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Collapse D2057 - Parish of Bakewell All Saints - 17th-21st centD2057 - Parish of Bakewell All Saints - 17th-21st cent
Collapse AA
Expand PB - Bakewell Burial Board - 1859-1893PB - Bakewell Burial Board - 1859-1893
Collapse PC - Church Council and Parochial Church Council - 1896-1966PC - Church Council and Parochial Church Council - 1896-1966
Expand 1 - Church Council and Parochial Church Council minutes - 1916-19801 - Church Council and Parochial Church Council minutes - 1916-1980
Expand 2 - Church Council and Parochial Church Council statement of accounts - 1926-19662 - Church Council and Parochial Church Council statement of accounts - 1926-1966
Expand 3 - Church Council and Parochial Church Council  Housecraft Cottage/Cookery Centre, Bath Street - 1951-19713 - Church Council and Parochial Church Council Housecraft Cottage/Cookery Centre, Bath Street - 1951-1971
Expand 4 - Church Council and Parochial Church Council  Chantry House/Cottage - 1931-19604 - Church Council and Parochial Church Council Chantry House/Cottage - 1931-1960
Expand 5 - Church Council and Parochial Church Council  The Limes, North Church Street - 1970-19735 - Church Council and Parochial Church Council The Limes, North Church Street - 1970-1973
Collapse 6 - Parochial Church  Council miscellaneous records - 1903-19706 - Parochial Church Council miscellaneous records - 1903-1970
1-76 - Original file of miscellaneous papers relating to Organ land 1931, draft PCC minutes, nd, correspondence re sequestration 1931, dilapidations 1932, public entertainment in the Church rooms 1932, Bramwell trust 1932, tenancy of the Benefice House 1933, possible purchase of land behind Church Alley, Bakewell, 1934, Finance Committee minutes 1935, PCC reports 1935, Bishop of Derby's appeal, PCC minutes 1938 - 1903-1938
77-351 - Original file of correspondence and other papers mainly relating to the PCC's role as administrative trustees of the Bakewell charities including St John's Hospital Charity, sale of oak beams from Bakewell Church, sale of Organ Ground Farm, Mary Hague's charity, church roof (North aisle), private pews, appointment of PCC as administrative trustees purchase of the Church Institute from the Bishop of Derby, memorial tablet to Mr & Mrs George Taylor, Holme Meal Charity, Scholar's Charity, Wright's legacy - 1919-1931
352-377 - Numbers not used
378-448 - Church Council and Parochial Church Council Original files of PCC correspondence Church fabric/bells, 1958-1961 - 1958-1961
449-616 - Church Council and Parochial Church Council Original files of PCC correspondence Church and other PCC property, 1961-1964 - 1961-1964
617-623 - Original files of PCC correspondence Use of parish room as school 1965 and other - 1965
624-705 - Church Council and Parochial Church Council Original files of PCC correspondence Miscellaneous correspondence 1968-1970 - 1968-1970
Expand 7 - Bakewell Church Institute Committee - 1910-19317 - Bakewell Church Institute Committee - 1910-1931
Expand 8 - Bakewell Church Institute Committee General accounts - 1926-19318 - Bakewell Church Institute Committee General accounts - 1926-1931
Expand 9 - Bakewell Church Institute Games Committee  - 1921-19309 - Bakewell Church Institute Games Committee - 1921-1930
Expand 10 - Bakewell Church Institute Miscellaneous - 1909-192710 - Bakewell Church Institute Miscellaneous - 1909-1927
Expand PF - Charities - 1602-1972PF - Charities - 1602-1972
Expand PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 17th-21st centPI - Records of the parish incumbent - 17th-21st cent
Expand PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1662-1869PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1662-1869
Expand PP - Constable's records - 1637-1864PP - Constable's records - 1637-1864
Expand PS - Surveyor of the Highways financial  records - 1683-1850PS - Surveyor of the Highways financial records - 1683-1850
Expand PV - Vestry - 1662-1914PV - Vestry - 1662-1914
Expand PW - Church wardens - 1620-1973PW - Church wardens - 1620-1973
Expand PZ - Miscellaneous - 1984PZ - Miscellaneous - 1984
Expand UL - Parish of Bakewell: unlisted material - 1920-2012UL - Parish of Bakewell: unlisted material - 1920-2012