nicoll the younger, between John Nicoll of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex, Esq., son and heir apparent of John Nicholl of Hatton Garden, Margaret Keck of Queens Square in the parish of St George the Martyr, Middlesex, widow and relict of John Keck deceased late son and heir of Francis Keck of Great Tew, Oxfordshire, Esq., Sir Thomas Lowther of Hoker Lancashire, baronet, John Nicoll of Hatton garden, Esq., John Trotter, citizen and grocer of London, Anthony Keck of Southampton Street in the parish of St Giles-in-the-Field, Middlesex, gent., John Lowther of Maske Yorkshire, Esq., and Leeke Okeover - 22 Oct 1730
425 - Copy marriage settlement on the marriage of John Greensmith the younger of Kniveton to Elizabeth Gilman of Mammerton, Longford, between Joseph Gilman of Mammerton Longford, and Elizabeth his wife, John Greensmith the elder of Woodhead, Kniveton, gent., John Greensmith the younger, Elizabeth Gilman, Richard Buxton of Compton, tanner, Thomas Gilman of Hill Top, Longford, gent., and Robert Hulland of Callow, yeoman, by which Joseph Gilman has released to Buxton a messuage, tenement or farm in Sutton-on-the-Hill called Sharrow Hall Farm, Old Cow Close 11 acres 3 roods 30 perches, Barley Croft, 5 acres 2 roods 36 perches, Old Field 4 acres 1 rood 28 perches, Bole Intake 4 acres 0 rood 32 perches, and Horse Pasture 0 acre 1 roods 37 perches, a messuage or tenement in Upper Mayfield called Corn Park Farm in the occupation of Lawrence Richardson and closes called Corn Park, Corn Park Meadow, Wood Yate, Close and Yields or Healds Rice - 22-23 May 1777
426 - Copy family settlement by Samuel William Clowes and Henry Arthur Clowes between S W Clowes of Norbury, H A Clowes of Norbury, H C Okeover and Alfred Charles Duncombe of Calwich Abbey, by which they Clowes have conveyed to Okeover and Duncombe, their trustees all their Lancashire, Derbyshire and Staffordshire estates, namely the Manor of Broughton, Lancashire, including Kersal within Broughton and messuages, tenements and lands at Pendleton and Salford, the Manors of Hungry Bentley and Cubley in Derbyshire, the mansion house, cottages, lands and hereditaments in Norbury and Marston Montgomery together with the advowson and right of presentation to the rectory and parish church of Norbury, and several messuages, cottages, farms and land in Norbury, Snelston, Rocester, Roston and Marston Montgomery : to be held to many uses : detailed printed schedule of property included 21 Dec - 1888
427 - Quitclaim by James Whitehall of Whitehall, Staffs., of all actions etc., against his brother Richard Whitehall of Oldbury, Warwickshire 10 Jun - 1611
428 - Bond by Thomas Bland of Kippax Park, Yorkshire, to Roger Brigham of Westminster, grocer, in £40 2 Aug - 1633
429 - [Number not used]
430 - Letters of Charles I directed to John Hamond, gent., administrator of the effects of Richard Hamond, to enforce the decision of the Court of Chancery in the case John Hamond v. John Warde 10 Feb - 1629/1630
431 - Minutes of a vestry meeting in an unknown parish in Middlesex held before the Earl of Bedford and the Dean of Bedford, convened to judge several articles exhibited against Church warden Hinton, relating to the raising of the church and poor rates 20 April - 1681
432 - Abstract of a case in the Court of Kings Bench, by which Tomas Michelmore recovered a judgement against Daniel Blaney for £396 8s 10d 10 Jan - 1746/1747
433-434 - Case papers in an unknown case involving the Earl of Donegal including affadavits by Lady Barrimore, Barry and Ludford [? Fisherwick Park, Staffordshire] - 1750-1752
435 - Receipt and discharge by the Stamp Office for a legacy of £100 given by William Waterfall to his daughter Ann, wife of Daniel Hassall of Stanton, Staffordshire 30 Dec - 1811
436 - Letter from S Mellish to T Rudyard refusing to give consent to the marriage of T Rudyard to Mrs Hannah Hampton until Rudyard's debts are cleared 6 Mar - 1682/1683
437 - Short pedigree of the Hodgkinson family beginning with Thomas Hodgkinson of Blore who died in 1773 - c1815
438 - Cover only of letter to Leek Okeover, John St., Gray's Inn, London - c1950
439 - Diaries of Mary Ann Ward - 1846-1874
440 - Diaries of Elizabeth Jane, Lady Waterpark - 1852-1893
441 - Diaries of Haughton Charles Okeover 1859-1862 - 1859-1909
442 - Okeover family history - 18th-mid 20th cent
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