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Collapse D2189 - Outram family of Alfreton - 1729-1950D2189 - Outram family of Alfreton - 1729-1950
Expand 1 - Edmund Outram - 1745-18111 - Edmund Outram - 1745-1811
Collapse 2 - Joseph Outram: son of Edmund Outram, father of Benjamin and Edmund Outram by second wife, Elizabeth Hodgkinson. First wife Jane Armfield, daughter of Joseph Armfield, brother-in-law of Edmund Outram. - 1729-18532 - Joseph Outram: son of Edmund Outram, father of Benjamin and Edmund Outram by second wife, Elizabeth Hodgkinson. First wife Jane Armfield, daughter of Joseph Armfield, brother-in-law of Edmund Outram. - 1729-1853
1 - Deeds re purchase of property in Alfreton from James and Thomas Reynolds - 1729-1757
2 - Deed of purchase of property in Alfreton from James and Thomas Reynolds - 1729-1757
3 - Copy will of Millicent Armfield with counsel's opinion re Joseph Outram's legacy through wife Jane. - 1746-1761
4-5 - Will of Joseph Armfield - 1757-1760
6 - Letter to Mrs Elizabeth Outram from ? parent re pregnancy and family. - 1771
7 - Bond for £200 by Joseph Outram from George Morewood endorsed with payments. - 1771-1792
8 - Bond in £200 by John Hodgkinson of Eckington to indemnify Joseph Outram against bond to indemnify Duffield overseers of poor re bastard of Elizabeth Darby. - 1775
9 - Mortgage for £100 to trustees of Alfreton Turn-pike road from Joseph Outram. - 1787
10 - Lease of newly erected smock windmill by Joseph Outram to John Beardmore of Alfreton, baker, endorsed with note of entry by Alfreton Club Company. - 1797-1799
11 - Bond by Robert Mower of Woodseats to Jonathan Storer of Alderwasley to abide by arbitration of Robert Rodgers and Joseph Outram. - 1798
12-14 - Copy will of John Gregory appointing Joseph Outram trustee. - 1802
15 - Copy exchange agreement re manor of Whittington and property in Whittington, Unstone, Apperknowle, Dronfield and Staveley between Frances Launder, William and Ursula Fletcher and John Dixon (Joseph Outram to value). - 1809
16-17 - Sale catalogues of household furniture and property including 2 public houses and a cornmill. - 1810-1811
18 - Draft conveyance by devisees under will of Joseph Outram to trustee for Rev Dr Outram. - 1812
19-20 - Draft and attested copy conveyance by devisees under will of late Joseph Outram to John Cressy Hall of property in Alfreton with abstract of conveyance. - 1813
21 - Statement of division of coal sold by Samuel Hodgkinson under Joseph Outram's will to William Palmer Morewood including divisions to beneficiaries - 1853
Expand 3 - Benjamin Outram Elder son of Joseph, father of Francis and James, civil engineer and founder of Butterley Ironworks. - 1806-19093 - Benjamin Outram Elder son of Joseph, father of Francis and James, civil engineer and founder of Butterley Ironworks. - 1806-1909
Expand 4 - Rev Dr EdmundOutram (1765-1821), younger son of Joseph Outram, Archdeacon of Derby. - 1780-20th Cent4 - Rev Dr EdmundOutram (1765-1821), younger son of Joseph Outram, Archdeacon of Derby. - 1780-20th Cent
Expand 5 - Thomas Powys Outram (1802-1853), elder son of Dr Edmund Outram. - 1816-18585 - Thomas Powys Outram (1802-1853), elder son of Dr Edmund Outram. - 1816-1858
Expand 6 - Edmund Henry Outram (1805-1832), younger son of Dr Edmund Outram. - 1828-1832-6 - Edmund Henry Outram (1805-1832), younger son of Dr Edmund Outram. - 1828-1832-
Expand 7 - George Sandford Outram (1829-1897), second son of T P Outram - 1854-18987 - George Sandford Outram (1829-1897), second son of T P Outram - 1854-1898
Expand 8 - John Healy (d 1878) father-in-law of George Sandford Outram. - 1827-18788 - John Healy (d 1878) father-in-law of George Sandford Outram. - 1827-1878
Expand 9 - Samuel and Ann Hodgkinson Ann, daughter of Joseph Outram by his third marriage, married Samuel Hodgkinson. - 1810-18559 - Samuel and Ann Hodgkinson Ann, daughter of Joseph Outram by his third marriage, married Samuel Hodgkinson. - 1810-1855
Expand 10 - Catherine Hodgkinson Daughter of Samuel and Ann, married Rev John Bradshaw of Granby, Notts. - 1869-189110 - Catherine Hodgkinson Daughter of Samuel and Ann, married Rev John Bradshaw of Granby, Notts. - 1869-1891
Expand 11 - William Outram Youngest son of Rev T P Outram. - 1864-187211 - William Outram Youngest son of Rev T P Outram. - 1864-1872
Expand 12 - Edmund Henry Outram, eldest son of Georg Sandford Outram. - 187212 - Edmund Henry Outram, eldest son of Georg Sandford Outram. - 1872
Expand 13 - Genealogical Material - 1930-196613 - Genealogical Material - 1930-1966
Expand 14 - Other Outrams - 19th Cent14 - Other Outrams - 19th Cent
Expand 15 - Other Material - 1742-184915 - Other Material - 1742-1849