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Collapse D2192 - Ripley Methodist Circuit - 19th-20th centD2192 - Ripley Methodist Circuit - 19th-20th cent
Expand JM - Records of Districts - 1932-c1967JM - Records of Districts - 1932-c1967
Expand JMC - Churches: Unidentified Churches - c1872-1967JMC - Churches: Unidentified Churches - c1872-1967
Collapse JMM - Records of CircuitsJMM - Records of Circuits
Expand 1 - Minute books of Quarterly Meetings (signed) - 1942-19831 - Minute books of Quarterly Meetings (signed) - 1942-1983
Expand 2 - Volume containing lists of trust deeds and names of trustees.2 - Volume containing lists of trust deeds and names of trustees.
Expand 3 - Circuit Schedules of Trust property - 1947-19653 - Circuit Schedules of Trust property - 1947-1965
Expand 4 - File of correspondence mainly for financial matters. - c1917-19474 - File of correspondence mainly for financial matters. - c1917-1947
Expand 5 - Quarterly schedules for meeting classes5 - Quarterly schedules for meeting classes
Expand 6 - Circuit Youth Reports6 - Circuit Youth Reports
Expand 7 - Methodist Missionary Society Church Schedules - 1964-19727 - Methodist Missionary Society Church Schedules - 1964-1972
Expand 8 - Missionary Society Circuit account book8 - Missionary Society Circuit account book
Expand 9 - Ripley Circuit: Methodist Missionary Society financial statements - 1964-19659 - Ripley Circuit: Methodist Missionary Society financial statements - 1964-1965
Expand 10 - Details of the Circuit Overseas Missions efforts - 1966; 197010 - Details of the Circuit Overseas Missions efforts - 1966; 1970
Expand 11 - Summary accounts for the Circuit Overseas Missions11 - Summary accounts for the Circuit Overseas Missions
Expand 12 - Booking form for the Annual Missionary Conference Willersley Castle, Cromford12 - Booking form for the Annual Missionary Conference Willersley Castle, Cromford
Expand 13 - Memoranda re Overseas Missions13 - Memoranda re Overseas Missions
Expand 14 - Baptism registers14 - Baptism registers
Expand 15 - Minute book of Quarterly Meetings (signed)15 - Minute book of Quarterly Meetings (signed)
Expand 16 - Minutes of local preachers' meetings (signed) - 1847-194316 - Minutes of local preachers' meetings (signed) - 1847-1943
Expand 17 - Register of deeds17 - Register of deeds
Expand 18 - Statistical summaries of the Wesleyan Chapel and other Trust property in the Ripley Circuit giving date of erection and cost of building, number of trustees, annual income and expenditure. - 1860-191818 - Statistical summaries of the Wesleyan Chapel and other Trust property in the Ripley Circuit giving date of erection and cost of building, number of trustees, annual income and expenditure. - 1860-1918
Expand 19 - Circuit schedule books giving names of leaders of classes, numbers of members, totals of various collections and subscriptions, names of Circuit Stewards and some Trustees. - 1878-195419 - Circuit schedule books giving names of leaders of classes, numbers of members, totals of various collections and subscriptions, names of Circuit Stewards and some Trustees. - 1878-1954
Expand 20 - Alfreton and South Normanton Circuit (formerly the Alfreton Circuit) baptism registers - 1871-196220 - Alfreton and South Normanton Circuit (formerly the Alfreton Circuit) baptism registers - 1871-1962
Expand 21 - Minutes of Quarterly meetings divided into the preachers' meeting and the full Board (signed) - 1880-194421 - Minutes of Quarterly meetings divided into the preachers' meeting and the full Board (signed) - 1880-1944
Expand 22 - Record of Trustees22 - Record of Trustees
Expand 23 - Annual Station Reports - 1881-192323 - Annual Station Reports - 1881-1923
Expand 24 - Annual Schedules of Station property, 1879-1932 - 1879-193224 - Annual Schedules of Station property, 1879-1932 - 1879-1932
