Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D1970 - Parish of Hathersage St Michael and All Angels - 1628-2024D1970 - Parish of Hathersage St Michael and All Angels - 1628-2024
Collapse A - Parish archives  - 1628-2024A - Parish archives - 1628-2024
Expand PD - Parochial Church Council - 1924-2018PD - Parochial Church Council - 1924-2018
Expand PF - Charities - 1607-2017PF - Charities - 1607-2017
Collapse PI - Incumbent - 1628-2022PI - Incumbent - 1628-2022
Expand 1 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1628-18121 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1628-1812
Expand 2 - Baptism registers - 1813-18572 - Baptism registers - 1813-1857
Expand 3 - Marriage registers - 1754-19803 - Marriage registers - 1754-1980
Expand 4 - Banns registers - 1941-19584 - Banns registers - 1941-1958
Expand 5 - Burial registers - 1813-18695 - Burial registers - 1813-1869
Expand 6 - Register transcripts/photocopies - 1701-19806 - Register transcripts/photocopies - 1701-1980
Expand 7 - Rough registers - 1838-19867 - Rough registers - 1838-1986
Expand 8 - Service Registers - 1910-19848 - Service Registers - 1910-1984
Expand 9 - Assorted papers found in service registers - 1922-19579 - Assorted papers found in service registers - 1922-1957
Expand 10 - Faculties - 1852-202410 - Faculties - 1852-2024
Expand 11 - Church repairs and related activities - 184011 - Church repairs and related activities - 1840
Expand 12 - Church Fabric: records relating to the award of sittings and pews, and re-opening of church - 1851-185212 - Church Fabric: records relating to the award of sittings and pews, and re-opening of church - 1851-1852
Expand 12a - Quinquennial Inspection Reports - 1995-201212a - Quinquennial Inspection Reports - 1995-2012
Expand 13 - Shuttleworth family - 1830-194913 - Shuttleworth family - 1830-1949
Expand 14 - Correspondence - 1926-196714 - Correspondence - 1926-1967
Expand 15 - Church bells and handbells - 1959-196715 - Church bells and handbells - 1959-1967
Expand 16 - Churchyard - 1926-197016 - Churchyard - 1926-1970
Expand 17 - Church Organ - 1906-1950s17 - Church Organ - 1906-1950s
Expand 18 - War Memorial - 1921-195718 - War Memorial - 1921-1957
Expand 19 - Church drawings, photography and prints - 1851-20th cent19 - Church drawings, photography and prints - 1851-20th cent
Expand 20 - Vicarage - 1910-196620 - Vicarage - 1910-1966
Expand 21 - Glebe terriers - 1845-190821 - Glebe terriers - 1845-1908
Expand 22 - Inventory - 194322 - Inventory - 1943
Expand 23 - Terrier - early 20 cent23 - Terrier - early 20 cent
Expand 24 - Hathersage – tithe land exchange - 1863-191524 - Hathersage – tithe land exchange - 1863-1915
Expand 25 - Hathersage order of exchange - 186025 - Hathersage order of exchange - 1860
Expand 26 - Glebe land in Bradfield - 1839-185326 - Glebe land in Bradfield - 1839-1853
Expand 27 - Hathersage glebe land - 1869-191527 - Hathersage glebe land - 1869-1915
Expand 28 - Assorted glebe records - 1869-195228 - Assorted glebe records - 1869-1952
Expand 29 - Hathersage tithes - 172929 - Hathersage tithes - 1729
Expand 30 - Tithe cause in the Middleton suit against miners - 1730-173730 - Tithe cause in the Middleton suit against miners - 1730-1737
Expand 31 - Benefice - 1910-194731 - Benefice - 1910-1947
Expand 32 - Mill Lane Mission Room - 1957-196732 - Mill Lane Mission Room - 1957-1967
Expand 33 - Church Hall/The Bell Room - 1939-194733 - Church Hall/The Bell Room - 1939-1947
Expand 34 - Stipendiary curates' licences - 1831-185034 - Stipendiary curates' licences - 1831-1850
Expand 35 - Derwent Chapelry Stipendiary curates' licences - 1823-182835 - Derwent Chapelry Stipendiary curates' licences - 1823-1828
Expand 36 - Bamford Chapelry - 186136 - Bamford Chapelry - 1861
Expand 37 - Hathersage Church of England School: Managers meetings - 1903-196737 - Hathersage Church of England School: Managers meetings - 1903-1967
Expand 38 - Hathersage School: financial records - 1868-188438 - Hathersage School: financial records - 1868-1884
Expand 39 - Deed of gift for Hathersage Church of England School - 1719-185939 - Deed of gift for Hathersage Church of England School - 1719-1859
Expand 40 - Portfolio of Hathersage Church of England School - 1901-192840 - Portfolio of Hathersage Church of England School - 1901-1928
Expand 41 - School Files - 1889-196441 - School Files - 1889-1964
Expand 42 - Hathersage Church of England School plans and photos - 185842 - Hathersage Church of England School plans and photos - 1858
Expand 43 - Hathersage Church of England School magazines - 1937-198043 - Hathersage Church of England School magazines - 1937-1980
Expand 44 - Hathersage Evening Institute - 1912-195844 - Hathersage Evening Institute - 1912-1958
Expand 45 - Correspondence re Stoney Middleton benefice - 1935-194745 - Correspondence re Stoney Middleton benefice - 1935-1947
Expand 46 - Church Men's Society - 1960-197946 - Church Men's Society - 1960-1979
Expand 47 - Bible classes - 1912-192247 - Bible classes - 1912-1922
Expand 48 - Church Activities - 1928-193948 - Church Activities - 1928-1939
Expand 49 - Incumbents' correspondence - 1938-197749 - Incumbents' correspondence - 1938-1977
Collapse 50 - Papers re John Le Cornu, former vicar - 1802-184450 - Papers re John Le Cornu, former vicar - 1802-1844
Expand 51 - Waterloo subscription records concerning a relief fund set up for the relief of families of men killed or wounded at the Battle of Waterloo - 181551 - Waterloo subscription records concerning a relief fund set up for the relief of families of men killed or wounded at the Battle of Waterloo - 1815
Expand 52 - Crimean War Fund for the relief of widows and orphans of servicemen - 1854-185552 - Crimean War Fund for the relief of widows and orphans of servicemen - 1854-1855
Expand 53 - Eyam Rural Deanery Synod records (at the time Rev Joyce was the Rural Dean) - 1970-197353 - Eyam Rural Deanery Synod records (at the time Rev Joyce was the Rural Dean) - 1970-1973
Expand 54 - Incumbents' correspondence - 1814-196254 - Incumbents' correspondence - 1814-1962
Expand 55 - Hathersage Parish publications - 1913-198155 - Hathersage Parish publications - 1913-1981
Expand 56 - Hathersage parish magazines - 1943-195556 - Hathersage parish magazines - 1943-1955
Expand PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1663-1831PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1663-1831
Expand PP - Parish Constable - 1678-1781PP - Parish Constable - 1678-1781
Expand PT - Taxation - 1709-1779PT - Taxation - 1709-1779
Expand PV - Vestry - 1820-1894PV - Vestry - 1820-1894
Expand PW - Churchwardens - 1668-1945PW - Churchwardens - 1668-1945
Expand PZ - Miscellaneous - 1682-2024PZ - Miscellaneous - 1682-2024