Expand 25 - Annual Schedules of Sunday Schools	 - 1905-193225 - Annual Schedules of Sunday Schools - 1905-1932
Expand 26 - Statistical Reports of the Bands of Hope and Adult Temperance Societies. - 1905-193126 - Statistical Reports of the Bands of Hope and Adult Temperance Societies. - 1905-1931
Expand 27 - Annual Statistical Reports of the Christian Endeavour Societies - 1905-193227 - Annual Statistical Reports of the Christian Endeavour Societies - 1905-1932
Expand 28 - Quarterly Guide for three-month periods including the names of Circuit officials and the preaching plan; from 1946, Quarterly Plan. - 1918-196628 - Quarterly Guide for three-month periods including the names of Circuit officials and the preaching plan; from 1946, Quarterly Plan. - 1918-1966
Expand 29 - Minute book of Local Preachers' meetings (signed)29 - Minute book of Local Preachers' meetings (signed)
Expand 30 - Quarter day account books. (The accounts in these books overlap with each other) - 1880-194630 - Quarter day account books. (The accounts in these books overlap with each other) - 1880-1946
Expand 31 - Circuit Schedule book31 - Circuit Schedule book
Expand 32 - Treasurer's book 32 - Treasurer's book
Expand 33 - Annual Circuit Sunday School Schedules - 1933-194133 - Annual Circuit Sunday School Schedules - 1933-1941
Expand 34 - Annual Circuit Temperance Schedules34 - Annual Circuit Temperance Schedules
Expand 35 - File of correspondence, notes of meetings and reports re proposals for circuit amalgamation35 - File of correspondence, notes of meetings and reports re proposals for circuit amalgamation
Expand 36 - Completed questionnaires 36 - Completed questionnaires
Expand 37 - Miscellaneous correspondence37 - Miscellaneous correspondence
Expand 38 - Class roll books - 1894-c. 196438 - Class roll books - 1894-c. 1964
Expand 39 - South Normanton Circuit - [1960s]39 - South Normanton Circuit - [1960s]
Expand 40 - South Normanton Methodist Circuit: Circuit plan and directory - 1962-196640 - South Normanton Methodist Circuit: Circuit plan and directory - 1962-1966
Expand 41 - South Normanton Methodist Circuit41 - South Normanton Methodist Circuit
Expand 42 - Alfreton Circuit: Quarterly Plans - 1967-196842 - Alfreton Circuit: Quarterly Plans - 1967-1968
Collapse 43 - Ripley Nottingham Road, formerly Primitive, Methodist Circuit (1851-1942) - 1852-194043 - Ripley Nottingham Road, formerly Primitive, Methodist Circuit (1851-1942) - 1852-1940
Expand 44 - Chapel insurance policies - 1911-193544 - Chapel insurance policies - 1911-1935
Expand 45 - Correspondence re different circuit properties - c1903-194045 - Correspondence re different circuit properties - c1903-1940
Expand 46 - Ripley United Methodist Circuit46 - Ripley United Methodist Circuit
Expand 47 - Roll of honour  - c191847 - Roll of honour - c1918
Expand 48 - Codnor Methodist Circuit (1876-fl 1940) - 1936-194148 - Codnor Methodist Circuit (1876-fl 1940) - 1936-1941
Expand 49 - Records given by a private individual49 - Records given by a private individual
Expand 50 - Files relating to the sale of Methodist properties unless otherwise noted.  They principally comprise correspondence and relate to:- - 20th cent50 - Files relating to the sale of Methodist properties unless otherwise noted. They principally comprise correspondence and relate to:- - 20th cent
Expand 51 - Local preachers51 - Local preachers
Expand 52 - Local preachers' committee52 - Local preachers' committee
Expand 53 - Preachers plan53 - Preachers plan
Expand 54 - Miscellaneous54 - Miscellaneous
Expand 55 - Missions Committee55 - Missions Committee
Expand JMZ - MiscellaneousJMZ - Miscellaneous
Expand UL - Ripley Methodist Circuit: Unlisted accessions - 1849-2010UL - Ripley Methodist Circuit: Unlisted accessions - 1849-2010